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Due Date: 14th November, 2023 Total Marks: 20

Assignment Objective:
Upon the successful completion of this assignment students will be able to:
 Understand the importance of change in an organizational context.
 Identify and analyze strategies for changing an organization’s culture.

Question 1:
You are the newly appointed Chief Executive Officer of Pakistan Telecommunication Company
Limited (PTCL), PTCL has always been known for its traditional and hierarchical organizational
culture. The new management feels that there is a need of change in the organizational culture.
They want to maintain the organization's core values while embracing a more agile and
innovative culture. Your task is to lead this cultural transformation.
Dear Students!
The concept of “Changing Organizational Culture” has been discussed in Lesson 9 of your
course in detail. Keeping the above-mentioned scenario in mind, you are required to discuss any
five strategies you will use to change your organization’s culture and provide at least 3 logical
points to justify your strategy.
Use the table below for your Answer
Sr. Strategy (1) Explanation (3)
1. Assessing Current  In order to change the current culture, the first
Culture priority should be the assessment of current
organizational culture.
 This will help in determining and identifying the
strengths and problem areas of the current
 Assessment will also help in determining the
requirements of why and what needs to be
2. Setting Goals  After Assessment, the next step will be to set
goals and targets to bring in to change.
 Culture change motives and Lay out plan is
 Motives behind cultural change are clearly
3. Make Changes  After goal setting, employees are involved in the
process of change.
 Since, the change in organizational culture is
mostly likely going to effect the employees, so it
is inevitable to include them in the
implementation of those changes.
 This will ensure relatively smoother goal
attainment would help in the implementation of
those changes.
4. Problems Resolution  Resistance may be encountered from non-
compliant employees. To address this situation,
strategies should be developed in advance.
 Implementation of these strategies is essential to
resolve issues related to non-compliance.
 Additionally, fostering open communication
channels and providing education on the
importance of compliance can contribute to
minimizing resistance and promoting a culture
of adherence within the organization.

5. Get Feedback  Employee feedback is crucial as it ensures that

the change has yielded the desired results.
 It also guarantees that the change aligns with the
organization's original mission statement.
 Furthermore, soliciting and analyzing employee
feedback fosters a continuous improvement
cycle, allowing the organization to adapt and
refine its processes in response to evolving needs
and challenges.

Marking Scheme: Identification and Explanation of one strategy carries 4 marks, 1 marks for
Identification and 3 marks for Explanation. (4x5=20)

Only in the case of Assignment, 24 hours extra / grace period after the due date is
usually available to overcome uploading difficulties which may be faced by the students
on last date. This extra time should only be used to meet the emergencies and above-
mentioned due dates should always be treated as final to avoid any inconvenience.
Important Instructions:

Please read the following instructions carefully before attempting the assignment solution.


 Make sure that you upload the solution file before the due date. No assignment will be
accepted through e-mail once the solution has been uploaded by the instructor.

Formatting guidelines:

 Use the font style “Times New Roman”/ “Arial” and font size “12”.
 It is advised to compose your document in MS-Word 2003.
 Use black and blue font colors only.

Solution guidelines:

 Every student will work individually and has to write in the form of an analytical
 Give the answer according to question.
 For acquiring the relevant knowledge don’t rely only on handouts but watch the video
lectures and use other reference books also.

Rules for Marking:

Please note that your assignment will not be graded or graded as Zero (0) if:

 It has been submitted after due date

 The file you uploaded does not open or is corrupt
 It is in any format other than doc (MS. Word)
 It is cheated or copied from other students, internet, books, journals etc…

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