Vocabulary On Proud To Be

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Proud to call you my transgender son

Proud: feeling pleasure and satisfaction because you or people connected with
you have done or got something good.
Golden years: the years that follow retirement from work.
A deal: an agreement or an arrangement.
To disown: to make it known that you no longer have any connection with
someone that you were closely connected with.
Anticlimactic: If an event or experience is anticlimactic it causes
disappointment because it was less exciting than was expected, or happened
immediately after a much more exciting event or experience.
Overpower: If feeling overpowers you, it is so strong that it makes you feel
weak or ill.
Tike/tyke: (Pronunciation: taik) a young child (informal).
To be mean: to be unkind or unpleasant.
Catcher: baseball. The player who catches the ball.
To struggle (verb): to experience difficulty and make a very great effort in order
to do something.
Struggles (noun): a very difficult task.
Tomboy: a girl who acts and dresses like a boy, liking noisy, physical activities.
Character: the particular combination of qualities in a person or place that
makes them different from others.
To equate: to consider one thing to be the same as or equal to another thing
To stand out: (phrasal verb) to be very noticeable.
To keep up: (phrasal verb) to be able to understand or deal with something that
is happening or changing very fast.
To tag along: to go somewhere with a person or group, usually when they have
not asked you to go with them. In this case, the little girl tagged behind. She
was behind them.
To sob: to cry noisily, taking in deep breaths.
To hold sth inside: To keep your feelings for yourself.
To tease: to laugh at someone or say unkind things about them, either because
you are joking or because you want to upset that person.
To build up sth: to increase in quantity, or to add more of something so it
increases in quantity.
 Biological sex: chromosomic and genetic traits (characteristics)
- female
- male
- intersex
 Gender identity: it’s a social construct. How you see yourself and how
you feel.
 Sexual orientation: Who do you feel attracted to.
 CISGender: people who are confortable with the assigned gender at
birth (based in biological sex)
 TRANSgender: People whose biological sex is different from their
gender identity.
 NonBinary/gender non conforming: a person who does not identify
within the gender binary (male or female)
 Agender: Like the name suggests, agender refers to having no gender
identity or identifying as gender neutral.
 Bigender: Those who are bigender identify as having both gender
identities of male or female. This can mean they switch from male to
female or identify as both simultaneously.
 Gender fluid: The term gender fluid means that an individual moves
between gender identities.
 Genderqueer: This term encompasses all people who identify as non-
 Gender creative: people (typically children) who don’t conform to
traditional or stereotypical gender norms. “I like being a boy but I like
feminine things”.

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