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Short Answer Questions


• The purpose of this task is to assess your knowledge relating to human resources
strategic planning.
• You must answer all eleven (11) questions. Where applicable, a guide to the length
of your response for each question is provided next to each question.
• You must complete this task by the due date set by your trainer and assessor.
• You will need access to the following resources to complete this task:
o Learner Guide and class notes
o Computer with MS Office Suite (or similar) and internet access.
• You must provide your responses in your own words. You can refer to the Learner
Guide or other sources, but you are not allowed to copy sentences and/or
paragraphs directly from these sources. If your responses are found to have been
copied directly from the learner guide or other sources, your result for this task will be
Not Satisfactory.
• You will complete this task at home in your own time.
• You must submit evidence as per the ‘Evidence Submission Checklist’ by the due


1. Describe five (5) key functions of a Human Resources Manager. (in 20 to 40

words each)
✓ Recruitment and Selection: HR managers oversee the hiring process, attracting
top talent, conducting interviews, and making hiring decisions.

✓ Employee Development: They facilitate training and development programs to

enhance employee skills and knowledge.

✓ Compensation and Benefits: HR managers design and manage compensation

packages and benefits to ensure employee satisfaction and retention.

✓ Employee Relations: They mediate conflicts, address employee concerns, and

maintain a positive work environment.

✓ HR Compliance: HR managers ensure the organization adheres to labor

laws and regulations, reducing legal risks.
2. Explain the importance of the human resources strategic planning function and list
three (3) objectives related to human resources strategic planning. (in 100 to 120

✓ Talent Management: Identifying, developing, and retaining top talent to meet

current and future business needs.

✓ Change Management: Preparing the workforce for organizational changes and

fostering adaptability.

✓ Diversity and Inclusion: Promoting a diverse and inclusive workplace to drive

innovation and better reflect the customer base.

3. Explain the aim and scope of the Fair Work Act 2009 and its importance for the
human resources function. (in 30 to 40 words)

The Fair Work Act 2009 is Australian legislation governing employment conditions and
labor relations. Its aim is to establish a framework for fair and equitable workplace
practices. Its scope covers employment standards, industrial relations, and dispute
resolution. It's important for HR as it ensures compliance with labor laws, employee
rights, and provides guidelines for resolving workplace issues, maintaining fairness and
harmony in employment relationships.
4. Outline the 11 minimum workplace entitlements for a permanent employee of
an organisation outlined in the National Employment standards.

▪ Maximum weekly working hours.

▪ Requests for flexible working arrangements.

▪ Parental leave and related entitlements.

▪ Annual leave and personal/carer's leave.

▪ Community service leave.

▪ Public holidays.

▪ Notice of termination and redundancy pay.

▪ Fair Work Information Statement.

▪ Long service leave (in some states).

▪ Superannuation contributions.

▪ Rest breaks.

5. Outline at least four (4) examples of the information that must be kept for
each employee according to the Fair Work Regulations 2009. (in 40 to 50

▪ Employee's full name and contact details.

▪ Terms and conditions of employment, including start date, position, and

pay rate.

▪ Records of hours worked and overtime.

▪ Leave records, including annual leave, sick leave, and any other

6. Outline at least 4 types of employees who are covered by unfair dismissal laws and
4 types of employees which are not.
▪ Permanent employees (full-time and part-time).

▪ Casual employees who have been employed regularly and systematically

for at least 6 months.

▪ Apprentices and trainees.

▪ Some fixed-term contract employees, depending on their contract terms

and length.

Employees Not Covered by Unfair Dismissal Laws:

▪ Independent contractors.

▪ Employees dismissed within the first 6 months of employment on a

genuine probationary period.

▪ High-income employees (earning above a threshold).

▪ Employees covered by a Modern Award who are engaged for a

specified task or season.

7. Explain each of the following options for sourcing workforce. For each option
discuss at least two (2) advantages and two (2) disadvantages of using options
for the provision of human resource services.

Workforce Description Advantages Disadvantages


Recruiting Recruiting from outside ✓ Fresh ✓ Cost and Time:

the company involves Perspectives: Recruiting
from outside hiring individuals who External hires externally can be
of the are not currently bring new ideas costly and time-
employed by the and fresh consuming due
company organization to fill job perspectives to to expenses
vacancies or meet the organization, related to
specific skill potentially advertising,
requirements. This can enhancing recruitment
be done through various innovation and agencies,
means, such as job problem-solving. onboarding, and
postings, external ✓ Skills and the learning
recruitment agencies, or Expertise: You curve for new
headhunting. can tap into a hires.
broader talent ✓ Cultural Fit: It
pool, accessing may take longer
individuals with for external hires
specialized skills to adapt to the
and experiences company culture,
that may not be and there's a risk
available that they might
internally. not align with the
values and work
Casual labour Hiring casual labor ✓ Flexibility: Easy ✓ Limited
involves employing adjustment of Commitment:
workers on a temporary the workforce Casual
or irregular basis, often size to meet employees may
without long-term fluctuating lack loyalty or
commitments or benefits.
demand. motivation to the
✓ Cost Savings: organization.
Lower labor ✓ Skill Variability:
costs as casual Quality and skill
employees levels may vary
typically receive among casual
fewer benefits. labor, affecting
New Employing recent ✓ Cost-Efficient: ✓ Training
graduates or trainees Entry-level Investment:
graduates or who lack extensive work salaries are Initial training
trainees experience but bring often lower, and mentorship
fresh knowledge and reducing labor may be required.
potential. costs. ✓ Lack of
✓ Opportunity for Experience:
Growth: Graduates may
Nurturing and need time to
developing talent adapt to
from the ground workplace
up. demands.
Offshore Employing individuals or ✓ Cost Savings: ✓ Time Zone and
teams located in another Potential for Communication
workers country to carry out tasks lower labor and Challenges:
or projects remotely. overhead costs. Coordination
✓ Access to Global difficulties due to
Talent: Access time zone
to a diverse differences.
talent pool with ✓ Cultural and
specialized Legal
skills. Differences:
Potential cultural
gs and
Contractors Contracting individuals ✓ . Expertise: ✓ Less Control:
or firms to provide Access to Contractors may
specific services or specialized skills operate
complete projects for a and expertise. independently,
defined period. reducing
✓ Flexibility: No
long-term managerial
commitment and control.
potential cost ✓ Legal and Tax
savings on Considerations:
benefits. Potential legal
and tax
complexities in
Consultants Hiring external ✓ Specialized ✓ High Costs:
consultants or firms to Knowledge: Consultants
provide professional Expertise and often charge
advice or services for insights not premium fees for
specific projects or available in- their services.
problems. house. ✓ Limited
✓ Objectivity: An Integration:
external Difficulty in
perspective may integrating
lead to more consultant
unbiased recommendation
solutions. s into existing
Outsourcing Enlisting the services of ✓ Time Savings: ✓ Cost:
recruitment agencies or Experts handle Recruitment fees
to consultants to assist in candidate may be
recruitment the hiring process. sourcing, expensive.
screening, and ✓ Potential
selection, saving Misalignment:
time for in-house Recruitment
HR. consultants may
✓ Access to a not fully
Broad Network: understand the
Extensive organization's
networks and culture or long-
candidate term needs.
databases for
finding top talent.

8. Explain the impact of technology on the human resources function and how this
has benefited the recruiting function of human resources. (in 70 to 80 words)

Technology has transformed HR by streamlining the recruiting function. Applicant

tracking systems and AI-driven tools sift through resumes, saving time and
improving efficiency. Online job portals, social media, and video interviews broaden
the talent pool, making it easier to find the right candidates. HR analytics harness
data to make informed hiring decisions, ensuring a better fit for organizational

9. Explain the following four (4) key steps in the human resources strategic
planning process. (in 30 to 50 words each)

✓ Environmental Scan: Assessing internal and external factors to understand

the organization's current state and future challenges.

✓ Setting Objectives: Defining specific HR goals aligned with the

organization's overall strategic objectives.

✓ Strategy Development: Formulating HR strategies and action plans to

achieve the stated objectives.
✓ Implementation and Monitoring: Executing the strategies, tracking
progress, and adapting to changing circumstances.

10. Describe three (3) key areas that could be included in a Human Resources
Strategic Plan. (in 20 to 30 words each)

✓ Talent Acquisition and Management: Strategies for recruitment, training, and

development of employees to meet organizational needs.

✓ Employee Engagement and Retention: Initiatives to boost employee morale,

job satisfaction, and reduce turnover.

✓ HR Compliance and Risk Management: Ensuring adherence to labor laws,

regulations, and minimizing legal and ethical risks.

11. Outline the philosophies, values and policies applicable to human

resource profession (in 50 to 60 words)

Human resource professionals should uphold values like fairness,

diversity, and ethical behavior. They should have policies and practices
that foster equal opportunities, employee well-being, and a safe, inclusive,
and respectful work environment. Promoting these values and policies
contributes to a healthy organizational culture and employee satisfaction.

Evidence Submission Checklist

Evidence to be submitted Have I completed this?

Answers to all questions

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