Closing Program

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EMCEE 1: Ladies and gentlemen! We have come now to the end of this 3-days encampment.

am certain that everyone is satisfied with the learnings they gained from this activity.

To our ever-dynamic and supportive school principal Ma’am Rita Loyda Alvarez Biag, MAED,
to our school President Sir Hilbert Lagasca Biag, to our dedicated fellow teacher-scouters and
trainers, to our BSP and GSP Participants, supportive parents, Good morning.

As per Nelson Mandela, “Scouting inspires patriotism, sound moral values, courage, character
building, self-reliance and community awareness.” Today, these values are just as relevant in
helping youth grow to their full potential. Scouting helps youth develop academic skills, self-
confidence, ethics, leadership skills, and citizenship skills that influence their adult lives. They
are able to develop these values and skills while they also enjoy outdoor activities that will surely
make their inner-child heart happy.

But before we start, let us first invoke and thank our Almighty God to be led to us by Glorianne
Daniel Alvarez Biag, the SSC President.

May I request everybody to stand up please for the invocation. This will be followed by the
singing of the National Anthem Lourayne Dela Cruz, conducting.

Every journey has its end and every path does stop somewhere. And now, we have come to
the end of that journey. However, this only marks the end of the BSP/GSP 2023, not the
knowledge and practice in using all the moral values which should be carried on and
enhanced further.

Let us now continue with the official Closing Message by our beloved school
principal and spiritual mother, Ma’am Rita Loyda Alvarez Biag, M.AED.

Thank you, Ma’am, for the inspiring message.

Now is the time for giving appreciation to all p a r t i c i p a n t s w h o h a d w o r k v e r y

h a r d i n t h e competition.

We would now invite Ma’am Rita Loyda Alvarez Biag and Sir Hilbert Lagasca Biag, to
give awards to our winners.

Please welcome

For the best troop leader…….

Best troop goes to……

We have now come to the end of the ceremony. We would like to thank you for
spending your time with us this morning.

We would like to express our thanks to Ma’am Loyda Alvarez Biag , Sir Hilbert
Lagasca Biag and Ma’am Feliza Pinera, all teachers, staff and pupils who had given us big
support and help to run our program during BSP/GSP 2023 successfully.

Thank you very much! God bless us all.

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