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11 Key Tech-Related Skills And

Concepts Every Professional Should

Learn according to Forbes
In today’s increasingly tech-focused world, it is more important than ever for professionals of every
stripe to have a basic understanding of various technological concepts and skills. This is especially true
for those working in leadership positions, as technological advancements are rapidly reshaping the ways
we work and do business.

Below, 11 Forbes Technology Council members share some key tech skills and related knowledge they
believe every professional should have, even if just at a basic level. No matter your team or role, these
skills can help you navigate the ever-evolving landscape of technology in business and stay ahead of the

1. Basic Programming

I believe knowing the basics of computer programming and how software development works can help
individuals understand how technology works and enable them to create simple programs and make
informed decisions about technology. It can also open up job opportunities in tech and related fields and
enable one to more effectively collaborate with technical teams.

2. No-Code And Low-Code Development

One area of knowledge I recommend all professionals learn is the basics of no-code and low-code
development. Even if an entrepreneur is not an expert programmer, having a basic understanding of no-
code and low-code concepts and logic can help them in the early stages of their business, from
launching minimum viable products to simply developing solutions for any task.

3. Data Analytics

To keep up with the technology-driven world, all professionals should acquire data analytics skills. Only
by carefully analyzing data can companies reveal significant insights and patterns that can aid in making
informed decisions. Proficiency in data analysis enables professionals to gain an advantage in the job
market and across different industries in this tech-focused world.

4. AI Function And Potential Uses

With the ongoing development of artificial intelligence, individuals working in a variety of industries may
find it useful to have a fundamental grasp of how it functions and its possible uses. With a basic
understanding of computer vision, natural language processing and machine learning, professionals may
find new ways to use AI to enhance their products or offerings.

5. How Technologies Work Together

The most important thing is to learn, on a high level, how things work. There will always be new tech
languages and improvements, but familiarity with the foundational ways technologies connect to each
other and work in the background will help you understand how information flows as well as possible
risks in new products or solutions.

6. Data Literacy

Understanding how to collect, analyze and make decisions based on data is important for professionals
in all fields. It involves understanding how to identify and collect relevant data, how to analyze and
interpret data using tools such as spreadsheets and data visualization software, and how to use data to
make informed decisions.

7. Identity Security

Identity is a technical companion you always have with you. Using the principles of identity security and
learning the identity threat terrain is the best way to gain technical expertise that has a direct benefit for
the professional who masters it. Credentials and identities are top targets in cyberattacks, and gaining
fundamental identity security knowledge is essential.

8. The Origins And Flow Of Data

Get to know who generates data and how it percolates through the tech industry. Connect with the flow
of data by learning how data points are accrued and enriched from multiple sources. Know who the
custodians of global data are and how they open it up for others. A bird’s eye view into the lifecycle of
data is important for professionals of every stripe to successfully navigate a tech-forward world.

9. Cybersecurity Tactics And Risk Factors

One of the largest threats today is cybersecurity risk. Threats and vulnerabilities, such as phishing
attacks, malware and social engineering tactics, can have serious consequences for businesses, including
financial loss, reputational damage and legal liabilities. An understanding of cybersecurity can help
professionals better protect their own personal data and that of their organizations. -

10. Industry Focus

The tech world is not just changing, it’s accelerating. In such an environment, the most important skill is
the ability to focus. Every day there are new trends, new releases and new hype. A professional can save
a lot of time and frustration by being able to focus and invest time only on what is really unique and
beneficial to their organization and market—not on “new and shiny” distractions.

11. Web Architecture

Having a basic understanding of the architecture of the Web may be helpful to help you better
communicate with IT professionals. Questions to research include how does a computer access a
website? Where is data stored? What keeps internet traffic secure?
Data Literacy is the ability to explore, understand, and communicate with data in a meaningful way.

Identity security refers to the tools and processes intended to secure identities within an organization.

It aims to protect, manage, and monitor identities to prevent unauthorized access.

Cybersecurity refers to the technologies, processes and practices designed to protect organization's data
and sensitive information from unauthorized access by cyber criminals.

Cybersecurity risk is the probability of exposure or loss resulting from a cyber-attack.

Web architecture is the process of designing, creating and implementing an internet web application.

Data Flow is a data integration approach that involves the movement, transformation, and processing of
data from various sources to a target destination. It allows businesses to extract data from diverse
sources, such as databases, applications, files, and load it into a centralized storage system like a data

Data Flow involves more steps:

Source Identification: Identify and select the data sources from which you want to extract data.

Data Extraction: Extract data from the selected sources using connectors or APIs.

Data Transformation: Transform the extracted data into a format suitable for processing and analytics.

Data Loading: Load the transformed data into a centralized storage system like a data lake or a data

Data Processing: Perform various operations on the data, such as filtering, aggregating, and joining, to
derive insights and support analytics.

Data Consumption: Make the processed data available for consumption by data analysts, data scientists,
or business users for reporting, visualization, and advanced analytics.

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