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vector function of one variables

1. r(t) is the position vector in the xy-plane/space at time t. Find an equation in x and y whose
graph is the path of the particle. Then find the particle’s velocity and acceleration vectors at
the given value of t:
(a) r(t) = (t + 1)î + (t2 − 1)ĵ, t = 1.
(b) r(t) = et î + 2/9e2t ĵ, t = ln 3.
(c) r(t) = 2 cos tî + 3 sin tĵ + 4tk̂, t = π/2 .
(d) r(t) = 2 ln(t + 1)î + t2 ĵ + t2 /2k̂, t = 1.

2. Integrate vector-valued √ functions:

Z 1" #
2 3
(a) √ î + ĵ .
0 1 − t2 1 + t2
Z π/3 h i
(b) sec(t) tan(t) î + tan(t) ĵ + (2sin(t)cos(t)) k̂ .

3. Show that the vector-valued function

! !
1 1 1 1 1
r(t) = (2 î + 2 ĵ + k̂) + cos(t) √ î − √ ĵ + sin(t) √ î + √ ĵ + √ k̂
2 2 3 3 3
describes the motion of a particle moving in the circle of radius 1 and centered at the point
(2,2,1) and lying in the plane x + y − 2z = 2.

4. A particle traveling in a straight line is located at the point (1,-1,2) and has speed 2 at time
t=0. The particle moves toward the point (3,0,3) with constant acceleration 2 î + ĵ + k̂. Find
its position vector r(t) at time t.

5. Find the unit tangent vector and length of the indicated

√ portion of the curve:
(a) r(t) = (t sin t + cos t) î + (tcos(t) − sin(t))ĵ. 2 ≤ t ≤ 2.
(b) r(t) = 6t3 î − 2t3 ĵ − 3t3 k̂, 1 ≤ t ≤ 2.

6. Find the point on the curve r(t) = 12sin(t) î − 12 cos(t) ĵ + 5tk̂ at a distance 13π units along
the curve from the origin in the direction opposite to the direction of increasing arc length.

7. Find T, N, B and curvature (κ) and torsion (τ ) for the following curves:
(a) r(t) = ln(sect) î + t ĵ, −π/2 < t < π/2.
(b) r(t) = (cosh(t) î − sinh(t) ĵ + t k̂.
(c) r(t) = (cos(t) + t sin(t)) î + (sin(t) − t cos(t)) ĵ + 3k̂.

8. Show that the curvature of a smooth curve r(t) = f (t) î+g(t) ĵ defined by twice-differentiable
function x = f (t) and y = g(t) is given by the formula

|ẋÿ − ẏẍ|
(ẋ2 + ẏ 2 )3/2

9. Show that the parabola y = ax2 , a 6= 0, has its largest curvature at its vertex and has no
minimum curvature.

10. Find the tangential and normal component √ tof acceleration without finding T, N:
t t
(a) r(t) = (e cos(t)) î + (e sin(t)) ĵ + 2e k̂, t = 0
(b) r(t) = (t + 1) î + 2t ĵ + t2 k̂, t = 1
11. Find the equation for the osculating, normal and rectifying planes at that value of t:
(a) r(t) = (cos(t)) î + (sin(t)) ĵ − k̂, t = π/4
(b) r(t) = (cos(t)) î + (sin(t)) ĵ + t k̂, t = 0

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