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Wednesday, 20 September 2023 at 4:18 AM

Ticket #MISTG-78555338
Status Closed Name JESUS PINEDA
Priority Normal Email
Department MISTG Phone 751-7665
Create Date 20/10/2022, 10:29 AM Source Web


20/10/2022, 10:29 AM JESUS PINEDA

Good Day!

May we request a copy of our Certificate of Registration our company is TOKAGAWA GLOBAL
CORPORATION with TIN 231685670

We have not yet received our copy in our email.


Jesus Pineda

20/10/2022, 10:43 AM Help Desk, MISTG

To accommodate your request for C.O.R. kindly provide the following:

Copy of Request Letter stating that NO C.O.R. attachment has been received in the registered email,
duly signed by the Responsible Officer or Principal Officer, and indicating (a) the registered email
address in the CPRS (e-mail address must coincide with the CPRS e2m; if not, must make amendment
or cancellation of CPRS), (b) the Company's complete name and (c) the Company’s TIN.
Copy of valid ID of the signatory Responsible Officer or Principal Officer.

Ticket #MISTG-78555338 printed by JESUS on Wednesday, 20 September 2023 at 4:18 AM Page 1

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