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Re com m e n de d Foods For Blo od T ype O

Le a n Re d M e at s: M a le s: 4 - 6 oz., Fe m a le s & Childr en: 2 - 5 oz., 4 - 6 t im e s/ w e ek for bot h

All Typ es, Veal, Mu tt on , et c.
Fish/ Se a food: 4 - 6 oz., 3 - 5 t im es/ w e ek
Blu efish, Cod, Hake, Halibut , Her r ing, Mackerel, Pik e, Rainbow Trout , Red Snapper, Salm on, Sardin e, Shad,
Snapper , Sole, St riped Bass, St urgeon, Sword fish , Tilefish, Whit e Per ch, Whitefish, Yellow Per ch , Yellow t ail and
Poult r y / Bird s: M a les: 4 - 6 oz ., Fe m a le s & Child r en: 2 - 5 oz ., 2 - 3 t im e s/ w e ek
Eggs: One , 3 - 4 t im e s/ w e ek
Eggs shou ld b e fr om fr ee- range, organically raised anim als.
M ilk Pr od uct s: Ch e ese : 2 ounce s 0 - 3 t im e s/ w e e k
Farm er, Goat , Feta, Mozzerella and Gh ee ( clar ified but t er.)
Fat s a nd Oils: 1 Table spoon, 4 - 8 t im e s/ w e ek ( v ery a ct iv e pe ople m a y re quir e la rge r am ount s)
Ext ra Virgin Olive Oil, Or gan ic clarified But ter ( Gh ee) and Organ ic Coconut Oil ( Spect ru m Natu rals brand)
N ut s an d Se eds: N ut s and Se e ds: 6 - 8 , 3 - 4 t im e s/ w eek , N ut / Se ed But t er : 1 Tbsp, 3 - 7 t im e s/ w eek
Pum pkin Seeds and Walnu ts
Be a ns a nd Legu m e s: 1 D r y Cup, 1 - 2 t im e s/ w e ek
Aduk e, Azuki and Pin to beans. Black- Eyed peas.
Ce re a ls: 1 dry cup, 2 - 3 t im e s/ w e ek
Am arant h, Barley , Buckw heat , Kamu t, Kasha, Millet ( Puffed) , Rice ( Cream of Rice, Rice Bran , Puffed Rice) and
Spelt .
Br e a ds, m uffins a nd Cra ck er s: Br ead s: 1 slice , 0 - 2 t im e s/ day , M uffin s: One , 0 - 1 t im e / day
Essene or Ezekiel Bread. Fin Cr isps, Millet, Rice, 1 00% Rye, Rye Vit a, Sp elt and Wasa.
Gr a ins a nd Pa st a : Bot h: 1 dr y cup, 0 - 3 t im es/ w e ek
Made with: Am aranth, Barley, Bu ckwheat, Kasha, Quinoa, Rye, Spelt , Bar ley, Spelt and Rice ( Basm ati, Brow n,
Whit e, Wild, etc.) Art ichoke Pasta
V e get able s: Raw : 1 cup 3 - 5 t im e s/ day , Cook ed: 1 cup 3 - 5 t im es/ day
Art ichoke ( Dom est ic, Jerusalem ) , Beet Leaves, Br occoli, Chicory, Collard Greens, Dand elion, Escarole, Garlic,
Horseradish, Kale, Kelp/ Seaw eed ( All Types) , Kohlrabi, Leek , Lett uce ( Rom ain e) , Okra, Onions ( Red, Span ish,
Yellow) , Par sley , Parsnip s, Pum pk in , Red Peppers, Sp inach , Sw eet Potatoes, Sw iss Chard, Turnips.
Fruit s: 1 fr uit ( 3 - 5 ounce s) 3 - 4 t im e s/ day
Figs ( Dr ied or Fresh) , Plum s ( Dar k, Green, Red) and Prunes.
Juice s: 8 ounce s 2 - 3 t im e s/ da y
Black Ch erry, Pineapple, Pru ne, Carrot , Celery , Cucum ber
W a t e r : 8 ounces 4 - 7 t im e s/ da y
Drink up t o one half your body w eigh t in ounces of pur e wat er and ju ices per day. Wat er should have a high
alkaline pH.
Spice s:
Carob, Curr y, Kelp, Parsley, Cayenne Pepper, Salt ( Sun or Air Dried Eart h or Sea Salt ) and Turm eric.
Condim ent s:
Jam s & Jellies from any fruit s list ed abov e, Mayonnaise, Mustard, Salad Dr essings ( from oils listed ab ove, fresh
Lem on or Lim e Ju ice and Sp ices) and Wor cest ershir e Sauce.
H e rba l Te a s:
Cayenne, Chickw eed, Dandelion , Fen ugr eek, Ginger, Hops, Lind en, Mulber ry , Par sley , Pepperm int , Rose Hips,
Sar saparilla and Slippery Elm .
M isce lla ne ous Be v er age s:
Club Soda and Seltzer Water ( such as Perrier, etc.)

Foods t o a void For Blood Typ e O

M e at s:
• Red Meats: Por k or anyt hing m ad e w it h it.
• Poult ry/ Birds: Goose.
• Fish/ Seafood: Bar racuda, Catfish, Caviar , Lox ( Sm oked/ Cured Salm on, Oct opu s or Pickled Her ring .
• Crustaceans: Con ch.
D a ir y a nd Eggs:
All Milk or Milk Product s ( I ce Cr eam , Kefir, Yogurt , et c.) asid e fr om cheese occasionally .
Fat s a nd Oils:
Canola Oil, Corn Oil, Cot tonseed Oil, Peanut Oil, Safflow er Oil.
N ut s an d Se eds:
Brazil, Cashew , Litchi, Peanut s, Pistachios or Poppy Seed s.
Be a ns a nd Legu m e s:
Copp er, Kidney, Navy or Tam ar ind beans. Len tils.
Br e a ds, Ce re a ls a nd Muffins:
Cor n, Oat s, or Wheat or products m ade with t hem .
Gr a ins a nd Pa st a :
Cor n, Oat s, or Wheat or products m ade with t hem .
V e get able s:
Avocado, Br ussels Sprou ts, Cabbage ( Chin ese, Red , White) , Cauliflow er, Corn ( White, Yellow) , Eggplan t, Mush room
( Dom est ic, Shiitake) , Must ard Gr eens, Olives ( Black, Greek, Span ish) , Potat oes ( Red, Whit e) or Alfalfa Sprout s.
Fruit s:
Blackb er ries, Coconu ts, Melon ( Can taloupe, Honeydew) , Oranges, Plan tain s, Rh ubarb , St raw berries or Tangerines.
Juice s:
Orange or Cabbage.
Spice s:
Capers, Cinnam on, Corn star ch, Corn Syrup, Nutm eg, Pepp er ( Black Ground, Whit e) , Vanilla, Vinegar ( Apple Cid er ,
Balsam ic, Red Wine, White, et c. NOTE: Use fr esh squ eezed lem on j uice inst ead if vinegar.
Condim ent s:
Ket chup, Pickles or Relish.
H e rba l Te a s:
Alfalfa, Aloe, Bu rdock, Coltsfoot , Corn Silk, Echinacea, Gent ian, Golden seal, Red Clov er , Rhubarb, Saint John’s
Wort , Senna, Shepherd’s Pu rse, St rawberr y Leaf ir Yellow Dock.
M isce lla ne ous Be v er age s:
Coffee ( Regular or Decaf) , Liq uor , Soda ( Cola, Diet , Ot her ) or Tea ( Regular Black or Decaf.)
Supplem ent Suggest ions
Below are vitam ins and m inerals th at are especially im por t ant for y our blood t ype and foods high in each nu trient .
B Com p le x ( e sp ecia lly B1 2 a nd Folic Acid) : Meat ( Liver, Kidney , Muscle Meat s) , Eggs in m oderation, Nuts,
Dark Green Leafy Vegetab les and Fruit .
V it a m in K: Liver , Egg Yolks, Green Leafy Veget ables ( Collard Greens, Kale, Spinach, and Sw iss Chard) , and Liquid
Chlorophy ll.
Ca lciu m ( 6 0 0 - 1 ,0 0 0 m g e le m e nt a l) : Unboned Sardines, Canned Salm on, Broccoli and Collard Gr een s.
I odine : Deep Ocean Fish and Kelp ( all t yp es of seaweed .)
M a nga ne se: Prim arily in w hole grains & legum es. Supplem ent only for brief period s for chronic j oint pains.
V it a m in A: Yellow , Orang e, and Dark Green Leafy Veg ies. ( No fish oil Vitam in A supplem ents.)
V it a m in E: Oils, Liver, Nu ts, and Dark Green Leafy Vegies

Char a ct e r ist ics of Ty pe O - Be st on H igh Pr ot e in D iet

• Thriv e on intense p hysical exercise and anim al pr ot eins

• Do not do w ell w ith dairy and grain products
• Hard y digestive t ract
• The leading fact or in w eight gain for Typ e Os is the g lu ten found in wheat germ and whole wh eat products.
• Type O have a t endency t o have low levels of thy roid horm one & unstable thy roid functions, w hich cause
m etabolic problem s & w eigh t gain.
• Type O have high stomach- acid cont en t, can digest m eat easily.

Ch a ra ct er ist ics of T yp e O - Be st o n H igh Pro t e in D ie t

Com m en t s M o st Ben ef icial Fo od a llo w ed Fo od n o t a llo w ed

The m or e str essful y our job or

dem anding y our exercise progr am , the Beef, Lam , Mutt on, Veal,
higher the gr ade of pr ot ein y ou should Venison

Any m eat except

Ty pe Os can efficiently digest and
Pro t e in for t hose listed Bacon, Ham , Goose, Por k
m et abolize m eat s
not allowed

Cold- w at er fish ar e ex cellent for Ty pe Any fish or

Barr acuda, Pick led her ring, Cat fish,
Os. Many seafood s ar e also excellent seafood except for
Cod, herr ing, Mack er el Sm oked salm on, Caviar, Oct opus,
sour ces of iodine, which regulat es t he t hose list ed not
thyr oid funct ion. allow ed

Butt er, Farm er,

Ty pe Os need t o sev er ely r est r ict the Fet a, Mozzarella,
D airy All ot her dair y product s and y ogur ts
use of dair y produ ct s and eggs Goat cheese, Soy

Canola oil, Corn oil, Peanut oil, Cott on seed oil,

Fat Ty pe Os respond well t o oils Oliv e Oil, Flax seed oil
Sesam e Oil Safflow er oil

These foods should in no w ay t ak e t he

All kinds ex cept
place of high- pr ot ein m eat s, and they Br azil, Cashew, Peanut , Pistachios,
N uts Pum pkin seeds, Walnut s t hose list ed not
ar e high in fat especially if you ar e Poppy Seeds
allow ed
ov er weight .

Ty pe Os don't utilize beans par t icular ly

All kinds ex cept Beans - copper , k idney, navy ,
well. They t end to m ake m uscle t issue Aduk e beans, Azuk i beans,
Bea n s t hose list ed not tam arine. Lent ils - dom est ic, gr een,
slightly less acidic and inhibit t he Pint o beans, Black- ey ed peas
allow ed red.
m et abolism of other nut r ient s.

Corn, Gluten, Graham , Wheat

Am ar anth, Barley, ( Bulgur , Duru m , Spr outed, w hit e
Ty pe Os do not toler at e wh ole wheat Buck wheat , Rice, and whole, Ger m and Br an) far ina,
Gra in s Essene Br ead, Ezekiel Bread
pr oducts at all. Kam ut , Kasha, Oat, Seven- gr ains, or any pr oduct s
Millet , Ry e, Spelt such as flour, br ead and noodles
m ade wit h t hese grain pr oduct s

Br assica fam ily: Cabbage, Br ussels

These vegetables inhibit the thyr oid
sprout s, cauliflower, m ustard
funct ion for Type Os
gr eens

These vegetables help blood clot , Type

Kale, collard greens, rom aine
Os lack sev er al clot t ing fract or s and
let t uce, br occoli, spinach
need v it am in K to assist in the pr ocess

These vegetables ir r it ate t he digest ive

tr act and t he high m old count can Alfalfa sprout s, shiit ak e
aggr av at e Ty pe O hyper sensit iv it y m ushr oom s, fer m en ted oliv es
pr oblem s.
V eg et a ble s These vegetables can cause ar t hr it ic
Nightshades: eggplant , pot at oes
condit ion s in Ty pe Os

This veget able affect t he product ion of

insulin, oft en lead t o obesit y and Corn
diabet es for t he Type Os.

This fr uit agglut inat e all blood t ypes

Tom at oes
but Ty pe Os.

Art ichok e, Chicor y,

Dandelion, Gar lic,
Hor seradish, Kale, Leek ,
Okr a, Onions, Par sley , All kinds ex cept
Par snips, Red Pepper s, Sweet t hose list ed not av ocado
pot at oes, Pum pk in, seaweed, allow ed
t ur nips

Com m en t s M o st Ben ef icial Fo od a llo w ed Fo od n o t a llo w ed

Dar k r ed, blue and pur ple fruit s t end

to cause an alkaline reaction the
digest ive t r act, and ther efore balance
Plum s, pr unes, figs
the high acidity of t he Ty pe Os
digest ive t r act t o reduce ulcers and
ir r it ation s of t he stom ach lining.

These fr u it s con tain high m old coun ts

which can aggr av at e Type Os Melons, cantaloupe, honey dew
Fru it s
hy persensit iv ity problem s ( aller gies)

These fr u it s are high in acid cont ent

Gr apefr uit, m ost Or anges, t anger ines and
which m ay ir r it at e t he acidic st om ach
ber ries st r awber r ies, blackber r ies, Rhubarb
of Type Os

Fr uit s ar e not only an im port ant sour ce

All kinds ex cept
of fiber , m inerals and vit am ins, but
t hose list ed not
they can be an ex cellent alternat ive t o
allow ed
br ead and past a for Ty pe Os

Ty pe Os ar e ext rem ely sensit iv e t o this coconut and coconut - containing

fr uit . pr oducts

Rich sour ce of I odine t o regulat e the Kelp- based season ings,

thyr oid gland iodized salt

Spice s Soot hing t o t he digest ive t ract s of Par sley, cur r y, cay enne
Ty pe Os pepper

Whit e and black pepper, vinegar,

Ir r it ant s to the Ty pe O st om ach capers, cinnam on, Cor nstar ch, Corn
sy rup, Nut m eg, Vanilla

chocolate, h oney, Ketchup, pick les, m ayonnaise,

Con dim en t s
cocao relish

Seltzer w ater, Club soda and

Bev er ag e s beer , w ine Coffee, Dist illed liquor , Black Tea
t ea

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