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General English Assignment

Fatoumatta Jallow GC#22221403

Year one 1

Advance diploma secondary

Question 1

List the eight part of speech.

1. Nouns

2. Pronouns

3. Adjectives

4. Verbs

5. Adverbs

6. Prepositions

7. Conjunctions

8. Articles

Question 2

Define each of them and give examples.

1. Nouns

A noun is a word that names something, such as a person, place, thing or ideas.

In a sentence, nouns can play the role of :

• subject

• object (direct and indirect)

• complement (subject and object)

• appositive

• adjective

1. He is from Farato.

2. True love never die.

2. Pronouns

A pronoun is a word that is used instead of a noun or noun phrase. Pronouns are used to avoid
repetition. There are quite a few different types of pronouns, and some pronouns are found in more
than one category. Here are some of the most common

Personal pronouns Demonstrativ pronouns

•I them • that

• me we • this

• you us • these

• she her • those

• he him

Interrogative pronouns Progressive pronouns

• who • my

• what • your

• which • their

• whose • whoes

Relative pronouns Reflexive pronouns

• who • myself

• what • yourself

• which • themselves

Indefinite pronouns

• one
• other

• everybody

• anybody

• everybody


1. There is no peace among themselves.

2. He is the English lecturere.


An adjective is a word that describes nouns.

Adjective order

* Opinion

Ugly, beautiful

* Size

Big, small

* Shape

Round, square

* Colour

Pink, orange

* Age

Old, new


1. I have a pink bag.

2. Fatou have a new shoes.

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