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Rumah Tongkonan is a traditional house style found in the Toraja ethnic group of South Sulawesi,

Indonesia. These houses are characterized by their distinctive boat-shaped roofs and elaborate wood
carvings. The term "Tongkonan" itself refers to the ancestral houses of the Torajan people.

Here are some key features of Rumah Tongkonan:

Boat-shaped Roof: The most prominent feature of Rumah Tongkonan is its saddleback roof, which
resembles an inverted boat. This unique architectural design is not only aesthetically pleasing but also
serves practical purposes, allowing rainwater to run off easily.

Elaborate Wood Carvings: Tongkonan houses are adorned with intricate wood carvings, often depicting
scenes from Torajan mythology, folklore, or daily life. These carvings are not only decorative but also
hold cultural and symbolic significance.

High-pitched Roofs: The roofs of Tongkonan houses are steeply pitched, contributing to the boat-like
appearance. This design is practical in a region with heavy rainfall, as it helps prevent water from pooling
on the roof.

Bamboo Construction: Traditionally, the structure of Rumah Tongkonan is built using bamboo and other
natural materials. The walls are made from woven bamboo, and the floors are often elevated to protect
against flooding during the rainy season.

Symbolic Layout: The layout of the Tongkonan house is also symbolic. The front of the house typically
faces north, and the back faces south. The north is considered the direction of the ancestors, and the
south is associated with life and fertility.

Rice Barns (Alang): In addition to the main Tongkonan house, there are often rice barns or granaries
(locally known as "alang") nearby. These structures also feature distinctive boat-shaped roofs and are
used for storing rice, which holds great cultural and economic significance in Torajan society.

Colorful Decorations: Tongkonan houses are often painted in vibrant colors, with red, black, and white
being common choices. These colors are not only visually appealing but also hold cultural meanings.
Rumah Tongkonan plays a crucial role in Torajan culture and rituals. It is a symbol of the community,
family, and the connection between the living and the ancestral spirits. The construction of a Tongkonan
house involves intricate rituals and ceremonies, emphasizing the spiritual and social importance of these
traditional dwellings.

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