Chapter 2

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Function & roles of government

Functions of government 2. I


setof institutions by which a society is ruled

Rule of the people, which refers to the ability of citizens to participate in political decision making.
1. Representive democracy
Citizens electrepresentatives to form a
governmentto make decisions on their behalf

Does nothave unlimited power

·Mustactaccording to the country's constitution

Functions of government.
~> parliament
1. To make and pass laws (legislature)

Before a law is passed, the draft, bill, is debated in parliament

Process of a
1 becoming a law:

1. Firstreading

The bill is formally introduced in the parliament

·No debate

2. Second reading
and merits ofthe bill
Members debate the general principles

They whether the bill should proceed the next

vote on to
3. Committee stage

·Details of the proposed law are examined

changes to certain provisions can be proposed.

4. Third reading

Principles can no longer be questioned

The bill is then voted

5. Scrutiny by the Presidential Council for minority rights.

Ensuring bill does notdiscriminate against any racial religious community

2. President

President's decision on whether the bill should be a law

-> Cabinet
2. Implements and enforces laws (Executive)

Formulates and implements laws and governmentpolicies

Responsible for the day to day administration ofthe affairs of the state

-> t
3. Interprets and applies law
(drys family justice court

·Administers justice by interpreting and applying laws by legislature

·Makes formal judgements on disputes

separation ofpowers:
1. The legislature checks the Executive by asking Cabinet ministers questions on
governmentpolicies for discussion or in Parliament

2. The Executive checks the Judiciary by the removal ofjudges

3. passed declare it's inconsistent

The Judiciary checks the
legislature by ensuring the laws are consistentand itcan a law is void

4. The Judiciary ensures the Executive acts within the powers conferred to them and ifitfinds thatan authority has acted unlawfully,
itcan cancel the decision made, order the authority to act lawfully.
Function & roles of government
Roles of government 2.2

1. Maintains law and order

treated fairly
People obeys law and behave in an organised and peaceful way

Gor. preserve safety and security by ensuring thatCitizens' lives and properties are protected from harmful acts and by ensuring fie
When citizens take the law into their own hand, they could undermine law and order in their society

2. Ensures the economic and social well-being

·An individual has his/her basic needs for food, water and shelter met and have an opportunity to pursue his/her goals and enjoy a

satisfactory quality of life

Governmentcan provide goods and services to the public.

3. Promotes and protects acountry's national interest

Ensure its security and well being

Influences the objectives of the country's foreign policy

1. Through Diplomacy:
Practice ofobtaining cooperate in produce thatalign with their interests
agreementbetween countries to order to results

Promote common interest and resolve conflicting interests in a peaceful manner

Singapore forges strong bilateral relationships by frequentmeetings with both countries' political leaders.

Singapore establishes multilateral relationships with other countries through its memberships in regional and international organisations
(19. ASEAN)

Businesses have more opportunities to Asia Pacific region

conducive environment for a digital economy

2. Through deterrence

Measure acountry takes to discourage potential aggressors by making itcostly for them to attack (eg. building

military capabilities and defences in the air, on land and seal


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