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I)Complete the empty spaces with the affirmative, negative or interrogative forms of the Present Perfect of the verbs in brackets: Ex: They have already managed (to manage/already) to solve all the exercises from the manual. 1) - __________________________ (to do) this before, Kim? 2) - __________________________ (to complain/they) about this already? 3) - I __________________________ (to receive/just) great news from their part. 4) - She __________________________ (to decide) to pay us a visit soon. 5) He _________________________ (to learn/not) his lesson yet. 6) I __________________________ (to see/not/never) someone like him before. Hes quite unique. 7) _________________________(to make/ I) myself clear? 8) You ____________________________ (to change/ not) a bit in all these years. 9) I __________________________ (to plan) this carefully, thus nothing can go wrong. 10) Are you sure we _________________________ (to meet/not/before)? II)Complete the empty spaces with the appropriate form of the words in brackets, also find the most appropriate place for the adverbs following the verbs: Ex: You have done this before (to do/this/before), I can tell 1)I ________________________ (to do/this/before), I know it, I just cant remember when that was. 2) My friend and I ________________________ (to listen/once) to this type of music once. It doesnt agree with our personality. 3) The family _______________________ (to decide) to go on a trip for two days. 4) Mr. Memory ________________________ (to memorize) all the numbers in to phonebook and he is determined to become even more competent in his activity. 5) How old are you, madam? - Im 24, sir, 24 and a few months. - How many months is that madam? - Just 78. I _____________________ (to be) 24 for quite some time now. III) Transform the sentences from exercise I) from affirmative into negative and interrogative, from negative into affirmative and interrogative and from interrogative into affirmative and negative ones.

IV) Complete the spaces with the proper tense, paying close attention to the use of the past participle:

Ex: She has become (to become) unrecognizable, if you ask me.

1)They _______________ (to rise/never) to the level of her expectations. 2) How many times ________________ (to pay/you) for this coffee? - Not that many 3) I hope you _____________________ (to learn) your lesson, young man! - I sure have. Im never walking on glass again, at least not this year. 4) But I ________________________ (to teach/already) how to multiply those numbers! - Yes, mummy, but that was seconds ago. Theres no point to living in the past. 5) Does this dress make me look fat, honey? - hm, you _________________________ (to catch/ before) me with this one.

V)Differentiate between the use of Present Perfect and Past Simple in the following sentences:

Ex: - Have we met before (to meet/we/before)? You seem familiar. -We shook (to shake/yesterday) hands yesterday at the office. -Ah, yes my memory never fails me!

1)Yesterday you ___________________ (to go) to the park and you ________________ (to spend) four hours there. One would think you ____________________ (to have/enough) of it. 2) My neighbor ______________________ (to allow) his Chiwawa to bite me too many times. Last week I ________________________ (to buy) a can of the little beasts favorite dish and I plan on covering my Pitbulls leg in it. Lets just see whose leg he chooses to bite this time! 3) He feels like he ___________________ (to hear) this song before. It must have been on that cold night when he _______________ (to do) nothing but cry and regret his terrible decision.

4) Do you know anything about animals? - Well, I _____________________ (to see/ before) a cow once, but cant say the same about this thing called goat or about this other thing they call hen, I ____________________ (to see/however/just yesterday) a snake just yesterday. Does that count? 5) The students ___________________________ (to grow) tired of these exercises and are asking for new ones. Luckily, I ______________________ (to prepare) some new ones yesterday.

VI) Choose between the following tasks as a homework: 1)Write an email to your friend about the mysterious events that have happened to you recently, using both the Past Perfect and the Past Simple as much as possible. 2)Make up at least 20 sentences in which to differentiate between the use of Present Perfect and Past Simple with the help of the specific adverbs and prepositions.

- emphasis

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