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| TOPIC 1 |


Learning Objectives
 Students will learn the definition of democracy along with some of its
 Students will read more about people’s reception of democracy and
 Students will read more about the features of democratic politics.
 Students will understand the general expectations of people from
a democratic government and what might be wrong with those
Learning Outcomes
 Students will be able to recall and describe the basic concept of
 Students will be able to compare the features of democracy and
 Students will be able to examine these expectations and evaluate their
 Students will be able to realise that democracy is just a form of
government and can only create conducive conditions for development.
Democracy is a better form of government when compared with dictatorship
or any other alternative types of government.
We feel that democracy is better because it:
(1) Promotes equality among citizens;
(2) Enhances the dignity of the individual;
(3) Improves the citizen’s skill of decision making;
(4) Provides a method to resolve conflicts; and
(5) Allows room to correct mistakes
Most people easily support democracies over the rule by a monarch, military
or religious leaders in theory. However, in practice, their answer differs.
Democracy is seen to be good in principle but not considered as efficient in
practice. This paradox forces us to evaluate the outcomes of democracy.

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More than a hundred countries across the world claim to practice some
kind of democratic politics.They have formal constitutions, institutions
such as elections and the presence of political parties. These states have
also guaranteed fundamental and legal rights to citizens. Despite these
similarities, these democracies are different from one another in terms
of their social situation, their economic achievements and their cultures.
Consequently, the ideals achieved or not achieved under each of these
democracies will be very different.
Our usual expectations from democracy are that it should address all socio-
economic and political problems. Any underachievement pushes us to
complain about the foundational values of democracy. We question the idea
or existence of democracy itself.
It is necessary to recognise that democracy is just a form of government. It
can only create conducive conditions for achievement of some goals. To
realise them, citizens have to avail those opportunities by themselves and
achieve those goals.

Example 1. Mention two ways in which democracy affects the lives of its
Total Breakdown
Marks (As per CBSE Marking Scheme)
Mention two ways in which democracy affects the lives of its
2 lIt converts subjects into citizens by ensuring them civil
liberties. (1m)
lIt enhances the dignity of an individual. (1m)
Ans. Two ways in which democracy affects the lives of its citizens are:
(1) Democracy converts people living in a country or subjects to citizens
by ensuring them fundamental rights and civil liberties.
(2) Democracy enhances the dignity of an individual by making their will
the most important driving force in an administration.

Outcomes of Democracy 3
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| TOPIC 2 |

Learning Objectives
 Students will learn in brief detail - the features and functions of
 Students will read more about people’s expectations from a democratic
government as an accountable government.
 Students will learn about some reasonable outcomes of democracy as a
popularly elected government.
 Students will read and understand more about the reception of
democracy in different countries.
Learning Outcomes
 Students will have understood the importance of people in decision
making and choosing an appropriate government for themselves.
 Students will be able to enlist the contribution of a democratic
government in making a country free, fair, just and liberal.
 Students will be able to choose which type of government is better for
their country.
 Students will be able to justify every feature of democracy listed in the
chapter and analyse their government based on those parameters.
 Students will be able to enlist few countries which supports of democracy.
In a democracy, it is important to ensure that people have the right to choose
their rulers and people have control over the rulers. Whenever possible and
necessary, citizens should be able to participate in making decisions on
matters that affect them all. The most basic outcome of democracy should
be to produce a competent government, accountable to the citizens and
responsive to the needs and expectations of the citizens.
It is a common belief that democracy produces less effective government.
Non-democratic rulers do not have to bother about discussions and
deliberation in assemblies or worry about consensus and public opinion
and thus the decision making is quick and simple, and the implementation,
efficient and effective.

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(1) Dictatorship: A type of government in which a state is ruled by one person

and all authority resides in him.
(2) Military rule: A type of government in which the control of the state/gov-
ernment is with the military.

Outcomes of Democracy 5
OBJECTIVE Type Questions
[ 1 mark ]
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Country P has recently adopted democracy after a long struggle.
Which of the following outcomes can the citizens of this country
DEFINITELY expect due to this change?
(a)Sharp decrease in poverty in all communities
(b)More accountability on part of the government
(c)Drastic rise in the national income due to Sharp economic growth
(d)Rules and laws to be drafted according to the needs of the
majority groups
[CBSE Question Bank 2022]
Ans. (b)More accountability on part of the government.
Explanation: A democratically elected government is an accountable,
responsible and legitimate government. It remains in office according to
the will of the people who elected it.
Related Theory
 A democratically elected government does not promise alleviation of
poverty but they put in the efforts to redistribute the resources and
national income.
2. Study the data given below and answer the question that follows:
Bangladesh India Nepal Pakistan Sri Lanka

Democracy is 69 70 62 37 71
dictatorship 6 9 10 14 11
is better
matter to me 25 21 28 49 18

Which of the following countries promise the most support to

(a)India (b)Pakistan
(c)Sri Lanka (d)Bangladesh
Ans. (a) India
Explanation: The given table shows that the number of people (as a
percentage of its population) which support democracy in India is the
highest in the given table.

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 Students must not be confused with the phrase- "promise the most
support to democracy". It just means that the students have to choose
the country where the largest number/percentage of people believe in
Democracy and prefer it over other forms of government.

Correct and Rewrite /True-False

State whether the following statements are True or False. If false, correct
the statement.
3. The constituents of a majority community in a democracy are fixed.
Ans. False

The constituents of a majority community in a democracy are not fixed.
Explanation: Democracy remains a democracy only as long as every
citizen has a chance of being in majority at some point of time. They
change from time to time based on their opinions, ideologies and beliefs.
Related Theory
 If someone is barred from being in majority on the basis of birth, then the
democratic rule ceases to be accommodative for that person or group.

Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the blanks with suitable information:
4. Democracy strengthens the claims of ……………. classes in a society.
Ans. disadvantaged

Assertion-Reason (A-R)
In the following question, two statements in the form of an Assertion (A)
and a Reason (R) have been put forward. Read both statements carefully
and choose the most appropriate option:
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A) .
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A) .
(c) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(d) (A) is false but (R) is true.
5. Assertion (A): Democracy is an accountable, responsive and legitimate
Reason (R):Democracies have regular, free and fair elections and
decision-making is based on norms and procedures.
[CBSE SQP 2022]

Outcomes of Democracy 7
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Ans. (a)Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation
of (A).
[CBSE Marking Scheme SQP 2022]
Explanation: A legitimate, accountable and popular government is
elected when citizens of the country are ensured universal franchise and
a right to choose their own representatives freely.

CASE BASED Questions (CBQs)

[ 4 & 5 marks ]

Read the following passages and answer the questions that follow:
6. Expectations from democracy also function as the criteria for judging any
democratic country. What is most distinctive about democracy is that its
examination never gets over. As democracy passes one test, it produces
another test. As people get some benefits of democracy, they ask for
more and want to make democracy even better. That is why, when we
ask people about the way democracy functions, they will always come
up with more expectations, and many complaints. The fact that people
are complaining is itself a testimony to the success of democracy: it
shows that people have developed awareness and the ability to expect
and to look critically at power holders and the high and the mighty. A
public expression of dissatisfaction with democracy shows the success of
the democratic project.
(A)Given an option to choose, which kind of political system would
you like to live in and why?
(B)How does a democracy change the people who live in it?
(C)It is said that a democracy is a rule of the majority. There is a
large number of poor in the country hence they are in majority. So,
democracy must be a rule of the poor’. Do you agree?
Ans. (A)I would like to be a citizen of a country which has a democratic set
up. This is because:
(1) Its citizens are empowered through various mechanisms like free
elections fundamental rights and other such things.
(2)It is also favourable because it gives birth to its own examination
and tests and this examination never gets over.
(B)A democracy converts the people who live in it from subjects to citizens
and empowers them. This is the sign of a successful democracy.
(C)No, it is not justified, because the rule of majority does not mean the

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rule of people who are in majority because of their economic status or
number only. Majority is not formed by the same people every time.
Every person has a different opinion of an ideology and they do not
conform to their economic status while choosing the ideology they
want to support. Majority is not rigidly defined in any way.

VERY SHORT Answer Type Questions (VSA)

[ 1 mark ]

7. Mentionany two common features of democratic politics. [CBSE

2016, 12]
Ans. Features of a democratic government are:
(1)Free and fair elections are organised.
(2) The principle of ‘one person, one vote, one value’ is followed.
(3) Major decisions are taken by elected leaders.
(4) The rule of law prevails.
(Any two of four points can be written to get full marks.)
Related Theory
 Democracy is a form of political system in which the government of a
country is elected by the citizens through free and fair elections.

SHORT ANSWER Type-I Questions (SA-I)

[ 2 marks ]

8. Suggest some ways to improve the Economic growth of a country.

Ans. The economic growth of a country can be improved by:
(1)Increasing health, educational and insurance and skill related benefits.
(2)More welfare related schemes which gives the people- appropriate
skills, job opportunities and other facilities can help improve the
economic growth of a country.

SHORT ANSWER Type-II Questions (SA-II)

[ 3 marks ]

9. How can we assess democracy in the enhancement for the dignity of

the individual ? Explain.  [CBSE 2019, 14]

Outcomes of Democracy 9
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Ans. Democracy enhances the dignity of an individual by ensuring the
following to its citizens:
(1)Equal status without any discrimination.
(2)Respect and freedom are the basis of democracy.
(3)Equal opportunities to all.
(4)Democratic rights to all.
(5) Participation in decision making.
(6)Conflict resolution.
(Any three points to be explained.)
[CBSE Marking Scheme 2019, 14]

LONG ANSWER Type Questions (LA)

[ 4 & 5 marks ]

10. ‘Democracy is based on the idea of deliberation and negotiation’.

Examine the statement. [CBSE 2019]
Ans. Democracy is based on the idea of deliberation and negotiation:
(1)Democracy gives importance to deliberation and public opinion.
(2)A democratic government will take more time to follow procedures
before arriving at a decision.
(3)Its decisions may be both more acceptable to the people and more
(4)Democracy ensures that decision making will be based on norms and
(5)Citizens have the right and the means to examine the process of
decision making in a democracy. Thus, tranparency is ensured.
(6).It follows procedures and is accountable to the people.
(7)The democratic government develops mechanisms for citizens to hold
the government accountable
(8)Democratic govt. follows mechanisms for citizens to take part in
decision making whenever they think fit.
(9)Any other relevant point
(Any five points to be explained.)
[CBSE Marking Scheme 2019]

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[ 3 marks ]

6. How is democracy accountable and responsive to the needs and

expectations of the citizens? Analyse.

[CBSE Topper

Outcomes of Democracy 11
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