List of Activities

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Class – 12

Subject – Physics


Activity - 1

To assemble a household circuit comprising three bulbs, three (on/off) switches,a fuse and a
power source.

Apparatus and material

Three bulbs (6 V, 1W) each, fuse of 0.6 A, main switch a power supply (battery. eliminator),
three (on/off) switches flexible connecting wire with red and black plastic covering, a fuse

Supplementary: Main electric board with a two-pin socket and main switch.

Electricity supplied to us for domestic purposes is 220 V A.C. and 50 Hz. The household
circuit, all appliances are connected in “parallel” with mains. The switches are connected in
series with each appliance in live wire. 5 A switches are required for normal appliances like,
bulbs, fluorescent tubes fans etc. 15 A sockets and switches are required for heavy load
appliances ‘like, refrigerator, air conditioner, geyser, hot plates etc. All appliances must have
three wires called live, neutral and the earth. Total power consumption ‘P’ at a time
P = P1 + P2 + P3 +……….
where P1, P2, P3 are the powers drawn by appliances.
To protect the appliances from damage when unduly high currents are drawn fuse of little
higher rating, 10 to 20% higher than the current normally drawn by all appliances. For
further safety, a suitable value MAINS FUSE like rating 32 A is connected in series with
supply source.


1. Connect the bulbs B1, B2 and B3 in series with switches S1, S2 and S3 respectively and
connect each set of B-S in parallel with each other.
2. Connect main supply to a step-down transformer (battery eliminator) to get required
voltage from 0 to 10 V (0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 V).
3. Connect the mains fuse M.S. in series with the power supply (battery eliminator).
4. Connect an A.C. ammeter in series with the B-S set.
5. Connect one end of power supply to one end of B-S set.
6. Check the circuit one again to ensure that household circuit is complete.
7. Gradually increase the current to 0.75 A, the fuse must bum off at about 0.6 A.


The components of the electrical circuit were assembled.


1. Care should be taken while working with mains.

2. Carefully determine the rating of the fuse by calculating the maximum current drawn by
the circuit.
Activity - 2

To study the variation in potential drop with length of a wire for a steady current.

Apparatus and material

Apparatus. Potentiometer:
Material: A fully charged 4.5 V battery or battery eliminator, a low resistance rheostat, a
voltmeter of range (0-3.0 V), an ammeter (0-3) A, a one-way key, a jockey, a set square,
connecting wires and a piece of sand paper.

For a potentiometer with wire of uniform material density and thickness (cross-sectional
area) carrying a steady current, potential drop is proportional to the length of the wire.

where K is the drop of potential per unit length. It is called the potential gradient.



1. Draw a circuit diagram showing the scheme of connections as in figure.

2. Remove the insulation from the ends of the connecting copper wires with a
sand paper.
3. Connect the positive pole of the battery (eliminator) (a battery of constant
e.m.f.) to the zero end (P) of the potentiometer and the negative pole through
a one-way key, an ammeter and a low resistance rheostat to the other end (Q)
of the potentiometer.
4. Connect the positive terminal of the voltmeter to the end P of the
potentiometer and the negative terminal to the jockey.
5. Touch the end of the jockey to the end Q of the potentiometer.
6. Close the key and set the rheostat such that the voltmeter gives full scale
deflection (3 V).
7. Touch the jockey at end P at 0 (zero) cm. The voltmeter will give zero
8. Touch the jockey at marks separated by 50 cm length of wire. Note the
voltmeter reading in each case.
9. Record your observations in tabular form as given ahead.

Observations and Calculations

Calculation from graph

Plot a graph choosing a suitable scale, for the values of potential drop V along y-axis and
length l along x-axis as shown in figure.


1. Check the uniformity of potentiometer wire at its various points.

2. The reading of ammeter should remain constant throughout the experiment.
3. Plug should be inserted into the key, only at the time of taking observation.
4. Do not press the jockey too hard on the potentiometer wire.
Activity – 3

To draw the diagram of a given open circuit comprising at least a battery, resistor/rheostat,
key, ammeter and voltmeter. Mark the components that are not connected in proper order
and correct the circuit and also the circuit diagram.

Apparatus and material

A battery eliminator or a battery (0 to 6 V), rheostat, resistance box (0 to 100 Ω), two- or
one-way key. D.C. ammeter (0-3) A and a D.C. voltmeter (0-3) V.

An open circuit is the combination of primary components of electric circuit in a such a
manner that on closing the circuit no current is drawn from the battery.

Ammeter: It should be connected in series, with the battery eliminator.
Voltmeter: It should be connected in parallel to the resistor.
Rheostat: It should be connected in series (in place of resistance coil) with the battery
Resistance coil: It should be connected in parallel (in place of rheostat).
One way key: It should be connected in series to the battery eliminator.


The components of the electrical circuit were assembled.


1. The positive terminal of the battery should be connected to the positive terminal of
ammeter and positive terminal of the voltmeter.

2. The ammeter should be connected in series with the resistor and the voltmeter should be
connected in parallel with the resistor.

3. Sand paper should be used to clean the ends of connecting wires and leads of the
component terminals. Grease/oil or oxide layer

Activity – 4

To identify a diode, an LED, a transistor, an IC, a resistor and a capacitor from a mixed
collection of such items.

Apparatus and material

Apparatus: Multimeter.
Material: Above mixed collection of items.

For identification, appearance and working of each item will have to be considered.

1. A diode is a two terminal device. It conducts when forward biased and does
not conduct when reverse biased. It does not emit light while conducting.
Hence, it does not glow.
2. A LED (light emitting diode) is also a two terminal device. It also conducts
when forward biased and does not conduct when reverse biased. It emits light
while conducting. Hence, it glow.
3. A transistor is a three terminal device. The terminals represent emitter (E),
base (B) and collector (C).
4. An IC (integrated circuit) is a multi-terminal device in form of a chip. [See
figure (UM 3482 IC Tone Generator)]
5. A resistor is a two terminal device. It conducts when either forward biased or
reverse biased. (Infact there is no forward or reverse bias for a resistor). It
conducts even when operated with A.C. voltage.
6. A capacitor is also a two terminal device. It does not conduct when either
forward biased or reverse biased. When a capacitor is connected to a D.C.
source, then multimeter shows full scale current initially but it decay to zero
quickly. It is because that initially a capacitor draw a charge.
The components to be identified are shown in figure.


1. If the item has four or more terminals and has form of a chip, it is an IC (integrated
2. If the item has three terminals, it is a transistor.
3. If the item has two terminals, it may be diode, a LED, a resistor or a capacitor.
To differentiate proceed as ahead.
4. Put the selector on resistance R of multimeter for checking the continuity. The probe
metal ends are inserted in terminal marked on the multimeter as common and P (or
+ ve).

If such that the black one is in common and red probe is in P (or + ve). On touching the two
ends of the device to the two other metal ends of probes.

1. If pointer moves when voltage is applied in one way and does not move when
reversed and there is no light emission, the item is a diode.
2. If pointer moves when voltage is applied in one way and does not move when re-
versed and there is light emission, the item is a LED.
3. If pointer moves when voltage is applied in one way and also when reversed, the
item is a resistor.
4. If pointer does not move when voltage is applied in one way and also when reversed,
the item is a capacitor.


Activity – 5


To study the nature and size of the image formed by (i) a convex lens (ii) a concave mirror
on a screen by using a candle and a screen (for different distances of the candle from the
lens/mirror). (i) To study nature and the size of the image formed by a convex lens. (for
different distances of the candle from the lens)


A candle, match box, a small candle-stand, a convex lens of small focal length and known
thickness, a screen with a stand, metre scale.

The position, nature and size of the image of an object formed by a thin convex lens varies
with the change in the position of the object as illustrated in Fig. A 13 (i).1(a) to A 13 (i).1(f)
for some specific positions. It is assumed that both the spherical surfaces of the lens have
same radii of curvature.

(a) Object is at infinity, i.e., u = ∞. A real, inverted and highly diminished image is formed at
the second principal focus, F2 on the other side of the lens, i.e. v = f, (i) when incident rays
of light is parallel to the principal axis; and (ii) when incident rays of light are not parallel to

the principal axis, the image is formed on the principal axis and focal plane respectively.
(b) Object is in between infinity and 2F1, i.e., ∞ > u > 2f. A real, inverted and diminished
image lies in between second principal focus F2 and 2F2 on the other side of the lens, i.e., 2f
> v > f.

(c) Object is at 2F1, i.e., u = 2f. A real and inverted image is also formed at 2F2 on the other
side of the lens, i.e., v = 2f. The size of the image is equal to the size of object.

(d) Object is in between 2F1 and first principal focus F1, i.e., 2f > u > f. A real, inverted and
enlarged image is formed in between 2F2 and infinity on the other side of the lens, i.e., 2f <
v < ∞.

(e) Object is at the first principal focus, i.e., u = f. A highly enlarged, real and inverted image
is formed at infinity on the other side of the lens, i.e, v = ∞.

(f) Object is in between the principal focus and the optical centre O of the lens, i.e., f > u > 0.
An enlarged, virtual and erect image is formed on the same side of the object.


1. Obtain an approximate value of the focal length of the convex lens by focussing the
image of a distant object. It can be found by obtaining a sharp image of Sun or tree on a
plain wall, on the other side of the lens and measuring the distance between the lens
and the wall with a scale. This distance is approximate value of the focal length, f of the
convex lens.
2. Fix a metre scale along the edge (lengthwise) of the table with a clamp or a cello tape.
3. 3. Fix lens LL′ in a lens stand and place it approximately in the middle of the metre scale
such that its principal axis is horizontal and parallel to the metre scale. In this position
the lens would lie in a plane perpendicular to the table.

4. Mount a lighted candle vertically on a small candlestand. Place this candlestand on the
left hand side of the lens. Adjust the upright such that the tip of the lighted candle lies
on the principal axis of the lens. In this situation, the height of the tip of the flame of
lighted candle becomes equal to the height of the optical centre of the lens.
5. Shift the candlestand (from left side of the lens) to a point slightly away from 2F1 (i.e.,
to a distance slightly more than 2f from the point O, where f is the focal length of the
lens as determined in step 1). According to Fig. A13 (i).1(b), the image of candle will be
formed at a position closer to the second principal focus F2 on the right hand side of the
6. Place a vertically mounted screen on the right hand side of the lens. Adjust its height
such that most of its portion lies above the principal axis of the lens (Fig. A 13 (i)2).
7. Shift the position of the screen near to the second principal focus F2 on the metre scale
functioning as an optical bench.
8. Make final adjustments to get a sharp image of the lighted candle on the screen. Note
the nature of the image.
9. Measure the height of the flame of the lighted candle using a small plane mirror strip
with a graph paper strip pasted on it. Also measure the height of the image of the flame
being formed on the screen. For this, fix a small graph paper on the screen.
Alternatively, fix a white paper on the screen and mark the positions of the top and
bottom of the image and determine the height of the image using a metre scale.
10. Shift the lighted candle towards the lens by a small distance (say by 5 cm or 3 cm).
Repeat steps (8) and (9) and record observations. In this manner take at least six sets of

SL. Position of the Position of the Position of Nature of Size of the

No. Lens Candle the image the image image
(cm) (cm) (cm)
1. 57.2 30.3 77.9 Real Enlarged

2. 49.9 25.0 72.1 Real Enlarged

3. 45.8 23.0 67.5 Real Enlarged

4. 47.5 20.1 68.5 Real Enlarged

5. 40.7 5.0 57.6 Real Enlarged

As the object (burning candle) is moved from infinity towards the convex lens, its image
(position of screen) moves from lens focus towards infinity.
For candle distance less than focal length, image becomes virtual and does not come on

1. As the object moves towards the focus of the lens the size of the image increases and it
moves away from the focus. In all these positions image is real and inverted and is formed
on the other side of the lens.

2. When the object is brought too close to the lens, the image on the other side is not seen.

3. When the object is at a distance less than the focal length, the image formed is virtual,
enlarged and erect. It is formed on the same side of the lens as that of the object.


1. This experiment should be performed at a shaded place where no direct light reaches
(preferably in a dark room) otherwise the images may not be distinctly visible.

2. While estimating the rough value of focal length f of the lens by focusing the Sun, do not
look at the image directly as it may hurt your eyes.

3. The uprights supporting the optical elements should be rigid and mounted vertically.

4. The aperture of the lens should be small otherwise the image formed will not be distinct.

5. Eye should be placed at a distance more than 25 cm from the image formed on the

Activity – 6

To obtain a lens combination with the specified focal length by using two lenses from the
given set of lenses.

Apparatus and material

A set of thin convex lenses, one of these is of given focal length (say 15 cm), (we have to
select a second lens such that the combination gives a single lens of focal length fc = 10 cm),
lens holder with stand, a white painted vertical wooden board with broad stand, half metre

1. The reciprocal of focal length in metre is called power of lens in dioptre (D).

2. With a convex lens, the real image of a distant object is formed at a distance
equal to its focal length.
3. If f1 and f2 be the focal lengths of the two lenses and F be the focal length of
the combination.



1. Keep the white painted vertical wooden board to serve as a screen.

2. The convex lens (known focal length f1 = 15 cm), fixed into a holder stand is
put on the left of the screen. There are sunlight illuminated green trees at
large distance on the left of the lens.
3. The lens is moved towards and away from the screen till a sharp, inverted
image of
trees is formed on the screen.
4. Distance between central lines of the screen and holder stand is measured by
a half
metre scale.
5. The distance gives the focal length of the convex lens about 15 cm.
6. Replace first lens by second convex lens of required power and repeat the
steps from 2 to 5. This gives the focal length of second convex lens.
7. Now bring both lenses in contact and repeat the steps from 2 to 5. This gives
combined focal length.
8. Determine the focal length with other given lens. Determine the focal length
of about six of the convex lenses.


Following combinations will be suitable.

The above combinations may be tried and result verified.


1. Thin lenses should be taken.

2. Lenses should have same aperture.

Sources of error

1. Lenses may not be thin.

2. Lens apertures may not be same.

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