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GAMES FOR HEALTH JOURNAL: Research, Development, and Clinical Applications

Volume 10, Number 2, 2021

ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/g4h.2020.0069

A Videogame-Based Approach to Measuring Information

Processing Speed in Multiple Sclerosis Patients

Marco Pitteri, PhD, Caterina Dapor, MSc, Stefano Ziccardi, PhD, Maddalena Guandalini, MSc,
Riccardo Meggiato, and Massimiliano Calabrese, MD
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Objective: Slowing information processing speed (IPS) is a biomarker of neuronal damage in patients with
multiple sclerosis (pwMS). A focus on IPS might be the ideal solution in the perspective of promptly detecting
cognitive changes over time. We developed a tablet-based home-made videogame to test the sensitivity of this
device in measuring subclinical IPS in pwMS.
Materials and Methods: Forty-three pwMS without cognitive impairment and 20 healthy controls (HCs) were
administered the videogame task with a tablet. Response times (RTs) and accuracy were recorded.
Results: PwMS (mean RTs = 505.5 – 73.9 ms) were significantly slower than HCs (mean RTs = 462.3 – 40.3 ms,
P = 0.014) on the videogame task. A moderate but significant correlation (r = -0.35, P = 0.03) between mean
RTs and the Symbol Digit Modalities Test was observed.
Conclusion: Our videogame showed good sensitivity in measuring IPS in apparently cognitive normal pwMS.
Computerized testing might be useful in screening initial cognitive dysfunction that should be monitored as a
marker of underlying disease progression.
IRB approval Number is 2332CESC.

Keywords: Multiple sclerosis, Information processing speed, Computerized assessment, Videogame

Introduction less sensitive in detecting initial cognitive difficulties in

those individuals who do not manifest overt signs of cog-
nitive impairment.4,9
M ultiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic immune-
mediated disease of the central nervous system
(CNS), characterized by multifocal areas of inflammatory
By contrast, computer-based behavioral assessment can
offer numerous advantages in terms of sensitivity with re-
demyelination within both the white matter (WM) and the spect to paper-and-pencil tests. Several studies provided
gray matter (GM), neurodegeneration, and axonal injury.1 evidence on behalf of the adoption of computerized tasks to
In addition to physical disability, cognitive impairment improve the detection of subtle signs of cognitive dysfunc-
(CI) is common in people with multiple sclerosis (pwMS), tions in different clinical populations.10–12 The major ad-
with frequencies ranging from 43% to 70%.2 CI can occur vantage is that computer-based tasks offer the possibility to
from the early stages of the disease,3,4 playing a criti- simultaneously manipulate and control several variables, thus
cal prognostic role in predicting disability progression providing the opportunity to design multifaceted and flexible
and accumulation of cortical atrophy in the long term.5,6 conditions that better simulate complex real-life demands.
Furthermore, CI results in a considerable disruption to Furthermore, computer-based tasks enable to record response
personal, occupational, and social functioning of pwMS, times (RTs) within a millisecond precision, a parameter
with a consequent detrimental effect on patients’ quality potentially highly sensitive to capture small changes in pro-
of life.7,8 Despite the paramount importance to promptly cessing speed capacities.
identify the presence of CI, initial changes in cognitive Slowing in information processing speed (IPS) is one of
functioning are difficult to be detected, especially in the the most common behavioral signs in pwMS,13–15 whose
early stages of the disease.4 impairment can exert a disturbing effect on the effective
The gold standard for cognitive assessment in pwMS functioning of other cognitive abilities. The neuronal un-
consists of paper-and-pencil tests that, might be relatively derpinnings of IPS have been widely investigated and a

Neurology Section, Department of Neurosciences, Biomedicine and Movement Sciences, University of Verona, Verona, Italy.


consensus has been reached over the relationship between Owing to software technical problems during data col-
reduced IPS and both structural and functional brain dam- lection, six pwMS and one HC were excluded before pro-
ages related to MS.16–18 ceeding to statistical analyses. Hence, the final study sample
In the context of an underlying disease that determines WM was composed of 43 pwMS and 20 HCs.
and GM damage with consequent functional reorganization,19 Physical disability of pwMS was measured with the Ex-
IPS might account for the first marker of more global cognitive panded Disability Status Scale (EDSS).31 Functioning of
inefficiency.15 It has been argued that a decline in processing upper limbs was assessed by an experienced neurologist as
speed is likely one of the main and direct consequences of part of the neurological assessment; none of the patients had
demyelination caused either by normal aging or by an motor difficulties of the upper limbs.
underlying disease of the CNS.20,21 At the time of videogame testing, all pwMS presented
Recently, the high potential of measurement of basic re- with a relapsing remitting (RR) form; 9 pwMS were not
sponse speed with computerized testing has been recognized treated with specific disease-modifying therapy for MS,
also in pwMS, with promising results.18,22,23 Moreover, whereas 23 were treated with dimethyl fumarate, 5 with
computerized testing could potentially be used as a practical fingolimod, 1 with natalizumab, 2 with teriflunomide, 1 with
tool to monitor cognitive changes of pwMS over time.23 interferon beta-1a, 1 with cladribine, and 1 with ocrelizumab.
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In this perspective, we developed a task for measuring IPS The study was approved by the local ethic committee and
running on a videogame format. Videogaming is a popular form all participants provided written informed consent before
of leisure activity that in recent years has attracted scientific participation in the study.
interests, mainly with reference to the field of rehabilitation.24,25
Designing a novel videogame allowed us to implement tasks The videogame
based on strong theoretical background but still characterized
by high technological appeal. Furthermore, by designing our Graphics. All the software graphics were created using
own videogame, it has been possible to implement a fine control the Gimp software (, a cross-platform, open-
over the stimuli, the graphical interface, the task’s difficulty, as source image editor. Stimuli were designed by an expert
well as the outcome measures of interest. Our long-term aim is designer and were composed of three frames each, which has
to develop a videogame to be used for a remote monitoring of been proven to be the optimal compromise between fluidity
pwMS cognitive performance over time, which could be easily and reactivity with respect to user interaction.
self-administered at home.
With this preliminary study, we aimed primarily at ex- Programming. The software was written in C and Java
ploring the ability of the videogame-based task to detect IPS programming languages, to have a working prototype to
in a group of pwMS classified as having no CI with respect adapt to different interfaces and videogame levels. After
to paper-and-pencil neuropsychological tests, investigating several tests, the software architecture was replaced by a
whether (1) the RTs recorded with the videogame task were a skeleton source code, solid and almost unchangeable, which
sensitive measure to detect signs of slower IPS in pwMS with supported an external layer of easily modifiable functions.
respect to a group of healthy controls (HCs); (2) the RTs This structure permitted to manipulate basic functions, such
recorded with the videogame task correlated with the gold as managing inputs, writing and uploading files, viewing
standard for IPS assessment in pwMS, that is, the Symbol characters, and managing animations.
Digit Modalities Test (SDMT).26 The Gamemaker (
videogame engine was used, an integrated development
Method environment specialized in the display of high-speed two-
dimensional graphics. At the same time, the external layer of
Participants software’s own functions was created by converting part of
Seventy participants were enrolled for this study, consisting the previous C and Java code into JavaScript scripts. Java-
of 49 pwMS, recruited at the MS Centre of the Verona Uni- Script permitted to translate effectively the mathematical
versity Hospital (Verona, Italy), and 21 neurologically HCs. algorithms that allow processing of all the data received
Inclusion criteria for pwMS were diagnosis of MS,27 no from user interactions. After that, to improve the videogame
concomitant neurological conditions (other than MS), no usability, JavaScript has been converted to GML that allows
psychiatric or other pathological health conditions, no sub- to extend the app to multiple platforms (the videogame runs
stance abuse, no hearing or visual impairment, no relapses currently on Android operative system).
within the previous 6 months from enrollment, and absence
of global CI. A neuropsychological assessment, composed of Hardware. The videogame was administered through a
the Brief Repeatable Battery of neuropsychological tests28 touch-screen tablet (Nvidia Shield) with the following technical
and the Stroop Test,29 was available for all patients. The specifications: dimensions = 221 · 126 · 9.2 mm; weight = 390 g;
median time between neuropsychological assessment and display type = capacitive touchscreen, 16M colors; display
videogame testing was 6.5 months. Neuropsychological as- size = 185.6 cm2 (*66.6% screen-to-body ratio); display res-
sessment was carried out by experienced neuropsychologists. olution = 1920 · 1200 pixels, 16:10 ratio (*283 ppi density);
To be classified as having CI, pwMS had to fail three or more memory storage = 16 GB; RAM = 2 GB; processor = Nvidia
neuropsychological tests.30 Tegra K1; operative system = Android.
Inclusion criteria for HCs consisted of absence of neuro-
logical or psychiatric conditions, no substance abuse or Stimuli and procedure. The scenario consisted of an
medications, and normal or corrected-to-normal vision and apartment building with nine windows (Fig. 1). A total of 80
hearing. trials have been implemented, with each trial starting with
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FIG. 1. Examples of the videogame scenario.

one out of the nine windows opening; behind the window ucation, and gender) had an impact on the dependent vari-
immediately appeared the target (i.e., a figure representing a ables (i.e., mean RTs and accuracy). Based on the results of
prisoner—Fig. 1). The window remained open for a maxi- the regression analyses, two separate analysis of covariances
mum duration of 1000 ms. Participants were asked to touch (ANCOVAs) were performed to compare videogame’s mean
on the prisoner as quickly as possible as it appeared on the RTs (calculated on correct responses only) and accuracy
screen. As the target was touched, it disappeared behind the between the HC and pwMS groups.
closing roll-up shutter. After a variable time period (200 or To offer a measure of concurrent validity of the video-
800 ms), a new window opened, and a new target appeared. game RTs as a specific measurement of IPS, correlation
The position of the target (i.e., the window in which it ap- analysis between videogame mean RTs and the SDMT total
peared) was randomized across trials. The RTs, measured score was performed.
in milliseconds, and the number of correct responses were All the statistical analyses were executed with the soft-
recorded. ware JASP (Version; JASP Team, 2019).
With the purpose of making the task more engaging for the
players, a score was assigned to each response (i.e., +3 points
for each correct response, -3 points for each error; -1 point Results
for each omission) and displayed on the upper left corner of Demographic and clinical characteristics of the study
the screen (Fig. 1). Furthermore, different audio feedbacks sample are listed in Table 1.
were given in response to correct responses and errors.
Each participant was tested individually in a quiet room.
The administration started with a practice session (warm-up) Cognitive and clinical characteristics of pwMS
to familiarize with the videogame setting. After the warm-up,
participants were administered the videogame task, which The median EDSS score was 1.5 (range: 0–3.5) and the
overall lasted *2 minutes. mean disease duration was 7.6 – 5.5 years.
Together with the videogame, pwMS were administered According to the inclusion criteria, all the patients have
the SDMT, to rule out the possibility of the presence of IPS been classified as having no CI.30 Furthermore, none of the
impairment at the time of videogame testing. The SDMT was pwMS showed evidence of IPS impairment, as assessed with
chosen for this purpose as it is a widely recognized test of the SDMT (all z-scores > -1.5), at the time of videogame
visual IPS that might serve as the gold standard for the as- testing.
sessment of IPS in pwMS.32 In the SDMT, patients are
presented with a series of nine symbols, each of which is Table 1. Demographic and Clinical
paired with a single digit (1 to 9) in a key at the top of a sheet. Characteristics of People with Multiple
A pseudo-randomized sequence of the symbols is presented Sclerosis and Healthy Controls
to the patient, who is instructed to respond, as quickly as
possible, with the digit associated with each symbol. The pwMS (n = 43) HCs (n = 20)
final score is the total number of correct responses provided Gender (M/F) 11/32 13/7
within 90 seconds. The SDMT was considered impaired with Age (years) 36.4 – 8.6 34.4 – 12.3
z scores smaller than -1.5 standard deviation (SD) compared Education (years) 14.1 – 3.1 17.5 – 2.5
with the normative data.28 EDSS 1.5 (0–3.5) —
Disease duration (years) 7.6 – 5.5 —
Statistical analyses Means – SD were provided for continuous variables. Median
(range) was provided for EDSS.
Linear regression analyses (stepwise method) were used EDSS, Expanded Disability Status Scale; HCs, healthy controls;
to assess whether demographic characteristics (i.e., age, ed- pwMS, people with multiple sclerosis; SD, standard deviation.

Videogame results ered as the ideal measurement to focus on. IPS is the key
The linear regression analysis run on mean RTs evidenced cognitive deficit in MS:14 when allowed adequate time to
age as the only significant predictor (adjusted R2 = 0.21, process the required information, pwMS succeed in reaching
P < 0.001). Similarly, the linear regression analysis run on performance accuracy with rates comparable with those of
the total number of correct responses showed only a signif- HCs,33,34 suggesting that even difficulties observed in other
icant effect of age (adjusted R2 = 0.08, P = 0.03). Based on cognitive domains (e.g., working memory, executive func-
these results, the subsequent ANCOVAs were performed tions, and verbal memory) are actually a predominant matter
including age as covariate. of speed. Furthermore, IPS has been identified as the first
A significant difference in mean RTs was found between marker of cognitive difficulties due to neuronal and axonal
pwMS and HCs (F(1,60) = 5.463; P = 0.023; g2p = 0.08), with damage.15
pwMS being significantly slower than HCs (mean – SD pwMS: Promptly detecting initial IPS inefficiencies is of para-
505.5 – 73.9 ms; mean – SD HCs: 462.3 – 40.3; Fig. 2). By mount importance considering that slowed IPS might be
contrast, no significant difference between the two groups suggestive of an underlying progression of the disease that
was observed on accuracy (F(1,60) = 1.835; P = 0.181; should require further clinical consideration. However, the
g2p = 0.03): both pwMS and HCs showed high accuracy at initial detection of slowed IPS could be challenging by using
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the videogame task (pwMS: 97.2% of correct responses; only paper-and-pencil tests, as they offer measures mainly
HCs: 98.4% of correct responses). related to accuracy parameters. By contrast, recording RTs
The correlation analysis between videogame mean RTs through computerized paradigms might reveal initial IPS
and the SDMT total score showed a significant negative inefficiencies that might not be captured by paper-and-pencil
correlation (r = -0.35; P = 0.03; CI [-0.60 to -0.04]): the tests. Accordingly, the results of this study fit well within this
higher the SDMT, the faster the patients’ response on the framework: videogame mean RTs, but not accuracy, have
videogame task. been found sensitive to slowed IPS in a group of pwMS
identified as without IPS impairment by the gold standard of
paper-and-pencil IPS tests, that is, the SDMT.
Discussion The SDMT is a reliable brief cognitive screening measure
that has been recommended for use in both screening and
As far as we know, this is the first study in which it has been
monitoring perspectives in pwMS.35 In this study, we found
investigated the efficacy of a videogame task as a screening
a significant correlation between the videogame mean RTs
tool for evaluating IPS in a group of pwMS as compared with
and the SDMT total score, a result that provides evidence in
a group of HCs.
support of the concurrent validity of the videogame task as a
The results showed that our tablet-based videogame is
reliable measure of IPS in pwMS. According to this result,
indeed an effective tool to test IPS and it is sensitive in
our videogame task might potentially reveal itself as a valid
discriminating a group of pwMS, identified as without CI on
substitute of the SDMT in screening procedures.
the paper-and-pencil neuropsychological tests, from a group
The potential of the videogame format is outstanding.
of HCs. Specifically, a significant difference between pwMS
A videogame is a very usable and friendly tool that ideally
and HCs was observed on the videogame task in reference to
allows for higher compliance, especially in youngest pa-
mean RTs, with pwMS being on average slower than HCs.
tients, in comparison with traditional tests. Videogame for-
By contrast, no significant difference in the number of cor-
mat might bring the same advantages as computerized
rect responses between the two groups was observed, even
paradigms with respect to the rigorous implementation of
though pwMS were slightly less accurate than HCs.
sensitive tasks and the high degree of accuracy in recording
These results are in accordance with previous studies
IPS within a millisecond precision; in addition, videogames
in pwMS,18,23 in which it has been highlighted that speed of
offer an inherent playfulness not comparable with the setting
response (i.e., RTs), rather than accuracy, might be consid-
of laboratory-based computer tasks. Videogames are easy-
going, amusing, dynamic, and engaging, thus offering the
opportunity to dramatically reduce performance anxiety and
to allow for potential high acceptance rate by patients.
Despite the encouraging results, this study is not free from
limitations. First, we did not control for psychological fac-
tors, such as depression and anxiety, which might have had
an impact on videogame performance. Second, the study
sample is characterized by the presence of relatively young
pwMS. Even though this kind of testing might be particularly
suitable for the youngest patients, future studies should in-
clude also older individuals to evaluate whether the results
are generalizable to a broader range of pwMS. Similarly, the
generalizability of the present results to different MS phe-
notypes beyond the RR type has to be further investigated.
An interesting aspect that might be investigated in future
studies should foresee the inclusion of measures of every-day
FIG. 2. Difference between the two groups in the mean life functioning to evaluate whether computerized tools
RTs at the videogame task. *P < 0.05. HCs, healthy controls; (such as our videogame) might indeed capture real-life de-
pwMS, patients with multiple sclerosis; RTs, response times. mands to a greater extent than paper-and-pencil tests.

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