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University of Dar es salaam Internal Audit Association (UDIAA) is a students’ led Professional
Association that assembles students, academic staff and interested stakeholders at the University level
under the common umbrella with the focus on helping students build their network and future careers. The
association was inaugurated in 2023.

Our goal is to advocate Internal Audit as a career choice for students at the undergraduate and graduate
levels. University of Dar es salaam Internal Audit Association (UDIAA) will accomplish this by
providing professional development resources, networking opportunities, social events and more. The
UDIAA also promotes the Internal Audit Certifications and Certificates to members and non-members. The
Internal Audit Certification is open to all programs in the University and can provide additional networking
opportunities to Internal Audit students.



1. Name of the Association

The Name of the Association shall be “University of Dar-es-salaam Internal Audit Association, referred by
an acronym “UDIAA”.

“UDIAA” shall be a non-religious, non-political and non-for-profit Organisation

1.2. Office

The Association is situated and operating at the University of Dar es Salaam under the supervision from the
Accounting department in University of Dar es salaam business school

The address shall be;

University of Dar es salaam Internal Audit Association (UDIAA),

University of Dar es salaam Business School,
Accounting Department,
P. O. Box 35046 Dar es Salaam.
1.3 Logo

The association has established a unique symbol that shall identify the association and shall not be used by
any other association.

1.4 Language.

The Official language of the association shall be;

1. Primary Language – English.

2. Secondary Language – Swahili.

1.5 Association VISION, MISSION and MOTTO.

1.5.1 Vision statement.

“To be the leading Internal Audit student’s association in advocating the Internal audit”

1.5.2 Mission statement.

“To advocate, improve and strengthen internal audit as a career of choice among the student members through
various association activities”

1.5.3 Motto.




The core values of the association shall be:

(a) Professionalism.
We shall practice all of our activities in accordance with our code of ethics
(b) Innovation
We will always find simple, effective, and efficient ways of serving our members. We aim at providing
world class quality services to members and other stakeholders promptly, effectively, and courteously
(c) Teamwork
We work as a team in serving members; a member deserves a response on any query from any one of us.
(d) Accountability
We are answerable for our actions and/or omissions to members and stakeholders with a view of building
public confidence. We will be conducting our operations in a manner that meets existing and future needs.
We will be open to members and stakeholder’s scrutiny about our practices, policies and decisions.
(e) Sustainability
We want to maintain a sustainable growth in all the activities that we do to ensure uninterrupted service
to members. We will be conducting our operations in a manner that meets existing and future needs.
(f) Collaboration
We will ensure good professional relationships and coexistence with other professional associations and
other stakeholders who help us deliver value to our members and stakeholders


The objectives of the association shall be;

(a) To advocate Internal Audit as a career choice for students at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
(b) To promote the role of internal auditing Profession in various sectors of the economy
(c) To provide students members with the opportunity to network with professional in Internal Audit.
(d) To provide the forum for sharing knowledge and information among the members concerning internal
(e) To act as a platform for producing; effective, ethical, transparent, accountable, knowledgeable and
efficient internal auditors in Tanzania and society at large.
(f) To foster personal development of members and through training and promoting their participation in
business activities
(g) To provide members strategic exposures and experience on Internal Auditing and Business operations
through internship and practical training attachments.
(h) To facilitate the interaction between the University of Dar es salaam students, The Institute of Internal
Auditors Tanzania and various public and private organizations which are future employers.
(i) To facilitate the linkage among internal auditing students at the University of Dar es salaam and other
universities with external world.
(j) To facilitate the availability of various Local and International internal auditing Publications.


In implementing the Objectives of the Association, it shall carry the following activities as may be appropriate:

(a) To organize the panel discussions and public lectures, seminars and conferences both at the University
level and elsewhere with the view of disseminating the internal auditing Knowledge and serve as a
platform of exchange of views on social problems, how to integrate theories and real-world situations
(b) Organize Study Tours to different Institutions/Agencies with the view to study, improve and the
practicability of the theories related to the Internal Auditing profession.

(c) To carry out any other activity that shall enhance the Association’s Objectives as may be depicted by the
Members through Legal meetings or executive organ(s) of the association, such as:
(i) Academic events
(ii) Public talks and presentation
(iii) Training Workshops
(iv) Forums

(v) Social gatherings
(vi) Charity Works
(vii) Professional Get Together Events



UDIAA Members shall be student of goodwill, willing to use their skills and experience in furtherance of
UDIAA's Vision and mission. UDIAA membership shall be;

3.1.1 Ordinary Membership

This category shall be composed of;

Any undergraduate student from the University of Dar es Salaam who wilfully abide to the terms of
Article 4.2. of this Constitution and in addition also Participate fully in effecting the Objectives of the
Association as stipulated in Article 2 .1.

3.1.2 Associate Membership

This category shall be composed of;

(a) Any Master’s degree student in the University of Dar es salaam who is willing to abide to the terms of
Article 4.2. of this Constitution and in addition also participate fully in effecting the objectives of the
Association as stipulated in Article 2.2.
(b) Any interested members of the Staff in Business School from the University of Dar es Salaam, and other
Surrounding universities, and junior colleges willing to use their skills and Experience in furtherance of
UDIAA vision, mission and objective
(c) Any Members of the Staff from any other schools of the University of Dar Es salaam, and other
surrounding universities, junior colleges and schools willing to use their skills and experience in
furtherance of UDIAA vision, mission and objectives.
(d) Any other person who may apply for the membership and interested in Practice of internal auditing
profession willing to use their skills and experience in furtherance of UDIAA vision, mission and

3.1.3 Alumni Membership

This category shall be composed of any graduate who has been part of the association before completing his
or studies and is wilful to continue in building the association and implementing its objectives as stipulated
in Article 2.2

3.1.4 Corporate Membership

This category shall be composed of:

(a) Any auditing and or business firm, government organization, non-government organization and other
agencies who might be interested and abide in participating fully in effecting the objective of the

(b) Corporate membership of any organization shall be subject to endorsement by the UDIAA General
Meeting, composed of all members will be granted only to UDIAA partner organizations that have built
close ties with UDIAA and shall be of good reputation.

3.1.5 Honorary Membership

This category shall be composed of: -
(a) The Patron and Matron of the Association under Article 4. This person shall be nominated from
time to time under the provision of this constitution.
(b) Any person who may have shown distinguishing performance and contribution towards the
development and promotion of the internal auditing Profession within and outside the country
and who may be considered so by the executive committee of the Association and or majority of
the Members.


Every member shall, by virtual of his/her membership, be entitled to:
(a) Participate fully in all or any of the Association's activities.
(b) To be nominated, elected or appointed as may be the case, hold any office representative capacity for
the furtherance of the objects and the functions of the Association as may be provided for in this
(c) To possess freedom of speech of his/her views in Auditing in appropriate manner as provided for in this
(d) In the case mentioned in the Article 4 for membership, they shall enjoy the same rights and privileges
as any other member except in so far as honorary members who may not stand for election to hold office
of the Association.
(e) To be A student member of IIA Tanzania and enjoy all the benefit as a student member offered by the

(f) Every Member at such meeting shall be entitled to one vote only, in case of tie up the President shall
exercise the deciding vote.


There shall be awards to best members : This will include members of the month and annual best member . And
the eligibility criteria to be selected as a best member shall be :

• Fully subscribe to the association annual subscription
• Participate in each association events, workshops, and challenges
• Be part of the USC ( UDIAA supporting crew)
• Help in increasing of membership by bringing more members
• Abide to the association values


3.3.1 Cessation of Membership
A person shall cease to be a member of UDIAA if: -
(a) He/she goes contrary to the constitution of the Forum and confirmed by the Executive Committee.
(b) If he/she absents him/herself without prior notice of absence to the general secretary for more
than THREE consecutive meetings.
(c) If he/she dies
(d) If he/she is convicted of a criminal offence punishable by imprisonment of not less than three (3)
(e) If he/she becomes of unsound mind.
(f) If he/she resigns and upon resignation the amount of subscription paid by the member would be
(g) If he/she fails to pay the previous annual subscription until another subscription obligation is due.

3.3.2 Termination of Membership

The Association may decide to terminate membership under the following conditions:

(a) Where a member fails to participate in the activities of the association as stipulated in Article 2.
(b) Where a member fails to pay his/her dues as per this constitution then the said shall have been terminated
from membership of the Association as stipulated in article 6.2
(c) The Executive Committee may recommend any member to be expelled from membership and cease
his/her membership status with proper reasons in regard to the Association’s interest. Such
recommendations shall be forwarded to the executive Committee Meeting or else where necessary the
General Meeting where a majority vote would constitute the acceptance of such recommendations

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3.3.3 Voluntary Resignation
(a) Any member may resign his/her membership by giving notice in writing to the Executive Committee.
Every such notice shall, unless otherwise expressed, be deemed to take effect from the first day of the
coming month, following the receipt of the notice by the Secretary General.
(b) No fees or Subscription shall be refunded on resignation from member by whatsoever reasons.
(c) Any person who ceases his/her membership shall forthwith cease to enjoy the benefits accruing to the

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This shall consist of

(i) Advisory Committee (Internal and External Matron and Patron)

(ii) The president, Vice president and General Secretary.
(iii) Treasurer and assistant Treasurer
(iv) Project Manager and Assistance Project Manager
(v) Information & technology officers
(vi) Advocacy and Public Relations Manager and assistant APRM
(vii) Technical committee ( Alumni / College co-ordinators )
(viii) Other supporting teams within the leadership
(ix) UDIAA supporting crew ( USC)

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4.1 President

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The duties of the association President shall be;

(a) A person responsible to monitor and direct leaders in UDIAA's duties to be executed.
(b) Making sure all resources are allocated effectively to maximize efficiency in the performance the
(c) Supervision to make sure leaders carry out their activities effectively (in time and as planned.
(d) Summoning/calling and leading all constitution meetings, extra-ordinary ones and other meetings.
(e) He has to meet with Patron and/ or Matron of UDIAA as much as possible to ensure a proper link of
information in time and giving feedback to any locality if and if that information is required to that
(f) Preparing and presenting the association performance report to the constitution meetings (Annual
General Meeting) and whenever required (patron/matron)
(g) Responsible to make quick decisions upon issues brought to him/her that have to speed up the
accomplishment of the set tasks to fulfil.
(h) He/she has power to delegate power to any leader(s) in its area(s) of operation or in issue(s) of concern
to represent the association on behalf.
(i) Assist in the development of partnerships with other associations, state associations, potential sponsors
and funding organisations.
(j) Responsible to perform other duties directed by the Executive commit

4.2 Vice President

The duties of the Vice President shall be:

(a) Shall be the principal assistant to the President in respect of all the matters in the Association generally
and, in particular shall assist the President in making a follow-up on the day-to-day implementation of
(b) Perform all duties assigned to him by the President.
(c) Perform all duties and functions of the office of President when the President is out of office.
(d) Assisting the President in carrying out some duties during his/her absence.
(e) Shall assist the president in his/her daily activities

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4.2 Executive Secretary
The duties of the General secretary shall be:
(a) He/she is accountable to prepare agenda for the meeting as well as taking minutes during any meeting
and prepare reports of those meetings.
(b) He/she is a person held responsible to keep all association’s proceedings
(c) Assisting the President in carrying out some duties during his/her absence.
(d) Coordinating various activities/programs/events conducted by the association across various levels
(within and outside the association
(e) Monitoring the flow of information across various leadership levels in the execution of the association
(f) In collaboration with the President preparing and presenting the association performance report to the
constitution meetings and whenever required.
(g) Preparation and documentation of the reports on various events/activities carried out by the association.
(h) To notify and explain the decisions of the Executive committee to the public with any Such decision.
(i) Responsible to perform other duties directed by the Executive committee or top management
(j) To organize the recruitment of new members in the association

4.3 Advisory committee

The duties of the Advisory committee shall be:

(a) Developing an understanding of the association

(b) Provide “wise-counsel” on issue raised by the executives
(c) Provide unbiased insights and ideas from a third point-of-view (not involved in the operation of the
(d) Encourage and support the exploration of new ideas.
(e) Act as resource for executives
(f) Provide a social networking platform for directors and the association.
(g) Encourage the development of a governance framework that enable suitable growth of the association.
(h) Monitor association performance.
(i) Impose challenges to directors and management that could improve the association.

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4.4 Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer

The duties of the Treasurer and the Assistant Treasurer shall be;

(a) Ability to formulate by laws (to be passed by the executive committee) relating to Finance.
(b) Hold the account of the association and be one of the signatories
(c) To account for all receipts and payments made on behalf of the association ensuring that Such payments
are in accordance with the sanctioned estimates and obtaining proper discharge for such payment.
(d) To advise the Executive Committee from time to time with regard to the financial position and
prospects of the association as to the adequacy or otherwise of safeguards against frauds and
(e) Conducting various activities/programs/events that aim at fund raising for the organization that is
acquiring fund programs for the association.
(f) Monitoring the allocation/use of the association funds and management of the association’s assets.
(g) Preparation of the financial report for the association and presenting it the executive committee
meetings stipulated in the constitution.
(h) Maintain the existing and search for new sponsors of the association.
(i) To draw up estimates of receipts and expenditure
(j) Responsible to perform other duties directed by the Executive committee or top management.

4.5. Project Manager and Assistant Project Manager

The duties of a project manager and assistant project Manager shall be as follows;

(a) Preparation of the association annual calendar by compiling various programs/events from various
sections, later presented to the executive committee for review, then to patron/matron for authorization.
(Prepare annual plan of activities for the association)
(b) Provides or coordinates information on forthcoming events to the secretary for inclusion in meeting
notices, newsletters or electronic distribution lists.
(c) Organize association’s events and manage the flow of events.
(d) In collaboration with other leaders plan for the Annual general elections for the association (fixing the
election date and mode in which it shall be carried out).
(e) Making sure there is proper infrastructure for the association to carry out It’s events

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(f) Formulating of by-laws (to be passed by the executive committee) regarding membership (cessation of
membership, resigning, issuing of ID cards, certificates to members).
(g) Implementation of what is stipulated in the constitution under membership section.
(h) Responsible to perform other duties directed by the Executive committee or top management.

4.6 Information & Technology officers

The duties of Information & technology officers shall be

(a) To create, update and run the association websites

(b) To create and design posters of the association
(c) To create various links or QR codes for the association
(d) To create Google forms for the association
(e) Develop visually appealing slides for the event
(f) Dealing with any other issues concerning ICT
(g) Responsible to perform other duties directed by the Executive committee or top management

4.7 Advocacy and Public Relations Manager (APRM) and Assistant APRM

The duties of the public relations officers shall be

(a) Carrying out various activities / promotional events aimed at creating the positive image of the
association to various stakeholders.
(b) Developing new and maintaining relations/partnerships that exist with various associations,
companies, organization within and outside the university.
(c) Ability to formulate by laws (to be passed by the executive committee) relating to publicity issues.
(d) Management of the association social medias to strategically post and promote posters
(e) Highly responsible to gather information from different sources within the areas of operation and out
of it which will be used as a centre of information for proper planning of the association’s duties
(f) Gathering feedback of the events from various stakeholders and the students
(g) Responsible to perform other duties directed by the Executive committee or top management

4.8. Technical committee

This shall consist of alumni and college coordinators

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The duties of the technical committee shall be as follows

(a) Help the association in the increasing of membership of the association from their colleges /schools
(b) Coordinate all members from their colleges
(c) Responsible for invitations of members for various events
(d) Keep records of targeted members and actual members who came to the event and assess the deviation
from the target
(e) Be part of the supporting teams in the association
(f) Responsible to perform other duties directed by the Executive committee or top management

4.9. Other supporting teams

This shall consist of the teams created by the executive to help leaders to work in teams and participate in all
association events . This teams will be comprised of technical committee and other interested leaders .

Examples of the teams shall be

• Executive team : This shall have the duties to hold the vision of the association, drive association goals
and ensure that we provide the greatest values to our members. This will consist of the president, vice
President, general secretary and assistant, treasurer and assistant.
• Publications teams : This shall be dealing with creating, designing and write all association publications,
magazines, newsletters and so on
• HR team: This team shall work hard ensuring the smooth running of our committees and providing us
with team building activities
• Sponsorship teams : This team shall ensure amazing line-up of sponsors and strengthen our relationship
with sponsors
• Events planning team : This team shall plan and organise various association events

These teams will vary in accordance with the leadership and it is a mandate of the president to create these teams

4.10. UDIAA supporting crew ( USC)

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To ensure effective membership participation in the association events . USC will include members who are
willing to plan and organise a certain event . Members of the USC shall change for each event and they will
come from fully registered members of UDIAA


The following shall lead to the termination of the leadership positions

(a) Not adhering to the association core values

(b) Missing three consecutive meetings without any information
(c) Not performing his / her duties as per constitution
(d) Having more than 3 warning

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5.1 Patronage Policy Statement

The Executive Committee of the University of Dar es Salaam Internal Audit Association (UDIAA) may appoint
persons to the role of “Honorary Patron/Matron”. The Patron/Matron shall be someone who, due to his/her public
achievement, exemplification of outstanding leadership, and stature in society, can help UDIAA achieve its
mission by enhancing the association’s credibility, and by modelling different ideals of leadership.

5.2 Reason for Patronage Policy

The University of Dar es Salaam Internal Audit Association (UDIAA) requires a policy which governs its
relationships will the eminent individuals who lend their good name to the service of the Association. UDIAA
recognizes the restraints that a rigid one size fits all policy may have on its ability to attract prominent
patrons/matrons, especially those busy individuals with a countrywide presence.

Hence it has instituted a policy framework with the roles and constraints it believes to be ideal, while allowing
patrons/matrons to negotiate exemptions from certain roles based on their personal circumstances. A policy
which describes an ideal, while being practical and flexible to attract illustrious exemplars of leadership as
patrons/matrons, will best serve the needs and interests of both patron/matron and the Association.

5.3 Who Should Read This Policy?

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The following persons or groups must read and understand this policy in order to effectively discharge their
duties in UDIAA:

(a) All members and directors of UDIAA.

(b) All volunteers associated with UDIAA and its programs
(c) All students enrolled in UDIAA’s Leadership by Design program.
5.4 Policy Framework Governing the Position of Patron/Matron
5.4.1. Negotiated Agreement Regarding Duties:
(a) UDIAA will work with each individual invited to serve as patron/matron to fashion mutually acceptable
duties which accord with the patron’s/matron's capacity to serve, and which meets some if not all, the
requirements described in Item 4.4.2. of this document.

(b) This flexibility acknowledges that some patrons/matron who reside outside of University of Dar es
Salaam, physically or otherwise, unable to perform some the duties noted in Item 4.4.2. Hence, while the
roles listed below are UDIAA standards for the position, some may be waived for individual

5.4.2 UDIAA Standard Set of Roles for Patron/Matron:

Here is UDIAA list of standard duties governing the position of patron/matron:
(a) Lend his/her name to the organization as an expression of support for the organization’s mission and
programs, and in so doing, enhance the credibility of UDIAA, augment its fundraising capacity, and
generally bestow an aura of goodwill on the Association. This role is a core to the position of honorary

(b) Support UDIAA fundraising activity if he/she happens to be in Dar es Salaam. The honorary
patron/matron may exercise the option to serve as guest of honour at a UDIAA fundraising and/or any
UDIAA objectives-development exercise.

(c) Contribute to UDIAA development programs by the sharing of insights, experiences and other enriching
leadership perspectives. The honorary patron/matron may participate in these addresses and discussions
by and mode deemed convenient, modes such as in-person, pre-recorded or online-live (e.g. Skype).

(d) Leverage his/her networks to encourage other renowned leaders to contribute their time and knowledge
to the intellectual enrichment of UDIAA programs, and to participate in UDIAA fundraising programs.

(e) He/she shall, whenever possible inform the various gatherings she/he may come across, and which would
be appropriate, of the existence of this Association and its objectives with a view to soliciting support for
the Association.

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(f) He/she shall be entitled to receive all report copies of the General Meeting and other meetings as may be

(g) He/she shall be entitled to participate in all activities of the Association and receive reports thereof.

5.4.3 Constraints to the Position of Patron/Matron:

The following constraints will apply to the position of patron/matron:
(a) Will not be a member or director of UDIAA and will have no voting privileges in the UDIAA
(b) Will not have any special authority over UDIAA Executive Committee.
(c) Will have no voting rights with UDIAA
(d) Will not be required to attend UDIAA meetings, pay any fees or bear any liabilities on behalf of

5.4.4 Duration to the Term of Patron/Matron:

The term of an honorary patron will end under any of the following conditions:
(a) The agreed term of service expires.
(b) The patron/matron resigns, at any time, by submitting a written resignation to the chair of the Executive
Committee of UDIAA, in which case such resignation shall be effective on the date specified in the
(c) The patron/matron dies.
(d) The President of the UDIAA, acting on the direction of the Executive Committee, terminates the
patron’s/matron's service to the UDIAA by submitting a written notice to the patron/matron, in which
case such termination shall have effect on the date specified in the termination notice.
(e) UDIAA as an association, is liquidated or dissolved under the Act.

5.5 Selection and Recruitment:

(a) UDIAA may seek the services and support of more than one patron/matron. Any member or
member of the Executive Committee of UDIAA may propose to the Executive Committee an
individual he/she considers suitable for the position of patron/matron.
(b) Subsequently, the Association’s Executive Committee will establish a process for determining
the candidate’s suitability, implement a strategy for recruiting the candidate, if suitable, and
draft an agreement.
(c) The Executive will advise the President, and the President will authorize the appointment of

5.6 Honorary Patron/Matron Emeritus:

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(a) An individual who once held the position of Patron/matron of UDIAA and who, although not
required, is allowed to retain the title.
(b) When the term of a patron/matron ends, the individual may retain enthusiastic support for
UDIAA and wish to retain a certain level of engagement with the Association. Conversely,
UDIAA may wish to honour the individual’s past service and extend the benefit derived from
the individual’s good name.

(c) Where this occurs, UDIAA and the former patron/matron may come to an agreement whereby
the individual is bestowed with the status of Honorary Patron/Matron Emeritus. Where this
occurs, the honorary patron/matron emeritus would:
(i) Be awarded the honour for a lifetime term, and
(ii) Have no duties or obligations to UDIAA other than those the individual opts to exercise
and which UDIAA values.

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There shall be four types of meetings:

6.1 Annual General Meeting:
(a) Shall be convened once every year at the end of each academic year or approximately near to
the time period and notice for which will be circulated at least seven days in advance together
with agenda of the meeting
(b) The meeting shall perform the following activities:
(i) Receiving and approving the Annual report and the financial report of the Association
preceding year and deliberate the estimates of the income and expenditure of the
following year
(ii) Elect Office bearers of the following year.
(iii) Transact Any Other Business as may be submitted and consented to by the
(c) The quorum of the General Meeting shall be two-thirds of the total members of the Association.
In the event that there shall be no quorum, the next meeting after due notice may be convened
without the required quorum and any resolution passed in that meeting shall be construed to
have been passed as if there was a full quorum
(d) Every Member at such meeting shall be entitled to one vote only, in case of tie up the President
shall exercise the deciding vote.

6.2 Terminal (Semester) Meetings:

These shall be convened at the start of each Semester/Term each year as may be decided by the
Executive Committee. A note of which shall be given one week before such meeting is convened, unless
urgency of the meeting demands otherwise.

6.3 Special Meeting:

(a) The President may at any time call a Special Meeting for a special purpose.
(b) The President may call a Special Meeting at the request in writing of at least quarter of all
Association's members stating the purpose of the meeting
(c) If the President does not call a Special Meeting at the members' request, members shall approach
the Coordinator of the Association who shall at once call for a Special Meeting and preside over
the Election of an impartial President and Secretary for that particular meeting. In case of

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impasse, he/she shall himself/herself assume presidency for the meeting. All other procedures
of the General Meeting shall be observed.

6.3 Executive Committee Meetings:

(a) The Executive Committee shall meet at least once before the each of Association's Meetings
and shall comprise of all the Members of the Executive Committee, in case of that preceding
the Annual General Meeting, this shall include the Association's Coordinator
(b) The Executive Committee shall meet any time as need arises.

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7.1 Association’s Funds:

(a) Association funds then shall be from Registration Fees and Annual Subscriptions, Fundraising
and Donations.
(b) All Association's funds shall be kept signatories of the Association's Accounts include:
(i) The President of the Association, or on his behalf,
(ii) Treasurer in President's absence

7.2 Entry Fees and Annual Subscription:

(a) For admission to membership there shall be a payable entry fee to the association. An entry fee
shall in the case of Ordinary Members Be Five Thousand shillings (5,000/=) while for Other
Members fee shall be Ten Thousand Shillings (10,000/=). Entry fee shall be payable once only
upon admittance into membership.

(b) In addition of the Subscription provided in 6(a) above there shall be Annual Subscription fee
payable to the association at the beginning of each academic year. The Annual Subscription fee
in the case of ordinary membership shall be Six Thousand shillings (10,000/=) while Other
Members shall pay Ten Thousand shillings (20,000/=). The rates of fees and subscriptions may
be revised or altered by the Annual General Assembly of the Association or Special General
Meeting of the Association.

(c) A note shall be circulated to any member who fails to fulfil his/her Annual fees as per 7(b)
above and if the said member fails to meet his/her dues as required per 6(a) and 7(b) shall cease
as a member of the Association and shall not be entitled to any rights and privileges as a member
of the Association.

(d) Any member whose membership ceased due to the failure as per 6(c) will be readmitted to full
membership upon satisfactory remittance of the dues and any other sum unpaid. Under this
proviso he/she may not be required to pay entry fees again if the same was once paid. Unless in
any other circumstance’s re-admittance shall be considered as fresh application for membership.

7.3 Fundraising and Donations:

(a) There shall be collection of funds through donations or any other legitimate source that shall be
appropriate. The Executive Committee should then prepare donors' letter and notice at

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beginning of each semester in the academic year to be accompanied with the targeted objectives
and or budget of the particular semester. This notice should then be circulated to staffs, top
management and different firms and organizations in ensuring that the association raises funds
in implementing its objectives.
(b) It is the duty of all the members of the Executive Committee to secure potential sponsors and
donors to fund the association at the beginning of each academic year.

(c) It is the duty of the Treasurer to prepare and present the financial statements at the end of each
semester in the academic year and present them to all donors who did support the association’s
activities for the year ending.

Any other matter(s) regarding the Association's funds including the appointment of Independent Auditors to
audit the Associations’ Financial Statements shall be agreed in the Annual General Meeting in consultation of
the Association’s patron/matron.

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8.1 General Election:

(a) The Executive Committee is comprised of elected and Appointed members.

(i) Members to be Elected include The President and Vice President, General
Secretary, Treasurer, Project and event Manager and his / her assistant , information
technology officers, Public Relations Officer and their Assistants
(ii) Upon being elected, the incoming President and Vice President will appoint
Advisory committee and technical committee shall be appointed by the president of
the association

(b) The General election shall be held in second semester of each academic year.

(c) Notice of election shall be published one week in advance by the Secretary General

8.2 Election Committee:

(a) The Election Committee shall consist of six members, including the immediate Past President,
who serves as Chair, the outgoing vice president and general secretary and one representative
from each year of study.

(b) If the Vice President and General Secretary are candidates for the coming elections, then they
will recuse themselves from the oversight of the nominations committee and all decisions
related to elections in which they are a candidate. The president who is the Chair of the Election
Committee shall select other members to fill on their places

(c) It is impossible to foresee all possible incidents. Therefore, the Chair of the Election Committee
reserves the right to make any additional decisions. Also, any infractions can result in either a
vote deduction or disqualification. Minor infractions will be a 5-vote deduction. Unapproved
posters or poster locations will be a 3-vote deduction. All other deductions and/or
disqualifications are the hands of the Election Committee. Be aware that any slander of any
other candidate will be treated with the utmost seriousness and will result in disqualification.

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8.3 Election Process:

(a) Every voting member of the association shall be entitling to contest for any of the offices and
membership of the Executive Committee.

(b) Every candidate for one office or membership or the Executive Committee may contest for a
post by filling in a candidacy form showing for which post he is contesting.

(c) If any vacancy receives only one candidate such candidate shall be deemed to be elected and be
declared so by the Chairman of the meeting unless such candidate is objected to by more than
half of the members present at the Annual General Assembly. Objections will be raised by a
proposer and secondary after which secret ballot will be cast if the objection is sustained by
more than half of the members present the candidate will be declared to have lost and a fresh
candidate for the vacancy will be sought.

(d) For all contested vacancies the election will be by secret ballot and all members will be provided
with ballot papers to be cast and the candidate having the majority votes will be declared by the
Chairman to be the winner and dully elected to the office or vacancy. All voting shall be carried
by secret ballot except upon unanimous agreement in which case the members may decide any
manner of voting.

(e) A candidate who fails to be elected for a position may be nominated for a subsequent position.

8.4 Results Reported:

A tabular breakdown for both nominations and elections for President-elect, and other contests, where
possible, shall be sent on request to any member eligible to vote in the particular election. The report shall

(a) The total number of votes cast

(b) The total number of candidates, and

(c) The winning candidates and the votes each received.

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In addition to receiving this information, all other candidates shall also be informed of the number of
votes they received.

8.5 Filling Vacancies:

(a) If any candidate for the office withdraws or becomes ineligible before the election
results are tabulated or before the start of his or her term of office, the result of the election shall
be counted as if his or her name had not been on the ballot
(b) If a voted candidate resigns or cannot serve after his or her term has begun, he/she will be
replaced as follows:

(i) If more than half the term remains, based on the votes count, the position shall be offered
to the candidates in order of most votes received. If no candidate on the original ballot
is eligible or willing to serve, the Executive Committee shall appoint a replacement to
fill the vacancy;

(ii) If less than half the term remains, the Executive Committee shall appoint a replacement
to fill the vacancy.

8.6 Appointments:

(a) If nominations are not enough to fit in all association’s leadership, therefore the chairperson of
the electoral committee shall have the power to appoint people who by their will, be ready to
take duties over that position.

(b) The Association President shall possess the power to appoint leaders in different positions upon
agreement with the executive committee and considering the will and ability of the nominated
candidate to lead

8.7 Eligibility criteria for Different Positions

8.7.1 The president:

The president of the association must come from the university of Dar es salaam business school (UDBS) and
must be in second year of study , must not be a finalist .

8.7.2 The information and technology officers

This must come from COICT and can be in any year of study in exception of the finalist

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8.7.3 Other Positions

Other leaders must be members of the association, they shall come from any college/school and from any year
of study in exception of the finalist

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The provisions of this constitution may be amended or altered by at least more than half of members present and
voting at a General Meeting provided that notice of such proposed amendment or alteration shall have been given
with the notice calling the General Meeting.

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The association may at any time be dissolved with the consent of two thirds majority vote signified in a secret
ballot after a notice of such intention has been given to the Executive Committee and presented in the General

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