A1 - Diversity Discussion 1

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Course/Year: BSIHM (CA) 2 – YB – 1

A1: Diversity Discussion 1

1. Take a moment to think about what diversity means to you. Do you
think it means the same thing to other people?


Diversity is the acceptance and tolerance of one’s differences treated

with common respect. Additionally, it can be described in the word
"inclusivity," which refers to the ability of all individuals, regardless of
differences, to interact and coexist. Regarding one's age, sexual
orientation, or race, there is no isolation.

I don't believe that diversity applies to other people in the same way.
Some people might not be accepting of other people's differences and
may not be ready to reject the values they have been taught since they
were young. Also, given that diversity brings people together despite
their differences, some people might not like the idea of diversity.
People might not want such idea and instead just want to get along
with those that share their characteristics.

2. How do people’s perspectives play a role in how they may answer

the teacher’s question?


People’s perspectives play a role by answering the teacher’s same

question but provided 2 different answers. It is shown that different
people have a variety of viewpoints based on their responses. Based
on how they responded to a certain question or topic, you can
determine a person's way of thinking. Sometimes, people will disagree
because they have different answers.

3. The author of this vignette illustrates the viewpoints of children who

grew up in different environments. What is the lesson the author is
trying to present?

The author wants us to realize that not all people are the same. The
boys' experiences may have had an impact on how they responded to
the teacher's question. People have diverse experiences in life that
have influenced how they think and behave. We may sometimes know
a person based on what that person wants us to see. Just because the
two boys have different answer doesn’t mean one of them is wrong
and one of them is right.

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