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TPC 11

Global Culture, Tourism and Geography

Behaviors and Behavior Change in the Middle East

Submitted by:
Mondragon, Klent
Laroa, Janessa
Landagan, Kristine Andrea Y.

4th Year BSTM-A Students

Submitted to:
MR. Randy Pulvera

November 2023

This abstract explores behaviors and the dynamics of behavior change within the
context of the Middle East. Examining cultural, social, and economic factors, it delves
into the complexities that influence individual and collective behaviors in the region. The
study aims to provide insights into the challenges and opportunities for implementing
effective behavior change interventions, considering the unique cultural nuances that
shape attitudes and actions in the Middle East. Through a multidisciplinary approach,
this research contributes to a deeper understanding of behavior dynamics in the region,
offering valuable implications for policymakers, practitioners, and researchers engaged
in promoting positive societal change.


Table of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS…...…………………………….………………………...…..... iv
Rationale 1
Conceptual Framework 4
Theoretical Background 5
Statement of The Problem 7
Significant of the Study 8
Scope and Limitations of the Study 10
Definition of Terms 11
Related Literature and Studies 12
Research Methodology 18
Research Design 18
Research Environment 19
Research Respondents 22
Sampling Technique 23
Data Collection Procedure 25
Data Analysis 30
Chapter 1


Tourism is generally regarded as the act of traveling to a different location, for

either business or pleasure purposes (“Tourism Guide”, n.d.). With growing

globalization, people are increasingly travelling beyond their usual environment for

relaxation, business or other reasons. Given the competition in the tourism industry,

destinations must differentiate themselves from their rivals, and methods to increase

competitiveness and attract more international tourists have therefore become a

major challenge for academics and industry practitioners. Understanding customer

demand and perspectives allows destinations to acquire a competitive edge

(Almadani, 2021).

Research has shown that a tourist’s experience can be characterized

according to their decisions, behaviors, needs and experiences (Suhartanto et al.

2020). Hence, Tourist behavior is crucial in tourism marketing since it helps

businesses to understand the demands of potential tourists. Tourist behavior is

defined as the process and activities involved when people search, choose, use,

evaluate, and dispose of products and services to satisfy their needs and desires

(Morisson, 2017). Considering travel behavior as a consumption system makes it

possible to better understand the multiple decisions and actions that unfold within the

process of travel (De Vos & Witlox 2017).

Tourism, as a global phenomenon, is subject to the influences of various

socio-political factors, including conflicts. In the case of Middle East, the region has

been subject to political turmoil, and its tourist arrivals have not fully capitalized on

the potential that the region holds. It has a wealth of heritage, a climate conducive to

tourism and a range of leisure resources that should provide a comparative and

competitive advantage to its tourism industry. However, most destinations in the

Middle East have suffered, directly or indirectly, from the impact of recent social and

political changes in the region. On the ongoing conflict in Israel, it is inevitable that

neighboring countries will be affected; perhaps, according to Khaled Ibrahim, co-

founder of the Middle East Travel Alliance, about 40% of tours in Jordan have been

canceled, 20% in Egypt, 15% in Oman, and 10% in the UAE. Tourism in the Middle

East has varied significantly across different countries due to the diverse geopolitical

situations in the region. Some areas have managed to sustain tourism despite

conflicts, while others have seen a decline.

Furthermore, Therefore, this research paper aims to address this problem by

investigating the behaviors and behavior change in tourism in the Middle East. The

study will explore the factors driving these changes and their implications for the

sustainability of tourism in the region.

Conceptual Framework


Reason for the behavioral change in the Middle East and its impact on tourism
Factors that affect the change of tourist behavior in the Middle East
Literature and Studies about the Behavior and Behavior Change in the Middle East

Data Gathering
Statistical treatment
Computation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data
Summary of Findings and Conclusion


Proposed Recommendation

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

Theoretical Background

The theoretical framework of this research study is based on several theories

related to tourism and consumer behavior. One of the primary theories that will guide

this study is the push-pull theory of tourism motivation proposed by Crompton, 1977;

Dann, 1977. This theory posits that tourists are motivated by two sets of factors -

push factors that originate from within the individual, such as the need for rest and

relaxation or the desire for adventure and exploration, and pull factors that originate

from the destination, such as the beauty of the natural scenery or the cultural

attractions of the area. The push-pull theory can help explain the behavior and

behavior changes in the Middle East. The study will identify the push factors that

motivate local tourists to travel and the pull factors that attract them to visit the


Another theory that will guide this study is the Social Exchange Theory by

Homans in 1958. In the context of tourism, this theory can be applied to analyze

tourist behavior. Tourists evaluate the perceived rewards (such as enjoyment,

cultural experience, relaxation) and costs (such as travel expenses, time, potential

risks) associated with visiting a destination. This evaluation influences the touirists

decision on whether to visit a place, how long to stay, what activities to engage in,

and even whether to return in the future.

Finally, the study will also draw on the theory of consumer behavior by Martin

Fishbein and Icek Ajzen, which posits that consumers' purchasing decisions are

influenced by a range of factors, including personal, social, cultural, and

psychological factors. The study will consider the socio-demographic profile of

tourists visiting the countries of Middle East, such as their age and gender to

understand how these factors influence their decision to visit the resort.

By drawing on these theoretical frameworks, the study aims to provide a

comprehensive understanding of the behavior and behavior change in the countries

of Middle East. The study's findings can contribute to the development of effective

marketing strategies and sustainable tourism practices that benefit both the tourism

industry and the local communities.

Statement of the Problem

The primary issue addressed by this research study is determining the behaviors

and behavior change in the countries of the Middle East.

Specifically, this study aims to answer the following research questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

A. Gender

B. Age

2. How do these behavior changes impact the tourism industry and local

communities in these regions.

3. What are the factors that affected the changes in tourists’ behavior?

4. What implications and recommendations can be drawn for the progress of the

tourism industry in the Middle East?

Significance of the Study

The researchers believed that this research study would not only answer the

research questions raised in the latter part but would also be beneficial to the


First, this study enriches the broader landscape of tourism in the Middle

East countries. By delving into the behavior and behavior changes of visitors, it

advances the existing body of research, offering deeper insights into the dynamics of

tourism within the country. These findings can be a valuable resource for tourism

stakeholders, policymakers, and academics who are dedicated to advancing

sustainable tourism practices, enhancing the overall tourist experience in the area,

and further strengthening the tourism sector in the countries of the region.

Secondly, the study directly benefits visitors to the area by identifying

opportunities for development and improvement. By uncovering the problems and

changes the country has experienced, this, in turn, enhances the overall visitor

experience, adapt to the situation, attracting more tourists, elevating the city's

reputation as a sought-after destination, and boosting economic growth through

increased visitor expenditure.

Lastly, the research findings and insights hold great value for future scholars

specializing in tourism and hospitality. The outcomes of this study can serve as a

solid foundation and a point of reference for forthcoming research in similar contexts,

both within the Middle East and in other countries. It can provide a framework for

future studies exploring factors impacting local tourism, visitor satisfaction, and

strategies for tourist attraction. This contribution fosters the cumulative knowledge

and understanding of the tourism industry, leading to improved practices, well-

informed decision-making, and the continuous advancement of the country's tourism


Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study will investigate the behavior and behavior change in the countries

of Middle East. It will encompass tourists who have visited the countries located in

Middle East in the past year. The study will adopt a quantitative research design and

employ survey questionnaires as the primary data collection method.

However, it's essential to acknowledge the study's limitations. These include

the potential for response bias among survey participants and the challenge of

generalizing the findings to other tourist destinations in the area. This study will not

encompass tourists who didn’t visit any of the countries within its scope. The

research will be conducted during the 2nd semester of the 2023-2024 school year.

Definition of Terms

In this research study, the terms listed below have been operationally defined

based on their context-specific usage.

Behavior - the actions, decisions, and patterns exhibited by individuals when they

travel for leisure or recreational purposes.

Behavior change - the shifts or alterations in the actions, decisions, and patterns

exhibited by individuals when they travel.

Tourism - the activities of people traveling to and staying in places outside their

usual environment for leisure, business, or other purposes for not more than one

consecutive year.

Tourists - individuals who travel from their usual place of residence to another

location, typically for leisure, recreation, cultural exploration, or business purposes.

Push factors - Factors that encourage tourists to leave their usual environment and

visit the Middle East, such as the need for a change of scenery or desire for new


Pull factors - Factors that attract tourists to visit the Middle East, such as its natural

and cultural attractions, quality of services, and facilities.

Chapter 2


The existing literature on tourist behavior and behavior change in the areas of

the Middle East provides valuable insights into the unique dynamics of tourism in

these regions.

A study by Kozak et al. (2007) examined tourist behavior in destinations with

political instability, focusing on the case of Israel. The research found that despite

ongoing conflicts, tourists were still attracted to the country due to its rich cultural and

historical significance. However, safety concerns significantly influenced their

behaviors, leading to changes such as shorter stays and avoidance of certain areas.

In a similar vein, a study by Sönmez (1998) explored travel decisions in the

context of terrorism in Turkey. The findings suggested that perceived risk played a

crucial role in shaping tourist behavior, often resulting in changes such as choosing

alternative destinations or postponing travel plans.

Research by Aziz (1995) on tourism in Egypt during periods of political unrest

revealed that while the number of tourists declined during peak conflict times, there

was a notable resilience in tourist behavior. Many tourists adapted their behaviors,

such as opting for packaged tours for increased security or visiting less risky regions

within the country.

Focusing on Lebanon, a study by Hallak et al. (2012) found that despite the

country's history of political instability and conflict, its cultural heritage, natural

beauty, and hospitality continued to attract tourists. However, changes in tourist

behavior were evident, particularly in terms of increased sensitivity towards safety

measures and careful selection of travel times to avoid peak conflict periods.

Overall, the literature indicates that while conflicts in the Middle East can

significantly influence tourist behavior, leading to various adaptations and changes,

the region's rich cultural and historical appeal continues to draw tourists. This

underscores the need for effective management strategies to ensure the safety and

satisfaction of tourists, thereby promoting the resilience and sustainability of tourism

in these areas.

Chapter III


The research methodology is an essential aspect of any research study as it

helps to ensure that the research objectives are met and that the findings are

accurate and reliable. In this particular study, the researcher utilized a descriptive

research design to investigate the behavior and behavior changes in

Research Design

The research design entails collecting data from both primary and secondary

sources. A self-administered questionnaire was provided to 50 randomly selected

visitors who had visited any countries of Middle east during the previous year to

collect primary data. The questionnaire was created to collect data on the variables

that affected their decision to visit the specific destination. The researcher also

gathered information about tourism in each country to acquire insight into their

marketing strategy and facilities that attract local tourists.

Research Environment

The research study titled was conducted within the context of a rapidly

growing tourism industry in the countries of Middle East. The country's rich natural

beauty, diverse cultural heritage, and warm hospitality have attracted a growing

number of tourists from both domestic and international markets. Local tourism,

defined as travel undertaken by residents within their own country, has gained

increasing recognition for its potential to contribute to economic growth and social


Research Respondent

The research study “Behavior and Behavior Change in the Middle East"

employed a purposive sampling technique to select 50 respondents from the tourist

population of the region. Purposive sampling involves selecting participants who are

believed to have relevant information or experience related to the research question.

This method was chosen to ensure that the study participants had a direct

understanding of the study. The final sample of 50 respondents comprised a diverse

group of tourists. The diversity of the sample ensured that the study findings were

representative of the broader local tourist population.

Sampling Technique

This employed a purposive sampling technique to select 50 respondents from

the tourist population of the countries in Middle East. Purposive sampling involves

selecting participants who are believed to have relevant information or experience

related to the research question.

Purposive sampling is a non-probability sampling technique, meaning that the

selection of participants is not based on random chance. Instead, the researcher

carefully selects participants who are believed to be informative and representative

of the target population. This method is particularly useful when the target population

is difficult to define or when random sampling is impractical. This ensured that the
study findings were based on the experiences and perspectives of individuals who

had firsthand experience of the place

Data Collection Procedures

Gathering comprehensive insights into the factors influencing local tourist

behavior was essential for the research study. To achieve this, a combination of

quantitative and qualitative data collection methods was employed. The study's data

collection procedures were meticulously designed to ensure the reliability, validity,

and ethical treatment of participants.

Data Analysis

The researchers will use statistical treatment in analyzing the data that will be

gathered from the study. The following formula was used to determine the behavior

and behavior change of the Middle East. Percentage (P) = F/n x 100

Where in:

P = Percentage

F = Frequency

n = Number of respondents


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