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Jay-ar Ramirez
Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: 9/22/23

My Personal Philosophy

My personal philosophy is that life is a journey, not a race. This philosophy of

mine shapes the way I approach various aspects of my life, including
personal growth, relationships, and achievements. I see my personal
growths as an ongoing process to know the world more. I understand that life
presents us with unique experiences, challenges, and opportunities, which
contribute to our personal growth. This perspective of mine allows me to be
patient and accepting of myself, knowing that growth takes time. In terms of
relationship recognizing that life is a journey enables me to appreciate the
people I meet along the way, understanding that everyone is in their own
journey and that we can learn from one another, I also learned this from
Maurice Merleau Ponty that mind is connected to the body and the body is
connected to the mind, Maurice said that the body is primarily side of
knowing the world. So it depends of how you see the world or what is your
perspective to the world. Viewing life as a journey encourages me to focus
on present time rather than thinking about the future outcomes. This mindset
allows me to experience and appreciate the successes and failures, and the
lesson learned along the way. My philosophy reminds me to enjoy every
journey of my life, learn from other people you meet, improve your
perspective about life, I believe that the journey itself is where the beauty lies.


Expresses a strong, coherent set of values that permeate the student’s views of
Perspective 20
his/her self
Includes all of the relevant aspects of a personal philosophy of the self, based
Relevance 20
from philosophies discussed in class
Reflective Gives deep personal thought and genuine expression, and the ideas are
Insights original and well developed, reflecting intense analysis of theories over time
Uses specific and concrete examples to explain and illustrate his/her personal
Presentation 20
Contains at least three (3) documented resources to support his/her personal
Resources 20
Total 100

01 Worksheet 3 *Property of STI

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