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Sub. Jr. A Sub. Jr.B Sub. Jr.C Sub. Jr. D Sub Jr. E Sub Jr.F Sub Jr. G Sub Jr. G
UKG UKG LKG LKG Nursery Nursery
S. Event Sr. Sr. Girls Jr. Boys Jr. Girls |V
Girls Girls Girls
Girls Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Boys Boys Boys Girls
No. Boys Boys Boys

100 M Race
200 M Race
10 400 M Race
11 800 M Race
12 1500 M Race
Long Jump
14 Shot-put Throw
Discus Throw
16 Javelin Throw
17 4 x 100 M Relay
4 x 200 M Relay
4 x 400 M Relay
20 Pyramid
21 MiniCross
Country Race
Tug of War
AnnualSports Day 2023
Rules and Regulations
1. Junior Category Class VI-VIlI (Below 14 years)
Note i- If any contestant of Jr. Group (on basis of Class) is above 14
years of age, he / she will be a contestant in Senior
Category (Class IX- XII)
Any disparity observed regarding the rules and regulations will result in the contestant being
disqualified from the event.
2. Senior Category :Classes IX- Xll
3. Names of three participants each event + 2extras
4. Relay Race 4 participants + 2 extras
5. One athlete can participate in two tracks t one junp +one throw one relay only (Jr. and Sr. Category)
6. Class Nursery to V one student can participate in one event only.
7. Tug of war consists of 1I players only.
8. Positions allotted to houses for March Past and Mass PT
1. Bose
2. Nehru
3. Gandhi
4. Patel
Mass PT each house should have 4 rows of boys and 3 rows of girls (Each row should consist of 25 students)
March Past Contingent of each house should have
> Placard Holder (Girl)
> Commander (Boy HouseCaptain)
º Flag Holder (Giri House Captain)
> 10 Files of Girls (i.e. 30 girls)
º 15 Files of Boys (i.e. 45 boys)
Total March Past contingent of each house =78 students
9. Details of points contribution towards house score of the following competitions:
1st 2nd 3rd ath
Mass PT 20 15 10
March Past 20 15 10
Team Event Tug of War 20 10
Pyramids 20 5 10
Mini Cross Country 20 15 10
Football (Boys) 20 15 10
Basketball (Girls) 20 15 10
House Discipline 20 10

100 m
400 m
Individual 800 m
Events 1500 m 10 7 5 3

Long Jump
4 x 100 m relay 20 15 10
4 x 200 m relay 20 15 10
4 c 400 m relay 20 15 10

10. All contestants qualifying for final heats (individual events) will contribute I point each towards House score.
Thesg points willnot be counted for individual championship.

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