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American history x

What does the society of this English speaking country look

like according to the movie?
In the movie they live in the bad side of society, the movie depicts it as
brutal and a lot of violence going on in those parts of the
What aspect of society does the movie want to convey to the audience?
The bad part of society, the guys who always get themselves into
trouble the guys who are considered criminals
What does this movie say about the values or traditions of that
specific country?
The values of the country in the movie are community,
education,environment and jobs.

Compare your findings with the Swedish society. What differences and
similarities do you find?
It's hard compare this movies society to Sweden's society, this movie is
about violence begets violence and revenge and also neo nazism. Which
is something i haven't seen in Sweden.
Crime is a major part of every society. Some costs of crime are less
tangible (not easily or precisely identified). These kinds of costs can
include pain and suffering, and a lower quality of life. There are also the
traumatic impacts on friends and the disruption of family.
What are your own thoughts about the country?
America in this specific movie makes me think that USA is a horrible
place but this is fiction otherwise i think USA is a great country with
lovely traditions and i would love to visit them sometime in the future

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