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Staff Selection Commission


General Studies
Solved Papers
(Computer Based Test)
A.K. Mahajan
Advocate Abhishek Singh
Ambuj Kumar, Anand Soni, Rahul Shukla
Shivakant Verma, Mod. Azhan, Amit Prajapati
Balkrishna, Charan Singh, Gyanendra Yadav
Youth Competition Times
12, Church Lane Prayagraj-211002
Mob. : 9415650134
Email :
website :
Edited and Published by A.K. Mahajan printed by Lakshmi Narayan Printing Press, Prayagraj.
Youth Competition Times 12, Church Lane, Prayagraj
In order to publish the book, full care has been taken by the editor and the publisher,
Still your suggestions and queries are welcomed.
Rs. : 695/-
In case of any dispute, the judicial area will be Prayagraj.

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Analysis chart of SSC Previous Year Exam Questions Papers ..................................................................... 13
Trend Analysis of Previous Year SSC Exams Papers Through Pie Chart and Bar Graph ................... 14

■ Ancient History ...............................................................................................................................................15-52
◘ Prehistoric Period ................................................................................................................................................. 15
◘ Indus Valley Civilization ..................................................................................................................................... 16
◘ Vedic Culture........................................................................................................................................................ 18
◘ Emergence of Mahajanapadas ............................................................................................................................. 21
◘ Emergence of Magadh ......................................................................................................................................... 22
◘ Jainism/Buddhism/ Vaishnavism/Shaivism ........................................................................................................ 23
Jainism .............................................................................................................................................................. 23
Buddhism .......................................................................................................................................................... 25
Shaivism/Vaishnavism .................................................................................................................................... 27
◘ Mauryan Empire ................................................................................................................................................... 28
◘ Post- Mauryan Empire .................................................................................................................................................. 32
◘ Foreign Invasions ......................................................................................................................................................... 33
◘ Gupta Empire........................................................................................................................................................ 34
◘ Post Gupta Empire................................................................................................................................................ 35
◘ Dynasties of South India ...................................................................................................................................... 36
◘ Borderline Dynasties (Pal/Sen/Kashmir/Kamroop) ........................................................................................... 38
◘ Rajput Period ........................................................................................................................................................ 39
◘ Ancient Indian Art and Literature ........................................................................................................................ 41
Architecture ............................................................................................................................................................... 41
Literature.................................................................................................................................................................... 48
Painting ...................................................................................................................................................................... 50
◘ Miscellaneous ....................................................................................................................................................... 50
■ Medieval History ................................................................................................................................................... 53-85
◘ Arab's Invasion ..................................................................................................................................................... 53
◘ Delhi Sultanate .............................................................................................................................................. 55
• Slave Dynasty ............................................................................................................................................ 55
• Khilji Dynasty ............................................................................................................................................ 57
• Tughlaq Dynasty ........................................................................................................................................ 57
• Sayyid Dynasty .......................................................................................................................................... 59
• Lodhi Dynasty ........................................................................................................................................... 59
• Administration of Sultanate Period .......................................................................................................................... 60
• Architecture of Sultanate Period.............................................................................................................................. 61
• Literature of Sultanate Period) ................................................................................................................................. 62
◘ Sufism and Bhakti Movement ....................................................................................................................... 62
• Sufism Movement ...................................................................................................................................... 62
• Bhakti Movement ...................................................................................................................................... 63
◘ Vijaynagar Empire ............................................................................................................................................... 64
◘ Bahamani Kingdom ............................................................................................................................................. 65
◘ Mughal Empire ..................................................................................................................................................... 66
• Babur............................................................................................................................................................... 66
• Humayun ........................................................................................................................................................ 68
• Sher Shah Suri ................................................................................................................................................ 69
• Akbar .............................................................................................................................................................. 69

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Jahangir ........................................................................................................................................................... 72

Shah Jahan ...................................................................................................................................................... 73

Aurangzeb ....................................................................................................................................................... 74

Mughal Administration ..................................................................................................................................... 75

Mughal Architecture ....................................................................................................................................... 76

Mughal Painting ............................................................................................................................................... 80

Music during Mughal Period ............................................................................................................................. 80

Literature during Mughal Period.................................................................................................................... 80

◘ Rulers of Later Mughal Period............................................................................................................................. 81
◘ Sikhism ................................................................................................................................................................. 82
◘ Miscellaneous ................................................................................................................................................ 83
■ Modern History ............................................................................................................................................86-144
◘ Arrival of the Europeans in India ......................................................................................................................... 86
• Portuguese ...................................................................................................................................................... 86
• Dutch .............................................................................................................................................................. 87
• English ............................................................................................................................................................ 87
• French ............................................................................................................................................................. 89
◘ Maratha Empire ............................................................................................................................................. 89
◘ Independent Kingdoms ......................................................................................................................................... 91
• Mysore ............................................................................................................................................................ 91
• Bengal ............................................................................................................................................................. 92
• Punjab ............................................................................................................................................................. 93
◘ Colonial Economy ......................................................................................................................................... 94
◘ Development of Education in Modern India ................................................................................................. 95
◘ Development of Newspaper in India ............................................................................................................. 96
◘ Revolt of 1857 ............................................................................................................................................... 96
◘ Peasant Movement ............................................................................................................................................... 98
◘ Social and Religious Reform Movement..................................................................................................... 100
• Brahmo Samaj .............................................................................................................................................. 100
• Arya Samaj ................................................................................................................................................... 101
• Ram Krishna Mission ................................................................................................................................... 101
• Theosophical Society................................................................................................................................... 102
• Muslim Reform Movement........................................................................................................................... 102
• Other Social Movements ............................................................................................................................. 102
◘ Acts brought for Social Reforms .................................................................................................................. 103
◘ Indian National Congress ............................................................................................................................ 103
◘ Partition of Bengal/ Swadeshi Movement ................................................................................................... 106
◘ Muslim League ............................................................................................................................................ 107
◘ Delhi Darbar ................................................................................................................................................ 107
◘ Rowlatt Act ................................................................................................................................................. 108
◘ Revolutionary Movement in Foreign ...................................................................................................................... 108
◘ Jallianwala Bagh Massacre ......................................................................................................................... 109
◘ Revolutionary Movement ......................................................................................................................................... 109
◘ Mahatma Gandhi and National Movements ................................................................................................ 112
◘ Ahmedabad Mill Movement ....................................................................................................................... 114
◘ Khilafat Movement ..................................................................................................................................... 114
◘ Non- Cooperation Movement ...................................................................................................................... 115
◘ Swaraj Party ................................................................................................................................................ 116
◘ Simon Commission ..................................................................................................................................... 116
◘ Salt Satyagrah .............................................................................................................................................. 117
◘ Gandhi-Irwin Pact ....................................................................................................................................... 118

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◘ Cripps Mission ............................................................................................................................................ 120

◘ Quit India Movement ......................................................................................................................................... 120
◘ Ajad Hind Fauj/Subhash Chandra Bose ...................................................................................................... 121
◘ Cabinet Mission........................................................................................................................................... 121
◘ Attlee Declaration ....................................................................................................................................... 121
◘ Mountbatten Plan ............................................................................................................................................... 122
◘ Governor/Governor-General/Viceroy........................................................................................................................ 122
◘ Nicknames and Statements ................................................................................................................................ 127
◘ Books/Papers/Magazines ................................................................................................................................... 129
◘ Architecture of British Period ............................................................................................................................ 132
◘ Miscellaneous ..................................................................................................................................................... 134
■ World History ............................................................................................................................................145-148

Indian Polity
■ Indian Polity................................................................................................................................................149-232
◘ Constitutional Development............................................................................................................................... 149
◘ Constituent Assembly ................................................................................................................................................. 149
◘ Sources of Indian Constitution ................................................................................................................................ 153
◘ Sections and Schedules of the Constitution ..................................................................................................... 156
◘ Major Articles of the Constitution ................................................................................................................ 160
◘ The Preamble ...................................................................................................................................................... 164
◘ Citizenship .......................................................................................................................................................... 165
◘ Fundamental Rights............................................................................................................................................ 166
◘ Fundamental Duties..................................................................................................................................... 174
◘ Directive Principles of State Policy ................................................................................................................... 175
◘ President/ Vice-President ................................................................................................................................... 177
◘ Prime Minister and Council of Ministers .................................................................................................... 183
◘ Rajya Sabha ................................................................................................................................................. 185
◘ Lok Sabha ................................................................................................................................................... 188
◘ Parliament Miscellaneous ........................................................................................................................................... 194
◘ Governor ............................................................................................................................................................. 196
◘ Legislative Council .................................................................................................................................................... 197
◘ Legislative Assembly .................................................................................................................................. 198
◘ Judiciary.............................................................................................................................................................. 198
◘ Union and its Territory ................................................................................................................................ 203
◘ Panchayati Raj System ................................................................................................................................ 204
◘ Election ............................................................................................................................................................... 205
◘ Commission/Committee ............................................................................................................................... 207
◘ Emergency and President's Rule ............................................................................................................................... 211
◘ Constitutional Amendment ................................................................................................................................ 213
◘ Attorney General / Comptroller and Auditor General....................................................................................... 218
◘ Political Party .................................................................................................................................................... 219
◘ National Symbol of India .................................................................................................................................. 221
◘ Official Language ............................................................................................................................................... 222
◘ Miscellaneous ..................................................................................................................................................... 224

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■ World Geography .......................................................................................................................................233-286
◘ Universe .............................................................................................................................................................. 233
◘ Solar System ....................................................................................................................................................... 235
• Sun ......................................................................................................................................................... 236
• Mercury ................................................................................................................................................. 237
• Venus ..................................................................................................................................................... 237
• Earth ..................................................................................................................................................... 238
• Mars ....................................................................................................................................................... 240
• Jupiter ................................................................................................................................................... 241
• Saturn..................................................................................................................................................... 242
• Uranus, Neptune and Pluto .................................................................................................................... 242
• Moon ..................................................................................................................................................... 243
• Asteroids ............................................................................................................................................... 244
• Comets ................................................................................................................................................... 244
◘ Earth .................................................................................................................................................................... 244
• Orgin of Earth ........................................................................................................................................ 244
• Earth Interior ......................................................................................................................................... 245
• Latitude .................................................................................................................................................. 248
• Longitude ............................................................................................................................................... 249
• Equinox and Equator ............................................................................................................................. 249
• Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn ............................................................................................................ 249
• Day-Night .............................................................................................................................................. 250
• Tide-Ebb ................................................................................................................................................ 250
◘ Rock ............................................................................................................................................................ 251
◘ Earthquake ......................................................................................................................................................... 254
◘ Volcano ...................................................................................................................................................... 256
◘ Landform ............................................................................................................................................................ 256
◘ Mountain/Plateau/Grassland ....................................................................................................................... 259
◘ Atmosphere......................................................................................................................................................... 259
◘ Atmospheric Pressure/Winds ............................................................................................................................. 262
◘ Cyclone & Anticyclone ............................................................................................................................... 262
◘ Humidity/Cloud/Rain .................................................................................................................................. 263
◘ Climate ........................................................................................................................................................ 265
◘ Dry Region and Desert ....................................................................................................................................... 265
◘ Forest .................................................................................................................................................................. 266
◘ Ocean........................................................................................................................................................... 267
◘ Oceanic Streams .......................................................................................................................................... 268
◘ Coral Reef ........................................................................................................................................................... 268
◘ Continent/Island ................................................................................................................................................. 268
◘ Major Country/Capitals/Currency of World ....................................................................................................... 270
◘ Country's Nickname .................................................................................................................................................... 272
◘ International Borderline ............................................................................................................................................. 273
◘ World's Rivers/ Important Cities Situated at the Bank of Rivers ................................................................................. 274
◘ Agriculture and Animal Husbandry........................................................................................................................... 275
◘ Minerals and Industry ........................................................................................................................................ 277
◘ Transportation..................................................................................................................................................... 278
◘ Map Lines .......................................................................................................................................................... 278
◘ Straits .................................................................................................................................................................. 279
◘ Energy Resources ............................................................................................................................................... 280
◘ Miscellaneous ..................................................................................................................................................... 281

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■ Geography of India ....................................................................................................................................287-348

◘ Geographical Situation of India ................................................................................................................................. 287
• Location of India and Area............................................................................................................................ 287
• Neighbouring Countries of India ......................................................................................................................... 288
◘ Physcial Division of India .................................................................................................................................. 290
• Mountain ....................................................................................................................................................... 290
• Peak............................................................................................................................................................... 293
• Plateau ................................................................................................................................................... 295
• Valley..................................................................................................................................................................... 296
• Pass ............................................................................................................................................................... 296
• Coastline of India .................................................................................................................................................. 299
◘ State and Union Territories of India........................................................................................................................... 300
◘ Lakes ............................................................................................................................................................................ 304
◘ Waterfalls ..................................................................................................................................................................... 306
◘ Island ............................................................................................................................................................................ 307
◘ India's Drainage System ..................................................................................................................................... 308
• Indus River System ...................................................................................................................................... 308
• Ganges River System .................................................................................................................................... 309
• Brahmaputra River System ........................................................................................................................... 311
• Rivers of Peninsular India ............................................................................................................................ 311
• Other Major Rivers ........................................................................................................................................ 315
• Cities Situated on the Bank of Rivers............................................................................................................ 316
◘ River Valley Projects in India ............................................................................................................................ 318
◘ Climate of India .................................................................................................................................................. 321
◘ Soils of India ....................................................................................................................................................... 322
◘ Forest/Vegetations in India ................................................................................................................................ 325
◘ Indian Agriculture/Animal Husbandry ...................................................................................................................... 327
• Crops ............................................................................................................................................................. 327
• Irrigation ....................................................................................................................................................... 331
• Animal Husbandry ....................................................................................................................................... 332
◘ Mineral Resources/Industry in India .................................................................................................................. 333
• Mineral Resources......................................................................................................................................... 333
• Industry ......................................................................................................................................................... 335
◘ Tribes of India .................................................................................................................................................... 336
◘ Transport in India ........................................................................................................................................ 337
• Land Transport ............................................................................................................................................. 337
• Water Transport ........................................................................................................................................... 339
• Air Transport ......................................................................................................................................... 341
◘ Atomic & Electric Energy .................................................................................................................................. 342
◘ Major Research Centre ................................................................................................................................ 344
◘ Language ............................................................................................................................................................ 344
◘ Tourist Spot ........................................................................................................................................................ 344
◘ Miscellaneous ..................................................................................................................................................... 345

■ Economy .....................................................................................................................................................349-435
◘ National Income and Measurement ................................................................................................................... 349
◘ Poverty and Unemployment............................................................................................................................... 353
◘ Demand and Elasticity of Demand .................................................................................................................... 356
◘ Economic Sector and Nature of Development of Market ................................................................................. 368
◘ Taxation .............................................................................................................................................................. 373

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◘ Money and Banking ........................................................................................................................................... 377

◘ Inflation............................................................................................................................................................... 389
◘ Capital Market .................................................................................................................................................... 392
◘ Balance of Payments .......................................................................................................................................... 403
◘ Planning in India................................................................................................................................................. 405
◘ Population and Urbanization .............................................................................................................................. 406
◘ National Plans and Major Organization............................................................................................................. 410
◘ Report and Index ................................................................................................................................................ 421
◘ Major Principles of Economics ................................................................................................................... 422
◘ Government Finance ................................................................................................................................... 426
◘ Miscellaneous .................................................................................................................................................... 429

General Science
■ Physics .........................................................................................................................................................436-506
◘ Unit/ Measurement/Measuring Instrument/Physical Quantities ....................................................................... 436
• Unit ........................................................................................................................................................ 436
• Measurement ................................................................................................................................................ 441
• Measuring Instrument ........................................................................................................................................... 441
• Physical Quantities ................................................................................................................................ 445
◘ Mechanics ................................................................................................................................................... 446
• Work ............................................................................................................................................................. 446
• Power ............................................................................................................................................................ 447
• Energy ........................................................................................................................................................... 447
• Mass .............................................................................................................................................................. 448
• Newton's Law of Motion.............................................................................................................................. 448
• Force ...................................................................................................................................................... 449
• Linear Momentum/Impulse ................................................................................................................... 450
• Distance and Displacement .......................................................................................................................... 451
• Speed/Velocity ...................................................................................................................................... 451
• Projectile Motion ................................................................................................................................... 451
• Acceleration ........................................................................................................................................... 452
• Equation of Linear Motion .................................................................................................................... 453
• Friction .......................................................................................................................................................... 453
• Simple Harmonic Motion/ Rotational Motion............................................................................................. 453
◘ Gravitation .......................................................................................................................................................... 455
• Newton's Gravitational Law......................................................................................................................... 455
• Gravity and Motion under Gravity ........................................................................................................ 456
• Satellite Motion /Escape Velocity ....................................................................................................................... 458
◘ Properties of Matter ............................................................................................................................................ 459
• Elasticity ....................................................................................................................................................... 459
• Surface Tension/Capillarity/Viscosity ................................................................................................... 459
• Flow of Liquids ..................................................................................................................................... 459
• Buoyancy and Archimedes' Principle .......................................................................................................... 460
• Pressure.................................................................................................................................................. 461
• Density................................................................................................................................................... 462
• Kinetic Theory ....................................................................................................................................... 462
◘ Heat ..................................................................................................................................................................... 462
• Temperature & Measurement of Temperature .............................................................................................. 462
• Thermal Energy/Thermal Conduction/Radiation ...................................................................................... 464
• Thermal Expansion ...................................................................................................................................... 464
• Convection .................................................................................................................................................... 464
• Conductor/Non-conductor/Insulator ............................................................................................................ 465
• Thermodynamics .......................................................................................................................................... 465
◘ Wave ................................................................................................................................................................... 466
◘ Sound........................................................................................................................................................... 469
• Nature of Sound Waves ......................................................................................................................... 469

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Frequency Range of Sound Waves.............................................................................................................................. 470

Speed of Sound ...................................................................................................................................... 470

Characteristics of Sound ........................................................................................................................ 471

Echo ....................................................................................................................................................... 471

◘ Light .................................................................................................................................................................... 471
• Nature of Light ...................................................................................................................................... 471
• Scattering of Light ................................................................................................................................. 472
• Reflection of Light................................................................................................................................. 473
• Refraction of Light ................................................................................................................................ 476
• Total Internal Reflection of Light................................................................................................................................. 477
• Lens (Convex/Concave) ............................................................................................................................... 477
• Human Eye ............................................................................................................................................ 478
• Optical Instruments ............................................................................................................................................... 479
• Dispersion of Light/Rainbow ................................................................................................................ 479
◘ Electricity .................................................................................................................................................... 480
• Electric Charge ...................................................................................................................................... 480
• Coulomb's Law ............................................................................................................................................. 480
• Electric Circuit ....................................................................................................................................... 481
• Electric Current ..................................................................................................................................... 482
• Electric Conductivity/ Ohm's Law......................................................................................................... 483
• Resistance ............................................................................................................................................... 484
• Electric Power/Energy ........................................................................................................................... 485
• Electric Instruments ............................................................................................................................... 485
• Transformer ........................................................................................................................................... 486
• Electric Bulb .......................................................................................................................................... 487
• Electric Cell.................................................................................................................................................. 487
◘ Magnetism .......................................................................................................................................................... 488
◘ Electronics .......................................................................................................................................................... 491
◘ Modern Physics .................................................................................................................................................. 491
◘ Nuclear Physics .................................................................................................................................................. 492
◘ Invention ............................................................................................................................................................. 493
◘ Miscellaneous ..................................................................................................................................................... 502
■ Chemistry ....................................................................................................................................................507-568
◘ Chemistry : An Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 507
• Classification of Matters ........................................................................................................................ 507
• Physical and Chemical Changes ............................................................................................................ 507
• Dalton's Atomic Theory......................................................................................................................... 507
• Molecule/Atomic Weight ...................................................................................................................... 507
• Mole Concept/Avogadro Number) .............................................................................................................. 508
• Metal, Non-metal & Metalloids ............................................................................................................. 508
• Mixture and Methods of Separating the Mixture ................................................................................... 509
• Change in State of Matter ...................................................................................................................... 509
• Solution.................................................................................................................................................. 510
◘ Atomic Structure ......................................................................................................................................... 510
• Atom and their Fundamental Components ............................................................................................ 510
• Quantum Numbers ................................................................................................................................. 512
• Electronic Configuration ....................................................................................................................... 513
◘ Atomic Nucleus ........................................................................................................................................... 513
• Atomic Number and Mass Number ............................................................................................................. 513
• Isotopes .................................................................................................................................................. 513
• Isobars ................................................................................................................................................... 514
◘ Gaseous Law ...................................................................................................................................................... 515
◘ Radioactivity and Nuclear Energy............................................................................................................... 515
◘ Valency/Chemical Bonding ........................................................................................................................ 515
◘ Oxidation and Reduction ............................................................................................................................. 517
◘ Electrolysis and Electrochemical Series ............................................................................................................ 518

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◘ Acid, Base and Salt ..................................................................................................................................... 519

• Acid ....................................................................................................................................................... 519
• Base ....................................................................................................................................................... 520
• Salt ......................................................................................................................................................... 521
• pH Value ................................................................................................................................................ 521
◘ Periodic Classification of Elements............................................................................................................. 522
◘ Periodic Properties of Elements .................................................................................................................. 527
◘ Non-metals & Non-metallic Compounds/Applications .................................................................................. 530
• Hydrogen ...................................................................................................................................................... 530
• Oxygen.......................................................................................................................................................... 531
• Nitrogen ........................................................................................................................................................ 532
• Phosphorous ................................................................................................................................................. 533
• Halogen ......................................................................................................................................................... 533
• Inert Gases .................................................................................................................................................... 534
• Sulphur .......................................................................................................................................................... 535
• Carbon........................................................................................................................................................... 535
◘ Metals/Metallic Compound and their Applications ..................................................................................... 537
• Sodium................................................................................................................................................... 537
• Calcium.................................................................................................................................................. 538
• Aluminium ............................................................................................................................................. 539
• Silver ..................................................................................................................................................... 539
• Gold ....................................................................................................................................................... 540
• Potassium ............................................................................................................................................... 540
• Iron ........................................................................................................................................................ 540
• Magnesium ............................................................................................................................................ 540
• Lead ....................................................................................................................................................... 541
• Mercury ................................................................................................................................................. 541
• Copper/ Zinc/Tin ................................................................................................................................... 541
• Other Metals .......................................................................................................................................... 542
◘ Fuel.............................................................................................................................................................. 542
◘ Alloy............................................................................................................................................................ 544
◘ Ores and Metallurgy ........................................................................................................................................... 545
◘ Polymers ...................................................................................................................................................... 549
◘ Soap/ Detergents................................................................................................................................................. 551
◘ Glass/Cement ..................................................................................................................................................... 552
◘ Explosive Material ...................................................................................................................................................... 553
◘ Organic Chemistry........................................................................................................................................ 553
• Nomenclature of Organic Compounds ................................................................................................. 553
• Hydrocarbons ........................................................................................................................................ 555
• Alcohol .................................................................................................................................................. 556
• Carbonic Acid ........................................................................................................................................ 557
• Formaldehyde/Esters/Acetone ............................................................................................................... 560
• Other Carbonic Compound .................................................................................................................... 560
◘ Chemical Reactions ............................................................................................................................................ 562
◘ Fertilizer ...................................................................................................................................................... 562
◘ Catalyst ........................................................................................................................................................ 563
◘ Miscellaneous ..................................................................................................................................................... 564
■ Biology .........................................................................................................................................................569-673
◘ Major Branches of Biology ................................................................................................................................ 569
◘ Cell (Theories/Structures/Functions) ................................................................................................................. 572
• Animal Cell .................................................................................................................................................. 572
• Plant Cell ...................................................................................................................................................... 574
◘ Tissues ......................................................................................................................................................... 575
• Animal Tissue ........................................................................................................................................ 575
• Plant Tissue ........................................................................................................................................... 576
◘ Biomolecule (Lipids/ Proteins / Nucleic Acids) .......................................................................................... 578
• Nucleic Acids R.N.A./D.N.A. ............................................................................................................... 578

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• Protein/Fat ............................................................................................................................................. 579

• Enzyme .................................................................................................................................................. 580
• Carbohydrate ......................................................................................................................................... 580
◘ Chromosome ............................................................................................................................................... 581
◘ Genetics ....................................................................................................................................................... 582
◘ Organic-Evolution ....................................................................................................................................... 582
◘ Taxonomy ................................................................................................................................................... 584
◘ Animal Kingdom ......................................................................................................................................... 586
• Protozoa ................................................................................................................................................. 586
• Porifera .................................................................................................................................................. 587
• Coelenterata ........................................................................................................................................... 587
• Annelida ................................................................................................................................................ 587
• Arthropoda............................................................................................................................................. 588
• Mollusca ................................................................................................................................................ 590
• Chordata ................................................................................................................................................ 591
♦ Amphibia .......................................................................................................................................... 591
♦ Reptiles ............................................................................................................................................. 591
♦ Aves .................................................................................................................................................. 592
♦ Mammalia ......................................................................................................................................... 593
♦ Pisces ................................................................................................................................................ 594
◘ Human Body ............................................................................................................................................... 595
• Digestive System ................................................................................................................................... 595
• Blood Circulatory System...................................................................................................................... 600
• Blood ..................................................................................................................................................... 604
• Respiratory System ................................................................................................................................ 607
• Excretory System ................................................................................................................................... 609
• Nervous System ..................................................................................................................................... 611
• Skeleton System .................................................................................................................................... 615
• Endocrine System ................................................................................................................................................. 618
• Reproductive System .............................................................................................................................. 620
◘ Vitamin and Nutrition .................................................................................................................................. 621
◘ Human Diseases, Symptoms and Treatments.............................................................................................. 627
• Disease and Symptoms .......................................................................................................................... 627
• Treatments ............................................................................................................................................. 642
◘ Plant Kingdom ................................................................................................................................................... 645
• Bacteria .................................................................................................................................................. 645
• Fungi ...................................................................................................................................................... 647
• Algae ..................................................................................................................................................... 648
• Bryophyta .............................................................................................................................................. 649
• Pteridophyta ........................................................................................................................................... 650
• Gymnosperm ......................................................................................................................................... 650
• Angiosperm ........................................................................................................................................... 651
◘ Plant Morphology........................................................................................................................................................ 654
• Root ....................................................................................................................................................... 654
• Stem ....................................................................................................................................................... 655
• Leaf ........................................................................................................................................................ 655
• Flower/Fruits ......................................................................................................................................... 656
◘ Plant Physiology .......................................................................................................................................... 657
• Transpiration................................................................................................................................................. 657
• Photosynthesis ....................................................................................................................................... 658
• Respiration .................................................................................................................................................... 660
• Transportation in plants ........................................................................................................................................ 660
• Plant Hormones ..................................................................................................................................... 661
• Plant Movements ................................................................................................................................... 662
• Nutrient in Plant ..................................................................................................................................... 662
• Plant Disease................................................................................................................................................. 663
• Adaptation in Plants............................................................................................................................... 663
◘ Reproduction in flowering Plants ................................................................................................................ 664


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◘ Economical Importance of Animals and Plants........................................................................................... 666

◘ Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology ..................................................................................................... 667
◘ Major Biologist/Inventions.......................................................................................................................... 667
◘ Miscellaneous .............................................................................................................................................. 669
■ Computer .....................................................................................................................................................674-707
◘ Computer : An Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 674
◘ Development of Computer .......................................................................................................................... 675
◘ Input and Output ................................................................................................................................................................. 677
◘ Memory ....................................................................................................................................................... 679
◘ Design Tools and Programming Languages ................................................................................................ 682
◘ Data Representation and Number System ................................................................................................... 686
◘ Software ...................................................................................................................................................... 687
◘ Data Communication................................................................................................................................... 692
◘ Internet ........................................................................................................................................................ 696
◘ Microsoft Window ...................................................................................................................................... 700
◘ Microsoft Office .......................................................................................................................................... 701
◘ Abbreviation ................................................................................................................................................ 704
◘ Miscellaneous .............................................................................................................................................. 706
■ Ecology and Environment .........................................................................................................................708-742
◘ Ecosystem ................................................................................................................................................... 708
◘ Environmental Protection ............................................................................................................................ 711
◘ Biodiversity ................................................................................................................................................. 712
◘ Forest and Wildlife Conservation Management .......................................................................................... 715
◘ Pollution ...................................................................................................................................................... 727
◘ Global Warming and Climate Change ........................................................................................................ 732
◘ Ozone Layer ................................................................................................................................................ 735
◘ Miscellaneous .............................................................................................................................................. 738
■ Traditional General knowledge.................................................................................................................743-849
◘ Art and Culture ........................................................................................................................................................... 743
• Festival .................................................................................................................................................. 743
• Dance ..................................................................................................................................................... 751
• Music ..................................................................................................................................................... 761
• Painting .................................................................................................................................................. 766
• Indian Dress ........................................................................................................................................... 769
• Martial Art/Warfares ............................................................................................................................. 770
◘ Books/Authors............................................................................................................................................. 771
• National Books ...................................................................................................................................... 771
• International Books ...................................................................................................................................... 780
◘ Day/Divas .................................................................................................................................................... 784
◘ Award .......................................................................................................................................................... 787
• Nobel Prize ............................................................................................................................................ 787
• Bharat Ratna .......................................................................................................................................... 790
• Pulitzer Prize ......................................................................................................................................... 792
• Jawahar Lal Nehru Award ..................................................................................................................... 792
• Jananpith Award .................................................................................................................................... 792
• Oscar Award .......................................................................................................................................... 793
• Dada Saheb Phalke Award .................................................................................................................... 794
• Padma Vibhushan Award ...................................................................................................................... 795
• Bravery Award ...................................................................................................................................... 795
• Bhatnagar Award ................................................................................................................................... 796
• Booker Prize .......................................................................................................................................... 796
• Ramon Magsaysay Award ..................................................................................................................... 796
• Other Major Awards .............................................................................................................................. 797
◘ International Organization ........................................................................................................................... 800
◘ Space Programme .............................................................................................................................................. 806

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◘ Defence System of India ................................................................................................................................... 809

◘ Sport ............................................................................................................................................................ 810
Olympic Games ..................................................................................................................................... 811

Commonwealth Games.......................................................................................................................... 814

Asian Games .......................................................................................................................................... 815

Kabaddi.................................................................................................................................................. 815

Hockey................................................................................................................................................... 815

Cricket ................................................................................................................................................... 816

Football .................................................................................................................................................. 819

Badminton ............................................................................................................................................. 820

Golf ........................................................................................................................................................ 820

Chess ..................................................................................................................................................... 821

Volleyball .............................................................................................................................................. 821

Lawn Tennis .......................................................................................................................................... 821

Boxing ................................................................................................................................................... 822

Other Major Sports ................................................................................................................................ 822

◘ Major Institutions/ Headquarters ....................................................................................................................... 823
◘ Major Sites.......................................................................................................................................................... 825
◘ Famous Personalities .......................................................................................................................................... 830
◘ First in World/India ............................................................................................................................................ 834
◘ Miscellaneous .............................................................................................................................................. 837
■ Up-to-date General Knowledge .................................................................................................................850-960
◘ Award .......................................................................................................................................................... 850
◘ Books and Authors ...................................................................................................................................... 862
◘ Death and Accident ..................................................................................................................................... 868
◘ Sport ............................................................................................................................................................ 869
• Olympic Games ..................................................................................................................................... 869
• Commonwealth Games.......................................................................................................................... 871
• Asian Games .......................................................................................................................................... 871
• Hockey................................................................................................................................................... 872
• Cricket ................................................................................................................................................... 873
• Football .................................................................................................................................................. 879
• Badminton ............................................................................................................................................. 880
• Golf ........................................................................................................................................................ 882
• Chess ..................................................................................................................................................... 882
• Formula One Racing .............................................................................................................................. 883
• Lawn Tennis .......................................................................................................................................... 884
• Athletics ................................................................................................................................................. 886
• Weightlifting.......................................................................................................................................... 887
• Snooker .................................................................................................................................................. 887
• Billiards ................................................................................................................................................. 888
• Boxing ................................................................................................................................................... 888
• Wrestling ............................................................................................................................................... 889
• Basketball .............................................................................................................................................. 889
• Shooting and Archery ............................................................................................................................ 890
• Other Major Sports ................................................................................................................................ 891
◘ Economy ..................................................................................................................................................... 894
◘ Report and Index ......................................................................................................................................................... 900
◘ Appointment ................................................................................................................................................ 906
◘ Military Exercise ......................................................................................................................................... 916
◘ Schemes/Projects......................................................................................................................................... 917
◘ Conference/Events ...................................................................................................................................... 922
◘ Famous Places ............................................................................................................................................. 925
◘ Science and Technology.............................................................................................................................. 932
◘ Election/Political Activities ......................................................................................................................... 935
◘ Agreement ................................................................................................................................................... 937
◘ Picture/Cinema ............................................................................................................................................ 938
◘ Miscellaneous .............................................................................................................................................. 942

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Analysis Chart of Question Papers of Various Previous Exam of SSC

Sr. No. Exam Exam Year Total Total Question of
Question General Studies

1. SSC CGL 2022 21 21 × 25 = 525

2. SSC MTS 2021 42 42 × 25 = 1050

3. SSC JE 2021 6 6 × 50 = 300

4. SSC CGL 2020 18 18 × 25 = 450

5. SSC CPO-SI 2020 6 6 × 50 = 300

6. SSC CHSL 2020 36 36 × 25 = 900

7. SSC CGL 2019 22 22 × 25 = 550

8. SSC CPO SI 2019 8 8 × 50 = 400

9. SSC CHSL 2019 25 25 × 25 = 625

10. SSC GD 2019 40 40 × 25 = 1000

11. SSC JE 2019 8 8 × 50 = 400

12. SSC MTS 2019 39 39 × 25 = 975

13. SSC JE 2018 12 12 × 50 = 600

14. SSC CHSL 2018 76 76 × 25 = 1900

15. SSC CGL 2017 44 44 × 25 = 1100

16. SSC JE 2017 8 8 × 50 = 400

17. SSC CPO SI 2017 16 16 × 50 = 800

18. SSC MTS 2017 17 17 × 25 = 425

Total 444 12,700

Note- Chapterwise compilation of total 12,700 questions of General Studies has been presented out of total
444 question papers of total 18 examinations conducted by Staff Selection Commission (SSC) in the
previous years out of which a total of 9255 question, except for the cancelled or repeatitive questions,
have been given a certified explanation.


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Trend Analysis of Previous Year SSC Exams Papers

Through Pie Chart and Bar Graph


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Ancient History
Ans. : (d) Mehrgarh is an archaeologically important
1. Prehistoric Period place, where many remains of the Neolithic age (7000
BC) have been found. This place is located in the
Kacchi plain area of present-day Balochistan (Pakistan)
1. What is the first era of Prehistoric period called? where the earliest evidence related to agriculture and
(a) Neolithic Age (b) Metal Age animal husbandry has been found.
(c) Chalcolithic Age (d) Paleolithic Age 6. Where is the archaeological site Inamgaon
SSC GD 01/03/2019 (Shift-II) situated ?
Ans. (d) : Prehistoric period in the early development of (a) Karnataka (b) Uttar Pradesh
human being is commonly known as the old age or (c) Gujrat (d) Maharashtra
Paleolithic Age. There was no paper or language or the SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Shift-III)
written words & hence this period has no books or written Ans. (d) : The archaeological site Inamgaon is located
documents. Painting on the wall canvas was a way to in the Indian state of Maharashtra. It is situated near
express human feelings, artistic creation in this period. Ghod, a tributary of river Bhima. The inhabitants of
2. Which of the following archaeological sites has Inamgaon had special burial ritual Inamgaon is a
evidence of pit-dwellings? midsized chalcolithic settlement.
(a) Palavoy (b) Rana Ghundai 7. The archeological site of Koldihwa is located at:
(c) Mehrgarh (d) Burzahom (a) Maharashtra (b) Bihar
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-I) (c) Uttar Pradesh (d) Madhya Pradesh
Ans : (d) The Neolithic site, Burzahom is in the district SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Shift-III)
of Srinagar (Jammu and Kashmir), India brings to the Ans. (c) : Koldihwa is an archaeological site which is
light to transitions in human habitation patterns from situated in the valley of Belan river near the village
Neolithic period to Megalithic period to the early historic Devghat, Prayagraj in U.P. It has provided earliest
period. During excavation here, stone axes, bone tools evidence of rice cultivation.
and brown burnt earthenware were found in deep pits.
There are several dwelling and burial pits found from 8. The skull of a 'Homo erectus' was found in which
Neolithic period. In many pits, bones of dogs and antler of the following pre-historic Indian sites?
deer were found along with human skeletons. (a) Hathnora (b) Patne
(c) Pachmarhi (d) Sanganakallu
3. Burzahom, Neolithic site is located in ……….. SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II)
(a) Mizoram
(b) Goa Ans : (a) Hathnora is a village in Sehore district of
(c) Karnataka Madhya Pradesh from where Homo erectus skull was
(d) Jammu and Kashmir found. Pre-historic age was the time when people were
not aware of writing and it consists of three periods
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-III)
Stone age (Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic),
Ans. (d) See the explanation of above question. Chalcolithic and Iron Age.
4. At which of the following sites have 9. Jorwe culture was a Chalcolithic
archaeologists recovered burial of five wild archaeological site located in the present day
dogs and antler's horn? Indian state of ____.
(a) Kupgal (b) Burzahom (a) Maharashtra (b) Assam
(c) Gufkral (d) Utnur (c) Gujarat (d) Bihar
SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II) SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans : (b) Burzahom is the place where the evidence of Ans. (a) : Jorwe culture is copper age culture. This
burial of five wild dogs and antler's horn have been culture was discovered by M.N. Desh Pandey. 'Jorwe' is a
recovered. village and archaeological site located on the bank of
5. Mehargarh, the Neolithic settlement, is located 'Pravara', a tributary of the Godavari River in
in which province of Pakistan? Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra, where remains of
(a) Khyber Pakhtunkhava the Jorwe culture has been found. This culture developed
(b) Sindh predominantly in western Maharashtra. The major sites
(c) Punjab of Jorwe culture are Chandoli, Sonegaon, Inamgaon,
(d) Baluchistan Jorwe, Nashik and Dayamabad etc. The time period of
SSC CPO-SI 23/11/2020 (Shift-II) Jorwe culture is believed to be from 1400 to 700 BCE.
SSC GS Planner 15 YCT

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10. A celt is ______ from the Neolithic period. 16. The archaeological site Daimabad of the Indus
(a) a tomb (b) a house Civilization is situated on the banks of the
(c) a tool (d) an urn river?
SSC CGL 20/04/2022 (Shift-I) (a) Krishna (b) Narmada
Ans.(c) A celt is a tool from the Neolithic period. (c) Banas (d) Pravara
11. ‘Microliths’ were_____ used by early humans. SSC JE Civil 30.10.2020 (Shift-II)
(a) coins (b) stone tools Ans. (d) : The archaeological site of the Indus Valley
(c) clothes (d) earthen pots Civilization Daimabad is located on the bank of the
SSC MTS 06/10/2021 (Shift-I) Pravara River, a tributary of the Godavari River in
Ans. (b) : ‘Microliths’ were stone tools used by early Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra state in India.
humans. This place was discovered by B.P. Bopardikar. It is the
southernmost site of the Indus Valley Civilization.
2. Indus Valley Civilisation 17. Which of the following Harappan sites is
located in India ?
12. Which of the following Harappan sites is in (a) Shortugai
Haryana? (b) Ganeriwala
(a) Kalibangan (b) Lothal (c) Daimabad
(c) Rakhigarhi (d) Dholavira
(d) Mohenjo Daro
SSC CGL 12/04/2022 (Shift-I)
SSC JE Mechanical – 23/03/2021 (Shift-II)
Ans. (c) Sites States
Kalibangan Rajasthan Ans. (c) : See the explanation of the above question.
Lothal, Dholavira Gujarat 18. Which of the following sites was the first to be
Rakhigarhi Haryana discovered?
13. Who among the following begun his (a) Amri Nal (b) Harappa
excavations at Dholavira in 1990? (c) Lothal (d) Mohenjodaro
(a) RS Bisht (b) MS Vats SSC JE Electrical -26/09/2019 (Shift-II)
(c) RD Banerji (d) SR Rao Ans : (b) Harappa was the first discovered site of the
SSC CHSL 12/08/2021 (Shift-II) Indus Valley Civilization. Hence it is also called
Ans. (a) : The Dholavira site's excavation between Harappan Civilization. Harappa was discovered by
1990 and 2005 under the supervision of archaeologist Dayaram Sahni in 1921 A.D. It is on the left bank of the
Ravindra Singh Bisht uncovered the ancient city, Ravi river in Mountgomery (Modern Sahiwal) district
which was a commercial and manufacturing hub for in the Punjab province of Pakistan.
about 1500 years before its decline and eventual ruin
in 1500 BC. Dholovira was discovered in 1968 AD by 19. In which among the following Harappan site
archaeologist Jagat Pati Joshi. terracotta of ‘plough’ was found?
14. Match the following : (a) Dholavira (b) Banawali
(A) Mohenjodaro 1. Statue of a priest (c) Harappa (d) Lothal
(B) Harappa 2. Port SSC JE Civil - 29/01/2018 (Shift-II)
(C) Kalibangan 3. Plough marks Ans. (b) : Banawali is an important Harappan site
(D) Lothal 4. The Great Bath located on the bank of the Saraswati river in Fatehabad
(a) A–4,B–1,C–3,D–2 (b) A–3,B–2,C–4,D–1 district of Haryana. It was discovered by R.S. Bisht in
(c) A–2,B–3,C–1,D–4 (d) A–1,B–4,C–2,D–3 1974 AD. Archaeological objects like pottery,
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 02-09-2016, 1:15 pm evidence of both Pre-Harappan and Harappan culture
Ans : (a) Town Obtained evidence and barley with good quality has been found here &
(A) Mohenjodaro (1) The Great Bath plough of terracotta was also found here.
(B) Harappa (2) Statue of a Priest 20. The Harappan site “Manda” was situated on
(C) Kalibangan (3) Plough marks the banks of which river?
(D) Lothal (4) Port (a) Chenab (b) Sutlej
15. The famous 'dancing-girl' statue of the Harappan (c) Ravi (d) Indus
Civilization was made using ____ material SSC JE Civil - 24/01/2018 (Shift-II)
(a) stone (b) gold Ans. (a) : Indus Valley Civilization site Manda was
(c) terracotta (d) bronze
situated on the right bank of Chenab river in the
SSC JE Civil 30.10.2020 (Shift-I)
foothills of Pir Panjal range, northwest of Jammu. It
Ans. (d) : The famous 'dancing girl' of the Harappan was discovered by J.P. Joshi in 1982 AD.
Civilization is made up of Bronze. It is depicted as a
dancer standing and resting after dancing. In this 21. Which is the biggest building at Mohenjodaro?
statue the dancer's right hand is shown on her hip (a) Great bath
while the left hand is shown hanging. It probably has (b) Great Granary
bangles made of bone or teeth in its hand. Other (c) Assembly Hall
evidence from Harappa are granary, watermelon, ox (d) Rectangular Building
made of conch. SSC CGL (TIER-1) 04-09-2016, 1:15 pm

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Ans : (b) Mohenjodaro is the chief city of Indus Valley Ans : (b) Surkotada is an archaeological site located in
Civilization. It was discovered by Rakhaldas Banerjee Kutch district of Gujarat. Evidence of expansion and
in 1922. Its excavation was carried out under the decline of Indus Valley Civilization has been found
direction of John Marshall, contemporary Director- from this site. It was discovered and excavated by Shri
General of the Archaeological Survey of India. The J.P. Joshi in 1964. Important remains found from here
Great Granary was the largest building of Mohenjo- are horse's bones and a unique tomb. Lothal and
Daro. According to the archeologist Wheeler, it was the Surkotada were the Dockyards of the Indus Valley
largest building whose length was 45.71 meters and Civilization. After independence most sites of
Harappan Culture have been discovered from the state
width was 15.23 meters. It was used for storing grains.
of Gujarat.
22. The following was the harbour in the 27. In which province of Pakistan is the site of the
Harappan site. ancient civilisation of Mohenjodaro located ?
(a) Harappa (a) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa(b) Punjab
(b) Mohenjodaro (c) Sindh (d) Balochistan
(c) Lothal SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I)
(d) Alamgirpur Ans : (c) Mohenjodaro means 'Mounds of the Dead' in
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 27-10-2016, 10 am Sindhi language. It is located on the bank of the Indus
Ans : (c) Lothal is situated at the bank of Bhogwa river River in Larkana district of Sindh. This site was firstly
(Gujarat). This is an important and largest port city of discovered by Rakhaldas Banerjee in 1922 AD.
Harappan Culture. This site was excavated by Dr. S.R. 28. At which of the following sites was the first
Rao in 1955-62 AD. The evidence of Ship dock, astronomical observatory of the Harappan
Circular and Square Agnivedika, Marking of two-faced Civilization found?
monster on rice and millet, Persian seals, Miniature of (a) Dholavira, Gujarat
horse pottery and Couple graveyards have been found (b) Gola Dhoro, Gujarat
from this site. Lothal is thought to have direct sea trade (c) Kalibangan, Rajasthan
links with Mesopotamia because an Iranian seal has (d) Lothal, Gujarat
been found from here. SSC JE Civil – 23/03/2021 (Shift-I)
23. Which of the following was a port city of the Ans. (a) The first astronomical observatory of the
Indus Valley Civilization? Harappan Civilization was found at Dholavira.
(a) Kalibangan Dholavira is located in the region of the Gulf of Kutch
(b) Dholavira in the state of Gujarat. In 1967-68 AD J.P. Joshi got
excavated the sight of Dholavira.
(c) Lothal
(d) Rakhigarhi 29. Harappa and ____ two ancient cities of the
Indus Civilization, emerged during excavation.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-III) (a) Hastinapur (b) Surat
Ans. (c) : See the explanation of above question. (c) Mohanjodaro (d) Varanasi
24. Which of the following Harappan sites is SSC GD 11/03/2019 (Shift-II)
thought to have direct sea trade links with Ans. (c) : The period of Indus Valley Civilization is
Mesopotamia? believed to be 2500 BC. Evidence of two ancient cities
(a) Dholavira (b) Lothal was found after excavation in the Indus Valley are :-
(c) Kot Diji (d) Ropar 1. Harappa - It was discovered under the leadership
SSC JE Civil - 25/01/2018 (Shift-II) of Dayaram Sahni in 1921 AD.
Ans. (b) : See the explanation of above question. 2. Mohenjodaro - It was discovered under the
25. Indus Valley Civilization was a________age leadership of Rakhaldas Banerjee in 1922 AD. It is
civilization. located in Larkana of Sindh province (in Pakistan).
(a) Silver (b) Tin 30. Which of the following sites of Indus Valley
(c) Gold (d) Bronze Civilization is not on the bank of river Indus ?
(a) Kot-Diji (b) Mohenjodaro
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 29.01.17, 10 am)
(c) Ropar (d) Chanhudaro
Ans : (d) The Indus Valley Civilization was one of the SSC CHSL 20/10/2020 (Shift-I)
major civilizations of the ancient river valley Ans. (c) : Ropar, modern Rupnagar, is the historical
civilization of the world. In 1826 Charles Mason first site of Indus Valley Civilization which is situated on
discovered this old civilization and in 1921 Dayaram the banks of river Sutlej in Punjab. From here earthen
Sahni excavated Harappa for the first time. In this pots, copper rings, bronze celtus terracotta cakes,
civilization, the rise of cities and the use of bronze were stamps, burial of dogs with humans and copper axes
seen. Due to this very reason it is called the first have been the main evidence. All the remaining sites
urbanized and bronze civilization. are situated on the banks of river Indus.
26. In which state is the archaeological site of 31. Which of the following is a mature phase
Surkotada situated? Harappan site located in the state of Rajasthan?
(a) Haryana (b) Gujarat (a) Nageshwar (b) Chanhudaro
(c) Karnataka (d) Rajasthan (c) Manda (d) Kalibangan
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-II) SSC CPO-SI 23/11/2020 (Shift-I)

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Ans. (d) : Kalibangan is a mature stage Harappan site 36. Which of the following varnas was responsible
located in Rajasthan. It was settled 4500 years ago on for protecting people and administering justice
the banks of Saraswati (Ghaggar) river in in ancient India as per rules laid down by the
Hanumangarh district of Rajasthan. The earliest Dharmasutras and Dharmashastras?
evidence of earthquakes has been found from (a) Vaishya (b) Shudra
Kalibanga. (c) Kshatriya (d) Brahmana
32. From which of the following Harappan site, SSC MTS 18/04/2022 (Shift-II)
the evidence of ploughed field has been found ? Ans. (c) Kshatriya varnas was responsible for
(a) Mohanjodaro (b) Chanhudaro protecting people and administering justice in ancient
(c) Kalibanga (d) Harappa India.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-I) 37. The Atharvaveda is a collection of___ khandas.
Ans. (c) : Evidence of ploughed field has been found (a) 20 (b) 15
in Kalibanga which is the oldest in the world. Indus (c) 10 (d) 5
Valley Civilization was an urban civilization. Out of the SSC CGL 11/04/2022 (Shift-II)
sites obtained from the Indus Valley Civilization, only
Ans : (a) The Atharvaveda is a collection of 20
six sites have been named as big cities. These cities are
Mohenjodaro, Harappa, Ganeriwala, Dholavira,
Rakhigarhi, and Kalibangan. 38. As per ancient Indian philosophy, the
33. Where were the terracotta models of the Purusharthas or the four aims of life does NOT
plough excavated in Harappan Civilisation? include :
(a) Banawali (b) Kashmir (a) Artha (b) Kama
(c) Amrinal (d) Lothal (c) Yasha (d) Moksha
SSC CHSL 09/08/2021 (Shift-II) SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (a) : The terracotta models of the plough was Ans : (c) According to Indian Philosophy Purusharthas
excavated from Banawali. Other important excavations literally means 'attainable by man'. In todays
from Banawali were : high quality Barley, steatite terminology it can be called 'Value'. According to
metal, oval shaped settlement, of gold, lapis lazuli and Hindu thinkers there are four Purusharthas – Artha
carnelian and fireplace has been found from here. (wealth) , Kama (desire), Dharma (righteousness) and
Moksha (liberation). Whereas Yash does not come
3. Vedic Culture under Purusharthas.
39. The Vedic view of an individual and his
34. Which of the following statements about the relation to society is determined by four
‘Gotra’ practice in ancient India is true? objectives of life. Which of the following is
(a) Men and women were expected to marry NOT one of these objectives?
within the same gotra. (a) Dharma (b) Moksha
(b) People belonging to the same gotra were (c) Siddhi (d) Artha
regarded as descendants of the person after SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 17/08/2021 (Shift I)
whom the gotra was named. Ans. (c) : See the explanation of above question.
(c) Women retained their father’s gotra after 40. The Vedic literature was composed between:
marriage. (a) 3500 B.C. and 2500 B.C.
(d) Each gotra was named after a famous king.
(b) 3500 B.C. and 1000 B.C.
SSC CGL 18/04/2022 (Shift-I)
(c) 2500 B.C. and 500 B.C.
Ans. (b) In ancient India, the word 'Gotra' indicates that
the contemporary lineage acted as a joint family. In (d) 3500 B.C. and 1000 B.C.
other words it roughly refers to people who are SSC CPO (TIER-1) 2016
descendants. Ans : (c) The Rigvedic literature was composed from
35. The main collections of Vedic hymns are called__. 1500 B.C. to 1000 B.C. But in some modern research
(a) Sutra (b) Pad this civilization is being shown near 5000 B.C. Vedas,
(c) Samhita (d) Mukh Brahmins, Aranyakas and Upanishads (Vedanta)
respectively come under vedic literature. Vedic
SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 18/08/2021 (Shift I)
literature is considered to be composed between 1500
Ans. (c) : The main collections of Vedic hymns are B.C. to 600 B.C.
called Samhita. Rigveda is the oldest and most
important veda, which contains the knowledge of 41. The veda which deals with the rituals is known
chemistry and medical science. Brahmana is the as………….
collection of vedic hymns or mantras. Aranayak is the (a) Rigveda (b) Yajurveda
conclusion based on Veda. Upanishad is the moral (c) Samaveda (d) Atharvaveda
teaching based on Vedas. SSC CGL (TIER-I) 03-09-2016, 4:15 pm

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Ans : (b) Yajurveda is an important veda of Hinduism. Ans. (b) :

In this veda the mantras are given in the form of prose Indian Philosophy Their Propounder
and verse for the rituals of Yajna. A total of 1975 (I) Sankhya Kapila
mantras are compiled in 40 chapters of the Yajurveda.
The Yajurveda is divided into two parts it is known as (II) Yoga Patanjali
Krishna Yajurveda and Shukla Yajurveda. (III) Nyaya Gautama
(IV) Vaisheshik Kanada
Text Special
(V) Purva Mimamsa Sutras Jaimini
Rigveda Related with hymns and scriptures /Mimamsa Sutras
Samaveda Related to music (VI) Uttar Mimamsa Badarayana
Atharvaveda Related to medicine 47. Which of the following sages of ancient India
42. Which of the following rivers was known as wrote the ‘Mimamsa-sutras’?
Parushni in the Vedic period ? (a) Jaimini (b) Charaka
(c) Badarayana (d) Panini
(a) Chenab (b) Sutlej
SSC CGL 19/04/2022 (Shift-I)
(c) Beas (d) Ravi
Ans. (a) See the explanation of above question.
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 09/03/2020 (Shift-II)
48. Who among the following wrote the basic
Ans. (d) : The Ravi river was known as Parushni in text of Vaisheshika philosophy?
the Vedic period (Rigvedic period). Many rivers of (a) Jaimini (b) Kanada
India are mentioned in the Rigvedic period. Some of (c) Patanjali (d) Shankaracharya
the important are Sutlej (Shutudri), Vyas (Vipasha),
Jhelum (Vitasta), Saraswati (Ghaghar/the most sacred SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 17/08/2021 (Shift I)
river), Chenab (Askini), Gandak (Sadanira) etc. Ans. (b) : See the explanation of above question.
43. What is the Rigvedic name of the river Ravi ? 49. Who among the following belonged to the
(a) Vitasta (b) Asikini Vaisheshika Darshan School of Philosophy?
(c) Shutudri (d) Parushni (a) Patanjali (b) Kanada
(c) Gautama (d) Jaimeniya
SSC CHSL 26/10/2020 (Shift-III)
SSC CPO-SI 23/11/2020 (Shift-I)
Ans. (d) : See the explanation of above question.
Ans. (b) : See the explanation of above question.
44. The river Indus was called ______ by the
Iranians and the Greeks about 2500 years ago. 50. Who is the exponent of a Vaisheshika Darshan
(a) Vitasta (b) Karnali (philosophy)?
(c) Vipasa (d) Hindos (a) Kapil (b) Akshapad Gautam
SSC MTS 06/10/2021 (Shift-I) (c) Kanada (d) Patanjali
Ans. (d) : The river Indus was called Hindos by the SSC JE Civil - 27/01/2018 (Shift-I)
Iranians and the Greeks about 2500 years ago. Ans. (c) : See the explanation of above question.
45. Who among the following scholars is 51. With reference to the Vedangas, which of the
associated with the Tibet-home theory of the following terms denotes 'Ritual'?
Aryans? (a) Chhanda (b) Kalpa
(a) MacDonell (c) Vyakarana (d) Shiksha
(b) Max Muller SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 07/03/2020 (Shift-I)
(c) Dayanand Saraswati
Ans : (b) Vedangas are treatises of Vedic Literature.
(d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak There are 6 Vedangas :-
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 07/03/2020 (Shift-III) (I) Shiksha :- It includes the rules of phonetics.
Ans. (c) : In Satyarth Prakash, Swami Dayananda (II) Kalpa :- It is called the arms of Veda Purasha, it
Saraswati propounded that the original home of the denotes the term of "Ritual". It is for the proper
Aryans was Tibet. Other views about the origin of the application of the Vedic text.
Aryans are :- Max Müller - The place of origin of the (III) Vyakarana (Grammer) :- It talks about the
Aryans was Central Asia. Gilles and McDonnell - formation of words.
Origin of Aryans was South-Eastern Europe. Bal
Gangadhar Tilak - The origin of Aryans is North Pole (IV) Nirukta (Etymology) :- It gives the meaning of
(Arctic). the usage of words.
(V) Chhandas :- It is designed for the purpose of
46. The Sankhya Darshan sect was founded by _ securing the proper reading and reciting of Vedic
(a) Kumaril Bhatt (b) Kapil texts.
(c) Gautam (d) Patanjali (VI) Jyotisha (Astronomy):- It conveys the
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-I) knowledge of heavenly bodies.

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52. Which of the following is not a Vedanga? 58. More than one thousand eulogies have been
(a) Kalpa (b) Chanda included in the Rigveda, what are they called?
(c) Mundaka (d) Siksha (a) Shruti (b) Mandal
SSC JE Mechanical - 27/09/2019 (Shift-I) (c) Sukta (d) Smriti
Ans. (c) : See the explanation of the above question. SSC JE Mechanical – 23/03/2021 (Shift-II)
53. How many Vedangas are there in total ? Ans. (c) : The Rigveda is derived from the sanskrit
word Rik (praise) which means a mantra consisting of
(a) Two (b) Six verses sung in the praise of the deities. More than a
(c) Five (d) Ten thousand (1028) hymns have been included in the
SSC CHSL 21/10/2020 (Shift-II) Rigveda, they are called 'Suktas'. Rigveda consists of 10
Ans. (b) : See the explanation of the above question. mandals, 8 ashtakas, 64 adhyay, 1017 original suktas,
11 balkhilya suktas, 1028 total suktas, 10582 hymns.
54. At one stage in the Vedic Age, the king was
called 'gopati' which meant '––––––'. 59. In how many Varna people were divided in
Ancient India?
(a) lord of the universe (b) lord of the people
(a) 2 (b) 6
(c) lord of land (d) lord of cattle
(c) 4 (d) 5
SSC CHSL 26/10/2020 (Shift-I)
SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-I)
Ans. (d) : The king was called Gopati (lord of cows)
in the Vedic age. Cows were given an important place Ans : (c) The original source of the imagination of the
in the Vedic period. In the Rigveda, cows have been Chaturvarnya society is the Purushasukta described in
called Aghanya (forbidden to kill). Cows were the 10th mandala of the Rigveda. According to which
there are four Varnas (Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya
considered sacred and were worshipped.
and Shudra).
55. The Vedic Civilization in India flourished
60. The Rigveda is divided into...........books or
along the river –––––.
(a) Tapi (b) Godavari
(a) 34 (b) 10
(c) Narmada (d) Saraswati
(c) 8 (d) 12
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 04/03/2020 (Shift-I)
SSC CPO-SI 24/11/2020 (Shift-I)
Ans. (d) : Vedic Civilization in India was developed
Ans. : (b) Rigveda is the oldest literature of the world
on the banks of river Saraswati. In the Rigveda, the
and the basic scriptures of Hindus. It is divided into 10
river Saraswati was considered to be the most sacred
mandals .
river. It is called Nadetama (mother of rivers).
Saraswati river now in Rajasthan has disappeared into 61. The collection of vedic hymns or mantras is
the desert. called–
56. The Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas and (a) Gyati (b) Bali
Dharmasutras are all written in which (c) Bidath (d) Samhita
language? SSC CPO-SI 23/11/2020 (Shift-II)
(a) Hindi (b) Prakrit Ans. : (d) The collection of vedic hymns or mantras is
(c) Pali (d) Sanskrit called samhita. Samhita is a sanskrit word that may be
SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-I) interpreted as "to arrange together in union". The
samhitas are the most ancient part of the vedas which
Ans : (d) Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas and are the most ancient hindu and yogic texts. The
Dharmasutras are written in Sanskrit language. The samhitas contain mantras, prayers, litanies and hymns
most ancient scripture of India is the Vedas, whose to god.
compiler is considered to be Ved Vyas. There are four
Vedas – Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda and 62. All of the following are the principal deities of
Atharvaveda. the Vedic pantheon, except ..............
(a) Durga (b) Agni
57. Which is the oldest Veda among the four
Vedas? (c) Indra (d) Soma
(a) Rigveda (b) Samaveda SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-II)
(c) Yajurveda (d) Atharavaveda Ans : (a) Agni, Soma, Indra were the vedic gods, while
SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Shift-I) goddess Durga was related with Shakti religion. The
number of vedic deities is said to be 33 in which Agni,
SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-III) Soma, Rudra, Indra, Prajapati, Parjanya, Dyaus, Varuna,
Ans. (a) : Rigveda is the oldest Veda. This is the earliest Mitra etc. were the chief deities. In Vedic period most
source of Hinduism. Rigveda contains 1028 hymns important deity was Indra followed by Varun, Agni,
(Suktas) and 10580 verses. In which the gods are praised. Usha, Aditi, Ila, Prithvi, Arayani, Bharti and saraswati
Mantra has been given in it to invoke the deities. were among the major goddesses of vedic period.

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63. The word 'Satyamev Jayate' have been derived 68. How many great powers (Mahajanpadas)
from which Upanishad? existed in the 7th and early 6th centuries BC,
(a) Akshi Upanishad during the life time of Lord Gautam Buddha?
(b) Mundaka Upanishad (a) 11 (b) 13
(c) Garuda Upanishad (c) 17 (d) 16
(d) Mahavakya Upanishad SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-II)
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 04-09-2016, 10 am Ans : (d) In the Sixth and Seventh century BCE, 16
Monarchical Kingdoms (Mahajanapadas) existed.
Ans : (b) The word 'Satyamev Jayate' has been taken
Mahajanapadas Capital
from Mundakopnishad, which means 'Truth alone
triumphs'. It is inscribed on the royal emblem of India. 1. Anga Champa.
This very royal insignia of India is derived from the 2. Magadh Girivraja/Rajgir
lion pillar installed at Sarnath by the Mauryan ruler 3. Kashi Varanasi
Ashoka The Great. 4. Vatsa Kausambi
64. The word 'Satyameva Jayate' on the national 5. Kosala Shravasti
emblem of India has been taken from which 6. Saurasena Mathura
Upanishad? 7. Panchala Ahichchatra and Kampilya
(a) Kena (b) Mundaka 8. Kuru Indraprastha
(c) Katha (d) Prasna 9. Matsya Viratnagar
SSC CHSL 17/03/2020 (Shift-II) 10. Chedi Satthowati
Ans. (b) : See the explanation of the above question. 11. Avanti Ujjain/Mahismati
65. Which of the Rig Veda’s Mandala is 12. Gandhara Taxila
completely dedicated to Soma? 13. Kamboja Poonch
(a) Seventh Mandala (b) Eighth Mandala 14. Malla Kusinara
(c) Ninth Mandala (d) Tenth Mandala 15. Asmaka Potali/Potana
SSC JE Civil - 24/01/2018 (Shift-II) 16. Vajji Vaishali
Ans. (c) : The Ninth Mandal of the Rigveda is entirely 69. Rulers of Mahajanapadas in ancient India
devoted to the deity Soma, while the Purusha Sukta collected a tax called 'Bhaga' from the _____ in
mentioned in the tenth mandal of the Rigveda their region.
describes the origin of the four classes of the Varna. It (a) farmers
states that the Brahamanas were born from the mouth, (b) herders
Kshatriyas were born from the arms, Vaishyas were (c) crafts persons
born from the thighs and Shudras were born from the (d) hunters and gatherers
feet of the Brahma (Purusha).
SSC MTS 06/10/2021 (Shift-I)
66. 'Purusha Sukta' is a hymn from which Veda? Ans. (a) : Rulers of Mahajanapadas in ancient India
(a) Atharvaveda (b) Yajurveda collected a tax called 'Bhaga' from the farmers in their
(c) Rigveda (d) Samaveda region.
SSC CHSL 05/08/2021 (Shift-II) 70. Which of the following is NOT one of the
Ans. (c) : Purusha Sukta is the 10th Mandal of Rig monarchical states that existed in the 7th and
veda that explains the origin of four varnas. The Rig 6th centuries?
Veda is the earliest of the four Vedas and it consists of (a) Magadha (b) Vaishali
ten mandalas or 1028 hymns. The hymns were sung in (c) Avanti (d) Kosala
praise of Agni, Indra, Mitra, Varuna and other Gods.
Rig Veda contains about 250 hymns in praise of Indra. SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-II)
The universally famous Gayatri mantra (Savitri) is Ans : (b) Vaishali was not among the 16 monarchical
also found in Rig-Veda. states (Mahajanapadas) that existed in India in the sixth
and Seventh centuries BC. Vaishali was the capital of
Vajji Mahajanapada at that time.
4. Emergence of Mahajanapadas 71. Taxila was capital of which among the 16
67. The ancient city of Champa is believed to be (a) Kosala (b) Kuru
the capital of ______ Mahajanapada.
(a) Anga (b) Kashi (c) Vajji (d) Gandhara
(c) Matsya (d) Vajji SSC JE Civil - 23/01/2018 (Shift-I)
SSC CGL 21/04/2022 (Shift-II) Ans. (d) : 16 Mahajanapadas are mentioned in the
Ans. (a) The ancient city of Champa is believed to be Buddhist scriptures 'Anguttara Nikaya' and Jain texts
the capital of Anga Mahajanapada. 'Bhagwati Sutra'. Gandhara's capital was Taxila.

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72. Which Buddhist scripture describes about 16 76. The first ruler of Magadha from the Haryanka
Mahajanapadas? dynasty was –––––.
(a) Digha Nikaya (b) Sutta Pitaka (a) Bimbisara (b) Ashoka
(c) Anguttara Nikaya (d) Vinaya Pitaka (c) Prasenajit (d) Ajatshatru
SSC JE Civil - 22/01/2018 (Shift-II) SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 03/03/2020 (Shift-III)
Ans : (c) See the explanation of the above question. Ans. (a) : The Magadha Empire encompasses the rule
of three dynasties over the passage of time; Haryanka
73. Initially, Rajagriha, the Prakit name for dynasty, Shishunaga dynasty & Nanda dynasty. The
present day Rajgir in _____, was the capital of first important & powerful dynasty in Magadha was
Magadha. the Haryanka dynasty. Bimbisara was the first ruler &
(a) Bengal (b) Odisha founder of Haryanka dynasty. The capital of the
Kingdom was Rajagriha. Nagadasaka was the last
(c) Punjab (d) Bihar ruler of this dynastry.
(SSC J.E. 03.03.17, 10:00 am)
77. Ajatashatru was the son of
Ans : (d) Rajagriha (Giribraj) the capital of the ancient (a) Brahmadatta (b) Bindusara
Magadha empire was located in Bihar. Magadha empire (c) Bimbisara (d) Chetaka
included the modern day area of Patna, Gaya and
Sahabad of Bihar. The emergence of Magadha empire (SSC 10+2 CHSL 01.02.17, 10 am)
as one of the Sixteen Mahajanapadas coincided with the Ans : (c) Ajatshatru was the son of Bimbisara the royal
rule of the Haryanka Dynasty. After this the Shishunaga ruler of Magadha and the great ruler of the Haryanka
Dynasty and the Nanda Dynasty ruled. Among the Dynasty. He gained the kingdom by killing his father.
powerful rulers of Magadha were Bimbisara, Ajatshatru established a vast empire by conquering the
mahajanpadas Anga, Licchavi, Vajji, Kosala and Kashi in
Ajatshatru, Udayin, Kalashoka and Mahapadmananda.
his kingdom. Buddha's Mahaparinirvana was the most
important event of his reign. He held the title of "Kunika"
5. Emergence of Magadh 78. Ajatashatru, a ruler of the Haryanka Dynasty,
was the son of ––––––.
74. King Ajatashatru was a ruler of the__ dynasty. (a) Anurudha (b) Udayin
(a) Haryanka (b) Mauryan (c) Bimbisara (d) Naga-Dasak
(c) Shishunaga (d) Nanda SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 03/03/2020 (Shift-II)
SSC CGL 18/04/2022 (Shift-I) Ans. (c) : See the explanation of above question.
Ans. (a) King Ajatashatru was a ruler of the Haryanka 79. The famous physician Jeevaka was appointed
dynasty. in the court of:
75. Bimbisara was the king of which dynasty? (a) Krishnadeva Raya (b) Bimbisara
(a) Haryanka (b) Maurya (c) Ashoka (d) Samudragupta
(c) Shunga (d) Nanda SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-II)
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 23.01.17, 1:15 pm) Ans. (b) : The Famous Physician Jivaka was a royal
Physician of king Bimbisara court. In service of
Ans : (a) Bimbisara (544 BCE-492 BCE) also called Mahatma Buddha, Bimbisara sent his royal physician
"Shronika" founded the Haryanka dynasty in Magadha. "Jivaka". Apart from this, even when king Pradyot of
He expanded his kingdom by conquering the Anga Avanti was suffering from Pandu (Jaundice) disease,
Kingdom and this very expansion also became the base Bimbisara sent his royal physician to his service.
for the expansion of the Mauryan empire. Bimbisara 80. Who was called “Agrammes” or “Xandrames”
greatly enhanced the fame and honour of Magadha by the Greek writers?
through matrimonial treaties and victories. One of his (a) Ajatashatru (b) Kalashoka
queen was the sister of Koshal king Prasenjit. (c) Mahapadma Nanda (d) Dhananand
Mauryan Dynasty– The Maurya dynasty (322-185 SSC JE Civil - 27/01/2018 (Shift-I)
BCE) was a powerful and great dynasty of ancient India Ans. (d) : Dhanananda was the last ruler of the Nanda
and ruled India for 138 years. The credit of its dynasty. The greek writers called him Agrammes or
establishment goes to Chandragupta Maurya with the 'Xandrames'. It was during his reign that Alexander
help of his mentor Kautilya/Chanakya. invaded. It is known that the Nanda dynasty was founded
Sunga Dynasty–The Sunga dynasty was a ruling by Mahapadma Nanda (344 to 323 BCE). In the puranas
dynasty of ancient India that ruled after the Mauryan it has been called Sarvakshatrantaka (Destroyer of
dynasty. It ruled in Northern India from 185-149 BCE. Kshatriyas) and Bhargava (incarnation of the second
Parashurama). He was the most powerful ruler of the
Nanda Dynasty was a dynasty of ancient India that Magadha empire who conquered Kalinga for the first
ruled over a vast area of Northern India from 345-321 time and also constructed a canal there which is
BCE. mentioned in Hathigumpha Inscription of Kharvel.

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81. Who was the founder of Nanda Dynasty? Ans : (b) While Magadha became a powerful kingdom,
(a) Dhana Nanda (b) Mahendra Vajji with its capital at Vaishali (Bihar) was under
different form of government, known as Gana or
(c) Mahapadma Nand (d) Gaja Nanda
Sangha. In a Gana or Sangha there were not one, but
SSC JE Civil - 24/01/2018 (Shift-I) many rulers. Sometimes, even when thousands men
Ans. (c) Nanda dynasty was founded by ruled together, each one was known as Raja.
Mahapadmanand. He held the title of "Ekarat" and 86. In the 4th century BCE, the capital of
"Ekachhatra". It is known that Mahapadma Nanda's Magadha was shifted to –––––.
son Dhananand was a contemporary of Alexander. (a) Mathura (b) Pataliputra
Chandragupta Maurya established the Maurya dynasty (c) Varanasi (d) Panipat
by killing the last ruler Dhanananda of Nanda dynasty.
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 04/03/2020 (Shift-I)
82. Who among the following was the last ruler of Ans. (b) : The old name of Patna, the capital of Bihar,
the Nanda dynasty? was Pataliputra. Emperor Ajatashatru's successor
(a) Dhanananda (b) Panduka Udayin shifted his capital from Rajagriha to
(c) Govishanaka (d) Kaivarta Pataliputra and later Chandragupta Maurya established
an empire here and made his capital. Due to which
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 03/03/2020 (Shift-II)
Pataliputra became the center of power. Faxian gave a
Ans. (a) : See the explanation of the above question. vivid description of it in his travelogue and
83. Which among the following dynasties did not Megasthenes gave the first written description of the
rule the Magadha Empire? city of Pataliputra.
(a) Nanda (b) Haryanka 87. Kalinga’s King Kharvela was associated with
which of the following dynasty?
(c) Gupta (d) Shisunaga
(a) Mahameghavahana dynasty
SSC JE Mechanical - 25/09/2019 (Shift-II)
(b) Haryaka dynasty
Ans. (c) : The Magadha empire originated from the (c) Rath-Bhojak dynasty
sixth century BCE to the fourth century BCE.
(d) Satvahana dynasty
Magadha is one of the most powerful and prosperous
states in North India. The founders of Magadha empire SSC JE Civil - 29/01/2018 (Shift-II)
were Jarasandha and Brihadratha. Its development Ans. (a) : Most part of the present state of Odisha was
started during the time of the Mauryan dynasty. It known as Kalinga. In the ancient times Kharvel was
expanded during the 'Shishunaga' and 'Nanda' dynastythe ruler of the Mahameghavahana dynasty. It was
and finally reached the highest level of the Magadharuled by Kalinga King Kharavel who was a patron of
empire during the reign of the Maurya. The Magadha Jainism as in the Hathigumpha inscription. The name
empire was never ruled by the Gupta dynasty. of Kharavel's dynasty is also Chedi, The inscription
mentions Mahapadmananda the ruler of the Nanda
84. Which of the following Kings does not belong dynasty has constructed a canal in Kalinga.
to the Magadha empire? 88. Which was the first empire in ancient India
(a) Bimbisara to use elephants in its war on a large scale?
(b) Ajatashatru (a) Shunga (b) Chola
(c) Rajadhiraja (c) Kushans (d) Magadha
SSC CHSL 05/08/2021 (Shift-II)
(d) Mahapadma Nanda
Ans. (d) : Magadha Kingdom was the first ancient
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 23.01.17, 1:15 pm) kingdom to use elephants in the war. King Bimbisara
Ans : (c) (C. 544–C.492 BCE), who began the expansion of the
King Their Empire Magadhan Kingdom, relied heavily on his war
elephants. Chandragupta Maurya (321–297 BCE), had
1. Bimbisara (544–492 BCE) – Magadh about 9000 elephants.
2. Ajatshatru (492–460 BCE) – Magadh
3. Mahapadam Nanda – Magadh 6. Jainism/Buddhism/
(344 BCE approx)
4. Rajadhiraja (985–1015 AD) – Chola
Vaishnavism/ Shaivism
85. While Magadha was a powerful (i) Jainism
Mahajanapada, Vajji, with its capital at
Vaishali (Bihar), was under a different form of 89. In which Indian Religion, there are 24
government known as: Tirthankaras?
(a) Loktantra (b) Gana or Sangha (a) Jainism (b) Buddhism
(c) Panchayati (d) Samajwad (c) Hinduism (d) Sikhism
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-II) (SSC 10+2 CHSL 07.02.17, 10 am)

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Ans : (a) There are 24 Tirthankaras in Jainism. The Ans : (b) Kaivalya is related to Jainism. In Jainism
first among them was Risabhdeva and the 24th and the attaining enlightenment is called Kaivalya. The 24th &
last tirthankar was Mahavir Swami. The tirthankara was last Tirthankara, Mahavira Swami had abandoned the
the tittle of its founder and Jitendriya and enlightened worldly life at the age of 30 & attained 'Kaivalya' at the
Mahatmas in Jainism. Mahavir is believed to be the real age of 42. He had attainted the Kaivalya at Jrimbhika
founder of Jainism. The historicity of the preceding village under a Sal tree. There after he was called
Tirthankaras is doubtful except for the 23rd Tirthankara Mahavira, Jina, Jitendriya, Nigrantha and Kevalin.
Parshvanath. The period of Parshvanath is considered 95. A collective term used by the Jains for their
as 250 BCE before Mahavir Swami. His followers are sacred books is
called as Nirgranth. Jainism believes in rebirth and (a) Prabandhas (b) Angas
Karmwad (Karmism). According to him Karma is the (c) Nibandhas (d) Charits
cause of birth and death. In Jainism 'Sanlekhna' means
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 10-09-2016, 10 am
to sacrifice the body by fasting.
Ans : (b) The Jains collectively call their sacred texts
90. Who was the first Tirthankara of Jainism 'Anga' which contain the teaching of Mahavira. Jainism
(a) Mahavira Swami (b) Ajitnath texts are written in semi Magadhi-Prakrit language.
(c) Rishabhadeva (d) Parshwanath Some texts have also been composed in apbhransh. The
SSC JE Civil - 27/01/2018 (Shift-II) fundamental principles given by Mahavira Swami the
24th Tirthankar of Jainism are compiled in 14 ancient
Ans. (c) : See the explanation of above question. texts. These texts have been called purva/purva
91. Which of the following religious groups Kalpasutra an important scripture of Jainism, which is
annually celebrates the 'Paryushan Parva' for written in Sanskrit language.
self purification and uplift by adhering of the 96. The renowned Temple at Ranakpur is a__ Temple.
ten universal virtues in practical life ? (a) Shiva (b) Jain
(a) Parsis (b) Hindus (c) Krishna (d) Ram
(c) Sikhs (d) Jains (SSC 10+2 CHSL 08.01.17, 4:15 pm)
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-II) Ans : (b) Ranakpur is located in Rajasthan and is one
Ans : (d) Paryushan is the main festival of Jainism. of the major pilgrimage centres of Jainism. This place is
Basic purpose of the festival is to purify the soul and famous for beautifully carved ancient Jain temples. This
concentrate on the necessary genres. The people of this temple was built during the reign of Rana Kumbha in
community follow the qualities of forgiveness, the 15th century. The main temple of this place is
defecation, truth, penance, renunciation and celibacy. dedicated to the first Jain tirthankara Rishbhanatha.
92. Lord Mahavira was born in present state of 97. Name the holy city recognized as the birthplace
of the first and fourth Jain Tirthankaras.
(a) Punjab (b) Gujarat
(a) Varanasi (b) Dwaraka
(c) Maharashtra (d) Bihar
(c) Ayodhya (d) Gaya
SSC JE Electrical 10.12.2020 (Shift-II)
SSC CHSL 26/10/2020 (Shift-I)
Ans (d) : Mahavira Swami was considered as the 24th
Ans. (c) : Ayodhya (Uttar Pradesh) was the birth
& last Tirthankara of Jainism. He was born in 540 BCE place of Rishabhdeva, the first Tirthankara of Jainism
at Kundagrama near Vaishali. His father name was and Abhinandannath, the fourth Tirthankara.
Siddhartha and mother name was Trishala. He was
married to Yashoda & had a daughter Priyadarshana. 98. According to the Jain Philosophy, the term
He died at Pavapuri in 468 BCE. 'Jina' means –––––.
(a) lord (b) the conqueror
93. Santhara is a religious ritual of…. community.
(c) free from fetters (d) worthy
(a) Sikhs (b) Jews
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 07/03/2020 (Shift-III)
(c) Jain (d) Buddhists
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 08.02.17, 1:15 pm) Ans. (b) : Jina is a Sanskrit term used in Jainism which
means "a liberated great teacher or the conqueror (victor).
Ans : (c) Santhara also known as Samlehna or The term Jina has been adopted to denote those who have
Sallekhana, is a supplementary vow to the ethical code conquered their enemies. Jainism believes that our
of conduct of Jainism. It is the religious practice of enemies are desires that reside within us.
voluntarily fasting unto death by gradually reducing the 99. Teachings of Mahavira, which were written
intake of food & liquid. Santhara is a religious ritual of about 1500 years ago, are currently present at
Shwetambara Jain. Whereas Digambara Jain call it which place?
(a) Mumbai, Maharashtra
94. With which religion is Kaivalya associated? (b) Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh
(a) Buddhism (b) Jainism (c) Valabhi, Gujarat
(c) Hinduism (d) Sikhism (d) Kolkata, West Bengal
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 07-09-2016, 10 am SSC MTS 7-10-2017 (Shift-I)

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Ans. (c) : The teachings of Mahavira and his 104. Which Buddhist Council was held soon after
followers were transmitted orally for several centuries. the death of Gautam Buddha?
They were written down in the form in which they are (a) Fourth (b) Third
presently available at a place called Valabhi, in (c) Second (d) First
Gujarat, about 1500 years ago. (SSC 10+2 CHSL 07.02.17, 4:15 pm)
100. In which of the following states are the Son Ans : (d) First Buddhist Council was held soon after
Bhandar Caves located? Mahaparinirvana of Gautama Buddha around 483BC
(a) Odisha (b) Uttar Pradesh under the patronage of king Ajatshatru. It was presided
(c) Assam (d) Bihar over by Mahakshayapa and was held in Saptparni Cave
at Rajgriha.
SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 20/08/2021 (Shift II)
Ans. (d) : The Son Bhandar Caves are located in 105. In which city was the third Buddhist Council held?
Rajgir, Bihar. Son Bhandar Caves, classically is a set (a) Taxila (b) Rangoon
of two artificial cave structures located in the foothills (c) Pataliputra (d) Shravasti
on the Vaibhar Hills, dating back to 3rd or 4th century SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-II)
BC These caves belong to the Jains. Ans : (c)
Buddhist Patron Venue Chairman Year
(ii) Buddhism Council
First Ajatashatru Rajgriha Mahakashyapa 483
101. The place of Gautama Buddha’s birth was a BC
grove known as ______. Second Kalashoka Vaishali Sabakami 383
(a) Kavus (b) Lumbini BC
(c) Mangar Bani (d) Mawphlang Third Ashoka Patliputra Moggaliputta- 250
SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 16/08/2021 (Shift II) Tissa BC

Ans. (b) : The place of Buddha's birth was Lumbini. It Fourth Kanishka Kundalban Vasumitra 72
(Kashmir) AD
has been also mentioned in the Paderia Inscription of
Ashoka. Buddha was also known as Tathagat and 106. One of the major events of Ashoka’s reign was
Light of Asia. He died at Kushinara. He laid the the convening of the ______ Buddhist Sangha
foundation of Buddhism. (council) in 250 BCE in the capital Pataliputra.
(a) Third (b) Fourth
102. At which of the following places did Lord
Buddha attain enlightenment? (c) Second (d) First
(a) Rajgir (b) Sarnath SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 2308/2021 (Shift I)
(c) Bodh Gaya (d) Vaishali Ans. (a): See the explanation of above question.
SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 20/08/2021 (Shift III) 107. In which language did most Buddhist texts
Ans. (c) : Lord Buddha attained enlightenment at were written?
Bodh Gaya at the age of 35, on Vaishakha Purnima. (a) Sanskrit (b) Magadhi
The real name of Gautama Buddha was Siddhartha (c) Prakrit (d) Pali
Gautama. He delivered his first sermon at Sarnath SSC JE Civil - 29/01/2018 (Shift-I)
(Rishipatana) in Varanasi. The second Buddhist Ans. (d) : Pali literature is primarily a collection of the
Council took place at Vaishali approximately one teachings of Lord Buddha. Most texts of Buddhism
hundred years after the Buddha's parinirvana. Rajgir or were written in Pali language.
Rajgriha was associated with the first Buddhist 108. Buddhism was divided into Mahayana and
Council. It was also the ancient capital city of Hinayana during the reign of which of the
Magadha. following rulers?
103. To which Ganarajya Gautam Buddha (a) Kanishka (b) Chandragupta II
belonged? (c) Ashoka (d) None of these
(a) Shibi (b) Sakya SSC JE Civil - 25/01/2018 (Shift-II)
(c) Saurasena (d) Shabara Ans. (a) : During the reign of Kanishka the ruler of the
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 10-09-2016, 4:15 pm Kushan dynasty the fourth Buddhist Council was held at
Kundalvan in Kashmir. It was headed by Vasumitra and
Ans : (b) Gautama Buddha was a resident of Shakya its Vice President was Ashvaghosh. Buddhism, in this
Republic. The Shakya Republic was located in the committee was divided into two sects Hinayana and
North eastern part of Uttar Pradesh and the lowland part Mahayana. It is known that the followers who accepted
of Nepal. In the Buddhist period Kapilvastu was its the original objectives of Buddha without any change
capital. The father of Gautama Buddha, Shuddhodana were called Hinyani. Those who changed the rigid and
was the chief of the Shakya republic. traditional rules of Buddism were called Mahayani.

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109. The term ‘Stupa’ is associated with which of Ans : (b) Mahabodhi temple group or Mahabodhi
the following event of Gautam Buddha’s life? Vihar is a famous Buddhist Vihara located in Bodh
(a) Death (b) First Sermon Gaya. Lord Buddha attained enlightenment here and
(c) Birth (d) Renunciation spread his divine knowledge in the world. The Bodhi
tree mentioned in the Jataka tales is also present here.
SSC JE Civil - 23/01/2018 (Shift-II) This was built by Mauryan ruler Ashoka. It was
Ans. (a) : The term stupa is associated with the death declared as World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2002.
event of Gautam Buddha. In Stupas the relics related 115. The language in which Buddha preached?
with Gautam Buddha's life is kept such as teeth, ashes,
(a) Hindi (b) Urdu
and religious objects. Therefore the Stupa is related to
death of Buddha. It is known that Buddha died in (c) Pali (d) Hebrew
Kushinara in 483 BC in 80 year while at the age of 29 (SSC 10+2 CHSL 15.01.17, 4:15 pm)
he gave up his home and abondoned the world it is Ans : (c) Lord Buddha gave his sermons in Pali
called 'Mahabhinishkramana'. language. It was the official language along with the
110. Which of the following is a part of Sutta Pitaka? language of the educated community. This language
(a) Dhammsangani (b) Manusmriti was originally in Magadhi language.
(c) Deepwansh (d) Majhim Nikaya 116. Which of the following stupas is not located in
the state Uttar Pradesh ?
SSC CPO-SI 25/11/2020 (Shift-I)
(a) Bharhut (b) Chaukhandi
Ans. (d) : The most important sources of Buddhism (c) Dhamekh (d) Rambhar
are Tripitakas. Tripitakas are written in Pali language.
They are:– (i) Sutta Pitaka (ii) Vinaya Pitaka & (iii) SSC CPO-SI 23/11/2020 (Shift-II)
Abhidhamma Pitaka. Ans. : (a) Chaukhandi, Dhamek, Rambhar Stupa sites
The Vinay Pitaka consist of rules of conduct & are located in Uttar Pradesh. Whereas Bharhut Stupa site
discipline applicable to the monastic life of monks & is located in Satna district of Madhya Pradesh. It was
nuns. discovered in 1873-74 by Alexander Cunningham, the
father of Indian archaeology. Bharhut Stupa was situated
Sutta Pitaka consist of the main teaching or Dhamma at one end of the central province of Magadha Empire.
of Buddha. It is divided into 5 Nikayas :– Digha Historians and archaeologists believe that the place
Nikaya, Majjhima Nikayam, Samyutta Nikaya, where this stupa is situated was an important center of
Anguttara Nikaya & Khuddaka Nikaya. The the major highway of that era.
Abhidamma Pitaka is a Philosophical analysis and
systematization of the teaching of Monks. 117. Which of the following is related with the
architecture of Buddhist stupas ?
111. ‘Tripitakas’ are sacred books of…………. (a) Gopuram (b) Hermica
(a) Hindus (b) Jains (c) Mandapam (d) Garbhagriha
(c) Parsis (d) Buddhists SSC CPO-SI 23/11/2020 (Shift-II)
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 06-09-2016, 10 am Ans. : (b) Harmika is related to the architecture of the
SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Shift-I) Buddhist stupa. The balcony-like structure built over
Ans : (d) See the explanation of the above question. the anda (egg like structure) was a symbol of the
abode of God. It was called Harmika. In it were kept
112. Gautam Buddha's teachings are found mainly in: the relics of Buddhist or other Bodhisattvas. The
(a) Abhidhamma Pitaka (b) Sutta Pitaka gopuram or gopura (also known as the aviation) is a
(c) Vinaya Pitaka (d) Tisarana monumental attallika, often decorated with sculptures
SSC JE Civil – 23/03/2021 (Shift-I) and located mostly at the entrance of the temples of
South India.
Ans. (b) : See the explanation of the above question.
118. The Mahayana text belongs to which religion?
113. Tripitakas are sacred books of ........... (a) Jainism (b) Sikhism
(a) Sikhs (b) Jews (c) Buddhsim (d) None of these
(c) Buddhists (d) Muslims SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-II)
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 24.01.17, 10 am) Ans. (c) : Gautama Buddha was the founder of
Ans : (c) See the explanation of the above question. Buddhism, he was born in 563 BC at a place called
114. From which monument, Gautama Buddha Lumbini in Kapilvastu. His childhood name was
Siddhartha. After the Fourth Buddhist Council held at
propagated his divine knowledge of Buddhism
Kundalvana, Buddhism was divided into two major
to the world? sect:- Hinayana and Mahayana.
(a) Humayun’s Tomb
119. Which is the most important work of the
(b) Mahabodhi Temple Complex Hinayana school?
(c) Qutub Minar (a) Panchatantra (b) Mahavastu
(d) Red Fort Complex (c) Ashtadhyayi (d) Zend Avesta
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 17.01.17, 4:15 pm) SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-I)

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Ans : (b) Mahavastu is an important Buddhist text, Ans. (d) : During the reign of Kanishka, Kundalvan in
which is an early biography of Lord Buddha. The Kashmir was the place choosen as the venue of the
history of the sixth century BC has been presented. fourth Buddhist Council.
The main objective of the Hinayana school is to teach 125. At which of the following places did Lord
on the basis of 'Mahavastu'. Buddha gave his first sermon on the Four
120. Which of the following sites is asociated with Noble Truths?
the birth of Gautama Buddha ? (a) Lumbini (b) Sarnath
(a) Sarnath (b) Lumbini (c) Bodh Gaya (d) Rajgir
(c) Kushinagar (d) Bodh Gaya SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 20/08/2021 (Shift I)
SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Shift-I) Ans.(b): Gautam Buddha, a Shakya prince delivered
Ans. (b) : Buddha was born around 563 BCE in a his first sermon at Sarnath, near Varanasi. Buddha
small kingdom just below the Himalayan foothills in taught four noble truths:
Lumbini (present day in Nepal). His father was a chief • The world is full of suffering.
of Shakya clan. His mother name was Maya Devi and • The main cause of suffering is desire.
at the age of 16 he was married to Yashodhara. At the
age of 80 he died in Kushinagar. • To overcome the suffering one must give desire.
121. The concept of 'The Four Noble Truths' • One will attain nirvana if disires are given up.
belongs to which of the following religions ? The first sermon is called Dhamm Chakraparvatan.
(a) Jainism (b) Sikhism The Buddhist literature includes Jataka tales and
Tripitaka that were written in Pali.
(c) Hinduism (d) Buddhism
SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Shift-III)
(iii) Shaivism/ Vaishnavism
Ans. (d) : 'The concept of Four Noble Truths is related
to Buddhism. Following are the four noble truths:- 126. Who among the following was NOT a Nayanar
there is suffering in life, cause of sorrow, there is relief saint?
from sorrow & there is a way to get rid of sorrow.
(a) Sambandar (b) Sundarar
122. The Buddhist sites Vaishali and Nalanda are (c) Andal (d) Appar
situated in which of the following states ?
SSC CHSL 13/04/2021 (Shift-III)
(a) Telangana (b) Bihar
Ans. (c) : Andal was not a Nayanar Saint. The
(c) Odisha (d) Chhattisgarh Nayanars was the Tamil Poet-Saints who played a key
SSC CHSL 19/10/2020 (Shift-I) role in propagating the Bhakti Movements in Southern
Ans. (b) : The Buddhist Sites Vaishali & Nalanda are India during the 5th -10th centuries. The Nayanars were
situated in Bihar. Vaishali is an important Buddhist a group of 63 Saints devoted to Lord Shiva who lived
pilgrim site as Lord Buddha spent 5 years of his life during the 6th to 8th centuries CE. The name of the
here before announcing his Mahaparinirvana. He also Nayanars were first compiled by Sundarar.
delivered his last sermon here. Sundarar–Sundarar means "the lovely, handsome
Nalanda was an acclaimed Mahavihara, a large Buddhist one". He was a great devotee of Lord Shiva. Sundarar
monastery in ancient kingdom of Magadha. It was a was born in Tirunavalur.
centre of learning from 5th century CE to 1200 CE. Sambandar–He was a Saiva poet Saint of Tamil
123. Ashta Mahasthan refers to eight important Nadu. He was a contemporary of Appar, another Saiva
places associated with the life of Buddha. poetsaint.
Which of the following is not one of them? 127. ………is a depiction of the Hindu God Shiva as
(a) Lumbini (b) Sarnath the cosmic dancer who performs his divine
dance called Tandavam.
(c) Raigarh (d) Bodhgaya
(a) Murugan (b) Nataraja
SSC CPO-SI 23/11/2020 (Shift-I)
(c) Vishnu (d) Venkateshwar
Ans. (c) Ashta Mahasthanas are eight great holy places
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 30.01.17, 1:15 pm)
associated with the life of Gautam Buddha. Lumbini,
Gaya, Sarnath, Kushinagar, Shravasti, Sankasya, Ans : (b) Nataraja is the depiction of the Hindu God
Rajagriha and Vaishali were known as Ashta Shiva as the cosmic dancer who performs his divine
Mahasthan in Buddhist texts. Hence, out of the given dance to destroy a weary universe to make way for the
options, Raigarh is not related to Ashta Mahasthana. process of creation. In Hindu mythology, Shiva as
Nataraja appears at the end of one cosmic cycle and the
124. During the reign of Kanishka, which of the beginning of the text, and is thus associated with both
following places was chosen as the venue of the creation and destruction. In his hands he holds both the
fourth Buddhist Council? destructive fire and the double-sided drum, the sound
(a) Taxila (b) Vaisali from which summons up new creation. Nataraja is
(c) Pataliputra (d) Kashmir derived from the Sanskrit words Nartarajan "lord of
SSC JE Electrical -26/09/2019 (Shift-I) dance". The sculpture is usually made in bronze.

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128. Which god despite being the creator god among 133. A type of court called 'Kantakasodhana' was
the Trimurti, is rarely worshiped today? prevalent in the –––– Empire.
(a) Surya (b) Brahma (a) Rashtrakuta (b) Kushana
(c) Chandra (d) Vayu (c) Mauryan (d) Chola
(SSC J.E. 03.03.17, 10:00 am) SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 20/08/2021 (Shift I)
Ans : (b) The worship of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh Ans.(c) : Kantakasodhana literally means "removal of
(Shankar) began in the Gupta period under trimurti. the thorns", is used with reference to criminal justice.
Vishnu and Shiva worship is particularly prevalent in The main objective of Kantakasodhana was to allow
the society at present time but the worship of Brahma is people to live in peace and abide by the laws as
neglected. The temple of Brahma is located in Pushkar envisaged in Dhamasastra. In Arthashastra, Kautilya
Rajasthan. mentions the cases that are subject to Kantakasodhana.
129. In parts of South India, Lord Vishnu is also 134. Chandragupta led a revolt against the ______
known as Lord ____. and overthrew them.
(a) Bhairava (b) Rudra (a) Nandas (b) Kushanas
(c) Pashupati (d) Venkateshwara (c) Shishunagas (d) Haryankas
Ans : (d) Venkateswara Temple at Tirumala Tirupati of SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 18/08/2021 (Shift I)
Andhra Pradesh is dedicated to Lord Shri Ans. (a) : Chandragupta led a revolt against the
Venkateswara. The temple is the richest temple in the Nandas and overthrew them. Chandragupta Maurya,
world and most famous incarnation of Lord Vishnu in also known as Sandrocottus and Androcottus in Greek
South India. Lord Vishnu is one of the principal deities and Latin accounts. He was the founder of the
of Hindu trinity and the preserver. God Vishnu is also Mauryan Empire. Chandragupta born in 340 BC and
known as Narayana, Jagannath, Venkateswara, died in 297 BC in Shravanabelagola, Karnataka.
Ranganatha, Padmanabhaswamy, Vasudeva, Vithoba,
and Hari. There are various Avatars of Lord Vishnu, 135. According to Ashokan edicts, how many years
Dashavatara of Vishnu are Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, after becoming the king did Ashoka wage war
Narasimha, Vamana, Parashurama, Rama, Krishna, on Kalinga?
Buddha and Kalki. (a) Seven (b) Five
(c) Eight (d) Six
7. Mauryan Empire SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 2308/2021 (Shift I)
Ans. (c) : According to Ashoka's Major Rock Edict 13,
130. Chandragupta Maurya overthrew the power of he conquered Kalinga 8 years after he ascended the
the____at Magadha with the aid of Kautilya and throne. Ashoka invaded Kalinga in 261 B.C. When
founded a glorious Mauryan empire in 322 BC. Ashoka attacked Kalinga, at that time Anantha
(a) Kurus (b) Mallas Padmanabha was the ruler of Kalinga.
(c) Panchalas (d) Nandas 136. Ashokan Minor Rock Edicts are found in
SSC CGL 21/04/2022 (Shift-III) different parts of India. Which of the following
is NOT a find spot of Ashokan Minor Rock
Ans. (d) Chandragupta Maurya overthrew the power of Edicts in Karnataka?
the Nandas at Magadha with the aid of Kautilya and (a) Brahmagiri (b) Gavimath
founded a glorious Mauryan empire in 322 BC.
(c) Rupnath (d) Maski
131. Which of the following Mauryan rulers did
Seleucus fight against in the Seleucid– SSC CGL 21/04/2022 (Shift-I)
Mauryan War? Ans. (c) Rupanath is not a find spot of Ashokan Minor
(a) Chandragupta Maurya (b) Samprati Rock Edicts in Karnataka.
(c) Ashoka (d) Dasharatha 137. The –––––– lake in Gujarat was an artificial
SSC CGL 20/04/2022 (Shift-III) reservoir built during the rule of the Mauryas.
(a) Pushkar (b) Lonar
Ans. (a) Chandragupta Maurya of Mauryan dynasty
defeated Seleucus Nicator in Selecucid-Mauryan war. (c) Loktak (d) Sudarshana
132. Who among the following kings founded the SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 04/03/2020 (Shift-I)
Maurya empire in ancient India? Ans. (d) : Sudarshana lake is located in the Girnar
(a) Ashoka (b) Chandragupata region of Gujarat. This lake was built by the governor
Pushyagupta Vaishya appointed in Girinar on the
(c) Bindusara (d) Dasaratha orders of Chandragupta Maurya, the founder of the
SSC CHSL 19/04/2021 (Shift-III) Maurya dynasty. Emperor Ashoka's Mahamatya
Ans. (b) : Chandragupta was the founder of Mauryan 'Tushasp' has strengthened this lake by getting it
empire in Ancient India. Mauryan empire came into reconstructed. In later times Skandagupta spent money
existence when Chandragupta Maurya stepped into the generously and got a dam constructed on this lake. The
vaccum created by Alexander of Macedon's departure Junagadh inscription mentions the reconstruction of
from the western borders of India. the Sudarshan lake by the Saka ruler Rudradaman.

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138. Ashoka, arguably the most famous ruler of 142. Who founded the Mauryan Empire by
early India, conquered__, present-day coastal defeating Dhanananda?
Odisha. (a) Kunal (b) Ashok
(a) Pataliputra (b) Prayaga (c) Chandragupta (d) Bindusara
(c) Taxila (d) Kalinga SSC GD 03/03/2019 (Shift-I)
(SSC J.E. 02.03.17, 2:45 pm)
Ans. (c) : In 321 BC, Chandragupta Maurya with the
Ans : (d) After becoming the ruler emperor Ashoka help of Chanakya/Kautilya (author of Arthashastra)
fought the only battle with Kalinga. Kalinga is founded the Mauryan dynasty after overthrowing the
presently situated on the eastern coast of Mahanadi and last ruler of Nanda dynasty, Dhanananda.
Godavari whose maximum area falls under Odisha.
This battle is mentioned in the 13th inscription. Kalinga 143. Of the foreign travellers mentioned in the
war took place in 261 B.C, eight year after the options below, who was the earliest to visit
coronation of Ashoka. Ashoka was moved by the India?
horrific bloodshed and heart rendering scenes. In place (a) Xuan Zang (b) I-tsing
of victory policy or Vijay Ghosh, Ashoka adopted the (c) Megasthenes (d) Fa Xian
policy of Dhamma Vijay and made a Dhamma Ghosh.
SSC JE Electrical 28.10.2020 (Shift-I)
139. Kalinga War was fought in the year………
Ans (c) : Megasthenes was the first foreign traveller to
(a) 1604 BC (b) 261 BC visit India. Megasthenes was an ambassador of Greek
(c) 731 AD (d) 1113 AD ruler Seleucus Nicator who came to the court of
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 20.01.17, 10 am) Chandragupta. He has written about Mauryan society
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 27.01.17, 10 am) and culture in his book 'Indica'.
Ans : (b) See the explanation of the above question. 144. Which Mauryan ruler became a follower of
Buddhism ?
140. Who among the following published a set of
Ashokan inscriptions in the year 1877? (a) Brihadratha (b) Chandragupta
(a) DC Sircar (c) Samudraguta (d) Ashoka
(b) Alexander Cunningham SSC CHSL 19/10/2020 (Shift-I)
(c) MS Vats Ans. (d) : After the Battle of Kalinga fought in 261 BC,
(d) Colin Mackenzie Ashoka saw that the whole cities were destroyed & more
SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 20/08/2021 (Shift II) than a thousand people were killed in the war. The
horrors of war disturbed him so much that he decided to
Ans. (b) : Alexander Cunningham published a set of shun violence for the rest of his life & adopted
Ashokan inscription in the year 1877. Ashoka built 7 Buddhism in about 263 BC, Moggaliputta-Tissa became
major pillar edicts. These were found at Topra (Delhi), his mentor. Ashoka had conducted the 3rd Buddhist
Meerut, Kausambhi, Rampurva, Champaran and council at Pataliputra in 250 BC.
Mehrauli. The list of these 7 major pillar edicts is as
follows- 145. In the context of early Indian history, the term
Pillar I - Principles of protection of people. 'NBPW' refers to a:
Pillar II - Defines Dhamma. (a) settlement pattern
Pillar III - Abolishes sins of harshness, anger, cruelty, etc. (b) Pottery type
Pillar IV - Deals with responsibilities and functions of (c) dating technique
Rajukas. (d) neolithic tool-making technique
Pillar V - List of animal and birds which should not be SSC JE Electrical 28.10.2020 (Shift-I)
killed on certain days. Ans (b) : In the context of early Indian history, NBPW
Pillar VI - Dhamma Policy of the state. stands for Northern Black Polished Ware. During the
Pillar VII - Work done by Ashoka for Dhamma Mauryan period, pottery was commonly referred to as
Tourance for all sects. NBPW. These pots were very bright and black in color
141. The capital of the Mauryan Kingdom was and were used in special items. Kaushambi and
located at ............... Pataliputra were the main centres of NBPW during the
Mauryan period.
(a) Patliputra (b) Vaishali
(c) Lumbini (d) Gaya 146. Which of the following rulers erected his
decrees at public places?
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 04-09-2016, 4:15 pm
(a) Chandragupta-II
Ans : (a) The establishment of the Mauryan Dynasty
(322–185 BC) is attributed to Chandragupta Maurya (b) Chandragupta Maurya
and his mentor Kautilya, who defeated the emperor (c) Ashoka
Dhanananda of the Nanda dynasty. Chandragupta chose (d) Samudragupta
Patliputra (near present day Patna city) as his capital. SSC JE Civil - 23/09/2019 (Shift-II)

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Ans. (c) : Ashoka (the son of Bindusara) the great 'Arthashastra' related to politics. The Ambassador of
established the edicts in public places to bring the Selecus Nicator, Megasthenes came to the court of
power of his rule to the general public. Ashoka's Chandra Gupta Maurya who wrote a book called
inscriptions are described on the stones pillars, stone 'Indica'. Chandragupta Maurya sacrificed his life by
wheels etc. Sanlekhna method (fasting until death) in 298 BC in
Shravanbelagola (Karnataka).
147. Who among the following was the first ruler to
inscribe his message to his subjects and 151. Chandragupta Maurya was an ardent follower of_
officials on stone surfaces, natural rocks and (a) Sikhism (b) Jainism
polished pillars ? (c) Buddhism (d) Jewism
(a) Bimbisar (SSC 10+2 CHSL 08.02.17, 4:15 pm)
(b) Ashoka Ans : (b) See the explanation of the above question.
(c) Bindusar 152. Chandragupta Maurya was born in……….
(d) Chandragupta Maurya (a) 340 BC (b) 563 BC
SSC JE Civil – 23/03/2021 (Shift-I) (c) 189 BC (d) 99 BC
Ans. (b) : Bindusara was succeeded by Ashoka the (SSC 10+2 CHSL 22.01.17, 1:15 pm)
great, who ascended the throne of Magadha in 269 Ans : (a) The founder of the Mauryan dynasty and the
B.C. Ashoka was the first ruler who engraved his Indian emperor Chandragupta Maurya was born in 340
message to his subjects and officials on stone surfaces, BC in Bihar. Chandragupta was successful in bringing
natural rocks and polished pillars. Ashoka's the whole of India under one empire. He reigned from
inscriptions are 14 in number. James Prinsep was the 322 BC to 298 BC. In the last days of his life,
first to read the inscription described on this in 1837. Chandragupta accepted Jainism under the influence of
148. The Greek ambassador Megasthenese was in Jain Saint Bhadrabahu and went to Shravanbelagola with
the court of which of the following rulers? him and started living on the Chandragiri mountain.
(a) Ashoka (b) Chandragupta 153. Bindusara was the son of?
(c) Bindusara (d) Chanakya (a) Ashoka (b) Akbar
SSC JE Civil - 24/01/2018 (Shift-I) (c) Chandragupta (d) Shivaji
Ans. (b) : Under the treaty of Appiyanas, Seleucus (SSC 10+2 CHSL 27.01.17, 4:15 pm)
gave Kabul and Kandhar area and also sent an Ans : (c) Bindusara was ruler of Mauryan Dynasty. He
ambassador Megasthanese to Chandragupta Maurya's was the son of Chandragupta Maurya who ascended the
court. Written by Megasthenes the information of throne in 298 BC. He was the follower of Ajivaka
Chandragupta Maurya administration is found in community or sect. He is also known as the 'destroyer
Megasthenes 'Indica' although it is not available in its of enemies'. Deimachus was the ambassador of the
original form. Syrian ruler Antiochus who visited the court of
149. In which state The Jaugada Rock Edict of Bindusara. Bindusar's successor was Ashoka.
Asoka is located ? 154. Ashoka was a king of which dynasty?
(a) Gujarat (b) Andhra Pradesh (a) Pradyota (b) Haryanka
(c) Odisha (d) Uttarakhand (c) Maurya (d) Nanda
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 07/03/2020 (Shift-III) (SSC 10+2 CHSL 15.01.17, 4:15 pm)
Ans. (c) : Jaugada is located in Ganjam district of Ans : (c) Emperor Ashoka was the Great emperor of
Odisha. From here the Chaturdash inscription of the world's famous and powerful Indian Mauryan
Ashoka was found, in which Ashoka has been ordered dynasty. Ashoka ruled from 273 BC to 232 BC in the
to behave like a son towards the subjects of Kalinga. It ranges of North Hindukush to the South of the
was discovered in 1850 AD by Walter Elliot. Godavari river in the Mysore and in East ruled in
Bangladesh and in the west to Afghanistan, Iran and
150. Chandragupta (322–298 BC) was the ruler of the whole of India was ruled by him. Emperor Ashoka
which dynasty? is also known for his skillful administration and the
(a) Maurya (b) Mewar promotion of Buddhism in the vast empire. Emperor
(c) Mughal (d) Peshwas Ashoka preached Buddhism throughout Asia and also
in other continents. Information about the rule of
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 25.01.17, 4:15 pm) emperor Ashoka comes from various pillars and
Ans : (a) Chandra Gupta Maurya defeated the ruler of inscriptions installed by him.
Nanda Dynasty Dhanananda and established the 155. Ashoka the Great (273-232 BC) was the ruler
Mauryan Dynasty. Chandra Gupta Maurya ascended of which dynasty?
the throne of Magadh in 322 BC. Chandragupta Maurya
took initiation of Jainism from Jaina Guru Bhadrabahu. (a) Mewar (b) Mughal
His Prime Minister was Chanakya (c) Mauryan (d) Peshwas
(Kautilya/Vishnugupta) who wrote the book (SSC 10+2 CHSL 30.01.17, 1:15 pm)

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Ans : (c) See the explanation of the above question. Ans : (a) The records of Ashoka were first discovered
156. Chandragupta Maurya was born in Patliputra, in 1750 by T. Phanthelor. The first record of Ashoka
which is now in………… was read in 1837 by James Prinsep, an officer of the
(a) Chattisgarh (b) Madhya Pradesh Calcutta mint and Secretary of the Asiatic Society. The
Ashoka's inscription are written in Brahmi script. A
(c) Uttar Pradesh (d) Bihar
total of four scripts Brahmi, Kharoshthi, Aramaic and
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 08.02.17, 10 am) Greek have been used in the inscription of Ashoka.
Ans : (d) The Patliputra, where Chandragupta Maurya Only Brahmi scripts have been used in the pillar
was born is now-a-days known as Patna. Patna is the inscription and the cave inscription of Ashoka. The
capital of modern day Bihar Province. Patliputra language of Ashokas inscriptions was Prakrit.
(Kusumpur) was founded by the Haryanka king Kharoshthi Script – Sahabajgarhi and Mansehra.
Aramaic Script– Laghman and Takshila
157. Who built the Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi?
Bilingual inscription– The Sarekuna inscription of
(a) Mughal Dynasty Kandahar uses both Greek and Aramaic scripts in it.
(b) Maurya Dynasty Ashoka was the first Indian ruler who addressed his
(c) Gupta Dynasty subjects directly with the help of records.
(d) Chola Dynasty 162. Under Mauryan administration the
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 25.01.17, 10 am) 'Sitadhyaksha' was the officer in charge of :
Ans : (b) Sanchi is situated on the banks of Betwa (a) agriculture (b) customs
River in Raisen District of Madhya Pradesh state. It is (c) market (d) mines
famous for Buddhist monuments. The main stupa of SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II)
Sanchi was built by Ashoka the Great of the Mauryan
dynasty in the 3rd century BC. The remains of the Ans : (a) The Administration of the Mauryan Empire
Buddha was placed in its center in a semi circular was centralized on the basis of Arthashastra. The idea
structure. and order of the king was the highest in all aspects of
158. Ashoka converted to which religion after the administration. According to Chanakya the seven
Kalinga war? components of the state are king, amatya, district, fort,
treasure, force and friend. For administrative
(a) Jainism (b) Buddhism
convenience, the central administrative system was
(c) Christianity (d) Judaism divided into several parts (1) Panyadhyaksha (President
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 25.01.17, 10 am) of commerce) (2) Sitadhyaksha (President of state
Ans : (b) After the Kalinga war Ashoka accepted Agriculture Department) (3) Sunadhyaksha (Chairman
Buddhism. Ashoka was attracted to Buddhism After of the abattoir) etc.
war and was initiated to Buddhism by Upagupta. 163. One of the prominent Buddhist structures in
159. Chanakya was known as……….. India, _____Stupa at Sarnath was constructed
(a) Rajasekhara (b) Tejasvi by the great Mauryan king, Ashoka.
(c) Kautilya (d) Vatsyayana (a) Dhauli (b) Dhamekh
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 15.01.17, 10 am) (c) Bharhut (d) Lalitgiri
Ans : (c) Chanakya is also known as Kautilya and SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-I)
Vishnugupta. He was the mentor and the Prime Ans : (b) The Dhamekh Stupa located in Sarnath was
Minister of Mauryan ruler Chandragupta Maurya. built by the great Mauryan emperor Ashoka. It is one of
'Arthashastra' book was composed by Kautilya which is the major Buddhist structures located in India.
a great book on Politics.
Ashoka built Inscription at many places Shahbajgarhi,
160. Chanakya was the chief advisor of ------ Mansehra – Pakistan
(a) Babur Kandhar – Afghanistan
(b) Chandragupta Maurya Yerragudi – Andhra Pradesh
(c) Akbar Kalsi – Dehradun
(d) Kautilya Maski – Karnataka
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 03.02.17, 10 am) Gurjara – Madhya Pradesh
Ans : (b) See the explanation of the above question.
164. Which of the following pillars represent rock-
161. Which script was used in Ashoka’s inscriptions? cut columns ?
(a) Brahmi (b) Devanagiri (a) Akaminian pillar (b) Gothic pillar
(c) Gurmukhi (d) Sanskrit (c) Mauryan pillar (d) Persian pillar
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 02-09-2016, 4:15 pm SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Shift-I)

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Ans. (c) : Mauryan art can be divided into two classes, Ans : (a) The Vikrama Era began in 57 BC. It is said
court art and folk art. Court art was expressed in the that Vikram Era was founded by King Vikramaditya
pillars and their heads, in which the rockwork shows who gained victory over the Sakas. Vikram Samvat is a
the pillar. Fahien (399-412 AD) saw the six pillars of historical Hindu calendar which is also an official
Ashoka and Hiuen Tsang (629-645 AD) saw the religious calendar of Nepal.
twelve pillars.
169. For which of the following rulers
165. Which of the following is known as 'Devanam 'Ekabrahmana' has been used?
Priya' ? (a) Kharavela
(a) Ashoka (b) Amoghvarsha (b) Sushaman
(c) Kanishka (d) Kharvela (c) Pushyamitra Sung
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-II) (d) Gautamiputra Shatkarni
Ans. (a) : Ashoka was the third king of the Mauryan SSC JE Civil - 25/01/2018 (Shift-I)
dynasty in ancient India. Ashoka is also known by the
names 'Devanam Priya' and 'Priyadarshi' etc. During Ans. (d) : Gautami Putra Satakarni was the 23rd and
that time the Mauryan Empire extended from the greatest ruler of the Andhra Satavahana dynasty. The
Hindukush ranges in the north to the Godavari River During this time the Nashik inscription of his mother
and Mysore (Karnataka) in the south and from Bengal Balashree was obtained, in which it has been called
in the east to Afghanistan in the west. Ashoka's name the only Brahman or Eka Brahmin. He assumed the
is found in Maski and Gurjara inscriptions, whereas title of Venkatak Swami and established a city called
Ashoka has been called 'Ashokvardhan' in Puranas. 'Venkataka'. It is known that Andhra Pradesh
Satavahana dynasty was founded by 'Simuka'.
166. Who among the following rulers inscribed his Gautami Putra Satakarni was a contemporary of Shaka
messages to his subjects and officials on stone Mahakshatrapa Nahapan. This brought an end to the
Shaka rule in the adjoining territories. A pile of 13,250
(a) Ashoka coins was found in 1906 from a village called
(b) Chandragupta I Jogalthambi in Nasik district. All these coins belong to
(c) Bindusara a Shaka Kshatrap Nahapan. The son of Gautamiputra
(d) Chandragupta Maurya Sata Karni defeated Nahapan and made his mark on
SSC CHSL 19/04/2021 (Shift-I)
Ans. (a) : Ashoka was the first ruler who inscribed his 170. Who was the founder of Vakataka dynasty in
messages to his subjects and officials on stone surfaces the third century ?
natural rocks as well as polished pillars. He used the (a) Rudrasena (b) Vindhyashakti
inscriptions to proclaim what he understood to be (c) Pravarasena (d) Nagabhata
dhamma. Ashoka got his messages inscribed on rocks SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I)
and pillars in a language called as prakrit which was
comprehensible to all. Ans : (b) The Vakataka dynasty was founded by a
person named Vindhyashakti in 255 AD. He ruled from
255 AD to 275 AD. His real name was Virudh.
8. Post-Mauryan Empire 171. Prabhavati Gupta, the Queen Regent of the
167. Who was the founder of the Shung Dynasty? Vakataka Empire, was the daughter of
Kuberanaga and ____.
(a) Pushyamitra (b) Jayadratha
(a) Kumaragupta
(c) Kunal (d) Brihadratha
(b) Chandragupta II
SSC JE Civil - 23/09/2019 (Shift-I)
(c) Skandagupta
Ans. (a) : The founder of the Sunga dynasty was
(d) Chandragupta
Pushyamitra Sunga, who was the commander of
Mauryas. The date of attainment of power by SSC CHSL 13/04/2021 (Shift-III)
Pushyamitra Sunga is believed to be 184 BCE. Ans.(b) : Prabhavati Gupta was the daughter of
According to the Puranas, his reign was 36 years that Chandragupta II and her mother was Kuberanga of the
is he ruled till 148 BCE. Pushyamitra Sunga was a Naga. She was married to Rudrasena II of the
Brahmin of Ujjain. His priest and Prime Minister was Vakataka Dynasty. After his death is 390, she ruled as
Maharishi Patanjali who conducted 'Ashwamedha regent for her two young sons, Divakarasena and
Yagya twice. He defeated the Indo-Greek ruler Damodarasena for twenty years with the help of her
Meander and also built the Bharhut stupa. father Chandragupta II ascended the throne after
168. When did the Vikrama Era begin? Ramgupta and assumed the title Vikramaditya. He was
the first Gupta ruler to have issued silver coins. He is
(a) 57 BC (b) 55 BC
also known by his title Vikramaditya. He was one of
(c) 50 BC (d) 47 BC the most powerful emperors of the Gupta empire in
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 06/03/2020 (Shift-I) northern India.

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172. Who among the following was NOT a ruler of Ans : (a) The Battle of the Hydaspes was fought
the Kushana dynasty? between Alexander the Great and King Porus of the
(a) Vasudeva (b) Vasishka Paurava Kingdom in 326 BCE. It took place on the
banks of the Jhelum river (known to the ancient Greeks
(c) Nahapana (d) Huvishka as Hydaspes) in the Punjab region of the Indian
SSC CHSL 12/04/2021 (Shift-II) subcontinent (modern-day Punjab, Pakistan). The
Ans : (c) Nahapana was not a ruler of the Kushana Battle resulted in a great victory and the surrender of
dynasty. He was an important ruler of the western Porus. Large area of Punjab was absorbed into the
Alexandrian empire, and the defeated, dethroned Porus
became reinstated by Alexander as a subordinate ruler.
173. In Indian architecture ‘Surkhi’ was introduced 176. When did the first Huna invasion take place?
by :
(a) 358 AD (b) 458 AD
(a) Guptas (b) Sultanat Sultans
(c) 558 AD (d) 658 AD
(c) Mughals (d) Kushans (SSC 10+2 CHSL 25.01.17, 4:15 pm)
SSC CPO (TIER-1) 2016
Ans : (b) The Huna were a nomadic tribe of central
Ans : (d) There is evidence of use of Surkhi in various Asia. This tribe was counted among the most barbaric
structures built during the khusan period. Evidence of tribe in its time. The Huns first invaded Northwest India
the construction of Surkhi is found in the third and fifth in 458 AD. This attack was led by Toraman and his son
levels in the excavation of five levels in Mathura. Mihirkul. During the Gupta Period, the Huns had
Surkhi is the powered form of over burnt bricks or the captured Punjab and Malwa. Coins of Hunas have also
clay balls. Evidence has shown that the use of Surkhi been obtained from Mathura.
and Surkhi mortar was started before the 2nd century 177. ______ fought against king Han Ho-ti, who was
BC. If surkhi is used instead of fine aggregate in the the king of Han dynasty of China and defeated
preparation of mortar then it is said to be Surkhi mortar. him in the second attempt.
(a) Kanishka (b) Bindusara
9. Foreign Invasions (c) Chandragupta Maurya (d) Ashoka
SSC JE Civil - 23/09/2019 (Shift-II)
174. Choose the INCORRECT statement with Ans. (a) : Kanishka fought a battle with Han-Ho-ti,
respect to the Kushan ruler Kanishka: the king of the Han empire and expanded its empire to
(a) Third Buddhist council was held during his Middle Asia (Uzbekistan, Tajikistan to China and
reign. Kanshu provines, Afghanistan and Pakistan) and all of
North India. The fourth Buddhist Council was held in
(b) The main capital of his empire was located at Kundalvan, Kashmir during the time of Kanishka.
Purwapura in Gandhara. During the time of Kanishka, two new art styles
(c) Charak was contemporary to Kanishka. originated which are called Gandhar and Mathura art
(d) Huvishka was the successor of Kanishka style Gandhar art style was the centred around
Gandhara hence it was called Gandhara style; it is also
SSC JE Civil 11.12.2020 (Shift-II) called the Indo-Greek style. Buddhist style, Mathura
Ans. (a) : style of art was born in Mathura, Red sandstone is
used in this style. The first statue of Buddha was made
Buddhist Patron Venue Chairman Year of red sandstone in this style.
178. Who among the following was the court
First Ajatashatru Rajgriha Mahakashyapa 483 physician of Kanishka?
(a) Vasumitra (b) Nagarjuna
Second Kalashoka Vaishali Sabbakami 383 (c) Charaka (d) Patanjali
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 03-09-2016, 4:15 pm
Third Ashoka Patliputra Moggaliputta 250
Ans : (c) According to some scholars, Charaka was the
royal doctor of the King Kanishka. Charak Samhita is a
Fourth Kanishka Kundalban Vasumitra 72 famous Ayurveda book composed by Charak. Acharya
(Kashmir) AD Charak redesigned it by adding some places and
chapters in the Agnivesh system of Acharya Agnivesh
175. Alexander the battle of Hydaspes.
which we know, by the name of Charaka samhita.
(a) Porus
179. Who among the following was ruler from the
(b) Chandragupta Maurya Kushan dynasty?
(c) Herakles (a) Khadphises I (b) Vikramaditya
(d) Eudemus (c) Pushyamitra (d) Danti Durga
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 11.01.17, 10 am) SSC CPO (TIER-1), 2016

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Ans : (a) Kujul Kadphises was the first ruler of the Ans. (b) : The last ruler of the Gupta Dynasty was
Kushan Dynasty. And on the main part of its early Vishnugupta who ruled between 540 AD and 550 AD.
coins the figure of the greek king Hermius is engraved Vishnugupta's mention is found in Currency articles
on the surface itself. He minted copper coins by obtained from Nalanda. The founder of the Gupta
imitating Roman coins and assumed the title of lineage was Shrigupta but Chandragupta I provided
Maharajadhiraja. It is noteworthy that the first gold prestige to the Gupta Dynasty and is considered to be
coins in India were introduced by the Kushan ruler Vim the actual founder of the Gupta Dynasty.
Kadphises II. He was a Shaiva follower and held the 184. Which empire is regarded as the Golden Age
title of Maheshwar. Figures of Shiva, Nandi and Trishul of Hinduism?
were engraved on its coins.
(a) Maurya (b) Mughal
(c) Gupta (d) Chola
10. The Gupta Empire (SSC 10+2 CHSL 25.01.17, 1:15 pm)
180. Who among the following rulers is called the Ans : (c) The Gupta dynasty was founded by
‘Napolean of India’? Shrigupta(240-280 AD). Among the rulers of Gupta
(a) Bindusara (b) Chandragupta I dynasty Chandra Gupta I, Samudragupta, Chandragupta
II, Kumargupta etc. were chief rulers. The Gupta period
(c) Ashoka (d) Samudragupta
is called the Golden period of Indian History due to the
SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 16/08/2021 (Shift III) cultural achievements. The court poet of Samudra
Ans. (d) : "Samudragupta" is called as the 'Napolean Gupta was Harishena who composed the Prayag
of India' because of his great conquests. Historian VA Prashashti.
Smith called him so. He has also been described as the 185. Whose reign in Indian History is called the
hero of hundred battles in 'Prayag Prashasti' Golden Age of India?
inscription. Samudragupta was the son of
(a) Mughal Empire (b) Maratha Empire
Chandragupta I and the second ruler of the Gupta
dynasty. He was also a good poet and musician. (c) Gupta Empire (d) Mauryan Empire
181. The reign of the___dynasty has been described Ans : (c) See the explanation of the above question.
as the golden age of Indian civilization. 186. Aryabhatta and Kalidasa were in the court of
(a) Buddha (b) Harsha which Gupta Emperor?
(c) Gupta (d) Porus (a) Kumara Gupta I (b) Chandra Gupta II
SSC GD 09/03/2019 (Shift-II) (c) Samudra Gupta (d) Skanda Gupta
Ans. (c) : In 275 CE the Gupta dynasty was founded SSC CGL 03-09-2016, 1:15 pm
by Sri Gupta. The Gupta Period has been designated as Ans : (b) Chandragupta II is also known as
the "Golden period of the Indian history". Vayupurana Chandragupta Vikramaditya. Aryabhatta and Kalidasa
is one of the major sources containing Gupta's period belonged to the state court of Chandragupta II. In the
description. Sanskrit was the official language of the court of Chandragupta II nine learned scholars used to
Gupta. It is mostly considered that the use of decimal live which were known as Navratnas (Nine gems) The
system and temple architecture was started during Navratnas were Kalidasa, Dhanwantari, Kshapanaka,
Gupta period. Amarasimha, Shanku, Vetala Bhatta, Ghatakarapara,
182. Who was the first Gupta ruler to attain the Varahamihira and Vararuchi.
title of Maharajadhiraja? 187. Ghatotkacha (who ruled in the years 290-305
(a) Chandragupta I (b) Sumudragupta B.C.) was a king from which dynasty?
(c) Kumaragupta (d) Skandagupta (a) Gupta Dynasty (b) Kanva Dynasty
SSC JE Civil - 27/01/2018 (Shift-II) (c) Shunga Dynasty (d) Maurya Dynasty
Ans. (a) : After the fall of the Kushanas many small Ans : (a) Samudragupta's Prayag Prasasti describes the
states emerged in North India. It was at this time that Gupta Dynasty. According to this archival evidence the
Gupta dynasty emerged in Magadha. They were the founder of the Gupta empire was Shreegupta.
feudatories of the Kushanas. The founder of the Gupta Shreegupta's successor was his son Ghatotkacha.
dynasty was Srigupta, he assumed the title of 188. Who among the following was a Gupta ruler ?
Maharaja, followed by the Ghatotkasha ruler and also
(a) Vima Kadphises (b) Kanishka
assumed the title of 'Maharaja'. The real founder of the
dynasty was Chandragupta I, who held the title of (c) Dhana Nanda (d) Vikramaditya
'Maharajadhiraja'. SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-I)
183. Who was the last ruler of the Gupta Dynasty? Ans : (d) Chandragupta II, also called as Vikramaditya,
(a) Puru Gupta (b) Vishnu Gupta a powerful emperor (reigned 375-415 CE) of Northern
India. He was the son of Samudra Gupta and Grandson
(c) Skanda Gupta (d) Kumar Gupta
of Chandragupta - I.
SSC JE Civil - 23/01/2018 (Shift-II)

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189. The last recognised king of the Gupta Dynasty 11. Post-Gupta Empire
(a) Samudragupta (b) Vishnugupta 194. The Harshacharita is a biography of
(c) Ashoka (d) Bimbisara Harshavardhana, the ruler of Kannauj,
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 03/03/2020 (Shift-III) composed in Sanskrit by his court poet, ––––.
Ans. (b) : The last accepted emperor of the Gupta (a) Kamban (b) Jinsena
dynasty was Vishnugupta who ruled between 540 AD. (c) Banabhatta (d) Dandin
to 550 AD. The founder of the Gupta dynasty is SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 04/03/2020 (Shift-I)
considered to be Srigupta (240 AD - 280 AD). The Ans. (c) : 'Harshacharita' is a biography of
Gupta period is called the Golden Age of Indian history. Harshavardhana, the ruler of Kannauj, composed in
190. The Gupta rulers imposed a fine called –––––– Sanskrit by his court poet Banabhatta. His second
– which was a plough tax paid by every book is Kadambari, which is considered to be the first
cultivator owning a plough. novel in the world. Banabhatta died before Kadambari
(a) Kara (b) Halivakara was completed. And this novel was later completed by
(c) Hiranya (d) Sulka his son Bhushanbhatta.
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 03/03/2020 (Shift-III) 195. Name the Chinese pilgrim to India who came
in search of Buddhists texts ?
Ans. (b) : The Gupta rulers imposed a fine called
Halivkar or Haldand, which was plough tax paid by (a) Fa–Hien (b) Hiuen Tsang
each cultivator who owned the plough. On the basis of (c) Fa–tsing (d) Wang Dayuan
economic utility, the following types of land were in (SSC J.E. 04.03.17, 10:00 am)
the Gupta period 1. Kshetra - cultivable land 2. Vastu - Ans : (b) The Chinese traveller Hiuen Tsang came to
habitable land 3. Gapatha Sarah, Pasture land - land India during the reign of emperor Harsha. He stayed in
suitable for cattle fodder 4. Khila land - such land India from about 629 AD to 645 AD. He came to India
which is not cultivable. 5. Aprahata - The land which to study at the Buddhist University of Nalanda and to
used to be wild. collect Buddhist texts in India. According to Hiuen
191. When did the Chinese traveller ‘Sung Yun’ Tsang, Buddhist people were divided into 18
came to India? communities According to him, the Nalanda University
(a) 510 AD (b) 518 AD was maintained by the revenue of 100 Villages.
(c) 525 AD (d) 528 AD 196. During whose reign did the Chinese traveller
SSC JE Civil - 22/01/2018 (Shift-I) Hiuen Tsang visit India?
Ans. (b) : The Chinese traveller Sung Yun came to (a) Chandragupta Vikramaditya
India in 518 (6 Century) and received copies of (b) Samudragupta
Buddhist texts in his 3 years of travel. It is known that (c) Chandragupta I
Fa–hien was also a Chinese traveller, who travelled to (d) Harshavardhana
India. Fa–hien came to the court of Chandragupta II SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-III)
'Vikramaditya'. Xuanzang (Hiuen Tsang) came to
India in 629 AD during the reign of Harshavardhana. Ans : (d) See the explanation of the above question.
192. The Chinese Pilgrim who visited India in the 197. The Chalukya ruler Pulakesin's victory over
early 6th century was? Harshavardhana was in year ……..
(a) Hiuen Tsang (b) Fa-hien (a) 612 A.D. (b) 618 A.D.
(c) Sung Yun (d) I-tsing (c) 622 A.D. (d) 634 A.D.
SSC JE Civil - 22/01/2018 (Shift-II) SSC JE Civil - 25/01/2018 (Shift-I)
Ans : (c) See the explanation of the above question. Ans. (b) : The Aihole inscription shows that the
Chalukya dynasty's Pulakeshin II fought Harshavardhana
193. Name the state which Chandragupta-I got in on the banks of the river Narmada in 618 AD which
dowry from the Lichhavis. Harshavardhana defeated after conquering hundreds of
(a) Pataliputra (b) Prayaga kings. He assumed the title of Parmeshwar. It is known
(c) Saketa (d) Ujjain that the Aihole inscription is in the form of a
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-II) commendation and its language is Sanskrit, the script is
Dakshin Brahmi. It was composed by Ravikirti. It is
Ans : (a) Chandragupta-I (319-350 AD) got Pataliputra known that Pulakeshin I was the founder of the
in dowry from the Lichhavis. He assumed the title of Chalukya dynasty of Badami/Vatapi.
Maharaja Dhiraj and married Princess Kumar Devi of
Lichchivi state, with the help of Lichchivi extended his 198. Who among the following defeated
power. Kumar Devi was the daughter of king of Harshavardhana when he invaded the
Lichchivi Kingdom and heir to that state. Therefore Chalukya kingdom in the Deccan?
after Kumar Devi got married to Chandra Gupta - I, he (a) Mangalesha (b) Pulakesin II
received Pataliputra as dowry and later the Lichchivi (c) Vikramaditya I (d) Kirtivarman I
Republic and Gupta Republic were united. SSC CGL 13/04/2022 (Shift-II)

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Ans. (b) See the explanation of above question. 203. The Chalukya Dynasty ruled in Vatapi which
is in the modern day Indian state of .............
199. King Harshavardhana ascended the throne of
Thaneshwar and Kannauj on the death of his (a) Kerala (b) Gujarat
brother, –––––. (c) Karnataka (d) Tamil Nadu
(a) Suryavardhana (b) Rajyavardhana SSC MTS 11/10/2021 (Shift-I)
(c) Chandravardhana (d) Indravardhana Ans. (c) : The Chalukya dynasty ruled in Vatapi which
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 04/03/2020 (Shift-I) is in the modern day Indian state of Karnataka. The
Chalukya dynasty was established by Pulakeshin I in
Ans. (b) : After the death of Harshavardhana's father
Prabhakarvardhana (605 AD), Harshavardhana's elder
brother Rajyavardhana became the king, but he was 204. Dantidurga, who set up his capital at Malkhed
killed due to the malice of Malwa king Devgupta and was a ______ ruler.
Gond king Shashank. Harshavardhana in 606 A.D. had (a) Pala (b) Pratihara
ascended the throne and rescued his sister Rajyashree (c) Rashtrakuta (d) Satavahana
from Vindhyatvi and merged Kannauj and
Thaneshwar in his kingdom, snatched Malwa from SSC CGL 13/04/2022 (Shift-I)
Devgupta and drove Shashank to Gond. Harsha is Ans. (c) Dantidurga, who set up his capital at Malkhed
called the 'Sahityakar Samrat' because he composed was a Rashtrakuta ruler.
three plays Priyadarsika, Ratnavali and Nagananda. He 205. Who among the following was a ruler of the
wrote India's description in his book called "Si-yu-ki". Rashtrakuta dynasty?
200. Harsha moved his capital from………....…. (a) Kanishka (b) Samudragupta
(a) Thaneshwar, Kannauj (c) Dhruva (d) Ashoka
(b) Delhi, Deogiri SSC CGL 12/04/2022 (Shift-I)
(c) Kamboj, Kannauj Ans. (c) Among the following Dhruva is a Rashtrakuta
(d) Valabhi, Delhi Ruler. He is also considered to be involved in Tripartite
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 09-09-2016, 1:15 pm struggle alongwith Palas and Pratiharas.
Ans : (a) Harshavardhan (606-647 AD) (Vardhana 206. Who among the following established the
Dynasty) established a strong empire in Northern Rashtrakuta Kingdom?
India. He was the last Hindu emperor who ruled over (a) Dantidurga (b) Krishna I
the rest of the Northern India except Punjab. His (c) Ashoka (d) Amoghavarsha
earliest capital was Thaneswar, present day Haryana.
SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 18/08/2021 (Shift III)
After his accession, He united the two Kingdom
Thaneshwar & Kannauj and also shifted his capital Ans. (a) : Rashtrakuta rulers governed the Deccan and
from Thaneshwar to Kannauj. neighbouring areas of India from around 753 to 975
CE. The foundation of Rashtrakuta kingdom was laid
201. Pushyabhuti, who ruled from Thaneswar, was by Dantivarman or Dantidurga, after defeating the last
the founder of ______ dynasty. Badami Chalukya ruler Keerthivarman II.
(a) Chera (b) Pandya
207. The period of influence of the Chola rulers of
(c) Vardhana (d) Chalukya the South was:
SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 17/08/2021 (Shift I) (a) 17th Century AD (b) 9th Century AD
Ans. (c) : Pushyabhuti the ruler of Thaneswar later on th
(c) 19 Century AD (d) 9th Century BC
founded the Verdant dynasty. One of the most
SSC GD 22/02/2019 (Shift-II)
prominent ruler of this dynasty was Harshuardhan,
who later on shifted the capital to Kannauj. Hiuen Ans. (b) : The reign of the Cholas began in the 9th
Tsang visited the court of Harsh. century AD when they defeated the Pallavas to come
into power. This rule stretched over for five long
centuries until the 13th century. However, around the
12. Dynasties of South India 2nd century, the state Andhra has a Chola kingdom
that flourished far and wide. The early periods of the
202. Rani Rudrama Devi was a famous ruler of the Chola rule saw the onset of the Sangam literature.
.............. dynasty. Kantaman was one of the prominent rulers of this era.
(a) Pandya (b) Kakatiya The medieval period was the era of absolute power
(c) Chola (d) Chera and development for the Cholas. This is when kings
SSC MTS 11/10/2021 (Shift-I) like Aditya I and Parantaka I. From here Rajaraj Chola
and Rajendra Chola further expanded the kingdom
Ans. (b) : Rani Rudrama Devi was a 13th century into the Tamil region. Later Kulotunga Chola took
Kakatiya dynasty warrior in the Deccan plateau. She over Kalinga to establish a strong rule. This
was the first woman ruler to have ascended the throne magnificence lasted until the arrival of the Pandyas in
in South India. the early 13th century.

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208. Who was the founder of the Chalukya dynasty? Ans. (a) : The lands mentioned in the inscriptions
(a) Pulakesin- I (b) Kirtivarman during the Chola dynasty are as follows:-
(c) Narasimhavarman (d) Mangalesa Pallichchhandam - land donated to Jain institutions.
Brahmadeya - land donated/gifted to Brahmins.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-II)
Shalabhoga - land granted for maintenance of
Ans : (a) The founder of the Chalukya dynasty was schools.
Pulkeshin - I, he founded this dynasty in 543 A.D. It's Vellanvagai - It was a land for non - Brahamana
capital was Vatapi. Its descendants are called Peasant Proprietors.
'Chalukyas' of Badami. The main rulers of this dynasty
were Pulkeshin I, Kirti Varman, Pulakesin II, Devadana : Land gifted to temples.
Vikramaditya etc. The most powerful king of this 213. What did the term 'Shalabhoga' stands for,
dynasty was Pulakesin II. with respect to revenue administration under
209. The Badami Chalukyas first had their capital the Imperial Cholas ?
at ____ before they moved it to Badami. (a) Land donated for the maintenance of a
(a) Hubli (b) Pattadakal school
(c) Bijapur (d) Aihole (b) A newly settled village
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-I) (c) Land donated to a warrior
Ans. (d) : Before the Badami Chalukyas capital was (d) Land donated for the maintenance of
Aihole. It was a culturally important capital for the irrigation facilities
Chalukyas on the bank of river Malprabha. The ancient SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-I)
monuments of Aihole include Durga Temple, Ladkhan Ans : (a) See the explanation of the above question.
Temple, and Ravana Hill cave etc. The Inscription of
Pulkesin II has also been found from Aihole. 214. Which of the following Pallava kings assumed
the title of ''Vatapikonda'' after defeating and
210. Where was the first capital of Chalukyas? slaying the great Chalukyan King Pulekesin
(a) Madras (b) Aihole II?
(c) Hyderabad (d) Kanchipuram (a) Narsingh Varman I
SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-I) (b) Mahendra Varman I
Ans : (b) The first capital of the Chalukya dynasty (c) Parmeshwar Varman I
was Aihole. Jai Singh established the Chalukya (d) Nandi Varman I
dynasty of Vatapi, the chief of this dynasty were SSC CGL (TIER-1) 07-09-2016, 1:15 pm
Pulakeshin I, Kirtivarmana, Pulakeshin-II and
Vikramaditya. The Aihole inscription was written by Ans : (a) After Mahendra Varman–I his son Narasimha
Ravikirti which is related to Pulakeshin II. Aihole is a Varman–I ascended the throne of Kanchi. Narasimha
famous site for an ancient temple complex in the Varman–I was the most powerful king of the Pallava
Bagalkot district of Karnataka state. dynasty, he avenged the defeat of his father. He re-
organized the military power of the Pallavas and started
211. Which Chola ruler was popularly called the Vijay Yatra in the north and defeated the Chalukya
'Victor of the Ganges'? emperor Pulakeshin II in 3 battles (1 – Parimal , 2–
(a) Vijayalaya Chola (b) Rajendra Chola I Shurmar, 3–Manimangalam). Vatapikond (Winner of
(c) Gandaraditya Chola (d) Parantaka Chola I Vatapi) and Mahamalla to commemorate the winning
SSC CHSL 13/10/2020 (Shift-II) of Vatapi. The title of Mahamalla was added to his
Ans. (b) : The founder of Chola dynasty was
Vijayalaya (around 850 CE). Rajaraja I was the 215. Who was the first king of the Chola dynasty to
greatest ruler of this dynasty. He constructed conquer Sri Lanka?
Rajarajeshwara or Brihadesvara temple in Tanjore. His (a) Kulottunga I (b) Rajendra I
son Rajendra-I led an expedition to the north & (c) Rajendra II (d) Vikram Chola
crossed the river Ganga. He assumed the title of
SSC JE Civil - 27/01/2018 (Shift-I)
Gangaikondachola (Victor of Ganges).
Ans. (b) : Rajendra I (1014–1044 AD) was the ruler of
212. Which of the following is the only correct pair
the Chola dynasty. He conquered the whole of Sri
as described by Chola inscriptions ?
Lanka and captured Mahendra V, the ruler of Sri
(a) Pallichchhandam-land donated to Jaina Lanka and brought him to Chola Kingdom. He
institutions defeated the Pal ruler, Mahipal and assumed the title
(b) Brahmadeya-land gifted to temples of 'Gangaikondchola'. He established a new capital
(c) Shalabhoga-land gifted to Brahmans called 'Gangaikondacholapuram' on the bank of the
(d) Vellanvagai-land of Brahmana peasant river Kaveri. The achievements of Rajendra I are
proprietors described in the inscriptions 'Thiruvalagandu' and
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 09/03/2020 (Shift-III) 'Karandai'.

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216. The twelfth century witnessed the emergence 220. During the rule of which dynasty were Nalanda
of a new movement in Karnataka, led by a and Vikramashila universities founded?
Brahmana named Basavanna (1106–68) who (a) The Palas (b) The Senas
was initially a Jain and a minister in the court (c) The Pratihara (d) The Rashtrakutas
of a ......... king. SSC CGL 13/04/2022 (Shift-III)
(a) Chola (b) Chalukya Ans. (a) The Vikramshila University was set up by the
(c) Maurya (d) Gupta Pala Dynasty King, Dharmapala in the late 8th or early
9th century at Bhagalpur, Bihar. It is significant that,
(SSC J.E. 02.03.17, 10:00 am) Kumargupta founded Nalanda University in the 5th
Ans : (b) Mahatma Basveshwar / Basavanna / century AD. Dharmapala revived Nalanda University.
Bhaktibhandari was an Indian 12th century statesman, 221. Which among the following state ‘Odantpuri’
philosopher, poet, social reformer and Lingayat saint. education center was situated?
He focussed Bhakti movement, and Hindu Shaivite (a) Bengal (b) Gujarat
social reformer during the reign of the Kalyani (c) Bihar (d) Tamil Nadu
Chalukya/Kalachuri dynasty. Mahatma Basveshwar SSC JE Civil - 22/01/2018 (Shift-I)
spread social awareness through his poetry, popularly Ans. (c) : The Odantpuri education centre was located
known as Vachanaas. He rejected gender of social in Bihar. Gopala built the famous Buddhist Monastery
discrimination, superstitions and rituals but introduced of Odantpuri (Bihar). It had become an important
Ishtalinga necklace, with an image of the Shiva Linga, center of learning during the prosperous period of
to every person regardless of his or her birth, to be a Odantpuri, 1000 students were educated here. Students
constant reminder of one's bhakti (devotion) to Shiva. from far and wide used to come here to get education.
Mahatma Basveshwar literary works include the The first student here was Dipankar.
Vachana Sahitya in Kannada Language. In fact, 222. Who was the founder of Pala Dynasty ?
Basavanna was the Prime Minsiter of King Bijjala II of (a) Dharampala (b) Mahipala
the Kalachuri dynasty, a feudatory of the Kalyani (c) Gopala (d) Ramapala
Chalukya. SSC CHSL 17/03/2020 (Shift-II)
217. The Chalukya dynasty was a major kingdom Ans. (c) : Gopala was the founder of the Pala dynasty.
in the –––– part of India. This dynasty ruled Bihar and Bengal around 750 AD
(a) Southern (b) Northern to 1174 AD. He was the first Buddhist king of Bengal
and he built a monastery at Odantapuri in Bihar. His
(c) Western (d) Eastern successor Dharmapala expanded the empire during his
SSC CHSL 16/04/2021 (Shift-III) reign and for some time he also controlled Kannauj,
Uttar Pradesh and North India.
Ans.(a) : The Chalukya dynasty was a major kingdom
in the Southern part of India. 223. Vikramashila University was founded by ––––
a Pala king.
218. How many monasteries and temples are there (a) Rajendra Chola (b) Pulakeshin
in Ellora caves?
(c) Mihira Bhoja (d) Dharmapala
(a) 33 (b) 32 SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-III)
(c) 34 (d) 31 Ans. (d) : Vikramashila was a major center of higher
SSC CHSL 12/04/2021 (Shift-III) education in ancient India. This education center is located
Ans : (c) The Ellora caves was built under the patron in North Magadh (Present day Bhagalpur district of Bihar).
This university was founded in the 8th century by the
of Rashtrakutas. It is a World Heritage Site now-a-day. famous emperor Dharmapala of the Pala dynasty. In
The whole premises consists of 34 monastries and addition to Buddhism and philosophy, justice, elements,
temples. The famous Kailash temple is situated in knowledge and grammar were also studied here.
Ellora caves, which is the largest of rock-cut Hindu 224. Who was the first ruler of Pala dynasty?
(a) Gopala (b) Vivyanathan
(c) Dharmapala (d) Bhaskaran
13. Borderline Dynasties (SSC 10+2 CHSL 25.01.17, 1:15 pm)
(Pal/Sen/Kashmir/Kamroop) Ans : (a) The founder of the Pala dynasty was Gopala.
He made Munger his capital. Gopal was a Buddhist
219. King Lalitaditya Muktapida ruled over _____. follower. He established Odantpuri University.
(a) Gujarat (b) Sikkim Dharmapala, the greatest ruler of the Pala dynasty
founded the Vikramshila University. The tripartite
(c) Kerala (d) Kashmir struggle for Kannauj took place between the Pala dynasty,
SSC CGL 12/04/2022 (Shift-III) the Gurjara Pratihara dynasty and the Rashtrakuta
dynasty. Dharmapala was the first to be included on
Ans. (d) King Lalitaditya Muktapida ruled over behalf of the Pala dynasty. The literary discipline called
Kashmir. Gudiriti was developed during the Pala rulers.

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225. ____ established Vikramshila University. 230. Who among the following did not belong to the
(a) Bimbisar (b) Ashok Rajput Kingdom of Marwar ?
(c) Dharmpal (d) Chandragupta-I (a) Rana Kumbha (b) Maldeva
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-I) (c) Rao Chanda (d) Rao Jodha
Ans. (c) : Vikramshila University was established by SSC CPO-SI 24/11/2020 (Shift-I)
the King Dharmapala of the Pala dynasty. This Ans. : (a) Jodhpur was historically the capital of the
university is located in Bhagalpur district of Bihar kingdom of Marwar which was founded by Rao Jodha
state. Nalanda University was founded by Gupta ruler Clan. Rao Maldev was also ruler of Marwar and he was
Kumargupta-I who held the title of 'Shakraditya'. succeeded by his son Rao Chanda. Rao Chand followed
226. Bhaskarvarman of the Varman dynasty rule in his father's policy and stayed hostile to the ruling
the ........... region. foreign powers in India. He defended his kingdom for
(a) Kamarupa (b) Ujjain nearly two decades against relentless attacks from the
Mughal Empire whereas Rana Kumbha was the ruler of
(c) Magadha (d) Vaishali Mewar kingdom and he belonged to the Sisodia Clan of
SSC CHSL 04/08/2021 (Shift-II) Rajputs.
Ans. (a) : The earliest known dynasty to rule Assam 231. The present day city of Bhopal was built by
was the Varman dynasty of Kamarupa, which ruled for which of the following Pratihara rulers ?
over 300 years, from the mid-4th century CE. The (a) Vijaya Sena (b) Mihir Bhoja
founder of the dynasty, King Pushyavarman was a
contemporary of the famous Gupta emperor, (c) Rajyapala (d) Mahendra Bhoj
Samudragupta. A notable event during the rule of SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –08/07/2019 (Shift-I)
Bhaskar Varman was the visit of the reputed Chinese Ans. (b) : Mihira Bhoja was a king belonging to the
traveller and scholar, Hiuen Tsang, to Kamarupa in Gurjara-Pratihara Dynasty. He built the city of Lakes.
642–643 CE. The Gurjara-Pratihara dynasty was founded by
227. Who founded the famous Vikramashila Nagabhatta I in the region of Malwa in the eighth
University in the ninth century? century. He belonged to Rajput Clan. In this dynasty
(a) Samanta Sena (b) Ballala Sena an important king, Rajyapala, was driven from
(c) Dharmapala (d) Gopala Kannauj by Mahmud of Ghazni. Vijay Sena was ruler
of Bengal region and succeeded him as a Sena
SSC CHSL 10/08/2021 (Shift-II) dynasty during 11th and 12th centuries.
Ans. (c) : Vikramshila was founded by Pala king, 232. Who was the best-known Chahawana or
Dharmapala in the late 8th or early 9th century. It Chauhan ruler who defeated sultan
prospered for about four centuries before it was Muhammad Ghori in 1191 A.D. ?
destroyed by Bakhtiyar Khilji along with the other
major centres of Buddhism in India around 1193 AD. (a) Ajayraja (b) Arnoraja
(c) Prithviraja III (d) Vigraharaja
14. Rajput Period SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-I)
Ans : (c) Prithviraj III, known as Prithviraj Chauhan
228. Under which of the following rulers did Delhi (1178-1192 AD) was a Hindu Kshatriya king of the
first became a capital? Chauhan dynasty, who ruled Ajmer and Delhi in the
(a) Chauhans of Ajmer (b) Iltutmish Dynasty late 12th century in northern India. Prithviraj III in the
year 1191 AD, defeated Muhammad Ghori in the first
(c) Khilji Dynasty (d) Tomara Rajputs battle of Tarain and a year later in 1192 AD, in the
SSC CGL 11/04/2022 (Shift-III) second battle of Tarain, Muhammad Ghori defeated
Ans : (d) Delhi became the capital of a kingdom for the Prithviraja Chauhan.
first time under the Tomara Rajputs (8th century-12th 233. Who among the following Rajput rulers
century). defeated Muhammad Ghori in the First Battle
229. When defeat was certain, then ____ men had to of Tarain in 1191 AD?
perform a ritual called 'Shaka' (or 'Shak') (a) Rana Kumbha (b) Maldeo Rathore
which was their final battle from which they (c) Prithviraj Chauhan (d) Bappa Rawal
could not return.
SSC CGL 11/04/2022 (Shift-I)
(a) Maratha (b) Sikh
Ans : (c) See the explanation of the above question.
(c) Mughal (d) Rajpoot
234. _____ has defeated Mohammad Ghori in 1191.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 19/06/2019 (Shift-III)
(a) Gaharwal (b) Chalukya
Ans. (d) : Shaka or Saka was a ritual associated with
Jauhar in which the men would simultaneously march (c) Chauhan (d) Maurya
to their deaths at the hand of enemies. This is SSC CPO-SI 24/11/2020 (Shift-II)
associated with Rajput Kingdoms. Ans. (c) : See the explanation of the above question.

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235. Prithviraj Chauhan defeated Muhammad Ans : (c) Someshwar Chauhan was the father of
Ghori in a battle in the year –––– but lost to Prithviraj Chauhan. He was the Hindu ruler of the
him the following year. Chauhan Dynasty, who ruled Ajmer and Delhi in the
(a) 1176 (b) 1191 latter half of the 12th century. Prithviraj Chauhan was
(c) 1163 (d) 1182 born in Ajmer state.
SSC CHSL 26/10/2020 (Shift-I)
242. Name the poet who wrote “Prithviraj Raso”, a
Ans. (b) : See the explanation of the above question. poem describing Prithviraj Chauhan’s life
236. Prithviraj III was the king of_______dynasty (a) Vir Siroja
who defeated Sultan Muhammad Gori in 1191.
(b) Chand Bardai
(a) Chedi (b) Gahadavala
(c) Meerja Umed
(c) Chahman (d) Ganga
(d) Nur Fateh
Ans. (c) : See the explanation of the above question.
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 08.01.17, 10 am)
237. Who among the following was the court poet of
Prithviraj Chauhan? Ans : (b) Chand Bardai was an Indian poet, who
(a) Bhagwan Das (b) Chand Bardai composed Prithviraj Raso, an epic poem in Brajbhasa
(c) Bilhana (d) Asanga about the life of the Chauhan king Prighviraj Chauhan.
SSC JE Mechanical - 25/09/2019 (Shift-II) It also describes the struggle between the Rajputs and
Muhammad Ghori, besides providing details on the
Ans. (b) : Chand Bardai was a friend, a state poet and
Adi Mahakavi of Hindi of the Hindu emperor political, military and socio-economic structure of the
Prithviraj Chauhan of Delhi. Chand Bardai has the Rajputs.
honor of being the first Hindi poet and his creation 243. What were the two major cities under control
Prithviraj Raso to be the first Hindi creation. of the Chahamanas?
238. Who among the following was greatest ruler of (a) Delhi and Ajmer
Pratihara Dynasty ?
(b) Lahore and Amritsar
(a) Nagabhatta (b) Ramabhadra
(c) Alwar and Ujjain
(c) Mihir Bhoja (d) Samantasena
SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Shift-II) (d) Panipat and Kurukshetra
Ans. (c) : Mihir Bhoj was the king whose reign was SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-III)
considered as the Golden time of Pratihara dynasty. He Ans. (a) : Both the cities of Delhi and Ajmer were
was a Vaishnavite. He had the title of Aadivarah and under the control of Chahamans / Chauhan dynasty. In
Prabhas. The famous traveller Suleman visited his court. the middle of the 9th century, Vigraharaj (Visaldev)
239. Mihira Bhoja was the ruler of ––––––. conquered Delhi from the Tomar dynasty ruler. Due to
(a) Rashtrakuta (b) Chola which both of these cities came under the control of
(c) Pratihara (d) Chalukya Chahamans. Prithviraj-III was the last powerful ruler
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-III) of this dynasty.
Ans. (c) : See the explanation of the above question. 244. The _____ rulers established their religious
240. Prithviraj Chauhan married_____. She was the capital at Khajuraho.
daughter of his enemy Jaichand Gahadwal. (a) Chola (b) Chandela
(a) Krishnavati (b) Purvavati (c) Maurya (d) Gupta
(c) Samyukta (d) Saumyavati SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 19/06/2019 (Shift-III)
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 09.01.17, 4:15 pm) Ans. (b) : Chandela rulers established their religious
Ans : (c) Prithviraja Chauhan was the last Hindu capital at Khajuraho. The rulers of the Chandela
emperor of Delhi and he married Samyukta after dynasty have a special contribution to the history of
revolting against her father for their marriage
Bundelkhand (erstwhile name-Jejakabhukti) as the
Samyukta, also known as Sanyogita. Samyukta or
Sanyukta is a character in the medieval Indian heroic Chandels originated in the Bundelkhand region
romance Prithviraj Raso. According to the text, she was initially,their capital was Kalinjar (Mahoba).
the daughter of Jaichand, the King of Kannauj, and one 245. Which of the following dynasties made
of three wives of Prithviraj Chauhan.
Kannauj (Kanyakubja) its capital city?
241. Who was Prithviraj Chauhan's father? (a) Sena dynasty (b) Pala dynasty
(a) Jeet Chauhan
(c) Pratihara dynastty (d) Chola dynasty
(b) Hayat Chauhan
(c) Someshwar Chauhan SSC CHSL 15/04/2021 (Shift-II)
(d) Trilok Chauhan Ans : (c) Pratihara dynastty made Kannauj
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 10.01.17, 1:15 pm) (Kanyakubja) its capital city.

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15. Ancient Indian Art and Ans : (b) See the explanation of the above question.
Literature 252. In which of the following states is Kardang
Monastery situated ?
(i) Architecture (a) West Bengal (b) Sikkim
(c) Karnataka (d) Himachal Pradesh
246. In which city of Gujarat will you find the
Uparkot Buddhist Caves? SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I)
(a) Bhavnagar (b) Vadodara Ans : (d) Kardang Monastery is a famous place of
Buddhism which is located in Lahaul – Spiti district of
(c) Junagadh (d) Anand Himachal Pradesh. This Monastery is 3500 meters
SSC CGL 12/04/2022 (Shift-II) above sea level on the banks of the Bhaga River. This
Ans. (c) Uparkot caves are ancient man made caverns. monastery is known for its attractive architecture
The caves are a part of the Junagadh Buddhist Cave murals and collection of Thangas paintings and
Groups situated in the eastern part of Junagardh, Gujarat. instruments.
247. The Bhaja Caves are located in ______. 253. ____is famous for outstanding specimen of
(a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Maharashtra Buddhist art and architecture, belonging to the
period between the 3rd century B.C. and the
(c) Rajasthan (d) Bihar
12th century A.D.
SSC CGL 12/04/2022 (Shift-III)
(a) Satna (b) Vidisha
Ans. (b) The Bhaja Caves are the group of rock cut (c) Sanchi (d) Dewas
caves located in Pune, Maharashtra.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-III)
248. Ajanta Caves is in………
Ans : (c) Sanchi is famous for outstanding specimen of
(a) Maharashtra (b) Himachal Pradesh Buddhist art and architecture, belonging to the period
(c) Karnataka (d) Madhya Pradesh between 3rd century BC and 12th century AD. Sanchi is
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 30-08-2016, 4:15 pm a small village situated on the bank of Betwa River in
Ans : (a) Ajanta is a series of rock-cut caves in the Raisen district of Madhya Pradesh. Sanchi Stupa was
Sahyadri ranges (Western Ghats) on Waghora river built by Ashoka the Great.
near Aurangabad in Maharashtra. There a total of 29 254. The famous Dilwara temples of Mount Abu
caves (all Buddhist) of which 25 were used as Viharas sacred pilgrimage place for the
or residential caves while 4 were used as Chaitya or (a) Buddhists (b) Jains
prayer halls. The caves were developed in the period (c) Sikh (d) Parsis
between 200 B.C. to 650 A.D. The Ajanta caves were
inscribed by the Buddhist monks, under the patronage SSC CGL (TIER-1) 01-09-2016, 10 am
of the Vakataka kings–Harishena being a prominent Ans : (b) Dilwara Temple is a group of five temples
one. These paintings contains of flora and fauna. located in Mount Abu Nagar in Sirohi district of
249. In which of the following states is the Ajanta Rajasthan. This temple is dedicated to Jain 'Tirthankaras'.
caves situated? This temple was constructed by two brothers named
Vastupala and Tejpala in 1231 AD. The temple is also
(a) Kerala (b) Maharashtra
known as Adilshahi or Viamalvasahi temple.
(c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Uttar Pradesh
255. In which of the following place, are the
SSC CHSL 10/08/2021 (Shift-II) Dilwara temples of Jainism located ?
Ans. (b) : See the explanation of the above question. (a) Mount Abu (b) Jaipur
250. Which of the following is not true about Ajanta (c) Bhubaneswar (d) Indore
Caves? SSC CHSL 18/03/2020 (Shift-III)
(a) They are in Maharashtra
Ans. (a) : See the explanation of the above question.
(b) They are decorated with Buddhist Art
(c) They depict the techniques used in Ancient 256. Which dynasty built the pancha rathas of
India Mahabalipuram ?
(d) They do not contain paintings of flora and (a) Chola (b) Satavahana
fauna (c) Chera (d) Pallava
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 01-09-2016, 4:15 pm SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 05/03/2020 (Shift-I)
Ans : (d) See the explanation of the above question. Ans. (d) : The city Mahabalipuram or Mamallapuram
(Tamil Nadu) was established by Pallava ruler
251. The rock-cut cave monuments at Ajanta in Narsingh Varman II who was also known as Mamalla.
Maharashtra belong to which religion? The temple contains 8 rathas of which the Dharmaraja
(a) Sikhism (b) Buddhism Rath is the biggest. The city consists of panch rath
(c) Christianity (d) Hinduism along with Ekashm temple and remains 7 other
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 03-09-2016, 10 am temple, and thus is also known as Sapta Pagoda.

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257. Mahabalipuram was founded by………. 262. The famous cultural site Rani-ki-Vav (The
(a) Rajaraja Chola Queen's Stepwell) is situated on the banks of
(b) Narasimha Varman which river ?
(a) Mahanadi (b) Yamuna River
(c) Chandragupta Maurya
(c) Saraswati River (d) Hooghly River
(d) Vivasvan
SSC CHSL 20/10/2020 (Shift-II)
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 30.01.17, 4:15 pm)
Ans. (c) : Rani-ki-Vav (The Queen's Stepwell) is a
Ans : (b) See the explanation of the above question.
World Heritage Site in Patan (Gujarat) on the banks of
258. Kandariya Mahadeva Temple was constructed Saraswati River. Its construction was started by Rani
by ––––––. Udaymati of Solanki dynasty in the memory of Raja
(a) Chandelas (b) Cholas Bhimdev Solanki and was completed by king Karan
(c) Pallavas (d) Hoysalas Dev. It was made for water harvesting as rainwater
conservation was done in this. It has been listed as one
SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Shift-III) of UNESCO's World Heritage Site since 2014.
Ans. (a) : Kandariya Mahadev Temple is located in 263. ‘Rani ki Vav’ in Gujarat is a famous…………
Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh. This temple was built
around 1015-1050 AD by the mighty king Vidyadhara (a) University (b) Valley of Flowers
of the Chandela dynasty. (c) Stepwell (d) Temple
Kandariya the temple of 'Mahadev' is the biggest, (SSC 10+2 CHSL 07.02.17, 1:15 pm)
tallest and very important from an artistic point of Ans : (c) See the explanation of the above question.
view. This temple is also known as 'Chaturbhuj
Temple'. This temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva. 264. Which temples are well-known for their
Nagara style of architecture having erotic
259. Khajuraho Group of monuments are attributed sculpturs?
to which dynasty? (a) Khajuraho (b) Somnath
(a) Chandela (b) Mughal (c) Hampi (d) Meenakshi
(c) Maurya (d) Shunga SSC GD 14/02/2019 (Shift-II)
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 20.01.17, 1:15 pm)
Ans. (a) : The Khajuraho temples of Madhya pradesh
Ans : (a) The Khajuraho Group of Monuments are are famous for their Nagara style architecture and
attributed to the Chandela dynasty which under the tremendous sculpture. It was built under the patronage
sovereignity of Gurjar Pratihars reached its glory. The of Chandela Kings.
ensemble of monuments that have survived belong to
265. The Khajuraho Temples are located in the
the Hindu and Jain Religious practices with a striking
state of ______.
fusion of sculpture and architecture. The best example
of this outstanding feature is seen in the Kandariya (a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Madhya Pradesh
Mahadev Temple. Of the 85 temples built here, only 22 (c) Andhra Pradesh (d) Uttrakhand
temples have survived in an area of 20 km, which SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-III)
represents the Chandela period of the 10th century Ans. (b) : See the explanation of the above question.
located in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, it was
inscribed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site a 266. Ananthapura Lake Temple is a Hindu Temple
cultural property on 1986 for its unique original artistic built in the middle of a lake in.............
creation and proof of the Chandela culture that existed (a) West Bengal (b) Kerala
prior to the Muslim invasion of India in the early 12th (c) Punjab (d) Tamil Nadu
century. SSC JE Mechanical - 27/09/2019 (Shift-II)
260. Chandela Kings are related to which of the Ans. (b) : Ananthapura Lake Temple is a Hindu
following temples? temple situated in "Kasaragod" district of Kerala. Here
(a) Khajuraho (b) Tirupati the main deity is Lord Vishnu. According to local
(c) Rameshwaram (d) Badrinath considerations, the temple is a genesis place of
SSC JE Civil - 29/01/2018 (Shift-I) Padmanabhan Swami and is the only lake temple of
Ans. (a) : See the explanation of the above question.
267. Which of the following is an example of a
261. Which dynasty built the Khajuraho temple Chola empire temple?
(a) Virupaksha temple
(a) Chalukyas (b) Mauryans
(b) Badami cave temple
(c) Pallavas (d) Chandelas
(c) Chennakesava temple
SSC JE Mechanical - 27/09/2019 (Shift-II)
(d) Airavateshvara temple
Ans. (d) : See the explanation of the above question.
SSC CHSL 17/03/2020 (Shift-I)

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Ans. (d) The Chola rulers were great builders and Ans. (b) : Mahabalipuram in state of Tamil Nadu is
during their reign, the most magnificent temples were famous for the splendor of its ancient temple and
built in South India. They ruled for nearly 1500 years architecture. Here the work of constructing artistic
and temples become the centre of importance during temples and caves by carving stone was done during
their power. The Airavatesvara temple at Darasuram in the kings of the Pallava dynasty. Mahabalipuram's
Tamil Nadu was built by the great Chola king Rajaraja prevalent Tamil name is another form of
and it is placed third, after the two famous chola Mamallapuram. This means the city of wrestlers which
temples of Thanjavur and Gangaikondacholpuram has been sent here with the idols of the Ganges. It is
temple. Virupakhsha Temple is one of the famous Lord believed that the Gangavataran has been demonstrated
Shiva temples located in Hampi, Karnataka and it was from the midst of Shiva's Yatra after the severe
built by Krishnadevraya, the ruler of Vijayanagara penance performed by Bhagiratha to the death of his
empire. ancestors.
268. Where is the famous rust–resistant iron pillar 272. Rajrappa is the location of a Shaktipeeth as
located? well as the confluence of the rivers Damodar
and Vera. Which state is it located in?
(a) Mysore (b) Delhi
(a) Bihar (b) Odisha
(c) Hyderabad (d) Kolkata
(c) Jharkhand (d) West Bangal
SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-II) SSC JE Electrical -26/09/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (b) : The famous rust resistant iron pillar is Ans. (c) : Rajarappa is a Shaktipeeth site and
located in the Quwwat-ul-Islam mosque in the Qutub pilgrimage place located in the state of Jharkhand
Complex at New Delhi. This pillar is also called as the India. It is also the confluence of the Damodar and
Victory Pillar and was made in the reign of Gupta Vera rivers. The temple of Maa Chinnamasta situated
dynasty by Chandragupta II Vikramaditya (375-415 at the confluence of the Damodar River is famous as
AD). He erected the pillar around 402 AD. Iltutmish the second largest Shaktipeeth in the world after the
shifted it in 1233 AD as a booty of war from Kamakhya Temple in Assam.
Udayagiri to its current location in the Quwwat-ul-
Islam mosque. The pillar have lot of Sanskrit 273. Which dynasty had developed the Gandhara
inscription all over it. Scientists say that it is made up School of Art in ancient India ?
of high amount of Phosphorus along with the purity of (a) Kushana Dynasty (b) Gupta Dynasty
Iron which has contributed to keep this pillar rust free. (c) Mauryan Dynasty (d) Chola Dynasty
269. The Iron Pillar is located in? SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Shift-I)
(a) Qutb Minar Complex Ans. (a) : Gandhara art flourished in India during the
(b) Humayun’s Tomb rule of the Kushan Empire. Kanishka was the greatest
patron Kushan Art and Architecture. He was a famous
(c) Red Fort Complex supporter of the arts. Gandhara art flourished during
(d) Mahabodhi Temple Complex his reign. The Gandhara school is deeply influenced
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 31.01.17, 4:15 pm) by the spitting system. with the painting
Ans : (a) See the explanation of the above question. 274. Who built the group of monuments at
270. Which of the following Jyotirlingas is in
(a) Chola Kings (b) Pallava Kings
Maharashtra ?
(c) Chera Kings (d) Chalukya Kings
(a) Mahakaleshwar (b) Baidyanath
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 23.01.17, 1:15 pm)
(c) Grishneshwar (d) Malikarjuna
Ans : (b) Mahabalipuram or Seven Pagodas is a temple
SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Shift-III)
of art in Tamil Nadu. It was created by the Pallava
Ans. (c) : Grishneshwar Jyotirlinga is situated near the rulers during 7th & 8th century A.D. The incredible
village of Verul about 18 km from Daulatabad in Ratha cave temple of Mahabalipuram was constructed
Maharashtra. This temple is known as Ghrishneshwar. by the Pallava King, Narsimhavarman (Mahamalla).
This temple was renovated in the 18th century by 275. Where is the Brihadeshwar temple, built during
Maharani Punyashloka Devi Ahilyabai of Holkar the Chola period, is located?
Indore. While Mahakaleshwar Jyotirling is located in (a) Mysore (b) Mahabalipuram
Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh and Vaidynath temple is
located in Deoghar, Jharkhand. (c) Tanjavur (d) Kanyakumari
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 06-09-2016, 4:15 pm
271. The popular rock-cut sculputure, the 'Descent
of the Ganga' is found in which of the Ans : (c) The Brihadeshwara Temple is a Hindu temple
following places of India? dedicated to Lord Shiva located in Thanjavur in Tamil
Nadu. It is also known as Raja Rajeswara temple. It was
(a) Tanjore (b) Mahabalipuram built by Chola ruler Raja Raja I and completed in 1010.
(c) Madurai (d) Mount Abu The temple is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site
SSC JE Mechanical - 25/09/2019 (Shift-II) known as the ''Great living Chola temples".

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276. The famous Brihadeshwara Temple is located in 280. Odisha’s World famous Konark Sun Temple
(a) Madurai (b) Thanjavur was built by___.
(c) Kanchipuram (d) Rameshwaram (a) Krishna dev Ray (b) Ashoka
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 11.01.17, 4:15 pm) (c) Chandragupta (d) Narasimhadeva
Ans : (b) See the explanation of the above question. (SSC 10+2 CHSL 09.01.17, 4:15 pm)
277. A pillar containing inscriptions from three Ans : (d) See the explanation of the above question.
different periods, i.e. the Mauryan period, 281. Which temple is built in the form of the chariot
Gupta period and Mughal period, is located at: of Surya, the Sun God with 24 wheels?
(a) Topra
(a) Soorya Narayana Temple
(b) Allahabad (Prayagraj)
(b) Dakshinaraka Temple
(c) Rummindei
(c) Surya Pahar Temple
(d) Lauriya Nandangarh
(d) Konark Sun Temple
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-I)
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 18.01.17, 10 am)
Ans : (b) A pillar containing inscriptions of three
different period of Mauryan period, Gupta period and Ans : (d) See the explanation of the above question.
Mughal period is located in Allahabad (Prayagraj). 282. What is the popular name of Monolithic rock
Ashoka Pillar has inscriptions of three rulers. It is an shrines at Mahabalipuram?
excellent specimen of archaeological inscription. The
(a) Rathas (b) Prasadas
evidence of the India is found in the inscriptions
inscribed on the top of the Ashoks Pillars. (c) Mathika (d) Gandhakuti
278. Which temple complex is in the shape of a SSC CGL (TIER-1) 28-08-2016, 4:15 pm
gigantic chariot, having elaborately carved Ans : (a) The popular name of Monolithic rock shrines
stone wheels, pillars and walls ? at Mahabalipuram are called Rathas. Mahabalipuram or
(a) Meenakshi Temple Seven Pagodas is a temple of art in Tamil Nadu. It was
(b) Mahabodhi Temple created by the Pallava rulers during 7th & 8th century
(c) Brihadisvara Temple A.D. The incredible Ratha cave temple of
Mahabalipuram was constructed by the Pallava King
(d) Konark Sun Temple
Narsimhavarman (Mahamalla).
(SSC J.E. 04.03.17, 2:45 pm)
283. The Rath temples at Mahabalipuram were
Ans : (d) The Sun Temple of Konark, also known as built by .............
the Black Pagoda is located in the city of Puri in
Odisha. It is a monumental representation of the Sun (a) Cholas (b) Chalukyas
God Surya's chariot; its 24 wheels are decorated with (c) Pallavas (d) Chedis
symbolic designs and it is led by a team of size horses. SSC CGL (TIER-1) 28-08-2017
This temple is built in the Nagara style and red
sandstone and black granite stones have been used in its Ans: (c) See the explanation of the above question.
construction. This temple was built by Ganga Dynasty 284. Chalukya temples (Jain temples) at Dilwara
ruler Narasimha Deva in 1236-1364 AD. This temple are situated in
has been declared by UNESCO as a World Heritage
Site in1984. Its main feature is the sculptures drawn on (a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Uttar Pradesh
its outer walls. (c) Rajasthan (d) Haryana
● Meenakshi Temple–It is located in the city of SSC CGL (TIER-1) 29-08-2016, 10 am
Madurai in Tamil Nadu. It is a temple dedicated to Lord Ans : (c) Located near mount Abu in Rajasthan,
Shiva and Goddess Parvati. Dilwara temples comprise of five Jain temples that are
● Brihadisvara Temple– This temple is a classic known for its religious and architectural significance
example of Chola architecture. It was built by Maharaja built between 11th and 13th centuries AD, These temples
Raj Raj I. are one of the finest example of temples during the
● Mahabodhi Temple–It is located in Bodhgaya, reign of Chalukya dynasty. The temple was built in
Bihar. These sites provide an extraordinary record of 1231AD by two brothers named Vastupala and Tejpal.
events related to the life of Mahatma Buddha and facts Among these temples, the 'Lun Vasahi temple'
related to his workship. dedicated to Neminath, the twenty second pilgrimage of
279. 'Sun Temple' is situated in the state of------------ Jainism, is most popular.
(a) Rajasthan (b) Andhra Pradesh 285. Which of the following place is nearest to
(c) Odisha (d) Tamil Nadu Hemish Math?
SSC GD 18/02/2019 (Shift-III) (a) Gantok (b) Darjeeling
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 02-09-2016, 1:15 pm (c) Leh (d) Dharmshala
Ans : (c) See the explanation of the above question. SSC CPO-SI 25/11/2020 (Shift-I)

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Ans. (c) : Hemis Monastery or Hemis Gompa is about 289. ………..comprises the archaeological remains of
45 km south-east of Leh in the UT of Ladakh. It is a a monastic and scholastic institution.
Buddhist monastery which is attractive and beautiful (a) Nalanda
among all the monasteries in Ladakh. This monastery (b) Rani ki vav
is about 12000 feet. It is situated on the west bank of
the river Indus at high altitude. (c) Hill Forts of Rajasthan
(d) Fatehpur Sikri
286. What is the Mehrauli Pillar in the complex of
Qutub Minar primarily famous for? (SSC 10+2 CHSL 08.02.17, 10 am)
(a) Proverbial height Ans : (a) The Nalanda Mahavihara site is in the state of
(b) Skilful stone cutting Bihar, in north-eastern India. It comprises the
archaeological remains of a monastic and scholastic
(c) Excellent quality steel institution dating from the 3rd century BCE to the 13th
(d) Statue of Buddha on top century CE. It includes stupas, shrines, Viharas
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 02-09-2016, 4:15 pm (residential and educational buildings) and important
Ans : (c) Mehrauli Pillar is famous for excellent art works in stucco, stone and metal. Nalanda stands
quality steel because its high resistance to corrosion out as the most ancient university of the Indian
and has been called a "testimony to the high level of subcontinent.
skill achieved by the ancient Indian iron smiths in the 290. Buddhist Monuments at Sanchi is in...............
extraction and processing of Iron". This piller of the (a) Karnataka (b) Madhya Pradesh
Gupta period is proving the superiority of the then
scientific development. This is a posthumous (c) Maharashtra (d) Rajasthan
inscription. It is mentioned that Chandragupta-II (SSC 10+2 CHSL 07.02.17, 4:15 pm)
defeated the union of kings formed in the Bengal battle Ans : (b) Sanchi is also known as Kakanaya,
field. In the article, Chandragupta-II is said to be a Kakanava, Kakanadabota and Bota Sriparvata in
devotee of Vishnu who established the Vishnu flag on ancient times is situated in the state of Madhya Pradesh.
a mountain called Vishnupad. It is a religious place with historical and archaeological
287. Which of the following is not correctly matched? significance. Sanchi is famous in the world for stupas,
(a) The Mahakaal temple-Ujjain monolithic Asokan pillar, temples, monasteries and
sculptural wealth dating from 3rd century BC to 12th
(b) Sringeri Matha- Chikkmanglur district century AD.
(c) The Sun Temple- Konark
291. Nalanda Mahavihara site is in
(d) Jain temples-Khajuraho
(a) Rajasthan (b) Assam
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 08-09-2016, 4:15 pm
(c) Bihar (d) Gujarat
Ans : (d) The Jain temples are associated with Dilwara
near Mount Abu, Rajasthan's only hill station. These (SSC 10+2 CHSL 09.01.17, 10 am)
Jain temples were built by Vastupal–Tejpal. Khajuraho Ans. (c) Nalanda Mahavihara site is in the state of Bihar.
is famous for its erotic temples and sculpture. The 292. Group of Monuments at Pattadakal is in
Mahakaal temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva, which is
situated in Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh). Shringeri Matha (a) Maharashtra (b) Himachal Pradesh
is located in the Chikkamangalur district on the banks (c) Karnataka (d) Madhya Pradesh
of the Tunga River, this monastery reflects the tradition (SSC 10+2 CHSL 17.01.17, 1:15 pm)
of Yajurveda. The monastery is set in the Hoysala and Ans : (c) Group of Monuments at Pattadakal is situated
Dravidian installation style. The Sun temple is located in the southern state of Karnataka. It is famous for their
in Konark (Odisha), it was established by king harmonious blend of architectural forms of northern
Narsimhadeva of Ganga dynasty. and southern India. Pattadakal, was the capital of the
288. Shiva cave is located in……….. Chalukya dynasty of medieval India. This famous
(a) Ajanta Caves (b) Ellora Caves world heritage site consists of a group of ten major
(c) Elephanta Caves (d) Badami Caves temples, each displaying interesting architectural
features. These Group of Monuments at Pattadakal was
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 02.02.17, 10 am) built by Chalukya kings.
Ans : (c) Elephanta Caves are a UNESCO World 293. Who built the Group of Monuments at Pattadakal?
Heritage Site and a collection of cave temples
predominantly dedicated to the Hindu God Lord Shiva. (a) Chola Kings (b) Pallava Kings
The cave of Shiva at Elephanta has at least ten distinct (c) Chera Kings (d) Chalukya Kings
representations of Shiva: two of these Shiva as (SSC 10+2 CHSL 27.01.17, 10 am)
Ardhanarishvara, in which Shiva and the goddess Parvati Ans : (d) See the explanation of the above question.
is joined as one, and Shiva as Gangadhara, in which
Shiva is shown bearing the force of the river goddess 294. The oldest rock-cut architecture is found in.......
Ganga's descends to earth, are referenced below. Shiva's (a) Rajasthan (b) Bihar
manifestation as Sadashiva where in the manifold (c) Karnataka (d) Mizoram
aspects of Shiva are depicted on multiple faces. (SSC 10+2 CHSL 07.02.17, 10 am)

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Ans : (b) The oldest rock-cut architecture is found in Ans : (a) Elephanta caves are located in Maharashtra.
the Barabar caves, Bihar, which were built around the In other words we can say that it is located in Mumbai
3rd century BC. Other early cave temples are found in Harbour. The caves here are mainly related to
the western Deccan. These are mostly Buddhist shrines Shaivism. It is in the form of, elephant that the famous
and Monasteries dating between 100 BC and 170 AD. trinity of Shiva is found which is called 'Mahesh
Most of them belong to the Mauryan period. On murthy. They were built by the Rashtrakuta rulers.
Barabar hills, Ashoka built four caves for the
livelihoods, namely Karan Chaupar, Sudama, Lomas 300. Elephanta Caves is located in which city?
Rishi and Vishvakarma. There are a total of seven caves (a) Nashik (b) Kolhapur
on these hills, three of which have inscriptions of (c) Pune (d) Mumbai
Ashoka. (SSC 10+2 CHSL 17.01.17, 1:15 pm)
295. Ellora Caves is in_____. Ans : (d) See the explanation of the above question.
(a) Karnataka (b) Madhya pradesh
301. ……….caves are a network of sculpted caves
(c) Maharashtra (d) Rajasthan located in Mumbai Harbour.
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 10.01.17, 4:15 pm) (a) Ajanta (b) Ellora
Ans : (c) Ellora is a UNESCO World Heritage Site (c) Elephanta (d) Badami
located in the Aurangabad district of Maharashtra, (SSC 10+2 CHSL 21.01.17, 4:15 pm)
India. It is one of the largest rock-cut Hindu temple
cave complexes in the world, featuring Hinduism in Ans : (c) See the explanation of the above question.
particular and few Buddhist and Jain monuments with 302. Elephanta caves are attributed to which God?
artwork dating from the 600-1000 CE period. It was (a) Shiva (b) Krishna
built during the Rashtrakuta dynasty.
(c) Indra (d) Hanuman
296. Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka is located in the
foothills of? (SSC 10+2 CHSL 27.01.17, 4:15 pm)
(a) Western Ghats (b) Aravalli Range Ans : (a) See the explanation of the above question.
(c) Vindhya Range (d) Eastern Ghats 303. The earliest reference to sati custom is made in
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 30.01.17, 1:15 pm) which of the following inscriptions?
Ans : (c) Bhimbetka caves are located in the Raisen (a) Allahabad Pillar inscription
District of Madhya Pradesh. These rock shelters are in (b) Eran inscription of Bhanugupta
the foothills of the Vindhyan Mountains on the (c) Aihole inscription of Pulkesin II
Southern edge of the central Indian plateau. Dr. V.S. (d) Bhitan inscription of Skandgupta
Wakankar (one of the most renowed archeologists),
discovered these caves in 1958. The word 'Bhimbetka', SSC CGL (TIER-1) 01-09-2016, 1:15 pm
is derived from 'Bhim Baitka'. These caves are named Ans : (b) The earliest historical evidence of the Sati
after 'Bhima', one of the five Pandavas of Mahabharata. system is found in an inscription engraved in 510 AD.
Bhimbetka simply means "sitting place of Bhima". on a pillar found at Eran near Sagar in Madhya Pradesh,
297. Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka is in……….. i.e. the Eran posthumous inscription of Goparaja.
Ascribed to Bhanugupta, the inscription mentions that
(a) Maharashtra (b) Himachal Pradesh
his wife followed him on the pyre after his death in the
(c) Karnataka (d) Madhya Pradesh battle against the Hunas.
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 02.02.17, 1:15 pm) 304. The famous Vishnu temple at Angkor Wat in
Ans : (d) See the explanation of the above question. Cambodia was built by?
298. Which is representative of Dravida style of (a) Shrutavarman (b) Suryavarman II
temple architecture? (c) Indravarman (d) Aniruddha
(a) Viman (b) Shikhara SSC CGL (TIER-1) 11-09-2016, 4:15 pm
(c) Mandapa (d) Gopuram Ans : (b) The Vishnu Temple at Ankor Wat in
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 10.01.17, 4:15 pm) Combodia was built by the Khmer king Suryavarman II
Ans : (a) Vimana is the structure over the garbhagriha in the early 12th century in Yasodharapura (Present-day
or inner sanctum in the Hindu temples of south India Angkor), The capital of the Khmer empire, as his state
and Odisha in east India is like a stepped pyramid that temple and eventual mausoleum. It was gradually
rises up geometrically rather than the curving Shikhara transformed into a Buddhist temple toward the end of
of North India. The front wall has an entrance geteway the 12th century.
in its centre, which is known as a Gopuram. 305. Gyana Saraswati temple of southern India is
299. Elephanata Caves is in located at:
(a) Maharashtra (b) Odisha (a) Puducherry (b) Tirunelveli
(c) Rajasthan (d) Sikkim (c) Thrissur (d) Basara
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 07.01.17, 10 am) SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-II)

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Ans. (d) : Gyana Saraswati Temple of South India is a 310. Kapaleeswarar Temple in Tamil Nadu is
famous pilgrimage site located in Basara Village of dedicated to which Indian God ?
Nirmal district of Telangana state. This temple is built (a) Vishnu (b) Durga
on white stones and has a four feet high grand statue (c) Brahma (d) Shiva
of Maa Saraswati installed. This temple is situated on
the banks of river Godavari called as Ganga of south SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Shift-I)
India or Dakshni Ganga. Ans. (d) : Lord 'Shiva' is worshiped in the
306. Which historical site is located in 'Jaugada' in Kapaleeswarar temple of Tamil Nadu. It is one of the
Odisha ? oldest and famous temples of South India. This temple
is located in Mylapore, Chennai city. The
(a) Artefacts of Mauryan empire Kapaleshwar temple was built by the Pallavas in the
(b) Kings Amphitheater of Gupta dynasty 7th century
(c) Palace of the Nawabs of Bengal 311. Temple for Goddess Nishumbhasudini was
(d) Rock edicts of Ashoka built by ––––––.
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-II) (a) Pallavas (b) Cholas
Ans : (d) The first inscription in India was introduced by (c) Gupta Dynasty (d) Muttraiyar
Ashoka. His inscription were issued as a state order, SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Ashoka was the first ruler who addressed Public through Ans. (b) : In the 9th century, the Chola dynasty was
inscriptions. The Jaugada inscription is in Ganjam, Odisha. established on the ruins of the Pallavas. The founder of
It was discovered by Walter Elliot in 1850 A.D. this dynasty was Vijayalaya (850 – 871 AD) whose
307. The famous caves of Udayagiri and capital was Thanjavur. Vijayalaya assumed the title of
Khandagiri are located in _________ 'Parakesari' and built a temple of 'Nishumbhasudini Devi'.
(a) Uttrakhand (b) Tripura 312. Ajanta and Ellora caves are located in which
(c) Odisha (d) Chhattisgarh state of India ?
SSC CPO-SI 23/11/2020 (Shift-II) (a) Goa (b) Madhya Pradesh
Ans. : (c) Udayagiri and Khandagiri are the two hills (c) Bihar (d) Maharashtra
located near Bhubaneshwar in Odisha. There are SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Shift-II)
partially artificial caves in these hills which are of Ans. (d) Ajanta and Ellora caves are located in
archaeological, historical and religious importance. In Maharashtra.
the 'Hathigumpha inscription', its description is found
as 'Kumari Parvat'. There are 18 caves in Udayagiri 313. The Chaiturgarh Fort in Korba, Chhattisgarh
and 15 caves in Khandagiri. is home to a famous and unique temple. Which
is that temple ?
308. Charupallam, 'the village of the Incline' is
located near which temple ? (a) Adi Shankaracharya temple
(a) Jagannath Puri (b) Varaha Murthy temple
(b) Tirupati Temple (c) Yudhistira temple
(c) Rajarajeshwara Temple (d) Mahishasur Mardini temple
(d) Konark Temple SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Shift-III)
SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Shift-III) Ans. (d) : The Chaiturgarh Fort in Korba,
Chhattisgarh is home to a famous and unique temple
Ans. (c) To built the Rajarajeshvara temple at Mahishasur Mardini. Another Mahishasur Mardini,
Thanjavur architects built an inclined path to the top Mandapa was built by Pallava dynasty in
of the temple to place a boulder on rollers, which was Kanchipuram district of Tamil Nadu.
rolled in all the way to the top of the shikhara. Even
today, a village near the Rajarajeshvara temple is 314. Which of the following cities is home of the famous
called Charupallam, the "Village of the Incline". Swaminarayan Akshardham temple in India?
309. Which of the following temple is built by (a) Mysore (b) Madurai
Rastrakutas Dynasty ? (c) Vadodara (d) New Delhi
(a) Kailash Temple SSC CHSL 15/10/2020 (Shift-II)
(b) Adi Kumbeswarar Ans. (d) : Akshardham Temple located in New Delhi
(c) Brihadeshwara Temple is also called Swaminarayan Akshardham Temple. It is
(d) Chennakeshava Temple one of the largest Hindu temple complexes in India
which officially opened on 6 November, opened to the
SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Shift-I) public in 2005. This temple has been built in the
Ans. (a) : Kailasha temple was built by the 8th century memory of Jyotirdhar Swami Narayan Bhagwan.
Rashtrakuta king Krishna-I. It is located in Ellora cave 315. Meenakshi Temple is located in which state ?
in Aurangabad, Maharashtra. There are 34 caves in
Ellora. The Kailashanatha temple (Cave 16) in one of (a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Kerala
the 34 cave temple & Monasteries known collectively (c) Tamil Nadu (d) Karnataka
as the Ellora caves. SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Shift-III)

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Ans. (c) : Meenakshi Temple is a famous temple located 321. Who among the following was a contributor to
in the city of Madurai in the state of Tamil Nadu. This the subject of medicine in ancient India?
temple is also known as Meenakshi Sundareswarar (a) Harsha (b) Bhasa
Temple or Meenakshi Amman Temple. This temple is (c) Charaka (d) Panini
dedicated to Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati.
SSC CGL 20/04/2022 (Shift-II)
316. The Biraja Temple, the Rajarani Temple and
the Samaleswari Temple are all located in–––. Ans.(c) Charaka was one of the principal contributors
to Ayurveda, a system of medicine and life style
(a) Assam (b) Tamil Nadu developed in Ancient India.
(c) Kerala (d) Odisha
322. Who among the following was an ancient
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 04/03/2020 (Shift-I) Indian mathematician-astronomer?
Ans. (d) : Biraja Temple, Rajarani Temple and (a) Amalananda (b) Nagarjuna
Samaleshwari Temple, all are located in Odisha. The
(c) Varahamihira (d) Banabhatta
Jagannath Temple of Puri and the Sun Temple of Konark
are world famous among other temples of Odisha. SSC CGL 20/04/2022 (Shift-III)
317. ‘Dharmaraja (Yudhishthir) Ratha’, ‘Bhima Ans. (c) Among the following Varahmihira was an
Ratha’, ‘Arjuna Ratha’ and ‘Nakula Sahadeva ancient Indian mathematician-astronomer who wrote a
Ratha’ are four of the Panch Rathas at book Brihat-Samhita.
Mahabalipuram. What is the name of the fifth 323. Which of the following books was written by
Ratha? Panini?
(a) Bhishma Ratha (b) Krishna Ratha (a) Raghuvamsam (b) Kathasaritsagara
(c) Karna Ratha (d) Draupadi Ratha (c) Ashtadhyayi (d) Manusmriti
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 05/03/2020 (Shift-II) SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 20/08/2021 (Shift III)
Ans. (d) : The Pallava dynasty kings built Pancha Ans. (c) : ‘Ashtadhyayi’, a book on grammar is
Rathas in the 7th century on the names of the written by Sanskrit scholar Panini. Some important
characters of Mahabharata by King Mahendravarman books and their authors are listed below –
and his son Narasimhavarman I (630-668 AD). Which
are as follows- 1. Dharmaraja Ratha (Yudhisthir Author Book
Ratha) 2. Bhima Ratha 3. Arjuna Ratha 4. Nakula Kalidasa – Raghuvamsham,
Sahadeva Ratha and 5. Draupadi Ratha. Abhijnanashakuntalam
318. Where is the Dharmraja Ratha monument Somdeva – Kathasaritsagara,
located? Lalitvigrahraj
(a) Suchindram (b) Kanchipuram Bhrigu – Manu Smriti
(c) Mahabalipuram (d) Khajuraho Nagarjuna – Satasahrika
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 07/03/2020 (Shift-I) Narayan Bhatt – Hitopadesh
Ans : (c) See the expalanation of the above question. 324. ‘Ashtadhyayi’, written by Sanskrit scholar
Panini, is a book on ______.
(a) medicine (b) law
(ii) Literature
(c) economy (d) grammar
319. With reference to the early Indian history, who SSC CGL 18/04/2022 (Shift-III)
among the following was famous in the field of Ans. (d) See the explanation of above question.
325. The rules made for the ______ were written
(a) Banabhatta (b) Visakhadatta down in a book called ‘Vinaya Pitaka’.
(c) Harisena (d) Charaka (a) Vaishnavites (b) Buddhist sangha
SSC MTS 13/10/2021 (Shift-I) (c) Lingayats (d) Shakta cult
Ans. (d) : In ancient India, Charaka was a famous in SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 18/08/2021 (Shift II)
the field of medicine. He is the renowned author of the
oldest surviving text in Ayurveda Charaka Samhita. Ans. (b) : The tripitaka of Buddhism consists of
320. Si-yu-ki or Buddhist Records of the Western Vinay Pitaka : consist of the disciplinary rules, acts
World was written by: and duties for mulated by Buddha.
(a) Marco Polo (b) Fa-Hien Sutta Pitaka : It contains teachings of Buddha, as
deciphered by Ananda & Upali.
(c) Abdur Razzak (d) Hiuen Tsiang
Abhidhammaka Pitaka : consists of summary of
SSC CGL 20/04/2022 (Shift-II) Buddhas teaching.
Ans.(d) Book Author 326. As per Tamil Tradition, Assemblies of poets –
Si - yu - ki Hiuen Tsiang known as 'Sangam' were held at:
The Travels of Marko Polo Marko Polo (a) Madurai (b) Mahabalipuram
Matla-us-Sadain wa-Majma-ul-Bahrain Abdul Razzaq (c) Puhar (d) Arikamedu
Fo-kwo-ki Fa-Hian SSC JE Electrical 29.10.2020 (Shift-II)

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Ans (a) : In South India (the area south of the Krishna Ans. (a) : Judaism is the religion of Israel and Hebrew
and Tungabhadra rivers). The period between about speakers. In this religion, there is a predominance of
300 BCE to 300 AD is known as 'Sangam Period'. monotheism and the messenger of god, that is the
Tamil poets organized gatherings called it 'Sangam' in Prophet. Judaism texts are Tanakh, Talmud and
the eighth century. There is a description of three Midrash. The Jewish prayer place is called Synagogue.
confluences first Madurai, Second Kapatapuram, third 332. Who among the following was the first
was held in Madurai. grammarian of the Sanskrit language?
327. Who wrote the 'Amuktamalyada' ? (a) Kalhana (b) Maitreyi
(a) Krishnadevaraya (b) Brahmadeva Raya (c) Kalidasa (d) Panini
(c) Bukka Raya (d) Harihara Raya SSC CGL (TIER-1) 08-09-2016, 4:15 pm
SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Shift-II) Ans : (d) Panini is considered as the first grammarian
Ans. (a) : Krishnadevaraya of Tuluva dynasty of of Sanskrit language. He is particularly known for his
Vijayanagara composed two literary works: formulation of the 3,959 rules of Sanskrit morphology,
1. Amuktamalyada → Telugu syntax and semantics in the grammar known as
Ashtadhyayi, the foundational text of the grammatical
2. Jambavati Kalyanum → Sanskrit branch of the Vedanga, the auxiliary scholarly
The 8 excellent poets of Telugu literature were disciplines of the historical Vedic religion.
patronized by Krishnadevaraya as "Ashtadiggaj". His
reign was termed as the" classical period of Telugu 333. What is the name of the book written by Panini?
literature." Two great travellers Domingo Paes and (a) Mahabhashya (b) Mitakshara
Barbosa visited his court. (c) Madhyamika Karika (d) Ashtadhyayi
328. Who were the patrons Sangama Literature? SSC CGL (TIER-1) 07-09-2016, 10 am
(a) Nayakas (b) Chandellas Ans : (d) See the explanation of the above question.
(c) Pandyas (d) Solankis 334. The Arthashastra was written by
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 31-08-2016, 4:15 pm (a) Chanakya (b) Kalidas
Ans : (c) Sangama literature is the name given to the (c) Harsha Vardhans (d) Vatsayayana
earliest available Tamil literature. Sangam, the (SSC 10+2 CHSL 07.01.17, 10 am)
association of poets and literature, took place under the
patronage of the Pandya rulers. The first Sangama Ans : (a) The Arthashastra was written by Chanakya, the
(conference of poets) was held in Madurai under the great scholar behind the establishment of the Magadha
chairmanship of Agastya Rishi. empire. Chanakya, also known as Kautilya was the Prime
Minister to the King Chandragupta Maurya. The book
329. Tolkappiyar is a famous ancient grammarian deals with various aspect of statecraft that must be taken
of the –––––language. into consideration by a monarch in order to be able to rule
(a) Tamil (b) Telugu his subjects effectively.
(c) Kannada (d) Oriya 335. The important book written by Kautilya is
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-I) (a) Arthashastra
Ans : (a) Tolkappiyar is a famous ancient grammarian (b) Indica
of the Tamil language. He is the author of (c) Arya Manju Sri Mula Kapa
'Tolkappiyam, an ancient text of Tamil grammar. (d) Rajatarangini
330. Which of the following books is written by SSC CGL (TIER-1) 06-09-2016, 1:15 pm
Ans : (a) See the explanation of the above question.
(a) Kumarasambhava (b) Shakuntala
(c) Brihat Samhita (d) Ritusamhara 336. Who wrote the Panchatantra?
SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Shift-I) (a) Vyasa (b) Vishnu Sharma
Ans. (c) : Varahmihira was born in Kapith Village (c) Valmiki (d) Yajnavalkya
near Ujjain in a Brahmin family. Aryabhatta was the (SSC 10+2 CHSL 10.01.17, 4:15 pm)
teacher of Varahmihira. Varahmihira wrote several Ans : (b) Panchtantra is an ancient Indian collection of
books like Brihat Samhita, Panchsiddhantika. animal fables of stories. It was written by Vishnu Sharma
Varahmihir was one of the nine jewels (Navratas) of Indian scholar and author. It is one of the most famous
Gupta king Chandragupta II Vikramaditya. non-religion books, translated in different languages and is
Note: Kumarsambhavam, Abhigyan Shakuntalam are known by different names in different cultures. The book
literary works of Kalidasa. was originally written in Sanskrit language.
331. The 'Tanakh' is the sacred text of which 337. In which of the following languages did
religion/sect? Kamban wrote Ramayan ?
(a) Judaism (b) Zen Buddhism (a) Kannada (b) Malyalam
(c) Confucianism (d) Taoism (c) Tamil (d) Telgu
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-III) SSC CPO-SI 24/11/2020 (Shift-I)

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Ans. : (c) Kamban composed the Ramayana in Tamil (iii) Painting

language called 'Kamba Ramayanam'. The original
text 'Ramayan', was composed by Maharishi Valmiki 343. Oil paint was first used for Buddhist paintings
in Sanskrit language. Tulsidas composed 'Shri by Indian and Chinese painters in western
Ramcharitmanas' in Awadhi language. ……..sometime between the fifth and tenth
338. Which of the following is associated with the centuries.
Sanskrit Mahabharata ? (a) Iraq (b) Afghanistan
(a) Gitagovida (b) Yuddha Kanda (c) Pakistan (d) India
(c) Shanti Parva (d) Kathasaritsagar (SSC 10+2 CHSL 19.01.17, 10 am)
SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Shift-III) Ans : (b) Oil paint was first used for Buddhist
Ans. (c) : Shanti Parva is related to Mahabharata. paintings by Indian and Chinese painters in western
There are 365 chapters in Shanti Parva. At the end of Afghanistan's Bamiyan Valley using oil from walnut
the war in Shanti Parva, Yudhishthira is mourned and and poppy seeds.
repented by all the people including Shri Krishna.
Preaching of religion etc. is described. 344. Which tales are related with the painting and
sculptures of the Ajanta caves ?
339. Who wrote the play 'Mricchakatika' (The (a) Pentamerone Tales (b) Panchatantra Tales
Little Clay Cart), a social drama with touches
of grim reality? (c) Hitopadesha Tales (d) Jataka Tales
(a) Magh (b) Raidasa SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 09/03/2020 (Shift-II)
(c) Shudraka (d) Kalidasa Ans. (d) : Jataka stories are related to sculptures.
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 07/03/2020 (Shift-II) Painting of Ajanta Cave (Aurangabad, Maharashtra)
and Jataka tales are the stories of the previous births of
Ans. (c) : “Shudraka” is the creator of social drama Lord Buddha. In these stories, an attempt has been
called Mrichhakatikam (earthen toy or clay buggy). made to explain policy and religion through
The great poet Magha composed Shishupalavadh, entertainment. Jataka is the tenth famous text of
Kalidasa composed Kumarasambhava, Abhigyan Khuddak Nikaya. It was included in the UNESCO
Shakuntalam, Vikramorvasiyam, Malavikagnimitram,
World Heritage List in 1983. There are 30 caves in the
Meghadootam, Ritusamhara etc.
Ajanta caves, out of which 24 are used as viharas and
340. Who wrote the Tamil epic 'Shilpadikaram' ? 6 as chaityas (prayers). The Mahaparinirvana of the
(a) Avaiyyar (b) Tiruwalluwar Buddha in cave 26 and the Mahaparinirvana of the
(c) Ilango Adigal (d) Sattnar Buddha in cave 19 and a stupa with three chhatris are
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-II) described.
Ans. (c) : 'Shilappadikaram' is known as the first epic
of Tamil literature. It literally means "the story of 16. Miscellaneous
Nupur". This epic was composed by 'Ilango Adigal',
brother of Shenguttavan, the ruler of Chera dynasty, 345. Which two kings fought in the Battle of Hydaspes?
around 2nd - 3rd century AD. The heroes and heroines (a) Chandragupta and Dhana Nanda
of this epic are 'Kovalan' and 'Kannagi'. (b) Alexander and Porus
341. Which of the following is an ancient book (c) Ashoka and Mahapadmanabha
written by Banabhatta? (d) Mihirakula and Yasodharman
(a) Kadambari (b) Mrichchhakatika SSC CGL 11/04/2022 (Shift-III)
(c) Meghadutam (d) Gitagovinda
Ans : (b) The Battle of Hydaspes was fought between
SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Shift-I) Alexander and Porus in 326 BCE.
Ans. (a) : Kadambari was written by Banabhatt. It’s 346. Which of the following was a fishing colony that
a Sanskrit novel which revolves around the love story was used as a port for trading with the Romans
of Kadambar. Mrichakatikam is a romantic novel and the Greco-Romans in ancient India?
written by Shudraka during Gupta period.
(a) Lothal (b) Badami
Meghadootam was written by Kalidasa.
(c) Arikamedu (d) Tulapurushandana
Geeta govinda was written by Jaydev.
SSC CGL 11/04/2022 (Shift-II)
342. Which of the following is NOT a work of Kalidasa?
Ans : (c) Arikamedu was an Indo-Roman coastal trading
(a) Kumarasambhava (b) Kamasutra and fishing colony that was used as a port for trading with
(c) Vikramorvashiyam (d) Meghadoot the Romans and the Greco-Romans in ancient India. It was
SSC JE Electrical – 24/03/2021 (Shift-II) an archaeological site based in Puducherry.
Ans. (b) : Out of the above options, Kamasutra is an 347. The Mesopotamians wrote on tablets made of:
ancient Kama Shastra text of India composed by (a) Clay (b) Sandstone
Maharishi Vatsyayana in which detailed explanation
(c) Limestone (d) Slate
and discussion of the psycho-physiological principles
and use of sexual love has been done. SSC CGL 13/04/2022 (Shift-III)

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Ans. (a) The Mesopotamians wrote on tablets made of Ans : (c) The old Persian word 'Hindu' was used in the
clay. Damp clay was formed into a flat tablet. The 6th - 5th century BCE to refer to the people living in the
writer used a stylus made from a stick or reed to region east of the Indus, that is, the Indian subcontinent.
impress the symbols in the clay, then left the tablet in For the first time the Iranians gave the name 'Hindu' to
the air to harden. the people living east of the Indus river.
348. ___was an important port city in ancient India. 353. Gandhara Art is the combibation of.
(a) Tamralipti (b) Shravasti (a) Indo-Roman (b) Indo-Greek
(c) Ahichhatra (d) Champa (c) Indo-Islamic (d) Indo-China
SSC CGL 11/04/2022 (Shift-I) SSC CGL (TIER-1) 31-08-2016, 1:15 pm
Ans : (a) Tamralipti was an important port city in Ans : (b) Gandhara Art is a combination of Greek and
ancient India. Indian style. It is a unique style of Buddhist visual art.
Gandhara art developed in ancient times in the
349. In Indian history who were referred as the Gandhara region of the Indian subcontinent.
'Atavika Rajya'?'
(a) South Indian Kingdom 354. Who was the first Indian astronomer to calculate
the time taken by earth to orbit the sun?
(b) Republican State
(a) Aryabhatta (b) Ved Bhatnagara
(c) Forest Kingdom
(c) Bhaskaracharya (d) Bishu devtamapi
(d) Mughal Empire
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 30.01.17, 1:15 pm)
SSC CHSL 06/08/2021 (Shift-III)
Ans : (c) Bhaskaracharya or Bhaskar II (1114-1185AD)
Ans. (c) : In Indian hisotry Forest Kingdom were was a famous mathematician and astrologer of ancient
referred to as the 'Atavika rajya'. Their early reference India. The main treatise composed by him is Siddhanta
is found in Mauryan period and major evidence of Shiromani, which has four parts called Lilavati, Algebra,
atavika rajyas are found during the reign of Gupta Planetary Mathematics and Goladhyay. These four parts
rulers Samudragupta when he brought it under his are related to arithmetic, algebra, mathematics related to
control. The forest kingdoms were situated in the the motion of planets and shells respectively. He also
present day Madhya Pradesh and south eastern part of discovered the power of gravity. As an astronomer,
Uttar Pradesh, which was called Atavika due to the Bhaskar is famous for his concept of instantaneous
abundance of forests. motion. This helps astrophysicists to find out the
350. Prophet Muhammad founded the faith of movement of planets accurately.
Islam in the ______ century. 355. Kamarup is an ancient name of which region
(a) sixth (b) eighth of India?
(c) seventh (d) ninth (a) Bihar (b) Rajasthan
SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 24/08/2021 (Shift I) (c) Karnataka (d) Assam
Ans. (c) : Prophet Muhammad was born around 570 SSC CGL 08-09-2016, 10 am
AD in Mecca (now in Saudi Arabia) and died in 632 Ans : (d) The present Assam was referred to as
AD in Medina. By the time he died in seventh century, Kamrup in many of the ancient Indian literature. It was
almost all the tribes of Arabian Peninsula had also known as Pragjyotishpur due to the astrology
converted to Islam. (Jyotish Shashtra) practices that prevailed in this part of
351. Which cave is a cultural mix of religious arts of the country during that time.
Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism? 356. Which among the following games was very
(a) Ajanta (b) Ellora popular in ancient India?
(c) Elephanta (d) Badami (a) Chess (b) Cricket
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 21.01.17, 10 am) (c) Hockey (d) Football
Ans : (b) Ellora caves are located at a place called (SSC 10+2 CHSL 30.01.17, 1:15 pm)
Verul (Ellora) in Aurangabad, Maharashtra. A total of Ans : (a) One of the most ancient games that
34 caves temples were built there in which caves from originated in India, was Chess which was initially
number 1 to 12 are related with Buddhism, cave called 'Ashtapada'. The game that came to be called as
number 13 to 29 are related with Hinduism and cave 'Chaturanga' during the rule of Gupta empire. Persians
from 30-34 are related with Jainism. It is built by the who travelled to ancient India had picked up the game
rulers of the Rashtrakuta dynasty. The famous Kailash and named it as 'Shatranj'. Chess is a recreational and
Temple (Guha temple) of Ellora was built by Rashtra competitive board game played between two players.
Kuta ruler Krishna I. In the year 1983, it was included 357. Kolathunadu, Valluvanad and Thekkumkoor
in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Site. were ancient small-time kingdoms in which
352. Which old Persian word was used in the 6th - state of India?
5th century BCE to refer to the area east of the (a) Karnataka (b) Gujarat
Indus? (c) Kerala (d) Bihar
(a) Tianzhu (b) Aryavarta SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 03/03/2020 (Shift-I)
(c) Hindu (d) Hodu
Ans. (c) Kolathunadu, Valluvanad and Thekkumkoor were
SSC JE Mechanical – 22/03/2021 (Shift-II) short-lived kingdoms of ancient times in Kerala, India.

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358. Which of the following was NOT a type of 363. The World famous Borobudur Temple is
sacrifice performed by kings in ancient India situated in :
to establish their position ? (a) Vietnam (b) Indonesia
(a) Vajapeya (b) Muvendavelan (c) Cambodia (d) Japan
(c) Ashvamedha (d) Rajasuya
SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Shift-III)
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 09/03/2020 (Shift-III)
Ans. (b) : Borobudur temple complex is one of the
Ans. (b) : Muvendavalan' is a vellalar or farmer who greatest Buddhist monuments in the world, and was
renders his services to the three kings. These titles built during the reign of the Shailendra dynasty in the
were given by the Chola kings to the wealthy 8th and 9th centuries AD. It is located in the Kedu
landowners as a mark of respect, while the Vajapeya, Valley. The monument is located in the southern part
Asvamedha and Rajasuya were yagyas, which were of Java, Central Java, Indonesia.
performed by the kings.
359. Which king inscribed the Hathigumpha (Elephant 364. Who was the first Director-General of
Cave) inscription in Udayagiri Hills, Odisha? Archaeological Survey of India?
(a) Galaveya (b) Kharavela (a) Mortimer Wheeler
(c) Sobhanaraja (d) Vaduka (b) Alexander Cunningham
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-II) (c) Lord Curzon
Ans : (b) The Hathigumpha (Elephant cave) from (d) John Marshall
Udayagiri near Bhubaneswar in Odisha was inscribed SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 20/08/2021 (Shift III)
by Kharvela the Emperor of Kalinga in India.
Ans. (b) : The Archaeological Survey of India was
Inscription Ruler founded in 1861 by Alexander Cunningham who also
Junagadh Rock Incription Rudradaman became its first Director-General. It was formed by a
Prayag Pillar inscription Samudragupta statute passed into law by Lord Canning with him as
Gwalior Inscription Pratihara king Raja Bhoj the first Archaeological Surveyor. John Marshall
Mandasaur Inscription Yashovarman served as Director-General of ASI from 1902 to 1928.
360. Inscriptions composed in praise of kings of Mortimer Wheeler was also appointed as Director-
ancient India are known as –––––. General of ASI during 1944.
(a) Tripitakas (b) Jatakas 365. Identify the Indian state which was known as
(c) Sutras (d) Prashastis 'Pragjyotisha' during the epic period.
SSC CHSL 20/10/2020 (Shift-III) (a) Assam (b) Odisha
Ans. (d) : A kind of inscription which praises about (c) Kerala (d) Bihar
the quality, skill, properity and campaigns of a SSC CHSL 04/08/2021 (Shift-I)
particular king is called "Prashashti". Harisena's
Ans. (a) : In the ancient sanskrit literature both the
Prayag Prashashti is a perfect example of this which is
Pragjyotisha and Kamrupa were used as designation for
about Gupta ruler Samudra Gupta.
ancient Assam. 1st antiquity can be established from the
361. The famous Lingaraja temple is located in fact that it has been mentioned in the two great epics. The
which city? Mahabharata and the Ramayana and also in the Puranas.
(a) Bhopal (b) Bhubaneswar 366. In which year was the Rigveda manuscript
(c) Kolkata (d) Ujjain included in the UNESCO's Memory of the
SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Shift-I) World Register ?
Ans. (b) : Lingaraja temple is located in Bhubaneswar (a) 2005 (b) 2006
district of Odisha state. It is dedicated to Lord Shiva. (c) 2004 (d) 2007
This temple is built in Deula style.
SSC CHSL 26/10/2020 (Shift-II)
362. With reference to the famous monasteries of
India, which of the following pairs is incorrect? Ans. (d) : In 2007, 30 manuscripts of the Rigveda's
have been included in UNESCO's memory of world
(a) Tawang-Arunanchal Pradesh Register. Rigveda contains 10 mandalas. 1028 suktas
(b) Key-Himachal Pradesh and about 10600 mantras.
(c) Rumtek-Sikkim
367. In which of the following states of India is Iranshah
(d) Ghum-Jammu and Kashmir Atash Behram located in the city of Udvada?
SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Shift-I)
(a) Maharastra (b) Chattisgarh
Ans. (d) : The following are the names of the famous (c) Rajasthan (d) Gujarat
monasteries of India and their respective states and Math–
Ghoom Math-West Bengal SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Gompa Math- Himachal Pradesh Ans. : (d) The Iranshah Atash Behram, also known as
Tawang Math- Arunachal Pradesh the Udwada Atash Behram meaning victorious fire, is
the name given to both Zoroastrian worship's highest
Rumtek Monastery-Sikkim grade of fire and the temple that houses the fire is a
Therefore it is clear that Ghoom Math is not in Jammu sacred fire housed located in a temple in Udvada,
and Kashmir but it is located in West Bengal. Gujarat on the west coast of India.

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Medieval History
5. Prithvi Raj Chauhan was defeated at the
1. Arab Invasion hands of ______in the Battle of Tarain 1192.
(a) Mohammad Ghori (b) Harun Al Rashid
1. Who among the following had invaded India in (c) Abu Bakr (d) Umar II
712 AD? SSC GD 11/02/2019 (Shift-II)
(a) Muhammad Ghori Ans. (a) : In 1173 Shahabuddin Muhammad Ghori
(b) Mahmud of Ghazni became the ruler of Ghor. He made his first attack in
(c) Muhammad Bin-Quasim India against "Multaan". In the first battle of Tarain,
(d) Qutub-ud-Din Aibak Muhammad Ghori was defeated by Printhviraj III, in
1191. While in Second battles of Tarain in 1192,
SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 24/08/2021 (Shift I) Prithviraj III was defeated by Muhammad Ghori. This
Ans. (c) : Muhammad Bin-Quasim was an Arab millitary lead to the establishment of Islam in India.
commander. He was the first Muslim to have successfully 6. Who was the scholar entrusted by Sultan
invaded Sindh in 711-12 AD but due to some reasons he Mahmud of Ghazni to write an account of
could not establish his empire in India. The rise of Islam in subcontinent?
India began with the conquest of Sindh. (a) Malik Jayasi (b) Al-Biruni
2. Muhammad Ghori attacked Tabarhinda (c) Amir Khusrau (d) Shah Latif
(Bhatinda) in 1191, a strategic point for _____. SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-III)
(a) Prithviraj Chauhan Ans. (b) : Mahmud Ghazni commonly known as
(b) Maharana Pratap Singh Mahmud of Ghazni, who ruled Ghazni (Afghanistan)
(c) Hem Chandra Vikramaditya from 998 to 1030 AD. He was the son of Sabuktigin.
attaracted by India's wealth, Ghaznavi attacked India
(d) Rana Kumbha several times. He attacked India 17 times. The main
SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 2308/2021 (Shift I) objective of his attack was to plunder the wealth of
Ans. (a) : In 1191 Muhammad Ghori attacked and India. He made his 16th attack on the Somnath temple
captured Tabarhinda (Bhatinda) a part of prithviraj in 1025 just to plunder the gold. He patronized three
persons Firdausi (Poet), Al-Beruni (Scholar), utbi
dominion. This led Muhammad to come in to direct
(Historian). Al-Beruni was one of them, in which Ghazni
clash with Prithviraj Chauhan. As a result both met at entrusted to write an account of the subcontinent.
the battle field of Tarain in 1191. Muhammad Ghori
was defeated and the battle of was won over by 7. In 711 CE, Arab general.......conquered Sindh,
Prithviraj Chauhan. which became a part of the Caliph's domain.
(a) Qutub-ud-din Aibak
3. Which of the following Indian rulers was
defeated by Mahmud Ghazni in his first attack (b) Muhammad-Bin-Tughlaq
in the year 1000 AD ? (c) Mohammad Bin Qasim
(a) Chandra Pala (b) Anand Pala (d) Muhammad Ghori
(c) Jaya Pala (d) Sukh Pala SSC CHSL 09/08/2021 (Shift-III)
SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Shift-III) Ans. (c) : In the early 8th century Arabs invaded India
from the North-west region. This Arab invasion in
Ans. (c) : Mahmud Ghazni first invaded modern 711-12 CE was led by Muhammad - Bin - Qasim a
Afghanistan and Pakistan in AD 1000. He is called general of the Umayyad Caliphate. Invasion on India
But-Shikani (idol breaker) and robber. He defeated was part of the policy of Arab expansion. During this
Jaya Pala in 1001, the ruler of the Hindu Shahi period he conquered Sindh, which became a part of the
Empire, who later killed himself and was succeeded caliph's domain.
by his son Anand Pal. In 1005 Ghazni defeated Bhatia. 8. Which of the following rulers defeated
He attacked Multan in 1006 AD and fought a battle Muhammad Ghori in 1178?
with Anand Pala. (a) Bhoja (b) Bhima-II
4. In 1001 AD which of the following Indian ruler (c) Bhama-I (d) Prithviraj-III
was defeated by Mahmud Ghazni in his first SSC JE Civil 30.10.2020 (Shift-II)
invasion in India ?
Ans. (b) : Bhima-II defeated Muhammad Ghori in
(a) Chandrapal (b) Anandpal 1178 AD. In 1178 AD Muhammad Ghori invaded
(c) Sukhpal (d) Jaypal Gujarat, but Mulraj or Bhima-II under the leadership
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-II) of his capable and courageous widow mother Naika
Devi, fought and defeated Ghori near mount Abu and
Ans. (d) : See the explanation of the above question. this was Ghori's first defeat in India.

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9. When was India first invaded by the Mahmud 13. Who attacked and looted the famous Somnath
of Ghazni? temple in 1026 AD?
(a) 1001 AD (b) 1003 AD (a) Muhammad Ghori (b) Changeze Khan
(c) 1192 AD (d) 1112 AD (c) Mahmud Ghazni (d) Nadir Shah
SSC JE Mechanical 27.10.2020 (Shift-II) SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (a) : Mahmud Ghaznavi (971-1030) was an Ans : (c) Mahmud Ghazni was the son of Subuktagin,
important ruler of the Ghaznavi dynasty centered in the founder of Turkic Ghaznavid dynasty, which
central Afghanistan, which is known for its empire invaded India 17 times. The most famous attack was on
expansion in eastern Iran. In 999AD when mahmud of the Somnath Temple (Saurashtra) in 1026 A.D. In the
Ghaznavi ascended the throne in he vowed to attack attack of this temple he looted the wealth of about 20
India every year. The historian Henry Elliot has lakh dinars.
described 17 invasions of Mahmud Ghaznavi. 14. Which battle took place between Muhammad
Mahmud Ghaznavi's first invasion of India was in Ghori and Prithviraj Chauhan ?
1001 AD on Hindusahi ruler Jaipal. In this Mahmud (a) Battle of Tarain (b) Battle of Khanwa
Ghazanavi emerged victorious. Mahmud's last (c) Battle of Plassey (d) Battle of Buxar
invasion was in 1027 AD on Jats.
SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Shift-II)
10. Which one of the following kings was defeated
Ans. (a) : First battle of Tarain fought between
by Muhammad Ghori in the Battle of Muhammad Ghori and Prithviraj Chauhan III in 1191
Chandawar? AD. and in this battle Prithviraj Chauhan III emerged
(a) Prithviraj Chauhan (b) Jai Chand victorious and Ghori was defeated. Second Battle of
(c) Bhima II (d) Kumarpala Tarain was fought in 1192 AD. in which Mohammad
SSC JE Civil - 27/01/2018 (Shift-II) Ghori was victorious and Prithviraj Chauhan III was
Ans. (b) : The Battle of Chandawar (1193 or 1194)
was fought between Muhammad Ghori and Jaichand 15. The First Battle of Tarain was fought in the
of Kannauj of the Gaharwar dynasty. It took place at year______.
Chandawar (modern Chandawal near Ferozabad), on (a) 1213 (b) 1157
the Yamuna river close to Agra, giving Ghori control (c) 1204 (d) 1191
of much of northern India. SSC MTS 08/10/2021 (Shift-I)
11. Which king made Al–Biruni, the writer of Ans : (d) See the explanation of the above question.
Kitab–ul–Hind, a hostage ?
16. Battle of Tarain was fought in the year……..
(a) Timur–i–Lang (b) Genghis Khan
(a) 1526 (b) 1757
(c) Mahmud of Ghazni (d) Nader Shah
(c) 1191 (d) 1857
(SSC J.E. 01.03.17, 10:00 am)
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 19.01.17, 4:15 pm)
Ans : (c) Al-Biruni was born in Uzbekistan in 973 AD. Ans : (c) See the explanation of the above question.
Mahmud Ghazani conquered Uzbekistan and received
Al-Biruni as a war of prisoner. Ghazni impressed by his 17. The battle of Tarain was fought between
ability, he gave him a place of scholar in his court. Al- Prithviraj Chauhan and………
Biruni came with him on the occasion of the invasion of (a) Mahmud Gaznabi (b) Muhammad Ghori
India by Mahmud Ghazani. He composed a book called (c) Babur (d) Humayun
Tahqiq-e-Hind. This book is written in Arabic (SSC 10+2 CHSL 18.01.17, 10 am)
language. It describes the geographical, social, political
and economic situation of India. Tahqiq-e-Hind is a Ans : (b) See the explanation of the above question.
treatise which has 80 chapters written in relation to the 18. Al-Biruni's famous work 'Kitab-ul-Hind' is a
social tradition religion principles of living solution composition in the .......... language.
theory etc of Al-Biruni India. He has written about (a) Turkish (b) Sanskrit
Indian costumes, religion, celebration, entertainment (c) Urdu (d) Arabic
etc. He has also written about Bhagavad Gita, Vedas,
Yoga scriptures of Patanjali etc. Thus, In his description SSC JE Electrical 29.10.2020 (Shift-II)
Al-Biruni has written about all aspects of Indian life. Ans (d) : Al-Biruni full name was Abu Raihan
Muhammad Ibn Ahmad al-Biruni. He was born in 937
12. The traveller Al–Biruni who visited India in
AD. He was born in Khwarizn (Khiva) of Ujbekistan in
the tenth and eleventh centuries was from
central Asia. Al-Biruni was a persian writer of Iranian
which country ?
origin. He composed many works in mother tongue
(a) Uzbekistan (b) Italy Persian. He came to India with Mahmud Ghaznavi.
(c) Portugal (d) France Some of his other works are:-
(SSC J.E. 04.03.17, 10:00 am) * Kitab - ul- hind (in Arabic Language)
Ans : (a) See the explanation of the above question. * Kitab ul Qanoon ul Masoodi

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19. Chachnama records the history of which Ans. (a) : Mamluk Dynasty is also called the Slave
conquest? Dynasty. Mamluk Dynasty was established in Delhi by
(a) Kushanas (b) Hunas Qutb-ud-Din Aibak. It was the first of the 5 dynasties
(c) Arabs (d) Greeks to rule the Delhi Sultanate.
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 10-09-2016, 4:15 pm 24. Which one of the following was the capital of
the sultanate during the reign of Iltutmish?
Ans : (c) Chach Nama which is also known as Fateh
Nama Sindh is a book about the history of Sindh (a) Agra (b) Lahore
chronicling the Chacha Dynasty's period, down to the (c) Badaun (d) Delhi
Arab conquest by Muhammad Bin Qasim in early 8th SSC JE Civil - 22/01/2018 (Shift-II)
century AD. A valuable source on Arab history was Ans : (d) Iltutmish made Delhi, the capital of the Delhi
written in Arabic by Kazi Ismail, who was appointed Sultanate, in place of Lahore. Iltutmish made the
the first Qazi of Alor by Muhammad Qasim after the position of Sultan hereditary. He looted and destroyed
conquest of the Sindh. one of the oldest Hindu temple of Ujjain in 1234-35. He
20. Who among the following travelers came to started the tradition of inscripting Taksaal names on
India from Uzbekistan in the 11th century? coins. After the victory of Gwalior the name of his
daughter Razia was inscribed on the Silver Tanka and
(a) Francois Bernier 'Copper Jeetal'. Iltutmish displayed the Khalifa's
(b) Al-Biruni messenger for himself on his coins. The first
(c) Ibn Battuta introduction of coins bearing the name of Abbasid
(d) Abdur Razzaq Samarquandi Caliph Al-Mustansir. Iltutmish belonged to the Shamshi
dynasty so a new dynasty was installed on the throne of
SSC CHSL 10/08/2021 (Shift-III) Delhi by sitting on his throne.
Ans. (b) : The eminent Uzbek Scholar Al - Beruni 25. Who among the following started the practice
visited India in the 11th Century. of Sijda and Paibos in his/her court ?
-Al Beruni was the first Muslim Scholar to study India (a) Alauddin Khilji
and its Brahmanical tradition.
(b) Firoz Shah Tughlaq
-He is called the father of Indology and the first
anthropologist. (c) Muhammad Bin Tughlaq
(d) Ghiyasuddin Balban
21. Al-Biruni from Uzbekistan, travelled to India
in which century? SSC GD 14/02/2019 (Shift-II)
(a) 11th century (b) 14th century Ans. (d) : Sultan Balban implemented the Iranian
court system Sijda and Paibos in his court. Balban
(c) 7th century (d) 17th century implemented the policy of blood and iron in his
SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-III) kingdom. Balban started the Persian festival Nauroz.
Ans : (a) See the explanation of the above question. 26. The period between ––––– in India's history is
22. Which of the following foreign traveller related known as the Delhi Sultanate period.
to respective country? (a) 1206A.D. to 1526A.D
(a) Marco Polo – Italy (b) 1456A.D. to 1675A.D.
(b) Al-Biruni – Uzebekistan (c) 745A.D. to 1245A.D.
(c) Peater Mundy – China (d) 1105A.D. to 1445A.D.
(d) Ibn Batuta – Morcco SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-III)
SSC CHSL 12/08/2021 (Shift-III) Ans. (a) : The reign of the sultans of five dynasties
Ans. (b) : Abu Rayhan Muhammad ibn Ahmad al- that ruled India from 1206 A.D. to 1526 A.D. is called
Biruni commonly known as Al-Biruni, was a the Delhi Sultanate. The five dynasties included :
Khwarazmian Iranian scholar and polymath during the 1. Mamluk Dynasty (1206–1290)
Islamic Golden Age. He has been called variously the 2. Khilji Dynasty (1290 –1320)
"founder of Indology". 3. Tughlaq Dynasty (1320 – 1414)
4. Sayyid Dynasty (1414 – 1451)
2. Delhi Sultanate 5. Lodi Dynasty (1451–1526)
(i) Slave Dynasty 27. Mongols under Genghis Khan invaded India
under whose reign?
23. Who was the founder of the Mamluk dynasty (a) Balban
in India? (b) Firoz Tughlaq
(a) Qutb al-Din Aibak (b) Bakhtiyar Khilji (c) Iltutmish
(c) Razia Sultan (d) Iltutmish (d) Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq
SSC CHSL 05/08/2021 (Shift-III) SSC JE Civil - 24/01/2018 (Shift-II)


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Ans. (c) : During the reign of Iltutmish, the ruler of Ans : (d) Ghiyas -ud-din Balban ruled as the Sultan of
the Delhi Sultanate, the Mongol ruler Genghis Khan Delhi from 1266 to 1287 A.D. He was Ilbari Turk. He
organized all the Gobi desert under his leadership and described himself as an Afrasiyab descendant
defeated China, Turkistan, Central Asia, Persia and mentioned in the Shahnama of Firdausi and laid special
destroyed the entire empire of Persian ruler Jalaluddin emphasis on the nobility.
Muhammad and he followed him to Sindh chasing 33. Who among the following was a slave of
Jalaluddin Mang Barani, the last king of Khwarism Muhammad Ghori? He became the ruler after
Shah but Iltutmish refused to give shelter to Jalaluddin the death of his master and founded the slave
which saved Delhi from Genghis Khan's invasion. Dynasty.
Alauddin Khilji the ruler of the Khilji dynasty is (a) Qutb-ud-din Aibak
known to have had the most Mongol invasions during
the reign of 1296 to 1316 AD. (b) Nasir-ud-din Mahamud
(c) Iltutmish
28. Which of the following Sultans died while
playing Polo or Chaugan? (d) Ghiyas ud din Balban
(a) Qutb-ud-din Aibak SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-I)
(b) Balban Ans. (a) : Qutb - ud- din Aibak was the first sultan of
(c) Iltutmish Delhi sultanate and founder of Slave Dynasty. He
ruled the Delhi sultanate from 1206 to 1210 A.D.
(d) Nasiruddin Mahmud After the death of Muhammad Ghori, he is credited for
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 01-09-2016, 10 am the establishment of Turkish rule over the conquered
Ans : (a) Qutb-ud-din Aibak was a general of the territories of India.
Muhammad Ghori, died in 1210 while playing Chaugan 34. Which of the following dynasty was founded
(Polo). by Qutb ud-din Aibak ?
29. Who was the first woman ruler in Indian (a) Chera Dynasty (b) Nanda Dynasty
history? (c) Shunga Dynasty (d) Slave Dynasty
(a) Razia Sultana (b) Hamida Begum SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Shift-I)
(c) Mehrunissa (d) Hazrat Mahal Ans. (d) : After the assassination of Muhammad Ghori
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 27-10-2016, 1:15 pm in 1206, his empire was divided amongst his slaves
Ans : (a) The first woman to rule India was Razia because he had no son to succeed him as a ruler. One
Sultana Begum. She succeeded her father Shams-ud-din of his slaves Qabacha became ruler of Multan, another
Iltutmish to the Sultanate of Delhi in 1236. She ruled Yildoz became ruler of Ghazni and yet another most
court of Delhi from the end of 1236 to 1240. Razia notable Qutb-ud-din Aibak became ruler of Delhi in
Sultana's Tomb in Delhi is one of those spots which 1206, establishing the sultanate of Delhi, which
recollects this courageous woman. marked the start of Slave Dynasty. This dynasty ruled
the subcontinent for about 84 years and was the first
30. ____ was the first and only Muslim woman to Muslim dynasty that ruled India.
ever seat on the throne of Delhi.
35. Which was the first Muslim dynasty that ruled
(a) Gevher Sultan (b) Razia Begum India?
(c) Fatima Al Fihri (d) Sharjarat Al Durr (a) Khilji Dynasty (b) Slave Dynasty
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-III) (c) Lodi Dynasty (d) Tughlaq Dynasty
Ans. (b): See the explanation of above question. SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-I)
31. In which of the following forts was Razia Ans. (b) : See the explanation of the above question.
Sultana imprisoned by Malik Ikhtiyar-ud-din 36. ______ organised his trusted nobles into a
Altunia? group of forty known as Turkan-i-Chahalgani.
(a) Qila Mubarak in Bathinda (a) Qutub-ud-Din Aibak (b) Balban
(b) Jaigarh fort in Jaipur (c) Iltutmish (d) Ala-ud-Din Khilji
(c) Golconda fort in Golconda SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 16/08/2021 (Shift II)
(d) Mehrangarh fort in Jodhpur
Ans. (c) : Turkan–i–Chahalgani is also known as the
SSC CGL 19/04/2022 (Shift-III) Corps of Forty (Chalisa Dal) was a group of 40
Ans. (a) Razia Sultana was imprisoned in Qila Nobles/Amirs, organised by Shamsuddin Iltutmish. He
Mubarak in Bathinda by Malik Ikhtiyar-ud-din Altunia. was the second ruler of the Mamluk dynasty. Later on
the 'Chalisa Dal" was dissolved by Balban.
32. Who among the following Delhi Sultans traced
his descent to the ancient warrior Afrasiyab in 37. Who was the first and last woman ruler of
order to fabricate a noble birth for himself ? Delhi Sultanate?
(a) Qutb-ud-din Aibak (b) Alauddin Khilji (a) Sultana Chand Bibi (b) Nur Jahan
(c) Iltutmish (d) Balban (c) Rani Durgavati (d) Razia Sultana
SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II) SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 20/08/2021 (Shift I)

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Ans.(d) : Razia Sultana was the first and last woman 41. ____ was the first Muslim ruler whose empire
ruler of Delhi Sultanate and ruled the court of Delhi covered almost the whole of India up to its
from the end of 1236 to 1240. Sultana Chand Bibi is extreme south.
best known for defending Ahmednagar against the (a) Alauddin Khilji
Mughal forces of emperor Akbar in 1595. (b) Ghiyas ud din Balban
38. How many storeys does Qutub Minar have in (c) Feroz Shah Tughlaq
Delhi? (d) Jalal-ud-din Khilji
(a) Five (b) Eight SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-I)
(c) Seven (d) Six Ans. (a) : Alauddin Khilji was the first muslim ruler
SSC CHSL 05/08/2021 (Shift-III) whose empire spread almost all over India including
Ans. (a) : The Qutub Minar has five distinct storeys, the South India. He was the second ruler of the Khilji
each marked by a projecting balcony and tapers from a Dynasty of Delhi Sultanate. His childhood name was
15 m diameter at the base to just 2.5 m at the tap. Qutub Ali Gurshasp. He ruled Delhi Sultanate from 1296 to
Minar is a soaring, 73 m high tower of victory, built in 1316 A.D.
1193 by Qutub-ud din Aibak. 42. Who was the last ruler of the Vaghela Dynasty
of Gujarat after whose defeat the kingdom was
passed to Alauddin Khilji?
(ii) Khilji Dynasty (a) Rama (b) Arjuna Deva
39. Which of the medieval Indian rulers is known (c) Saranga Deva (d) Karandev
for his policies of market control? SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-I)
(a) Bahlol Lodi Ans : (d) Karan Dev was the last ruler of the Vaghela
(b) Firoz Shah Tughlaq dynasty of Gujarat. In the year 1298, Alauddin Khilji
(c) Alauddin Khilji with his army invaded Gujarat in which the last Rajput
(d) Balban king of the Vaghela dynasty Karan Dev was defeated in
SSC JE Civil - 25/09/2019 (Shift-I) 1304 and Alauddin Khilji annexed Gujarat into his
Ans : (c) Alauddin Khilji (1296-1316) is credited with
bringing several reforms and regulating markets to 43. 'Siri', the second city of Delhi, was built by ___.
control the prices of essential food items. He is said to (a) Alauddin Khilji
be the first ruler to address the problem of price control (b) Firuz Shah Tughlaq
in a systematic manner to maintain stable prices for a
(c) Shershah Suri
decade. Alauddin set up four markets in the market
control policy– (d) Prithviraj Chauhan
♦ Galla-e-Mandi/Galla Bazar (Anaj Mandi) : – The SSC CPO-SI 25/11/2020 (Shift-I)
Market's head was known as 'Shehna-e-Mandi.' This Ans. (a) : Alauddin Khilji laid the foundation of his
market was the most successful. capital Siri in 1303 A.D. It was the second of the
♦ Sarai-e-Adal (Cloth Market):– The head of this seven cities built during the rule of Delhi sultanate to
market was called 'Rai Parvana.' defend his empire from the attack of the Mongols. He
♦ The Market of horses, slaves, and livestock. also commissioned a Minar (Victory Tower)
exceeding the Qutub Minar but the same could not be
♦ General markets. completed. He also excavated a reservoir known as
40. Who among the following was one of the Hauz Khas to meet the requirement of Siri township.
Governors during the reign of Alauddin Khilji?
(a) Jalal-ud-din Khilji (iii) Tughlaq Dynasty
(b) Shams-ud-din Iltutmish
(c) Ghiyasuddin Tughluq 44. Which Delhi Sultan planned for a Mongol
(d) Nasiruddin Mahmud region for the first time in the Sultanate?
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-II) (a) Alauddin Khilji
Ans : (c) Ghazi Malik, or Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq, was (b) Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
the governor of Dipalpur in Punjab under Alauddin (c) Muhammad Tughlaq
Khilji. The founder of the Khilji Dynasty was Jalal-ud-
(d) Bahlol Lodi
din Feroz Khilji. He was assassinated by Alauddin
Khilji in 1296 A.D. Alauddin laid the foundation of SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-III)
army in cash pay and permanent army. The main Ans : (c) Alauddin successfully fended off the Mongol
officers of his reign and their functions are as follows. invasions of India, at Jaran-Manjur (1297-1298),
(a) Diwan–i–Riyasat – The entire system of market control. Sivistan (1298), Kill (1299), Delhi (1303) and Amroha
(b) Barid – Inspector of the market. (1305). In 1306, his forces achieved a decisive victory a
(c) Munhear – Obtaining secret information. against the Mongol near the Ravi Riverbank.

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45. Fatehabad district derives its name from the 50. Mohammad Bin Tughlaq transferred his
eponymous headquarters town founded by capital from
______ in the 14th century, who named it after (a) Delhi to Warangal
his son Fateh Khan. (b) Delhi to Devagiri
(a) Firoz Shah Tughlaq
(c) Delhi to Madurai
(b) Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
(d) Delhi to Vajayanagar
(c) Humayun
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 04-09-2016, 1:15 pm
(d) Alauddin Khilji
Ans : (b) See the explanation of the above question.
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 09/03/2020 (Shift-I)
51. Which Indian ruler appointed Ibn Battuta as
Ans. (a) : Fatehabad is one of the twenty two districts
the qazi or judge of Delhi?
of the state of Haryana, India. The town was founded
by Firoz Shah Tughlaq in the 14th century. He named (a) Muhammad bin Tughlaq
it after his son Fateh Khan, as Fatehabad. The (b) Bahadur Shah
Fatehabad district was carved out of Hissar district on (c) Shah Jahan e Azam
July 15, 1997. (d) Humayan
46. Foreign traveller Ibn Battuta who came to India (SSC J.E. 03.03.17, 10:00 am)
during the medieval period, had come from:
Ans : (a) Ibn Battuta (1333-1347 AD) was a Moroccan
(a) France (b) Mongolia traveller who visited India in 1334 during the reign of
(c) Uzbekistan (d) Morocco Muhammad bin Tughlaq. His book Rihla (The
SSC JE Civil 30.10.2020 (Shift-I) Travelogue) throws a lot of light on the reign of
Ans. (d) : Ibn Battuta was a Muslim Moroccan scholar Muhammad Bin–Tughlaq and the geographical,
and explorer who travelled extensively in Central economic and social conditions in India. He was
Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, China and the appointed as the Chief Qazi of Delhi by the
Iberian peninsula. Muhammad–bin–Tughluq for 8 years.
47. Ibn Battuta was a................who wrote about 52. Who was the ruler of Delhi Sultanate when Ibn
his travels to India in the fourteenth century. Battuta came in India?
(a) Persian (b) Egyptian (a) Alauddin Khilji
(c) Turk (d) Moroccan (b) Firoz Shah Tughlaq
(SSC J.E. 02.03.17, 2:45 pm) (c) Muhammad Bin Tughlaq
Ans : (d) See the explanation of the above question. (d) Ibrahim Lodi
SSC CHSL 04/08/2021 (Shift-II)
48. Which emperor shifted his capital from Delhi to
Daulatabad? Ans. (c) : See the explanation of above question.
(a) Aurangzeb 53. Which of the following was a travel book
(b) Muhammad bin Tughlaq written by Ibn Battuta in Arabic in the 14th
(c) Sher Shah Suri century?
(d) Genghis Khan (a) Safarnama
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 01.02.17, 4:15 pm) (b) Rihla
(c) Kay Mulkkalauraaj
Ans : (b) Muhammad bin Tughlaq shifted his capital
from Delhi to Daultabad (Devagiri) in 1327. There (d) Tuhfat-an-Nuzzar
were two reasons for shifting the capital first one is his SSC JE Electrical – 24/03/2021 (Shift-I)
desire to have a centrally located capital and second Ans. (b) : See explanation of above question.
one is to the fear of invasion by Mongols. However the
plan proved to be a failure and the capital was 54. During whose reign did the Moroccan traveller
transferred back to Delhi. Muhammad bin Tughluq was Ibn Battuta visit India in the 14th century ?
the Sultan of Delhi from 1325 to 1351. He was the (a) Muhammad Bin Tughlaq
eldest son of Ghiyas-ud-Din Tugluq. He established a (b) Feroz Shah Tughlaq
department called 'Dewan-e-Amir Kohi for the
Deparment of Agriculture. (c) Alauddin Khalji
(d) Jalaluddin Khalji
49. Muhammad Bin Tughlaq changed his capital
from Delhi to: SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-II)
(a) Agra (b) Lahore Ans : (a) See the explanation of the above question.
(c) Munger (d) Daulatabad 55. In which year did Timur Lang invade India?
SSC MTS 13/10/2021 (Shift-I) (a) 1210 AD (b) 1398 AD
SSC JE Mechanical 28.10.2020 (Shift-II) (c) 1492 AD (d) 1526 AD
Ans. (d) : See the explanation of the above question. SSC JE Civil - 27/01/2018 (Shift-I)

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Ans. (b) : Amir Timur is said to be the lord of lucky (iv) Sayyid Dynasty
future. One of his legs was injured in a battle due to
which he remained limping through out his life. Hence 60. Which dynasty was started by Khizr Khan?
he was called Timur Lang. In March-April 1398 AD (a) The Sayyids (b) The Lodis
Timur left his capital Samarkand to attack India. He
crossed the Jhelum River and took possession of a (c) The Rajputs (d) The Khilijis
place called Tulamba or Talmi on the banks of the SSC CGL (TIER-1) 07-09-2016, 10 am
river Vyas, his grandson and Pir Mohammad, the Ans : (a) The Sayyid Dynasty was founded by Khizr
subedar of Kabul met him. He attacked Bhatner and Khan who was the governor of Multan and Timur's
was surrendered by the fortress there. Timur reached deputy in India. This dynasty ruled for 37 years from
Delhi in December, 1398. At that time the ruler of 1414 to 1451 AD by four rulers Khizr Khan, Mubarak
Delhi was Nasir-ud-din Mahmud Shah Tughlaq (the Shah, Muhammad, Alam Shah. Khizr Khan did not
last ruler of the Tughlaq dynasty). On December 18, hold the title of Sultan and assumed the title of Raiyat -
1398 there was a war between Timur and the Royal e- Ala. He died on 20th May 1421 AD. The last sultan
Army of Delhi and Timur won the battle. Timur has of the Sayyid dynasty was Alauddin Alam Shah.
ordered a slaughter house in Delhi which lasted for 15 61. Who founded the Sayyid dynasty?
days. After looting west wealth in 1399 Timur went (a) Nizam Shah
back to Samarkand via Firozabad, Meerut, Haridwar
(b) Muhammad-bin-Farid
and Kangra through Jammu.
(c) Khizr Khan
56. During the rule of which of the following (d) Bahlul Khan
dynasties did Timur or Tamerlane invade
India in 1398 AD? SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-II)
(a) The Slave dynasty Ans : (c) See the explanation of the above question.
(b) The Sayyad dynasty
(c) The Tughlaq dynasty (v) Lodi Dynasty
(d) The Khilji dynasty 62. Who among the following was the last ruler of
SSC CGL 12/04/2022 (Shift-I) Lodi dynasty of Delhi?
Ans. (c) See the explanation of the above question. (a) Ibrahim Lodi (b) Sikandar Lodi
57. The invasion of Delhi by Timur in_____A.D (c) Barbak Shah (d) Bahlul Lodi
marked the end of the Tughlaq empire. SSC MTS 13/10/2021 (Shift-I)
(a) 1645 (b) 1398 Ans. (a) : Ibrahim Lodi was the last ruler of Lodhi
(c) 1452 (d) 1215 dynasty. Bahlol Lodi was the founder of Lodi dynasty.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-II) 63. _____ made Agra the capital of his empire.
Ans : (b) See the explanation of the above question. (a) Jahangir (b) Shahjahan
(c) Sikandar Lodi (d) Humayun
58. The ______ sultanate was ruled by the Sharqi
dynasty. SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 19/06/2019 (Shift-III)
(a) Bharatpur (b) Agra Ans. (c) : Sikandar Lodi was the ruler of the Lodi
Dynasty. He founded the city of Agra in 1504 AD with
(c) Jaunpur (d) Delhi aim of serving his authority and establishing control
SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 18/08/2021 (Shift II) over trade routes. Sikandar Lodi moved his capital from
Ans. (c) : The Sharqi was a dynasty that ruled over Delhi to Agra in year 1506. He started a new scale Gaz-
Jaunpur sultanate, between 1394 – 1479. It was founded i-Sikandari. He has stopped evacuating Moharram and
by Malik Sarwar Khwaja Jahan in 1394. Hussian Khan Tajya. He translated the Ayurvedic treatise as Farhang-
was the last ruler of the sultanate. i-Sikandari. Sikandar Lodi also wrote Persian poems by
the name of Gulrukhi. His theory of Kingship was a
59. Which Sultan established a separate mixture of hard and restraint along with strengthening
department (Diwan-i-Amir Kohi) to take care the Lodi regime. He made a special contribution to the
of agriculture? development of arts and culture.
(a) Jalal-ud-din Khalji 64. Which of the following Sultans of the Sultanate
(b) Khizr Khan of Delhi transferred his capital from Delhi to
(c) Muhammad Bin Tughlaq Agra?
(d) Tughril Beg (a) Sikandar Lodi
(b) Qutbuddin Aibak
SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 24/08/2021 (Shift I)
(c) Alauddin Khilji
Ans. (c) : Muhammad Bin Tughlaq created a separate
department of agriculture known as Diwan-i-Amir (d) Muhammad Bin Tughlaq
Kohi. The main objective of this department was to SSC JE Civil - 25/01/2018 (Shift-II)
increase the land under cultivation. Ans. (a) : See the explanation of the above question.

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65. When did Ibrahim Lodi become the Sultan of Delhi? 70. Which of the following Sultans of Tughluq
(a) 1517 (b) 1526 issued copper coins instead of silver ones?
(c) 1516 (d) 1527 (a) Ghiyasuddin Tughluq
SSC CHSL 17/03/2020 (Shift-III) (b) Muhammad bin Tughluq
Ans. (a) : Ibrahim Lodi became the Sultan of Delhi in (c) Firoz Shah Tughluq
1517 after the death of his father Sikandar Lodi. He (d) Mahmud Tughluq
was the last ruler of the Lodi dynasty, reigning for
nine years between 1517-1526 until being defeated SSC CGL (TIER-1) 06-09-2016, 10 am
and killed at the Battle of Panipat by Babur's invading Ans : (b) Muhammad-bin Tughluq's reign was known
army in 1526, giving way to the emergence of the for many ambitious schemes. These scheme failed and
Mughal Empire in India. brought ruin to the empire. He imposed taxation in
Doab and transfered his capital from Delhi to Devagiri,
(vi) Administration of Sultanate Period renamed Daulatabad. The Sultan introduced coins of
copper and brass that could be exchanged for fixed
66. With reference to the administration of Delhi amounts of gold and silver from the Delhi Sultanate.
Sultanate, which of the following was the This was known as a tanka (later modified to taka in
department of State Correspondence? Bengali). These two plans got failed.
(a) Diwan-i-arz (b) Diwan-i-khairat 71. The silver coin ‘tanka’ was introduced by………
(c) Diwan-i-risalt (d) Diwan-i-insha (a) Qutubuddin Aibak (b) Iltutmish
SSC CGL 18/04/2022 (Shift-III) (c) Balban (d) Bahram Khan
Ans. (d) In the Delhi Sultanate, Diwan-i-insha was the SSC CGL (TIER-1) 31-08-2016, 4:15 pm
Department of State Correspondence.
Ans : (b) Iltutmish introduced silver coin (Tanka) and
67. The official language of the Delhi Sultanate was? copper coin (Jital), the two coins of the Delhi
(a) Urdu (b) Arabic Sultanate. He was the first to introduce pure Arabic
(c) Persian (d) Hindi coin in India. He completed the construction of the
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 09-09-2016, 4:15 pm Quwwat-ul-Islam mosque, Ajmer Jama Mosque and
Ans : (c) Persian was the official language of Delhi the Qutub Minar. Iltutmish was the first Sultan of Delhi
Sultanate. The Delhi Sultanate literature began with the who received the investiture of Khalifa in 1229 AD.
rise of Persian speaking people to the throne of the The Khalifa of Baghdad Mustansir Billah bestowed on
sultanate of Delhi, naturally resulted in the spread of Iltutmish the title of 'Sultan-e-Azam'.
the Persian language in India. 72. In the context of state and administration in
68. An agricultural department known as ‘Diwan- the Delhi Sultanate, the term 'muqti' means :
i-Kohi’ was created by: (a) a district level judicial official
(a) Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq (b) a head of Gram Panchayat
(b) Firoz Tughlaq (c) the holder of a land assignment called 'iqta'
(c) Jalaludin Khilji (d) the head of a village community
(d) Alauddin Khilji
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-I)
SSC CPO (TIER-1) 2016
Ans : (c) Muqtis were commanders of military and
Ans. (a) Muhammad bin Tughlaq created a department of administrative blocks known as lqta. The Iqtadari was a
agriculture known as Diwan-i-Kohi. The main objective of unique type of land distribution and administrative
the department was to increase the land under cultivation
system evolved during the sultanate of Iltutmish under
and improve cultivation in the Doab region.
the Iqta system. The land of the empire was divided
69. Who among the following sultans of the Delhi into several large and small tracts called Iqta.
Sultanate appointed Ghiyasuddin Balban as
his/her Prime Minister? 73. During the reign of Iltutmish, special slaves
(a) Raziya were bought for military service, known as––.
(b) Muizuddin Bahram (a) Samant (b) Bandagan
(c) Nasiruddin Mahmud (c) Iqtadar (d) Muktis
(d) Shamsuddin Iltutmish SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Shift-I)
SSC CHSL 13/04/2021 (Shift-I) Ans. (b) : Iltutmish was the third king of Slave
Ans. (c) : Nasir-ud-din Mahmud was the eighth Sultan Dynasty of Delhi Sultanate. He was the first Muslim
of the Mamluk dynasty (Slave dynasty). Balban was sovereign to rule from Delhi, and is thus considered
appointed as the Prime Minister of the empire between the effective founder of Delhi Sultanate. He introduced
1246 AD to 1266 AD. Balban was a slave of Iltutmish Bandagan system. Bandagan is a Persian term used for
and belonged to the Ilabari tribe of the Turks. He served special slaves who are purchased for military service.
under his Sultan Nasir-ud-din Mahmud as his right He also introduced Iqtadari system which was a
hand for 20 years. unique type of land distribution in lieu of salary.

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(vii) Architecture of Sultanate Period 78. Which world heritage site comprises of the tomb
of Iltutmish?
74. Alai-Darwaza, the southern gateway of the (a) Humayun’s Tomb
Quwwat-ul-Islam mosque in Delhi, was (b) Mahabodhi Temple Complex
constructed by –––––. (c) Qutub Minar
(a) Mu'izz ad-Din Muhammad Ghori (d) Red Fort Complex
(b) Ahmad Shah Durrani (SSC 10+2 CHSL 20.01.17, 10 am)
(c) Ala-ud-din Khilji Ans : (c) The mausoleum of Shams-ud-Din Iltutmish
(d) Muhammad bin Tughluq (1211-1236), is located in the northwest corner of the
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 05/03/2020 (Shift-II) Qutb complex next to Iltutmish's own extensions to the
Qutub Mosque. This tomb is built in 1235 AD just
Ans. (c) : The Alai Darwaza is a square domed outside the Quwwat-ul-Islam mosque.
gatehouse with arched entrances in Qutub complex,
Delhi. It is made of red sandstone and it was built by 79. Hauz-e-Sultani is a –––––
Sultan Alauddin Khilji of the Khilji dynasty in 1311. It (a) Tower (b) Large reservoir
was a part of his plan to extend the Quwwat-ul-Islam (c) Palace (d) Masjid
Mosque on four sides. Although he planned to SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Shift-I)
construct four gates, only the Alai Darwaza could be
completed as he died in 1316. Other famous Ans. : (b) Hauz-e-Sultani is famous by the name of
monuments built by him are the Siri Fort, Hauz Khas King's reservoir. It was built in 1230 AD. It is said that
and the Jamat Khana Masjid in Delhi. Iltutmish built this water tank at that place where
prophet Muhammad asked him to construct in his
75. Shah-e-Hamadan Mosque is located on the dreams. This water tank was built under a large area of
banks of the river _____. about 4.9 acres.
(a) Jhelum (b) Sutlej 80. Which world heritage site comprises of the Alai
(c) Beas (d) Chenab Darwaza Gate?
SSC JE Mechanical – 22/03/2021 (Shift-II) (a) Humayun's Tomb
Ans : (a) Shah-e-Hamadan Masjid is located in the old (b) Mahabodhi Temple Complex
city of Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir situated on the (c) Qutub Minar
right bank of the river Jhelum. It was built in 1395 CE (d) Red Fort Complex
commissioned by Sultan Sikandar. It is one of the best
examples of Kashmiri wooden architecture and is (SSC 10+2 CHSL 20.01.17, 4:15 pm)
decorated with papier machine. Ans : (c) The Alai Darwaza known as the 'Jewel of
Islamic architecture' is one of Delhi's oldest doors
76. At 73 metres, which of the following is the
which was constructed by Alauddin Khilji, the second
world's tallest rubble masonry minaret ? ruler of the Khilji Dynasty of Delhi sultanate in 1311
(a) Big Ben Clock Tower AD. It is located inside the Qutub Minar campus in
(b) Leaning Tower of Pisa South Delhi.
(c) Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple 81. The Qutub Minar was named after the Sufi
(d) Qutub Minar saint______.
(SSC J.E. 02.03.17, 10:00 am) (a) Syed Waheed Ashraf
Ans : (d) The construction work of Qutub Minar has (b) Alauddin Sabir Kaliyari
been started during Qutubuddin Aibak reigns. At the (c) Khwaja Qutubuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki
time of Aibak only its floor could be built. Iltutmish (d) Qutub-ud-Din Aibak
made it 225 feet high four floors. It lost its fourth floor SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-III)
due to lightning during the time of Feroz shah Tughlaq.
Feroz shah Tuglaq made it two small storeys and Ans : (c) Qutubuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki was a disciple of
reduced it to 5 floors. Now its height is 239 feet or 73 Sheikh Moinuddin Chishti he was a contemporary of
Qutubuddin Aibak and Iltutmish. Both of them were
meters. The plan of Qutub Minar is Islamic in origin.
disciples of Qutubuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki. Aibak is most
Initially it was used for Ajan but later it was considered remembered for laying the foundation of the Qutub
as Kirti Stambh. Minar in Delhi, it was named after a Sufi Saint Khwaja
77. Qutub Minar is located in .......... Qutb-ud-din Bakhtiyar Kaki, Qutub Minar was
(a) Delhi (b) Ghaziabad completed by Iltutmish.
(c) Noida (d) Gurugram 82. Moth Ki Masjid was built in the reign of––––.
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 23.01.17, 4:15 pm) (a) Muhammad Bin Tughlaq
Ans : (a) Qutub Minar is a soaring 73 meters high (b) Sikandar Lodi
tower of victory built in 1193 by Qutub-ud-din Aibak. (c) Aurangzeb
The Qutub Minar is a UNESCO World Heritage Site in (d) Alauddin Khalji
the Mehrauli area of New Delhi. SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Shift-III)

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Ans. (b) : Moth ki Masjid is heritage building located 86.

Amir Khusrau was a
in Delhi, and was built in 1505 by Wazir Miya Bhoiya, (a) poet (b) play writer
Prime Minister during the reign of Sikandar Lodi of (c) painter (d) architect
the Lodi dynasty. The foundation stone of the mosque SSC CGL (TIER-1) 11-09-2016, 10 am
was laid by Sikandar Lodi himself and the mosque is
Ans : (a) Amir Khusrau was born in 1253 at Patiyali
believed to be Miyan Bhuiya's Private mosque but (Etah) in Uttar Pradesh. Amir Khusrau is considered the
now remains a monument. The masjid is known for its father of both Khari Boli and Qawwali. He was one of
Indo-Islamic architecture. Made in red stone and the the chief disciples of Sheikh Nizamuddin Auliya. Amir
intricate floral designs are a beautiful right to cherish.
Khusrau saw the rule of 7 sultans (Balban, Muhammad,
83. Who among the following started the Cakubad, Jalaluddin Khilji, Alauddin, Khilji, Mubarak
construction of the Qutub Minar? Shah Khilji, Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq.)
(a) Akbar (b) Jahangir 87. The famous poet Amir Khusrau was
contemporary of all except following:
(c) Iltutmish (d) Qutb al-Din Aibak
(a) Alauddin Khilji
SSC CHSL 09/08/2021 (Shift-II)
(b) Ghiyasuddin Balban
Ans. (d) : The construction of Qutub Minar was started (c) Iltutmish
by Qutub-ud-din Aibak in 1193 in the memory of
(d) Jalaluddin Khilji
Qutub-ud-din Bakhtiyar Kaki. Iltutmish added 3 more
storeys in it, Firoz Shah Tughlaq constructed the 5th and SSC CGL (TIER-1) 07-09-2016, 4:15 pm
the last storey. Ans : (c) See the explanation of the above question.

(viii) Literature of Sultanate Period 3. Sufism and Bhakti Movement

84. Which of the following was written by (i) Sufism Movement
Ziauddin Barani?
88. Which of the following is not a correct match
(a) Tarikh-i-Firozshahi of Dargah and its respective location?
(b) Siyar-ul-Mutakherin (a) Shaikh Nizamuddin Auliya Dargah - Agra
(c) Mantakhab-ul-Tawarikh (b) Khwaja Qutbuddin Bakhtiyar Kaki Dargah -
(d) Ain-i-Akbari Delhi
SSC JE Mechanical - 27/09/2019 (Shift-I) (c) Haji Ali Dargah - Mumbai
Ans. (a) Tarikh-i-Firoz Shahi was written by Ziauddin (d) Shaikh Muinuddin Sijzi (chishti) Dargah -
Barani is the most important history of India's Delhi Ajmer
Sultanate, which was founded by Turkish invaders in SSC CHSL 06/08/2021 (Shift-III)
the thirteenth century. It covers the high point of the Ans. (a) : Shaikh Nizamuddin Auliya Dargah, also
Sultanate from the beginning of the reign of Balban in known as Hazrat Nizamuddin and Mahbub-e- Ilahi was
1266 through to the sixth year of Firoz Shah Tughluq a sufi saint of the chishti order. His Dargah is located in
in 1357. Barani was the first Muslim to write about the Delhi. It was built in 1325 by Muhammad bin Tughluq.
history of India. 'Fatwa-i-Jahandari' is one of Barani's 89. The Sufi Shrine Charar-e-Sharief (or Sharif) is
famous works. located near ......... city.
85. Who among the following was popularly (a) Srinagar (b) Mumbai
known as the Parrot of India ? (c) Hyderabad (d) Lucknow
(a) Tansen (b) Ibn Battuta SSC CHSL 05/08/2021 (Shift-II)
(c) Amir Khusrau (d) Ziauddin Barani Ans. (a) : Charar-e- Sharif is a Sufi Muslim Shrine and
SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Shift-I) mosque located near the Srinagar. The shrine was built
to commemorate Sheikh Noor-ud-Din Noorani, a Sufi
Ans. (c) : Amir Khusrau was a sufi mystic and a Saint. It is considered as the holiest place of Muslims.
spiritual disciple of Nizamuddin Auliya. He lived for 90. Shaikh Muinuddin Sijzi (Moinuddin Chishti)
72 years, out of which 60 years he lived in the courts dargah is situated in which of the following
of as many as 7 different rulers of the Delhi Sultanate. cities?
He often described his poems as "Pearls'' spilling from (a) Panipat (b) Jalandhar
his lips and - invoking the bird that symbolized (c) Ajmer (d) Patna
eloquence in the Indo-Persian tradition-referred to
SSC CHSL 15/04/2021 (Shift-I)
himself as the "Parrot of India." He is also known as
'Father of Urdu Literature and Khari boli and 'Father Ans. (c) : Shaikh Moinuddin Hasan Chishti (1143-1236)
of Qawwali'. It is believed that Tabla was also was born in Sijistan Iran. After Muizuddin Muhammad
bin Sam of Ghor had alredy defeated Prithiviraj Chauhan
invented by him. Excerpts of the works done by him in the second Battle of Tarain (1192) and established his
are Tughlaq Nama, Wast-ul-Hayat, Nuh Sipihr, rule in Delhi, Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti started living
Ashiqa, Khamsah, Bagia-Nagia, etc. and preaching in Ajmer.

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9. The Dargah of Sheikh Khwaja Qutbuddin (ii) Bhakti Movement

Bakhtiyar Kaki is located in :
(a) Ajmer (b) Ajodhan 96. In which of the following places is Govardhan
(c) Delhi (d) Agra Math located ?
SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Shift-III) (a) Puri (b) Badrinath
Ans. (c) : The tomb of Qutb-ud-din Bakhtiyar Kaki is (c) Dwarka (d) Shringeri
located in Mehrauli, is the oldest Dargah in Delhi. He SSC CPO-SI 24/11/2020 (Shift-I)
was the disciple of another famous sufi saint Hazrat Ans. : (a) Govardhan Math is located in the eastern
Moinuddin Chishti whose dargah in Ajmer attracts a part of India in the city of Puri in the state of Odisha.
huge following of believers as the head of the Chishti This matha is one of the four major mathas established
order. He was born in 1173 AD in Kyrgyzstan. His by Sri Adi Shankaracharya. This Math is related to
original name was Bakhtiyar and later on he was given
Jagannath (Lord Vishnu) temple. Here every year the
the title Qutbuddin. His most famous disciple and
world famous Rath Yatra is taken out on the second
spiritual successor was Nizamuddin Auliya, who
day of Shukla Paksha of Ashadh month. This Rath
himself was the spiritual master of Amir Khusraw and
Yatra is also the main festival of Puri.
Nasiruddin Chirag-e-Delhi.
97. In 19th century, the Satnami movement in
92. In the context of medieval Sufi tradition, the
central India was founded by______.
term 'wali' meant :
(a) Narayan Guru
(a) Saint (b) Ashram
(b) Keshab Chandra Sen
(c) Disciple (d) Order
(c) Guru Ghasi Das
SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II)
(d) Haridas Thakur
Ans : (a) According to the Medieval Sufi tradition the
word wali means saint. The basic principle of Sufi is SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-II)
love. Sufi is a tradition of Islam. Ans. (c) : The Satnami movement is a religious sect
93. Urs Festival in Ajmer commemorates the founded by Guru Ghasidas in 1820 in present day
death anniversary of which Sufi Saint? Chhattisgarh. He preached a code of ethical and
dietary self restraint and social equality.
(a) Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti
(b) Salim Chisti 98. The leader of the Bhakti movement focusing
on Lord Rama was_______
(c) Hazarat Nizamuddin
(a) Namdeva (b) Ramananda
(d) Mian Mir.
(c) Jaydeva (d) Vivekanada
SSC GD 01/03/2019 (Shift-II)
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (a) : In Ajmer a 6 day annual festival is
celebrated on the death anniversary of Khwaja Ans : (b) The leader of the bhakti movement focusing
Moinuddin Chisti as the "Urs Festival". on the Lord Rama was Ramananda. He played an
important role in popularizing worship of Ram and Sita,
94. The Tomb of a sufi saint is called . in the Bhakti movement. He was born in Prayagraj
(a) Cul-de-Sac (b) Eidgah (Allahabad) in 1299 AD. His main disciple was Kabir
(c) Dargah (d) Khankah Ravidas and Bhagat.
SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Shift-III) 99. ...........was a philosopher and theologian from
Ans. (c) : The tomb of a Sufi Saint is usually called India during early 8th century who
Dargah. It is usually built on the grave of a famous consolidated the doctrine of Advaita Vedanta.
Sufi Sage. Also the Khankah are built beside the (a) Adi Shankara (b) Dyaneshwar
Dargah, when people from Muslim community make a (c) Eknath (d) Madhvacharya
holy visit there, the journey is known as Ziyarat. (SSC 10+2 CHSL 25.01.17, 1:15 pm)
95. Which of the following Sufi order was the most Ans : (a) Adi Shankara Charya (788-820 CE) was born
orthodox ? in Kaladi in Kerala. Principles of Advaita was
(a) Chishti (b) Qadiri propounded by Adi Shankara Charya. Adi Shankara set
(c) Sarwari Qadri (d) Naqshbandi up four monasteries known as mathas (Puri Govardhan
SSC JE Civil - 25/01/2018 (Shift-I) matha, Sringeri Sarada, Dvaraka Pitham, Badari
Ans. (d) : The Naqshbandi silsilah was founded by
Khwaja Baqi Billah. It was the most conservative 100. ………..was a Hindu saint associated with the
among Sufi sects. He opposed the liberal policies of Bhakti movement and the Varkari sect of
Akbar while the Chishti sect is the oldest Sufi chain of Maharashtra.
India. It was founded by Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti in (a) Kanhopatra (b) Gora Kumbhar
the 12th century. Qadri order was established in India (c) Namdev (d) Samarth Ramdas
by Shah Nayamatullan Qadiri and was introduced in
India over Babur period. (SSC 10+2 CHSL 27.01.17, 4:15 pm)

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Ans : (b) Sage Gora Kumbhar was a Hindu saint. He 105. Hampi, the ancient capital of Vijayanagara is
was associated with Bhakti movement and Varkari located in-
sect of Maharashtra. He was a contemporary of (a) Kerala (b) Karnataka
Namadeva. (c) Telangana (d) Tamil Nadu
101. One of the earliest Bhakti movements were led SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-III)
by the Alvars, literally, those who were Ans. (b) : The Vijaynagar empire was established by
immersed in devotion to ............ Harihar & Bukka in 1336, during the reign of
(a) Shiva (b) Surya Muhammad Bin Tughlaq. Its capital was Hampi,
(c) Vishnu (d) Brahma which is present in modern day Karnataka. It is a
(SSC J.E. 03.03.17, 10:00 am) UNESCO World Heritage Site and was granted that
status in the year 1983.
Ans : (c) Nayanars and Alvars Saints led the Bhakti
Movement in South India. They preached ardent love of 106. The ruins of the ancient city of Hampi - capital
Shiva (By Nayanars) or Vishnu (by Alvars) as path of of Vijayanagara is located in which present
salvation. They were against the rigidity of rituals day Indian state?
followed by the people. (a) Telangana (b) Karnataka
102. One of the earliest Bhakti movements were led (c) Haryana (d) Bihar
by the Nayanars, who were devotees of ____. SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 03/03/2020 (Shift-I)
(a) Shiva (b) Vishnu Ans. (b) : See the explanation of the above question.
(c) Surya (d) Brahma 107. In which of the following years was the
(SSC J.E. 02.03.17, 2:45 pm) Vijaynagara Empire founded?
Ans : (a) The Bhakti movement began in South India (a) 1456 (b) 1229
between the seventh century to the twelfth century in (c) 1412 (d) 1336
which Alwar and Nayanar saints played an important SSC CHSL 04/08/2021 (Shift-I)
role in its development. Alwar saints worshipped Lord Ans. (d) : Vijayanagara or 'City of Victory' was the
Vishnu while Nayanar saints worshipped lord Shiva. name of both a city and an empire. The empire was
103. Gnyaneshwar was a 13th-century Marathi saint founded in the fourteenth century. Harihara and Bukka
who wrote the Dnyaneshwari, which is a were the founders of the Vijayanagara Empire in 1336
commentary on the……….. A.D. on the southern banks of Tungabhadra. They
(a) Ramayana (b) Bhagaved Gita made Hampi as the capital city. They served under the
administration of Kakatiya and Kampili kingdoms
(c) Vedas (d) Upanishads before establishing Vijaynagara.
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 25.01.17, 1:15 pm)
108. One of the most important descriptions of the
Ans : (b) Sant Dnyaneshwar was also known as city of _____ in the fifteenth century comes
Jnaneshwar, Gnyaneshwar, Dnyandev, Mauli or from Abdur Razzaq Samarqandi.
Jnanadeva was a 13th century Marathi Saint, yogi and (a) Vijayanagara (b) Harappa
philosopher of the Nath Vaishnava tradition. He lived
(c) Ayodhya (d) Hampi
just 21 years and authored Dnyaneshwari a
commentary on Bhagavad Gita and Amrutanubhav. He (SSC J.E. 01.03.17, 2:45 pm)
was born in 1275 on the occasion of Krishna Ans : (a) Abdur Razzaq was a reluctant traveller who
Janmashtami in a Marathi speaking Brahmin family. left Herat only at the order of his monarch. He was
Sant Dnyaneshwar's Dnaneshwari of Jnaneshwari is a Persian scholar and also an ambassador of Persia. He
simplified version of Bhagavad Gita in Marathi to visited (1443-44) India during the rule of Deva Raya II
reach out to those who have not read Gita. of Vijayanagara empire.
109. In which among the following King’s reign
4. Vijaynagar Empire Persian traveller Abdur Razzaq came to
104. Who among the following rulers belonged to (a) Dev Rai I (b) Krishna Dev Rai I
Tuluva dynasty? (c) Dev Rai II (d) Krishna Rai II
(a) Pushyamitra Sunga (b) Krishnadeva Raya SSC JE Civil - 29/01/2018 (Shift-II)
(c) Vishnuvardhana (d) Simha Vishnu Ans. (c) : See the explanation of the above question.
SSC CHSL 10/08/2021 (Shift-III)
110. 'Amuktamalyada' one of the works of
Ans. (b) : Krishnadevaraya was an emperor of the Krishnadevaraya was written in:
Vijaynagara Empire, who reigned from 1509-1529. He (a) Telugu (b) Tamil
was the third ruler of the Tuluva Dynasty. He was the
greatest ruler of the Vijaynagar Kingdom. He was the (c) Kannada (d) Sanskrit
contemporary of Mughal King Babur. SSC JE Electrical -26/09/219 (Shift-I)


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115. Which battle led to the downfall of the

Ans. (a) : Krishna Deva Raya was an emperor of the
Vijaynagar Empire?
Vijaynagara empire. He himself was a poet and patron
of poets. His poetry in Telugu language is (a) Battle of Takkolam (b) Battle of Talikota
'Amuktamalyada' a gem of literature. There were (c) Battle of Kanwah (d) Battle of Panipat
famous poets in Telugu language in his court who
SSC CGL 08-09-2016, 10 am
were famous as 'Ashtadiggajas'. Historian Tejpal
Ans : (b) The Battle of Talikota was fought on 23
Singh Dhama has written a novel in Hindi called
January 1565 AD. It was a watershed battle fought
Andhra Bhoj, based on the life of Krishnadevaraya.
between the Vijayanagara empire & an alliance of the
111. The famous traveller Duarte Barbosa was
Deccan Sultanates. The Deccan Sultnates had better
artillery, better cavalry, & the betrayal by Gilani
(a) Spain (b) Portugal Brothers (key commanders of Vijayanagara kingdom)
(c) France (d) Egypt led to the downfall of Vijayanagar empire.
SSC JE Electrical -26/09/219 (Shift-II) 116. The Group of Monuments at Hampi is an
Ans : (b) Famous traveller Barbosa (portguese) visited important………. centre?
the court of Krishnadevaraya of Tuluva dynasty of (a) Islam (b) Hindu
Vijaynagara empire and resided in India in 1500-1516. (c) Sikh (d) Christian
He wrote a travelling literary work "The book of Duarte
Barboso". Another Portuguese traveller Domingo Paes (SSC 10+2 CHSL 22.01.17, 1:15 pm)
also visited the court of Krishna Dev Rai. Ans : (b) Hampi, also referred to as the group of
112. Which of the following is the best example of monuments at Hampi, is a UNESCO World Heritage
Vijayanagar Art? Site located in east-central karnataka, India. It became
the centre of the Hindu Vijayanagara Empire capital in
(a) Ajanta (b) Hampi the 14th century.
(c) Puri (d) Sanchi
117. Group of Monuments at Hampi is in --------
SSC JE Civil - 23/01/2018 (Shift-I)
(a) Karnataka (b) Madhya Pradesh
Ans. (b) : The best example of Vijayanagar art is
(c) Maharashtra (d) Rajasthan
Hampi. Hampi was the capital of the Vijayanagar
empire the city now remains in the state of Karnataka (SSC 10+2 CHSL 03.02.17, 10 am)
state of India. The rulers of Vijayanagar have made Ans : (a) See the explanation of the above question.
commendable contribution in the development of
118. Chandragiri Fort is a historical fort, built in the
architecture such as Virupaksha Temple, Sugriva
11th century. It is located in ..........
Cave, Vitthalaswamy temple, Hazara Ram temple etc.
The architecture of the Vijayanagar empire developed (a) Karnataka (b) Maharashtra
on the basis of the Dravidian style. The Krishna (c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Andhra Pradesh
temple at Hampi was built by Krishna Deva Raya to (SSC 10+2 CHSL 10.01.17, 1:15 pm)
commemorate the success of his Odisha campaign. Ans : (d) The Chandragiri fort is located in the Chittoor
113. Which dynasty was ruling in Vijaynagar district of the state of Andhra Pradesh. It was built in
empire at the time of the Battle of Talikota? the 11th century by Immadi Yadava Narsimha. It is at a
(a) Sangam (b) Aniridu distance of 14 km from Tirupathi. It got its name from a
(c) Tuluva (d) Saluva local myth that says that once, the moon (Chandra) did
penance on this hill. Lord Shiva was pleased and gave
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 01-09-2016, 10 am him boons. Hence the name, Chandragiri came in
Ans : (c) The Tuluva dynasty (1505-1570), existence.
Krishnadevaraya (1509-1530 AD) was the most famous
king of Vijayanagar Empire. This was the third dynasty 5. Bahamani Kingdom
to rule Vijayanagar empire. The Battle of Talikota took
place on 23 January 1565 during this dynasty. 119. Who was the founder of Bahmani Kingdom?
114. The city of Vijayanagar is also known as (a) Hasan Gangu (b) Firoz Shah
(a) Halebidu (b) Chandragiri (c) Mahmud Gawan (d) Asaf Khan
(c) Hampi (d) Kondavidu SSC JE Civil - 22/01/2018 (Shift-I)
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 06-09-2016, 10 am Ans. (a) : In the last days of the reign of Muhammad
Ans : (c) The city of Vijaynagar is also known as bin Tuglaq in Deccan in 1347 AD a chieftain named
Hampi. It is located in present day district of Bellary. It Hasan Gangu became by holding the title of Alauddin
was established in 1336 by Harihara I and his brother Hasan Bahman Shah and established the Bahmani
Bukka Raya I of Sangama Dynasty. Hampi is an Empire. He made Gulbarga the capital of his newly
established kingdom and named it Ahsanabad. It is
ancient human settlement, mentioned in Hindu texts
known that in 1425 AD its capital become Bidar.
and has pre-Vijayanagara temples and monuments.

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120. Who among the following is regarded as the 6. Mughal Empire

founder of Aurangabad city?
(a) Nizam Shah (b) Qutub Shah (i) Babur
(c) Bahlaul Lodi (d) Malik Ambar
SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Shift-I) 127. Who was founder of Mughal Empire in India?
Ans. (d) : Malik Ambar is regarded as the founder of (a) Babur (b) Humayun
Aurangabad city. He was a popular Prime Minister of (c) Akbar (d) Jahangir
the Ahmadnagar Sultanate. SSC JE Civil - 23/01/2018 (Shift-I)
121. In which year was the 'Battle of Goa' fought? Ans. (a) : Babur was founder of Mughal Empire in
(a) 1502 (b) 1514 India. He confronted and defeated Ibrahim Lodi in
(c) 1510 (d) 1524 1526 at the first Battle of Panipat and so came to
establish the Mughal Empire in India. Babur ruled
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-III) until 1530, and was succeeded by his son Humayun.
Ans. (c) : The Battle of Goa was fought in 1510 and Babur in his autobiography 'Baburnama' mentions
the Portuguese got control over Goa and during this only 5 Muslim states viz. Bengal, Delhi, Malwa,
the Portuguese commander was Afonso de Albuquerque. Gujarat and Bahmani and two Hindu states Mewar and
122. In which Indian state is Gol Gumbaz located ? Vijayanagar.
(a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Karnataka 128. Babur (1526-1530 AD) was the ruler of which
(c) Maharashtra (d) Kerala dynasty?
SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Shift-II) (a) Mughal (b) Nanda
Ans. (b) : Gol Gumbaz is situated in Bijapur, Karnataka. (c) Maurya (d) Haryanka
It is the tomb of king Mohammad Adil Shah, the seventh (SSC 10+2 CHSL 20.01.17, 4:15 pm)
ruler of the Adil Shahi empire started the construction of Ans : (a) See the explanation of the above question.
the tomb right after he became the Sultan in 1626. Its
name is based on "Gol Gumbadh" derived from "Gola 129. Who defeated Ibrahim Lodi in the first Battle
Gummata" meaning "circular dome". of Panipat
123. The Gol Gumbad (Gumbaz) of –––– is the (a) Sher Shah (b) Muhammad Ghori
mausoleum of Muhammad Adil Shah. (c) Babur (d) Akbar
(a) Agra (b) Bijapur SSC CHSL 26/10/2020 (Shift-II)
(c) Delhi (d) Allahabad Ans. (c) : See the explanation of the above question.
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 04/03/2020 (Shift-I) 130. Battle for Delhi was fought in the year ---------
Ans. (b) : See the explanation of the above question. (a) 1764 (b) 1526
124. What is Gol Gumbaz? (c) 1556 (d) 1857
(a) Mausoleum of Hyder Ali (SSC 10+2 CHSL 31.01.17, 1:15 pm)
(b) Mausoleum of Aurangzeb Ans : (b) See the explanation of the above question.
(c) Mausoleum of Chand Bibi 131. Which Mughal Emperor fought the battle of
(d) Mausoleum of Mohammed Adil Shah Panipat in 1526?
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 08-09-2016, 4:15 pm (a) Babur (b) Humayun
Ans : (d) See the explanation of the above question. (c) Akbar (d) Aurangzeb
125. Which of the following was built by (SSC 10+2 CHSL 07.02.17, 10 am)
Muhammed Quli Qutub Shah? Ans : (a) See the explanation of the above question.
(a) Buland Darwaza (b) Gol Gumbad 132. In which year did Babur defeat the Sultan of
(c) Charminar (d) Jama Masjid Delhi, Ibrahim Lodi, at Panipat and capture
SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Shift-I) Delhi and Agra ?
Ans. (c) : Charminar, located in Hyderabad, Telangana, (a) 1526 (b) 1494
was built by Muhammed Quli Qutub Shah in 1591. (c) 1543 (d) 1530
126. Which of the following is the largest dome of SSC CHSL 21/10/2020 (Shift-III)
India as of April 2021? Ans. (a) : The First Battle of Panipat (Hariyana and
(a) Adhai Din Ka Jhonpra(b) Alai Darwaza Delhi), on 21 April 1526, was fought between the
(c) Gol Gumbaz (d) Data Darbar forces of Babur and Ibrahim Lodi (Delhi Sultanate).
SSC CGL 21/04/2022 (Shift-III) The battle resulted in the death of Ibrahim Lodi and
also the end of Lodi Dynasty and the Delhi Sultanate
Ans. (c) As of April 2021, Gol Gumbaz is the largest in India.Thus the battle marked the beginning of the
dome of India. It is the most famous mounment in
Mughal era. This was one of the earliest battles
Vijayapura, Karnataka, It is the tomb of Mohammed
Adil Shah (1627-1656). involving gun powder firearms and field artillery.


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133. Battle of Panipat was fought in the year 1526 138. 'Memoirs of Babur' or 'Baburnama', also
between Babur and………. known as 'Tuzk-e-Babri', was written by:
(a) Rana Sanga (a) Faizi
(b) Muhammad Bin Tughluq (b) Abdul Rahim Khan-e-Khanan
(c) Hemu (c) Babur
(d) Ibrahim Lodi' (d) Talib Amah
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 07.01.17, 4:15 pm) SSC CHSL 06/08/2021 (Shift-II)
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 19.01.17, 10 am) Ans. (c) : The Baburnama "History of Babur" also
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 08.02.17, 4:15 pm) known as Tuzk-e-Babri, is the memoirs of Babur
Ans : (d) See the explanation of the above question. (1483–1530), founder of Mughal Empire. It is written
in the Chagatai or Turkish language. Mughal imperial
134. In 1526, Babur defeated Sultan Ibrahim Lodi officer, Abdur Rahim Khan-e-Khana, son of Bairam
at ______. Khan, translated it into persian.
(a) Delhi (b) Panipat Faizi was a poet and scholar of Akbar's court. He was
(c) Sonepat (d) Karnal the elder brother of Akbar's historian Abul Fazl.
SSC JE Electrical – 24/03/2021 (Shift-I) 139. Babur was born in the year
Ans. (b) : See the explanation of the above question. (a) 1483 (b) 1583
135. In which of the following years was the Mughal (c) 1683 (d) 1783
empire established by Babur? (SSC 10+2 CHSL 10.01.17, 4:15 pm)
(a) 1526 (b) 1578 Ans : (a) Babur was born on February 14, 1483 in
(c) 1699 (d) 1634 Fergana which is now in Uzbekistan. His actual name
SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 13/08/2021 (Shift II) was Zahir-ud-din Muhammad Babur. He established
the Mughal Empire in 1526 AD after defeating Ibrahim
Ans. (a) : The Mughal empire was founded by Babur in Lodi in first Battle of Panipat. His name derived from
1526. Babur was a direct descendant of the Timurid Persian word 'Babr' which means 'Tiger'.
Emperor Tamerlane on his fathers side and the Mongol
ruler Genghis Khan on his mother's side. Babur's forces 140. Who among the following was the first Mughal
occupied much of northern India after his victory at Emperor in India?
Panipat in 1526. (a) Aurangzeb (b) Babur
136. Who did Mughal Emperor Babur defeat in the (c) Humayun (d) Akbar
Battle of Ghaghra in 1529? SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Shift-I)
(a) Qasim Barid I (b) Dilawar Khan Husain SSC JE Mechanical 27.10.2020 (Shift-II)
(c) Mahmud Lodi (d) Yusuf Adil Shah SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-I)
SSC GD 03/03/2019 (Shift-I) Ans. (b) : See the explanation of the above question.
Ans. (c) : The Battle of Ghaghara was fought in 1529. 141. What was the first name of the Mughal
This battle was fought between the Afghan King, Emperor Babur?
Mahmud Lodi and the Mughal emperor Babur. Lodi (a) Hasanuddin (b) Giasuddin
was supported by the Rajput Kings of India. Mahmud
Lodi was defeated in the battle and Babur extended his (c) Zahiruddin (d) Qaseemuddin
frontier from the Oxus River in the west to the Ghagra SSC CGL 12/04/2022 (Shift-II)
River in the east and from the Himalayas to Gwalior. Ans. (c) Babur, Zahir-ud-Din Muhammad Babur, was
137. In which year did the battle of Khanua the founder of Mughal Empire.
(Khanwa) take place between Babur and the 142. Who among the following was the first to make
Rajput forces led by Rana Sanga? use of artillery in warfare in medieval India?
(a) 1527 (b) 1526 (a) Babur (b) Ibrahim Lodi
(c) 1522 (d) 1529 (c) Sher Shah Suri (d) Akbar
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 07/03/2020 (Shift-II) SSC CGL (TIER-1) 11-09-2016, 1:15 pm
Ans. (a) : The Battle of Khanwa was fought near the Ans : (a) Babur was the first to make use of artillery
village of Khanwa, in Bharatpur District of Rajasthan, and gun powder fire arms in warfare during the first
on March 16, 1527. It was fought between the Battle of Panipat in 1526. He was the founder of
invading forces of the first Mughal Emperor Babur Mughal Empire.
and the Rajput forces led by Rana Sanga of Mewar,
143. How many times did Babur invade India
after the first battle of Panipat (1526). Rana Sanga was
before 1526 A.D.?
defeated by Babur as Mughals were skilled in
Tulughama technique. After this battle, Babur fought (a) Five times (b) Four times
two more battles, the Battle of Chanderi (1528) and (c) Two times (d) None of these
the Battle of Ghaghra (1529). SSC CPO (TIER-1) 2016

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Ans : (b) Before the final conquest of Delhi in 1526, Ans. (d) :
Babur led as many as four expeditions to India in 1524.
Babur again determined to invade India, this time Battles Between Winner
Daulat Khan Lodi, the Afghan governor of Lahore I Battle of Panipat Babur and Babur
invited Babur to invade India. Ibrahim Lodi
144. Who was Babur's Son? IInd Battle of Panipat Akbar & Hemu Akbar
(a) Humayun (b) Shah Jahan rd
III Battle of Panipat Afghan & Maratha Afghan
(c) Akbar (d) Bahadur Shah
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 10.01.17, 1:15 pm) 148. Who among the following did Babur defeat in
the year 1528 at Chanderi ?
Ans : (a) Mughal Empire–
(a) Ibrahim Lodi (b) Medini Rai
Father Son
(c) Muhammad Lodi (d) Bappa Rawal
Umar Shaikh Mirza Babur
SSC CHSL 21/10/2020 (Shift-I)
Babur Humayun
Ans. (b) : The battle of Chanderi took place between
Humayun Akbar Babur and Medini Rai in 1528. In this battle Medini
Akbar Jahangir Rai was wrecked by Babur.
Jahangir Shah Jahan 149. In the context of the Mughals, which of the
Shah Jahan Aurangzeb following statements is Not correct?
145. Which is the correct sequence of rulers of the (a) They were the descendants of Taimur on the
Mughal Empire ? paternal side.
(a) Babur, Humayun, Aurangzeb, Jahangir, Shah (b) The Mughal court chronicles describe them
Jahan, Bahadur Shah, Akbar as the descendents of a legendary Iranian
(b) Babur Aurangzeb, Humayun, Jahangir, Shah King Afrasiyab.
Jahan, Bahadur Shah, Akbar (c) Babur was related to Ghenghis Khan from his
(c) Babur, Jahangir, Humayun, Akbar, Bahadur mother's side.
Shah, Shah Jahan, Aurangzeb, Bahadur Shah (d) Babur was pushed out of his homeland
(d) Babur, Humayun, Akbar, Jahangir, Shah Farghana by Uzbaks
Jahan, Aurangzeb, Bahabur Shah SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-II)
SSC CHSL 19/10/2020 (Shift-I) Ans. (b) : Among the following given options all are
Ans. (d) : - The correct chronological order of the correct except 'b' because Balban was the one who
Mughal Emperors - used to call him the successor of Afrasiyab, instead of
Babur (1526-1530)
Humayun (1530-1540 & 1555 - 1556)
Akbar (1556-1605)
(ii) Humayun
Jahangir (1605-1627) 150. Humayun was born in the year……….
Shah Jahan (1628-1658) (a) 1508 (b) 1608
Aurangzeb (1658-1707) (c) 1708 (d) 1808
Bahadur Shah (1707-1712) (SSC 10+2 CHSL 02.02.17, 1:15 pm)
146. Which of the following is an INCORRECT Ans : (a) Humayun was born on 6 March 1508 in
sequence of Mughal rulers ? Kabul during a period when his father Babur was
(a) Akbar, Shahjahan, Jahangir trying to expand his kingdom. Humayun divided his
(b) Akbar, Jahangir, Shahjahan inheritance according to the will of his father, his
brothers were each given province. Humayun lost
(c) Jahangir, Shahjahan, Aurangzeb Mughal territories to Sher Shah Suri in battle of Chausa
(d) Babur, Humayun, Akbar (26 June 1539) and battle of Bilgram (Kannauj) but
regained them 15 years later with Safavid (dynasty of
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 04/03/2020 (Shift-III)
Iran) aid. The Mughal Emperor Humayun died on
Ans. (a) : Kindly refer the explanation of above January 26, 1556.
151. Humayun (1530-1540 AD) was the ruler of
147. Where did Babur defeated Ibrahim Lodi in which dynasty?
1526? (a) Nanda (b) Mughal
(a) Haldighati (b) Kalinjar (c) Maurya (d) Haruyanka
(c) Chausa (d) Panipat (SSC 10+2 CHSL 17.01.17, 4:15 pm)
SSC GD 14/02/2019 (Shift-II) Ans : (b) See the explanation of the above question.

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152. Hamida Banu Maryam Makani was the wife of 157. Which of these was not from the Mughal
Mughal emperor........... Dynasty?
(a) Humayun (b) Babur (a) Humayun (b) Akbar
(c) Jahangir (d) Shah Jahan (c) Sher Shah Suri (d) Kamran Mirza
SSC CHSL 06/08/2021 (Shift-II) (SSC 10+2 CHSL 31.01.17, 4:15 pm)
Ans. (a) : Hamida Banu Begum was wife of the second Ans : (c) Sher Shah Suri was the founder of the Suri
Mughal emperor Humayun and the mother the third empire in India with its capital in Sasaram, Bihar. He
Mughal emperor Akbar. She was also known by the introduced the currency of rupee. An ethnic Afghan
title Maryam Makani, which was given to her by her ruler, after his death in 1545 his son Islam Shah
son, Akbar. became his successor.
153. The biography of Humayun was written by---- 158. When was the 'Battle of Kannauj' fought?
(a) Nur Jehan (b) Jodha (a) 1524 (b) 1540
(c) Anarkali (d) Gulbadan Begum (c) 1536 (d) 1556
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 30.01.17, 10 am) SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans : (d) The Humayun Nama was written by (SSC 10+2 CHSL 18.01.17, 4:15 pm)
Gulbadan Begum (sister of Humayun). The book
provide the detailed account of the life of Mughal Ans : (b) In May 1540, the Battle of Kannauj was
emperor Humayun. fought between Humayun and Sher Shah. The Afghan
soldiers were capable of running off the Mughal
154. The Suri king____was defeated by Humayun Empire. Humayun ran away from the field of battle,
to regain his kingdom. and for the next 15 years, he survived like a wanderer.
(a) Mahmood Suri (b) Sher Shah Suri
159. Battle of Kannauj in 1540 was fought between
(c) Sikandar Suri (d) Bahalol Suri
Sher Shah and……….
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-III)
(a) Babur (b) Humayun
Ans : (c) Humayun ruled India for nearly a decade but (c) Akbar (d) Aurangzeb
was ousted by Sher Shah Suri, the Afghan ruler.
Humayun wandered for about 15 years after his defeat. (SSC 10+2 CHSL 08.02.17, 10 am)
Meanwhile, Sher Shah Suri died and Humayun was Ans : (b) See the explanation of the above question.
able to defeat his successor, Sikandar Suri regain his
crown of the Hindustan. However, soon after, he died in
1556 at a young age of 48 years.
(iv) Akbar
155. The Battle of Chausa was fought between 160. _____died in 1605, nearly 50 years after his
Humayun and –––––. ascension to the throne. He was buried outside
(a) Sher Shah Suri (b) Nader Shah of Agra at Sikandra.
(c) Hemu (d) Krishnadeva Raya (a) Akbar (b) Aurangzeb
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 06/03/2020 (Shift-II) (c) Shah Jahan (d) Jahangir
Ans. (a) : The Battle of Chausa took place between SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-I)
Mughal Emperor Humayun and Sher Shah Suri on Ans : (a) It was the third Mughal Emperor Akbar who
June 26, 1539. Sher Shah Suri defeated the Mughal died in 1605 and got buried outside Agra at Akbar's
emperor Humayun and assumed the royal title Farid tomb at Sikandra. The Akbar's tomb was built by
al-Din Sher Shah. After consolidating their forces for a
Jahangir. The Akbar's reign in Mughal Period is also
year, the armies met once again at the Battle of
known as the golden period of literature some important
Kannauj in May 1540. Sher Shah defeated Humayun
works of Akbar are
and become the master of Agra and Delhi.
Ended slavery – 1562
(iii) Sher Shah Suri Free from Haram Party – 1562
Annulled the Pilgrimage tax – 1563
156. Who among the following is NOT associated to Abolished Jizya – 1564
the Mughal empire? Establishment of FatehpurSikri – 1571
(a) Kamran Mirza (b) Sher Shah Suri Founded Ibadatkhana – 1575
(c) Shah Alam II (d) Dara Sikoh Founded Din–e–illahi – 1582
SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Shift-III)
161. Akbar (1556 – 1605 AD) was the ruler of which
Ans. (b) : The correct answer in Sher Shah Suri. He dynasty?
was the founder of the Suri Empire in India. The Suri
Empire was an Afghan dynasty which ruled for nearly (a) Nanda (b) Maurya
16 years, between 1540 to 1556 with its capital in (c) Mughal (d) Haryanka
Sasaram modern day in Bihar. (SSC 10+2 CHSL 18.01.17, 1:15 pm)

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Ans : (c) The Advent of the Mughal rule in India Ans : (a) Jalaluddin Muhammad Akbar was son of
brought rich culture and ethical changes. Akbar was the Nasiruddin Humayun. Akbar was born on 15 October
ruler of Mughal dynasty. Akbar ruled India from 1556 1542 in palace of Rana Veerasala from the womb of
to 1605 AD. He was the son of Humayun. At a very Hamida Bano Begum. Akbar sat on the throne of Delhi
small age of 13 years, Akbar was conferred the title of at age of thirteen only after death of his father
'Shehanshah Akbar' under the keen guidance of Bairam Humayun. As emperor, Akbar made diplomatic
Khan. Akbar propounded the principal of Din-i- Ilahi relations with powerful Hindu Rajput Kings.
(1582). Under the Kingship of Akbar the Jizya taxes
were abolished. Akbar built many monuments in Delhi 167. Who amongst the following succeeded the
and Agra like Agra Fort, Fatehpur Sikri, Buland Mughal throne in the year 1556?
Darwaza, Humayuns Tomb, Jodhabai Palace and Akbar (a) Akbar (b) Sher Shah Suri
Tomb. (c) Jahangir (d) Shah Jahan
162. Akbar was born in the year…….. SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-III)
(a) 1542 (b) 1642 Ans. (a) : Akbar succeeded throne of Mughal empire
(c) 1742 (d) 1842 after death of Mughal ruler Humayun. Akbar
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 11.01.17, 10 am) coronation took place on 14 February 1556 A.D. at
Kalanaur in Punjab.
Ans : (a) On October 15, 1542, Akbar the great, the
future Mughal Emperor was born at Amarkot. His 168. During the early years of his reign, Akbar's
father, Humayun, had already lost the kingdom won by rule was actually run by his regent named:
Babur, and Akbar's childhood was spent in exile. (a) Abdul Rahim (b) Mirza Hakim
Humayun reconquered India in 1555, only to die, and (c) Bairam Khan (d) Ulugh Beg
the boy-king had to endure five years of regency before SSC JE Civil - 23/09/2019 (Shift-II)
he came into his own.
Ans. (c) : Akbar's rule was actually run by a patron
163. Which Rajput ruler of Mewar in 1576 fought named Bairam Khan. Bairam Khan was conferred the
the Battle of Haldighati and then fled the field title of Khan-e-Khana by Humayun.
on his horse, Chetak?
(a) Rana Amar Singh 169. Which among the following is not correctly
(b) Raja Man Singh
(a) Shivaji-Afzal Khan
(c) Maharaja Udai Singh
(b) Nurjahan-Mahabat Khan
(d) Maharana Pratap
(c) Akbar-Rana Pratap
SSC CHSL 12/10/2020 (Shift-III)
(d) Babur-Bairam Khan
Ans. : (d) The Battle of Haldighati was fought on 18
June 1576 between the armies of the Rana of Mewar, SSC CGL (TIER-1) 27-08-2016, 10am
Maharana Pratap and Mughal emperor Akbar's forces Ans : (d) Bairam Khan was a Turkmen military general
led by Man Singh I of Amer. who served as a regent to young Mughal ruler Akbar.
164. When was the Battle of Haldighati fought? 170. Which queen died fighting Mughal Armies
(a) 1776 (b) 1676 while defending Garha Katanga in 1564?
(c) 1576 (d) 1476 (a) Rani Durgavati (b) Rani Avantibai
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 25.01.17, 10 am) (c) Rani Rudrambara (d) Rani Ahilyabai
Ans : (c) See the explanation of the above question. SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-I)
165. Battle of Haldighati in 1576 was fought between Ans : (a) In 1564 Mughal army (led by Asay Khan)
Akbar and ------ overran the kingdom of Garha Katanga during the reign
of Akbar queen Durgavati was died while defending
(a) Sher Shah
Garha Katanga from the Mughal army. Queen
(b) Maharana Pratap Durgavati ruled from 1550 to 1564 A.D.
(c) Hemu Vikramaditya
171. Chand Bibi was the ruler of…………
(d) Nader Shah
(a) Ahmednagar (b) Bijapur
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 03.02.17, 10 am)
(c) Satara (d) Golconda
Ans : (b) See the explanation of the above question. (SSC 10+2 CHSL 11.01.17, 4:15 pm)
166. Humayun's heir____ was born in exile and was Ans : (a) Sultana Chand Bibi was an Indian Muslim
only 13 years old when his father died. ruler and a warrior. She worked as a patron of Bijapur
(a) Akbar (b) Shah Jahan (1596-1599) and Ahmednagar (1580-1590). Chand
(c) Jahangir (d) Babur Bibi was the daughter of Hussain Nizam Shah I. She
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-II) knew many languages as Persian, Turkish, Marathi.


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172. Abul Fazal, a scholar during the medieval Ans : (a) Diwan was the finance minister responsible
period in India, was in the court of : for supervising the fiscal system and collection of
(a) Shahjahan (b) Aurangzeb revenue under Mughal reign. Raja Todarmal was the
Finance Minister (Mushrif-i-Diwan) of Mughal
(c) Akbar (d) Babur Emperor Akbar. He was one of the Navratnas of
SSC JE Civil - 23/09/2019 (Shift-I) Akbar's Court.
Ans. (c) : Despite his illiteracy, Mughal ruler Akbar 177. Todarmal was__in the court of Emperor
appreciated the presence of artists and intellectuals. Akbar
His passion for knowledge and interest in learning (a) Minister of Education
from great minds meant that men of great intellect (b) Culture Minister
received patronage from the emperor. Such men went
on to constitute the nine courtiers, also known as (c) Chief of Staff
'Navaratnas' of Akbar's Kingdom. The navratnas are– (d) Finance Minister
1. Abul Fazl (Author of Akbarnama) SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 19/06/2019 (Shift-III)
2. Abdul Rahim Khan–I-Khana Ans. (d) : Todarmal was Finance minister of Mughal
empire during Akbar reign. He introduced a new
3. Birbal system of revenue known as Zabt and a system of
4. Mulla–Do–Piyaza taxation called Dahshala.
5. Faizi 178. Birbal was an advisor in the court of ?
6. Raja Man Singh (a) Babur (b) Akbar
7. Raja Todar Mal (c) Aurangzeb (d) Jahangir
8. Fakir Aziao-Din (SSC 10+2 CHSL 01.02.17, 1:15 pm)
9. Tansen Ans : (b) Birbal was a Hindu advisor in the court of the
173. Whom did Akbar defeat in the 2nd battle of Mughal Emperor Akbar. He was among the nine Jewels
Panipat in 1556? or Nav Ratnas in the Court of Akbar. He was in the inner
council of advisors of Akbar's administration.
(a) Genghis Khan (b) Nader Shah
179. Jodha Bai was married to……….
(c) Hemu Vikramaditya (d) Baijrao I
(a) Babur (b) Humayun
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 03.02.17, 4:15 pm)
(c) Akbar (d) Aurangzeb
Ans : (c) The Second Battle of Panipat was fought (SSC 10+2 CHSL 07.02.17, 1:15 pm)
between the forces of Samrat Hem Chandra
Vikramaditya (Hemu) and the army of Akbar on Ans : (c) Jodha Bai was the third wife of Akbar. Her
November 5 , 1556. It was a decisive victory for real name was Heer Kunwari. She was the eldest
daughter of Raja Bharmal of Amer. She was married to
Akbar's Generals Khan Zaman I and Bairam Khan. Akbar in 1562. She was also mother of the next mughal
174. When was the second battle of Panipat fought? emperor Jahangir. She died in 1623.
(a) 1556 (b) 1549 180. Who was the trusted General of the Mughal
(c) 1578 (d) 1590 emperor Akbar?
SSC JE Electrical 10.12.2020 (Shift-II) (a) Raja Todar Mal (b) Man Singh I
Ans (a) See the explanation of the above question. (c) Birbal (d) Tansen
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 23.01.17, 10 am)
175. The Ibadat Khana was a meeting house built
by which Mughal Emperor? Ans : (b) Raja Man Singh I was the son of Raja
Bhagwan Das. Raja Man Singh was the Kachwaha
(a) Babur (b) Humayun Rajput Raja of Amer. He was a trusted general of the
(c) Akbar (d) Aurangzeb Mughal emperor Akbar, who included him among the
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 07.02.17, 4:15 pm) navratnas.
Ans : (c) The Ibadat Khana or House of Worship was a 181. Who among the following initiated 'Din-i-
prayer or a meeting room built by Akbar (1575) at his llahi'?
Palace in Fatehpur Sikri. It was built to gather spiritual (a) Babur (b) Humayun
leaders of different religious ground so as to conduct a (c) Jahangir (d) Akbar
discussion on the teachings of the respective religious SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 09/03/2020 (Shift-II)
Ans. (d) : Din-i-Ilahi, "the religion of God," was a
176. During Akbar’s reign who was the Finance system of religious beliefs introduced by the great
Minister of the Mughal empire? Mughal emperor Akbar in 1582 AD. His idea was to
(a) Raja Todar Mal (b) Man Singh I combine Islam and Hinduism into one faith, but also to
(c) Birbal (d) Tansen add aspects of Christianity, Zoroastrianism and
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 17.02.17, 9.00 pm) Jainism. It is based on Monotheism (believe in one


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God). The first initiated disciples of Din-i-ilahi during (v) Jahangir

emperor Akbar included Birbal, Prince Salim and
Abul Fazl. Akbar took a deep personal interest in 186. William Hawkins met Emperor Jahangir as a
religious matters. He founded an academy, the Ibadat representative of the____East India Company.
Khana, "the House of Worship," in 1575, where (a) Portuguese (b) Dutch
representatives of all major faiths could meet to
discuss questions on theology. Listening to these (c) French (d) English
debates, Akbar concluded that he should create the SSC CGL 19/04/2022 (Shift-I)
Din-i-ilahi. Ans.(d) William Hawkins met Emperor Jahangir as a
182. When the 'Battle of Tukaroi' fought? representative of the English East India Company.
(a) 1665 (b) 1546 187. Sir Thomas Roe came as an official
ambassador from King James I of England to
(c) 1532 (d) 1575 which Mughal emperor's court ?
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-I) (a) Aurangzeb (b) Akbar
Ans : (d) The Battle of Tukaroi was fought on 3 (c) Shah Jahan (d) Jahangir
March 1575 AD under the leadership of Munim Khan, SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 03/03/2020 (Shift-I)
the Commander of Akbar, in which he defeated
Daoud, the Afghan ruler of Bengal. It resulted in the Ans. (d) : Sir Thomas Roe visited the court of
Mughal annexation of Bengal. Emperor Jahangir in 1615 as an ambassador of king
James I. He arrived at the Surat port as the ambassador
183. Which of the following sultanats was ruled by of the English King. He was able to get permission for
the Nizam Shahi Dynasty? trade and establish factories at Agra, Ahmedabad and
(a) Golconda (b) Ahmednagar Broch.
(c) Bijapur (d) Berar 188. _____married Mehr-un-Nissa whom he gave
SSC JE Mechanical – 22/03/2021 (Shift-I) the title of 'Nur Jahan' (light of the world).
(a) Shah Jahan (b) Aurangzeb
Ans. (b) : Ahmednagar Sultanate also known as the
Nizam Shahi dynasty was established by Malik Ahmed (c) Akbar (d) Jahangir
Shah Bahri after defeating the Bahmani Army led by SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-I)
Jahangir Khan on May 28, 1490. Ans : (d) Jahangir did Nikah from Mehr-un-Nissa in
184. Which of the following writers has called May 1611 AD, whom he conferred with the title of
Akbar’s Din-I-lahi as a monument of his folly Nurmahal and Nur Jahan. Nur Jahan (1577-1645) was
the daughter of Mirza Ghias Beg who belonged to a
not of wisdom?
noble family of Persia.
(a) Badayuni (b) Vincent Smith
189. Jahangir was married to whom?
(c) Barni (d) W. Haig
(a) Mehr-un-nissa (b) Hazrat Mahal
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 03-09-2016, 10 am
(c) Jodha Bai (d) None of these
Ans : (b) Vincent Arthur Smith (1843-1920) was a SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-II)
British Indologist and art historian who stated that
Akbar's Din-i-Ilahi was a monument of his folly not of Ans. (a) : Jahangir married the extremely beautiful
and intelligent Mehr-un-Nissa (better known by her
subsequent title of Nur Jahan) on 25 May, 1611. She
185. Whose administration became a model that was the twentieth wife of the Jahangir and was the
was followed by Akbar when he consolidated widow of Sher Afgan. She became his indisputable
the Mughal Empire? chief consort and favourite immediately after their
(a) Ghiyas ud din Balban marriage. Jahangir was well known for his innovative
policy of the 'Chain of Justice'. According to legends,
(b) Bahlul Lodi he had placed a long golden chain with bells on his
(c) Iltutmish Palace wall. Anyone who had been subjected to
(d) Sher Shah Suri injustice could come to the palace, pull the chain and
SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 17/08/2021 (Shift I) make his or her complaint heard for redressal.
Ans. (d) : Sher Shah was precursor of Akbar. He was 190. Nur Jahan was wife of which Mughal Emperor?
one of the great administrator of medieval India. Akbar (a) Akbar (b) Aurangzeb
adopted several policies of Sher Shah like: (c) Jahangir (d) Shah Jahan
• Ideal of Kingship (SSC 10+2 CHSL 19.01.17, 4:15 pm)
• Military reforms Ans : (c) Nur Jahan (Mehr-un-Nissa) born on 31 May
1577. She was the twentieth wife of the Mughal
• Advice of council of minister emperor Jahangir. She married to Jahangir in 1611. She
• Division of empire into units belonged to a noble family of Persia.

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191. Akbar was succeeded by his son, Salim, who Ans : (a) Shah Jahan was the Mughal King who has
took the title of ____meaning 'Conqueror of been depicted as "architect king". Shah Jahan's reign
the World". has been defined as the "golden period of mughal
(a) Shah Jahan (b) Jahangir architecture" during his reign the world witnessed a
(c) Badshah (d) Jahapana unique development of arts and culture of the Mughal
Empire. Some of the buildings built during Shahjahan's
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-II) reign are.
Ans : (b) Salim took the title of Jahangir after his 1. Red Fort – Delhi
father, Akbar's death. The full name of Salim is Nur-ud- 2. Jama Masjid – Delhi (largest Masjid in India).
din Muhammad Salim. He was the fourth Mughal
Emperor and ruled from 1605 to 1627 till he died. His 3. Taj Mahal – Agra
tomb is located in Shahdara which is Present in Lahore, 4. Shalimar Gardens – Lahore
Pakistan. 4. Moti Masjid – Lahore
192. Jahangir (1605-1627 AD) was the ruler of 197. The name of the eldest son of Shah Jahan was–
which dynasty? (a) Aurangzeb (b) Dara Shikoh
(a) Nanda (b) Haryanka (c) Murad Bakhsh (d) Shah Shuja
(c) Maurya (d) Mughal SSC JE Electrical -26/09/2019 (Shift-II)
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 22.01.17, 1:15 pm) Ans. (b) Dara Shikoh was the eldest son of Shahjahan.
Ans : (d) Jahangir was born on 31 August 1569. Dara Shikoh was born in 1615. He has the title of
Jahangir was Mughal emperor of India from 1605 to Mansab of 60,000 and Shah Buland Iqbal. Dara Shikoh
1627. He was the eldest son of Akbar. Tuzuk-e translated the Bhagavad-Gita, Yoga Vashistha,
Jahangiri (Persian) is the autobiography of Mughal Upanishad and Ramayana into Persian. He translated 52
Emperor Jahangir. Jahangir's period is called the Upanishads under the name Sirr-e-Akbar.
golden period of painting 198. Who among the following had been given the
193. Jahangir was born in the year title of 'Sultan Buland Iqbal' by Shah Jahan?
(a) 1569 (b) 1669 (a) Murad (b) Shuja
(c) 1769 (d) 1869 (c) Dara (d) Aurangzeb
SSC CPO-SI 25/11/2020 (Shift-I)
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 16.01.17, 10 am)
Ans. (c) : There were four sons of Shah Jahan namely,
Ans : (a) See the explanation of the above question.
Dara Shikoh, Shah Suja, Murad and Aurangzeb in
194. Jahangir was the son of? which Dara Shikoh was the eldest. On 10 September
(a) Babur (b) Humayun 1642, Shah Jahan formally confirmed Dara Shikoh as
(c) Akbar (d) Shah Jahan his heir, granting him the title of 'Sultan Buland Iqbal'
("Prince of High Fortune"). But in the war of
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 21.01.17, 1:15 pm) succession, Dara was defeated by Aurangzeb and
Ans : (c) See the explanation of the above question. executed in 1659 on his order. Dara was known to be
195. In which of the following year did Prince Salim intellectual, liberal, and Sufi. Some of his literary
ascend the Mughal throne? works are Tariqat-ul-Haqiqat, Iksir-i-Azam, Risala-i-
Haq Numa, Sirr-e-Akbar etc.
(a) 1558 (b) 1605
199. Before taking over the Mughal throne, Shah
(c) 1625 (d) 1572
Jahan was called_____.
SSC CPO-SI 23/11/2020 (Shift-II) (a) Khurram (b) Saleem
Ans. : (b) Prince Salim succeeded to the throne on (c) Kamran (d) Dara Shikoh
Thursday, 3 November, 1605, eight days after his father SSC JE Civil - 25/09/2019 (Shift-I)
Akbar's death. He ascended to the throne with the title
of Nur-ud-din Muhammad Jahangir Badshah Ghazi, Ans : (a) Shah Jahan was called Khurram before he
and thus began his 22-year reign at the age of 36. took the Mughal throne. He was born on 5 January,
1592 in Lahore. His father's name was Jahangir and
mothers name was Jagat Gosai. Architecture was at its
(vi) Shah Jahan peak in Shah Jahans Kingdom. Shah Jahan's reign is
said to have marked the pinnacle of the Mughal
196. ...............has been called the "architect king" dynasty.
as during his reign, the world witnessed a 200. The Peacock Throne was a famous jewelled
unique development of arts and culture of the throne that was the seat of
Mughal Empire. the..............emperors of India.
(a) Shah Jahan (b) Jahangir (a) Maurya (b) Gupta
(c) Aurangzeb (d) Akbar (c) Mughal (d) Maratha
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-I) (SSC 10+2 CHSL 07.02.17, 10 am)

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Ans : (c) The Peacock Throne (Mayur throne) was a Ans : (b) During Aurangzeb's reign the Mughal Empire
famous jewelled throne that was the seat of the Mughal reached an its peak in terms of Area. Aurangzeb is also
emperors of India. It was commissioned in the early known as Alamgir and was the 6th Mughal emperor. He
17th century by emperor Shah Jahan and was located in was the only Mughal emperor who got coronation
the Red Fort of Delhi. Nader Shah invaded India in twice.
1739 under the reign of Mughal emperor Muhammad First – 31st July, 1658 (Delhi)
Shah and also took the Mayur throne with him.
Second – 5th June, 1659 (On the victory of Devrai
201. The renowned peacock throne was made for Battle)
the Mughal emperor_______.
Aurangzeb was also conferred with the title "Bahadur"
(a) Babur (b) Akbar
by Shahjahan.
(c) Shahjahan (d) Jahangir
SSC JE Civil - 25/09/2019 (Shift-I)
206. Alamgir was the title of which Mughal
Ans : (c) Mughal emperor Shahjahan built the throne
(a) Akbar (b) Shah Jahan
Takht-e-Taus in Agra. It is also called the Peacock
Throne. This throne was made of gold, silver and other (c) Babur (d) Aurangzeb
metals. In may 1739, Nadershah took away the famous SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 18/08/2021 (Shift II)
Peacock Throne, the Koh-i-Noor and the Darya-ye- Ans. (d) : See the explanation of above question.
Noor diamond with him.
202. Francois Bernier, a Frenchman was associated 207. Aurangzeb, the Mughal Emperor died in?
with the Mughal court, as a physician to Prince (a) 1507 (b) 1607
Dara Shikoh, the eldest son of Emperor ........... (c) 1707 (d) 1807
(a) Muhammad bin Tughlaq (SSC 10+2 CHSL 02.02.17, 10 am)
(b) Bahadur Shah Ans : (c) Aurangzeb was born on 3 November 1618
(c) Shah Jahan in Dahod, Gujarat. He was the third son of Shah Jahan
(d) Humayun and Mumtaz Mahal. Aurangzeb ascended the throne
(SSC J.E. 02.03.17, 10:00 am) in 1659 AD after a long and better struggle with his
father and three brothers. He died at his military camp
Ans : (c) Francois Bernier was a Frenchman who was a in Bhingar near Ahmednagar on 3 March 1707 at the
physician by profession. He came to India during the age of 88. Aurangzeb killed 9th Sikh Guru, Guru Teg
reign of Shah Jahan. Francois Bernier has witnessed the
Bahadur in Delhi for not accepting Islam. Aurangzeb
succession battle between Dara Shikoh and Aurangzeb.
He has described the history of the Mughal Empire re-enacted Jizya in 1679.
under the name 'Travels in the Mughal Empire'. 208. Aurangzeb put his father……….under house
203. Shah Jahan (1627-1657 AD) was the ruler of arrest in Agra Fort.
which dynasty? (a) Humayun (b) Shah Jahan
(a) Mughal (b) Nanda (c) Akbar (d) Bahadur Shah
(c) Maurya (d) Haryanka (SSC 10+2 CHSL 11.01.17, 1:15 pm)
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 21.01.17, 10 am) Ans : (b) In September 1657, Shah Jahan fell
Ans : (a) Shah Jahan was the fifth Mughal emperor of seriously ill. This set off a war of succession between
India (1627-57). He was the third son of the Mughal the emperor and his sons Dara Shikoh, Aurangzeb,
emperor Jahangir and the Rajput princess Manavati Bai Shah Shuja and Murad Baksh. Mughal Prince Dara
(better known by her title Jagat Gosai). He was the Shikoh was executed by his brother Aurangzeb after
originator of the glorious monument Taj Mahal, the being betrayed by Afghan Chief Malik Jiwan.
Moti Masjid in Lahore, Jama Masjid of Delhi Section Aurangzeb killed his younger brother Shuja and
of Agra fort. Murad. Shah Jahan recovered from his illness, but
204. Shah Jahan was the………Mughal ruler. emperor Aurangzeb put his father under house arrest
in Agra Fort from July 1658 untill his death in
(a) Fourth (b) Third January 1666.
(c) Sixth (d) Fifth
209. Which Mughal emperor imprisoned his father
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 11.01.17, 10 am) and executed his brother?
Ans : (d) See the explanation of the above question. (a) Babur (b) Humayun
(c) Aurangzeb (d) Shah Alam II
(vii) Aurangzeb (SSC 10+2 CHSL 17.01.17, 10 am)
205. It was under the reign of _____that the Mughal Ans : (c) See the explanation of the above question.
Empire reached its peak in matter of area. 210. Aurangzeb was the son of………..
(a) Jahangir (b) Aurangzeb (a) Babur (b) Humayun
(c) Shah Jahan (d) Akbar (c) Akbar (d) Shah Jahan
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-I) (SSC 10+2 CHSL 24.01.17, 4:15 pm)

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Ans : (d) Aurangzeb was the third son of the Mughal Ans. (b) : The reign of Sher Shah existed from 1540-
Emperor Shah Jahan. His mother was Mumtaz Mahal, 1545. Sher Shah launched "Rupya" of Silver and Dam
who is buried in the Taj Mahal. Aurangzeb showed (380 grain) of Copper. His coins contained his name post
his ability in administrative and Military matters in and concerned mint in Arabian and Devnagari Script.
various appointments. which gradually caused him to 216. In the context of Mughal administration,
every his eldest brother Dara Shikoh, the designated which of the following is the most appropriate
successor to the throne. definition of 'Abwab'?
211. Aurangzeb (1658-1707AD) was the ruler of (a) A tax levied on the lands over and above the
which dynasty? original rent
(a) Nanda (b) Mughal (b) A reward for good governance
(c) Maurya (d) Haryanka (c) A court jester
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 21.01.17, 4:15 pm) (d) A clerk in the government treasury
SSC CHSL 16/04/2021 (Shift-III)
Ans : (b) See the explanation of the above question.
Ans. (a) : In Mughal India, all temporary and
212. Which Mughal Prince translated the circumstantial taxes and impositions levied by the
Upanishads into Persian in 1657? government over and above regular taxes were called
(a) Sultan Luftallah (b) Murad Mirza Abwabs.
(c) Dara Shikoh (d) Shah Suja 217. In the context of Mughal rule the term
SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 17/08/2021 (Shift II) 'Seizure' refers to which system?
Ans. (c) : Dara Shikoh, the eldest son of Shah Jahan (a) Police (b) Military
translated the Upanishads into Persian. The prime (c) Judicial (d) Revenue
objective of doing this was to make the book available SSC JE Civil - 23/09/2019 (Shift-I)
to read, for Muslim scholars. Dara was designated with SSC JE Electrical 29.10.2020 (Shift-II)
the title Padshahzada-i-Buzurg Martaba (Prince of High Ans. (d) : In the context of Mughal rule, the term
Rank). In the war of succession Dara Shikoh was 'seizure' refers to revenue system. Seizure was also
defeated by his brother Aurangzeb in battle of known as Ain-e-dahsala. The Dahsala system was
Samugarh. introduced in 1580 AD under the reign of Akbar. This
213. The Treaty of purandhar was signed between: system was introduced by the finance minister of
Akbar, Raja Todarmal, who was appointed in 1573
(a) Afghans and Portuguese AD in Gujarat.
(b) Mughals and Marathas
218. Jizya Tax, during the Mughal Empire was a
(c) Eastern Gangas and Cholas tax levied on:
(d) Nawab of Bengal and Rajputs (a) Noble citizens
SSC GD 18/02/2019 (Shift-I) (b) Non-Muslim citizens
Ans. (b) : The Treaty of Purandar was signed on June (c) Muslim citizens
11, 1665, between the Rajput ruler Jai Singh I, who (d) All the citizens
was commander of the Mughal Empire, and Maratha SSC GD 11/03/2019 (Shift-II)
Shivaji. Shivaji was forced to sign the agreement after
Jai Singh besieged Purandar Fort. Ans. (b) : During Mughal reign the Jizya was
considered as a religious tax paid to be by non-
muslims. In India the Jizya tax was introduced by
(viii) Mughal Administration Muhammad Bin Qasim. Firoz Tughlaq was the first
ruler to impose Jizya on Brahmins. In 1564 Jizya was
214. As described in ‘Ain-i-Akbari’ by Abul Fazl-i- abolished by Akbar but again in 1679 it was
Allami, ‘gaz’ (unit of measuring length) was reimposed by Aurnagazeb. In 1720 Muhammad Shah
divided into equal parts called ______. Rangila abolished Jizya completely on the request of
(a) tassuj (b) liksha Jai Singh.
(c) rajahkan (d) angul 219. The terms 'Jat and Sawar' are related to which
of the following administrative systems?
SSC CGL 20/04/2022 (Shift-I)
(a) Zamindari System (b) Iqtadari System
Ans.(a) 'Gaz' (unit of measuring length) was divided (c) Mansabdari System (d) Jotedari System
into equal parts called 'tassuj' according to Ain-i-Akbari
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-I)
by Abul-fazl-I-Allami.
Ans : (c) 'Jat and Sawar' were used to indicate ranks of
215. The silver coin introduced by Sher Shah Suri a military official in Mansabdari System under
was called. Mughals. Akbar introduced the rank of Jat and Sawar in
(a) Tankah (b) Rupya Mansabdari system. Jat is a rank conferred on the
(c) Mohar (d) Dinar Mansabdar and Sawar was a count of horsemen that
had to be maintained.
SSC GD 18/02/2019 (Shift-I)

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220. Match the following Ans. (d) : Officers of the Mughal Emprie:–
Term Definition District (Sarkar) Functions
A. Sadar 1. Military Commanders level officer
B. Fauzdars 2. Town Police Commanders ♦Fauzdar Administrative Head
C. Kotwal 3. Minister in charge of ♦ Amal/Amalguzar Revenue Collection
religious and charitable
♦Kotwal Maintenance of law and
(a) A–1, B–2, C–3 (b) A–1, B–3, C–2 order; trial of criminal
(c) A–3, B–1, C–2 (d) A–2, B–1, C–3 cases; price regulation
SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-II) Hence the term 'Sarkar' in the Mughal administration
Ans. (c) : The Emperor of the Mughal Empire was stands for 'the district'. It is significant that, the term
always the central administrative authority. A number 'Gram' in the Mughal administration stands for village.
of officers in the different governmental departments The term 'pargana' in the Mughal administration stands
were appointed for the smooth functioning of for the group of villages. 'Sarkar', 'Pargana' and 'Gram'
transactions involving various affairs. They are as was part of 'Subas' in Mughal empire.
follows. 224. In which year did Akbar analyse the state
Officials and their departments revenue statistics for the last 10 years, which
1. Sadar – The head of religious donations contained information on price fluctuations
and land productivity?
and contributions.
(a) 1569 (b) 1548
2. Fauzdar – Executive and military officer in
(c) 1580 (d) 1536
each district
SSC CHSL 09/08/2021 (Shift-II)
3. Kotwal – Chief of the city Police
4. Subedar – Governor of the Suba Ans. (c) : Raja Todarmal, one of the navratnas &
finance minister of Akbar started careful survey of crop
(Sipah-Salar) yields and prices cultivated for a period of 10 years.
5. Diwan – Incharge of revenue The system came to be known as Dahsala system. It
administration of the province. was implemented by Akbar in 1580.
6. Quanungo – Head of village patwaris.
221. In Akbar’ regime…..was the military head. (ix) Mughal Architecture
(a) Sultan Ahmed Fawad
225. Which Mughal emperor built the city called
(b) Suri Moja 'Makhsudabad' later popularly known as
(c) Mir Khaas Murshidabad?
(d) Mir Bakshi (a) Akbar
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 22.01.17, 4:15 pm) (b) Humayun
Ans : (d) Mir Bakshi handled the military pay and (c) Shah Jahan
accounts and related duties. He not only was paymaster (d) Bahadur Shah Zafar
for all officers but also played role in recruitment of SSC CHSL 12/04/2021 (Shift-II)
soldiers listing of Mansabdars and important official in
Akbar reign. Ans : (a) Murshidabad originally called Makhsudabad
was reputedly founded by the Mughal emperor Akbar
222. Who introduced Mansabdari system in India? in the 16th century.
(a) Babur (b) Humayun
226. The Red Fort and the Jama Masjid in Delhi
(c) Akbar (d) Jahangir stand out as towering achievements of
SSC CGL 08-09-2016, 10 am architecture during the reign of _______
Ans : (c) Mansabdari was the administrative system (a) Shah Jahan (b) Akbar
implemented by Mughal Emperor Akbar in 1571. (c) Jahangir (d) Aurangzeb
Akbar institutionalized and reformed it on the basis of SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-II)
military and civil administration after reforming and
introduction of two new concepts namely 'Zat' and Ans : (a) Shah Jahan reign is called Golden Age of
'Sawar'. The 'Zat' fixed the rank in the army. The salary Mughal architecture. Shah Jahan is particularly
of a Mansabdar was based on his Zat. The 'Sawar' remembered for building Taj Mahal. Shah Jahan built
referred to cavalary men. Mansabdar also had to keep Delhi's Lal Qila, Diwan–e–Aam, Diwan–e–Khas,
horses ready. Delhi's Jama Masjid and Agra's Moti Masjid.
223. The term 'Sarkar' in Mughal administration 227. Akbar’s tomb is located at which of the
stands for : following places?
(a) province (b) village (a) Sikandara (b) Agra
(c) government (d) district (c) Fatehpursikri (d) Allahabad
SSC JE Civil 11.12.2020 (Shift-II) SSC CGL (TIER-1) 06-09-2016, 10 am

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Ans : (a) The tomb of Akbar the Great, located in 233. Moti Masjid is situated in which of these
Sikandra, in the suburbs of Agra is an important World Heritage Sites?
Mughal architectural masterpiece, which was built (a) Humayun’s Tomb
between 1605-1613. Akbar himself commenced the (b) Mahabodhi Temple Complex
construction of this tomb, according to Tartary
(c) Qutub Minar
tradition, which stated to commence the construction of
one's tomb during one's lifetime. (d) Red Fort Complex
228. Sikandra is the final resting place of Emperor_ (SSC 10+2 CHSL 23.01.17, 10 am)
(a) Jahangir (b) Shah Jahan Ans : (d) See the explanation of the above question.
(c) Akbar (d) Humayun 234. Khas Mahal and the Shish Mahal are built in
SSC CGL 20/04/2022 (Shift-I) which World Heritage Monument?
(a) Humayun's Tomb
Ans. (c) Sikandra is the final resting place of Emperor
Akbar. (b) Mahabodhi Temple Complex
(c) Qutub Minar
229. Who introduced 'Charbagh' style of
architecture in India? (d) Agra Fort
(a) Mughals (b) Rajputs (SSC 10+2 CHSL 24.01.17, 1:15 pm)
(c) Mauryas (d) Marathas Ans : (d) Agra Fort was designed and built by the great
SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Shift-II) Mughal Emperor Akbar in the year 1573 AD. Its
included as a World Heritage Site with in this Jahangir
Ans. (a) : The Mughals introduced the Charbagh style Mahal, Shish Mahal, Khas Mahal, Diwan-i-Khas,
of architecture in India. Charbagh is a Persian style Diwan-i-Aam, Meena mosque is located.
garden. The Charbagh style was brought to India by
the Mughals. Humayun's Tomb and Taj Mahal are the 235. The tomb of Itimad-ud-Daulah, inlaid with
most famous examples of this style in India. Rambagh Pietra dura decoration, is located at______.
is the oldest Mughal Garden in India or was originally (a) Aurangabad (b) Alwar
built by Mughal Emperor Babur in 1528 in Charbagh (c) Agra (d) Ajmer
style. SSC CPO-SI 24/11/2020 (Shift-I)
230. Buland Darwaza built by Akbar is in which Ans. : (c) The tomb of Itimad-ud-Daulah is located
city? along the banks of Yamuna at Agra. It was built by the
(a) Udaipur (b) Jodhpur Mughal queen Nur Jahan, wife of Emperor Jahangir. It
(c) Fatehpur Sikri (d) Agra is often regarded as a draft of the Taj Mahal. It is
(SSC J.E. 03.03.17, 10:00 am) known for the first use of Pietra dura (floral design
made up of semiprecious stone).
Ans : (c) Buland Darwaza, or the loft gateway at
Fatehpur Sikri was built by the great Mughal emperor, 236. Mughal emperor Shah Jahan built the Taj
Akbar in 1601. Akbar built the Buland Darwaza to Mahal in memory of his wife_____.
commemorate his victoary over Gujarat. The Buland (a) Roshanara (b) Noorjahan
Darwaza, approached by 42 steps and 53.63 m high and (c) Jahanara (d) Mumtaz Mahal
35 meters wide, is the highest gateway in the world and SSC CHSL 12/10/2020 (Shift-III)
an astounding example of the Mughal architecture.
Ans. : (d) The Taj Mahal was commissioned by Shah
231. When did Akbar built Buland Darwaza ? Jahan in 1631, to be built in the memory of his wife
(a) 1534 (b) 1502 Mumtaz Mahal, who died on 17 June that year, while
(c) 1526 (d) 1601 giving birth to their 14th child. It is an immense
SSC GD 01/03/2019 (Shift-II) mausoleum of white marble, built in Agra between
1631- 48. It houses the tomb of his wife Mumtaz as
Ans. (d) : See the explanation of the above question. well as the tomb of Shah Jahan himself. The Chief
232. Which Mughal ruler built the Moti Masjid of Architect of this tomb was the Persian Ustad Ahmad
Delhi? Lahori. Mumtaz Mahal was born as Arjumand Banu in
(a) Akbar (b) Humayun 1593 in Agra to a family of Persian nobility. She was
the daughter of Abul Hasan Asaf Khan and the neice of
(c) Aurangzeb (d) Shah Jahan
empress Nur Jahan.
SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Shift-I)
237. Who had built Taj Mahal, for his wife Mumtaz
Ans. : (c) The Moti Masjid is a white marble mosque Mahal along the banks of the Yamuna River in
inside the Red Fort Complex in Delhi. It was built by Agra?
the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb from 1659-1660 for his
nd (a) Aurangzeb (b) Akbar
2 wife Nawab Bai. There is another Moti Masjid
which was built by Emperor Shah Jahan at the highest (c) Jahangir (d) Shah Jahan
point in the Agra Fort Complex. SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-II)

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Ans : (d) Taj Mahal is a unique specimen of Mughal Ans : (c) The Mughal emperor Shah Jahan after ruling
architecture. It was built by emperor Shah Jahan in from Agra for 11 years decided to shift Delhi and laid
memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal. Its architectural the foundation stone of the Red Fort in 1648. The Taj
style is a unique fusion of components of Persian, Mahal, Moti Masjid, Jama Masjid built by him. The
Turkish, Indian and Islamic architecture. It was famous Peacock Throne (also known as Taqht-e-Taus)
included in the list of World Heritage Sites by also was made by Shah Jahan.
UNESCO in 1983.
242. The Taj Mahal is called'a Dream in Marble'.
238. Where is the tomb of Sher Shah Suri located? Which monument is called as'a Dream in
(a) Sasaram (b) Delhi Stone'?
(c) Rohtasgarh (d) Chausa (a)The Rang Mahal (b) The Panch Mahal
SSC CHSL 17/03/2020 (Shift-I) (c)The Red Fort (d) The Bahai temple
Ans. (a) Sher Shah Suri or Sher Khan, was the founder SSC CGL (TIER-1) 27-08-2016, 10am
of Suri dynasty in India. Born in 1486, he was the son Ans : (b) The Panch Mahal one of the most famous
of a jagirdar of Sasaram, Bihar. His original name was structures of Fatehpur Sikri, is known as 'Dream in
Farid. He was given the tittle of Sher Khan by Bahar Stones'. It was built by Akbar for Mughal women and
Khan, for the courage and gallantry shown by him in ladies of the harem.
killing a tiger single - handedly. During his five-year
rule from 1540 to 1545, he set up a new economic and 243. Panch Mahal is situated in?
military administration issued the first Rupiya from (a) Hawa Mahal (b) Gwalior Fort
"Tanka" and organized the portal system of the Indian (c) Fatehpur Sikri (d) Agra Fort
Subcontinent. He built a tomb for himself at Sasaram,
Bihar. This tomb is an example of Indo-Islamic (SSC 10+2 CHSL 30.01.17, 4:15 pm)
architecture, it was designed by the architect Mir Ans : (c) See the explanation of above question.
Muhammad Aliwal Khan, which stands in the middle 244. Humayun’s Tomb was built by………..
of an artificial lake, which is nearly square in shape, is
locally referred to as the Second Taj Mahal because of (a) Humayun
its subtle similarities with the globally famous (b) Hamida Banu Begum
monument. (c) Babur
239. Which of the following places in India would (d) Akbar
you visit to see Mughal emperor Humayun's (SSC 10+2 CHSL 17.01.17, 1:15 pm)
Ans : (b) Humayun's Tomb, a historic monument was
(a) New Delhi (b) Agra erected by Humayun's queen Hamida Banu Begum
(c) Aligarh (d) Aurangabad (Haji Begum). It was the first Garden Tomb on the
SSC CHSL 19/10/2020 (Shift-III) Indian subcontinents and is located in Nizamuddin
Ans. (a) : The Mughal Emperor Humayun used the East, Delhi. It was built in 1570.
building known as Din Panah likewise called Sher 245. Which was the first garden-tomb in the Indian
Mandal, as his library. It is situated within the old fort subcontinent?
complex in Delhi. It was built by Sher Shah Suri. This (a) Tomb of Jahangir
was also the spot where on 24th January 1556
Humayun fell from the stairs of his library of the (b) Humayun's Tomb
building known as Din Panah likewise called Sher (c) Taj Mahal
Mandal to his death. The Sher Mandal is thought to (d) Tomb of Muhammad Iqbal
have been the personal library and observatory for the (SSC 10+2 CHSL 30.01.17, 10 am)
Mughal Emperor Humayun.
Ans : (b) See the explanation of above question.
240. Who among the following had built the
Allahabad Fort? 246. Humayun's Tomb is located in --------.
(a) Shahjahan (b) Humayun (a) Delhi (b) Agra
(c) Akbar (d) Babur (c) Gwalior (d) Jaipur
SSC JE Civil 28.10.2020 (Shift-II) (SSC 10+2 CHSL 01.02.17, 1:15 pm)
Ans. (c) : Allahabad Fort was built by the Mughal Ans : (a) See the explanation of above question.
emperor Akbar at Allahabad in 1583. A stone 247. Which World Heritage Monument has been
inscription inside fort describe 1583 as a foundation acclaimed as the "Necropolis of the Mughal
year. The fort stands on the banks of the Yamuna near dynasty"?
its confluence with the river Ganges.
(a) Humayun's Tomb
241. The Red Fort (Delhi) was built by………. (b) Mahabodhi Temple Complex
(a) Babur (b) British (c) Qutub Minar
(c) Shah Jahan (d) Aurangzeb (d) Red Fort Complex
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 03.02.17, 4:15 pm) (SSC 10+2 CHSL 21.01.17, 1:15 pm)

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Ans : (a) Humayun's tomb is a UNESCO Cultural 253. Which of the following is a replica of the
Heritage Site in India. It has about 150 graves of ruling famous Taj Mahal built in 1697.
family in it and is sometimes referred as the "Necropolis of (a) Bibi ka Maqbara (b) Pari Mahal
Mughal Dynasty". In 1993 this mausoleum was declared a (c) Zeenat-ul-Masjid (d) Allahabad Mahal
World Heritage Site by UNESCO. SSC CHSL 11/08/2021 (Shift-III)
248. Which World Heritage Site is built on the bank Ans. (a) : The Bibi ka Maqbara in Aurangabad is the
of the Yamuna River? most famous replica of the Taj Mahal. It was built by
(a) Taj Mahal Mughal emperor Aurangzeb's son Azam Khan in the
(b) Hawa Mahal memory of his beloved mother Dilras Banu Begum,
(c) Humayun’s Tomb who was known for his generosity.
(d) Mahabodhi Temple Complex 254. Bibi Ka Maqbara was built by
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 01.02.17, 4:15 pm) (a) Humayun (b) Azam Shah
Ans : (a) The Taj Mahal is located on the right bank of (c) Babur (d) Aurangzeb
the Yamuna River. The Taj Mahal (1632-53) was built (SSC 10+2 CHSL 08.01.17, 10 am)
by the famous Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in memory Ans : (b) See the explanation of the above question.
of his beloved wife Mumtaj Mahal under the guidance
of a board of architects led by the Ustad Ahmad 255. Garden inside the Taj Mahal is known
Lahauri. Taj Mahal is a cultural UNESCO World as………
Heritage Site in India. (a) Mughal Garden (b) Taj Bageecha
249. Shah Jahan built Taj Mahal in memory of___ (c) Taj Mahal Garden (d) Mahal Bageecha
(a) Ruqayya Sultan Begum (SSC 10+2 CHSL 19.01.17, 4:15 pm)
(b) Jodha Bai Ans : (c) After demise of Mumtaz Mahal, Shah Jahan
commenced the construction of the monument and the
(c) Mumtaz garden around Taj Mahal. Taj Mahal Garden is a four
(d) Nur Jahan by four garden and is popularly known as 'Charbagh'.
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 07.01.17, 10 am) The Taj Mahal Garden is a green carpet to the
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 20.01.17, 1:15 pm) mausoleum as it begins at the main gateway and ends
at the base of the monument. The Taj Mahal garden is a
Ans : (c) See the explanation of the above question. Persian form of architecture.
250. Agra Fort was built by 256. Jama Masjid is situated in which of these
(a) Humayun (b) Akbar World Heritage Sites?
(c) Babur (d) Aurangzeb (a) Fatehpur Sikri (b) Humayun’s Tomb
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 11.01.17, 10 am) (c) Qutub Minar (d) Agra Fort
Ans : (b) The construction of the Agra Fort was started (SSC 10+2 CHSL 27.01.17, 4:15 pm)
around 1565 when the initial structures were built by Ans : (a) The Jama Masjid is a 16th century
Akbar and subsequently taken over by his grandson congregational mosque in the UNESCO World
Shah Jahan who added most of the marble creations to Heritage Site of Fatehpur Sikri in Uttar Pradesh.
the fort. Fatehpur Sikri (the city of victory) was the capital of
251. Who built Jama Masjid? Mughal Empire for 10 years. It was constructed by the
Mughal Emperor Akbar. The complex of monuments
(a) Guru Ramdas (b) Shah Jahan and temples, all in a uniform architectural style include
(c) Rao Jodhaji (d) Mahatma Gandhi one of the largest mosques in India, the Jama Masjid.
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 08.02.17, 1:15 pm) 257. Mausoleum (Dargah) of Salim Chishti is
Ans : (b) The Grand Jama Masjid of Delhi was built by situated in?
Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan between 1650 and 1656. (a) Humayun's Tomb (b) Fatehpur Sikri
Situated on a hill near the Red Fort, it is the largest (c) Gwalior Fort (d) Agra Fort
mosque in India.
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 23.01.17, 4:15 pm)
252. The Bibi ka Maqbara is a tomb located
Ans : (b) Shaikh Salim Chisti Dargah is situated inside
in................ It was built by Azam Shah, son of
the Jama Masjid at Fatehpur Sikri. Sheikh Salim Chisti
Aurangzeb, in 1678. (1478-1572) is one of the most revered Sufi Saint of the
(a) Hyderabad (b) Aurangabad Mughal period in India. The mausoleum was
(c) Lucknow (d) Allahabad constructed by Akbar as a mark of his respect for the
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 18.01.17, 4:15 pm) Sufi Saint.
Ans : (b) Bibi ka Maqbara is a tomb located in 258. Buland Darwaza is the main entrance to the
Aurangabad, Maharashtra. It was built by Azam Shah palace at?
the son of Aurangzeb to commemorate his mother Dilras (a) Amer Fort (b) Gwalior Fort
Banu Begum who was titled Rabia-ud-Daurani post her (c) Fatehpur Sikri (d) Agra Fort
death. It was built on the shape of the Taj Mahal. (SSC 10+2 CHSL 25.01.17, 1:15 pm)

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Ans : (c) Buland Darwaza (Door of Victory) also Ans : (a) Zardozi is a type of heavy and elaborate metal
known as the 'Gate of Magnificence', is one of the embroidery on a silk, satin or velvet fabric base.
largest gateways in the world with a height of 54 Zardozi present in India since the time of Rigveda and
meters. It is situated at Fatehpur Sikri, Uttar Pradesh. It popular during the Akbar reign.
was built by Mughal Emperor Akbar in 1601 AD to 263. Which one of the following painters of
celebrate his victory over Gujarat. Jahangir’s reign was conferred the title of
259. Isfahan, the Persian Capital is said to have ‘Nadir-ul-Asra’?
Provided the inspiration to build which of (a) Mansur (b) Manohar
these monuments?
(c) Daulat (d) Bishandas
(a) Humayaun's
SSC CPO (TIER-1) 2016
(b) Mahabodhi Temple Complex
(c) Qutub Minar Ans : (a) Ustad Mansur was given the title of 'Nadir-ul-
Asra' by Jahangir. Abul-Hasan from Delhi, India, was a
(d) Red Fort Complex Mughal painter of miniatures in the reign of Jahangir.
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 18.01.17, 1:15 pm)
Ans : (d) Isfahan the Persion capital is said to have xi. Music during Mughal Period
provided the inspiration to build Red fort. Red Fort is
situated in Old Delhi, India. It was built by Shah Jahan 264. Who was appointed by Akbar as his Court
in the mid 17th century. The fort was designated a Musician?
UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2007.
(a) Abul Fazal (b) Miyan Tansen
260. Which of the following monuments is NOT a (c) Raja Birbal (d) Raja Todar Mal
part of the Qutub Complex ?
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 15.01.17, 4:15 pm)
(a) Buland Darwaza
(b) Qutub Minar Ans : (b) Akbar appointed Tansen as his court
musician in 1562 AD. Akbar considered Miyan Tansen
(c) Quwwat-ul-Islam Mosque as a Navratnas (Nine Jewels) and gave him the title
(d) Alai Darwaza 'Miyan' an honorific meaning learned man. Tansen
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 06/03/2020 (Shift-II) was a composer musician and vocalist to whom a large
number of compositions have been attributed in
Ans. (a) : Buland Darwaza is not a part of the Qutub northern regions of the Indian Subcontinent.
Complex. The Qutub Complex are monuments and
buildings from the Delhi Sultanate at Mehrauli in 265. To whom did Akbar gave the title Mian ?
Delhi. It has a mosque- Quwwat-ul-Islam, a Qutub (a) Raja Todar mal (b) Man Singh I
Minar, Alai Darwaza, a domed gateway to the mosque (c) Birbal (d) Tansen
and a rust proof Iron Pillar.
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 29.01.17, 10 am)
261. The fort of Kalinjar which was strategically
Ans : (d) See the explanation of the above question.
important during the medieval period, is
situated in ______.
(a) Rajasthan (b) Uttar Pradesh (xii) Literature during Mughal Period
(c) Sindh (d) Punjab
266. The Mughal court chronicles are written in___.
SSC CPO-SI 24/11/2020 (Shift-I)
(a) Arabic (b) Persian
Ans. : (b) Kalinjar Fort is located in the Banda district (c) Turkish (d) Urdu
of Uttar Pradesh. It is counted as the largest unbeatable
fortress built in India. This fort is located in the SSC CGL 20/04/2022 (Shift-II)
Vindhya Mountains of Bundelkhand region. It served Ans.(b) The Mughal Court chronicles are written in
several dynasties including the Guptas, the Vardhana Persian.
Dynasty, the Chandelas, Mughals and the Marathas. 267. The Persian translation of “Mahabharata”
Although many rulers fought fierce battle to win this done in Mughal period is known by which
fort, the Chandelas managed to control it for a long name?
time. It was mainly built by Chandela ruler Paramaditya
Dev. Finally, in 1569 AD, Akbar won this fort and (a) Rekha (b) Risala-e-Haq Nama
gifted it to Birbal. (c) Razmnama (d) Safinat-ul-Auliya
SSC JE Civil - 24/01/2018 (Shift-I)
(x) Mughal Painting Ans. (c) : Razmnama (Book of Wars) is the Persian
translation of the Mahabharata compiled during the
262. Zardozi embroidery became popular under ---- Mughal period by Abdul Qadir Badayuni. Preface of this
(a) Akbar book was written by the Akbar's Court Poet Abul Fazal.
(b) Chandragupta Maurya Book Language Translator
(c) Aurangzeb Ramayana Persian Abdul Qadir Badayuni
(d) Ashoka Singhasan Persian Abdul Qadir Badayuni
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 31.01.17, 1:15 pm) Batisi


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Panchatantra Persian Faizi Ans : (b) Fatwa-i-Alamgiri was written during the period
Atharvaveda Persian Ibrahim Sarhindi of Aurangzeb. He was sixth ruler of Mughal Dynasty.
Lilavati Persian Faizi Aurangzeb issued a Royal ferman against sati system and
also gave a death penalty to those forcing windows to be
Bhagavata Purana Persian Todar Mal burnt. He was called Darvash or a Zinda Pir.
268. The Razmnama is a Persian translation of the.. 274. Who among the following is credited with
(a) Mahabharata (b) Ramayana translating the 'Upanishad' from Sanskrit to
(c) Vedas (d) Upanishads Persian?
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 01.02.17, 10 am) (a) Shah Jahan (b) Dara Shikoh
Ans : (a) See the explanation of above question. (c) Abul Fazal (d) Ziyauddin Barani
SSC JE Civil - 23/09/2019 (Shift-I)
269. Which of the following books was translated as
'The Razmnama' (Book of Wars) during the Ans. (b) : Dara Shikoh was the eldest son of Shah Jahan.
reign of Akbar? He had the title of Shah Buland Iqbal: He was a follower
(a) Mahabharata (b) Ramayana of the Qadri Sufi Mulla Shah Badakhshi. Dara Shikoh
himself had translated the Sanskrit texts Upnishad,
(c) Akbar Nama (d) Babur Nama
'Bhagawad Gita' and Yog Vasishta into Persian.
SSC CHSL 20/10/2020 (Shift-II)
275. The Mughal emperor Babur wrote his
Ans. (a) : See the explanation of above question. autobiography in which of the following
270. Name the author of the book 'Ain-i-Akbari'? language?
(a) Abdul Rahim Khan-I-Khan (a) Arabic (b) Aramaic
(b) Dara Shikoh (c) Persian (d) Turkish
(c) Todar Mal SSC JE Mechanical - 25/09/2019 (Shift-II)
(d) Abul Fazl Ans. (d) : 'Baburnama' is an autobiography of the
SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Shift-II) Mughal emperor Babur. Babur wrote it in Turkish
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 09/03/2020 (Shift-I) language. The original title of the book known as is
Ans. (d) Ain-i-Akbari is a 16th century document. It is
written by Akbar's court historian Abul Fazl in Persian
language. It deals with the administration of Mughal 7. Rulers of Later Mughal Period
Emperor Akbar. The Akbarnama is divided into three
books. The first book dealt with Akbar's ancestors. 276. Who was the last Mughal Emperor?
The second recorded the events of Akbar's reign. The (a) Babar (b) Noor Jehan
third is the Ain-i-Akbari. It deals with Akbar's (c) Akbar (d) Bahadur Shah
administration, household, army, the revenues and
geography of his empire. (SSC 10+2 CHSL 16.01.17, 1:15 pm)
Ans : (d) Bahadur Shah II better known as Bahadur
271. The ________ volume of the 'Akbarnama' is
known as Ain-i-Akbari. Shah Zafar. In history he was the last Mughal emperor
who remained at helm from 1837 to 1857. He was born
(a) first (b) second on October 24, 1775 and was the son of Akbar II. After
(c) third (d) fourth the war of independence 1857 he was exiled to
SSC JE Electrical – 24/03/2021 (Shift-II) Rangoon in 1858 where he died in 1862.
Ans. (c) : See the explanation of the above question. 277. Who among the following was the last Nawab
of Awadh?
272. 'Akbarnama' and 'Ain-i-Akbari'' are written
by ––––––. (a) Saadat Ali Khan (b) Amjad Ali Khan
(a) Akbar (c) Muhammad Mukim (d) Wajid Ali Shah
(b) Ziauddin Barani SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-II)
(c) Abul Fazal Ans : (d) Nawab Wajid Ali Shah was the 11th and last
(d) Abdul Qadir Badayuni king of Awadh. He was conferred with the royal title
"Mirzya". He was removed and placed under exile by
SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Shift-I) Lord Dalhousie, blaming him to unable to stop
Ans. (c) See the explanation of the above question. corruption in the administration. Wajid Ali Shah was
273. Fatwa-i-Alamgiri a digest of Muslim laws was also known as "Abul mansoor".
written during the period of which of the 278. The Battle of Karnal in 1739 was fought
following kings? between Nader Shah and whom among the
(a) Nader Shah following?
(b) Aurangzeb (a) Akbar Shah (b) Bahadur Shah Zafar
(c) Tipu Sultan (c) Aurangzeb (d) Muhammad Shah
(d) Feroz Shah Tughlaq SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Shift-I)
SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I) SSC JE Mechanical - 27/09/2019 (Shift-II)


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Ans. (d) : The Battle of Karnal was fought between Ans. (b) After the death of Guru Gobind Singh in 1708,
Nader Shah and Muhammad Shah on February 24, the Sikhs revolted against the Mughals under the
1739. Nader Shah emerged as victorious within three leadership of Banda Bahadur. He was executed during
hours in the battle. Muhammad Shah was the Mughal the Mughal ruler Farrukhsiyar in 1716.
Emperor, while Nader Shah was the emperor of the 284. Who was the fifth of the ten Sikh gurus?
Persian Empire of the Afsharid dynasty. He looted (a) Guru Angad (b) Guru Ramdas
millions of gold coins, sacks of jewels, the sacred
(c) Guru Arjun Dev (d) Guru Hargovind
peacock throne and the fabled Kohinoor diamond from
India. Thus Muhammad Shah was the last Mughal SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-III)
Empire to sit on the Peacock Throne or Takht-i-Taus Ans : (c) The Sikh Sect was founded by Guru Nanak
built by Shah Jahan. Dev. The following are the 10th Guru of Sikhism.
279. In 1739, who defeated the Mughal army at the 1. Guru Nanak 2. Guru Angad
Battle of Karnal? 3. Guru Amar Das 4. Guru Ram Das
(a) Nader Shah (b) Genghis Khan 5. Guru Arjun Dev 6.Guru Hargovind
(c) Hemu Vikramaditya (d) Bajirao I 7. Guru Har Rai 8. Guru Har Krishan
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 03.02.17, 1:15 pm) 9. Guru Tegh Bahadur 10. Guru Gobind Singh
Ans : (a) See the explanation of the above question. 285. Where was the first Sikh Guru, Guru Nanak
Dev, born in 1469?
280. Bahadur Shah I (1707-1712 AD) was the ruler
(a) Jalandhar (b) Talwandi
of which dynasty?
(c) Amritsar (d) Beas
(a) Nanda (b) Maurya
SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Shift-I)
(c) Mughal (d) Haryanka
SSC JE Civil 28.10.2020 (Shift-II)
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 15.01.17, 4:15 pm)
Ans. (b) : Guru Nanak Dev Ji was the founder of
Ans : (c) Bahadur Shah I (1707-1712) also known as Sikhism. On April 15, 1469, he was born on the days of
Shah Alam I was the 7th Mughal emperor of India. He Kartik Purnima at Rai Bhoi Ki Talwandi near Lahore,
was born on 14 October 1643 in Burhanpur, India. He which is in Sekhpura district of modern-day Pakistan. A
conspired to overthrown his father Aurangzeb. He was Gurudwara was built at his birthplace in the city now
the third son of Aurangzeb with Muslim Rajput wife known as Nankana Sahib, which is in the Punjab
Nawab Bai. He was ascended himself on the throne in province of Pakistan.
1707 after killing his two brothers and defeating Kam 286. The script 'Gurumukhi' for Punjabi language
Baksh in the Battle of Jajau. was invented by the Sikh guru –––––.
281. Bahadur Shah (First) was born in the year----- (a) Guru Hr Rai (b) Guru Angad
(a) 1543 (b) 1643 (c) Guru Ramdas (d) Guru Har Kishan
(c) 1743 (d) 1843 SSC CHSL 19/10/2020 (Shift-I)
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 16.01.17, 4:15 pm) Ans. (b) : Gurumukhi was developed by Guru Angad.
Ans : (b) See the explanation of the above question. He was the second Sikh Guru. Gurumukhi script was
modified from the Lahnda script which was used to
282. Mughal Emperor Shah Alam appointed the write Punjabi, Sindhi and Lahnda language.
British East India Company as the Diwan of
the province of Bengal in the year ______. 287. Where was Guru Govind Singh educated and
learnt Persian
(a) 1917 (b) 1765
(a) Lahore (b) Amritsar
(c) 1835 (d) 1623
(c) Patna (d) Anandpur Sahib
SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 17/08/2021 (Shift II) SSC JE Civil - 23/01/2018 (Shift-II)
Ans. (b) : As per the provisions of treaty of Allahabad,
Ans. (d) : Guru Gobind Singh Ji was born in
on 16 August, 1765 Mughal emperor Shah Alam December 1666 AD in Patna. He was the tenth and
appointed British East India Company as the Diwan oflast Guru of Sikhs. He was educated at Anandpur
Bengal. Sahib and learned Persian language. He started the
system of 'Pahul' and in this opinion the person
8. Sikhism initiated was called 'Khalsa', Every Sikh was ordered
to wear panch Kakar (Kesh, Kangha, Kada, Kachha
283. After the death of Shri Guru Gobind Singh, and Kirpan).
the Sikhs revolted against the ______ under 288. Who among the following Sikh Gurus laid the
the leadership of Banda Bahadur. foundation of 'Khalsa Panth'?
(a) Gurkhas (b) Mughals (a) Guru Gobind Singh (b) Guru Nanak Dev
(c) British (d) Marathas (c) Guru Teg Bahadur (d) Guru Arjan Dev
SSC CGL 19/04/2022 (Shift-II) SSC CHSL 19/08/2021 (Shift-II)

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Ans. (a) : Guru Gobind Singh laid the foundation of 294. The Hemkund Sahib Gurudwara is located in
Khalsa Panth in the holy city of Anandpur Sahib the state of :
(Punjab) on Baisakhi Day in year 1699. It was (a) Uttarakhand (b) Bihar
established in order to teach the followers that no ritual (c) Himachal Pradesh (d) Punjab
or superstition is above almighty and one should not
fall bor any superstition. SSC MTS 13/10/2021 (Shift-I)
289. Who among the following Sikh Gurus had laid Ans. (a) : Hemkund Sahib Gurudwara is located in the
the foundation of Amritsar? state of Uttrakhand.
295. Sri Akal Takht Sahib is lcoated within the ___
(a) Guru Amar Das (b) Guru Ram Das complex.
(c) Guru Arjan Dev (d) Guru Har Govind (a) Golden Temple
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 02-09-2016, 10 am (b) Paonta Sahib
Ans : (b) Guru Ram Das was the fourth Guru of Sikhs. (c) Patna Sahib
Akbar donated 500 bighas of land to Bibi Bhani wife of (d) Gurudwara Bangla Sahib
Ram Das on which the city of Amritsar was built.
SSC CGL 21/04/2022 (Shift-I)
290. Where is Harmandir Sahib (Golden Temple)
situated? Ans : (a) Sri Akal Takht Sahib is lcoated within the
Golden Temple complex.
(a) Amritsar (b) Patiala
(c) Ludhiana (d) Jalandhar
SSC CHSL 06/08/2021 (Shift-I)
9. Miscellaneous
Ans. (a) : Harmandir Sahib was built in 1604 by Guru 296. The traveller Marco Polo who visited India in
Arjan Dev, the fifth Sikh Guru. The Golden temple also the Thirteenth century was from which
known as Harmandir Sahib or Darbar Sahib country?
Gurudwara, is a holy site for the followers of Sikhism. (a) Uzbekistan (b) Italy
It is situated in Amritsar, Punjab. He placed a copy of
(c) Portugal (d) France
Adi Granth Sahib in Harmandir Sahib.
(SSC J.E. 04.03.17, 2:45 pm)
291. ______built the world famous Harmandir
Sahib, popularly known as the Golden Temple Ans : (b) Marco Polo, a traveller who came to India in
in Amritsar. the thirteenth century, belonged to Venice, Italy. It is
considered to be the first travelled to reach Asia. He
(a) Guru Angad Dev (b) Guru Arjun Dev was one of those who traveled on the ancient silk Road.
(c) Guru Siri Har Rai (d) Guru Ram Das Information about the Pandya state of the south is found
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-III) by Marco Polo. He has mentioned the ancient city and
Port of 'Kerala' called 'Kayal'
Ans : (b) See the explanation of above question.
297. The medieval traveller Marco Polo was from–
292. Who was the fifth guru in Sikhism?
(a) Venice (b) Zurich
(a) Guru Angad (b) Guru Ram Das
(c) Istanbul (d) Paris
(c) Guru Arjan Dev (d) Guru Har Rai
SSC CPO-SI 23/11/2020 (Shift-I)
SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Ans. (a) : See the explanation of above question.
Ans. (c) : Guru Arjan Dev was the fifth of the Ten
Gurus of Sikhism. He compiled the first official 298. Which of the following texts gives a detail
edition of Sikh scriptures called the Adi Granth. account of the kings of Kashmir?
Jahangir gave the death penalty to Guru Arjan Dev in (a) Kathasaritsagara (b) Vinaya Pitaka
1606 due to assisting prince Khusro. (c) Deepvansh (d) Rajatarangini
293. Who among the following Sikh Gurus founded SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-I)
the Tarn Taran Sahib? Ans. (d) : Rajatarangini is a metrical legendary and
(a) Guru Ram Das (b) Guru Arjan Dev historical chronicle of the north-western Indian
(c) Guru Nanak Dev (d) Guru Gobind Singh subcontinent, particularly the kings of Kashmir. It was
SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 20/08/2021 (Shift III) written in Sanskrit by Kashmiri historian Kalhana in
the 12th century CE. The work consists of 7826
Ans. (b) : Tarn Taran Sahib is a city in the state of verses, which are divided into eight chapters called
Punjab, in northern India. In the central part of the city Tarangas.
Gurdwara Sri Tarn Taran Sahib, which is a prominent
299. In which year was the Nahargarh Fort in
Sikh shrine is located. The 5th Sikh Guru, Arjan Dev
Jaipur built by Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II
founded Tarn Taran Sahib having the largest Sarovar
(water pond) of all the Gurudwaras. It is the only (a) 1780 (b) 1800
Gurudwara which is the replica of Shri Harminder (c) 1805 (d) 1734
Sahib, Amritsar. SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 05/03/2020 (Shift-I)

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Ans. (d) : The Ancient Nahargarh Fort was 305. 'Powa Mecca' in Assam is the tomb of ______.
constructed by Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II, founder (a) Pir Giasuddin Auliya
of Jaipur in the year 1734. He built this fort on the (b) Khwaja Bande Nawaz
Majestic Aravalli hills mainly as a retreat destination.
(c) Sheikh Salim Chisti
According to legends, the edifice of Mahargarh fort
was thwarted by the spirit of a Rathore Prince named (d) Shujauddin Mohammed Shah
Nahar Singh Bhomia. SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-II)
300. Who built the Hawa Mahal situated in Jaipur? Ans. (a) : Powa Mecca standing on Garurachal Hill. It
(a) Rawal Jaisal is known as the tomb of Pir Giasuddin Auliya, This
(b) Sawai Pratap Singh mosque was built by Sujauddin Muhammed Shah in
1657 AD during the reign of the Mughal Emperor
(c) Chitrangad Mori Shah Jahan.
(d) Rawal Ratan Singh
306. Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh of Jaipur had not
SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Shift-I) built the observatory at ____
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 15.01.17, 10 am) (a) Allahabad (b) Mathura
Ans. (b) : Hawa Mahal is located in Jaipur, the capital (c) Ujjain (d) Varanasi
city of Rajasthan. Jaipur's signature building, the
Hawa Mahal (Palace of Winds), a multi layered Ans : (a) Sawai Jai Singh, Maharaja of Amer and
palace, was built by Kachhwaha Rajput Ruler Sawai Jaipur constructed five observatories in the eighteenth
Pratap Singh (grandson of Sawai Jai Singh who was century in the North Indian cities Delhi, Jaipur, Ujjain,
the founder of Jaipur and son of Sawai Madhoo Singh) Mathura, Varanasi.
in 1799 A.D. The five storied structure was designed 307. a collection of architectural
by Lal Chand Ustad. Red and Pink Sandstone has been astronomical instruments, built by Maharaja
used to build the Hawa Mahal. It was built to facilitate Jai Singh II.
ladies of the royal household to enjoy processions and (a) Jantar Mantar, Delhi
observed crowd in the below street without being (b) Group of Monuments at Hampi
noticed by the people.
(c) Group of Monuments at Pattadakal
301. Which Indian monument was built by
(d) Nalanda, Bihar
Maharaja Sawai Pratap Singh in the year
1799? (SSC 10+2 CHSL 24.01.17, 10 am)
(a) Hawa Mahal (b) Leh Palace Ans : (a) Jantar Mantar is an astronomical observatory
(c) Mattancherry Palace (d) Mysore Palace situated in the heart of the capital city of India. It was
constructed in 1724. Maharaja Jai Singh of Jaipur
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-II)
(Rajasthan) who built this observatory went on to build
Ans : (a) See the explanation of above question. other observatories in Ujjain, Varanasi, Jaipur and
302. How many windows are there on the outside Mathura.
walls of Hawa Mahal of Jaipur ? 308. Jantar Mantar is in
(a) 964 (b) 973 (a) Rajasthan (b) Assam
(c) 965 (d) 953 (c) Bihar (d) Gujarat
SSC CHSL 17/03/2020 (Shift-III) (SSC 10+2 CHSL 11.01.17, 1:15 pm)
Ans. (d) The Hawa Mahal of Jaipur was built by Ans : (a) See the explanation of the above question.
Sawai Pratap Singh, in 1799. It consists of 953
windows, and it also known as the "Palace of winds." 309. Who built Jodhpur Fort?
(a) Guru Ramdas (b) Shah Jahan
303. ______ is a palace in Jaipur, built by Sawai
Pratap Singh. (c) Rao Jodhaji (d) Mahatma Gandhi
(a) Lallgarh Palace (b) Umaid Bhavan (SSC 10+2 CHSL 19.01.17, 10 am)
(c) Hawa Mahal (d) Sajjangarh Palace Ans : (c) In 1459, Maharaja Rao Jodha built the
SSC MTS 06/10/2021 (Shift-I) Mehrangarh Fort Jodhpur, Rajasthan. It is one of the
largest forts in India. Maharaja Jaswant (1638-1678)
Ans. (c) : See the explanation of above question. had completed it.
304. The famous 'Hawa Mahal' is in which city of 310. The longest continuous wall in India, which is
Rajasthan? the second longest wall in the world is in the
(a) Ajmer (b) Jodhpur fort of________.
(c) Jaipur (d) Kota (a) Kumbhalgarh (b) Kangra
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 16.01.17, 1:15 pm) (c) Mehrangarh (d) Chittorgarh
Ans : (c) See the explanation of above question. SSC CPO-SI 24/11/2020 (Shift-II)


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Ans. (a) : After the Great Wall of China, Ans : (c) Chittorgarh Fort; forts of Rajasthan 'chattris'
Kumbhalgarh Fort has the longest wall in the world. (centotaphs) are built in honour of Jaimal and Kalla,
The 36 km wall is circular and surrounds the heroes who laid down their lives in 1568 seige by
Kumbhalgarh Fort, which is the second largest fort in Emperor Akbar. Jaimal and Kalla were military
Rajasthan. This fort is also the birthplace of legendary commanders under Udai Singh who fought bravely
Maharana Pratap. It was built during the course of the against Akbar. Chittorgarh is designated as a World
15th century by Rana Kumbha. The fort is further Heritage Site of UNESCO.
declared UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2013 that is 315. The Mysore Palace was the residence of
under the group hill forts of Rajasthan. It is located the___.
strategically on the western Aravalli hills. (a) Chandelas (b) Palas
311. "Kathasaritsagar" was written by whom ? (c) Bundelas (d) Wodeyars
(a) Kalidasa (b) Bhasa SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 13/08/2021 (Shift II)
(c) Jaidev (d) Somadeva Ans. (d) : Mysore Palace, also known as Amba Vilas
SSC CPO-SI 24/11/2020 (Shift-I) Palace is one of the most magnificent and largest
Ans. : (d) The Kathasaritsagara ("Ocean of the streams palace in India. It is situated in the southern state of
of Stories") is a famous 11th - century collection of Karnataka. It used to be the official residence of the
Indian legends, fairy tales and folk tales as retold in Wadiyar Dynasty, the rulers of Mysore.
Sanskrit by Somadeva. 316. Which part of India did the Nizams of Asaf
312. In the context of Medieval Indian History, Jahi dynasty rule?
which of the following geographical belts was (a) Western Kingdoms
denoted as 'Turan'? (b) Eastern states
(a) Central Asia (b) West Europe (c) Deccan provinces
(c) East Asia (d) South Asia (d) Northern India
SSC JE Electrical -26/09/2019 (Shift-I) SSC CHSL 10/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Ans. (a) : Turan is a historical region in Central Asia. Ans. (c) : Hyderabad was a region in the Deccan,
The term 'Turan' is of Iranian origin and may refers to ruled by the head of the Asaf Jahi dynasty, who had
a particular prehistoric human settlement, a historic the title of Nizam. In 1724, Asaf Jahi defeated
geographical region or culture. Mubariz Khan to establish autonomy over the Deccan,
named the region Hyderabad Deccan and started to be
313. Which city of Pakistan is called 'City of
known as the Asaf Jahi dynasty. Mir Osman Ali Khan
Gardens' or 'Garden of the Mughal'?
was the last Nizam of the Princely state of Hyderabad.
(a) Lahore (b) Peshwar
317. Which fort is also known as the Golden Fort?
(c) Multan (d) Karachi
(a) Chittorgarh
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-II)
(b) Kumbhalgarh
Ans. (a) : Lahore is the capital of the Pakistan, (c) Ranthambore
province of Punjab and is the country's 2nd largest city
(d) Jaisalmer
after Karachi. It is also known as the 'City of Garden'
or Garden of the Mughal because of its many parks (SSC 10+2 CHSL 08.02.17, 4:15 pm)
and gardens. Multan is located in Pakistan and is Ans : (d) Jaisalmer Fort is also known as Golden Fort.
known as the 'City of Saints'. Karachi is the capital of It was built in 1156 AD by the Rajput king Rawal
the Pakistan province of Sindh, situated on the Jaisal. In 2013, it was included in the World Heritage
Arabian Sea, is known as the "City of Lights" and site by the 37th World Heritage Committee along with 5
"The Bride of the Cities". other forts of Rajasthan.
314. In which of the following forts of Rajasthan 318. Rajwada Palace (Cultural Heritage Project) is
'chattris' (cenotaphs) are built in honour of located at:
Jaimal and Kalla, heroes, who laid down their (a) Jabalpur (b) Ujjain
lives in the 1568 siege by Emperor Akbar? (c) Indore (d) Mandu
(a) Kumbhalgarh Fort SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-II)
(b) Amer Fort Ans. (c) : Rajwada Palace is one of the beautiful
(c) Chittorgarh Fort attractions in the city of Indore in Madhya Pradesh.
(d) Ranathambhor Fort Also known as Holkar palace, the palace was built by
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-I) the Holkars.


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Modern History
Ans. (b) : Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama
1. The Arrival of Europeans in becomes the first European to reach India. He sailed
from Lisbon in 1497 on a mission to reach India and
India open a sea route from Europe to the East. After sailing
(i) Portuguese down the western coast of Africa and rounding the
Cape of Good Hope, his expedition made numerous
1. Who among the following built the first stops in Africa before reaching the trading post of
European fort in India in the year 1503? Calicut(Kozikode), India, in May 1498.
(a) Dutch (b) British 5. Who discovered sea route to India?
(c) French (d) Portuguese (a) Babur (b) Vasco-da-Gama
SSC MTS 11/10/2021 (Shift-I) (c) Galileo (d) Ferondoz
Ans. (d) : The Portuguese were the first European who (SSC 10+2 CHSL 15.01.17, 1:15 pm)
discovered the sea-route to India. They encounter with Ans : (b) See the explanation of above question.
the Indian Sub-continent after Vasco da Gama reached 6. In which year did Vasco da Gama land in
Calicut on Malabar coast in 1498AD. In 1503AD, the Calicut (Kozhikode)?
Portuguese had established their first fort in Cochin in (a) 1442 (b) 1472
(c) 1458 (d) 1498
2. The first Europeans to come to India were : SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-II)
(a) British (b) Dutch
Ans. (d) : See the explanation of the above question.
(c) French (d) Portugese
7. Which explorer discovered a sea route to India
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 10-09-2016, 1:15 pm in 1498 ?
Ans : (d) The first European to visit India were (a) Vasco da Gama (b) Thomas Coryat
Portuguese. The order of arrival of Europeans was (c) Marco Polo (d) Megasthenes
Portuguese Dutch, British, Danes and French.
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-I)
3. Which of the following union territories was a
Portuguese colony till 1954 ? Ans. (a) : See the explanation of the above question.
(a) Lakshadweep 8. Where did Vasco da Gama arrive in India in
(b) Dadra and Nagar Haveli
(a) Madras (b) Calcutta
(c) Andaman and Nicobar Island
(c) Calicut (d) Bombay
(d) Puducherry
SSC JE Civil - 23/01/2018 (Shift-I)
SSC JE Civil – 23/03/2021 (Shift-I)
Ans. (c) : The first Portuguese traveller Vasco da
Ans. (b) : Dadra and Nagar Haveli is a union territory. Gama with the help of a Gujarati pioneer named
It lies near the west coast and consists of two separate 'Abdul Majid' in 1498 AD landed on the coast of
parts. Dadra is surrounded by the state of Gujarat, and Calicut (India). Pedro Alvares Cabral was the second
Nagar Haveli lies on the borders of Maharashtra and Portuguese traveller to visit India after Vasco da
Gujarat. The Union Territory covers an area of 491 Gama.
square kilometers. Dadra and Nagar Haveli was a
Portuguese colony. It was annexed by the Portuguese 9. Who were the first among the following to
in 1779 and became a part of independent India in establish trade relations with India?
1954. Till 1961 it operated independently and was (a) Dutch (b) French
self-governing. In the same year it became a union (c) English (d) Portuguese
territory of India. The union territory was merged with (SSC 10+2 CHSL 24.01.17, 1:15 pm)
the neighbouring union territory of Daman and Diu to Ans : (d) Portuguese were the first Europeans to start
form the new union territory of "Dadra and Nagar trade with India. After the fall of Ottoman Empire and
Haveli and Daman and Diu" on 26 January 2020. capture of Constantinople in 1453 it became difficult
4. In 1498, who among the following was the first for Europeans to trade with India via land route. So
European to sail around Africa and discover a they searched for new sea route and in 1498 Vasco da
new sea route from Europe to India? Gama of Portugal discovered new sea route via Cape of
(a) Christopher Columbus Good Hope to India.
(b) Vasco da Gama 10. Churches and Convents of Goa were built by?
(c) Bartolomeu Dias (a) British (b) Dutch
(d) Marco Polo (c) Portuguese (d) Mughals
SSC JE Mechanical 27.10.2020 (Shift-I) (SSC J.E. 03.03.17, 2:45 pm)

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Ans : (c) Churches and Convents of Goa were built (ii) Dutch
under the Portuguese rule in the 16th–17th centuries
located on the west coast of India, these Churches and 15. The..........commercial companies set up their
Convents are known for their architectures. base in India during the Mughal Empire at
11. In which year did the Portuguese capture Goa? Masulipatnam in 1605 :
(a) 1610 AD (b) 1510 AD (a) British (b) French
(c) 1540 AD (d) 1475 AD (c) Portuguese (d) Dutch
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 09/03/2020 (Shift-I) (SSC J.E. 04.03.17, 2:45 pm)
Ans : (d) Dutch trading company established the first
Ans. (b) : The real founder of Portuguese power in factory in India in 1605 at Masulipatnam
India was Alfanso de Albuquerque. In the year 1509 (Machilipatnam) during the Mughal Empire and the
AD he came to India as the governor of the Portuguese Portuguese established their first factory in Cochin in
government. In November 1510 AD, he captured Goa 1503. British established their permanent factory in
by defeating Yusuf Adilshah the ruler of Bijapur in a Surat in 1613.
12. Who among the following was the first viceroy (iii) English
of the Portuguese state of India?
(a) Alfonso de Albuquerque 16. The British East India Company captured
(b) Lopo Soares de Albergaria Pondicherry (Puducherry) from the French in
the year ______.
(c) Duarte de Menezes
(a) 1761 (b) 1699
(d) Francisco de Almeida
(c) 1674 (d) 1738
SSC CPO-SI 23/11/2020 (Shift-II) SSC CGL 11/04/2022 (Shift-I)
Ans. : (d) The first Portuguese Viceroy of India was Ans : (a) The British East India Company captured
Francisco de Almeida. Almeida was famous for his Pondicherry (Puducherry) from the French in the year
Blue Water Policy/Cartaze system. Alfonso de 1761.
Albuquerque was the second Viceroy of the Indian
17. East India Company was established in……..
territory that came under Portuguese control in India.
He is considered as the real founder of Portuguese (a) 1400 (b) 1500
power in India. He made cochin his headquarters. (c) 1600 (d) 1700
13. The 'Instrument of Surrender' which ended (SSC 10+2 CHSL 10.01.17, 10 am)
the Portuguese rule in India was signed Ans : (c) The English East India Company was
on_____. formed in 1600 and received Royal Charter from
(a) 19th December 1961 Queen Elizabeth on 31 December 1600. It was
established to pursue trade in Indian sub-continent.
(b) 15th August 1947
18. For how many years did the British rulers
(c) 29th December 1951 ruled India?
(d) 26th January 1948 (a) 200 years (b) 500 years
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-III) (c) 100 years (d) 50 years
Ans : (a) The Instrument of surrender was signed on SSC GD 09/03/2019 (Shift-II)
19th December 1961. It was signed by General Antonio Ans. (a) : According to modern historical evidences
Vassalo Silva, to hand over the territory of Goa to the and archives the British ruled over India for 200 years.
Indian government. The annexation of Goa, by the
19. In 1617 the British East India Company was
Indian Army was held under the "Operation Vijay".
th th given permission by……….to trade in India.
Goa became the 25 state of India on 30 May 1987.
(a) Babur (b) Akbar
14. In the Battle of Swally (1612) the British (c) Aurangzeb (d) Jahangir
fought against the ..........
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 01-09-2017, 4:15 pm
(a) Danish
Ans : (d) In 1617 the British East India Company was
(b) Portuguese given permission by the Mughal Emperor Jahangir to
(c) French trade in India.
(d) Dutch 20. Who was the first Englishman to appear in the
SSC CHSL 06/08/2021 (Shift-I) Mughal Court during Jahangir's reign?
Ans. (b) : Battle of Swally (Suvali) took place on 29- (a) Paul Canning
30th November 1612. It was held near "Suvali" a (b) Captain William Hawkins
village near the city of Surat. In this battle the East (c) William Edward
India Company made a tremendous victory over (d) Ralph Fitch
Portuguese galleons. SSC CGL (TIER-1) 01-09-2016, 4:15 pm

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Ans : (b) Captain Willian Hawkins was the first 25. British East India company defeated the
Englishman to appear in the Mughal Court during the Portuguese in the _____.
reign of Jahangir in April 1609. He was well received (a) Battle of Chamkaur (b) Battle of Plassey
by Jahangir in spite of the opposition of the Jesuit Fr. (c) Battle of Buxar (d) Battle of Suvali
Pinheiro who represented the Portuguese interests at
Mughal court. Jahangir called him "English Khan" who SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-III)
was able to persuade the emperor to grant a commission Ans. (d) : The Battle of Swally or Battle of Suvali was
for an English factory. a naval battle between the British and the Portuguese.
21. The East India Company acquired charter It took place on 29–30 November 1612 of the coasts of
from the ruler of England, Queen Elizabeth I, Suvali (a village near the Surat City, Gujarat). The
Granting it the sole right to trade with the East British won the battle.
in the year: 26. In which year the administration of India was
(a) 1600 (b) 1800 handed over to the British monarch by the
(c) 1401 (d) 1500 proclamation of Queen Victoria?
SSC JE Mechanical – 22/03/2021 (Shift-I) (a) 1842 (b) 1858
Ans. (a) : In 1600, a group of London merchants led by (c) 1864 (d) 1887
Sir Thomas Smythe petitioned Queen Elizabeth I to SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-II)
grant them a royal charter to trade with the countries of Ans. (b) : After the revolution of 1857, in August
the eastern hemisphere. And so, the ‘Honourable 1858 the rule of the East India Company was
Company of Merchants of London trading with the East abolished by the British Parliament by passing an act
Indies’ or East India Company, as it came to be known and control of power of India was handed over to the
was founded. In 1600, the East India Company acquired British Emperor. By this act, the Governor-General of
a charter from the ruler of England, Queen Elizabeth I, India came to be called as Viceroy that is
granting it the sole right to trade with the East, without representative of the British monarch.
competition from other British traders.
27. In which year was the Battle of Saragarhi
22. In which year was the East India Company
incorporated for the exploitation of trade with
East and Southeast Asia and India? (a) 1854 (b) 1897
(a) 1600 (b) 1596 (c) 1878 (d) 1867
(c) 1612 (d) 1605 SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-II)
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-I) Ans : (b) The Battle of Saragarhi was fought on 12
Ans. (a) : The East India Company was established on September, 1897 between the British Indian soldiers
31 December 1600 in Britain. Queen Elizabeth I of and Afghan tribesmen. The British troops were led by
Britain granted this company 21 years of exemption to Havildar Ishwar Singh. The British had 21 Sikhs from
trade with East Asia, South-East Asia and India. the 4th battalion of 36th Regiments who were attacked
by 10,000 Afghans.
23. British achieved political power in India after
which of the following? 28. The Supreme Court was established at fort
(a) Battle of Plassey William in ____as the Apex Court in 1774.
(b) Battle of Panipat (a) Kolkata (b) Delhi
(c) Battle of Buxar (c) Shimla (d) Mumbai
(d) Battle of Wandiwash SSC GD 03/03/2019 (Shift-I)
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 10-09-2016, 1:15 pm Ans. (a) : To control the activities of company in India
the British Parliament passed Regulating Act of 1773.
Ans : (a) The Battle of Plassey was a decisive victory Along with other provisions it contained a provision of
of the British East India Company over the Nawab of establishing a Supreme Court at Fort William of
Bengal and his French allies on 23rd June, 1757. British
Calcutta. Its Chief justice was Sir Elijah Impey.
East India Company fought this battle under the
leadership of Robert Clive. After this battle the British 29. The English defeated the………in the battle of
achieved political power in India. Wandiwash.
24. The East India Company sent Captain William (a) German (b) French
Hawkins to the court of Emperor ___ in 1608 (c) Indians (d) Americans
to seek permission to open a factory at Surat. (SSC 10+2 CHSL 11.01.17, 1:15 pm)
(a) Humayun (b) Shah Jahan Ans : (b) In the Seven Year's War (1756-1763) of
(c) Akbar (d) Jahangir Europe, France began support Austria and which led to
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-III) a war between the French and English Forces in India.
Ans : (d) In 1608 AD the East India company sent In 1760 AD, under the leadership of Sir Eyre Coote
Captain Willam Hawkins to the court of the Mughal from the English army, the French were severely
emperor Jahangir to get permission for trade. Willam defeated in the battle of Wandiwash. In 1761 AD, the
Hawkins was sent by the king James of England. British wrested Pondicherry from the French.

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(iv) French Ans. (a) : Carnatic was the name given by the
Europeans to the Coromandel coast and its hinterland.
30. The French commercial companies set up their The First Carnatic War was an extension of the Anglo-
base in India at ......... in 1673 : French War in Europe which was caused by the
(a) Goa (b) Pondicherry Austrian War of Succession. The First Carnatic War is
remembered for the Battle of St. Thome (in Madras)
(c) Bombay (d) Calcutta
fought between the French forces and the forces of
(SSC J.E. 04.03.17, 10:00 am) Anwar-ud-din, the Nawab of Carnatic, to whom the
Ans : (b) In 1673 AD Francois Martin, directors of the English appealed for help.
French company obtained a small village from Sher
Khan Lodi, the muslim Subedar of Valikandapuram to
establish a French settlement known as Pondicherry. It 2. Maratha Empire
was completely Fortified. The Fort of Pondicherry
came to be known as Fort Saint Louis. 35. Which of the following pairs is associated with
the taxation system of the Marathas?
31. The French Revolution, a period that brought
far-reaching social and political upheaval in (a) Chauth and Sardeshmukhi
France, began in ................. (b) Zat and Sawar
(a) 1689 (b) 1789 (c) Polaj and Parauti
(c) 1889 (d) 1989 (d) Iqta and Jagir
(SSC J.E. 01.03.17, 2:45 pm) SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 06/03/2020 (Shift-II)
Ans : (b) The French Revolution which started a Ans. (a) : Chauth and Sardeshmukhi were the two
period of widespread political upheaval in France, important taxes collected during the time of Shivaji.
started in 1789 AD and lasted till 1799. Political, Chauth was only a means of buying off one robber and
Social and Economical conditions were responsible for not a subsidiary system for the maintenance of peace
French Revolution that took place during the reign of
Louis XVI. and order against all enemies. Thus Chauth was a
military contribution paid towards off any attack of the
32. Where in India was the first French factory Marathas. Sardeshmukhi was an additional tax of 10%
established? which Shivaji claimed as the hereditary Sardeshmukhi
(a) Surat (b) Pondicherry or overlord of Maharashtra.
(c) Chandannagore (d) Masulipatnam 36. Representatives of the Maratha Empire and
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 31-08-2016, 4:15 pm the British East India Company signed the
Ans : (a) The first French factory was established at 'Treaty of Salbai' in which year ?
Surat under French East India Company. French (a) 1758 (b) 1771
Company was formed in 1664 at the time of King Louis
(c) 1782 (d) 1769
XIV. After Surat, they established another factory at
Masulipatnam, Andhra Pradesh. French East India SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-I)
company took hold of Yanam in 1723 AD, Mahe on Ans. (c) : Treaty of Salbai was signed between the
Malabar Coast in 1725 AD and Karaikal in 1739 AD. Marathas (May 17, 1782) and the British East India
33. In which year did the French traveller Company and this treaty ended the first Anglo
Francois Bernier arrive in India? Maratha war. The first Anglo Maratha war lasted from
(a) 1656 (b) 1678 1775 to 1782 AD.
(c) 1658 (d) 1662 37. What was the immediate aim of the Treaty of
SSC GD 01/03/2019 (Shift-II) Purander in 1665?
Ans. (c) : Francois Bernier was a resident of France. (a) To gain goodwill of Shivaji
He was a physician political philosopher and a (b) To sow seeds of contention between Shivaji
historian. Bernier was in search of opportunities came and Sultan of Bijapur
to India during Mughal period in 1658 AD. He lived in
(c) To deceive Shivaji
India for twelve years and maintained close relations
with the Mughal Court. Initially he worked as a (d) To make Shivaji a puppet of mughals
Physician to Dara Shikoh, the eldest son of the Mughal SSC CGL (TIER-1) 02-09-2016, 1:15 pm
Emperor Shah Jahan.
Ans : (b) Under the terms of the treaty of Purander
34. The First Carnatic War was fought between signed between Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and Raja Jai
the ______ and the ______. Singh in 1665, the Maratha ruler was required to fight
(a) English; French on behalf of Mughal emperor Aurangzeb whenever
(b) Portuguese; English demanded. There were some secret clauses in the treaty
(c) Dutch; English as well which provided for Shivaji participation in the
(d) French; Portuguese war against Bijapur on the behalf of the Emperor
SSC JE Electrical – 24/03/2021 (Shift-I)

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38. Who are credited to a large extent for ending 43. Bajirao I (1720-1740 AD) was the ruler of
the Mughal rule in India? which dynasty?
(a) Mauryas (b) Cholas (a) Nanda (b) Peshwas
(c) Guptas (d) Marathas (c) Haryanka (d) Maurya
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 05-09-2016, 1:15 pm (SSC 10+2 CHSL 23.01.17, 4:15 pm)
Ans : (d) The Maratha Empire was largely responsible Ans : (b) Peshwa Baji Rao I was a great General. He
for the disintegration of the Mughal Empire in the 17th
was the Peshwa of Shahuji Maharaj the fourth
Century. With the beginning of the process of
disintegration of Mughal Empire the Maratha Empire Chhatrapati of the Maratha Empire from 1720 to 1740
was the most powerful in the process of establishing Bajirao I is considered the best among all the Peshwas.
independent states in the country. Baji Rao Peshwa is the only first name in the world
39. Who pioneered the guerrilla warfare methods? History, which has never seen the face of defeat.
(a) Babur (b) Akbar 44. Pune was once known as the capital of
(c) Shivaji (d) Bajirao Peshwa (a) Scindias (b) Holkars
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 22.01.17, 4:15 pm) (c) Bhosales (d) Peshwas
Ans : (c) Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj started guerrilla (SSC 10+2 CHSL 11.01.17, 4:15 pm)
warfare in India against the Mughals and other powers Ans : (d) Pune is an important city in the Indian states
in 1645 leading to the establishment of the Maratha
of Maharashtra. Pune was established in 1749 AD
state in 1674, sowing seeds of what would become the
last great empire (Maratha empire) in free India. during the period of Peshwa. During the years of the
Peshwa, Pune made a lot of progress until 1818 Pune
40. In which year, Shivaji was crowned as the was ruled of the Marathas.
(a) 1608 (b) 1646 45. Baji Rao II (1796-1818 A.D.) was the ruler of
which dynasty ?
(c) 1674 (d) 1610
(a) Nanda (b) Haryanka
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 20.01.17, 1:15 pm)
(c) Maurya (d) Peshwas
Ans : (c) On June 6, 1674 Shivaji got his coronation
done by the famous scholar Ganga Bhatta of Kashi in (SSC 10+2 CHSL 15.01.17, 1:15 pm)
Raigad and assumed the title of 'Chhatrapati'. Apart Ans : (d) Peshwa was mainly the Prime Minister of the
from this Shivaji adopted the 'Hindu post padshahi' took king of Maratha Empire. This post became hereditary
a how to protect the low and the Brahmins and assumed from the time of Baji Rao-I. Its function was to look
the title of 'Hindu-Reformer. Shivaji first captured the after the governance of the entire state. Bajirao II
fort of Sinhagad in Bijapur in 1643. The name of (1796-1818AD) became Peshwa after the assassination
Shivaji guru was Samarth Ramdas. The actual
administration of Shivaji rule was done by eight of Madhavrao Narayan. He was an inefficient ruler. In
ministers named as 'Ashta Pradhan'. 1802, it made the treaty of Basin with British and
accepted a subsidiary treaty under it. Due to which
41. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj (1674-1680 AD) differences started among the Maratha officers.
was the ruler of which dynasty?
(a) Nanda (b) Haryanka 46. In the year ___, the Maratha Empire ceased to
exist with the surrender of the Marathas to the
(c) Maurya (d) Maratha
British, ending the Third Anglo-Maratha War.
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 30.01.17, 4:15 pm)
(a) 1792 (b) 1811
Ans : (d) Chhatrapati Shivaji was the ruler of the
Maratha Kingdom. whereas they belonged to the (c) 1818 (d) 1806
'Bhosale dynasty'. His father name was Shahaji SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-I)
Bhonsle and mother name was Jijabai. His patron was Ans : (c) There were three Anglo Maratha wars fought
Dada Kondev and his guru Samarth Ramdas. The between the late 18th Century and the beginning of the
coronation of Shivaji was done in 1674 in Raigad by
19th Century between the British and the Marathas. The
Ganga Bhatt, the famous scholar of Kashi. He assumed
the title of Chhatrapati. There were eight ministers third and final phase of the Anglo Maratha was began
called 'Ashta Pradhan in Shivaji administration. when Hastings arrived. In this war Bajirao II was
defeated by British and made the treaty of Puna (1817).
42. Who was known as the Second founder of the After the treaty of Puna Bajirao fought two more wars
Maratha Empire?
with the British the first took place on 1 January 1818
(a) Balaji Bishwanath (b) Balaji Baji Rao AD in Koregaon and the second on 20 February 1818.
(c) Baji Rao I (d) Madhav Rao Finally Baji Rao II surrendered to Sir John Malcolm
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 28-08-2016, 10 am and with this third Anglo Maratha war also ended.
Ans : (a) Balaji Bishwanath was known as the second First Anglo Maratha war– (1775 – 1782 AD)
founder of the Maratha Empire. Balaji Bishwanath Second Anglo Maratha war – (1803 – 1805 AD)
assisted the Maratha Emperor Shahu to consolidate his
grip damaged by the attack of Mughal Rulers. Third Anglo Maratha war – (1817 – 1819 AD)


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47. The council of Ministers during the time of 51. According to the treaty of Srirangapatam,
Shivaji Maharaj was known as: which of the following was ceded to the
(a) Ashta Pradhan (b) Navaratnas British?
(c) Agraharam (d) Ashta Diggajas (a) Mysore (b) Hampi
(c) Kannur (d) Malabar
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 07/03/2020 (Shift-I)
SSC JE Civil - 23/01/2018 (Shift-I)
Ans : (a) Shivaji was born on 26 April 1627 AD. He
Ans. (d) : Under the treaty of Srirangapatanam of
was from the fort of Shivner near Poona. His father
1792 Baramahal, Dindigul and Malabar were ceded to
name was Shahji Bhosale and mother name was Jijabai. the British and half of the war indemnity was to be
During the reign of Shivaji the actual administration of paid immediately while rest was to be given in
the government was done by eight ministers named installments for which Tipu's two sons were taken as
"Ashtapradhan' whose work was to advise the king. hostages by the Britishers.
Ministers included in Shivaji's Ashtapradhan
52. Who was defeated by the Britishers at the
1. Peshwa or Prime Minister Battle of Srirangapatnam in 1799 ?
2. Waqianavis or Minister. (a) Najeeb Jung (b) Tipu Sultan
3. Amatya or Mazumdar (c) Siraj ud-Daulah (d) Peshwa
4. Shurunavis/Sacheev or Secretary SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Shift-I)
5. Dabir or Sumant Ans. : (b) Tipu Sultan was defeated by the Britishers at
6. Sir-e-Naubat the Battle of Seringapatam in 1799. He was cleverly
7. Sadar or Panditrao assassinated by the British at Srirangapatna in
8. Nyayadhish
53. Tipu Sultan lost his life in the…………Anglo-
Mysore War.
3. Independent Kingdoms (a) 1st (b) 2nd
(i) Mysore (c) 3rd (d) 4th
Ans : (d) Tipu Sultan ascended the throne of Mysore in
48. Which of the following places was ruled by the 1782 after the death of his father Hyder Ali. Lord
Wodeyar dynasty? Wellesley was the Governor–General of the English
(a) Guwahati (b) Jabalpur Company during the Fourth Anglo-Mysore War. Tipu
fought bravely and attained Martyrdom on May 4,
(c) Patna (d) Mysore 1799. British army plundered Tipu's Capital
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-I) Srirangapatnam and his palace. Tipu introduced the
Ans : (d) The Wodeyar dynasty was an Indian Royal modern calendar and introduced the new warfare
dynasty that ruled the Kingdom of Mysore from 1399 system.
to 1947, until the Independence of India from British 54. Who ruled Mysore under a subsidiary alliance
rule and the subsequent unification of India dominion with the British after the defeat of Tipu Sultan
and Princely states into the republic India. at the Battle of Seringapatam?
49. During the rule of Tipu Sultan, which was the (a) Kadambas (b) Wodeyars
capital city of his state Mysore? (c) Pandyans (d) Gangas
(a) Bangalore (b) Madurai SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-I)
(c) Bidar (d) Srirangapatnam Ans. (b) : Krishnaraja or Wadiyar ruled under a
SSC CHSL 19/10/2020 (Shift-III) subsidiary alliance with the British after the defeat of
Tipu Sultan at the Battle of Seringapatam.
Ans. (d) : The capital of Tipu Sultan was
55. Tipu Sultan was also known as the Lion of
Srirangpatnam. He was killed in 4th Anglo Mysore war
of 1799. He was born in 1750 in modern day (a) Bangalore (b) Delhi
Karnataka in Devanhalli. His full name was Sultan (c) Kochi (d) Mysore
Fateh Ali Sahab Tipu. (SSC 10+2 CHSL 27.01.17, 10 am)
50. Tipu Sultan and British East India Company Ans : (d) Tipu Sultan was great ruler of Mysore also
signed the Treaty of Mangalore in the year___. known as the Lion of Mysore. He faught two Anglo-
Mysore war. The third Anglo-mysore war was fought
(a) 1799 (b) 1784 between Tipu Sultan and East India Company in 1789-
(c) 1764 (d) 1792 1792 and Fourth Anglo Mysore war was also fought
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-III) between Tipu and East India company (1798-1799)
Ans. (b) : Tipu Sultan was the ruler of Mysore. The 56. The Treaty of Mangalore was signed between
treaty of Mangalore was signed between Tipu Sultan the British East India Company and ______.
and the British East India Company on 11 March (a) Nawab of Arcot (b) Tipu Sultan
1784. It was signed in Mangalore and brought an end (c) Nizam of Hyderabad (d) Bajirao II
to the Second Anglo Mysore War. SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 19/06/2019 (Shift-III)

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Ans. (b) : The Treaty of Mangalore was signed 62. Who became the Nawab of Bengal after
between Tipu Sultan and the British East India Alivardi Khan ?
Company on 11 March, 1784. It was signed in (a) Sarfaraaz Khan
Mangalore and brought an end to the Second Anglo- (b) Shuj-ud-din Muhammad khan
Mysore War.
(c) Siraj-ud-Daulah
57. Who was the Governor General of Bengal (d) Mir Zafar
during the 3rd Anglo-Mysore war?
SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Shift-I)
(a) Warren Hastings (b) John Macpherson
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-I)
(c) Lord Cornwallis (d) John Shore
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 06/03/2020 (Shift-III) Ans. (c) : Alivardi Khan (1740-1756), the Nawab of
Bengal died in 1756 AD. After him Siraj-Ud-Daula
Ans. (c) : The third Anglo-Mysore war (1790 AD- became the Nawab of Bengal. Due to increasing
1792 AD) took place during the time of Lord tension between Siraj-ud-Daulah, the Nawab of
Cornwallis. The fourth Anglo-Mysore war took place Bengal and British company, Siraj-ud-Daulah attack
during the time of Lord Wellesley (1798-1805) in on Calcutta forced the British to flee from there. The
Which British completely annihilated the kingdom of Battle of Plassey was fought on 23 June 1757 between
Mysore. the forces of Siraj-ud-daulah and East India company
led by Robert Clive.
(ii) Bengal 63. One of the main reasons for the defeat of
Nawab Siraj-ud-Daulah in the Battle of Plassey
58. Chandannagar was established as a French was that the forces led by _ _ _ _ _, one of his
colony in 1673, obtaining permission from commanders who never fought the battle.
_____the then Nawab of Bengal, to establish a (a) Mir Khalifa (b) Mir Jafar
trading post on the right bank of the river
Hooghly. (c) Mir Jumla (d) Mahabat Khan
(a) Mansur Ali Khan (b) Murshid Quli Khan SSC CPO-SI 25/11/2020 (Shift-II)
(c) Ibrahim Khan (d) Mir Zafar Ans. (b) : The Battle of Plassey was fought in North
SSC CGL 18/04/2022 (Shift-III) Eastern part of India on 23 June 1757. Troops of the
British East India Company, led by Robert Clive,
Ans. (c) Chandannagar was established as a French came up against the forces of Siraj-ud-daulah, the last
colony in 1673, obtaining permission from Ibrahim Nawab of Bengal, led by Mir Jafar, and his French
Khan, the then Nawab of Bengal, to establish a trading allies. The battle became famous because it was the
post on the right bank of the river Hooghly. first major victory of British and it was a major turning
59. In which of the following years was the Diwani point in the history of India. The battle continued for 7
of Bengal transferred to the East India years (1757-1763), and finally, Siraj-ud-Daulah got
Company? defeated and assassinated by British deceit from his
commander in chief Mir Jafar, whom Clive lured to
(a) 1678 (b) 1880
give the position of the Nawab.
(c) 1765 (d) 1554
64. Battle of Plassey was fought in ...........
SSC CHSL 13/04/2021 (Shift-II)
(a) 1657 (b) 1707
Ans. (c) : The Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II granted
(c) 1757 (d) 1807
the Diwani of Bengal, Bihar and Odisha to the East
India Company in 1765. (SSC 10+2 CHSL 21.01.17, 10 am)
60. Who was made the Nawab of Bengal following Ans : (c) See the explanation of above question.
the Battle of Plassey? 65. Mir Madan and Mohanlal are associated with:
(a) Mir Jafar (b) Alivardi Khan (a) First Anglo Mysore war
(c) Sirajuddaulah (d) Mir Qasim (b) First Anglo Maratha war
SSC MTS 05/10/2021 (Shift-I) (c) Battle of Buxar
Ans. (a) : After the Battle of Plassey, Mir Jafar was (d) Battle of Plassey
made Nawab of the Bengal. SSC JE Civil 30.10.2020 (Shift-II)
61. Alivardi Khan was a Nawab of ______. Ans. (d) : Mir Madan and Mohanlal are associated with
(a) Bengal (b) Awadh the Battle of Plassey. The Battle of Plassey was fought
(c) Malabar (d) Deccan on 23 June 1757. This battle was fought between the
East India Company headed by Robert Clive and the
SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 18/08/2021 (Shift I) Nawab of Bengal (Siraj-ud-Daulah) and his French
Ans. (a) : Alivardi Khan was the Nawab of Bengal from Troop. It was fought under the leadership of Robert
1740 to 1756. He toppled the Nasiri dynasty of Nawabs Clive. British won the war due to the defection of Mir
and assumed power himself. He is also known for his Jafar Ali Khan, who was Siraj-ud-Daulah's commander
victory during the Battle of Burdwan against the Maratha in chief. The faithful commanders of Nawab were Mir
Empire during the Maratha invasions of Bengal. Madan and Mohan Lal.

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66. Who was the Mughal Emperor the time of Ans. (c) : Treaty of Allahabad was signed in 1765 AD
Battle of Plassey? between Robert Clive and Emperor Shah Alam II on
(a) Alamgir II (b) Siraj-ud-Daulah behalf of East India Company. Through this treaty
(c) Mir Quasim (d) Shah Alam II East India Company accepted the return of District of
SSC CHSL 26/10/2020 (Shift-III) Kara (Manikpur) and Allahabad to Shah Alam II. Also
Ans. (a) : The Battle of Plassey was held on 23 Junerd company had agreed to pay an annual Khiraja (land
1757 on the banks of Hooghly River in Nadiya district. Tax) of 26 lakh rupees to the emperor. In return the
It was fought between East India Company and Siraj- company received the diwani of Bengal, Bihar and
ud-Daulah, the Nawab of Bengal. In this the leadership Odisha.
of Clive led to victory of British and Nawab got
defected. The contemporary Mughal ruler was (iii) Punjab
Alamgir II.
67. Who signed the treaty of Alinagar with the 71. The British annexed Punjab after defeating the
British? Sikhs in the Anglo-Sikh War in the year……
(a) Alivardi Khan (b) Mir Jafar (a) 1849 (b) 1839
(c) Mir Qasim (d) Siraj-ud-Daula (c) 1835 (d) 1845
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 09/03/2020 (Shift-II)
SSC CPO-SI 24/11/2020 (Shift-II)
Ans. (d) : The Treaty of Alinagar was signed on 9
February 1757 between Robert Clive of the British Ans. (a) : The Anglo-Sikh Battle was fought on 21st
East India Company and the Nawab of Bengal, Siraj- Feb 1849, Where Charles Nepiyar leaded the British
ud-Daulah. The treaty restored Calcutta to the East forces. In this battle the British devastated Sikhs with
India company with its privileges and permitted the their excellent cannons. After that on 29th March
fortification of the town and the coining of money. 1849, the Punjab Province was made a part of British
The treaty was named after the short-lived title given by Dalhousie's declaration.
to Calcutta by Siraj after his capture of the city.
72. _______________ is well-known for the golden
68. Which of the following battles were fought in beautification of the Harmandir Sahib
1764? Gurudwara in Amritsar, famously known as
(a) Battle of Buxar the Golden temple.
(b) First Battle of Panipat (a) Duleep Singh (b) Ranjit Singh
(c) Second Battle of Panipat (c) Charat Singh (d) Maha Singh
(d) Battle of Plassey SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-I)
SSC JE Mechanical 27.10.2020 (Shift-I)
Ans : (b) Ranjit Singh is well known for the Golden
Ans. (a) : The Battle of Buxar was fought on 22 Gurudwara in Amritsar, Punjab famously known as the
October, 1764 between the forces under the command Golden Temple, the most prominent Gurudwara of
of British East India Company, led by Hector Munro Sikh.
and the combined armies of Mir Qasim, Nawab of
Bengal, Nawab of Awadh and the Mughal Emperor 73. The Sikh Empire was founded by which of the
Shah Alam II. The battle of Buxar proved itself to be a following Indian rulers?
turning point in the history of India. (a) Kharak Singh
Battle of Plassey- It is a battle fought between the East (b) Dalip Singh
India Company force headed by Robert Clive and Siraj-
ud-Daulah. It was fought on June 23, 1757. (c) Maharaja Ranjit Singh
The First Battle of Panipat- It was fought between the (d) Sher Singh
forces of Babur and Ibrahim Lodi. The Battle was SSC JE Civil 28.10.2020 (Shift-II)
fought on April 21, 1526.
Ans. (c) : Maharaja Ranjit Singh (13 November 1780 –
The Second Battle of Panipat- It was fought between 27 June 1839) popularly known as Sher-e-Punjab or
Hindu Emperor Hemu Chandra Vikramaditya and "Lion of Punjab", was the first Maharaja of the Sikh
Akbar. It was fought on 5th November 1556.
Empire. The Sikh Empire, was existed from 1799 to
69. In which year was the Battle of Buxar fought? 1849. It was also known as the Sikh Raj and Sarkar-a-
(a) 1764 (b) 1757 Khalsa was in the Punjab region, the name of which
(c) 1765 (d) 1758 means "the land of the five rivers". The five rivers are
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-II) the Beas, Ravi, Sutlej, Chenab and Jhelum, all of which
are tributaries of the river Indus. The geographical
Ans. (a) : See the explanation of above question.
reach of the Sikh Empire under Singh included all lands
70. When did Shuja-ud-daulah and Shah Alam north of Sutlej river, and south of the high valleys of the
sign treaties at Allahabad with Robert Clive northwestern Himalayas. The major towns at that time
(a) 1764 (b) 1766 included Srinagar, Attock, Peshawar, Bannu,
(c) 1765 (d) 1767 Rawalpindi, Jammu, Gujarat, Sialkot, Kangra,
SSC CHSL 19/03/2020 (Shift-I) Amritsar, Lahore and Multan.

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74. What was the capital of Maharaja Ranjit Ans : (d) During the Colonial Period (1760-1947) the
Singh’s kingdom? most significant characteristic of our trade was the
(a) Patna (b) Fatehpur Sikri generation of a large export surplus. This surplus cost
our economy heavily, several essential commodities
(c) Islamabad (d) Lahore like food grains, clothes, Kerosene etc were not
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 09.01.17, 10 am) available in the domestic market.
Ans : (d) Lahore was the capital of Maharaja Ranjit 79. In 1853, a Railway line was laid connecting
Singh Kingdom. Ranjit Singh acquired Jammu and Bombay with which city ?
Amritsar and thus political capital was made Lahore (a) Thane (b) Pune
and religious capital was Amritsar of Punjab. He also (c) Nashik (d) Surat
maintained good relation with Nepalese and Dogras. (SSC J.E. 04.03.17, 2:45 pm)
Ans : (a) Railway was introduced by Dalhousie who
4. Colonial Economy served as the Governor-General of India from 1848-
1856. First Railway line was led from Bombay to
75. Where was the first jute mill set up at Kolkata Thane. It was 34 km long Railway line. First electric
in 1859? Railway line was led between Bombay to Kurla during
(a) Sreerampur (b) Mesra the period of Lord Reading.
(c) Howrah (d) Rishra 80. Shirts, trousers, skirts etc were brought to
India in the eighteenth century by whom?
SSC MTS 05/10/2021 (Shift-I)
(a) Europeans (b) Mongols
Ans. (d) : The first jute mill was setup at Kolkata in (c) Afghans (d) Turks
1859 in Rishra. The jute spinning machinery was
SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-II)
brought by George Acland from Dundee.
Ans. (a) : Shirts, trousers, skirts etc were brought to
76. Who was the Governor-General of Bengal India in the eighteenth century by Europeans. Cotton
when the Permanent Settlement was was extensively used by Europeans in the manufacture
introduced there in 1793? of textiles, which helped in the development of new
(a) Warren Hastings types of clothing. Important things introduced by
(b) Sir John Macpherson Portuguese in India were printing press, use of
tobacco, use of explosives, ship construction,
(c) Sir John Shore groundnut etc.
(d) Lord Cornwallis 81. Who devised the Mahalwari Settlement?
SSC CHSL 10/08/2021 (Shift-II) (a) Holt Mackenzie (b) Lord Dalhousei
Ans. (d) : The Permanent Settlement of Bengal was (c) Edmund Burke (d) Warren Hastings
brought into effect by the East India Company headed SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-II)
by the Governor-General Lord Cornwallis in 1793. Ans. (a) : The Mahalwari System was first introduced
This was basically an agreement between the company by Holt Mackenzie in 1822. Under this system the
and the zamidars to fix the land revenue. First enacted land revenue was fixed on the basis of gross village
in Bengal, Bihar and Odisha, this was later followed in production. Also in this system the fixing of land
South district of Madras presidency and Varanasi. revenue was done on an estimate. Due to this critical
77. In the year 1854, India's first cotton mill was system the government spent more money on
established as spinning mill in ____. collection process and the amount they got in form of
land revenue was less than that. Firstly it was enacted
(a) Bombay (b) Calcutta in UP, MP, Punjab.
(c) Madras (d) Delhi 82. The Ryotwari System of revenue collection was
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-I) implemented in which province of British
Ans. (a) : India's first cotton mill was set up in India?
Bombay. The first cotton mill to be established in (a) Northern India (b) South India
Bombay was the Bombay Spinning and Weaving (c) Wast India (d) East India
Company. It was the first cotton mill to be established SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Shift-I)
in Bombay, India, on 7 July 1854 at Tardeo by Cowasji Ans. : (b) Ryotwari system was introduced by Thomas
Nanabhai Davar (1815-73) and his associates. Munro in 1820. This was the primary land revenue
78. Which of the following was the most important system in South India. Major areas of introduction
characteristic of India's trade throughout the inclued Madras, Bombay, parts of Assam and Coorg
colonial period? Provinces of British India. In this system the ownership
rights were handed over to the peasants. British
(a) Import surplus (b) Import deficiency Government collected taxes directly from the peasants.
(c) Export deficiency (d) Export surplus The revenue rates of the Ryotwari System were 50%
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-II) where the lands were dry and 60% in irrigated land.


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83. Who introduced Ryotwari System in India ? Ans : (c) In 1854, Charles Wood prepared a despatch
(a) Lord lrwin on an educational system for India. This document is
(b) Holt Mackenzie called Wood’s Despatch. It suggested that primary
schools must adopt vernacular languages. Through the
(c) Lord Cornwallis and Alexander Reed despatch, he also suggested that high schools use anglo-
(d) Alexander Reed and Thomas Munro vernacular medium and that English should be the
SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Shift-III) medium for college-level education. Hence, the Wood’s
Despatch is considered as ‘Magna-Carta’ of English
Ans. (d) : Alexander Reed and Thomas Munro Started
Education in India.
the Raiyatwar/Ryotwari system in India. After the
Permanent Settlement Act the British adopted a new 88. Which of the following viceroys appointed the
system of land Revenue known as the Ryotwari Hunter Commission in 1882?
System. Under this system the peasant were made the (a) Lord Ripon (b) Lord Mayo
permanent owners of the land. Under this 1/4th of total (c) Lord Minto (d) Lord Lytton
production was collected as land revenue. SSC CPO-SI 24/11/2020 (Shift-I)
84. When was the Permanent Settlement Ans. : (a) Hunter Education Commission was
introduced by the East India Company? formulated by Lord Ripon in 1882. During British rule
(a) 1793 (b) 1765 it was constituted to measure the growth in education
(c) 1776 (d) 1765 system as running on the basis of Wood's Despatch
SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-II) declaration. It was constituted in the chairmanship of
William Wilson Hunter and also it had 8 Indian
Ans. (a) : Permanent Settlement was introduced in members. Hunter Commission was confined only upto
1793 by Lord Cornwallis and covered Bengal, Bihar, primary and elementary education level.
Odisha Parts of Northern Karnataka etc. This was
basically an agreement between company and 89. In the context of colonial India, the Hartog
committee report is related to which of the
zamindars to fix the land revenue. It was also known
following fields.
as Zamindari system as Zamindars were recognized as
the owners of the land. (a) Health (b) Education
(c) Irrigation (d) Urbanisation
85. Zamindari system was Introduced by _____in
1793. SSC CPO-SI 23/11/2020 (Shift-II)
(a) Curzon (b) Cornwallis Ans. : (b) Hartog Committee was constituted in 1929
(c) Clive (d) Clint under the leadership of Philip Hartog to measure the
growth of education in India. It had following
SSC GD 12/02/2019 (Shift-III) recommendations.
Ans. (b) : See the explanation of above question. → Fixation of the duration of primary course to 4
5. Development of Education in → Improvement in the quality training, status, pay,
service condition of teachers.
Modern India
→ Adjustment of school hours and holidays to
86. Which Education Commission had argued that seasonal and local requirement
European education would uplift the moral → Main emphasis of matriculation level.
character of Indians ? 90. Who introduced Western education?
(a) Linlithgow commission (a) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
(b) Ramsay Macdonald Award (b) Lal Bahadur Shastri
(c) Wood's dispatch (c) Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose
(d) Irwin report (d) Sardar Vallab bhai Patel
SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Shift-I) SSC CGL (TIER-1) 07-09-2016, 4:15 pm
Ans. (c) : On July 19, 1854 a draft was declared by Ans : (a) Raja Ram Mohan Roy introduced western
Charles Wood (Head of Board of control) for a mass education in India. He was an Indian educational
planning over the India education system and this reformer. He was also known as 'Maker of Modern
draft later came to be known as Woods Despatch of India' and 'Father of Indian Renaissance'. He believed
1854. This was also known as "Magnacarta of English in the modern scientific approach and principle of
Education" human dignity and social equality.
87. Wood's Despatch was about He set up the Atmiya Sabha in 1814 to propagate the
(a) Industry (b) Army monotheistic ideals of Vedanta and campaign against
idolatry, caste rigidities and other social ills. Raja Ram
(c) Education (d) Agricultrue Mohan Roy founded Brahma Sabha in August 1828,
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 27-10-2016, 10 am later renamed Brahmo Samaj.

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6. Development of Newspaper 7. Revolt of 1857

in India 94. In which year did the Sepoy Mutiny end?
(a) 1874 (b) 1862
91. Who among the following is one of the
founders of 'The Hindu' newspaper which was (c) 1888 (d) 1858
founded in 1878? SSC MTS 08/10/2021 (Shift-I)
(a) Raja Ram Mohan Roy Ans. (d) : Indian Sepoy Mutiny began on 10 May 1857
and ended in Gwalior on 20 June 1858. It is the first
(b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak war of Independence widespread to Delhi, Agra,
(c) Motilal Nehru Lucknow and Kanpur.
(d) G. Subramania Iyer 95. Whose proclamation of November 1, 1858
SSC JE Mechanical 27.10.2020 (Shift-II) declared that thereafter India would be
governed by and in the name of the British
Ans. (d) : Monarch through a Secretary of State?
Newspaper/ Founder/Editor Year (a) King Louis' (b) King Philips'
Magazine (c) Queen Victoria's (d) Queen Elizabeth's
SSC MTS 08/10/2021 (Shift-I)
The Hindu G. Subramania Iyer 1878
Ans. (c) : Queen Victoria's proclamation of November
Samwad Raja Ram Mohan Roy 1821 1, 1858 declared that thereafter India would be
Kaumudi governed by and in the name of the British Monarch
through a Secretary of State.
Shom Ishwar Chandra 1859
96. The Indian Mutiny of 1857 effectively ended in
Prakash Vidyasagar the city of _____.
Amruta Motilal Ghosh/Shishir 1868 (a) Lucknow (b) Amritsar
Bajar Kumar Ghose (c) Gwalior (d) Vadodara
Al Hilal Abul Kalam Azad 1912 SSC CHSL 12/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Bengalee Girish Chandra Ghosh 1862 Ans. (c) : The Indian Mutiny of 1857 effectively
ended in the city of Gwalior. The most significant
Pratap Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi 1913 outcame of the Revolt of 1857 was the end of the East
India Company rule and assumption of the
92. Which is the first newspaper of India? Government of India directly by the crown.
(a) Bombay Gazette 97. Which of the following battles did Maulvi
(b) Bengal Gazette Ahmadullah Shah fight, defeating the forces
(c) Bombay Times under Henry Lawrence?
(a) Battle of Kintoor (b) Battle of Saragarhi
(d) Hindustan Times
(c) Battle of Chinhat (d) Battle of Naafgarh
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 20.01.17, 4:15 pm)
SSC CHSL 04/08/2021 (Shift-III)
Ans : (b) In 1780, James Augustus Hicky published Ans. (c) : The Battle of Chinhat was fought on 30th June
Bengal Gazette, which is considered to be the "first 1857 between forces of Maulvi Ahmadullah Shah and
newspaper of India". The origin of newspapers in British forces under the leadership of Henry Lawrence at
India is made by Europeans. Printing press was started Chinhat near Lucknow. Britishers were badly defeated in
in India in 16th century by Portuguese missionaries. this war. Hailing from a noble warrior family of Awadh
The "National Printing Press in India" was set up by in Faizabad, Maulavi Ahmadullah Shah was known as
Raja Ram Mohan Roy. the 'Lighthouse of Rebellion.'
Hindustan Times was edited by KM Panikkar in 1920. 98. Begum Hazrat Mahal is associated to which of
the following revolts of India?
93. Which is the first Hindi newspaper of India?
(a) Moplah Revolt 1921 (b) Raika Revolt 1817
(a) Udaan
(c) Gond Revolt 1941 (d) Sepoy Mutiny 1857
(b) Azad Vichaar
SSC GD 11/02/2019 (Shift-II)
(c) Udant Martand
Ans. (d) Begum Hazarat Mahal was the wife of
(d) Vichaar Vyakti Nawab Wajid Ali Shah, the Nawab of Awadh. She is
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 18.01.17, 1:15 pm) associated with Sepoy Mutiny 1857.
Ans : (c) Udant Martand was the first Hindi newspaper. She led the revolt against the British East India
It was first published in 1826 from Kolkata as a local Company during the Indian Rebellion of 1857. Hazrat
weekly. Its publisher was Jugal Kishore who was a Mahal worked in association with Nana Saheb and
Maulavi of Faizabad. She was the leader of the 1857
resident of Kanpur. The paper used to be set out every revolt in Lucknow, Agra, and Awadh. Begum Hazrat
Tuesday. Mahal's tomb is located in Kathmandu, Nepal.

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99. Veer Kunwar Singh Jayanti is celebrated in –– 104. Who among the following was a leader from
in order to recognise the achievements of Allahabad (now Prayagraj) in the revolt
Kunwar Singh during the Indian rebellion of against the British in 1857 ?
1857. (a) Maulvi Liaquat Ali
(a) Himachal Pradesh (b) Bihar (b) Khan Bahadur Khan
(c) Uttarakhand (d) Uttar Pradesh
(c) Tatya Tope
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-III)
(d) Rani Laxmi Bai
Ans. (b) : Veer Kunwar Singh Jayanti is celebrated SSC CHSL 21/10/2020 (Shift-II)
every year on April 23rd in Bihar. Babu Kunwar Singh
was a leader during the Indian revolt of 1857. He was Ans. (a) : The Revolution of 1857 is considered as the
associated with Jagdispur (Bihar) He was the chief first freedom struggle of India. This revolution started
organizer of fight against British in Bihar. In his from Meerut on May 10, 1857. The leader of
honour, Veer Kunwar Singh University has been Allahabad (Prayagraj) in this rebellion was Maulvi
established by Bihar Government in Arrah district in Liaquat Ali. The following are the main persons of the
1992. Sepoy Rebellion of 1857 and the area related to them.
100. Mutiny of 1857 was described as the First Centres of Revolt Leaders
Indian of Independence by Delhi General Bakht Khan
(a) Bal Gangadhar Tilak Kanpur Nana Saheb
(b) Subhash Chandra Bose Lucknow Begum Hazrat Mahal
(c) Bhagat Singh Bihar Kunwar Singh
(d) V.D. Savarkar Jhansi Rani Laxmi Bai
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 09-09-2016, 4:15 pm Faizabad Maulvi Ahmadullah
Ans : (d) In India, the term first War of Independence Bareilly Khan Bahadur Khan
was first popularized by Vinayak Damodar Savarkar in
his 1909 book, "The History of War of Indian Jagdishpur Kuwar Singh
Independence". which was originally written in 105. Who was the organizer of revolt of 1857 in
Marathi. Bihar ?
101. In which of the following cities is the tomb of (a) Bahadur Shah (b) Nana Sahib
Rani of Jhansi situated? (c) Maulvi Ahmadullah (d) Kunwar Singh
(a) Ujjain (b) Jabalpur SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Shift-III)
(c) Gwalior (d) Indore
Ans. (d) : See the explanation of above question.
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 05/03/2020 (Shift-III)
106. During the 1857 Uprising, who among the
Ans. (c) : Rani Lakshmibai was born on 19 November following took up the leadership at Faizabad?
1828 in the town of Varanasi into a Marathi family.
She was named Manikarnika and nicknamed Manu. (a) Maulvi Ahmadullah
Revolt of 1857 in Jhansi was led by Rani Lakshmibai. (b) Begum Hazrat Mahal
She died on 18 June 1858 AD in Gwalior. Lakshmibai (c) Khan Bahadur
tomb is situated in the Phool Bagh area of Gwalior.
(d) Kunwar Singh
102. Who was the Mughal emperor during the 1857 SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-I)
revolt in India?
(a) Shah Alam II (b) Alamgir II Ans : (a) See the explanation of above question.
(c) Bahadur Shah II (d) Akbar Shah II 107. The Sepoy Mutiny in India started from ___.
SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Shift-III) (a) Rajkot (b) Champaran
Ans. (c) : Bahadur Shah Zafar was the last ruler of the (c) Bareilly (d) Meerut
Mughal Empire in India. Bahadur Shah Zafar led the SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-I)
Indian Soldiers in the first Indian struggle for Ans. (d) : The Sepoy Rebellion began in India on May
independence of 1857.
10, 1857 AD from the city of Meerut. The credit for
103. Who among the following was NOT associated initiating the Sepoy Rebellion of 1857 AD in India
with the revolt of 1857 ? goes to Amar Saheed Kotwal Dhan Singh Gurjar.
(a) Kunwar Singh (b) Bhagat Singh Every year 10 May in India is celebrated as Kranti
(c) Begum Hazrat Mahal (d) Mangal Pandey Diwas.
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 07/03/2020 (Shift-II) 108. Where was Mangal Pandey hanged on 29
Ans. (b) : Bhagat Singh was not even born during the March 1857 ?
rebellion of 1857 AD. Bhagat Singh was born on 27 (a) Meerut (b) Barrakpore
September 1907. He was one of the most influential (c) Agra (d) Delhi
revolutionaries of the Nationalist Movement.
SSC MTS 7-10-2017 (Shift-I)

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Ans. (b) : Mangal Panday was an Indian freedom 112. With reference to the 1857 revolt consider the
fighter who played an important role in India's first following statements.
freedom struggle in 1857. He was a soldier of 34th 1. The sepoys of Meerut appealed to Bahadur
Bengal Infantry of East India Company. He was hanged Shah Zafar to accept the leadership of the
to death on 8 April 1857 in Barrackpore Jail. revolt.
109. After the Revolt of 1857, which of the following 2. In Kanpur, the sepoys made Nana Sahib as
changes was not made in India by the British their leader.
Government ? 3. In Awadh, Rani Laxmibai was made the
(a) Secretary of state for India was appointed leader.
Which of the given statements is/are correct?
(b) Proportion of Indian Soldiers in the British
army were increased. (a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 only
(c) Power of the East India Company was (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
handed over to the British Crown. (SSC J.E. 01.03.17, 2:45 pm)
(d) Governer-General of India became Viceroy Ans : (b) Regarding the revolt of 1857, statement 1 and
of India 2 are correct because after the death of Mangal Panday,
SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Shift-I) the sepoys of Meerut gathered around the Red Fort on
11th May 1857 and appealed to Bahadur Shah Zafar to
Ans. (b) : After the Revolt of 1857, the following be the new leader of the revolt. The Revolt of Kanpur
changes were made in India by the British was led by Nana Sahib who attacked General Wheeler's
Government entrenchment on 5th June 1857 and was joined by the
(1) Government of India Act, 1858 abolished the rebel sepoys. Rani Laxmibai led the revolt at Jhansi.
company rule and the Government of India was 113. ____ was the Mughal emperor during the
transferred from the hands of the company to crown revolt of 1857.
(2) The assembly of director's and the assembly of (a) Akbar II (b) Bahadur Shah II
rights were abolished and all their powers were given (c) Bahadur Shah I (d) Shah Alam II
to secretary of India. SSC CHSL 12/04/2021 (Shift-III)
(3) An Assembly of 15 members, the Council of India
Ans : (b) Bahadur Shah II was the last emperor of
was established. Mughal Empire. He was the successor of Akbar II. He
(4) The Governor–General was now the representative was a famous Urdu poet and used write under pen name
of the crown, so he come to be called as the Viceroy. 'Zafar'. He was declared emperor by British authority.
110. The mutiny in which of the following cities He became the symbol of unity during the great
marked the beginning of the Revolt of 1857? rebellion of 1857.
(a) Meerut (b) Jhansi
(c) Lucknow (d) Delhi 8. Peasant Movement
SSC JE Mechanical 11.12.2020 (Shift-I) 114. With whom is the 'Patharughat Uprising'
Ans. (a) : Indian Mutiny, also called Sepoy Mutiny or associated?
First War of Independence, widespread rebellion (a) Lawyers uprising (b) Soldiers uprising
against British rule in India in 1857–58. Begun in (c) Teachers uprising (d) Peasants' uprising
Meerut by Indian troops (sepoys) in the service of the
SSC MTS 26/10/2021 (Shift-I)
British East India Company, it spread to Delhi, Agra,
Kanpur, and Lucknow. Ans. (d) : Before the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre,
Patharughat Peasants' Uprising occurred on 28th
111. Who among the following was bestowed with January 1894. More than 100 peasants fell to British
the title of ‘Saheb-e-Alam Bahadur’ by bullets in the Patharughat area, around 60 km North-
Bahadur Shah during the uprising of 1857? East of Guwahati, in the Darrang district.
(a) Nana Sahib (b) Birjis Qadir 115. In which of the following years did the Santhal
(c) Bakht Khan (d) Tatya Tope Revolt take place?
SSC JE Civil - 27/01/2018 (Shift-II) (a) 1848-49 (b) 1874-75
Ans. (c) : India's first military rebellion started on 10 (c) 1825-26 (d) 1855-56
May, 1857 from Meerut. The rebels of Meerut reached SSC CHSL 09/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Delhi and on 12 May, and captured Delhi and declared
Ans. (d) : The Santhal Revolt took place in 1855-56.
Bahadur Shah II the emperor of India and the leader of Santhals were a tribal group concentrated in the state
rebellion. On 3 July 1857 Bakht Khan was declared as of Jharkhand. This was the first peasant revolt that
the main leader of the rebellion and Bahadur Shah II occurred in India. The Santhals formed their own
gave the title of 'Saheb-e-Alam Bahadur' to the Bakht armies composed of peasant marching against their
Khan. Bakht Khan was Subedar of the British army in oppressors. This revolt was headed by 4 brothers of
Bareilly was the leading rebel sepoys in Delhi. Murmus clan-Sidhu, Kanhu, Chand and Bhairav.


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116. A large area of land demarcated as Damin-i- Ans. (b) : At the Lucknow Session of Indian National
Koh in 1832 was declared as the land of the __. Congress in 1936, all radical developments on the
(a) Warlis (b) Paharias peasant front culminated in the formation of All India
Kisan Sabha (AIKS) with Sahajananda Saraswati
(c) Murias (d) Santhals
elected as first President and N.G. Ranga as a General
SSC CHSL 12/04/2021 (Shift-III) Secretary.
Ans : (d) In 1832, the officials of the British East India 121. Who among the following was one of the
company demarcated the forested hilly regions of leaders of the Santhal rebellion?
Rajmahal Hills as Damin - i-Koh. Later on due to (a) Sidhu Manjhi (b) BR Ambedkar
collection of Lagaan from this region, the revolt of
(c) Surya Sen (d) Swami Vivekanand
Santhalis was raised in the leadership of Sidhu, Kanhu
Chand and Bhairav. SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 20/08/2021 (Shift II)
117. What was the meaning of 'Ryot' in British Ans. (a) : In 1855, the Santhal rebellion was started in
records in the 18th century? present-day Jharkhand and Bengal (Purulia and
Bankura) in eastern India against both the British
(a) Weavers (b) Peasants colonial authority and Zamindars by the Santhal people.
(c) Jobbers (d) Traders Sidhu and Kanhu were brothers and leaders of the
SSC CHSL 19/04/2021 (Shift-III) rebellion. The other associates were Chand and
Ans. (b) : The meaning of Ryot in British records in Bhairav.
the 18 century was a peasant, tenant farmer or 122. Who was the leader of the Bardoli Peasant
cultivator of the soil in India. Ryot was a general Satyagraha?
economic term used through out India for peasant (a) Vallabhbhai Patel
cultivators. (b) Baldev Singh
118. When did the peasant movement in Bardoli (c) TT Krishnamachari
begin? (d) Abdul Kalam Azad
(a) 1943 (b) 1934 SSC JE Mechanical 27.10.2020 (Shift-I)
(c) 1928 (d) 1919 Ans. (a) : Bardoli Peasant Satyagraha was led by
SSC CHSL 19/08/2021 (Shift-II) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel in 1928. Bardoli Satyagraha
Ans. (c) : The Bardoli Satyagraha was started in was launched against government's order of increasing
22% tax. Under the leadership of Patel the Bardoli
Gujarat in 1928, after the increased in unfair taxes
Peasants decided to refuse payment of taxes. After the
which the farmers of Bardoli had to pay to the British
success of this movement Gandhi ji gave the 'Sardar'
Government. The movement was eventually led by title to Vallabhabhai Patel on the behalf of Bardoli
Vallabhbhai Patel, and its success gave rise to Patel Women.
becoming one of the main leaders of the independence
movement. He got the title of 'Sardar' from the local 123. In which of the following peasant uprisings,
farmers and peasants due to this Satyagrah. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel took part?
(a) Eka Movement
119. In which of the following years did the revolt in
the countryside of the Bombay Deccan occur? (b) Tebhaga Movement
(a) 1875 (b) 1890 (c) Kisan Sabha
(d) Bardoli Satyagraha
(c) 1790 (d) 1905
SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Shift-II)
SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 16/08/2021 (Shift III)
Ans. (d) : See the explanation of above question.
Ans. (a) : The revolt in the countryside of the Bombay
Deccan occurred in 1875. Peasants in various parts of 124. The movement of the local farmers of Bardoli
India rose in revolt against moneylenders and grain in Gujarat against the British in 1928 was led
dealers as the British had introduced the Ryotwari by ____.
settlement as the system of land revenue. Under this (a) Vallabhbhai Patel
system, the revenue of land was fixed on a yearly (b) Lal Bahadur Shashtri
basis. (c) Lokmanya Tilak
120. Who among the following was the first General (d) Jawaharlal Nehru
Secretary of All India Kisan Congress? SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-III)
(a) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Ans : (a) See the explanation of above question.
(b) NG Ranga 125. The Paika Rebellion was led by-
(c) Swami Sahajanand Saraswati (a) Bakshi Jagabandhu (b) Titu Mir
(d) Acharya Narendra Dev (c) Sidhu (d) Kanhu
SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 17/08/2021 (Shift II) SSC JE Civil - 25/09/2019 (Shift-I)

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Ans. (a) : Paika Rebellion of 1817 is an armed revolt Ans : (b) Lokmanya Tilak (Bal Gangadhar Tilak)
against the British by the Paikas of Khurda in Odisha. started Ganesh festival in Maharashtra in 1893. Tilak
The rebellion took form and shape under the leadership was the first person who was punished for journalism in
of Bakshi Jagabandhu Bidyadhara. 1882. He had edited 'Maratha' and 'Kesari' Newspapers.
In 1896-97, he launched a 'non-payment of taxes'
126. “All India Kisan Sabha” was founded movement in the whole of Maharashtra during which
in……….. public gave him the title of 'Lokmanya Tilak'. During
(a) 1936 AD (b) 1939 AD his stay in Mandalay Jail (Burma), he composed a book
(c) 1942 AD (d) 1945 AD called 'Gita Rahasya'. Tilak was the only Congress
SSC JE Civil - 29/01/2018 (Shift-II) leader who could not become the president of Indian
National Congress. In Valentine's Chirol consideration
Ans. (a) : All India Kisan Sabha is a peasant front he has been called the father of Indian unrest.
founded in 1936 at Indian National Congress Lucknow
Session. Swami Sahajanand Saraswati was first 130. Who established the “Atmiya Sabha” a
President and N.G. Ranga was the first General precursor in the socio-religious reforms in
Secretary of All India Kishan Sabha. The motives of
the All India Kisan Sabha were: (a) Vivekanand
1. To abolish zamindari system. (b) Dayanand Saraswati
2. To reduce land revenue etc. (c) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
(d) Arbindo
127. Which year against the Tax policies of the
SSC JE Civil - 29/01/2018 (Shift-I)
British in Assam did the Patharughat Present
rebellion in India? Ans. (c) : Raja Ram Mohan Roy established the
"Atmiya Sabha" a precursor in the socio-religious
(a) 1862 (b) 1873
reforms in Bengal to propagate the monotheistic ideals
(c) 1894 (d) 1885 of the Vedanta and to compaign against idolatry caste
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-II) rigidities meaningless rituals and other social ills.
Ans. (c) : The incident took place in Patharughat a 131. Which of the following was not actively
small village in Assam's Darang district, on January engaged in social and religious reforms in
1894 When British officer refused to listen the farmers India?
grievances & there was lathi charge open fire against (a) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
farmers where in many peasant got killed. (b) Pandit Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar
(c) Jotiba Phule
9. Social and Religious Reform (d) Bharatendu Harish Chandra
Movements SSC CGL (TIER-1) 10-09-2016, 1:15 pm
Ans : (d) Raja Ram Mohan Roy was the harbinger of
(i) Brahmo Samaj Indian Reform movement and also known as the "father
of Modern India". Ishwar Chandra Vidya Sagar played
128. Who was the founder of the Brahma Samaj significant role in passing of Widow Remarriage Act of
Founded in 1828? 1856 and Jyotiba Phule founded the Satyashodhak
(a) Rabindranath Tagore Samaj and lead the depressed classes.
(b) Subhash Chandra Bose 132. Among the following personalities, who was
(c) Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel NOT associated with Prarthana Samaj?
(d) Raja Ram Mohan Roy (a) Ishwar Chand Vidyasagar
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 07.01.17, 10 am) (b) Atmaram Pandurang
Ans : (d) Raja Ram Mohan Roy was the founder of (c) R. G. Bhandarkar
Brahma Samaj founded on 20 August, 1828. The long (d) M.G. Ranade
term agenda of Brahmo Samaj to purify Hinduism and SSC JE Civil - 23/09/2019 (Shift-II)
to preach monotheism was based on the twin pillar of Ans. (a) : Prarthna Samaj was founded in Mumbai in
reason and the Vedas and Upanishads. the year 1867 with the inspiration of Acharya Keshav
129. Who started Ganesha Festival? Chandra Sen, by Atmaram Pandurang Chandravarkar
etc. GR Bhandarkar was the foremost leader of
(a) Mahatma Gandhi Prarthana Samaj. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar was
(b) Lokmanya Tilak related to widow remarriage act. In 1855 AD, he gave
(c) Pandit Nehru the signed petition of 984 people to company
(d) Indira Gandhi government to make widow remarriage law and on 26
July 1856 AD Widow Remarriage Act was passed.
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 20.01.17, 1:15 pm)

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133. Who is known as 'Father of Indian Renaissance'? Ans. (b) : Swami Dayanand Saraswati gave slogan of
(a) Vivekanand Back to the Vedas and called for a revival of Vedic
learning and Vedic purity of religion and not a revival
(b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
of vedic times. First Arya Samaj unit was formally set
(c) Raja Ram Mohan Roy up by Swami Dayananda Saraswati at Bombay in
(d) Surendranath Banerjee 1875.
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 27-10-2016, 1:15 pm 137. Who among the following was the founder of
Ans : (c) Raja Ram Mohan Roy is known as the 'Father the Arya Mahila Samaj in the early 1880s?
of Indian Renaissance'. He was the first Indian who (a) Swami Dayananda Saraswati
opposes the social ills of Indian society. He wrote two (b) Swami Vivekananda
books- (c) Ramabai Ranade
(1) Gift to Monotheists (1809) (d) Pandita Ramabai
(2) Precepts of Jesus (1820). SSC JE Civil - 22/01/2018 (Shift-I)
Ans. (d) : Pandita Ramabai founded the Arya Mahila
(ii) Arya Samaj Samaj in the early 1880s after she moved to Pune. In
1889 Ramabai established Sharada Sadan for the
134. Who was the founder of Arya Samaj? Widow's. Ramabai was a social activist as well as a
great learner. She translated Bible in Marathi.
(a) Acharya Narendra Dev
(b) Dayanand Saraswati
(iii) Ram Krishna Mission
(c) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
(d) Acharya Vinoba Bhave 138. Swami Vivekananda established Ramakrishna
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 01-09-2016, 4:15 pm Mission in the year ____.
(a) 1897 (b) 1876
Ans : (b) Arya Samaj was Hindu social reform
movement, which was founded by Swami Dayanand (c) 1899 (d) 1882
Saraswati in Bombay in 1875 with the inspiration of SSC CHSL 12/04/2021 (Shift-I)
Swami Virjanand of Mathura. This movement was Ans : (a) Swami Vivekananda founded the Ramkrishna
started in response to western influence to reform Mission at the monastery of Belur Math on the Ganges
Hinduism. Arya Saraj believed in Pure Vedic. They (Ganga) river near Calcutta in 1897.
used to reject Avatarism, and also false rituals and The mission is named after Indian Saint Ramakrishna
superstitions beliefs. Paramahamsa. The organisation mainly propagates the
135. Which of the following statements about Hindu philosophy of Advaita Vedanta and four Yogic
ideals - Jnana, Bhakti, Karma and Raja Yoga.
Swami Dayanand Saraswati is INCORRECT?
(a) His birthplace was Gujarat. 139. Who was the founder of the Ramakrishna
(b) He authored the book 'Satyarth Prakash'.
(a) Swami Dayanand
(c) He was the founder of Brahmo Samaj. (b) Debendranath Tagore
(d) He was the founder of Arya Samaj. (c) Swami Vivekananda
SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 13/08/2021 (Shift I) (d) Atmaram Pandurang
Ans. (c) : Swami Dayanand Saraswati was born on SSC CHSL 21/10/2020 (Shift-I)
12th February, 1824 in Tankara, Gujarat. He was born Ans. (c) : The Ramakrishna Mission was founded by
as Mool Shankar (original name). His father was Swami Vivekananda on 1st May, 1897. Its first
Karshanji Lalji Tiwari and his mother was cloister/math was established in Baranagar (Kolkata)
Yashodabai. In April 1875 Dayanand Saraswati where as its headquarter is in Belur Math, West
founded Arya Samaj at Bombay. It was a hindu reform Bengal. Swami Vivekananda was the disciple of
movement meaning "Society of Nobles". He authored Ramkrishna Paramahansa. He was born on 12th
the books like "Satyarth Prakash" January 1863 and the day is every year celebrated as
Rigvedadibhashyabhumika and Vyavharabhanu etc. "Yuva Diwas".
Brahmo Samaj was founded by Raja Ram Mohan Roy. 140. Who was the revolutionary leader who ended
136. “Back to the Vedas”, whose statement is this? his days as a Swami of Ramakrishna Mission?
(a) Swami Vivekananda (a) Ajit Singh
(b) Swami Dayanand Saraswati (b) Aurobindo Ghosh
(c) Swami Shraddhanand (c) Jatindranath Bandopadhyay
(d) Hemachandra Kanungo
(d) S. Radhakrishnan
SSC JE Civil - 24/01/2018 (Shift-II)
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Ans : (c) Jatindranath Bandopadhyay who is also (v) Muslim Reform Movements
known by the nickname "Niralamba Swami'.
Jantindranath ended his days as a Swami of 145. The Aligarh Movement was started by ____.
Ramkrishna Mission. He stayed with Maharishi
Aurobindo in his revolutionary life. He was born on 19 (a) Maulana Manzoor Ahsan
November, 1877 and died in 1930. (b) Dr. Maghfoor Ahmad Ajazi
141. Identify the correctly matched pair of the (c) Muhammad Ali Jinnah
founder and the social/socio-religious (d) Syed Ahmad Khan
organisation founded. SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-I)
(a) Swami Vivekananda-Ramakrishna Mission
Ans : (d) Aligarh Movement was started from
(b) Ram Krishna Paramahansa-Ramakrishna
Mission Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh. The founder of this
movements was Sir Syed Ahmad Khan. He had
(c) Raja Ram Mohan Roy-Arya Samaj established an 'Anglo Muslim College' (also known as
(d) Dayanand Saraswati - Brahmo Samaj Muhammadan Anglo Oriental College) in Aligarh in
SSC CHSL 18/03/2020 (Shift-III) 1875.
Ans. (a) : The Socio-Religious organization 146. What was the chief objective of the 'Wahabi
'Ramakrishna Mission' was founded by Swami Movement'?
Vivekananda in Kolkata in 1897. Swami Dayanand (a) Forge cordial relations with the British
Saraswati founded 'Arya Samaj' in year 1875. 'Brahma
Samaj was founded by Raja Ram Mohan Roy in the (b) Purify Islam
year 1828. Ramkrishna Paramahansa was a great saint (c) Improve the condition of women
spiritual teacher and thinker of India. (d) Adopt rational education
142. What was the name of Swami Vivekananda's SSC CGL (TIER-1) 01-09-2016, 1:15 pm
Ans : (b) The Wahabi Movement existed between
(a) Ramana Maharishi 1820-1870 with its harbinger Sir Sayyid Ahmad of
(b) Paramhansa Yogananda Raebareli. The centre of the movement was Patna
(c) Adi Shankaracharya mainly it gained momentum in North, central India. It
(d) Ramkrishna Paramahansa was an Islamic revivalist movement whose stress was to
SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Shift-I) condemn any change into the original Islam and return
to its true spirit.
Ans. (d) : Ramkrishna Paramahansa was the spiritual
Guru of Swami Vivekananda. Swami Vivekananda 147. Who established the Muhammedan Anglo
founded the Ramakrishna Mission in 1897. The Oriental College at Aligarh?
mission stood for social service. (a) Mohammad Ali Jinnah
(b) Syed Sadulla
(iv) Theosophical Society (c) Syed Ahmad Khan
143. Who was the founder of the Theosophical (d) Dadabhai Naoroji
Society? SSC JE Civil 29.10.2020 (Shift-I)
(a) Justice Ranade Ans. (c) : Muhammedan Anglo-Oriental College was
(b) Madam Blavatsky established in 1875 in Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh by Sir
(c) Annie Besant Syed Ahmad Khan, initially as a grammar school, with
(d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak the aim of taking it to a college-level organization,
referred to as Muhammedan Anglo-Oriental College. In
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 27-08-2016, 4:15 pm year 1920 it became Aligarh Muslim University.
Ans : (b) The Theosophical Society was founded by
Madam H.P. Blavatsky and Colonel Olcott in New
York in 1875. In 1882, the headquarters of the society (vi) Other Social Movements
was established in Adyar near Chennai in India. In
1889, Mrs. Annie Besant joined the Society in England. 148. Where was the Vaikom Satyagraha (1924-25)
This movement was popularised by Annie Besant in (a) Kerala (b) Tamil Nadu
India. (c) Karnataka (d) Andhra Pradesh
144. Who was the founder of the Theosophical SSC JE Civil - 27/01/2018 (Shift-I)
Society of India?
Ans. (a) : Vaikom Satyagraha (1924-25) was a
(a) Annie Besant
Satyagraha in Travancore, India (Now part of Kerala)
(b) Womesh Chandra Bannerjee against untouchablity in Hindu society. The satyagraha
(c) Ram Prasad Bismil aimed at securing freedom of movement for all section
(d) Subhash Chandra Bose of society through the public roads leading to the Sri
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 08-09-2016, 1:15 pm Mahadeva Temple at Vaikon. K. Kelappan played a
dominant role in the famous Vaikom Satyagraha.
Ans : (a) See the explanation of above question.

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149. Which of the following modern states 153. The practice of Sati was abolished under the
witnessed the origin of the 'Vaikom' governorship of ____.
movement? (a) Lord William Bentick
(a) Goa (b) Andhra Pradesh (b) Lord Elenborough
(c) Kerala (d) Sikkim (c) Lord Metcalfe
SSC JE Electrical – 24/03/2021 (Shift-II) (d) Lord Auckland
Ans. (c) : Kerala state witnessed the origin of the SSC CPO-SI 25/11/2020 (Shift-I)
"Vaikom movement". The movement began on 30th Ans. (a) : See the explanation of above question.
March 1924. The movement is for temple entry of the
depressed classes. It happened near the Shiva Temple at
Vaikom, Kottayam district, Kerala during 1924-25. At 11. Indian National Congress
that time, Vaikom was a part of the princely state of
Travancore. Gandhiji, Chatampi Swamikal, E. V. 154. In which of the following sessions of the Indian
Ramaswami Naicker, and Sree Narayana Guru National Congress did George Yule become the
President in 1888?
supported the movement.
(a) Calcutta (b) Allahabad
150. Who was the founder of the Satyashodhak
(c) Madras (d) Bombay
Samaj in the 19th century?
SSC CGL 12/04/2022 (Shift-III)
(a) Swami Vivekananda
(b) BR Ambedkar Ans. (b) George Yule was choosen the President of
Indian National Congress in Allahabad Session of INC
(c) Jyotiba Phule in 1888.
(d) Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
155. In which of the following years did the
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-II) resolution at the Karachi Session of the Indian
Ans : (c) Mahatma Jyotiba Phule was born on 11 April National Congress dwell on how Independent
1827 in Katgun, Satara District in Maharashtra India’s Constitution should look?
Mahatma Phule founded the Satyashodhak Samaj on 24 (a) 1931 (b) 1928
September 1873. He opposed caste system and idolatry. (c) 1946 (d) 1945
Gulamgiri and Sarvajanik Satya Dharma are prominent SSC CGL 13/04/2022 (Shift-II)
book written by him.
Ans. (b) In 1928, Motilal Nehru and eight other
congress leaders drafted a constitution for India. In
10. Acts brought for Social 1931, the resolution at the Karachi Session of the Indian
Reforms National Congress dwelt on how independent India's
constitution should look like.
151. Who was the then Governor-General of British 156. The Lucknow Pact of December 1916 was an
India, when 'Sati Pratha' became illegal and understanding between the Indian National
punishable ? Congress and the _____.
(a) Warren Hastings (a) Swatantra Party (b) Hindu Mahasabha
(b) Lord Cornwallis (c) Communist Party (d) Muslim League
(c) Lord William Bentinck SSC CHSL 16/04/2021 (Shift-I)
(d) Lord Wellesley Ans. (d) : Lucknow Pact, was carried out between
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 04/03/2020 (Shift-III) Indian National Congress headed by Maratha leader
Bal Gangadhar Tilak and the All-India Muslim League
Ans. (c) : Lord William Bentinck was the first led by Muhammad Ali Jinnah. By this pact the
Governor-General of India from 1828-1835. He made Moderates and the Extremists wings of the congress
several efforts regarding social, educational legal and reunited. Through this pact the congress also agreed to
administrative changes. In 1829 along with the help of separate electorates for Muslims in provincial council
Raja Ram Monan Roy, he banned the Sati System. elections.
152. Which governor general of India abolished 157. Who among the following presided over the
Sati system in 1829 by declaring it an offence ? special session of Congress in September 1923
(a) Lord William Bentinck and at the age of 35 became the youngest man
to be elected as the President of the Congress?
(b) Lord Dalhousie
(a) Mahadev Govind Ranade
(c) Lord Wellesley
(b) Ram Manohar Lohia
(d) Lord Cornwallis
(c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
SSC CHSL 13/10/2020 (Shift-II)
(d) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
Ans. (a) : See the explanation of the above question.
SSC CHSL 06/08/2021 (Shift-I)

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Ans. (d) : Maulana Abul Kalam Azad presided the Ans. (d) : The Congress Session was held in Tripuri in
special session of congress in 1923 at Delhi and then 1939, whose president was Subhash Chandra Bose.
became the youngest man to be elected as Congress The annual session of 1917 was presided over by Mrs.
President. He also became India's first Education Annie Besant in Calcutta. In 1929 annual session of
Congress was held in Lahore, whose President was Pt.
158. Who was the President of the Indian National Jawaharlal Nehru. Annual Session of 1907 was held in
Congress when India won its freedom in the Surat which was presided over by Rash Bihari Ghosh
year 1947? and in this session first split of the congress took
(a) Abul Kalam Azad (b) Vallabhbhai Patel place.
(c) Jawaharlal Nehru (d) J.B. Kripalani
162. The Haripura Session of Indian National
SSC CHSL 09/08/2021 (Shift-III) Congress was Presided over by –––––.
Ans. (d) : Jivatram Bhagwandas Kripalani popularly (a) Motilal Nehru
known as Acharya Kripalani was an India politician,
noted particularly for holding the presidency of the (b) Subhash Chandra Bose
Indian National Congress during the transfer of power (c) AC Mazumdar
in 1947. He was husband of Sucheta Kriplani, India's (d) Abul Kalam Azad
first woman Chief Minister.
SSC JE Electrical -26/09/2019 (Shift-II)
159. What was the important feature/outcome of
Lucknow Pact of 1916 ? Ans : (b) Haripur Session of Indian National Congress
(a) The Congress did not agree for separate was the 51 session held in 1938. This session was
electorates for Muslims in provincial council presided over by Subhash Chandra Bose.
elections 163. Subhas Chandra Bose was elected President of
(b) It marked the reunion of the moderate and the Haripura Congress Session in ––––.
radical wings of the Congress (a) 1938 (b) 1942
(c) It widened the gap between the Hindus and
the Muslims (c) 1936 (d) 1940
(d) It led to the partition of Bengal SSC MTS 07/08/2019 (Shift-II)
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-II) Ans. (a) : Subhas Chandra Bose was elected President
Ans : (b) Ambika Charan Mazumdar was the President of the Haripura Congress session in 1938. During the
of the Indian National Congress for the Lucknow Haripura Congress session Subhas Chandra Bose
Session 1916. Lucknow Pact was made by the Indian establish a National Planning Committee under the
National Congress headed by Bal Gangadhar Tilak and chairmanship of Jawaharlal Nehru.
the All India Muslim League. 164. Who was elected the Congress president after
1. The major achievements of Lucknow Pact was that the end of the Tripuri Crisis?
the moderates and radicals reunited and they jointly
demanded self rule for India. (a) Pattabhi Sitaramayya
2. The Congress and the Muslim league reached a (b) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
settlement and both decide to struggle together. (c) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
160. In which of the following years did the Indian (d) Abul Kalam Azad
National Congress split at Surat and cause the SSC JE Civil - 25/01/2018 (Shift-II)
session to break up?
Ans. (c) : Subhas Chandra Bose was elected president
(a) 1907 (b) 1929
for the annual session of congress held at Haripura in
(c) 1915 (d) 1903 1938 AD. The 52nd session of Congress was held at
SSC JE Mechanical - 25/09/2019 (Shift-II) Tripuri in 1939 AD. In the convention Subhash
Ans. (a) : The Surat Session of the Congress (1907 Chandra Bose defeated the Gandhiji Candidate
AD) under chairmanship of Ras Bihari Ghose was Pattabhi Sitaramayya. Gandhi ji considered this defeat
historically very important, due to the differences as his own defeat. Due to Gandhi displeasure Subhash
between the extremist and moderate parties. The
Congress was divided into two parts in this session. Chandra Bose resigned from the post of president after
Due to this proceeding of Surat Session could not be which Dr. Rajendra Prasad became the president. of
completed. It was again organized in Madras in the session.
same year. In 1916 Lucknow session again extremist 165. Who presided over the first session of Indian
and moderate leaders united. National Congress?
161. With reference to the sessions of the Indian (a) A.O. Hume
National Congress which of the following pairs
is correct? (b) Surendranath Banerjee
(a) 1939 Haripura (b) 1917 - Madras (c) W. C. Banerjee
(c) 1929 - Bombay (d) 1907 - Surat (d) Badruddin Tayyabji
SSC JE Mechanical - 27/09/2019 (Shift-I) SSC CGL (TIER-1) 03-09-2016, 10 am


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Ans : (c) Indian National Congress was established 170. In which session did the Indian National Congress
during the British period in 1885. It's founder was A.O. declare Purna Swaraj as its specific target?
Hume. The first session of Indian National Congress (a) Lahore Session, 1929
was held in Bombay from 28 to 31 December 1885, (b) Tripuri session, 1939
presided over by W.C. Banerjee. A total of 72 (c) Surat Session, 1905
delegatesparticipated in it. (d) Special Session of Kolkatta, 1920
166. When was India National Congress SSC CGL (TIER-1) 27-10-2016, 1:15 pm
established? Ans : (a) See the explanation of the above question.
(a) 1880 (b) 1885 171. Who was the second woman to become the
(c) 1890 (d) 1895 president of the Indian National Congrees in
1925 and the first Indian woman to do so?
SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-II)
(a) Vijaylakshmi Pandit(b) Sarojini Naidu
Ans. (b) : During the time of British governor Lord (c) Padmaja Naidu (d) Fathima Bibi
Dufferin on 28 December, 1885 a British officer
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 08-09-2016, 10:00 am
named A.O. Hume founded the 'Indian National
Congress' in Mumbai. It's first President was Womesh Ans : (b) Sarojini Naidu is popularly known as
Chandra Bannerjee. 'Nightingle of India'. She was the second woman (After
Annie Besant) and the first Indian Woman to become
167. The first Muslim to be elected President of the President of Indian National Congress. Sarojini
'Indian National Congress' was? Naidu presided over the Kanpur session in 1925.
(a) Maulana Azad 172. The Working Commitee of National Congress
(b) Mohammed Ali sanctioned the resolution named Quit India' at
(c) Badruddin Tyabji (a) Wardha (b) Nagpur
(c) Mumbai (d) Delhi
(d) Shah Wali - ullah
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 04-09-2016, 4:15 pm
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 11-09-2016, 4:15 pm
Ans : (c) The Working Committee of National
Ans : (c) Badruddin Tyabji was the first Muslim Congress sanctioned the resolution named 'Quit India'
President of Indian National Congress. He presided the at Bombay (Mumbai), on 8 August, 1942. The
Madras session of 1887. The first Christian president of Resolution was proposed by Jawaharlal Nehru and
Indian National Congress was George Yule in 1888 in seconded by Sardar Patel.
Allahabad session. 173. Which one of the following Pacts sought to be
168. Who was the President of Indian National resolved the Hindu-Muslim differences?
Conrgess at the time of Indian independence? (a) Lucknow Pact (b) Poona Pact
(a) Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad (c) Gandhi-Irwin Pact (d) Lahore Pact
(b) J. B. Kriplani SSC CPO (TIER-1) 2016
(c) Jawahar Lal Nehru Ans : (a) The most important contribution in Lucknow
pact of 1916 was of Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Bal
(d) Rajendra Prasad Gangadhar Tilak. This pact was signed between
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 08-09-2016, 4:15 pm Muslim League and the Indian National Congress. They
were of the clear opinion that self government in India
Ans : (b) At the time of Indian Independence J.B. could be achieved only through Hindu Muslim unity.
Kriplani was the President of Indian National
Congress. J.B Kripalani real name was Jiwatram 174. During the freedom struggle, who was the only
President of Indian National Congress who
Bhagwandas. In 1946 he was elected as president and resigned from the presidency even after being
in November, 1947 he tendered his resignation to the elected?
Congress. He formed new party 'Krishik Mazdoor (a) Nellie Sengupta
Party' and started a weekly paper called 'Vigil'.
(b) Jawaharlal Nehru
169. In which Congress Session, was the demand (c) JB Kripalini
for 'Purna Swaraj' adopted ? (d) Subhash Chandra Bose
(a) Karachi Session (b) Surat Session SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-II)
(c) Kanpur Session (d) Lahore Session Ans. (d) : The only president of the Indian National
SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Shift-III) Congress during the Indian war of Independence who
Ans. (d) : Indian National Congress adopted the Purna resigned from the Presidency even after being elected
Swaraj resolution in Lahore session in December was Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose who defeated
Pattabhi Sitaramayya by 203 votes in January 1939 in
1929. In this historic session congress manifesto of the election of Congress President in Tripuri session
Purna Swaraj was prepared and declared the main goal and later resigned as Congress president on 23 April
of Congress. Jawahar Lal Nehru was president of this 1939. And with in the Congress he established his own
session. party called All India Forward Bloc (1939).

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175. During which of the following sessions of Ans. (a) : The Gandhi-Irwin Pact was ratified by
Indian National Congress did Subhash Congress in the Karachi Session of 1931, that was held
Chandra Bose resign from the presidentship of from 26 to 31 March. In Karachi Session Gandhi was
INC? nominated to represent the India National Congress in
(a) Tripuri (b) Calcutta the second round table conference to be held in
(c) Jaipur (d) Haripura London and Resolutions on Fundamental Rights and
SSC JE Mechanical – 22/03/2021 (Shift-I) National Economic Programme was passed in this
Ans. (a) : See the explanation of the above question.
176. In which year did the Lahore session of the 180. The Indian National Congress session of
Indian National Congress declare 26 January September 1920 was held at ____.
as Independence Day? (a) Calcutta (b) Madras
(a) 1929 (b) 1920 (c) Nagpur (d) Lucknow
(c) 1942 (d) 1935 SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 07/03/2020 (Shift-I)
SSC GD 18/02/2019 (Shift-III) Ans : (a) Calcutta Session of Indian National Congress
Ans. (a) : Mahatma Gandhi was elected as the was held in September 1920. Non-Cooperation
President of Lahore session but he made Jawaharlal movement motion was moved by Ghandhiji in the
Nehru the President in his place, that is Lahore session Congress Session of 1920. Lala Lajpat Rai was the
was presided over by Nehru. In this session 26 January President of Calcutta Session.
was decided as to celebrate Independence Day in all
over India, also in the very session the demand for 181. Who presided over a Conference of Nationalist
"Purna Swaraj" was raised. 26 January is celebrated as Delegates at Surat in December 1907 ?
Republic Day every year for the same season because (a) Sri Aurobindo (b) Lala Lajpat Rai
a pledge was taken by the people of India on 31 (c) Pherozeshah Mehta (d) Dadabhai Naoroji
December 1929 was fulfilled on 15 August 1947. 26 SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-II)
January was celebrated as Republic day to make 26
January unforgettable. Ans : (*) The growing difference between the
Moderates and the Extremists came at Surat Session
177. National Anthem of India. "Jana Gana Mana"
was sung for the first time in the____session of 1907 when against the wishes of Extremists who
Indian National Congress. preferred Lala Lajpat Rai to be the President. Dr Rash
Bihari Ghosh was elected as the Congress President, the
(a) Tripuri (b) Kolkatta
extremists left the Congress.
(c) Lahor (d) Belgam
SSC CPO-SI 24/11/2020 (Shift-I)
Ans. : (b) National Anthem of India was composed by
12. Partition of Bengal /
Rabindranath Tagore. The National Anthem was first Swadeshi Movement
composed in Bengali language and this song was first
sung on 27 December 1911 during Calcutta session of 182. Moved by the Swadeshi Movement, _________
Congress under President Bishan Narayan Dar. On 24 painted his famous image of Bharat Mata
January 1950 constituent assembly adopted the "Jana portraying her as an ascetic figure.
Gana Mana" as National Anthem of India. (a) Satyendranath Tagore
178. Who was the President of Congress during (b) Abanindranath Tagore
Belgaum Summit of Congress in 1924 ?
(c) Joytirindranath Tagore
(a) K.L. Nehru (b) Charu Majumdar
(d) Dwijendranath Tagore
(c) J.L. Nehru (d) M.K. Gandhi
SSC MTS 05/10/2021 (Shift-I)
SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Ans. (b) : Moved by the Swadeshi Movement,
Ans. (d) : Belgaum town had the honour of hosting
the All India 39th Congress Session in 1924 that was Abanindranath Tagore painted his famous image of
the only session which was presided over by Mahatma Bharat Mata portraying her as an ascetic figure.
Gandhi and the only session held in Karnataka. 183. Which of the following parties supported the
179. Which of the following statements is correct move for partition of Bengal?
with reference to the Karachi Session of the (a) Gadar Party
Congress (1931)? (b) Forward Bloc
(a) The Gandhi-Irwin Pact was ratified (c) All India Muslim League
(b) Mahatma Gandhi presided over the session (d) Communist Party of India
(c) The Quit-India Resolution was passed SSC MTS 18/04/2022 (Shift-II)
(d) The Khilafat movement was launched at this
event Ans. (c) All Indian Muslim League and Nawab
Salimullah from Dhaka were supported the move for
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 06/03/2020 (Shift-II) Partition of Bengal.

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184. Who announced the partition of the state of 13. Muslim League
Bengal in 1905?
(a) Lord Ripon 188. When was the Muslim League founded?
(b) Lord Lyton (a) 1901 (b) 1906
(c) Lord Mountbatten (c) 1903 (d) 1905
(d) Lord Curzon SSC CHSL 17/03/2020 (Shift-III)
SSC JE Mechanical - 27/09/2019 (Shift-II) Ans. (b) : The Muslim League was established on 30th
Ans. (d) : Begal was partitioned in 1905 under the December, 1906, in Dhaka. Its founder was Nawab
Lord Curzon Viceroy of India despite heavy Salimullah. Its headquarter was Lucknow. In 1940 its
opposition from Indian nationalists. Swadeshi Lahore session held under chairmanship of
movement was announced in the Town Hall of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, where he demanded the
Calcutta against the partition of Bengal on 16 October creation of a Muslim country Pakistan.
1905. When the capital of Country was shifted from 189. The All India Muslim League at Dhaka was
Calcutta to Delhi, East Bengal and West Bengal established in.
became united. (a) 1915 (b) 1910
185. The decision to effect the Partition of Bengal (c) 1901 (d) 1906
was announced in 1905 by? SSC JE Mechanical 27.10.2020 (Shift-I)
(a) Lord William Bentinck
Ans. (d) : See the explanation of above question.
(b) Lord Mountbatten
190. In which year the Congress and the Muslim
(c) Warren Hastings League signed the historic Lucknow pact ?
(d) Lord Curzon (a) 1915 (b) 1906
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 31.01.17, 10 am) (c) 1916 (d) 1917
Ans : (d) Partition of Bengal was announced in 1905 SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Shift-II)
by Lord Curzon. Decision of partition was one of
Ans. (c) : In 1916 in Lucknow an agreement was
Curzon's most criticized moves. It triggered widespread
signed between Muhammad Ali Jinnah & Congress.
opposition not only in Bengal but across India and gave Under it both the parties established a joint committee
impetus to the freedom movement. Curzon was viceroy and the Congress agreed to fulfill the communal
of India from 1899 to 1905. demand of Muslim league. This came to be known as
186. The Swadeshi Boycott Movement is related to the Lucknow Pact. In 1914, Lucknow Session of
(a) Partition of Bengal in 1947 Congress was presided by Ambika Charan Mazumdar.
The pact was opposed by Madan Mohan Malviya.
(b) Partition of Bengal in 1905
(c) Non Cooperation movement in 1921
(d) Partition of Punjab in 1947
14. Delhi Darbar
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 09-09-2016, 4:15 pm 191. Which city was the capital of British India
Ans : (b) The Swadeshi Boycott Movement is related upto 1911?
to Partition of Bengal in 1905. This movement was (a) Calcutta (b) Delhi
formally started from Town Hall Calcutta on 7 August (c) Lucknow (d) Patliputra
1905 to boycott foreign goods by relying on domestic
SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-III)
production. Vande Mataram became the boycott and
Swadeshi movements theme song. For the first time Ans. (a) : From 1772 to 1911, Calcutta was the capital
women came out of their homes and joined processions of British India. On 12th December 1911, at the
and picketing of foreign made goods shops. historic Delhi Durbar, George V, the Emperor of the
British Empire proclaimed the shifting of the capital
187. In which year did Lord Curzon orderd the
from Calcutta to Delhi.
partition of Bengal ?
(a) 1905 (b) 1945 192. In which year did King George V assume the
crown the India ?
(c) 1930 (d) 1915
(a) 1917 (b) 1923
SSC CHSL 18/03/2020 (Shift-III)
(c) 1906 (d) 1911
Ans. (a) : Lord Curzon ordered the partition of Bengal
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-I)
in the year 1905. Official reason was given that Bengal
with population of 78 million had become too big to Ans. (d) : The Imperial Crown of India is the Crown
be administered. It was decided to cancel the partition that used by King George V in his capacity as emperor
of Bengal in 1911 mainly to control the political of India at the Delhi Darbar of 1911. He returned all
unrest. German titles during the first World War (1914–1918).


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15. Rowlatt Act Ans. (a) : Mahatma Gandhi in 1919 decided to launch a
nationwide Satyagraha against the proposed Rowlatt
193. As a reaction to Rowlatt Act, ––––– was Act (1919).This Act had been hurriedly passed through
organised as National Humiliation Day. the Imperial Legislative Council despite the united
opposition of the Indian members. It gave the
(a) 14th June 1921 (b) 6th April 1919 government enormous powers to repress political
(c) 2nd February 1913 (d) 8th May 1920 activities and allowed the detention of political
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-III) prisoners without trial for two years. The act was
Ans. (b) : In March, 1919 the Rowlatt Act was passed passed as per recommendations of the Rowlatt
which was based on the report of the Rowlatt Committee chaired by a judge, Sir Sidney Rowlatt, after
commission. This gave law power to the police to whom the act is named. It empowered the police to
search for a place without a warrant. Mahatma Gandhi
arrest any person without any reason.
wanted non-violent civil disobedience against such
Gandhi who had formed a Satyagraha Sabha earlier unjust laws, which would start with a hartal on 6 April.
called for a country wide protest. Throughout the Rallies were organised in various cities, workers went
country 6 April, 1919 was observed as a National on strike in railway workshops, and shops closed down.
Humiliation Day.
194. What was the Rowlatt Act (1919) all about ? 16. Revolutionary Movement in
(a) It allowed peaceful processions to take place
(b) It repressed political activities and allowed
detention of political prisoners without trial 197. With which of the following organisations was
for two years Lala Har Dayal associated?
(c) It was formulated to ban all mass protests (a) Ghadar Party
(d) It was against non-cooperation movement (b) Indian Independence League
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-II) (c) Indian Home Rule Society
Ans : (b) Rowlatt Satyagraha was in response to the (d) Swaraj Party
British government enacting the Anarchical and
SSC CGL 19/04/2022 (Shift-II)
Revolutionary Crimes Act 1919 popularly known as the
Rowlatt act. It gave the government enormous powers Ans.(a) Lala Har Dayal was an Indian revolutionary
to repress political activites and allowed detention of and freedom fighter. He was associated with Ghadar
political prisoners without trial for two years. Party.
195. Which of the following events did NOT occur 198. Who among the following assassinated Sir
in 1919 ? William Hutt Curzon Wyllie in London?
(a) Rowlatt Act was passed (a) Sukhdev Thapar
(b) Partition of Bengal took place (b) Surya Sen
(c) Montague Chelmsford Reform was (c) Madan Lal Dhingra
announced (d) Khudiram Bose
(d) Jallianwala Bagh tragedy took place SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 13/08/2021 (Shift II)
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 09/03/2020 (Shift-II) Ans. (c) : Madan Lal Dhingra was an Indian
Ans. (b) : Following is the list of important events that revolutionary pro-independence activist. While
took place in 1919. studying in England, he assassinated William Hutt
Curzon Wyllie, a British official. M.L. Dhingra was
1. Imposing of the Rowlatt Act. hanged in Britain for this deed.
2. On 13th April 1919, Jallianwala Bagh Massacre
199. ––– was executed at Lahore in November 1915
took place
for his role in the Ghadar Conspiracy in
3. Government of India Act, 1919 better known as February 1915.
Montagu-Chelmsford Act was passed. (a) Tantia Mama
Note- Partition of Bengal took place in 1905 during (b) Kartar Singh Sarabha
tenure of Lord Curzon.
(c) Maganbhai Patel
196. In 1991, Gandhiji gave a call for Satyagraha
(d) Vijay Singh Pathik
against which Act that was passed by the
British? SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 09/03/2020 (Shift-III)
(a) Rowlatt Act Ans. (b) : Kartar Singh Sarabha was a member of the
(b) Calico Act Ghadar Party formed in America to free India from
slavery of the British. He was hanged along with many
(c) The Arms Act others by British government in connection with plan
(d) The English Educationn Act for a major revolution in India. When Kartar was
SSC JE Electrical – 24/03/2021 (Shift-II) hanged in Lahore he was only nineteen year old.

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200. The Gadar (or Ghadar) Party was formed in Ans. (b) : In protest of the Jallianwala Bagh massacre
the year _______. (13th April 1919) Rabindranath Tagore renounced his
(a) 1921 (b) 1918 "Knighthood" title. Also in the very same case Pt
(c) 1915 (d) 1913 Vishnudatt Shukla renounced his title of "Rai
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 05/03/2020 (Shift-II) Bahadur"
Ans. (d) : The Ghadar Party, initially named the 205. When did ‘Jallianwala Bagh’ tragedy occur?
Pacific Coast Hindustan Association, was formed on (a) 13th April 1867 (b) 15th June 1947
15 July 1913 in United States under the leadership of (c) 13th April 1919 (d) 17th May 2011
Lala har Dayal, Sant Baba Wasakha Singh, Baba (SSC 10+2 CHSL 19.01.17, 1:15 pm)
Jawala Singh and Sohan Singh Bhakna as its th
president. Ghadar Party found a large support base Ans : (c) On 13 April 1919 (Day of Vaisakhi) lot of
among Indian expatriate living in the United States public gathered in Jallianwala Bagh (Punjab) for many
Canada, East Africa and Asia. issues like
201. One of the following was not associated with 1. Detention of Dr. Satyapal & Saifuddin Kitchlew
the Gadar party 2. In the disfavour of Rowlatt Act.
(a) Lala Hardayal Here General O Dyer ordered for an open fire on public
(b) Baba Gurdit Singh in which thousands of people died and more than that
were injured.
(c) Mohammad Barkatullah
(d) Sohan Singh Bhakna 206. General Dyer, who was responsible for
Jallianwala Bagh massacre, was shot dead by?
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 09-09-2016, 10 am
(a) Hasrat Mohini (b) Vir Savarkar
Ans : (b) Baba Gurdit Singh was associated with the
Komagata Maru incident. (c) Udham singh (d) Jatin Das
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 04-09-2016, 10 am
202. What was 'Komagata Maru'?
(a) An army unit Ans : (c) Udham Singh was a political activist who got
associated with the Ghadar Party while in the US. In
(b) A harbour 1940, Singh shot and killed Michael O' Dwyer the
(c) A ship colonial official considered responsible for Jallianwala
(d) An industrial township Bagh massacre.
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 11-09-2016, 1:15 pm 207. Where did the Jallianwala Bagh massacre took
Ans : (c) The Komagata Maru incident is about a place?
Japanese Steamship called 'Komagata Maru' that (a) Kashmir (b) Delhi
voyaged from Hong Kong to Vancouver British (c) Kerala (d) Punjab
Columbia in Canada passing through China. The
Incident got highlighted because out of all 376 SSC GD 11/03/2019 (Shift-III)
Passengers 24 were admitted to Canada but other 352 Ans. (d) : Jallianwala Bagh massacre is a dark chapter
passengers were not allowed to Canada and ship was in the history of British India. About 103 years ago on
forcefully returned to India. April 13, 1919 British officer General Dyer opened
fire on the crowd present at Jallianwala Bagh in
17. Jallianwala Bagh Massacre Amritsar, Punjab. In this massacre, more than
thousand people were killed and more than 1500 were
203. Which of the following British officers issued injured. On being sad with the incident Ravindra Nath
the infamous ‘crawling order’ whereby Tagore returned his title of Knighthood.
Indians had to crawl on all fours to pass an
alley? 18. Revolutionary Movement
(a) General Dyer (b) Warren Hastings
(c) Lord Irwin (d) Lord Curzon 208. Which of the following pairs of Indian
SSC CGL 21/04/2022 (Shift-II) revolutionaries and organisations is
Ans. (a) General Dyer issued the infamous 'Crawling
order' whereby Indians had to crawl on all fours to pass (a) M Veera Raghavachari – Poona Sarvajanik
an alley. Sabha
204. ––––– renounced his knighthood in protest for (b) Badruddin Tyabji – Bombay Presidency
Jallianwala Bagh mass killing. Association
(a) Jamsetjee Jejeebhoy (c) Mahadev Govind Ranade – Madras
Mahajana Sabha
(b) Rabindranath Tagore
(c) Shivajirao Holkar (d) Surendranath Banerjee – East India
(d) Surendranath Banerjee
SSC CGL 19/04/2022 (Shift-III)
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 05/03/2020 (Shift-II)

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Ans. (b) Badruddin Tyabji formed the Bombay Ans. (c) : Surendranath Banerjee laid the foundations
Presidency Association in 1885. Mahadev Govind of the Indian National Movement by founding the
Ranade founded Poona Sarvajanik Sabha. The Indian Association at Calcutta in 1876. The main
organization, Madras Mahajana Sabha and East India objective of this Association was "to bring the people
Association were formed by M. Veeraraghavachari and
Dadabhai Naoroji respectively. Thus the correctly of India on one platform on the basis of their common
matched pair is option (b). political interests and objectives". It later merged with
the Indian National Congress.
209. Which of the following revolutionaries was
arrested by the British as an accused in the 213. What was the name of the women's regiment in
Alipore Bomb Conspiracy Case? the Indian National Army founded by Subhash
(a) Kanailal Dutta Chandra Bose?
(b) Rajendra Lahiri (a) Rani Ahalyabai Regiment
(c) Roshan Singh (b) Rani of Didda Regiment
(d) Ashfaq Ullah Khan (c) Rani of Jhansi Regiment
SSC CGL 12/04/2022 (Shift-II) (d) Rani Padmawati Regiment
Ans. (a) In 1908, a revolutionary conspiracy was SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 18/08/2021 (Shift III)
intrigued to kill the chief presidency magistrate D.H.
Kingsford of Muzaffarpur. The task was entrusted to Ans. (c) : The Rani of Jhansi Regiment was the
Khudiram Bose and Prafulla Chaki. Kanailal Dutta women's regiment of the Indian National Army founded
arrested by the British after murder of Narendranath by Subhas Chandra Bose. The Indian National Army
Goswami. was an armed force established in the year 1942 by
210. Who among the following was one of the Indian nationalist in southeast Asia during the second
founders of the Hindustan Republic world war. The unit of Rani of Jhansi Regiment was led
Association? by Captain Lakshmi Sahgal.
(a) Ram Prasad Bismil 214. In order to overturn the British rule through
(b) Lala Lajpat Rai arms, the Kakori Conspiracy was planned by
(c) Jatindranath Mukherjee the members of the _____in 1925.
(d) Surya Sen (a) Indian National Congress
SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 13/08/2021 (Shift I) (b) Gadar Party
Ans. (a) : Hindustan Republic Association was a (c) Hindustan Republican Association
revolutionary organization of India which was (d) Indian National Army
established in 1924 in East Bengal. It was founded by
Sachindra Nath Sanyal, Narendra Mohan Sen and SSC CPO-SI 25/11/2020 (Shift-II)
Pratul Ganguly as an offshoot of Anushilan Samiti. Its Ans. (c) : The Hindustan Republican Association was
other members were - Bhagat Singh, Chandra Sekhar established in 1924 in Kanpur by Sachindranath
Azad, Sukhdew, Ram Prasad Bismil, Roshan Singh, Sanyal, Yogesh Chatterji. On 9th August 1925 the
Ashfaqullah Khan, Rajendra Lahiri.
members of this group looted the government treasure
211. Identify the revolutionary from West Bengal by stopping a freight train near Kakori village. Total
who participated in the freedom movement. 29 revolutionaries were arrested and kept in trial. The
(a) Balakrishnan Nair active personatities were Ram Prasad Bismil, Rajendra
(b) Puli Thevar Lahidi, Chandrashekhar Azad, Ashfaqulla Khan.
(c) Mukunda Kakati 215. Who among the following conceived the
(d) Khudiram Bose Kakori robbery in 1925 ?
SSC CHSL 15/04/2021 (Shift-II) (a) Ram Prasad Bismil and Ashfaqullah Khan
Ans : (d) Khudiram Bose was a brave freedom fighter (b) Baikuntha Shukla
who fought for the independence of our country and
laid down his life for it. He was from a small village (c) Manmath Nath Gupta and Matangini Hazra
called Mohobani which was located in West Bengal's (d) Ubaidullah Sindhi
Medinipur (then Midnapore) district. He was born on SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 05/03/2020 (Shift-III)
December 3, 1889.
Ans. (a) : The revolutionaries of Hindustan
212. Who among the following laid the foundations
of the Indian National Movement by founding Republican Association successfully robbed 8 down
the Indian Association at Calcutta in 1876? goods train going to Kakori on Saharanpur-Lucknow
(a) Womesh Chandra Banerjee line on 9th August 1925. In this regard 29
revolutionaries were arrested and trialed in Kakori
(b) Dadabhai Naoroji
Conspiracy case in which the main conspirators Ram
(c) Surendranath Banerjee Prasad Bismil, Ashfaqulla Khan, Roshanlal and
(d) Aurobindo Ghose Rajendra Lahiri were hanged in Gorakhpur, Faizabad,
SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 16/08/2021 (Shift III) Naini and Gonda respectively.

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216. _____ was an important member of the 220. The Hindustan Socialist Republican
Hindustan Republican Association, who along Association (HSRA) was formed in the year
with his associates executed the train dacoity at ___ with an aim to overthrow the British.
Kakori. (a) 1921 (b) 1922
(a) Khudiram Bose (c) 1930 (d) 1928
(b) Jatin Banerjee SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-III)
(c) Ashfaqulla Khan Ans. (d) : See the explanation of above question.
(d) Sohan Singh Bhakna 221. In which year was the Hindustan Socialist
SSC CHSL 15/10/2020 (Shift-II) Republican Association (HSRA) founded?
Ans. (c) : Hindustan Republican Association was (a) 1929 (b) 1928
established by Sachindranth Sanyal, Narendra Mohan (c) 1930 (d) 1926
Sen and others in 1924. The organization played a SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 06/03/2020 (Shift-III)
significant role in Kakori train dacoity which took
place on 9th Aug 1925. The main involved member of Ans. (b) : See the explanation of above question.
HRA were Rajendra Lahidi, Ramprasad Bismil, 222. Who among the following is related to the
Ashfaqulla Khan, Chandrasekhar Azad, Sachindra Chittagong Armoury Raid?
Bakshi, Keshab Chakravarthy, Banwari Lal, Murari (a) VD Savarkar (b) Ashfaqulla Khan
Lal, Mukundi Lali, Manmath Nath Gupta. (c) Aurobindo Ghosh (d) Kalpana Datta
217. In which year did the kakori conspiracy case SSC JE Mechanical 28.10.2020 (Shift-II)
take place ?
Ans. (d) : Chittagong Armoury Raid's main leader was
(a) 1925 (b) 1924 Suryasen, also known as 'Master Da'. This incident
(c) 1926 (d) 1927 took place on 18 April 1930. Suryasen founded
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 27-08-2016, 10am Republican Army in Bengal. Kalpana Dutta, a member
of this organization was sentenced to life
Ans : (a) The Kakori conspiracy was train robbery that imprisonment in the case of Chittagong Armoury raid
took place at Kakori village near Lucknow on 9 August on 16 February 1933.
1925. The robbery was organized with the dangerous
intention of waging a fierce war against the British Raj. 223. In which year did Khudiram Bose tried to
In this case 4 revolutionaries Ramprasad Bismil, assassinate Kingsford in Muzaffarpur?
Ashfaqulla, Roshanlal and Rajendra Lahiri were hanged. (a) 1904 AD (b) 1906 AD
218. On March 23rd, India observes _____ (c) 1908 AD (d) 1910 AD
day/divas as a tribute to Bhagat Singh, SSC JE Civil - 24/01/2018 (Shift-I)
Sukhdev and Rajguru on their death Ans. (c) : D.H. Kingsford was the Judge of
anniversary. Muzaffarpur district of Bihar. On 30th April 1908 the
(a) Vidroh Divas (b) Shaheed Divas revolutionary Khudiram Bose and Prafulla Kumar
(c) Protest Day (d) Tribute Day Chaki throw a bomb in Muzaffarpur in which
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-II) Kingsford survived but unfortunately Mr. Kennedy's
daughter and wife were killed. After this incident
Ans : (b) On 23rd March Martyr's Day or Shaheed Prafulla kumar shot himself to escape from police
Diwas is celebrated to pay tribute to three extra while Khudiram Bose was arrested on 11 May 1908
ordinary revolutionaries of India Bhagat Singh, AD. He was hanged in Muzaffarpur Jail.
Shivaram Rajguru and Sukhdev Thapar. Bhagat Singh. 224. "Abhinav Bharat" was founded in 1904 as a
Sukhdev Rajguru were hanged on charges of Lahore secret society of revolutionaries by:
Conspiracy (1929).
(a) Damodar Chapekar (b) V.D. Savarkar
219. Members of which National Association were (c) Praffula Chaki (d) Khudiram Bose
led by Chandra Shekhar Azad and Bhagat
Singh ? SSC CGL (TIER-1) 10-09-2016, 4:15 pm
(a) Hindustan Socialist Republican Association Ans : (b) Abhinav Bharat was founded in 1904 by
Vinayak Damodar Savarkar. It was initially a secret
(b) Indian National Congress named 'Mitra Mela'. Apart from Maharashtra its
(c) Rashtiya Sewa Sangh branches were also established in Karnataka and
(d) Communist Party of India Madhya Pradesh. Its annual conference was held in
SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Shift-I) secret. In 1906 Savarkar moved to London yet this
organization continued. He was the one who called the
Ans. (a) : Hindustan Socialist Republican Association revolt of 1857 as the "first planned Indian
(HSRA) was founded in 1928 in Feroze Shah Kotla in Independence war.
Delhi by Chandra Shekhar Azad along with Bhagat
Singh, Sukhdev Thapar, Ashfaqulla Khan, Jogesh 225. Mitra Mela was a revolutionary organisation
founded by Veer Savarkar in the year ____.
Chandra Chatterjee, Batukeshwar Dutt and Rajguru.
Earlier its name was HRA–Hindustan Republican (a) 1900 (b) 1856
Association founded in 1924 by Sachindranath Sanyal, (c) 1864 (d) 1873
Narendra Mohan Sen and Pratul Ganguly. SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-II)

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Ans : (a) Mitra Mela a secret organization of the Ans. (a) : In 1917, Mahatma Gandhi organised a
revolutionaries, established by Vinayak Damodar satyagraha for the peasants of Kheda district of Gujarat.
Savarkar at Nashik in 1899. It was later renamed as The satyagraha was for the demand of relaxation in
Abhinav Bharat Society in 1904. revenue collection.
226. Which Freedom Fighter from Bengal died at the 231. Champaran Satyagraha was launched in
age of 18? which of the following years?
(a) Khudiram Bose (a) 1928 (b) 1917
(b) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad (c) 1935 (d) 1945
(c) Chittaranjan Das SSC CHSL 12/04/2021 (Shift-I)
(d) Raja Ram Mohan Roy Ans : (b) The Champaran Satyagraha was launched in
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 01.02.17, 4:15 pm) 1917 by Mahatma Gandhi to support farmers in their
Ans : (a) Khudiram Bose was an Indian Revolutionary revolt against Britishers. It was the first movement led
from Bengal Presidency who was sentenced to death by him in India.
and subsequently executed. Bose was one of the Champaran is a district in Bihar. The movement was
youngest martyrs of the Indian Independence started by Gandhi against the exploitative Indigo
Movement. Khudiram Bose was arrested and trialed for plantation system. Under this system, poor farmers
the murder of the two women. He was one of the first were forced to grow Indigo on 3/20 part of the land and
freedom fighters in Bengal to be executed by sell it to Company officials on cheap prices.
Britishers. 232. After over 21 years stay in South Africa,
227. At which of the following jails was Khudiram Gandhiji returned to India in ______.
Bose sent to the gallows? (a) 1917 (b) 1919
(a) Chittagong (b) Barishal (c) 1916 (d) 1915
(c) Muzaffarpur (d) Alipore SSC CHSL 11/08/2021 (Shift-II)
SSC CGL 20/04/2022 (Shift-III) Ans. (d) : After over 21 years stay in South Africa,
Ans. (c) Khudiram Bose was sent to the gallows in Gandhiji returned to India on January 9, 1915 with his
Muzaffarpur jail (West Bengal). wife Kasturba. It is notable that in 1893 he got an offer
from Dada Abdulla who owned a shipping business in
228. When Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru South Africa to serve as his lawyer in South Africa.
were hanged?
233. Gandhiji's first major appearance took place
(a) 23 March, 1931 (b) 23 February,1930
at the inauguration of the Banaras Hindu
(c) 28 January,1933 (d) 23 April,1932 University (BHU) in ____.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –11/07/2019 (Shift-III) (a) February 1916 (b) December 1917
Ans. (a) : Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru were (c) September 1915 (d) January 1918
hanged in Lahore Jail on 23 March 1931. Bhagat SSC CPO-SI 25/11/2020 (Shift-II)
Singh arrested for the murder of Saunders and Ans. (a) : Gandhiji was invited to inaugurate 'Banaras
throwing bombs in the Central Assembly. Hindu University' on 1 February 1916. This was his
229. What was the age in years of the revolutionary first major public appearance in India after his return
Bhagat Singh when he was hanged till death? from South Africa.
(a) 20 (b) 23 234. Mahatma Gandhi formed the Natal Indian
(c) 30 (d) 26 Congress in the year ..........
SSC CGL 12/04/2022 (Shift-II) (a) 1854 (b) 1863
Ans. (b) Bhagat Singh was exceuted on 23 March, (c) 1894 (d) 1874
1931 at the age of 23 years. SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans : (c) Natal Indian Congress was an organization
19. Mahatma Gandhi and that aimed to fight discrimination against Indians in
South Africa, Natal India Congress was founded by
National Movement Mahatma Gandhi in 1894. Gandhi ji also founded
Tolstoy Farm and Phoenix Ashram in South Africa.
230. In 1917, Mahatma Gandhi organised a
satyagraha for the peasants of Kheda district 235. Which Indian founded the Natal Indian
of Gujarat. The satyagraha was for the Congress (NIC) ?
demand of: (a) Jawaharlal Nehru
(a) relaxation in revenue collection (b) Govind Ranade
(b) improvement in irrigation facilities (c) Mahatma Gandhi
(c) better quality seeds (d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(d) a health centre SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Shift-II)
SSC MTS 18/10/2021 (Shift-I) Ans. : (c) See the explanation of above question.

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236. Who set up the Sabarmati Ashram in 241. The Idea of Satyagraha emphasized the power
Ahmedabad? of_____.
(a) Subhash Chandra Bose (a) Poverty (b) Truth
(b) Mohandas Gandhi (c) Weakness (d) Efficiency
(c) Jawaharlal Nehru
SSC GD 11/03/2019 (Shift-II)
(d) Sarojini Naidu
Ans. (b) : Satyagraha is a Hindi word which mean
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 31.01.17, 4:15 pm)
"holding firmly to truth.'' It was formulated by Gandhi
Ans : (b) Sabarmati Ashram is situated on the bank of ji in 1894 and performed firstly in South Africa.
Sabarmati river in Gujarat State of India. This ashram Usually a Satyagrahi fights with evil and triumphs
was established in 1917 by Gandhiji at a place called
over it by means of truth and non-violence.
Kochrab in Ahmedabad. It was from here that Gandhi
led the Dandi March also known as Salt Satyagraha on 242. Which of the following was not advocated by
12 March 1930. Mahatma Gandhi?
237. Who built Sabarmati Ashram? (a) Prohibition
(a) Guru Ramdas (b) Shah Jahan (b) Heavy Industries
(c) Rao Jodhaji (d) Mahatma Gandhi (c) Village Panchayat
SSC 10+2 CHSL 17.01.17, 1:15 pm (d) Dignity of Labour
Ans : (d) See the explanation of above question. SSC CGL 03-09-2016, 1:15 pm
238. Gandhi ji studied Law in……… Ans : (b) Mahatma Gandhi did not support heavy
(a) India (b) United Kingdom industries. According to Gandhiji, Heavy industries
(c) South Africa (d) Bhutan promote unemployment because machine work in such
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 03.02.17, 4:15 pm) industries due to which person becomes unemployed,
Ans : (b) Gandhiji went to London in 1888 to study while he supported prohibition of alcohol, village
law and in 1893 he went to South Africa for practice. panchayat and dignity of Labour.
He returned to India in 1915. Gandhiji led the first 243. Gandhiji's first Satyagraha in India was held
Satyagraha called 'Champaran Satyagraha' and after his at.
full leadership Rabindranath Tagore gave him the title
of 'Mahatma'. (a) Champaran (b) Ahmedabad
239. Who among the following did Gandhiji regard (c) Khedae (d) Allahabad
as his political Guru? SSC CGL (TIER-1) 06-09-2016, 1:15 pm
(a) Mahadev Desai Ans : (a) Champaran Satyagraha was held in
(b) Dayanand Saraswati Champaran district of Bihar in 1917 under the
(c) Acharya Narendra Dev leadership of Gandhiji. This was the first Satyagraha in
(d) Gopal Krishna Gokhale India under the leadership of Gandhiji. Thousands of
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 01-09-2016, 10 am landless labours and poor farmers were forced to
Ans : (d) Mahatma Gandhi considered Gopal Krishna cultivate indigo and cash crops instead of food grains.
Gokhale as his political guru. Gopal Krishna Gokhale There was a lot of atrocities on the indigo cultivators.
was a freedom fighter, social worker, thinker and There was a lot of exploitation by British. It was also
reformer of India. He was a disciple of Mahadev called Tinkathia System.
Govind Ranade. He was also the founder of "Servants 244. What did Gandhiji meant by ‘Sarvodaya’?
of India Society".
(a) Non- violence
240. Gandhiji's Satyagrana meant an attachment to
the following two elements (b) Upliftment of untouchables or dalits
(a) Knowledge and religion (c) The birth of a new society based on ethical
(b) Truth and non-violence values
(c) Truth and chastity (d) Satyagraha
(d) Love of motherland and hate colonial SSC CGL (TIER-1) 09-09-2016, 1:15 pm
masters Ans : (b) Sarvodaya is a term meaning 'universal uplift
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 01-09-2016, 4:15 pm or progress of all. The term was first coined by Gandhi
Ans : (b) The basic meaning of Satyagraha is 'urge to as the title of his 1908 translation of John Ruskins
truth. These words are of Hindi language. The essence critique on political economy, "Unto This Last". In
of Satyagraha is while opposing injustice do not have Gandhian Philosophy Sarvodaya is the true panacea for
animosity toward the unjust. Truth and Non-violence is all types of social or political problems experienced by
the basic foundations of Satyagraha. Indian society.

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245. In 1918, Mahatma Gandhi did Satyagraha in 250. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi came back to
Kheda district of Gujarat in support of whom? India in the year_____after living abroad for
(a) For the cotton mill workers who were two decades.
demanding better wages. (a) 1869 (b) 1915
(b) The tribal's whose customary rights were (c) 1905 (d) 1893
being welted. SSC CPO-SI 24/11/2020 (Shift-II)
(c) For women who were fighting against the Ans. (b) : Gandhiji lived in Africa for about 21 years.
oppressive patriarchal system. He returned to India on 9 January 1915. Gandhiji first
(d) For those farmers who were affected by crop important public speech was in February 1916 at
failure and epidemics. opening ceremony of the Banaras Hindu University.
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –10/07/2019 (Shift-I) His political mentor was Gopal Krishna Gokhale.
Ans. (d) : Peasants of Kheda district were in extreme 251. In which month of the year 1915, did Mahatma
distress due to failure of crops and their appeal for the Gandhi finally return from South Africa after
remission of land revenue were being ignored by his successful movement against the racist
British government. Though they were entitled to full rule?
remission under land revenue code. In case if less than (a) January (b) March
1/4th of normal production, after Gandhiji intervention (c) May (d) July
Government passed a resolution and order to collect
revenue only from rich peasants. SSC CPO-SI 23/11/2020 (Shift-I)
246. Where was Mahatma Gandhi born Ans. (a) : On 9th January, 1915 Mahatma Gandhi
returned to India from South Africa, after a successful
(a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Assam movement against the racist regime. Pravasi Bharatiya
(c) Rajasthan (d) Gujarat Diwas was first celebrated in the year 2003. On this
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 16.01.17, 4:15 pm) day Indians commemorates the return of Mahatma
Ans : (d) Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on Gandhi from South Africa.
October 2, 1869 at Porbandar in the present day
Gujarat. His father name was Karamchand Gandhi and 20. Ahmedabad Mill Movement
his mother name was Putlibai. Gandhi's father was
Diwan of a small Princely state of Kathiawar 252. In which city Mahatma Gandhi did
(Porbander) during the British Raj. successfully lead Millworker's strike in 1918
247. Mahatma Gandhi was born in which year? A.D.?
(a) 1869 (b) 1879 (a) Bombay (b) Madras
(c) 1889 (d) 1899 (c) Ahmedabad (d) Calcutta
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 16.01.17, 10 am) SSC MTS 11-10-2017 (Shift-I)
Ans : (a) See the explanation of above question. Ans : (c) Mahatma Gandhi successfully leaded the
strike of labours on February 1918 in Ahmedabad.
248. Who killed Mahatma Gandhi? There came a conflict between workers and mill owners
(a) Nathuram Godse (b) James Russell on the issue of plague bonus. Gandhi went on fasting
(c) Sucha Singh Bassi (d) Kunder Mehta and made available 35% bonus to workers.
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 09.01.17, 10 am)
Ans : (a) Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated by 21. Khilafat Movement
Nathuram Godse on 30th January, 1948 in a prayer
meeting at Birla Bhavan, New Delhi. Nathuram Godse 253. Who among the following was one of the
was a journalist and Hindu Nationalist. Gandhiji's leaders who was instrumental in convincing
memorial is at Rajghat on the west bank of Yamuna Mahatma Gandhi about the need to start a
River. non-cooperation movement in support of the
249. A Satyagrahi can win by non-violence.
(a) Muhammad Ali Jinnah
(a) By influencing the allies of the oppressors
(b) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
(b) By influencing the compassion of the tyrants.
(c) Abdul Ghaffar Khan
(c) influencing the conscience of the tyrants.
(d) Shaukat Ali
(d) influencing the leadership of tyrants.
SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 16/08/2021 (Shift III)
SSC GD 09/03/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (d) : Khilafat and Non-cooperation, two mass
Ans. (c) : Non-violence means 'not to do violence' i.e movements were organized in the year 1919, 1920
not to cause any harm to any living being by body, respectively to oppose the British rule in India.
mind, deed, word and speech by influencing the Shaukat Ali was the leader who convinced Mahatma
conscience of the oppressors. a satyagrahi can win by Gandhi about the need to start a non-cooperation
non-violence. movement in support of the Khilafat.

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254. With whom was the Khilafat movement 258. During whose rule in India did the Khilafat
related? Movement begin?
(a) Turkey (b) Egypt (a) Lord Mountbatten (b) Lord Dalhousie
(c) Saudi Arabia (d) Iran (c) Lord Chelmsford (d) Lord Curzon
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 27-10-2016, 10 am SSC JE Civil - 22/01/2018 (Shift-I)

Ans : (a) The Muslims all over the world, regarded Ans. (c) : The Khilafat and Non-cooperation
movement was started during the period of Lord
the Sultan of Turkey as their Spiritual leader, Khalifa
Chelmsford (1916-1921). Khilafat movement was
(Caliph). During the first world war, Turkey had allied initiated under the leadership of two Ali brothers (namely
with Germany & Austria against the British. The Indian Mohammed Ali and Shaukat Ali), Maulana Azad and
Muslims supported the British government during Hakim Ajmal Khan. This movement was started to
World War-I with an understanding that the sacred support the Sultan of Turkey whom Muslim population
places of Ottoman Empire would be in the hand of in British India considered their religious head.
Khalifa. However, after the war the Ottoman Empire
was divide & the Khalifa was removed from power. 259. Khilafat Committee was formed by Ali
brothers in ––––––.
This angreed the Muslims who took it as an insult to the
Khalifa. Shaukat Ali & Mohammad Ali started the (a) Bombay in 1919 (b) Madras in 1920
Khilafat movement (1919-1924) against the British (c) Kolkata in 1919 (d) Lucknow in 1919
government. SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Shift-III)
255. The Khilafat Movement of 1920 was organised SSC JE Mechanical 27.10.2020 (Shift-I)
as a protest against the injustice done to –––––. Ans. (a) : Khilafat Committee was formed in Bombay
(a) Turkey (b) Egypt in 1919 under the leadership of Ali brothers, Maulana
(c) Afghanistan (d) Iraq Azad, Ajmal Khan and Hasrat Mohani too forced the
British government to change its stand on Turkey. The
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-III) Muslim of world and India regarded the Sultan of
Ans. (a) : See the explanation of above question. Turkey as their spiritual leader Khalifa (Caliph). After
the world war I Ottoman Empire was divided, Turkey
256. Which movement was led by Muhammad Ali was dismembered and the Khalifa was removed form
and Shaukat Ali? power.
(a) Dadshahi Movement
(b) Khilafat Movement 22. Non-Cooperation Movement
(c) Deoband Movement
(d) Sultania movement 260. When did Mahatma Gandhi Launched the
"Non-Cooperation Movement, which was the
SSC GD 18/02/2019 (Shift-III) first mass movement organized nation wide?
Ans. (b) : The Khilafat Movement continued from (a) April 1923 (b) March 1919
1919-1924. Though it was not related to India but it (c) January 1922 (d) August 1920
was actually an agitation made by Indian Muslims in
order to oppose British and re-establish the post of SSC GD 08/03/2019 (Shift-III)
Khalifa. In India, it was started by Ali Brother's- Ans. (d) : The Non-Cooperation movement bill was
Mohammad Ali and Shaukat Ali. Maulana Azad and presented in the Calcutta session of INC on 4th
Mohammad Ali made its publicity through their September 1920 and it was started by Mahatma Gandhi
newspapers "Al Hilal & Comrade" respectively. on 1st August, 1920. It was a kind of first countrywide
movement agitation started by Mahatma Gandhi. The
257. Gandhi expressed the hope that by combining movement was further declared off by Mahatma Gandhi
non-cooperation with__. India's two main due to Chauri-Chaura incident in 1922.
religious communities. Hindu and Muslim
261. Gandhi Ji started the Non- Cooperation
could collectively bring an end to colonial rule.
Movement in?
(a) Sepoy Muting (a) 1880 (b) 1900
(b) Khilafat Movement (c) 1920 (d) 1940
(c) Civil-disobedience Movement SSC JE 25.10.2019 (Shift-I)
(d) Swadeshi Movement. Ans : (c) See the explanation of above question.
SSC CPO-SI 25/11/2020 (Shift-II)
262. The ideas of Non-Cooperation movement
Ans. (b) : During the Khilafat movement Gandhi felt during freedom struggle did not envisage on__.
that this was a golden opportunity to cement Hindu (a) the bycott of civil services
Muslim unity and to bring Muslim masses into the (b) the bycott of Foreign goods
national movement. He hope that by combining non-
cooperation with Khilafat movement two main (c) Common riots (violence)
religious communities could collectively bring an end (d) the surrender of British titles
to colonial rule. SSC JE Civil - 22/01/2018 (Shift-II)


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Ans : (c) The ideas of Non-Cooperation movement 267. Motilal Nehru and C.R. Das were founder of
during freedom struggle did not envisage on common which party?
riots (violence). The non-cooperation movement was an (a) Gadar Party (b) Forward Block
important phase of the Indian Independence movement (c) Swaraj Party (d) Socialist congress
from British rule. It aimed to resist British Rule in India SSC CGL (TIER-1) 27-10-2016, 1:15 pm
through non-violent means i.e. 'Ahimsa'. This principle
was given by Mahatma Gandhi. Ans : (c) See the explanation of the above question.
268. Swaraj Party was formed by ––––.
263. When did the Non-Cooperation Movement
end? (a) C.R. Das and Jawaharlal Nehru
(a) 1930 (b) 1925 (b) C.R. Das and Motilal Nehru
(c) 1922 (d) 1920 (c) Motilal Nehru and Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
(d) Subhas Chandra Bose and Jawaharlal Nehru
SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Shift-III)
SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (c) : The Non-Cooperation movement was
started on 1st August 1920, by Gandhi ji following the Ans. (b) : See the explanation of the above question.
demand of Swaraj. Its sole purpose was not to support
the governmental activities. After 5th Feb. 1922, 24. Simon Commission
Gandhiji declared off the movement due to incident of
Chauri Chaura of Gorakhpur. 269. Which year Simon Commissin came to India?
264. The 'Chauri Chaura incident' took place in __ . (a) 1919 (b) 1925
(a) 1915 (b) 1910 (c) 1928 (d) 1932
(c) 1930 (d) 1922 SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-III)
Ans : (c) Simon commission was set up in 1927 to look
SSC JE Electrical – 24/03/2021 (Shift-II)
after the working of the Government. of India Act,
Ans. (d) : The Chauri Chaura incident occurred at 1919 and give its report. The commission consisted
Chauri Chaura in the Gorakhpur district of the Unitedonly of Englishmen, without a single Indian
Province, (modern Uttar Pradesh) in British India on 5
representative. The commission arrived in India on
February 1922, when a large group of protesters, February 3, 1928. There were strike throughout the
participating in the Non-Cooperation Movement, country & meetings were held condemning the
clashed with police, who opened fire.This incident appointment of the Commission.
resulted in the death of 22 policemen and 1 civilian.
Mahatma Gandhi, who was a preacher of non-violence, 270. The ____ was a group of seven Members of
Parliament from the United Kingdom,
stopped the Non-Cooperation movement at the national
constituted to suggest constitutional reforms
level as a result of the Chauri Chaura incident. for British India.
265. The incident on 5 February, 1922, at Chauri (a) Fraser Commission
Chaura was the main cause for the withdrawal (b) Hunter Commission
(c) Simon Commission
(a) Civil Disobedience Movement
(d) Sargent Commision
(b) Rowlatt Satyagraha
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-III)
(c) Non-Cooperation Movement
Ans. (c) : The Simon Commission was a group of 7
(d) Quit India Movement MPs from Britain who were sent to India in 1928 to
SSC JE Mechanical 28.10.2020 (Shift-II)Study Constitutional reforms and make
Ans. (c) : See the explanation of above question. recommendation to the government. All the members
of this commission were British so there was intense
opposition by Indians calling it a White Commission.
23. Swaraj Party Fraser Commission – (1902) Police reform
Hunter Commission – (1882) Development of
266. The Swaraj Party was founded by :
(a) Bhimrao Ambedkar and Sardar Vallabhbhai
Patel Sargent Commission – (1944) Development of
(b) Motilal Nehru and Chittaranjan Das
(c) Sukhdev and Rajguru 271. The Simon Commission which was sent by the
British Government was bycotted because
(d) Aruna Asaf Ali and Subhash Chandra Bose
(a) There were differences amongst the members
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 07/03/2020 (Shift-III)
(b) The Commission did not have any India member
Ans. (b) : Swaraj Party was founded on 1 January (c) The Commission curbed financial
1923 by Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Das and Pt. Motilal independence of India
Nehru. The first session of this party was held in
Allahabad in which its constitution and programme (d) If gave special powers to the princely states.
was determined. SSC GD 18/02/2019 (Shift-III)

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Ans. (b) : In February 1928, when Simon Commission 276. Who among the following participated in the
reached Bombay the whole of India took negative Salt Satyagarha of Gandhiji?
stand on it and welcome it using black flags and (a) Sarojini Naidu
slogans of " Simon Go Back." The main reason of (b) Rajkumari Amrit Kaur
agitation was that the commission did not have any
India member and India political autonomy was going (c) Kamladevi Chattopadhyaya
to be decided by peoples of the foreign land. It was (d) All options are correct
also known as White Man Commission and Sir John SSC JE Civil - 22/01/2018 (Shift-II)
Simon was its head, along 7 other British members. Ans : (d) On 12th March 1931 Gandhiji started march
Simon commission was appointed in November, 1927. from Sabarmati Ashram with 72 people and reached
272. Indian Statutory Commission 1928 was headed Dandi on April 6, 1930 and broke salt law by picking
by ––––––. up a handful of salt at Dandi. Freedom Fighters such as
(a) Daniel RadCliffe Sarojini Naidu, Rajkumari Amrit Kaur, Kamaladevi
Chattopadhyay were parts of this march.
(b) Viceroy Lord Irwin
(c) Sir John Simon 277. Gandhiji started famous Dandi March from:
(d) Viceroy Lord Chelmsford (a) Sevagram Ashram (b) Sabarmati Ashram
SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Shift-III) (c) Porbandar House (d) Agra Fort
SSC JE Mechanical – 22/03/2021 (Shift-I)
Ans. (c) : The Indian Statutory Commission, commonly
referred to as the Simon Commission after its chairman Ans. (b) : See the explanation of the above question.
Sir John Allsebrook Simon, was sent to India in 1928 to 278. Who led the Salt Satyagraha protest in Tamil
study potential constitutional reform. Nadu?
(a) Bhartidasan
25. Salt Satyagrah (b) Subramania Bharathi
(c) Sreenivasa Shastry
273. C Rajagopalachari led the Salt Satyagraha in (d) C. Rajagopalachari
which of the following states?
SSC JE Mechanical - 27/09/2019 (Shift-II)
(a) Rajasthan (b) Maharashtra
Ans. (d) : Chakravarti Rajagopalachari born in the
(c) Gujarat (d) Tamil Nadu village of Thorapalli in the Salem district of Madras
SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 20/08/2021 (Shift I) Presidency was an Indian freedom fighter, writer,
Ans. (d) : C. Rajagopalachari was an Indian lawyer lawyer and a prominent leader of congress. In 1930
independence activist, politician, writer and statesman. when Mahatma Gandhi conducted Dandi March in
While Gandhi marched along India's west coast his Gujarat. C. Rajagopalachari also visited Vedaranyam
close associate C. Rajagopalachari who later became near Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu and broke salt law.
independent India's first Governor-General, did a Salt He named it 'Vedaranyam March'.
March in parallel on the east coast. His group started 279. Which of the following movements was started
from Tiruchirappali, in Madras presidency (now part in the year 1930 by Mahatma Gandhi ?
of Tamil Nadu), to the coastal village of Vedaranyam. (a) Non-Cooperation Movement
274. Approximately what distance did Mahatma (b) Civil Disobedience Movement
Gandhi cover for the Salt Satyagraha (c) Quit India Movement
(d) Khilafat Movement
(a) 350 miles (b) 400 miles
SSC CHSL 20/10/2020 (Shift-II)
(c) 241 miles (d) 123 miles
SSC GD 01/03/2019 (Shift-II) Ans. (b) : The Civil Disobedience Movement was
started by Gandhiji in 1930. It was an extension of the
Ans. (c) : Dandi March is known as Salt Satyagraha. Dandi March which was started on 12th March 1930
Mahatma Gandhi started the Dandi March on 12 from Sabarmati Ashram. Gandhiji and 78 others
March 1930 from Sabarmati Ashram near reached Dandi on 6th April, 1930 and broke the salt
Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Through this march, Gandhi law by making salt on the sea shore. Initial disobeying the
opposed the law of levying tax on salt by the British law was the main aim of civil disobedience movement.
government. Salt Satyagraha, the anti-salt law was
violated on 6 April 1930 by 78 people including 280. Choose the correct option with respect to the
Gandhiji on foot (about 241 miles) from Ahmedabad Round Table Conference held in the 1930s.
Sabarmati Ashram to sea village Dandi for 24 days. (a) MK Gandhi took part in the third Round
Table Conference
275. Dandi, the destination of the Dandi Salt March (b) Dr. BR Ambedkar participated in all three
under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi, is conferences
situated in which of the following states?
(c) Lord Reading was the Viceroy when the first
(a) Gujarat (b) Tamil Nadu Round Table Conference was held
(c) Bihar (d) Punjab (d) The Congress participated in all three
SSC JE Mechanical – 22/03/2021 (Shift-II) conferences
Ans : (a) See the explanation of the above question. SSC JE Mechanical 28.10.2020 (Shift-II)

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Ans. (b) : Mahatma Gandhi attended only the second Ans.(d) : "Indian National Congress agreed to end the
round table conference which took place in 1931 Civil Disobedience Movement was the outcome of the
representing the Indian National Congress. Lord Irwin Gandhi Irwin Pact of 1931. The Gandhi-Irwin Pact is
was the Governor-General and Viceroy of India from 3 the name given to a political agreement concluded on
5 March 1931 by Mahatma Gandhi and the then
April 1926 to 18 April, 1931 and the First Round Table Viceroy of India, Lord Irwin. In 1930, the Salt
Conference held from 12 November 1930 – 19 January Satyagraha was organized and India and Gandhi
1931. The Congress participated in the Second Round attracted worldwide attention. The INC participated in
Table Conference only. B.R. Ambedkar took part in all the Second Round Table Conference which was held
the three round table conferences. T. B Sapru also took in September-December in 1931.
part in all the three round table conferences. 285. In which of the following years was the Second
Round Table Conference in London held?
26. Gandhi-Irwin Pact (a) 1925 (b) 1939
(c) 1931 (d) 1941
281. After Mahatma Gandhi’s release from prison SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 13/08/2021 (Shift I)
in January 1931, Congress leaders met at Ans. (c) : The Round Table Conference was the
______ to plan the future course of action. consequence of a review of the Government of India
(a) Calcutta (b) Lahore Act 1919 which was undertaken in 1927 by the Simon
(c) Allahabad (d) Surat Commission. Between 1930 and 1932 the British
government called three conferences to consider the
SSC CGL 11/04/2022 (Shift-II) future government of India. These three conferences
Ans : (c) After Mahatma Gandhi’s release from prison were:
in January 1931, Congress leaders met at Allahabad 1. First Round Table Conference was held in London
(Prayagraj) to plan the future course of action. between 12 Nov. 1930 and 19 January 1931.
2. Second Round Table Conference was held in
282. In which of the following years was the civil
London from 7 September 1931 to 1 December 1931.
disobedience campaign completely ceased?
3.Third Round Table Conference was held between 17
(a) 1917 (b) 1934 November. 1932 and 24 December. 1932.
(c) 1923 (d) 1943 286. Choose the correct option with respect to the
SSC CGL 12/04/2022 (Shift-III) Poona Pact.
Ans. (b) In 1934, the civil disobedience campaign (a) Signed in August 1931 between Mahatma
completly ceased. The civil disobedience movement Gandhi and BR Ambedkar
came to end because of the Gandhi-Irwin Pact. (b) Signed in August 1931 between Mahatma
Gandhi and Lord Irwin.
283. The Second Round Table Conference was held (c) Signed in September 1932 between Mahatma
in 1931 in which of the following countries? Gandhi and Lord Irwin.
(a) UK (b) USA (d) Signed in September 1932 between Mahatma
(c) South Africa (d) Italy Gandhi and BR Ambedkar.
SSC CHSL 13/04/2021 (Shift-I) SSC JE Civil 11.12.2020 (Shift-II)
Ans. (a) : The Second Round Table Conference was Ans. (d) : On September 24, 1932 Gandhiji and B.R.
held in London (UK) from 7 September 1931 to 1 Ambedkar signed the Poona Pact. Under which
separate electorates of depressed classes were
December 1931 with the participation of Gandhi and abolished but the number of seats reserved for Dalits
the Indian National Congress. The Gandhi- Irwin Pact, in provincial legislatures was increased from 71 to
agreement was signed between Mahatma Gandhi and 147. The number of seats reserved for Dalits in the
Lord Irwin (British Viceroy of India) on March 5 1931 central legislature was increased by 18 percent.
before Second Round Table Conference. 287. Poona Pact, 1932, was signed between –––––.
284. What was the outcome of the Gandhi-Irwin (a) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and Mahatma Gandhi
Pact of 1931? (b) Mahatma Gandhi and Viceroy Irwin
(a) Indian provincial elections were announced. (c) Dr. B. R. Ambedkar and Jawaharlal Nehru
(b) Indian National Congress agreed on a (d) Mahatma Gandhi and McDonald
peaceful partition of Bengal. SSC MTS 13/08/2019 (Shift-II)
(c) Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev were be Ans. (a) : On 24th September 1932 an agreement took
given a fair trial. place between Gandhiji and Dr. Ambedkar and it came
to be known as Poona Pact. In accordance with the
(d) Indian National Congress agreed to end the pact combined elections were accepted and also Dr.
Civil Disobedience Movement. Ambedkar demanded for a separate electoral college
SSC CHSL 13/04/2021 (Shift-III) for Harijans.

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288. The Poona Pact of 1932 was an agreement 293. The famous Irwin Pact of 31 October 1929 had
between Mahatma Gandhi and ______. provision of :
(a) BR Ambedkar (b) Lord Irwin (a) Total integrations of princely states with the
(c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (d) Aurobindo Ghose rest of India
SSC CGL 18/04/2022 (Shift-I) (b) Universal adult franchise is India
Ans. (a) See the explanation of the above question. (c) States of Dominion for India
289. The Third Round Table Conference was held (d) Independence of princely states
in the year –––––. SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II)
(a) 1931 (b) 1933 Ans : (c) In the famous Irwin Declaration on 31
(c) 1930 (d) 1932 October 1929 it talks about giving India the status of a
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-I) dominion state. In December 1929 the Congress
Session was held in Lahore by Jawaharlal Nehru and it
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 07/03/2020 (Shift-II) demanded complete Home Rule, an agreement was
Ans : (d) Third Round Table Conference was held in reached in Delhi on 5 March, 1931, this agreement is
London on November 17, 1932. Congress refused to called Gandhi-Irwin Agreement.
attend it and Labour Party also refused to attend it only
46 people reached out there. White Paper issued by the 294. ____ was elected as the President at the annual
government, on the basis of this Government of India session of the Indian National Congress held in
Act 1935 was to be passed. Lahore city in December 1929.
(a) Lal Bahadur Shastri
290. In which year was the First Round Table
Conference held in London ? (b) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
(a) 1930 (b) 1923 (c) Subhash Chandra Bose
(c) 1907 (d) 1919 (d) Jawaharlal Nehru
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 09/03/2020 (Shift-I) SSC CPO-SI 24/11/2020 (Shift-II)
Ans. (a) : The First Round Table Conference was held Ans. (d) : See the explanation of the above question.
with the effort of Lord Irwin. This conference was 295. Which one of the following was NOT a
held from 12th November 1930 to 19th January 1931. condition laid down in the Gandhi-Irwin Pact?
Total 90 delegates participated in this conference. The (a) Removal of salt tax; allowing to produce,
representatives of British India and Princely states
trade and salt legally
were Persons like Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru, Srinivas
Shastri, Dr. Jayakar and Dr. Ambedkar. It was (b) Withdrawal of tax on Khadi production
inaugurated by George V and presided over by (c) Participation in the Round Table Conference
Ramsay MacDonald. by the Indian National Congress
291. Which of the following chaired first Round (d) The Indian National Congress should stop the
Table Conference? Civil Disobedience Movement
(a) Clement Attlee (b) Winston Churchill SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-III)
(c) Stanley Baldwin (d) Ramsay Macdonald Ans. (b) : Gandhi-Irwin Pact, a political agreement
SSC JE Civil - 25/01/2018 (Shift-II) concluded by Mahatma Gandhi and Lord Irwin, the
Ans. (d) : See the explanation of the above question. then Viceroy of India on 5 March, 1931.
Feature of Gandhi – Irwin Pact.
292. In which of the following year the Gandhi-
Irwin Pact was signed? 1. INC to take part in the Round Table Conference
(a) 1931 (b) 1929 2. INC would stop the Civil Disobedience Movement
(c) 1935 (d) 1932 3. Removal of the Salt tax
SSC CPO (TIER-1) 2016 4. Withdrawal of all prosecutions except those
involving violent crimes.
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 03.02.17, 1:15 pm)
Ans : (a) On 5th Marth 1931, an agreement was held 296. Which among the following founded the
between Gandhiji & Lord Irwin which came to be known Depressed Classes Association.
as Gandhi-Irwin Pact. In accordance with the pact the INC (a) Babu Jagjivan Ram
had to put off its Civil Disobedience movement and agree (b) Mahatma Gandhi
to participate in Round Table Conference. Irwin on behalf (c) Dr. BR Ambedkar
of the government agreed on– (d) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
♦ Immediate release of all political prisoners not SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Shift-III)
convicted of violence.
Ans. (c) : The All-India Depressed Classes
♦ Withdrawal of emergency ordinances.
Association was established by Dr. BR Ambedkar in
♦ Right to make salt in coastal villages for personal 1930 to make the fair representation of scheduled
consumption (not for sale) etc. castes in the decision making bodies of India.

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301. In which of the following locations was the Quit

27. Cripps Mission India Movement launched Gandhi in 1942?
297. In 1942, which of the following British (a) August Kranti Maidan
delegations came to India to hold talks with (b) Shivaji Park
Indian leaders on their demands? (c) Jallianwala Bagh
(a) Cabinet Mission (d) Pragati Maidan
(b) Cripps Mission SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 05/03/2020 (Shift-I)
(c) Simon Commission Ans. (a) : The Quit India movement is also called the
(d) Sargent Commission August Revolution. On 8th August 1942, Mahatma
SSC JE Civil 30.10.2020 (Shift-I) Gandhi gave a final call to end the British rule and
launched the Quit India Movement at the session of
Ans. (b) : Cripps Mission was sent by the British All India Congress committee in Bombay (Mumbai).
Government in March 1942 to India with key objective Gandhiji gave the slogan "Do or Die" in his speech
to secure Indian cooperation and support for British delivered at Gowalia Tank Maidan now popularly
War Efforts. It was headed by Sir Stafford Cripps. This know as August Kranti Maidan and the britishers
mission sought to negotiate an agreement with Indian arrested the main leaders of revolt under "operation
leaders. The Mission was rejected by the INC, the zero hour" and Gandhiji was kept into Aaga Khan
Muslim League and other Indian groups. Gandhiji said Palace, Pune.
that Cripps' offer of Dominion Status after the war was
a "post-dated cheque drawn on a failing bank". It is also 302. When did the Quit India Movement Start ?
believed that the mission failed because of a clear lack (a) 1930 (b) 1942
of support for it by then Viceroy Linlithgow, British (c) 1932 (d) 1940
PM Winston Churchill and the Secretary of State for SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Shift-I)
India, Leo Amery.After the failure of the mission,
Cripps returned to England, and the Congress-led by SSC CHSL 12/10/2020 (Shift-III)
Gandhi started their new campaign, the Quit India (SSC 10+2 CHSL 08.01.17, 4:15 pm)
Movement in August 1942. Ans. (b) : See the explanation of above question.
298. When cripps mission arrived in India in 1942, 303. ‘Do or Die’ is associated with which of the
who was the Prime Minister of England? movements in India’s freedom struggle
(a) A.V Alexander (b) Winston Churchill (a) Dandi March
(c) Pethick Lawrence (d) Clement Attley (b) Nen-Cooperation Movement
SSC JE Civil 29.10.2020 (Shift-I) (c) Khilafat Movement
Ans. (b) : See the explanation of above question. (d) Quit India Movement
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 10-09-2016, 10 am
28. Quit India Movement Ans : (d) See the explanation of above question.
304. Mahatma Gandhi launched the Quit India
299. Who among the following was the only martyr Movement for freedom from the British in the
of the Quit India phase of the freedom year:
movement who was hanged?
(a) 1919 (b) 1929
(a) Potti Sreeramulu
(c) 1922 (d) 1942
(b) Senapati Bapat
SSC JE Electrical – 24/03/2021 (Shift-I)
(c) Kushal Konwar
Ans. (d) : See the explanation of above question.
(d) Kanaiyalal Maneklal Munshic
SSC CGL 21/04/2022 (Shift-III) 305. Which of the following districts witnessed the
establishment of a parallel government in 1943?
Ans. (c) Kushal Konwar was the only martyr of the (a) Nasik (b) Rajamundry
Quit India phase of the freedom movement who was
hanged. (c) Pune (d) Satara
SSC JE Electrical 29.10.2020 (Shift-II)
300. Who among the following freedom fighters
hoisted the Indian flag at the Gowalia Tank Ans (d) : The Quit India movement led many changes
Maidan in Mumbai during the Quit India in phase of freedom struggle. One of its phase of
Movement? freedom struggle. One of its main characteristics of it
(a) Aruna Asaf Ali (b) Sarojini Naidu was the establishment of parallel government in
different region.
(c) Tara Rani Srivastava (d) Matangini Hazra
These regions are:-
SSC CGL 13/04/2022 (Shift-II)
1. Satara (Maharashtra) → 1943-46
Ans. (a) Aruna Asaf Ali, popularly known as the
2. Balia (UP) → August 1942 (1 week) in leadership
'Grand Old lady' of the Independence Movement, is
of Chittu Pandey
known for hoisting the Indian flag at the Gowalia Tank
Maidan in Mumbai during the Quit-India Movement. 3. Tamuluk (West Bengal) → 1942-1994


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29. Azad Hind Fauj/Subhas 311. Azad Hind was an Indian provisional
government established in …….in 1943.
Chandra Bose (a) Australia (b) Sri Lanka
306. Who was the founder of Forward Block? (c) Singapore (d) Bangladesh
(a) Arvind Ghosh (SSC 10+2 CHSL 27.01.17, 4:15 pm)
(b) Captain Mohan Singh Ans : (c) S.C. Bose established Azad Hind
(c) Bhagat Singh Government on 25 October, 1943 in Singapore. It
(d) Subhas Chandra Bose was ratified by the governments of Germany, Japan
Philippines, Korea, China, Italy. Japan handed over
SSC JE Civil 29.10.2020 (Shift-I)
Andman & Nicobar islands to this government.
SSC JE Civil - 27/01/2018 (Shift-I)
Ans. (d) : The Forward Bloc was founded by Netaji
Subhas Chandra Bose on May 3, 1939.Subhas Chandra 30. Cabinet Mission
Bose resigned from the Indian National Congress after
his conflict with Mahatma Gandhi. The formation of 312. The ‘Cabinet Mission’ of 1946 was led by
the Forward Bloc was publicly declared in a rally in (a) Lord Linlithgow
Kolkata. It is a left-wing nationalist political party in
India. It emerged as a faction within the Indian National (b) Lord Mountbatten
Congress. The main objective of the Forward Bloc was (c) Sir Pethick Lawrence
to establish a classless society and follow the ideals of (d) Sir Mountford
Socialism. The Indian National Army also known as the
Azad Hind Fauj was founded by Netaji to fight for the SSC CGL (TIER-1) 09-09-2016, 1:15 pm
freedom of India. Ans : (c) The Cabinet Mission came to India in
307. Which one of the following party was founded February 1946. It was established by British PM
by Subhash Chandra Bose? Clement Attlee with the purpose of formulation of a
(a) Abhinav Bharat (b) Azad Hind Sena plan to hand over the political power to regional
Indian leaders. The mission had three British cabinet
(c) Revolutionary Army (d) Forward Block
members :
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 03-09-2016, 10 am
1. Lord Pethick Lawrence (the leading figure of the
Ans : (d) See the explanation of above question. commission).
308. Subhas Chandra Bose was born in the year… 2. Sir Stafford Cripps
(a) 1797 (b) 1847 3. A.R. Alexander
(c) 1897 (d) 1947
313. Who among the following was NOT a minister
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 15.01.17, 1:15 pm)
of Cabinet Mission Plan, 1946 ?
Ans : (c) Netaji was born on 23rd January, 1897 in (a) Sir Pethick Lawrence
Cuttack (Odisha division), Bengal Province. His father
was Janakinnath Bose and Mother Prabhavati Bose. He (b) Lord Wavell
was the representative personality cult in Indian war of (c) Sir Stafford Cripps
independence in the later phase. (d) Alexander
309. Which of the following is the birthplace of SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 06/03/2020 (Shift-III)
Subhash Chandra Bose ?
(a) Raipur (b) Darjeeling Ans. (b) : Lord Wavell was not a member of the
(c) Calcutta (d) Cuttack Cabinet Mission.
SSC JE Civil – 23/03/2021 (Shift-I)
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-II) 31. Attlee Declaration
Ans. (d) : See the explanation of above question.
314. Who among the following was the Prime
310. During the Independence Movement, Subhas Minister of England when India was given
Chandra Bose revamped the Indian National... independence?
(a) Navy (b) Army
(a) Attlee
(c) Defence (d) Air Force
(b) Mountbatten
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 24.01.17, 4:15 pm)
(c) Wavell
Ans : (b) During the independence S.C. Bose
revamped the India National Army (INA) so called (d) Churchill
"Azad Hind Fauj". An old revolutionary Rash Behari SSC CPO (TIER-1) 2016
Bose who was residing in Japan handed over the
leading of the INA to Subash Babu. Later on in same Ans: (a) When India was given independence Clement
phase Bose established a "temporory government" in Attlee was the PM of Britain. His tenure as a PM was
Singapore and gave his famous slogan ''Give me from 1945-51. The period marked as ruling of Labour
Blood and I will give you freedom". Party in Britain.


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32. Mountbatten Plan Ans. (c) : Vernacular Press Act was enacted in British
India in the year 1878. The Act was proposed by Lord
315. In which of the following years was the Indian Lytton, then Viceroy of India.
Independence Act passed by the British 320. In which of the following years was the
Parliament? Cornwallis Code enacted?
(a) 1945 (b) 1947 (a) 1857 (b) 1793
(c) 1942 (d) 1946 (c) 1805 (d) 1723
SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 18/08/2021 (Shift III)
SSC CHSL 04/08/2021 (Shift-III)
Ans. (b) : The Indian Independence Act, 1947 was an
act of the British Parliament that partitioned India into Ans. (b) : Lord Cornwallis was a member of British
two independent dominions of India and Pakistan. army, a civil administrator and a harbinger diplomat.
He was also known as the father of civil services in
316. Mountbatten Plan (June 1947) provided for a India. The Cornwalis Code was enacted in the year
referendum in which of the following
province? 1793. The code contained significant provisions about
governing policing, judicial and civil administration.
(a) Sindh
(b) Punjab 321. In which of the following years was the origin
(c) Baluchistan and enactment of the Indian Age of Consent
Act passed?
(d) North–West Frontier Province
(a) 1889 (b) 1901
SSC JE Civil - 25/01/2018 (Shift-I)
(c) 1891 (d) 1834
Ans. (d) : On March 22, 1947 the last British
Governor General of India Lord Mountbatten came to SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 16/08/2021 (Shift II)
India, whose only objective was to give India Ans. (c) : The Indian Age of Consent Act was
complete independence as soon as possible. legislated on 19th March 1891 during the colonial rule.
Mountbatten Plan provided for a referendum in North- It raised the age of consent for girls from 10 years to
West Frontier Province (Balochistan). 12 years. This reformation was brought during
317. The India Independence Bill was first Viceroyship Lord Lansdowne (1888-1894).
presented in the House of Commons in London
on: 322. Which British Viceroy of India was associated
with the llbert Bill enacted in 1884 ?
(a) August 1, 1947 (b) August 10, 1947
(c) July 4, 1947 (d) July 14, 1947 (a) Lord Ripon (b) Lord Northbrook
SSC CPO (TIER-1) 2016 (c) Lord Dufferin (d) Lord Napier
Ans : (c) On March 22, 1947 AD, Lord Mountbatten, SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I)
the last British Viceroy of India, came to India. On June Ans : (a) Lord Ripon (1880-1884 AD) is considered as
3, 1947 AD, a plan was announced by Lord the "father of local self-government" in India. Ilbert Bill
Mountbatten, which is known as the 'Mountbatten Plan' (1883) was brought during his tenure. The bill was
(or the 3rd June plan). Based on the Mountbatten Plan, meant to abolish distinction and permit the Indian
the Indian Independence Bill was introduced in the judges to try the cases of Europeans as well. European
British Parliament on July 4, 1947, which was approved in India protested the passing of the bill and Ilbert bill
on 18 July, 1947.
controversy helped the cause of Indian nationalism.
323. Which of the following legislations ought to
33. Governor/Governor-General/ allow senior Indian magistrates to preside over
Viceroy cases involving British subjects in India?
(a) Ilbert Bill, 1884
318. The Vernacular Press Act of 1878 was
repealed during the tenure of Viceroy ______. (b) Ingress into India Ordinance, 1914
(a) Lord Ripon (b) Lord Dufferin (c) Government of India Act, 1919
(c) Lord Lansdowne (d) Lord Northbrook (d) Age of Consent Act, 1891
SSC CGL 21/04/2022 (Shift-I) SSC CGL 13/04/2022 (Shift-II)
Ans. (a) The Vernacular Press Act of 1878 was Ans. (a) Ilbert Bill, in the history of India, a
repealed during the tenure of Viceroy Lord Ripon. controversial measure proposed in 1883 that sought to
319. Which of the following Acts was enacted in allow senior Indian magistrates to preside over cases
British India in the year 1878? involving British subjects in India.
(a) Indian Contract Act 324. In which year did Warren Hastings become the
(b) Transfer of Property Act first Governor-General of India?
(c) Vernacular Press Act (a) 1780 (b) 1775
(d) East India Stock Dividend Redemption Act. (c) 1770 (d) 1773
SSC MTS 05/10/2021 (Shift-I) SSC JE Mechanical 27.10.2020 (Shift-I)

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Ans. (d) : Warren Hastings (1773 – 1785) became the Ans. (b) : On 15 August, 1947 India became
first Governor of the Presidency of Fort William independent from the British Empire following the
(Bengal) in 1772 and the first Governor-General of Independence Movement led by Mahatma Gandhi and
Bengal in 1774 by the Regulating Act of 1773 which his message of non-violent resistance. The handover of
was passed during his term. He resigned in 1785.He power was overseen by Lord Mountbatten (1947-1948),
also abolished the system of dual government in 1772. the last Viceroy of India.
Treasury was moved from Murshidabad to Calcutta. 330. Charles Cornwallis was the Governor General
Calcutta became Bengal’s capital in 1772. He Divided of..............when the Permament Settlement was
Bengal into districts and British collectors were introduced there in 1793.
appointed for each district and an Accountant General (a) Bihar (b) Madras
was also appointed.
(c) Punjab (d) Bengal
325. As per the Provisions of the Regulating Act of
1773, _______ was appointed as the Governor- (SSC J.E. 01.03.17, 2:45 pm)
General of the Presidency of Fort William : Ans : (d) The Permanent Settlement (also Permanent
(a) Warren Hastings (b) Sir George Barlow Settlement of Bengal) was introduced by Lord
Cornwallis in 1793. It was an agreement between the
(c) John Shore (d) Lord Cornwallis
British East India Company and the Landlords of
SSC JE Civil – 23/03/2021 (Shift-I) Bengal to settle the land revenue to be raised. Lord
Ans. (a) : See the explanation of above question. Cornwallis came to India as the Governor-General. The
Permanent Settlement was one of the most famous
326. Who was the First Governor-General of measures of Lord Cornwallis. It was agreed that the
Bengal? landlords would have perpetual and hereditary right
(a) Lord William Bentinck over the land, so long as they pay the fixed revenue to
(b) Sir William Denison the British Government.
(c) The Lord Napier 331. Which of the following events did NOT happen
(d) Warren Hastings during the tenure of Lord Dalhousie?
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 10.01.17, 4:15 pm) (a) Introduction of first telegraph line
Ans : (d) See the explanation of above question. (b) Introduction of Doctrine of Lapse
(c) Passing of Widow Remarriage Act
327. Who introduced diarchy system in Bengal?
(d) Introduction of Subsidiary Alliance System
(a) Robert Clive (b) Warren Hastings
SSC JE Mechanical – 22/03/2021 (Shift-II)
(c) Lord Wellesley (d) John Adams
SSC JE Civil - 29/01/2018 (Shift-II) Ans : (d) The Subsidiary Alliance was a system
devised by Lord Wellesley in 1798.Lord Dalhousie
Ans. (a) : When two independent authorities work served as Governor-General of India from 1848 to
simultaneously is called Diarchy system The system of 1856. During this period, the Second Anglo-Sikh War
dual government was introduced in Bengal by Robert (1848-1849) was fought in which the Sikhs were
Clive of British East India Company. It lasted from defeated and Dalhousie was successful in annexing the
1765 to 1772. The system was abolished by Warren whole of Punjab to the British administration. During
Hastings in 1772 and Bengal was brought under direct his tenure, the first railway line between Bombay and
control of the British and the Nawabs remained the Thane was opened in 1853 and in the same year,
pensioner of company. Calcutta and Agra were connected by telegraph. His
328. Lord Hastings intiated the ____where the East other reforms include the setting up of P.W.D. and the
India Company claimed that its authority was drafting of the Widow Remarriage Act (1856). Charles
supreme and hence its power was greater than Wood, a British Liberal Politician and Member of
that of Indian states. Parliament sent the “Wood’s despatch” to Governor-
General Lord Dalhousie recommending some important
(a) Doctrine of Lapse changes in the education system.
(b) Policy of 'Paramountcy'
332. Who among the following drafted the Indian
(c) Government's Strores policy Penal Code which later became the basis of the
(d) Imperial policy Indian Criminal Code?
SSC CPO-SI 24/11/2020 (Shift-II) (a) Thomas Babington Macaulay
Ans. (b) : Lord Hasting (1813-1823) was the man who (b) Sir Henry McMohan
credited with formulation of "Policy of Paramountcy." (c) Maurice Linford Gwyer
According to it the Supreme power of state vests in the (d) William Wedderburn
company and also the company is superior than states
SSC JE Mechanical - 27/09/2019 (Shift-I)
in terms of power.
Ans. (a) : Macaulay prepared the draft of the Indian
329. Who was the Viceroy of India when India got penal code which later became the basis of the Indian
independence on 15 august 1947? Criminal Code. Lord Macaulay was a famous English
(a) Warren Hastings (b) Lord Mountbatten poet, essayist, historian, politician etc. In between
(c) Lord Wavell (d) Lord Kingsford 1834-1838 he was a law member in Indian Supreme
SSC JE Civil 29.10.2020 (Shift-I) Council and also the head of law commission.

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333. Governor-General Canning decided that_____ 338. During the period of which Governor
would be the last Mughal king and after his General/Viceroy was the Indian Civil Service
death none of his descendants would be introdued?
recognised as king (a) Dalhousie (b) Curzon
(a) Bahadur Shah Zafar (b) Aurangzeb (c) Bentick (d) Cornwallis
(c) Jahandar Shah (d) Shahjahan SSC CGL (TIER-1) 09-09-2016, 10 am
SSC JE Civil - 23/09/2019 (Shift-II) Ans : (d) Lord Cornwallis was the founder of Civil
Ans. (a) : On 1st November, 1858 by the declaration of Services in India. Earlier the Civil Services Exam was
Queen Victoria, Lord Canning was appointed as the held in England only but from 1923 it started to get
first Viceroy of India. Lord Canning was the one who held in India. Satyendranath Tagore was the first to
made decision that after the death of Bahadur Shah II qualify this exam. Cornwallis is also said to be the founder
his heirs won't be deemed to be a king. During his of Police Service & Permanent Settlement in India.
tenure Widow Remarriage Act (1856) & Indian Penal 339. Which Governor-General decided to make
Code (1861) were formulated and established English as the medium of instruction in India?
respectively. (a) Lord Wellesley
334. During which Governor-General’s time was (b) Lord Hardinge
the annexation of Sindh in British State done? (c) Lord Dalhousie
(a) Lord Dalhousie (b) Lord Chelmesford (d) Lord William Bentinck
(c) Lord Ellenborough (d) Lord Hastings SSC CGL (TIER-1) 11-09-2016, 1:15 pm
SSC JE Civil - 23/01/2018 (Shift-II) Ans : (d) Lord William Bentinck was Governor of
Ans. (c) : In 1843 during the tenure of Lord Madras from 1803-1808 and from 1828-1835 being the
Ellenborough Sindh was annexed in British State. It is Governor-General of India. In 1835 Bentinck took an
noteworthy that during his tenure Indian Slavery Act important decision that the Britishers will only support
1843 was passed. & aid the English medium institutions in India.
335. The only Viceroy to be assassinated in India 340. English education was introduced in India by
was. (a) Curzon (b) Macaulay
(a) Lord Harding (b) Lord Northbrook (c) Dalhousie (d) Bentick
(c) Lord Elenborough (d) Lord Mayo SSC CGL (TIER-1) 31-08-2016, 1:15 pm
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 27-08-2016, 4:15 pm Ans : (b) Macaulay was the harbinger of English
education in India. Macaulay issued a draft in 1835 in
Ans : (d) The tenure of Lord Mayo was from 1869-72.
which the medium of education was deemed to be
He was the only Viceroy to be assassinated in India in English.
1872 by an Afghan. He started the population census in
1872. He also established an agriculture department in 341. Who established the Sadr-Diwani-Adalat
1872. during the British East India Company’s rule?
336. During whose Viceroyalty, the capital of India (a) Cornwallis (b) Wellesley
was shifted from Calcutta to Delhi? (c) Dalhousie (d) Warren Hastings
(a) Lord Canning (b) Lord Hardinge SSC CGL (TIER-1) 30-07-2016, 1:15 pm
(c) Lord Lytton (d) Lord Clive Ans : (d) During the British East India Company rule
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 03-09-2016, 4:15 pm Sadr-Diwani Adalat was established by Warren
Hastings. Some other important works of Warren
Ans : (b) The credit of shifting India's capital from Hasting's are:
Calcutta to Delhi goes to Lord Hardinge II. In the year
1. Abolition of dual government in Bengal (1772)
1911, Delhi became the Capital of British India and it
was shifted from Calcutta to Delhi. Lord Hardinge II 2. Establishment of a Supreme Court in Calcutta (1774)
was the Viceroy of India from 1910-16. During his 3. Establishment of the Calcutta General Post Office
tenure on 4th August 1914 the first World War started. (GPO) in 1774 under the Post Master General.
337. Who was the first Indian Governor General of 342. The system of Budget was introduced in India
Independent India? during the Viceroyalty of-
(a) Rajendra Prasad (b) C. Rajagopalachari (a) Canning (b) Dalhousie
(c) A. Kriplani (d) Lord Mountbatten (c) Ripon (d) Elgin
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 06-09-2016, 1:15 pm SSC CGL (TIER-1) 07-09-2016, 4:15 pm
Ans : (b) Chakravarti Rajagopalachari was also known Ans : (a) Lord Canning was the last Governor-General
with name of Rajaji. He was a lawyer, writer, politician appointed by the Company in India and first Viceroy of
and philosopher. He was the second Governor-General India appointed under the British Empire. During his
of Independent India and the first Indian Governor- tenure system of budget was introduced in India by
General of Independent India. Finance minister James Wilson on 7th April, 1860.


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343. Who was first Viceroy and Governor-General 347. The Aitchison Commission, 1886, was
of pre-independence era? appointed to make recommendations for
(a) Lord Willian Bentinck (b) Warren Hastings reforms in the :
(c) Lord Mountbatten (d) Lord Canning (a) Indian Judicial System
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 21.01.17, 1:15 pm) (b) Indian Civil Services
Ans : (d) Lord Canning served as Governor-General of (c) Armed Force
India from 1856 to 1862. During his tenure, the (d) Administration of Princely States
Government of India Act, 1858 was passed which SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-II)
created the office of Viceroy to be held by the same
person who was Governor-General of India. Thus, Lord Ans : (b) Aitchison Commission was a Public Service
Canning also served as first Viceroy of India. The Commission which was set up in the year 1886 during
important events during his tenure include the Mutiny the Viceroyship of Lord Dufferin. The Chairman of the
of 1857, which he was able to suppress successfully, committee was Sir Charles Umpherston Aitchison. As
Passing of Indian Councils Act, 1861 which introduced per the recommendations of entry in Civil Services.
portfolio system in India, withdrawal of "Doctrine of 1. Maximum age was fixed at 23.
Lapse" in which was one of the main reasons of Mutiny
of 1857, introduction of Code of Criminal Procedure, 2. Statutory civil services system of recruitment should
enactment of Indian High Courts Act, Indian Penal be abolished.
Code (1858), Bengal Rent Act (1859), introduction of 3. Simultaneous examinations in England and India
Income tax on experimental basis etc. should be stopped.
344. Who among the following was appointed as the 4. Two tier classification of civil service would be
first Viceroy of British India? replaced by three tier classification.
(a) Lord Wavell (b) Lord Canning 348. Who among the following British Prime
(c) Lord Irwin (d) Lord Mayo Ministers had announced the Communal
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-III) Award in 1932 during India's Freedom
Movement ?
Ans. (b) : After the 1857 revolution, for a better
governance the British parliament passed (a) Andrew Bonar Law
"Government of India Act 1858". Under this act the (b) Herbert Henry Asquith
rule of East India Company came to an end in India (c) James Ramsay MacDonald
and power was shifted to British Crown. The post of
(d) David Lloyd George
Governor-General of India was renamed as Viceroy of
India under this act. So Lord Canning (1856-62) SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I)
became the first Viceroy of India. Ans : (c) The Communal Award was announced by the
345. Which Governor-General of India, in 1772 British Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald in 16
introduced two courts in each district a August 1932 to grant separate electorates to minority
criminal court (faujdari adalat) and a civil communities including Muslim, Sikhs and Dalit.
court (diwani adalat) ? 349. Which Governor-General introduced the
(a) Warren Hastings (b) Lord Dalhousie policy of Subsidiary Alliance, under which the
(c) Richard Wellesley (d) Robert Clive Indian ruler agreed to keep British forces in
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-I) his territory ?
Ans. (a) : Warren Hastings Governor-General of India (a) Lord Wellesley (b) Lord Cornwallis
from 1773 to 1785 introduced several administrative (c) Lord William Bentick(d) Lord Mayo
reforms. A new system of Justice was establisted in SSC CHSL 26/10/2020 (Shift-II)
1772 in which each district have two courts a criminal
court (Faujdari adalat) and civil courts (diwani adalat). Ans. (a) : Subsidiary Alliance was basically a treaty
between the British East India Company and the
346. Which of the following Governor-Generals Indian Princely States, by virtue of which the Indian
introduced a code which provided for the kingdoms lost their sovereignty to the English. It also
separation of revenue administration from
judicial administration? was a major process that led to the building of the
British Empire in India. It was framed by Lord
(a) Warren Hastings (b) William Bentinck Wellesley, the Governor-General of India from 1798
(c) Lord Cornwallis (d) Lord Wellesley to 1805.The Subsidiary Alliance was a system devised
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-I) by Lord Wellesley in 1798. It was actually used for the
Ans : (c) British Governor-General, Lord Cornwallis first time by the French Governor-General Marquis
presented the Cornwallis Code in 1793 which was Dupleix. The Nawab of Awadh was the first ruler to
provided to separate the revenue administration from enter into the Subsidiary Alliance with the British after
the administration of justice. Lord Cornwallis made a the Battle of Buxar. However, The Nizam of
significant reforms in relation to the administrative, Hyderabad was the first to accept a well-framed
judicial, police, and revenue department etc. subsidiary alliance.


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Order in which the Indian States entered into 354. To which of the following event Lord Curzon is
Subsidiary Alliances related ?
Hyderabad (1798) (a) Partition of Bengal
Mysore (1799 – After Tipu Sultan was defeated in the (b) Setting up of Durand Commission
Fourth Anglo-Mysore War) (c) Bhutan War
Tanjore (1799) (d) Introduction to system of Budget
Awadh (1801) SSC MTS 05/08/2019 (Shift-I)
Peshwa (Marathas) (1802) Ans. (a) : Lord Curzon was the Viceroy of India from
Scindia (Marathas) (1803) 1899-1905. He was one of the most notorious
Gaekwad (Marathas) (1803) Viceroys of India. Important events of his tenure are–
• Appointment of Police Commission (1902).
350. The Subsidiary Alliance System, through
which the British were responsible for • Appointment of Universities Commission (1902).
protecting their Indian allies from external and • Indian Universities Act (1904).
internal threats to their power, was devised by: • Partition of Bengal (1905).
(a) Lord Wellesley (b) Lord Curzon 355. Which of the following Viceroys of India
(c) Lord Dalhousie (d) Lord Bentinck addressed the Bengal famine 1943 by ordering
SSC JE Electrical – 24/03/2021 (Shift-I) the army to distribute relief supplies to the
starving rural Bengalis ?
Ans. (a) : See the explanation of above question.
(a) Lord Linlithgow (b) Lord Wavell
351. Who gave the 'Doctrine of Lapse' ?
(c) Lord Willington (d) Lord Mountbatten
(a) Lord Cornwallis (b) Lord Betting
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 05/03/2020 (Shift-III)
(c) Lord Dalhousie (d) Lord Canning
Ans. (a) : The Bengal famine took place in 1943.
SSC MTS 14/08/2019 (Shift-I) During this 2 to 3 million people died of "hunger" At
Ans. : (c) In order of integration of Riyasats, Lord this time Viceroy was Lord Linlithgow. He orderd the
Dalhousie enacted the Doctrine of Lapse. The Riyasats military forces to distribute essentials to normal
who accepted this are: people.
→ Satara (1848) 356. When was the Famine Commission under the
→ Jaitpur (1849) Chairmanship of Sir Richard Strachey set up?
(a) 1895 (b) 1912
→ Udaipur (1852)
(c) 1904 (d) 1878
→ Nagpur (1854)
SSC JE Civil 11.12.2020 (Shift-II)
→ Awadh (1856)
Ans. (d) : • Famine Commission was set up in 1878
→ Sambalpur (1849) under the Chairmanship of Sir Richard Strachey. It was
→ Baghat (1850) the first Famine Commission which recommended state
→ Jhansi (1853) interference in food trade in the event of famine.
→ Karauli (1855) • Second Famine Commission was constituted in 1897
under the Chairmanship of Sir James Lyall. This
352. In which order were the states annexed by commission recommended the development of
Britishers under Doctrine of Lapse ? irrigation facilities.
(a) Nagpur-Satara-Jhansi • Third Famine Commission was set up in 1900 under
(b) Udaipur-Jhansi-Nagpur the Chairmanship of Sir Anthony (Later Lord)
(c) Jhansi-Satara-Nagpur McDonnel to re-evaluate and recommend changes in
the report of the previous commission, based on the
(d) Satara-Udaipur-Jhansi findings of the recent famine. This Commission
SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Shift-III) recommended that the official machinery dealing with a
Ans. (d) : See the explanation of above question. famine must work around the year so that the scarcity
of food grains could be controlled well in time.
353. Which of the following princely states was
357. Which of the following is INCORRECTLY
annexed by the British under the pretext of
matched with regards to Viceroy and the
'misgovernment of the Nawab'?
corresponding incidents?
(a) Udaipur (b) Awadh (a) Lord Chelmsford – Rowlatt Act
(c) Nagpur (d) Satara (b) Lord Reading–Establishment of Swaraj Party
SSC MTS 05/10/2021 (Shift-I) (c) Lord Irwin–First Round Table Conference
Ans. (b) : Awadh was annexed by the British under the (d) Lord Wavell – The Cripps Mission
pretext of misgovernment of the Nawab. SSC JE Civil 11.12.2020 (Shift-II)

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Ans. (d) : Lord Linlithgow was the Viceroy of India Ans. (d) : Pt. Nehru was the cult figure who called
from 1936-1944 and the Cripps Mission came in India dams & river valley projects as the "Temple's of the
during his tenure. On the other hand Lord Wavell was Modern India." He was the first Prime Minister of
Viceroy of India from 1944 to 1947. Shimla Pact was India and wrote his autobiography "Toward
one of important incident of his tenure. Hence the Freedom".
option is matched incorrectly while the other matches
are correct. 362. Who gave the slogans 'Dilli Chalo' and 'Give
me blood and I will give you Freedom'?
358. The Governor-General of India was given the (a) Subhas Chandra Bose
title of Viceroy for the first time in :
(b) Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
(a) 1856 (b) 1859
(c) Jawaharlal Nehru
(c) 1857 (d) 1858
(d) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-II)
SSC CHSL 19/10/2020 (Shift-III)
Ans : (d) Lord Canning served as Governor-General of
India from (1856 to 1862). During his tenure the Ans. (a) : Subhas Chandra Bose was one of the most
government of India Act 1858 was passed which prominent freedom fighters of India. He was the head
created the office of viceroy to be held by the same of Azad Hind Fauj. Its headquarters was in Singapore.
person who was Governor-General of India. Thus Subhash Chandra Bose gave a famous quote for his
Canning also served as "first viceroy of India". During army (Indian National Army or Azad Hind Fauj)
Lord Cannings tenure Indian High Court Act 1861 was “Give me blood, and I will give you freedom” in
passed to form Supreme Court and Sadar Adalats and Burma in 1944. Dilli Chalo Slogan was given by
also establish high courts of Calcutta, Madras and Subhas Chandra Bose. He used this slogan to motivate
Bombay. the Indian National Army (INA) in 1944, when the
INA commenced its military campaign against Burma.
34. Nicknames and Statements 363. Who among the following nationalist leaders
gave the slogan 'Dilli Chalo'?
359. Who among the following leaders of Indian (a) Subhas Chandra Bose
Freedom Movement gave the slogan ‘Freedom (b) Mahatma Gandhi
is my birthright and I shall have it’? (c) Jawaharlal Nehru
(a) Subhash Chandra Bose (d) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
(b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
SSC JE Electrical 28.10.2020 (Shift-I)
(c) Gopalkrishna Gokhale
Ans (a) : See the explanation of the above question.
(d) Lala Lajpat Rai
SSC CGL 19/04/2022 (Shift-III) 364. Who among the following nationalist leaders
had the nickname 'Mahamana'?
Ans.(b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak gave the slogan 'Freedom'
(a) Madan Mohan Malviya
is my birthright and I shall have it" in Belgaum,
Karnataka in 1916 during Indian Freedom Movement. (b) Surendranath Banerjee
360. Who among the following freedom fighters (c) Dadabhai Naoroji
wrote the poem 'Vande Mataram' in 1875? (d) Motilal Nehru
(a) Bipin Chandra Pal SSC JE Electrical 28.10.2020 (Shift-I)
(b) Bhagat Singh Ans (a) : Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya was nicknamed
(c) Rabindranath Tagore 'Mahamana'. He was a moderate leader and a lawyer by
(d) Bankim Chandra Chatterjee profession, he served the provincial and central
legislature for many terms.Through his efforts, a
SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 17/08/2021 (Shift II) memorial was built at the Jallianwala Bagh site. He
Ans. (d) : Bankim Chandra Chatterjee was the founded the Nationalist Party in 1926. He was
personality who wrote the famous song Vande Matram appointed as the Vice-Chancellor of Banaras Hindu
which was later accepted as the "National Song of University. He served as the editor of Hindustan,
India". The song was taken from a novel Abyudaya, and the Indian Union. He was
"Anandamath" which was based on Sannyasi rebellion posthumously conferred with Bharat Ratna, India's
that took place in 1770-1800. The song was highest civilian award, on 24 December, 2014, a day
recognized as the National Song of India on 24th before his 153rd Birth Anniversary.
January, 1950 by the Constituent Assembly.
365. Who among the following coined the famous
361. Who called dams as the 'Temples of Modern
India''? slogan 'Jai Jawan Jai Kisan'?
(a) T.T Krishnamachari (a) Indira Gandhi
(b) Sardar Vallabhabai Patel (b) Charan Singh
(c) Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (c) Lal Bahadur Shastri
(d) Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru (d) Morarji Desai
SSC GD 18/02/2019 (Shift-III) SSC JE Mechanical - 27/09/2019 (Shift-I)


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Ans. (c) : Jai Jawan Jai Kisan is a famous slogan of 370. Who coined the slogan 'Inquilab Zindabad'?
India. This slogan was given by Prime Minister Lal (a) Subhas Chandra Bose
Bahadur Shastri during the 1965 war. It is a well (b) Balagangadhar Tilak
known slogan of India which shows the hard work of (c) Bhagat Singh
soldiers and farmers.
(d) Sukhdev
366. To protest against the Jallianwala Bagh
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 06-09-2016, 4:15 pm
massacre, who returned his title of
'Knighthood' to British? Ans : (c)
(a) Maulana Azad Sr.No. Person Slogan
(b) Gopal Krishna Gokhale 1. Bhagat Singh Inquilab Zindabad
(c) Mahatma Gandhi
2. Lokmanya Swaraj is my birth right
(d) Ravindranath Tagore Tilak and I shall have it
SSC JE Civil 29.10.2020 (Shift-I)
3. Subhas Give me blood and I will
Ans. (d) : The Incident of Jallianwala Bagh massacre Chandra Bose give you freedom
took place at Jallianwala Bagh in Amritsar on the day
of Baisakhi on 13 April 1919. On the orders of 4. Mahatma Do or Die
General Dyer British soldiers opened fire on the Gandhi
unarmed crowd. Against the protest of this massacre 5. Dayanand Go back to Vedas
Rabindranath Tagore returned the title of 'Knighthood' Saraswati
conferred by the British. K. Sankaran Nair also
resigned from the membership of the Executive 371. Which Freedom Fighter addressed Mahatma
Council. Gandhi as ''Father of the Nation'' For the 1st
367. Who was given the title of ‘Punjab Kesari’? (a) Jawaharlal Nehru
(a) Ranjit Singh (b) Bhagat Singh (b) Subhas Chandra Bose
(c) Sardar Baldev Singh (d) Lala Lajpat Rai (c) Sarojini Naidu
SSC JE Civil - 24/01/2018 (Shift-II)
(d) Chandra Shekhar Azad
Ans. (d) : Lala Lajpat Rai was also known as "Punjab (SSC 10+2 CHSL 08.01.17, 4:15 pm)
Kesari." He was one of leading cult of extremist wing
and was a supporter of the western education system. Ans : (b) First time on 6th July, 1944, Subhas
While opposing the Simon Commission in 1928, he Chandra Bose, during a broadcasting of "Azad Hind
got injured and died on 17 November 1928. Radio" called Gandhiji as 'Father of the Nation'.
Note- Bose got title of Netaji by Indians in Germany.
368. Who is referred to as 'Frontier Gandhi'?
(a) Sheikh Abdullah 372. Which leader of India's freedom movement
was called the 'Grand Old Man of India'?
(b) Manilal Gandhi
(a) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(c) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
(b) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
(d) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
(c) Dadabhai Naoroji
SSC JE Civil - 20/02/2018 (Shift-II)
(d) Lala Lajpat Rai
Ans : (c) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan is also known as SSC CPO-SI – 12/12/2019 (Shift-I)
Frontier Gandhi. He leaded the Satyagrah in North-
western province during the incident of salt Satyagrah. Ans : (c) Dadabhai Naoroji known as the Grand Old
He started the "Laal Kurti" Movement which is better Man of India was a Parsi intellectual educator, cotton
known as Khudai Khidmaatgaar (Servants of the trader and on early Indian political and social leader.
Almighty). He also had a title of Fakhr-e-Afghan. He The first Indian to be elected to the British Parliament,
also launched a magazine called "Pakhtoon" in "Pashto" he was one of the founding member of Indian National
language. He was also known as Badshah Khan. Congress and thrice in 1886, 1893 and 1906 elected as
Congress president. He also founded the Rahnumai
369. "Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's Mazdayasnan Sabha and edited a magazine Rast-Goftar
needs, but not every man's greed". for this.
(a) Guru Nanak Dev 373. Who among the following was given the title
(b) Mahatma Gandhi 'Quaid-i-Azam'?
(c) Pope Paul VI (a) Mahatma Gandhi
(d) Smt. Indira Gandhi (b) Jawaharlal Nehru
Ans : (b) Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's (c) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
needs, but not every man's greed" the famous statement (d) Muhammad Ali Jinnah
is of Mahatma Gandhiji. SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-II)

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Ans : (d) The title of Quaid-i-Azam was given to 378. Who among the following was known as
Muhammad Ali Jinnah by Mahatma Gandhi. 'Andhra Kesari' ?
Muhammad Ali Jinnah is known as the founder of (a) T. Prakasam
Pakistan. He was the leader of the Muslim League and (b) Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan
became the first Governor-General of Pakistan.
(c) Mahatma Gandhi
374. The slogan 'Do or Die' was given during which (d) Chittaranjan Das
of the following movement of India?
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 07/03/2020 (Shift-II)
(a) Quit India Movement
(b) Civil Disobedience Movement Ans. (a) : Personalities Titles
(c) Non-Cooperation Movement Sardar Patel Lauhpurush
(d) Rowlatt Movement Mahatma Gandhi Father of Nation
SSC GD 14/02/2019 (Shift-II) Jai Prakash Narayan Lok Nayak
Ans. (a) : The slogan "Do or Die" was given by T. Prakasam Andhra Kesari
Mahatma Gandhi on 8th August 1942, during Lala Lajpat Rai Punjab Kesari
beginning of Quit India Movement. The movement 379. Who among the following was called as
also came better to be known as the "August 'Ajatashatru' by Gandhiji?
Revolution". The term "Quit India" was coined by (a) Lala Lajpat Rai
Yusuf Meher Ali.
(b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
375. Jayaprakash Narayan was given the title
(c) Bhagat Singh
(d) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(a) Loknayak (b) Deshbandhu
(c) Jana Nayak (d) Deenbandhu SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Shift-II)
SSC CPO-SI 23/11/2020 (Shift-II) Ans. (d) : Dr. Rajendra Prasad fondly known as
Rajendra Babu embodied the essential Gandhian ethic
SSC CPO-SI 24/11/2020 (Shift-II) in politics and was the epitome of simplicity and
Ans. : (a) Jayaprakash Narayan was a famous Indian selflessness. His personal way of life and integrity
freedom fighter and politician. He led the opposition were his greatest assets. This was one of the main
against Indira Gandhi in 1970. He ordered to debar reasons why he was described as a "Gentleman of
Indira from her post. He launched a movement known Indian Politics," prompting Gandhiji to call him
as "Sampoorna Kranti." He was given the famous title "Ajatashatru-one who had no enemies."
of "Lok Nayak".
376. Who raised the slogan ''Swaraj is my birth 35. Books/Papers/ Magazines
right and I shall have it''?
(a) Mahatma Gandhi 380. Who among the following is the author of the
(b) Subhash Chandra Bose book ‘The Secret of the Veda’?
(c) Lala Lajpat Rai (a) Sri Aurobindo
(d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (b) Annie Besant
SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-I) (c) Swami Vivekananda
Ans : (d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak, was a nationalist (d) J Krishnamurti
leader. He was known as the "father of the Indian SSC CGL 11/04/2022 (Shift-I)
unrest." He was born on July 23rd 1856. He gave the Ans : (a) Sri Aurobindo Ghose was an Indian
famous slogan "Swaraj is my Birth Right and I shall Nationalist, Journalist and Philosopher. He edited
have it." He was also conferred with the title newspapers such as Bande Matram. 'The Secret of the
Lokmanya. Veda' is written by Sri Aurobindo Ghose.
377. ––––– was a mentor to both, Mahatma Gandhi 381. Which of the following books is written by
and Muhammad Ali Jinnah. Rajendra Prasad?
(a) Rabindranath Tagore (a) India Divided
(b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak (b) An Autobiography: Towards Freedom
(c) Gopal Krishna Gokhale (c) The Discovery of India
(d) Lala Lajpat Rai (d) Glimpses of World History
SSC CHSL 20/10/2020 (Shift-III) SSC MTS 05/10/2021 (Shift-I)
Ans. (c) : Gopal Krishna Gokhale was the political Ans. (a) :
guru and teacher of Mahatma Gandhi and Muhammad
Ali Jinnah both. Gandhi started an anti-racial Writer Book
movement in Africa by taking inspiration from him. Dr. Rajendra Prasad India Divided
Also Gandhi wrote a book named "Gokhale: My
Political Guru." Jawaharlal Nehru The Discovery of India


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382. Which of the following books was written by 386. Choose the INCORRECT match with respect
Jawaharlal Nehru? to newspaper and its corresponding editor:
(a) A Bunch of Old Letters (a) New India - Bipin Chandra Pal
(b) Riddles in Hinduism (b) Comrade - Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(c) Ranade, Gandhi and Jinnah (c) Sandhya - Brahmabandhab Upadhyay
(d) Waiting For A Visa: Autobiographical Notes (d) Vande Mataram - Aurobindo Ghosh
SSC CGL 21/04/2022 (Shift-III)
SSC JE Mechanical 28.10.2020 (Shift-II)
Ans. (a) A Bunch of Old Letters was written by
Jawaharlal Nehru. Ans. (b) : The Comrade was a weekly English-
language newspaper that was published and edited by
383. Who among the following had authored Muhammad Ali Jauhar between 1911 and 1914.
'Buddha Gaya : The Hermitage of Sakya
Muni' in 1878? • Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak started publishing a
(a) John Marshall (b) Rajendralal Mitra Marathi newspaper, Kesari in 1881.
(c) Alexander Cunningham (d) HH Cole • The Bande Mataram was an English language weekly
SSC CHSL 12/08/2021 (Shift-I) newspaper published from Calcutta (now Kolkata)
founded in 1905 by Bipin Chandra Pal and edited by Sri
Ans. (b) : Raja Rajendralal Mitra was among the first Aurobindo Ghose.
Indian cultural researcher and historians writing in
English. A Polymath and the first Indian president of • Sandhya newspaper was started by Brahmabandhab
the Asiatic Society of Bengal, he was a pioneer figure Upadhyay in 1906 during the movement of the partition
in the Bengali Renaissance, He was an Indian Sanskrit of Bengal. It was edited and published by
critic. Mitra published a number of Sanskrit texts Brahmabandhab Upadhyay himself.
mainly in Bibliotheca Indica and major works of him • New India, a daily newspaper, was founded in 1914
are: The Antiquities of Odisha (1875-80), Buddh Gaya
: The Hermitage of Sakya Muni' (1878), Indo-Aryans by Annie Besant, to highlight issues related to the
(1881) etc. Indian freedom struggle. The editor of this newspaper
was Bipin Chandra Pal.
384. Who is the author of the book 'Pathway to God'?
(a) Jawaharlal Nehru 387. Which of the following periodicals is not
correctly matched with its editor?
(b) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
(c) Sri Aurobindo (a) Bande Mataram: Aurobindo Ghosh
(d) Mahatma Gandhi (b) New India: Bipin Chandra Pal
SSC CHSL 12/04/2021 (Shift-I) (c) Yugantar: Bhuendranath Dutta
Ans : (d) Mahatma Gandhi is the author of the book (d) Sandhya: Barindra Ghosh
'Pathway to God'. SSC CGL (TIER-1) 29-08-2016, 10 am
Some other Books written by him are- Ans : (d) Aurobindo Ghosh was a famous sage and
The Story of My Experiments with Truth (An philospher. He used to publish magzine "Vande
autobiography) Matram". Bipin Chandra Pal was an Indian
Hind Swaraj or Indian Home Rule (1909) revolutionary, journalist and writer. He edited many
Truth is God journals like Paridarshak (1886), New India (1902),
All Men are Brothers India (1901), Swaraj (1908-1911) Bande Mataram
Satyagraha in South Africa
Bhupendranath Datta was a revolutionary, sociologist
385. Which of the following books was written by who edited a magzine named "Yugantar". He was the
Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose? elder brother of Swami Vivekananda.
(a) Poverty and Un-British Rule in India Barindra Ghosh also edited "Yugantar" magzine. In
(b) Anandamath 1950 he became editor of "Dainik Basumati."
(c) The Indian Struggle 388. The famous work 'Anandamath' was written by
(d) Unhappy India (a) Sri Aurobindo
SSC CPO-SI 25/11/2020 (Shift-II)
(b) Sri Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
Ans. (c) : Writers Books (c) Sri Rabindra Nath Tagore
Subhas Chandra Bose The Indian Struggle (d) Sri Aarti Chaudhary
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 11-09-2016, 10 am
Dadabhai Naoroji Poverty and un-British rule
in India Ans : (b) "Anandamath", is the famous Bengali novel
written by Bankim Chandra Chatterjee also known as
Bankim Chandra Anandamath Bankim Chandra Chattopadhayay in 1882. He was born
Chatterjee on 27 June 1838 in the village Kanthalpara of 24
Lala Lajpat Rai Unhappy India Paraganas district of Bengal.


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389. Who is the author of book named "Anand Ans. (d) : "My Experiments with Truth" is the
Math". autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi. It was originally
(a) Panini written in Gujarati. He wrote other famous books &
(b) Sarojini Naidu magzines like Young India, Navjivan, Hind Swaraj.
(c) Bankim Chandra Chatterjee 395. Which of the following books is called the
(d) Rabindranath Tagore ‘Bible of Socialism’?
SSC MTS 9-10-2017 (Shift-II) (a) Economics of Welfare(b) Das Capital
(c) Value and Capital (d) Asian Drama
Ans. (c) : See the explanation of above question.
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 03-09-2016, 10 am
390. Which of the following was published by
Gandhiji during his stay in South Africa? Ans : (b) "Das Capital" is a book written by Karl Marx
in 1867, containing analysis of capital and capitalism.
(a) Young India (b) Indian Opinion
The book correctly advices labour & worker to get out
(c) Nav Jivan (d) None of These of the zone of exploitation. The book is known as the
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 02-09-2016, 1:15 pm "Bible of Socialism"
Ans : (b) Gandhiji started weekly newspaper "Indian 396. Who had written the book 'India Wins
Opinion" in 1903 in South Africa. It was published Freedom'?
every saturday in 4 languages viz. English, Tamil, (a) Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad
Hindi, Gujarati. In India Gandhiji published 3
(b) Mahatma Gandhi
(c) Vijay Laxmi Pandit
Young India – 1919-1931
(d) Shyama Prasad Mukherjee
Harijan – 1933-1942
SSC CPO-SI 23/11/2020 (Shift-II)
Navjivan – first published on 7
September, 1919 Ans. : (a)
Young India was published in English, while Writer's Book
Navgivan and Harijan were published in Gujarati and
Maulana Abul India Wins Freedom
Hindi both.
Kalam Azad
391. Which one of the following papers edited by
Gandhiji in South Africa? Mahatma Gandhi My Experiments with
Truth, Hind Swaraj
(a) Indian Opinion (b) Harijan
(c) Young India (d) Indian Mirror Jawaharlal Nehru The Discovery of India
SSC JE Civil - 20/01/2018 (Shift-II)
Sachindra Nath Bandi Jeevan
Ans : (a) See the explanation of above question. Sanyal
392. ' Hind Swaraj' was written by –––––.
397. Who was the author of 'Life Divine'
(a) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
(a) Dyanand Saraswati
(b) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(b) Sri Aurobindo
(c) Vallabhbhai Patel
(c) Swami Vivekanand
(d) Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
(d) Amrita Preetam
SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Shift-III)
SSC CPO-SI 23/11/2020 (Shift-II)
Ans. (d) : Hind Swaraj or Indian Home Rule is a book
Ans. : (b)
written by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi in 1909.
393. Who wrote the book, ‘Indian Home Rule’? Writers Book
(a) M K Gandhi Sri Aurobindo The Life Divine
(b) Jawaharlal Nehru Dayananda Saraswati Satyarth Prakash
(c) Subhash Chandra Bose
Swami Vivekananda Gyan Yog
(d) Babasaheb Ambedkar
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 10.01.17, 10 am) Amrita Preetam Revenue Stamp
Ans : (a) See the explanation of above question. 398. Which of the following books was written by
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar?
394. Who is the author of the book named "My
Experiment with Truth". (a) Annihilation of Caste
(a) Harbans Singh (b) Satyajit Ray (b) The new economic menace to India
(c) Atal Bihari Vajpayee (d) M.K. Gandhi (c) Savitri
SSC MTS 10-10-2017 (Shift-II) (d) Satyarth Praksah
SSC CHSL 12/10/2020 (Shift-III) SSC CPO-SI 25/11/2020 (Shift-I)


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Ans. (a) : The book "Annihilation of Caste" is a finest Ans. (b) : Book titled "The Anarchy: The East India
work of Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar. In this book he has Company Corporate, Violence and the Pillage of an
perfectly carved out his notion against the caste Empire is written by Scottish origin writter William
system. He also wrote other books like 'Who Were the Dalrymple. Books written by others authors V.P.
Shudras', Riddles in Hinduism, Federation Versus Menon→ The Transfer of Power in India, The Story of
Freedom. the Integration of Indian States.
399. Which of the following poems is not written by Shashi Tharoor→An Era of Darkness, Pax Indica.
Sarojini Naidu?
(a) In the forest 404. Who started the magazine 'Kesari' ?
(b) My Dead Dream (a) Lala Lajpat Rai
(c) The Banyan Tree (b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(d) A Love Song from the North (c) Dadabhai Naoroji
SSC CPO-SI 24/11/2020 (Shift-II) (d) Bipin Chandra Pal
Ans. (c) : In the given options only the poem "The SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Shift-III)
Banyan Tree" is not written by Sarojini Naidu and Ans. (b) : In 1881 Bal Gangadhar Tilak started two
other are written by her. The two epic poems 'the Bird newspapers
of Time' & 'the Broken Wing' made her famous in the
world of literature. 'The Banyan Tree' Poem is written Kesari→ Marathi Language
by Rabindranath Tagore. The Maratha→ English language
400. ''Nil Darpan'' was written by Dinbandhu Tilak was the one who started Ganpati festival and
Mitra to portray the oppression faced by Shivaji festival in Maharashtra.
peasants to grow indigo in :
(a) Madras (b) Assam 36. Architecture of British Period
(c) Gujarat (d) Bengal
SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Shift-III) 405. In which of the following Indian states will you
Ans. (d) : Indigo Movement/Neel Andolan was the find the Buxa Fort?
most influential, famous and first successful revolt led (a) Odisha (b) Karnataka
by Indian farmers. The oppression made on the (c) West Bengal (d) Tamil Nadu
farmers/peasants was picturised into literary lines by
Dinbandhu Mitra as 'Nil Darpan'. SSC CGL 11/04/2022 (Shift-III)
401. Who is the writer of the book 'Thoughts on Ans : (c) Buxa Fort is situated in West Bengal.
Pakistan ? 406. The Open Hand Monument in Chandigarh
(a) Muhammad Ali Jinnah was designed by ______.
(b) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar (a) Matthew Nowicki (b) Maxwell Fry
(c) Mahatma Gandhi (c) Le Corbusier (d) Albert Mayer
(d) Rajendra Prasad SSC CGL 18/04/2022 (Shift-III)
SSC MTS 06/08/2019 (Shift-III) Ans. (c) The Open Hand Monument in Chandigarh was
Ans. (b) : "Thoughts on Pakistan" (Pakistan or the designed by Le Corbusier.
Partition of India) is the book written by Dr. Bhimrao 407. Which monument was built in 1924 to welcome
Ambedkar. King George V and Queen Mary?
402. Who among the following first translated the (a) Bombay Castle (b) Gateway of India
Bhagavad Gita into English ?
(c) Victoria Memorial (d) Chattri Brighton
(a) Sir Alexander Cunningham
SSC CHSL 15/04/2021 (Shift-I)
(b) William Jones
(c) James Prinsep Ans. (b) : The Gateway of India is an arch-monument
built in the early 20th century in the city of Mumbai,
(d) Charles Wilkins India. It was erected to commemorate the landing of
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 06/03/2020 (Shift-III) King George V and Queen Mary, the first British
Ans. (d) : A prominent orientalist and devoted Monarch to visit India. Its construction started on 31
typographer Sir Charles Wilkins was a pioneer in the March, 1913 and completed on 1924. The monument
study of Sanskrit and he was first European to is built of yellow basalt and reinforced concrete. The
translate Bhagavad Gita into English. final design of the monument was designed by
403. Who is the author of the book titled 'The Architect George Wittet.
Anarchy: The East India Company, Corporate 408. Fort Saint Louis was a ____ fort that stood in
Violence, and the Pillage of an Empire'? Pondicherry on the eastern coast of India.
(a) Pankaj Mishra (b) William Dalrymple (a) Dutch (b) French
(c) V.P. Menon (d) Shashi Tharoor (c) British (d) Danish
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 07/03/2020 (Shift-II) SSC CHSL 16/04/2021 (Shift-I)

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Ans. (b) : Fort Louis or Fort Saint Louis was a French 414. In which year was the Currency Building in
fort that stood in Pondicherry on the eastern coast of the BBD Bagh or Dalhousie area of Kolkata
India. The fort was built around 1701 by Francois constructed?
Martin and completed posthumously around 1706. (a) 1900 (b) 1850
409. In which year was the foundation stone for the (c) 1833 (d) 1910
Gateway of India laid in Bombay (now SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 05/03/2020 (Shift-I)
Mumbai)? Ans. (c) : Currency Building is a 3 storey building in
(a) 1913 (b) 1920 Kolkata, designed in Italian style. In 1833, it was
(c) 1905 (d) 1915 constructed for office of Agra Bank Ltd. but in 1868
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 03/03/2020 (Shift-II) government took control over its larger part and
renamed it as Currency Building.
Ans. (a) : The Gateway of India was built to
commemorate the visit of King George V and Queen 415. Victoria Memorial in Kolkata was proposed to
Mary to India. It was built during British rule and was be built by
inaugurated on December, 1924. The foundation stone (a) Lord Canning
was laid by the then governor of Mumbai, Sir George (b) Lord Curzon
Sydenham Clarke on March, 1913. Architecture is (c) William Hastings
built in Indo- Saracenic style. George Wittet was the (d) Lord William Bentinck
Chief architect of the Gateway of India.
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 11.01.17, 10 am)
410. Who among the following designed the famous
structure the Gateway of India? Ans : (b) Victoria Memorial situated in Kolkata is a
building dedicated to Queen Victoria. It was proposed
(a) James Miller (b) George Wittet to be built during tenure of Lord Curzon. It was
(c) Alexander Thompson(d) Edward Lyutens constructed between 1906-1921, and is made up of
SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-I) white marbles.
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 16.01.17, 4:15 pm) 416. The Victoria Memorial, conceived by Lord
Ans. (b) : See the explanation of above question. Curzon, represents the architectural climax of
411. Who built the Sheesh Mahal in Patiala ? (a) Jaipur (b) Kolkata
(a) Yadavindra singh (c) Mumbai (d) Delhi
(b) Baba Ala Singh Sidhu SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 07/06/2019 (Shift-II)
(c) Maharaja Narinder Singh Ans : (b) The Victoria Memorial conceived by Lord
(d) Bhalindra Singh Curzon (1899-1905) represents the architectural climax
SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Shift-II) of Kolkata city. Lord Curzon proposed the construction
of this grand building after the death of Queen Victoria
Ans. (c) : The Sheesh Mahal was built in 1847 in
in January 1901. After the completion of the
Patiala by King Narindra Singh (1845-1862). The
construction of this monument it was formally opened
palace is known as the "the Palace of Mirrors" to the common people in 1921.
412. Edwin Lutyens and Herbert Baker are two 417. Who built Gateway of India?
architects to have designed the city of :
(a) Guru Ramdas
(a) Allahabad (b) Chandigarh
(b) Maharaja Pratap Singh
(c) Raipur (d) New Delhi
(c) Rabindra Nath Tagore
SSC CPO-SI – 09/12/2019 (Shift-I)
(d) British Government
Ans. (d) : Edwin Lutyens, architect and designer of (SSC 10+2 CHSL 16.01.17, 10 am)
the imperial capital of Delhi and leading architect
Herbert Baker are credited with the construction of Ans : (d) In 1911 King George V and Queen Mary
Rashtrapati Bhavan and twin Secretariat buildings visited Delhi so to commemorate the arrival of their
(Now the North an South Blocks). king, the Britishers decided to make a gateway of
India. The chief architect of this gateway was George
413. India Gate was designed by Wittet. Its construction was completed in 1924. The
(a) Frank Lloyd Wright (b) Sir Edwin Lutyens gateway was opened on 4th December 1924, by the
(c) Frank Genry (d) Zaha Hadid Viceroy, the Earl of Reading. Its central dome is 15
metres in diameter, and touches the height of 26 metres
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 15.01.17, 1:15 pm)
above the ground.
Ans : (b) India Gate, situated in Delhi, the Capital of
418. Safdarjung's tomb, set in the middle of a
India is a memorial built in commemoration of more
garden, was built by Nawab Shuja-ud-Daulah
then 80,000 Indian soldiers who were killed during
World War I. It was designed by the famous architect
Edwin Lutyens. India gate was earlier named All India (a) Uttar Pradesh (b) Uttarakhand
War Memorial. It was built in 1931 by British (c) Delhi (d) Bihar
Government. SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-I)

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Ans : (c) The Safdarjung Tomb also referred to as 423. Which of the following events occurred before
'Safdarjung ka Maqbara' is a garden tomb in New Delhi. 1919?
Made of Marble and Sandstone, it was built in 1754 in the (a) Gandhi-Irwin Pact
late Mughal Empire style for Nawab Safdarjung.
(b) Chauri Chaura Incident
419. In which period was the legendary Victoria (c) Lahore Session of Congress
Terminus station (currently Chhatrapati
Shivaji Maharaj Terminus), Mumbai built? (d) Partition of Bengal
(a) 1911 to 1921 (b) 1843 to 1853 SSC CGL 19/04/2022 (Shift-I)
(c) 1933 to 1943 (d) 1878 to 1888 Ans.(d) The Partition of Bengal was took place in
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 04/03/2020 (Shift-II) 1905. Rest other events occurred after 1919.
Ans. (d) : The Victoria Terminus Station which is 1. Gandhi-Irwin Pact– 5 March, 1931
currently called as the Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus 2. Chauri-Chaura Incident – 4 February 1922
was built with the imaginative approach of Fredrick 3. Lahore Session of Congress – December 1929
William in between 1878-1888.
424. In which year did India give shelter to Dalai
420. also known as the 'All India War Memorial'.
Lama, the Tibetan spiritual leader?
(a) India Gate
(a) 1962 (b) 1957
(b) Gateway of India
(c) 1960 (d) 1959
(c) Raj Ghat
SSC MTS 11/10/2021 (Shift-I)
(d) Victory at Sea Memorial
SSC CHSL 26/10/2020 (Shift-I) Ans. (d) : On March 31, 1959 Dalai Lama, the Tibetan
spiritual leader began a permanent exile in India,
Ans. (a) : India Gate, official name Delhi Memorial, settling at Dharamsala, where he established a
originally called All India War Memorial, monumental
sandstone arch in New Delhi, dedicated to the troops democratically based shadow Tibetan government.
of British India who died in wars fought between 1914 425. In which of the following years was the Mont-
and 1919. Ford Reforms report presented by the British
421. Which of the following monuments bears a colonial government in India?
similarity to the French war memorial, the (a) 1907 (b) 1918
Arc-de-Triomphe? (c) 1934 (d) 1942
(a) Charminar (b) Victoria Memorial SSC CGL 19/04/2022 (Shift-II)
(c) India Gate (d) Gateway of India
Ans.(b) Mont-Fort Reforms report was presented in
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 09/03/2020 (Shift-III) July, 1918 and formed the basis of the Government of
Ans. (c) : Designed by Edwin Lutyens, the 42 m high India Act, 1919.
India Gate is similar to that of French war memorial
Arc-de-Triomphe. It is a counter part of French war 426. Which of the following pairs is incorrectly
memorial, containing name of 7000 Indian soldiers. Who matched?
died in 1st world war due to being a part of British army. (a) 1764 - Battle of Buxar
It is also known as "All India War Memorial". (b) 1556-Battle of Haldighati
(c) 1539 - Battle of Chausa
37. Miscellaneous (d) 1757 - Battle of Plassey
SSC JE Mechanical - 27/09/2019 (Shift-I)
422. Which of the following events occurred first
during the Indian National Movement? Ans. (b) : Battle of Buxar (22nd October, 1764):
(a) Arrival of Simon Commission The Battle of Buxar is a significant battle in the history
of India was fought between British East India
(b) Partition of Bengal
Company and the combined forces of Nawabs and the
(c) Kheda Satyagraha Mughal Emperor. While the East India Company force
(d) Dandi March was led by Hector Munro, the Indian forces was led by
SSC CGL 13/04/2022 (Shift-I) Mughal ruler of there Princely States Mir Qasim, the
Ans. (b) Events Occurred Nawab of Bengal Shuja-ud-Daulah, the Nawab of
Awadh and Shah Alam II.
Partition of Bengal 1905
Battle of Haldighati–The Battle of Haldighati was a
Kheda Satyagraha 1918
battle fought on 18 June 1576 between the armies of
Arrival of Simon Commission 1928 Rana of Mewar Maharana Pratap and Mughal emperor
Dandi March 12 March, 1930 to Akbar forces led by Man Singh I of Amber, Battle
6 April 1930 ended with defeat for the forces of Mewar, Maharana
Hence, Partition of Bengal occurred first among the Pratap escaped continuing his valiant resistance
given options during the Indian National Movement. against the Mughal Empire.


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Battle of Chausa:- The Battle of Chausa occurred on Ans. (c) : After the Independence of India,
June 26, 1539 at Chausa in Bihar, India. The Battle Mayurbhanj state under Maharaja Pratap Chandra
was between Mughal ruler Humayun and an Afghan Bhanj Deo acceded to the Indian Union on 1 January
Pathan, Sher Shah Suri. Humayun escapped from the 1949 and was merged with Orissa province, which
battlefield to save his life. Sher Shah was victorious became later the state of Odisha.
and crowned himself Farid-al-Din Sher Shah.
Battle of Plassey:- The historic Battle of Plassey took 431. In which of the following years was the
place on 23 June 1757 between the Nawab of Bengal, Supreme Court set up in Calcutta by the East
Siraj-ud-Daulah and the British East India Company. India Company?
Siraj-ud-Daulah was completely defeated by British (a) 1734 (b) 1850
East India Company in this battle. This battle changed
(c) 1890 (d) 1773
the course of Indian history.
Hence, from above explanation it is clear that option SSC CHSL 19/04/2021 (Shift-I)
(b) is incorrectly matched. Ans. (d) : The Regulating Act of 1773 established a
427. In which of the following years was the Indian supreme court at Fort William, Calcutta. This supreme
Association established? court consisted of one Chief Justice and three other
(a) 1903 (b) 1881 regular Judges. Sir Elijah Imphey was the first Chief
(c) 1876 (d) 1856 Justice of this Supreme Court. The Supreme Court was
the supreme judiciary over all British subjects
SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 17/08/2021 (Shift I)
including the provinces of Bengal, Bihar and Odisha.
Ans. (c) : The Indian National Association was This was the starting point of Modern Constitutional
formed in 1876 by Surendra Nath Banergee with the History of India, under the British Rule.
help of Anunda Mohan Bose. Leter on this
organization was merged with Indian National 432. Which Maharaja of Manipur signed the
Congress. Banergee also started a newspaper 'The Instrument of Accession with the Government
Bengali' in 1879. of India?
428. Who was the Nawab of Bhopal that ruled from (a) Kulachandra Singh
1868 to 1901? (b) Bodhachandra Singh
(a) Shah Jahan Begum (c) Nara Singh
(b) Begum Sajida Sultan (d) Gambhir Singh
(c) Sikander Jahan Begum
SSC CHSL 05/08/2021 (Shift-II)
(d) Sultan Kaikhusrau Jahan Begum
Ans. (b) : The Maharaja of Manipur, Bodha chandra
SSC CHSL 11/08/2021 (Shift-I)
Singh signed the 'Instrument of Accession' with the
Ans. (a) : 17 days after her mother Sikandar Begum's Indian government on the assurance that internal
death, Shah Jahan became the next Begum of Bhopal autonomy of Manipur would be maintained. The
and her then ten-year old daughter, Sultan Jahan, Maharaja held elections in Manipur in June 1948 and
became the heir. Shahjahan wrote a reformist manual
for women titled Tehzib un-Niswan wa Tarbiyat ul- the state became a constitutional monarchy. Thus
Insan (the Reform of women and the cultivation of Manipur was the first part of India to hold an election
Humanity) Shah Jahan was a strong administrator like based on Universal Adult Franchise.
her mother, She improved the tax system, built many 433. Who among the following was a leader who led
palaces mosques and monuments. a revolt against the British rule from North
429. Which modern day Indian state was created on East India?
1 April 1937 as the United Provinces by the (a) Rani Gaidinliu (b) Pritilata Waddedar
(c) Matangini Hazra (d) Durgawati Devi
(a) Andhra Pradesh (b) Arunachal Pradesh
(c) Uttar Pradesh (d) Madhya Pradesh SSC CHSL 13/04/2021 (Shift-II)
SSC CHSL 11/08/2021 (Shift-I) Ans. (a) : Rani Gaidinliu was a leader who led a
revolt against the British rule from North East India.
Ans. (c) : By 1935, the entire office was shifted to
Lucknow. Lucknow became the capital of the She was a Naga spiritual and political leader.
province, the name of which was again changed to 434. Which of the following statements is correct?
United Province in April 1937. The name was changed (a) In 1774, the Asiatic Society was founded by
once again to Uttar Pradesh in January 1950, under the Sir Williams Jones
Constitution of India.
(b) In 1775, the Siraj ud-Daullah was defeated in
430. In which state will you find Mayurbhanj the Battle of Plassey
district, the last among the princely states, that
merged with the state? (c) In 1776, the first railway service began from
(a) Kerala (b) Jharkhand Bombay to Thane
(c) Odisha (d) Chhattisgarh (d) In 1793, the Cornwallis code was enacted
SSC CHSL 12/08/2021 (Shift-I) SSC CHSL 05/08/2021 (Shift-III)


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Ans. (d) : From the above statement, only statement of 439. With reference to India's freedom struggle
option (d) is correct. Lord Cornwallis introduced an consider the following statements.
administrative framework in 1793 in British India 1. Gandhiji's first major public appearance was at
known as the Cornwallis Code. Its best known the opening of the Banaras Hindu University
provision was the Permanent Settlement (or the (BHU) in February 1916.
zamindari system enacted in 1793), which established
2. During the Great War of 1914-18, the French
a revenue collection scheme. Asiatic Society of Bengal
had instituted censorship of the press and
was founded on January, 15, 1784 by Sir William
Jones for rediscovery of India's glorious past. Battle of permitted detention without trial.
Plassey was fought on 23rd June 1757 in which the 3. Jallianwala Bagh massacre took place in
Nawab (ruler) of Bengal Siraj-ud-Daulah was Amritsar in April 1919.
defeated. India's first railway service began in 1853, a Which of the statements given above is/are
34 km line between Bombay and Thane during the correct?
Governorship of Lord Dalhousie who served as the (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only
Governor-General of India from 1848 to 1856.
(c) 3 only (d) 1 and 3 only
435. Veer Surendra Sai was a freedom fighter from:
(SSC J.E. 02.03.17, 2:45 pm)
(a) Nagaland (b) Sikkim
Ans : (d) Mahatma Gandhi returned to India from
(c) Odisha (d) Telangana
South Africa in January 1915. Gandhi first important
SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 13/08/2021 (Shift II) public speech was in February 1916 at opening
Ans. (c) : Veer Surendra Sai was a freedom fighter ceremony of the Banaras Hindu University. On 9 April
from Sambalpur District in Odisha. In an open attack 1919 two popular leader of Punjab Dr. Satyapal and Dr.
on the British in Sambalpur, Sai was caught and Saifuddin Kitchlew was arrested. In protest against his
imprisoned for 17 years from 1840 till 1857. arrest on the day of Vaisakhi on 13 April 1919 a huge
436. In which of the following years was the Asiatic meeting was organized at Jallianwala Bagh in Amritsar.
Society at Calcutta (Kolkata) founded by Sir Dyer ordered to shoot the huge public meeting resulting
William Jones? into a horrific massacre. During World War I (1914-
(a) 1820 (b) 1800 1918) the US, Britain, Italy, France and Germany
banned the press.
(c) 1784 (d) 1767
SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 20/08/2021 (Shift II) 440. Who among the following was one of the
founders of the Congress Socialist Party ?
Ans. (c) : The Asiatic Society of Bengal was founded
(a) Ram Manohar Lohia
by Sir William Jones in 1784.
The Asiatic Society of India was formed mainly with an (b) SK Patil
objective to initiate and enlighten the Oriental (c) C Natarajan Annadurai
knowledge available in history, scriptures, or regional (d) Atulya Ghosh
texts in India or the Indian Subcontinent. SSC CHSL 21/10/2020 (Shift-I)
In 1825, the society was renamed as "The Asiatic Ans. (a) : Congress Socialist Party was founded in the
Society". In 1832 the name was changed to "the Asiatic year 1934. This Party was founded by the efforts of
Society of Bengal" and again in 1936 it was renamed as
Ram Manohar Lohia, Acharya Narendra Dev, Ashok
"The Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal".
Mehta and Jai Prakash Narayan.
437. In which of the following years did Japan
invade India resulting in the Battle of Imphal? 441. When was the Indian Reform Association
(a) 1862 (b) 1944
(a) 1856 (b) 1870
(c) 1901 (d) 1899
(c) 1860 (d) 1885
SSC CGL–(Tier-I) 18/08/2021 (Shift I)
SSC CHSL 17/03/2020 (Shift-II)
Ans. (b) : In 1944, Japanese army attempted to
destroy the allied forces at Imphal and invade India, Ans. (b) Indian Reform Association was established
but were driven back into Burma with heavy loss. The on 29th October, 1870 in Calcutta. Its president was
Battle of Imphal took place in the region around the Keshab Chandra Sen. Its main goals were change in
city of Imphal, the capital of the state of Manipur in condition of women, labours, education etc.
Northeast India. 442. The Asiatic Society was established in Calcutta
438. During World War II, the Battles of Kohima by-
and Imphal were fought in the year ____. (a) Warren Hastings
(a) 1944 (b) 1943 (b) Sir William Jones
(c) 1942 (d) 1945 (c) Raja Ram Mohan Roy
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-I) (d) Macaulay
Ans : (a) See the explanation of above question. SSC CGL (TIER-1) 07-09-2016, 4:15 pm

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Ans : (b) On 15th January, 1784 a supporter of Ans. (c) : Indian Administrative Services were called
Hastings, William Jones established "Asiatic Society ICS (Indian Civil Service) during the British Period.
of Bengal" "Asiatic researches" was the one of Presently Indian Civil Services is known as All India
magazine being published from this associations. Services. It has three categories.
William Jones translated "Abhigyanshakuntalam" and ☞ Indian Administrative Service (IAS).
"Geet Govind" into English. ☞ Indian Police Service (IPS).
Note: Willkins Translated Bhagvad Gita and
☞ Indian Forest Service (IFS).
Hitopadesha into English.
Eligible Candidates are selected every year through
443. Who was the first person to be selected for the exam conducted by the Union Public Service
"Individual Satyagraha" during the Indian Commission.
Independence Movement?
447. Who was the founder of the 'Bhoodan
(a) Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Das Movement' (Land Gift Movement)?
(b) Sardar Vallabhai Patel (a) Mahatma Gandhi
(c) Dr. Rajendra Prasad (b) Baba Amte
(d) Acharya Vinoba Bhave (c) Vinoba Bhave
SSC JE Civil - 25/01/2018 (Shift-I) (d) Jayaprakash Narayan
Ans. (d) : Individual Satyagraha was started on 17 SSC JE Mechanical 11.12.2020 (Shift-I)
October 1940. Rejecting the August proposals Ans. (c) : In the year 1951, the Bhoodan Movement
completely, Congress started individual Satyagraha was initiated by Acharya Vinoba Bhave at Pochampally
under the leadership of Gandhiji. As the first village (Present day Telangana). The movement was
Satyagrahi Gandhiji choose Acharya Vinoba Bhave. also known as Land Gift Movement. Through the
While the second Satyagrahi was Pt. Jawaharlal Bhoodan Movement they tried to force the landowners
Nehru. to provide some percentage of their land voluntarily to
444. –––––– was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1913 the landless people.
and a Knighthood in 1915. 448. Arrange the following events in chronological
(a) Mother Teresa order and select the correct option from those
given below
(b) Mahatma Gandhi
1. Death of Chandra Shekhar Azad
(c) Rabindranath Tagore
2. Kakori Conspiracy
(d) Sarojini Naidu
3. Formation of Indian National army by
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 09/03/2020 (Shift-III) Mohan Singh
Ans. (c) : Rabindranath Tagore was poet, writer, 4. The Champaran Satyagraha
composer, philosopher, social reformer and painter. (a) 2-4-1-3 (b) 2-4-3-1
He got the Nobel Prize in Literature for his book (c) 4-2-3-1 (d) 4-2-1-3
'Gitanjali' in 1913. Tagore was awarded a Knighthood
by King George V in 1915 but Tagore renounced it SSC JE Civil 30.10.2020 (Shift-II)
after the 1919 Jallianwala Bagh Massacre. National Ans. (d) : The following events are arranged in a
anthem of India–'Jana Gana Mana' and national chronological order as–
anthem of Bangladesh 'Amar Sonar Bangla' are the 1. Champaran Satyagraha in April 1917.
compositions of Tagore. 2. The Kakori conspiracy took place on 9th August
445. Which of the following Indians was one of the 1925.
founders of Dartington Hall School in Japan? 3. Death of Chandra Shekhar Azad on 27 February
(a) Swami Vivekananda 1931.
(b) Subhash Chandra Bose 4. The Indian National Army (INA) was formed in
(c) Dadabhai Naoroji 1942 under leadership of Captain Mohan Singh.
(d) Rabindranath Tagore 449. In 1930, a conference was held under the
chairmanship of Muhammad Iqbal, in which
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-I) there was a demand to give the status of
Ans : (d) Rabindranath Tagore was one of the Muslim state to Northwest India. Where was
founders of Dartington Hall School in Japan. He had this conferece held?
established an experimental school in (1901) the rural (a) Lahore (b) Mumbai
area of West Bengal. (c) Karachi (d) Allahabad
446. Which of the following abbreviations related to SSC JE Civil 30.10.2020 (Shift-II)
categories of Indian Civil Services is
Ans. (d) : In 1930, a conference was held under the
INCORRECT ? chairmanship of Muhammad Iqbal in which there was a
(a) IPS (b) IAS demand to give the status of Muslim state to northwest
(c) ICS (d) IFS India. This conference was held in Allahabad presently
SSC CHSL 19/10/2020 (Shift-III) known as Prayagraj.

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450. With reference to India's freedom struggle 452. With reference to India's freedom struggle
consider the following statements. consider the following statements.
1. The Turkish ruler Mehmed Murad–V abolished 1. In January 1915, Gandhiji returned to India
the Caliphate after two decades of residence abroad.
2. In February 1922, a group of peasants 2. Muhammad Ali Jinnah, was a doctor of
attacked and torched a police station in the Punjabi extraction trained in Lahore.
hamlet of Chauri Chaura 3. Gopal Krishna Gokhale was Gandhij's
3. During the Non–Cooperation Movement acknowledged political mentor.
Gandhiji was arrested in March 1922, and Which of the statements given above is/are
charged with sedition correct?
Which of the statements given above is/are (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only
correct ? (c) 1, 2 and 3 (d) 1 and 3 only
(a) 1 and 3 only (b) 3 only (SSC J.E. 03.03.17, 10:00 am)
(c) 2 and 3 only (d) 2 only Ans : (d) Gandhiji returned to India on January 9, 1915
(SSC J.E. 01.03.17, 10:00 am) after two decades of abroad resident in South Africa. It
was a time when 1st world war was going on. He
Ans : (c) In India the Khilafat Movement was linked became much influenced with the thoughts of Gopal
with the division of Turkey. Even after making a Krishna Gokhale and declared him as his "political
promise the British decided to divide Turkey. But in the teacher". Muhammad Ali Jinnah was born on 25th Dec,
leadership of Mustafa Kamal Pasha the Khalifa revolt 1876 in Karachi, in the house of a Muslim merchant.
took place and the post was banned. So the Turkey got His education was completed in London and Bombay
divide and Khilafat movement ended in India. During Gandhiji gave him the title of "Quaid-i-Azam".
the Non-cooperation movement in Chauri-Chaura of 453. The summer capital of British India was ........
Gorakhpur a masacre took place on 5th Feb, 1922. The
(a) Coorg (b) Shimla
police station was set on fire and lead to the burning of
22 police personnel. Seing this Gandhiji called off the (c) Nainital (d) Munnar
movement. So the British government put Gandhi on SSC JE Mechanical - 27/09/2019 (Shift-I)
trial for seditions charges and announced a 6 years Ans. (b) After 1814-16 Gorkha War, in 1818 the city
imprisonment. of Shimla was established by Britishers in order to
451. With reference to India's freedom struggle shelter their soldiers. In 1864 Shimla was declared as
consider the following statements : the summer capital of the British India.
1. The socialist activist Kamaladevi 454. Who among the following was the ruler of
Chattopadhyay had persuaded Gandhiji not to Jammu and Kashmir when India gained
restrict the protests to men alone independence?
2. The first meeting of the "Round Table (a) Pawan Singh (b) Raghu Singh
Conferences" was held in November 1930 in (c) Mahadeo Singh (d) Hari Singh
Munbai SSC JE Mechanical - 25/09/2019 (Shift-II)
3. Viceroy Lord Willingdon was sympathetic to Ans. (d) : Hari Singh was the ruler of Jammu and
Mahatma Gandhi Kashmir when India gained Independence. He was the
Which of the statements given above is/are last ruling Maharaja of the state. He ruled from 1925
correct? to 1949. He also served as the page of honour to Lord
(a) 1 and 3 only (b) 2 and 3 only Curzon in 1903.
(c) 1 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 455. When was the name of Madras State
changed in Tamil Nadu?
(SSC J.E. 04.03.17, 2:45 pm)
(a) 1956 (b) 1968
Ans : (c) Padma Bhushn Laureate Kamaladevi
(c) 1969 (d) 1967
Chattopadhyay was a Gandhian freedom fighter. He
SSC JE Civil - 25/01/2018 (Shift-II)
was the one who urged Gandhiji not to restrict the
protest to man alone. Ans. (c) : After the independence names of some state
The First Round Table Conference took place from and UT's were changed:
th th United Province → Uttar Pradesh (1950)
12 Nov 1930 – 9 Jan 1931 in London. Lord Irwin
(1926-1931) was the British Viceroy during this time Madras → Tamil Nadu (1969)
Second (1931) and Third Round Table Conference Mysore →Karnataka (1973)
(1932) held during Lord Willingdon (1931-1936)
Uttaranchal → Uttarakhand (2007)
period. PM Willingdon was never has a sympathetic
attitude towards Gandhiji nor INC itself. Pondichery → Puduchery (2006)


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456. With reference to India's freedom struggle Ans : (d) The first Indian who was elected to the
consider the following statements : leadership of the Communist International was M.N.
1. Entrepreneurs, such as G.D. Birla opposed the Roy. Manabendra Nath Roy whose original name was
national movement openly. Narendra Nath Bhattacharya was a famous political
2. On 26 January 1930, "Independence Day" was philosopher. He was the founder of communist party in
observed. India & Mexico both.
3. The Dandi March ended on 6 April 1930. 460. In which years was the communist party
formed in India?
Which of the statement given above is/are
correct ? (a) 1925 (b) 1922
(a) 2 and 3 only (b) 3 only (c) 1927 (d) 1930
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1 only SSC MTS 02/08/2019 (Shift-II)
(SSC J.E. 02.03.17, 10:00 am) Ans. (a) : The Communist Party of India was formed
in 1925. The founder of the party was MN Roy.
Ans : (a) In December 1929 the Lahore Session of
Congress was held and here the goal of "Purna Swaraj" 461. Kargil War against Pakistan started in the
was accepted. On 31st December 1929 Indian freedom year?
th (a) 1961 (b) 1965
flag was hoisted. 26 January 1930 was observed as the
"Independence Day" in the meeting. Gandhiji started (c) 1972 (d) 1999
Dandi March on 12th March 1930 and completed it by (SSC 10+2 CHSL 24.01.17, 1:15 pm)
breaking salt law on 6th April 1930. Entrepreneurs like
G.D Birla were in full support of the national Ans : (d) The Kargil War of 1999 took place in
movement. between India and Pakistan in Kargil area of Kashmir.
India came out as the Winner of the war.
457. Who propounded the "Doctrine of Passive
462. Sri Aurobindo was born in the year____.
(a) 1772 (b) 1822
(a) Balgangadhar Tilak
(c) 1872 (d) 1922
(b) Aurobindo Ghosh
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 10.01.17, 4:15 pm)
(c) Lala Lajpat Rai
(d) Bipin Chandra Pal Ans : (c) Sri Aurobindo was one of the first Indians
educated in England. He was a poet, thinker, freedom
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 11-09-2016, 4:15 pm fighter, and spiritual leader. He was born on 15 August
Ans : (b) The Doctrine of "Passive Resistance" was 1872 in Kolkata, West Bengal.
highlighted by Aurobindo Ghosh. Aurobindo was 463. Who was the first Indian to be elected as a
against the moderates theory of "Politics of Petition" Member of the British House of Commons?
along with Tilak belonged to the Extremist section. In (a) Jayaprakash Narayan
place of "prayer, petition, protest and please" he
advocated the more radical policy of boycott. (b) Dada Bhai Naoroji
(c) Ram Manohar Lohia
458. Who was the reformer of oppressed and
backward classes? (d) Sarojini Naidu
(a) Dayanand Saraswati SSC CGL (TIER-1) 04-09-2016, 1:15 pm
(b) Raja Ram Mohan Roy Ans : (b) Womesh Chandra Bannerji was the one to
contest in the House of Commons election, but he was
(c) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
unsuccessful. But it was Dadabhai Naoroji who got
(d) Mahatam Gandhi elected in the house of commons. He is also known as
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 27-10-2016, 10 am the Grand Oldman of India. He was also an editor of
Ans : (c) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar tried to promote newspaper Rast Goftar and founder of Rahnumai
education to untouchables and uplift them. His first Mazdayasnan Sabha.
organized attempt was his establishment of the central 464. The “Red Shirts” movement was led by?
institution Bahishkrit Hitakarini Sabha, intended to (a) Maulana Azad
promote education and socio-economic improvement, (b) Mohammed Ali
welfare of "outcastes" for the defence of Dalit rights.
(c) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan
459. Who was the first Indian to be elected as the (d) Asfaqulla Khan
leader of the Communist International?
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 28-08-2016, 10 am
(a) Jawaharlal Nehru
Ans : (c) Red Shirts movement or Khudai Khidmatgar
(b) P.C. Joshi was started by Abdul Ghaffar Khan of North-West
(c) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel frontier province of India in 1930. His followers were
(d) M. N. Roy pledged to non-violence and they derived their popular
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 08-09-2016, 1:15 pm title from the red colour of their shirt.

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465. Who built Shantiniketan? Ans : (a) Laxman Nayak was a tribal leader and
(a) Guru Ramdas freedom fighter. He belonged to Bhumia tribe of
(b) Maharaja Pratap Singh Odisha. He was born on 22nd November 1899
(c) Rabindranath Tagore Tentuligumma of Malkangiri. His father was Padlam
Naik Laxman worked for the rights of tribals in South
(d) British Govt
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 15.01.17, 4:15 pm)
469. In 1876 in Calcutta...... The Indian National
Ans : (c) Shantiniketan is situated in Beerbhoom Association was established by.
district of West Bengal. Nobel Laureate Sri.
Rabindranath Tagore established an Ashram here. (a) Badruddin Tyabji
Tagore also established here a Vishva Bharati (b) Anand Mohan Bose
University. (c) Shishir Kumar Ghosh
466. With reference to India's freedom struggle (d) V.K. Chiplankar
consider the following statements : SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 04/06/2019 (Shift-I)
1. In March 1940, the Muslim League passed a
resolution committing itself to the creation of a Ans : (b) The Indian National Association was
seperate nation called "Pakistan" establish in 1876 by Anand Mohan Bose and Surendra
2. The 'Salt Satyagraha' campaign began in Nath Banerjee in Calcutta. The objectives of this
August 1942' association were "Promoting by every legitimate means
the political intellectual and material advancement of
3. Jayaprakash Narayan was a socialist member
the people".
of the Congress and was active in the
underground resistance during Quit India 470. The First Anglo-Burmese War ended with the
Movement signing of the ............
Which of the statements given above is/are (a) Treaty of Purandar (b) Treaty of Yandabo
correct ? (c) Treaty of Titalia (d) Treaty of Salbai
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-II)
(c) 1 and 3 only (d) 3 only
Ans : (b) The Treaty of Yandabo brought peace and
(SSC J.E. 04.03.17, 10:00 am) ended the first Anglo Burmese war The agreement was
Ans : (c) On 23rd March 1940, Lahore session of Signed on February 24, 1826. As per this treaty, Assam
Muslim League was held under chairmanship of Manipur Arkan were ceded to British
Muhammad Ali Jinnah. In this session they firstly 1. Treaty of Purandar – 1776 (English and Maratha's)
demanded the creation of another Muslim state
"Pakistan" The term "Pakistan" was coined by 2. Treaty of Titalia – 1817 (Chogyal and British
Chaudhari Rehmat Ali in 1939. Gandhi started his East India Company)
Dandi March on 12th March 1930. During the 471. The former Princely state of Tripura in the
underground resistance of Quit India movement of
north-eastern part of India was ruled by ____
1942, leaders like Aruna Asaf Ali, Sucheta Kripalani,
Ram Monohar Lohiya and Jayaprakash Narayan were Dynasty.
foremost active. Also during this movement congress (a) Nagvanshi (b) Haihaya
launched a radio broadcasting. (c) Ahom (d) Manikya
467. Which of the following films is set in the back- SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-III)
drop of the India-China War of 1962? Ans. (d) : The Manikya dynasty was a ruling dynasty
(a) Haqeeqat in Tripura kingdom. Tripura was the original name of
(b) Aakrosh princely state of Tripura and the modern day state
(c) Roja Tripura.
(d) Hazaaron Khwaishein Aisi 472. Surendranath Banerjee and Ananda Mohan
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-II) Bose founded ____ in Bengal in 1876.
Ans. (a) : Haqeeqat is a 1964 film directed by Chetan (a) Indian Association
Anand in this film Dharmendra Balraj, Sahni Vijay (b) Oriental Association
Anand Priya Rajvansh, Sanjay Khan, is in the lead (c) Tathagat Association
role. The film is based on the background of India,
China war in 1962. The film won the "National award" (d) Bengal Association
for second best feature film in 1965. SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-I)
468. The noted freedom fighter Saheed Laxman Ans : (a) Surendranath Banerjee and Ananda Mohan
Nayak belonged to the state of –––––––. Bose founded Indian National Association on 26th
(a) Odisha (b) Gujarat July 1876, in Bengal. It favoured local self
(c) Chhatisgarh (d) Uttar Pradesh government and served as a preparatory agent for
SSC CPO-SI – 13/12/2019 (Shift-I) Indian National Congress.


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473. Which state of India was ruled by the Ahom The Simon Commission arrived in India in
Dynasty? 1928. It was formed to study constitutional reforms
(a) Assam (b) Karnataka and make recommendations to the government in
(c) Odisha (d) Rajasthan India. Simon commission was an all-white
commission without any Indain members. It was
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 13/06/2019 (Shift-II) formed on 26th Novemebr 1927. Simon commission
Ans : (a) The Ahom was a prominent dynasty that arrived in India on 3rd February, 1928. Simon
ruled the Assam regions. And also perhaps the Ahoms commission submitted its reports on 27 May, 1930.
were the first who raised the banner of revolt against 476. Which of the following statements is NOT true
British in 1827. And the leader of the revolt was about C Rajagopalachari ?
Gomdhar Konwar.
(a) He was a senior leader of the Congress
474. Who played a decisive role in the integration of (b) He was the first recipient of the Padma Shri
the princely states of India? Award
(a) Motilal Nehru (c) He was the founder of the Swatantra Party
(b) APJ Abdul Kalam (d) He was the first Indian to become the
(c) Sardar Vallabhbai Patel Governor General of India
(d) T.T Krishna Murthy SSC CPO-SI 25/11/2020 (Shift-II)
SSC GD 18/02/2019 (Shift-III) Ans. (b) : Chakravarti Rajagopalachari was the second
Ans. (c) : Sardar Patel played a significant role in person to get Bharat Ratna. He was a prominent
integration of Indian province/riyasats. He made the writer, lawyer and Philosopher. He was also known
integration of 565 Indian Riyasets. Some significant with the name Rajaji. He the first Indian Governor-
steps he took for General. As a tribute to him Rajaji National Park was
Hyderabad → through operation 'Polo' opened in Uttarakhand.
Junagarh → Through Referendum 477. Who was the first Indian to join the Viceroy's
Executive Council ?
Kashmir Integration → Signing of instrument of
accession (a) Tej Bahadur Sapru
(b) PS Siwaswami Lyer
475. Arrange the following events in correct
chronology. (c) Syed Ali Iman
(1) Champaran Satyagraha against indigo (d) Satyendra Prasad Sinha
plantation SSC CHSL 19/03/2020 (Shift-I)
(2) Strating of non-cooperation Khilafat Ans. (d) : According to 1909 Morley Minto reforms
movement the councils and their powers were extended.
(3) Rowlatt Satyagraha Satyendra Prasad Sinha become first Indian to join the
(4) Arrival of Simon commission in India Viceroy's executive council. Official majority was
retained in central legislative council and provincial
(a) 3-4-2-1 (b) 1-2-3-4
legislative councils to have non-official majority.
(c) 1-3-2-4 (d) 4-2-1-3
478. 18th Century freedom fighter Veerapandiya
SSC GD 18/02/2019 (Shift-I)
Kattabomman was from which present state ?
Ans. (c) : Champaran Satyagraha against indigo (a) Kerala (b) Tamil Nadu
plantation was in 1917. It was Mahathama Gandhi's
first satyagraha in India. It took place at Champaran in (c) Telangana (d) Karnataka
Bihar. Demand for high rent and illegal dues by SSC MTS 16/08/2019 (Shift-II)
European planters leads to Champaran Satyagraha. Ans. : (b) Veerapandiya Kattaboman was a 18th
British agreed to the demands of the farmers at the end century freedom fighter from Tamil Nadu. He was a
of this satyagraha. chieftain of Panchalan Kurichi. He denied the
Rowlatt Satyagraha was in 1919. It was against supremacy of East India Company and made a war
the anarchical and revolutionary crimes act (Rowlatt against it and this war came to be known as Polygars
act) was passed on 6th February 1919. Gandhiji called revolt.
this act as "black act". The act empowered the British
government to arrest any person without reason, 479. Which of the following became a union
search any place without warrant and imprison anyone territory of India in 1954 after about 280 years
without trial. of French rule ?
The Non-Cooperation Khilafat movement was (a) Dadra and Nagar Haveli
started in 1920. It is the first mass political movement (b) Daman and Diu
under Gandhiji in India. The attainment of swaraj by (c) Puducherry
peaceful means was the main goal of this movement. It (d) Lakshadweep
was called off by Gandhiji due to the Chauri Chaura
incident. SSC MTS 08/08/2019 (Shift-I)


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Ans. (c) : Earlier the Puducherry was subjected to Ans. (b) : Nawab Abdul Latif Khan is known as the
French rule. It also contained Yanam Mahe & 'Father of Muslim Renaissance' in Bengal. Nawab
Karaikal, headquartered in Puducherry itself. On 1st Abdul Latif Khan: (1828-1893) was a prominent
November, 1954 it was added to Indian territory. personality of mid 19th century Bengal. He was the
480. In which year was the Battle of Saragarhi fought? pioneer of Muslim modernization and the architect of
(a) 1880 (b) 1870 the Muslim Renaissance. He has been compared to
Raja Ram Mohan Roy as Nawab Abdul was
(c) 1897 (d) 1890 considered as the greatest Muslim Reformer of his
SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Shift-I) times. He persuaded Muslim Community who were
Ans. (c) : The Battle of Saragarhi took Place on 12th opposed to English education due to a combination of
September 1897. It was held against 10,000 pashtoons. social, economic and religious reasons to understand
Earlier Saragarhi used to be a part of India, but after the importance of English education and take part in
the partition it came in the area of Pakistan. politics. He also founded Mohammadan Literary
481. The Khurda Uprising took place in the year : Society in April 1863. He also proposed an new
(a) 1817 (b) 1822 syllabus for the madarsha that included arithmetic,
algebra geometry, philosophy with moral.
(c) 1917 (d) 1875
SSC MTS 09/08/2019 (Shift-II) 485. In which city was the Jhanda Satyagraha or
Flag Satyagraha of 1923 held ?
Ans. (a) : The Paika Khurda uprisings took place in
1817 at a spot named Khurda in modern Odisha (a) Nagpur (b) Ahmedabad
against exploiting policies of British. Leader (c) Bombay (d) Calcutta
"Jagbandhu" along his handful men defeated the SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 04/03/2020 (Shift-II)
Britishers successfully.
Ans. (a) : The Jhanda Satyagrah mainly took place in
482. Veteran freedom fighter, social reformer and Nagpur and other regions of India in 1923. It was a
feminist Savitribai Phule hailed from which of kind of citizen's civil disobedient movement, where
the following states of India? they hosted the Indian flag at many places.
(a) Maharastra (b) Rajasthan
486. In which of the following years was the
(c) Gujarat (d) Odisha Congress Socialist Party (CSP) founded?
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 03/03/2020 (Shift-I) (a) 1943 (b) 1934
Ans. (a) : Savitribai Phule was born on 3rd January (c) 1924 (d) 1914
1831 in Satara (Maharashtra). She became the first
female principle of the first girls school of country. SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 05/03/2020 (Shift-III)
She played a significant role in aiding of women Ans. (b) : The Congress Socialist Party was founded
education and empowerment. She was married with in 1934 in Bombay. Its founder was Acharya Narendra
Jyotibarao Phule. Dev and Jayaprakash Narayan. Its first conference
483. In which year Sanchi was discovered after held in Patna in 1934.
being abandoned for nearly 600 years ? 487. The World's Parliament of Religions where
(a) 1818 (b) 1814 Swami Vivekananda gave the famous speech
(c) 1816 (d) 1817 on the Universality of Religions was held in
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 03/03/2020 (Shift-I) Chicago (US) in which of the following year?
(a) 1978 (b) 1882
Ans. (a) Sanchi was rediscovered after 600 years by
Bengal Cavalry of Britishers in 1818. The discovery is (c) 1889 (d) 1893
attributed to General Henry Taylor. The town of SSC CHSL (Tier-I) –09/07/2019 (Shift-I)
Sanchi, the abode of one of the principal Buddhist Ans. (d) : Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902) is best
sites in located in the state of Madhya Pradesh. The known in the United States for his groundbreaking
Buddhist monuments there were awarded the status of speech to the 1893 world's Parliament of Religions in
UNESCO World Heritage site in 1989. The Sanchi which he introduced Hinduism to America and called
Stupa is the centre of attraction in the town. Its
for religious tolerance and an end to fanaticism.
foundation was laid by King Ashoka. He builds a
hemispherical mound over the relics of Buddha. Later 488. Which leader gave us the C R Formula?
expansion of Stupa took place during the time of the (a) Tilak
Shunga, the Satvahnas and the Gupta period. The (b) C.R. Das
victory of Chandragupta II has been carved on the
railing of the Stupa as an inscription. (c) Mahatma Gandhi
484. Who among the following is known as the (d) C. Rajagopalachari
'father of Muslim renaissance' in Bengal ? SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 06/03/2020 (Shift-I)
(a) Nawab Salimullah Khan Ans :(d) C.R. Formula also called Rajaji Formula was
(b) Nawab Abdul Latif Khan given out by C. Rajagopalchari. He proposed a person
(c) Ameer Ali formula in 1944 so that congress and the Muslim
League may come together and may co-operate in a
(d) Sir Sayed Ahmed Khan better way. Gandhi was one of the biggest supporter
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 04/03/2020 (Shift-III) of this formula.

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489. Jawaharlal Nehru addressed the Parliament on 494. Who was the founder of the Andhra Mahila Sabha?
the midnight of August 15, 1947, who was the (a) Durgabai Deshmukh (b) Pandita Ramabai
speaker after him? (c) Gayatri Devi (d) Sarojini Naidu
(a) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
SSC JE Mechanical 27.10.2020 (Shift-I)
(b) Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
Ans. (a) : Durgabhai Deshmukh was the founder of the
(c) C. Rajagopalachari Andhra Mahila Sabha and founded it in 1937. She
(d) Rajendra Prasad organized Salt Satyagrah during the Civil disobedience
SSC CPO-SI 23/11/2020 (Shift-I) movement in Madras and was imprisoned. She was the
Ans. (b) : On 15th August 1947, after the speech of Pt. founder of AMS (Andhra Mahila Sabha) institutions and
Nehru. Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was the one who other important social welfare organizations. he, with the
addressed the parliament. His philosophy was help of two other prominent nationalists (A. K. Prakasam
grounded in Advaita Vedanta. and Desodharaka Nageswararao), started the movement
in Madras. She was a member of the Constituent
490. After Independence, who became India's first Assembly. She was awarded the Tamrapatra and Paul
Deputy Prime Minister? Hoffman Award after independence in recognition of her
(a) Sardar Vallabhai Patel service to society. In 1975 Durgabai Deshmukh was
(b) Morarji Desai awarded with Padma Vibhushan award from the
government of India for his Social Work.The Durgabai
(c) Jagjivan Ram Deshmukh Award for women’s development was
(d) Charan Singh constituted in 1997 by Central Social Welfare Board, an
SSC GD 12/02/2019 (Shift-III) autonomous organization of the Ministry of Women and
Ans. (a) : After the India got Independence, Sardar Child Development, Government of India, to honour the
Patel was made the Vice Prime Minister and the home memory of its founder chairperson Dr. Durgabai Deshmukh.
Minister of the country. 495. Before its Independence, Bangladesh was part of..
491. Kala Bhavana, founded in 1919, is a noted (a) India (b) China
institution of education and research in visual (c) Pakistan (d) United Kingdom
arts. It is located in______ (SSC 10+2 CHSL 02.02.17, 1:15 pm)
(a) Bihar (b) Uttar Pradesh Ans : (c) With the partition of India in 1947, it became
(c) West Bengal (d) Sikkim the Pakistani province of East Bengal (later renamed
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 06/06/2019 (Shift-II) East Pakistan), one of five provinces of Pakistan,
Ans : (c) Kala Bhavana is the fine arts faculty of Visva separated from the other four by 1,100 miles (1,800 km)
Bharati University in Shantiniketan, West Bengal. It is of Indian territory. In 1971 it became the independent
an institution of education and research in Visual arts country of Bangladesh, with its capital at Dhaka.
founded in 1919, by Nobel laureate Rabindranath 496. Who was the founder of the Indian Reform
Tagore. Association in 1870?
492. Who among the following was the President of (a) Debendranath Tegore
the Central Legislative Assembly in August (b) Keshab Chandra sen
1925? (c) Rammohan Roy
(a) C. R. Das (b) Motilal Nehru (d) Dayanand Saraswati
(c) M.R. Jayakar (d) Vitthalbhai Patel SSC CGL (TIER-1) 07-09-2016, 1:15 pm
SSC JE Civil - 27/01/2018 (Shift-II)
Ans : (b) Indian Reform Association was formed on 29
Ans. (d) : Vitthalbhai Patel was the President of the October 1870, its founder and first president was
Central Legislative Assembly in August 1925. He was Keshav Chandra Sen. He was born on 19 Novermber
the co-founder of the Swaraj Party and legislator and 1838 in Kolkata. In 1866. Keshav Chandra Sen founded
political leader of India. He was the President of the the Bharatvarsha Brahma Samaj on which
Central Legislative Assembly between 24 August 1925 Devendranath named his society as Adi Brahmo Samaj.
to April 1930. Keshav Chandra went to England in 1870 where he
493. Who, before going to the gallows, had mentioned the Indian society on Religious Reform.
expressed his desire for keeping his ashes 497. Who was the first Indian to get selected in ICS?
intact till India is reunited and throwing them
into the Indus after the reunification has been (a) Dadabhai Naorojee
achieved? (b) Subhash Chandra Bose
(a) Uddham Singh (b) Surya Sen (c) Ravindra Nath Tagore
(c) Nathuram Godse (d) Bhagat Singh (d) Satyendra Nath Tagore
SSC CPO-SI – 11/12/2019 (Shift-II) SSC JE Civil - 29/01/2018 (Shift-I)
Ans. (c) : Nathuram Godse before going to the gallows Ans. (d) : Satyendranath Tagore was selected for the
had expressed his desire for keeping his ashes intact till Indian Civil Service (ICS) in June 1863. He completed
India is reunited and throwing them into the Indus after the his probationary training and returned to India in
reunification has been achieved. He assassinated Mahatma November 1964. He was posted as Judge, Satara after
Gandhi on 30 January, 1948. He was executed in the his examination. He was first Indian to get selected in
Ambala Central Jail on 15 November 1949. ICS (Indian Civil Services).

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498. Which of the following was the precursor of Ans : (c) D.C. Sircar was an epigraphist, historian,
Indian National Congress? numismatist and folklorist, known particularly in India
(a) Servants of India Society and Bangladesh for his work deciphering inscriptions.
(b) Indian Association He published Indian Epigraphy and Indian Epigraphical
Glossary in 1965-66. It is a comprehensive dictionary
(c) Indian National Union of documents dating back to nearly 2000 years ago.
(d) Indian League During 1949-1962, he was the Chief Epigraphist of the
SSC JE Civil - 23/01/2018 (Shift-II) Archaeological Survey of India. Sircar has also given
Ans. (b) : Precursor of Indian National Congress was his interpretation of various cultural references and
Indian Association. This was the first recognized documents of this glossary.
nationalist organization founded in British India by 503. In 1945, the_______Government came to
Surendranath Banerjee and Annand Mohan Bose in power in Britain and committed itself to
1876. Indian League was British based organization granting independence to India.
whose aim was to campaign for full independence and (a) Conservative Party (b) Labour Party
self government for India.
(c) Green Party (d) Liberal Democrats
499. Who was the chairman of the Economic
Programme Committee (EPC) that was formed SSC JE Mechanical – 23/03/2021 (Shift-II)
by All India Congress Committee in 1947 ? Ans. (b) : In 1945 , the Labour Party Government came
(a) Purshotamdas Thakuras to power in Britain and committed itself to granting
independence to India.
(b) Jawaharlal Nehru
(c) Dadabhai Naoroji 504. The Sino-Indian Border Confict was a war
between China and India that occurred in……
(d) Subhash Chandra Bose
(a) 1952 (b) 1962
SSC CHSL 26/10/2020 (Shift-II)
(c) 1972 (d) 1982
Ans. (b) : Economic Programme Committee was (SSC 10+2 CHSL 11.01.17, 10 am)
formed in 1947 by All India Congress Committee. It's
chairman was Jawaharlal Nehru. This committee was Ans : (b) The India-China War, also known as the
formed to make a plan to balance private and public India China border dispute, was a war in 1962. On 20
partnerships and urban and rural economies. In 1948 October 1962 the Chinese army launched simultaneous
this committee had recommended for Planning attacks in Ladakh and across the McMahon line and
Commission. captured Rezang-La in Chushul in the western region
and Tawang in the east.
500. Which of the following states has a district
named Tonk? 505. Which of these countries got Independence from
United Kingdom?
(a) Madhya Pradesh (b) Rajasthan
(a) Uzbekistan (b) Pakistan
(c) Maharashtra (d) Odisha
(c) Venezuela (d) South Korea
SSC JE Electrical 29.10.2020 (Shift-II)
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 02.02.17, 10 am)
Ans (b) : Tonk is a district of the state of Rajasthan in
Ans : (b) On 14 August 1947, Pakistan achieved
western India.The city of Tonk is the administrative independence from United Kingdom. One day prior to
headquarters of the district. It is situated 95 km by road Indian independence. India was partitioned, and an
south of Jaipur, near the right bank of the Banas River. The East and West Pakistan formed.
region was under Mauryas then it was merged into Malvas.
Later most of the region was part of the Harsh Vardhan 506. When was the Constitution of Pakistan enforced?
empire. Tonk was also the capital of the eponymous (a) 1973 (b) 1947
princely state of British India from 1817 to 1947. (c) 1952 (d) 1965
501. Who is considered the 'father of Indian SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-III)
Communism'? Ans. (a) : The constitution of Pakistan was enforced in
(a) C.R. Das (b) Kanailal Dutta 1973 but the country celebrates adoption of constitution
(c) Charu Majumdar (d) M.N. Roy on 23rd March. The county became republic as its first
SSC JE Mechanical – 23/03/2021 (Shift-II) constitution was approved in 1956. but later was
abrogated by a military coup. And again a second
Ans. (d) : Manabendra Nath Roy (22 February 1887 – constitution was approved in 1962 but later abrogated in
25 January 1954) was prominent Indian philosopher of 1972. But the 1973 constitution was the first Pakistan
a twentieth century. He was famous as the Father of constitution to be framed by the elected representatives.
Indian communism and viewed as the first
revolutionary leader of India. He was born in 1887 in 507. In which of the following Indian states will you
Arebelia, a village near Calcutta, West bengal. find the Tibetan Buddhist Golden Temple?
(a) Sikkim (b) Karnataka
502. In which year did D.C. Sircar publish Indian
Epigraphy and Indian Epigraphical Glossary? (c) Himachal Pradesh (d) Tamil Nadu
(a) 1966-67 (b) 1967-68 SSC CGL 13/04/2022 (Shift-III)
(c) 1965-66 (d) 1964-65 Ans. (b) Tibetan Buddhist Golden Temple is situated in
SSC CGL (Tier-I)-2019 – 06/03/2020 (Shift-I)

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World History
1. Which one of the following was the last 5. The Roman Republic that lasted from 509 BC
imperial dynasty to rule China? to 27 BC, was overthrown by ........ the adopted
(a) Qing dynasty (b) Ming dynasty son and heir of Julius Caesar :
(c) Sui dynasty (d) Yuan dynasty (a) Xerxes (b) Caligula
SSC CHSL 15/04/2021 (Shift-III) (c) Augustus (d) Darius
Ans. (a) : Qing dynasty ruled from 1644 to 1912. It (SSC J.E. 01.03.17, 10:00 am)
was the last dynasty in the history of China. The Ans : (c) Augustus was the founder of the Roman
dynasty succeeded the Ming dynasty. Participate. Augustus Caesar was the nephew and
2. Which of the following persons was associated adopted son of Julius Caesar. He was born before 63
with the American War in Independence ? AD, his childhood name was Octavius. Caesar adopted
(a) Abraham Lincoln him in 44 AD and the Roman senate named him
(b) Franklin D. Roosevelt Augustus in 26 BC. It overthrew the Roman Republic,
(c) Dwight D. Eisenhower Which lasted from 509 BCE to 27 BCE. Considered the
first emperor to control the Roman empire from 27
(d) George Washington
BCE to 14 AD (Until his death).
(SSC J.E. 04.03.17, 10:00 am)
6. In the middle of the first century BC, under
Ans : (d) The principal architech of the American ____, a high-born military commander, the
Revolution was George Washington. George
'Roman Empire' was extended to present-day
Washington integrated the American colonies and gave
Britain and Germany.
the United States its present form. In 1776 AD, the
American Revolution was completed and American (a) Alexander (b) Julius Caesar
independence was declared. On 30 April 1789, George (c) Xerxes (d) Caligula
Washington was elected the first president of the united
Ans : (b) Julius Caesar was born about 100 BC. He was
a descendant of the Trojan Prince Aeneas. Julius
3. Nationalism also accompanied by the break– Caesar, on the strength of his ability, replaced the
up of all the following empires, except, ......... General Roman republic into a great Roman empire.
(a) Austro–Hungarian (b) German
7. By the sixth century BC, ____ had established
(c) Russian (d) British control over major parts of the Assyrian
(SSC J.E. 01.03.17, 10:00 am) empire.
Ans : (b) Nationalism also accompanied by the break- (a) Iranians (b) Greeks
up of all the following empires, except, the German. (c) Romans (d) Mongols
Nationalism is a concept that insists a sense of identity
among the members of a nation. The national flag, the (SSC J.E. 02.03.17, 2:45 pm)
national anthem, the national emblem, etc. play an Ans : (a) The Assyrian Empire was located in areas of
important role in developing the idea of nationalism. northern Iran in ancient times. The famous city of the
The first and complete manifestation of nationalism is Assyrian empire was called the city of Assure (also
seen in the French Revolution which soon spread called Ashur). Ancient history of Assyria empire dates
throughout Europe. This included Britain, Australia, back to 4000 BC. In the sixth century AD, the Iranian
Hungary, Italy, etc., Where the monarchy was Empire invaded the Assyrian empire and incorporated it
abolished and the folk system was established. into their empire. The ancient Assyrian empire
4. The United States adopted the democratic flourished in the Tigris - Euphrates river valley.
constitution____. 8. .............. (14 – 37 CE), the second in the long
(a) 1932 (b) 1787 line of Roman emperors, was the adopted son
(c) 1877 (d) 2000 of Augustus .
SSC GD 11/02/2019 (Shift-II) (a) Constantine (b) Hearclius
Ans. (b) : The United States of America adopted a (c) Tiberius (d) Gallienus
democratic constitution on 17 September 1787. (SSC J.E. 02.03.17, 10:00 am)
Constitution of America came into force on 4 March
1789. American constitution has been amended 27 Ans : (c) Tiberius (14-37 AD) was the emperor of
times. The first ten amendments are collectively known Rome who was the adopted son of Augustus. He was
as the Bill of Rights. The Continental Congress the second emperor of Rome. During his reign, the
functioned as the provisional government of the United concept of ruler was divinely reformed and the
States from 1774 to 1781. US Constitution was the first economy of Rome was greatly improved. Yet his erratic
complete written national constitution. behavior made him an unpopular ruler.


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9. The ruler of the kingdom of Macedonia, 13. Taoism, is an ancient of Philosophy and
............ undertook a series of military religious belief deeply rooted in
campaigns and conquered parts of North (a) Tarwanese custom and world view
Africa, West Asia and Iran, reaching up to the (b) Chinese custom and world view
(c) Japanese custom and world view
(a) Alexander (b) Cyrus
(d) Vietnamese custom and world view
(c) Augustus (d) Aurangzeb
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 09-09-2016, 10 am
(SSC J.E. 03.03.17, 10:00 am)
Ans : (b) The great philosophical tradition of China,
Ans : (a) Alexander was the ruler of the great called 'Taoism', Tao philosophy began to flourish in the
Macedonia. He invaded North Africa, West Asia and third century BC. Tao means the passage or the rule
Iran and India in the context of fulfilling his ambitious through which every object of existence operates.
goal of becoming a world conqueror. Under the Indo Taoism is to guide people through mysterious comical
conquest campaign, Alexander ruled in 326 AD and short stories. Stories are small but their meanings are
crossed the Indus River and stepped on the land of very serious. We find the diatomical theory of 'Yin' and
India. Vitasta's war with king porus took place on the 'Yan' in the tests of confusion and Taoists. This is the
banks of the Jhelum river. In this war, He had defeated basic principle of natural philosophy.
to Porus. 14. Which country was a part of the Axis Powers
10. The People's Republic of China was founded in during World War 2?
1949, following the ................ revolution under (a) Yugoslavia (b) Poland
the leadership of Mao. (c) Belgium (d) Hungary
(a) socialist (b) democratic (SSC 10+2 CHSL 23.01.17, 10 am)
(c) fascist (d) communist
Ans : (d) The Second World War was a world class
(SSC J.E. 02.03.17, 10:00 am) war lasting from 1939 to 1945. Army, Navy and Air
Ans : (d) 1911 revolution brought about great changes forces from about 70 Countries were involved in this
in China. This revolution led to the collapse of a war. In this war, the world was divided into two parts
monarchy that had been in existence for thousands of the Allies and the Axis Nations. The Kingdom of
years in China, and the establishment of republican rule Hungary was a member of the Axis powers during
(1912-49) under the leadership of Sun Yat-Sen. The World War II, The kingdom of Hungary relied on
Mao led Communist Party and won the election after growing trade with fascist Italy and Nazi Germany by
World War II, and the People's Republic of China 1938, Hungarian politics and foreign policy had
(PRC) was founded in 1949 in China. become more nationalistic. In 1941 Hungarian troops
participated in the invasion of Yugoslavia and the
11. The ideas of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity, invasion of the Soviet Union.
which influenced the Indian National
Movement, was taken from………… 15. The Queen who had the nick name “Bloody
(a) American Revolution
(a) Elizabeth (b) Victoria
(b) Russian Revolution
(c) Mary I (d) Ruth
(c) Chinese Revolution
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 19.01.17, 4:15 pm)
(d) French Revolution
Ans : (c) Mary I (18 February 1516 - 17 November
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 02-09-2016, 4:15 pm
1558) was queen of England and Ireland, during her
Ans : (d) The idea of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity reign the heinous punishments given to protestants also
was included as a motivators in India's National brought her into disrepute as "Bloody Mary". Mary was
Movement. These ideas were received by the world only child of Henry VIII and his first wife Eragon
from the French Revolution. These three words acted Katherine.
as a radical change in the nature or the political system 16. The Renaissance is a period in Europe, from
of the world just as Satyam Shivam Sundaram is the………….
important in the field of religion and culture.
(a) 18th to the 20th century
12. During the reign of which dynasty was the (b) 14th to the 17th century
Great Wall of China constructed?
(c) 11th to the 13th century
(a) Sung (b) Tang
(d) 7th to the 10th century
(c) Han (d) Chin
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 21.01.17, 4:15 pm)
SSC CGL (TIER-1) 04-09-2016, 1:15 pm
Ans : (b) Renaissance is a cultural movement spread in
Ans : (d) The Great Wall of China was built during the Europe in the medieval period. The movement was
reign of the Chin dynasty. The Chinese wall was built started in Italy and spread over Europe in a short span
in the 5th century AD to prevent Mongol invaders on of time. It was lasted from about 14th century to 17th
the northern border of China. century, left its indelible mark in world history.

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17. Alexander the Great was born is ....................... Ans : (a) The names of the atomic bombs dropped by
(a) 356 BC (b) 189 BC America (US) on Japan were Little Boy & Fat Man. On
(c) 189 AD (d) 356 AD 6 August 1945, the first atomic bomb 'Little Boy' was
dropped on Hiroshima in Japan, killing about 1, 40,000
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 18.01.17, 1:15 pm) people and the second atomic bomb 'Fat Man' of
Ans : (a) Alexander was born in 356 BC in Macedonia. Nagasaki on 9 August 1945, killing about 70,000
He became the ruler of Macedonia when his father people.
Philip was killed in 359 BC. He conquered Iran, Syria, 23. When did the US drop the atomic bomb on
Egypt, Gaza, Victoria and Punjab in India during its Japanese city Hiroshima?
rule. Due to which he is also known as 'world
conqueror' (Vishva Vijeta). (a) 6th August 1945 (b) 18th July 1922
(c) 26th June 1947 (d) 11th May 1931
18. When did Alexander the Great die?
(a) 323 BCE (b) 623 BCE (SSC 10+2 CHSL 17.01.17, 4:15 pm)
(c) 423 BCE (d) 300 BCE Ans : (a) See the explanation of the above question.
SSC MTS 19/08/2019 (Shift-III) 24. Nuclear bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and
Nagasaki during the……..
Ans. (a) : Alexander the great died in June 323 BC in
Babylon at the age of 33. Alexander's commonder was (a) World War I (b) Asian War I
Seleucus Nicator and his Navy commander was (c) Gulf War II (d) World War II
Nearchus. Alexander had established a city named SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-I)
Buckephala. In Battle of Hydaspes (Jhelum)
Alexander defeated the Indian ruler Porus in 326 BC. Ans : (d) The first atomic bomb was used by The
United States during World War II on 6 and 9 August
19. During the first world war (1914-1918): 1945, in the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan,
(a) Prices had almost doubled resepectively.
(b) Prices remained unchanged 25. Anti-apartheid activist……as imprisoned for 27
(c) Prices were reduced years by the South African government in 1962
(d) Prices increased by less than 10% (a) Thabo Mbeki (b) Kgalema Motlanthe
SSC GD 11/03/2019 (Shift-II) (c) Nelson Mandela (d) Evelyn Mase
Ans. (a) : The First World War lasted from 28 July (SSC 10+2 CHSL 11.01.17, 4:15 pm)
1914 to 11 November 1918. It was fought between the Ans : (c) Nelson Mandela was the first black President
Allied and Central powers. Prices had almost doubled of South Africa. Prior to becoming president, he spent
during this War. 27 years in the prison of Robben Island where he had
20. World War I broke out in the year to work as a coal miner due to the ongoing anti
apartheid struggle in South Africa. In 1990, he created
(a) 1904 (b) 1914
a new South Africa after an agreement with the white
(c) 1924 (d) 1934 government. He became a symbol of opposing
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 08.01.17, 10 am) apartheid in South Africa and all over the world. The
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 23.01.17, 1:15 pm) United Nations decided to celebrate his birthday as
Nelson Mandela international day.
Ans : (b) The First World War began on 28 July 1914.
The immediate reason for this was the assassination of 26. Adolf Hitler, the…...…Politician was
Prince Ferdinand of Austria. During world war I, the responsible for genocide of millions of Jews.
world was divided into two parts, the Allied and the (a) German (b) French
Axis nations. The Allied nations included England, (c) Austrian (d) British
Japan, the United States, Russia and France, while the
Axis countries included Germany, Austria, Hungary (SSC 10+2 CHSL 09.01.17, 4:15 pm)
and Italy. In November 1918, the First World War Ans : (a) Adolf Hitler was a German politician and
ended. dictator. He formed the Nazi Party after the First World
21. World War II started in the year? War and racially massacred millions of Jews from 1933
to 1938. His autobiography is 'Mein Kampf'.
(a) 1914 (b) 1919
(c) 1939 (d) 1945 27. Adolf Hitler was from ..........
(SSC 10+2 CHSL 18.01.17, 10 am) (a) France (b) Germany
Ans : (c) World War II was a devastating global (c) United Kingdom (d) Spain
conflict that began in 1939 and ended in 1945. It (SSC 10+2 CHSL 20.01.17, 4:15 pm)
involved 100 million people from over 30 countries. Ans : (b) Adolf Hitler, the leader of Germany's Nazi
22. What were the names of Atom Bombs dropped Party, was one of the most powerful, notorious dictator
on Japan? of the 20th century. He was the dictator of Germany
(a) Little Boy & Fat Man from 1933 to 1945.
(b) Little Man & Fat Boy 28. Adolf Hitler committed suicide in………..
(c) Little Girl & Fat Woman (a) 1915 (b) 1925
(d) Little Woman & Fat Girl (c) 1935 (d) 1945
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2018 (Shift-I) (SSC 10+2 CHSL 17.01.17, 4:15 pm)

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Ans : (d) Hitler committed suicide on 30 April 1945. 33. Who among the following was the first
Hitler's strategic position began to deteriorate when president of the Republic of China?
United State joined World War II. Hitler's military (a) Hu Jintao (b) Yuan Shikai
officers conspired against him. He committed suicide (c) Yang Sangkun (d) Li Xiannian
in a bunker when the Russians invaded Berlin.
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-II)
29. Opium wars fought between the British and _.
Ans. (b) : Yuan Shikai was associated with the late
(a) Afghanistan (b) Myanmar (Burma) Qing dynasty of China and was a prominent military
(c) Bhutan (d) China and government official. He established the first
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-III) modern army and provincial government in Northern
China. He also became the first President of republic
Ans. (d) : The Opium Wars were two wars fought
of China in 1912.
between the Chinese Qing dynasty & European
Powers (British). Both the wars dynasty's attempts to 34. The Safavid dynasty ruled from modern day _.
curb the opium trade. The first war was fought from (a) Italy (b) Iran
1839-42 & Second one from 1856-1860. (c) Morocco (d) Saudi Arabia
30. Who was the Indian Army Chief at the time of SSC JE Electrical -26/09/2019 (Shift-I)
Bangladesh Liberation War?
Ans. (b) : The Safavids were a dynastic family that
(a) K M Cariappa (b) Rob Lockhart ruled over modern-day Iran. They sustained one of the
(c) Roy Bucher (d) Sam Manekshaw longest running empires of Iranian history, lasting
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 11/06/2019 (Shift-I) from 1501 to 1736. At the height of their reign, the
Safavids controlled not only Iran, but also the
Ans. (d) : Sam Manekshaw was the Indian Army
countries we now know as Azerbaijan, Bahrain,
Chief at the time of Bangladesh Liberation War (26
Armenia, Eastern Georgia, parts of the North
March 1971-16 Dec. 1971). He was also the first
Caucasus, Iraq, Kuwait, and Afghanistan, as well as
Indian Army officer to be promoted to the rank of
parts of Turkey, Syria, Pakistan, Turkmenistan and
Field Marshal.
Uzbekistan. Shah Ismail was the founder of the
31. Which country has given universal franchise in Safavid dynasty.
19th century.
35. The Bangladesh Liberation War ended on ___.
(a) Sri Lanka (b) India
(a) 14 November 1971 (b) 17 October 1971
(c) Pakistan (d) New Zealand
(c) 2 October 1974 (d) 16 December 1971
SSC GD 11/02/2019 (Shift-II)
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 10/06/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans. (d) : The struggles for democracy in the 19th
Ans : (d) Bangladesh Liberation War in 1971 was
century were often about values such as political
fought for Independence from Pakistan. The
equality, freedom and Justice. It is noteworthy that
Bangladesh Liberation war ended on 16 December
New Zealand is the country which gave universal
1971 with the surrender of army of west Pakistan. This
suffrage from the 19th century (1893). The age of
war fought for the existence of Bengali language and
universal suffrage in India was 21 years in 1950 but it
culture. Bangladesh was created after this war.
was reduced to 18 years in 1989 through 61st
amendment of constitution of India. 36. Burma became independent soverign republic
in the year _____.
32. In which war Napolean was defeated?
(a) 1962 (b) 1946
(a) Ligni (b) Jena
(c) 1950 (d) 1948
(c) Waterloo (d) Arcole
SSC CGL (Tier-I) – 12/06/2019 (Shift-II)
SSC GD 11/02/2019 (Shift-II)
Ans : (d) The Burma became independent sovereign
Ans. (c) : The Battle of Waterloo, which took place in
republic in the year 1948. On 4th January, under the
Belgium on June 18, 1815, marked the final defeat of
terms of the Burma Independence Act 1947 its new
Napoleon Bonaparte, who conquered much of Europe
name was included as union of Burma.
in the early 19th century. Napoleon rose through the
ranks of the French army during the French Revolution, 37. Which of these counties got Independence from
seized control of the French government in 1799 and United Kingdom?
became emperor in 1804. Through a series of wars, he (a) Uzbekistan (b) United States
expanded his empire across western and central Europe. (c) Venezuela (d) South Korea
The Battle of Waterloo, in which Napoleon’s forces
were defeated by the British and Prussians, marked the (SSC 10+2 CHSL 31.01.17, 10 am)
end of his reign and of France’s domination in Europe. Ans : (b) Among the above options United States
Napoleon Bonaparte was born in 1769 on the declared its independence from Great Britain on 4 July
Mediterranean island of Corsica. On June 22, 1815 he 1776. The American Revolutionary War ended in
was abdicated and exiled to the remote, British-held 1783, with Great Britain recognizing U.S.
island of Saint Helena, in the South Atlantic Ocean. He independence. The two countries established
died there on 5 May 1821, at age 51. diplomatic relations in 1785.

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