Tutorial One

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Introduction to Data Modeling

This tutorial will familiarize you with conceptual data modeling by using one of the modern
techniques -- Entity-Relationship Diagramming (ERD).
You are expected to apply all concepts and symbols introduced in the textbook and lectures to
identify the data needs (requirements) for the mini case addressed in this assignment. You should
consider all entities and relationships mentioned in this case in your final ERD.

Question One:
A customer (can) orders multiple products. Each product must be ordered by one customer.
Draw an ERD.

Question Two:
A faculty may teach multiple courses. A course must be taught by exactly one faculty.
Draw an ERD.

Question Three:
In a university, a Student enrolls in Courses. A student must be assigned to at least one or more
Courses. Each course is taught by a single Professor. To maintain instruction quality, a Professor
can deliver only one course.
Draw an ERD.

Question Four:
A sales representative must write many invoices. Each invoice should be written by one sales
representative. Each department must have only one sales representative. Each sales representative
is assigned to many departments. A customer may have many invoices. Each invoice must be
generated for only one customer.
Draw an ERD.
Question Five
NMAIST is among the newly established universities in Arusha. Each class offered by NMAIST
may be taught by several professors. A particular class may always use the same classroom.
Because classes may be held at different times or on different evenings, it is possible that each
classroom is used by many different classes. By the way, a professor can teach several classes.
Draw an ERD.

Question Six:
Each employee can be identified by EmpNum (it’s like SS#) with salary and office phone number.
Likewise, each departments also can identified by DeptNum (it’s like SS#) with deptname and
budget. Each employee works for one department and a department is managed by an employee.
Each child must be identified uniquely by last name and age when the parent (who is an employee;
assume that only one parent works for the company) is known. We are not interested in information
about a child once the parent leaves the company.

Question Seven:
Make a database of companies in a corporate group. The companies have employees, that are
divided into divisions within each company. Divisions in the same company cam not have the
same names. Most employees have a boss.

Some employees are given a managerial position with a special title. Also make an inventory of
the company cars, who has access to which cars (only managers can have access to company cars)
and for how long they have had access.

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