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Name (Optional): ___________________________ School: __________________

Below are the lists of indicators of Job stress and Job satisfaction. Carefully read the
indicator and using the appraisal rating below, check the box corresponding to the
status of each item. Please answer honestly as the results of this self-evaluation may
provide important information and impact to you and your school.
Parameter Limits Descriptive Equivalent Description

4.50 – 5.00 Always This means that the extent

of application of Work Stress

was observed in all times.

3.50 – 4.49 Oftentimes This means that the extent


application of Work Stress

was observed most of the


2.50 – 3.59 Sometimes This means that the extent


application of Work Stress

was observed sometimes.

1.50 – 2.49 Seldom This means that the extent

of application of Work Stress

was rarely observed.

1.00 – 1.49 Never

A. Workload Rating
My teacher… 5 4 3 2 1
1. feel comfortable to work with lates technologies in the
2. work for long hours, on overtime and even on holidays.
3. experience excessive work pressure.
4. feel great stress on my job.
5. relationship with colleagues and peers is smooth and
6. able to get the necessary information to perform my job
7. always get a good night’s sleep without worrying about work.
8. feel tired during the day.
9. spend so long at work that my outside relationship are

B. Role Conflict Rating

My teacher… 5 4 3 2 1
1. most days I am enthusiastic about my work
2. find real enjoyment in my work.
3. satisfied from the recognition I get for good work.
4. satisfied from the chances of promotion.
5. satisfied with the amount of variety in my job.
6. feel I am being paid a fair amount for work I do.
7. not satisfied with the benefits I receive.
8. many of our rules and procedures make doing a good job
9. feel satisfied with my chances for salary increases.
10. feel a sense of pride in doing my job

C. Physical Enviroment Rating

My teacher… 5 4 3 2 1
1. physical environment creates problems for me.
2. physical environment of this school is not supportive.
3. work assignments are not fully explained.
4. often bored with my job.
5. feel fairly well satisfied with my present job.

Parameter Limits Descriptive Equivalent Description

90-100 Outstanding This means that the level of

Job Satisfaction is very


85-89 Very Satisfactory This means that the level of

Job Satisfaction is high.

80-84 Satisfactory This means that the level of

Job Satisfaction is

moderately high.

75-79 Fairly Satisfactory This means that the level of

Job Satisfaction is low.

Below 75 Did Not Meet Expectation This means that the level of

Job Satisfaction is very low.

A. Work and Workplace Rating

My teacher… 5 4 3 2 1
1. many of our rules and procedures need to be streamlined.
2. like the people I work with.
3. find I have to work harder at my job because of the
incompetence of people I work with.
4. like doing the things I do at work.
5. have too many duties and responsibilities.
6. have the opportunity to take part in trainings, webinars,
meetings and outreach activities.
7. receive the information, tools, and resources I need to do my
job effectively.
8. know what is expected of me at work.
9. allowed / encouraged to make decisions to solve problems
for my customers.
10. know how to measure the quality of my work.
11. people I work with cooperate as a team.
12. have a safe workplace.
13. would not consider leaving my job.
14. would consider leaving my job for another with better pay.
15. would consider leaving my job for another with greater
opportunities for advancement.
16. all employees have an equal opportunity to further their
17. feel my job has value to the community.
18. there are other job skills I would like to learn.
19. concerned about potential of job loss due to changes in
county/state/fed funding.

B. Supervisor and Management Rating

My teacher… 5 4 3 2 1
1. department or agency has the right people and skills to do
its work.
2. department or agency practices high standards and ethics.
3. supervisor is quite competent in doing his/her job.
4. supervisor shows interest in my feelings and acknowledges
my concerns.
5. supervisor treats me with dignity and respect.
6. agency consistently demonstrates support for a diverse
7. supervisor holds me and my co-workers accountable for
8. can rely on my supervisor
9. often feel that I do not know what is going on with the
10. feel I can go to management if my supervisor doesn't listen
11. There are services we need to offer that we currently do
C. Benefits and Sewards Rating
My teacher… 5 4 3 2 1
1. feel I am being paid a fair amount for the work I do.
2. not satisfied with the benefits I receive.
3. would like to work more/less hours.
4. would like to see a social committee for lunches and special
days (slipper days, tiara days, flowers in your hair day, jewelry
day, ugly sweater day, etc.)
5. there are few rewards for those who work here.

D. Recognition Rating
My teacher… 5 4 3 2 1
1. do not feel that the work I do is appreciated.
2. performance evaluation provides me with meaningful
information about my performance.
3. would appreciate management recognition on my
4. would like to see employee recognition and appreciation by
management and my fellow employees.

E. Communication Rating
My teacher… 5 4 3 2 1
1. communications seem good within this organization.
2. as it plans for the future, my department or agency asks for
my ideas I have the opportunity to give input on decisions
affecting my work.
3. know how my agency measures its success.

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