Short Quiz Day 2

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Short Quiz Day 2

Louis Ezekiel Vallada

Grade 11 BA – AUH

1. To help students practice discipline, respect and integrity.

Another reason is so that students may also take the policies and
rules with unity and obedience towards the school.

2. Student responsibilities are the obligations of each and every

student studying here at Richmindale. The use of these are to
train the students to carry out more duties and responsibilities in
the present moment even in the smallest ways so that in the
future they may be able to take and carry out greater tasks and

3. 1. Student Appropriate Behaviour

2. Attendance
3. Dress Code & Grooming
4. Bringing of Unauthorized (or Prohibited) Objects
5. Misuse of School Property

1.During a group project, one student consistently interrupts and talks

over their group members, not allowing others to share their ideas.
How can the code of conduct's principles of respect and teamwork be
applied in this situation?

We should call out this narcistic behaviour of the student. In a

fraternal manner we must call the person’s attention privately and not
to humiliate him or her to the other classmates. We must explain the
use and meaning of teamwork. The moment when a group activity is
only being done by one student it becomes an individual work which
takes away the idea and meaning of a group activity.

2. Situation: A student notices that a classmate is copying answers

from another student's paper during a test.
- How can the code of conduct's principles of integrity and
responsibility guide the student's actions? What should they do?

I myself have experienced it first hand in my former school. We must

ask the teacher’s attention on this matter. We must also tell the
classmate that first and foremost he or she is fooling him or herself
when cheating is being done. We must also emphasize that he or she
is also stealing his or her answers from the seatmate next to him or
her. Cheating on test takes away the possibility of us to try our best
because we are dependent on someone else’s knowledge and not on
our own.

Situation: A student receives hurtful and demeaning messages from

an anonymous person on social media.
- How can the code of conduct's principles of respect, communication,
and digital citizenship help address cyberbullying? What steps can the
student take?

I personally would ignore their comments and try to focus on people

who gives positive vibes and people who help me bring the best of

4. Situation: A student notices that a new student is sitting alone

during lunchtime while others are in groups.
- How can the code of conduct's principles of kindness, inclusion, and
empathy be applied to ensure everyone feels welcome?

I personally would try to socialize and at the same time respect their
personal space. Over time we naturally tend to grow closer to people
we work with so it wont be such a problem if we have a new

5. Two students in a group project have differing opinions on how to

approach the assignment and start arguing during a virtual meeting.
- How will you assist or react as a responsible student? And what are
the possible steps to stop them in respect with the teacher who is
facilitating the classes?

My answer is very short but simple. I would recommend that they

resolve their argument outside the meeting.

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