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BSA 1 – 4
FRI 1 – 4 PM
One of the most intriguing questions in life science is how living organisms develop and
maintain their predominant form and shape via the cascade of the processes of differentiation
starting from the single cell. Mathematical modeling of these developmental processes could be a
very important tool to properly describe the complex processes of evolution and geometry of
morphogenesis in time and space. Here, we summarize the most important biological knowledge
on plant development, exploring the different layers of investigation in developmental processes
such as plant morphology, genetics, plant physiology, molecular biology and epigenetics. As
knowledge on the fundamentals of plant embryogenesis, growth and development is constantly
improving, we gather here the latest data on genetic, molecular, and hormonal regulation of plant
development together with the basic background knowledge. Special emphasis is placed on the
regulation of cell cycle progression, on the role of the signal molecules phytohormones in plant
development and on the details of plant meristems (loci containing plant stem cells) function. We
also explore several proposed biological models regarding regulating plant development. The
information presented here could be used as a basis for mathematical modeling and computer
simulation of developmental processes in plants.
In crop production, a propagation unit is sown or planted, and the plant proceeds through
a later period of growth and development until the economic yield is harvested. It's critical to
recognize the differences between growth and development during this process, as well as the
internal and environmental variables that may have an impact. Plant growth and development are
complex processes that encompass the entire life cycle of plants, from germination to
reproduction. These processes are influenced by a combination of genetic, environmental, and
hormonal factors. Comprehending the growth and development patterns of crops is crucial. To
maximize economic return and make the most efficient use of resources, it permits the
manipulation of growth and development. Once the fundamental pattern is known, it will be
easier to manipulate growth. In a similar vein, it's critical to provide the ideal environment for a
smooth transition between phases of development to lay the groundwork for the necessary high
economic yield of the final product.
Normally, the process of the growth of each cell undergoes three different phases: cell
division, increase in volume and differentiation. However, in some cases one of these phases
could be skipped. Each phase has its own specific molecular and physiological characteristics
although at some stages of development two or even three phases can occur simultaneously. The
process of cell division (also called cell cycle progression) is very similar in both plants and
animals, however, the increase in volume phase may occur quite differently between plants and
animals. This is because plant cells have vacuoles that allow the size of the cell to increase
drastically and quickly. In addition, plant cells have cellulose walls that restrain cell growth, and
it is this feature that has the major impact on the growth and the size characteristics of the cell.
The final stage, cell differentiation, plays a very important role in plant development and
morphogenesis as it gives rise to the formation of new types of cells, tissues, and organs. During
this process two daughter cells are formed after the division of a maternal cell, and they start to
undergo different molecular processes. As a result of this, cells accumulate different molecules
and substances leading to the formation of different tissues or structures.
At the end of this exercise, the students should be able to:
a) Define seed dormancy and enumerate the causes of seed dormancy and the corresponding
method/s for breaking them;
b) Break seed dormancy due to impermeable seedcoat using mechanical, physical and
chemical means;
c) Describe the effect of some environmental conditions on germination
d) Differentiate the two types of germination and determine crops belonging to each
e) Explain the effect of hormones on plants

Breaking Seed Dormancy
A total of 200 mature Ipil-ipil seeds were collected. The seeds were subjected into four
(4) treatments, using 50 seeds per treatment.
• Treatment 1 – Controlled treatment
• Treatment 2 – Mechanical scarification of seed coat using a nail clipper
• Treatment 3 – Physical scarification by soaking seeds in boiling water for 10 seconds
• Treatment 4 – Acid scarification using sulfuric acid for 20 seconds.
The seeds were washed thoroughly with mineral water after treatment. Then was evenly
distributed in 4 sets of moist paper towels. It was placed inside a labelled container. After one
week, the number of seeds that germinated was counted to determine the germination rate for
each treatment.

Light and Seed Germination

A 4 round microwavable container was lined with moist tissue paper. A total of 100
lettuce and 100 pechay seeds were evenly distributed, 50 seeds of lettuce and pechay inside each
of the 4 containers. The containers were labelled as lettuce in light, lettuce in darkness, pechay in
light, and pechay in darkness. The two containers were placed in a well-lighted place, whereas
the remaining two containers were placed inside a cabinet. The containers were observed for one
week to determine the germination rate of the seeds.

Temperature and Seed Germination

Three sets of damp paper towels had an even distributed portion of twenty-five (25)
mung beans each. It was rolled and was then placed inside a covered container. One of the
containers was placed inside the refrigerator, another at room temperature, and inside the oven.
The containers were observed for one week to determine the germination rate of the seeds.
Data Gathering and Analysis
Table 4a. Germination Rate of Ipil-ipil (Leucaena leucocephala) Sseeds
Treatment Replication
Treatment 1 2 3 4 5 Total Mean
T1 4% 8% 10% 8% 8% 38 7.6
T2 94% 92% 64% 78% 80% 408 81.6
T3 18% 8% 22% 28% 30% 106 21.2
T4 12% 8% 2% 2% 6% 30 6

Table 4b. Germinated Ipil-ipil (Leucaena leucocephala) Seeds

Treatment Replication
1 2 3 4 5 Total Mean
T1 2 4 5 4 4 19 3.8
T2 47 46 32 39 40 204 40.8
T3 9 4 11 14 15 53 10.6
T4 6 4 1 1 3 15 3

In analyzing the data obtained in the exercise, the table shows the number of ipil-ipil
seeds that germinated and the germination rate of ipil-ipil seeds. In the fifty ipil-ipil seeds of
treatment 1 (Control) only five seeds of ipil-ipil germinated. In treatment 2 (Mechanical
Abrasion) of 50 ipil-ipil seed coat using a nail cutter, only thirty-two seeds of ipil-ipil
germinated. In the treatment 3 (Physical Scarification) by soaking 50 seeds of ipil-ipil in boiling
water for ten seconds, only eleven seeds of ipil-ipil germinated. In the treatment 4 (Acid
Scarification), 50 ipil-ipil seeds using concentrated sulfuric acid for twenty seconds in, only one
seed of ipil-ipil germinated. The results show that out of two hundred ipil-ipil seeds used,
treatment 1,3, and 4 has a lower rate of germination and treatment 2 (Mechanical Abrasion)
gained a higher germination rate.
The results in table - shows the germination rate of ipil-ipil seeds. The treatment 1
(Control) has a lower rate of germination gaining only a mean of 7.6. While, treatment 2
(mechanical abrasion of seed coat using a nail cutter) has a higher rate of germination with a
mean of 81.6. treatment 3 (physical scarification or soaking ipil-ipil seeds in boiling water for 10
sec) has a mean of 21.2. In treatment 4 (acid scarification of ipil-ipil seeds using concentrated
sulfuric acid for 20 sec) gained a mean of 6.
Table 4c. Germination Rate of Lettuce in Light and Darkness
Light Darkness
Germination Rate 66% 42%

Table 4d. Germination Rate of Pechay in Light and Darkness

Light Darkness
Germination Rate 76% 90%

Table 4c highlights a significant finding about the rates at which lettuce seeds germinate:
it is found that the presence of light increases the rate at which the seeds germination. This
difference indicates quite strongly that light is necessary for lettuce seeds to germinate as best
they can. It is highlighted that lettuce seeds are photosensitive during their early embryonic
phases by the correlation found between light exposure and germination rate.

On the other hand, table 4d examines the germination rates of pechay in both light and
dark environments. Significantly, the research shows that germination rates are higher in
darkness than in light. This finding suggests that pechay prefers to germinate in the absence of
light, but lettuce does not. Despite this variance, it's crucial to remember that although these
plants can withstand some shade, they require at least four hours of direct sunlight per day to
grow to their full potential and stay healthy. This draws attention to the varying amounts of light
that different plant species require, highlighting the necessity of customized environmental
conditions to support each species' distinctive germination and growth processes.

Table 4e. Temperature and Seed Germination of Mungbean Seeds

Treatment Germination Rate of Mungbean
T1 (approx. 25℃) 16%
T2 (approx. 35℃) 100%
T3 (approx. 45℃) 92%

Treatments 2 and 3 clearly show the highest germination rates for mungbean, according
to an analysis of the data shown in Table 4e. The substantial germination rates observed in these
particular treatments strongly imply that mungbean exhibits optimal growth at warmer
temperatures. On the other hand, mungbean growth percentage is noticeably lower in treatment
1, which represents a colder temperature setup. This difference highlights the mungbean's
sensitivity to temperature changes, with warmer temperatures being more favorable for
germination and general growth.
Aggarwal (1997) noted that rising temperatures are essential for creating the ideal
environment for different kinds of mung bean growth. This is consistent with the increased
germination rates that were noted in treatments 2 and 3, supporting the idea that mungbean
grows best in warmer climates. The relationship between temperature and mungbean growth,
which is highlighted in Aggarwal's research as well as the experimental results, advances our
knowledge of the environmental elements affecting the productive production of this crop.

t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances
T3 T4
T1 T2 Mean 10.6 3
Mean 3.8 40.8 Variance 19.3 4.5
Variance 1.2 36.7 Observations 5 5
Observations 5 5 Hypothesized Mean Difference 0
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0 df 6
df 4
t Stat 3.48345429
t Stat -13.439005
P(T<=t) one-tail 8.8673E-05 P(T<=t) one-tail 0.00654364
t Critical one-tail 2.13184679 t Critical one-tail 1.94318028
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.00017735 P(T<=t) two-tail 0.01308729
t Critical two-tail 2.77644511 t Critical two-tail 2.44691185

To sum up, the purpose of this study is to identify the germination rate of ipil-ipil ,
lettuce, pechay, and mungbean seeds that are placed on different environments and
circumstances. The study found that only five out of fifty ipil-ipil seedlings from treatment 1
germinated, 32 from treatment 2 germinated, and eleven from treatment 3 grew. Treatment 2
increased germination rate, while treatments 1, 3, and 4 had reduced rates. Treatment 2 had a
higher germination rate (81.6%), while treatment 1 had a lower rate (7.6). Lastly, Treatment 4
had a higher germination rate (62). On the lettuce and pechay, table 4c reveals that light
accelerates lettuce seed germination, while Table 4d shows that pechay germination rates are
higher in darkness than in light, indicating lettuce does not germinate without light, while pechay
does. On the other hand, table 4e shows mungbean growth rates highest in treatments 2 and 3,
suggesting higher temperatures are optimal, while treatment 1 shows lower growth percentage,
indicating sensitivity to temperature variations.
Based on this study, it shows that the environment and other factors such as light,
moisture, and temperature has a great impact on the germination, and growth of the seeds. The
research presents that the experiments are perfectly executed in terms of gathering the most
accurate and precise data and information that this case needs to determine the effective
germination and successful growth.

Appendix A
T1: Control

T2: Mechanical Abrasion

T3: Physical Scarification

T4: Acid Scarification

Appendix B
Appendix C

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