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Diverse society

Race & Ethinity 5. I

Differences and variety

socio-culturally diverse:People ofdifferentraces, ethnicities, religious and nationalities

socio-economically diverse:People ofdifferent

levels of
education, income and wealth


Biological classification of
people (eg. Colour of skin/hair/eyes/ bone &
jaw structure)

culture of same
groupof people who share the ancestory, custom and traditions

·Each ethnic groups has its own beliefs, values and practices that shapes its identity and
way oflife

Representinterests of minority groups

Encourage integration among racial and ethnic groups

The double-barrelled race option in ICs was introduced for inter-ethnic marriages

Diverse society

Religion 5.2

organised collection of attitudes, beliefs, values, practices and world views

involves worship of gods

Has a narrative to explain the origins and meaning of life

Many religions promote values of compassion, love and respect

·Determined by birth/by choice

Diverse society
socio-economic 53 -


Economic situation shared by a group of

people insociety

Measured based on a combination of social and economic factors (individual's economic status)

Helps governmen,identify people who may require additional assistance

socio- mobility:

The movementacross socio-economic positions

May influence a person's life experience

Diverse society

NatiOnDliTY 54

People ofthe same nationality:

Citizens ofthe same country and
usually live together in a particular geographical area

share a common history and language, common practices, experiences and traditions

will feel more connected

Residents Foreigners

/ -
↓ -
Settle Singapore
permanently Citizens
in singapore

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