Lesson-2 IT5 C2

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Lesson 2

Business Layout and Location

 Layout-refers to design or plan for the shop- its
structural arrangement
 Location- refers to the site or place where the shop is
 It must be remembered that the physical appearance
and site of a store can win the business owner new
business deals and more regular costumers.
Business Layout

In drawing up a good business

layout, consider the type of
merchandise, volume of
required furniture and
equipment, and the number of
employees to attend to
customers at one time.
 1. closed lay out- ex. fast food chain,
drug store
 2. parallel shelves lay out- ex.
 3. u-shaped layout- boutique and shop
 4. U-shaped and parallel shelves lay
out- ex. Department store
Business Location

 In looking for suitable business

location, think in terms of making
the best impression. An
entrepreneur must pay particular
attention to appearance and
presentation with customers
foremost in his mind.
Business location must answer the ff. questions:

 1. Does the site look beckoning or inviting to

customers?- the place should be attractive enough to
keep the customers talking about it, promoting it for
the owner.
 2. Is it convenient for the customers?
 3. is it accessible by foot and public transportation?
 4. Is there adequate parking space?
 5. Is it situated in a safe neighborhood?
Business Location should consider the ff:

 1. accessibility of transportation to consumers

 2. Adequate parking space
 3.Neighborhood safety
 4. Customer base
 5. Adequate store space
 6. Suitability for future expansion
 7. Cost
 8. Competition
 Lay out is not the only important thing that
makes a business facility appealing. There is
also interior design to think about-how to
make a store aesthetically attractive and
functional at the same time. Think of the
colors, lighting, vistas and space savers. The
design of a store actually tells a lot about its
owner-it reveals his personality which is
conveyed to the customers and employees.

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