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8 Accounts Receivable Inquiries

Purpose The Vision System provides you with helpful inquiries that allow you to look at
your receivables in several ways. These inquiries are:

A/R Inquiry This inquiry displays all detailed payments and

transactions for a specific customer.

Credit Inquiry This inquiry displays a detailed credit history for the
selected customer. It includes a credit notes feature
which allows you to enter, display, and print (through
UniQuery) free-form comments regarding the account.

A/R Posting This inquiry allows you to display invoice information

Inquiry to the screen. This supplies you with a method of
checking on the progress and accuracy of your

A/R History The A/R History Inquiry allows you to look at

Inquiry information regarding any invoice that was created on
the system.

Check History The Check History Inquiry enables you to see

Inquiry information on all of the checks from a specific

AR Summary This inquiry shows you a specific customer's

Balances Inquiry receivables account history as well as aging and
displaying the customer's open items.

AR Detail Aging This report lists your A/R balances for period 1,2,3, and
Report - anything over 90 days. It lists the customers by
Descending Bal. descending A.R balances.

AR Detail Aging This report lists your A/R balances for period 1,2,3, and
Report - By anything over 90 days. This report is broken out by
Salesperson salesperson.

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8 Accounts Receivable Inquiries

The A/R Menu Inquiry Selections

The A/R The Accounts Receivable Inquiry Selections display when you choose the Inquiry
Menu Inquiry Menu on the Accounts Receivable Selector. You can also access an additional A/R
Inquiry by selecting Inquiries from the Main Menu. Then, select Base Inquiries
Selections from the sub-menu.

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Accounts Receivable Inquiries

The A/R Menu Inquiry Selections

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8 Accounts Receivable Inquiries

Customer A/R Inquiry

Customer The Customer A/R Inquiry displays detail for all payments and other A/R
A/R Inquiry transactions for the selected customer. This inquiry is accessed from your
Accounts Receivable menu. Or, you can display this inquiry from your Base
Inquiry Selector.

Note: The ss When you first select this inquiry, the prompt below is displayed.
column shows you
the subsystem from
which the invoice Customer#, Xref, (END):
was generated:
FS=Field Service,
Customer# Enter the customer number to see all of the A/R
QE=Quote Entry,
transactions for this customer.
SW=SIWO Release Xref The Xref number is the Alpha Cust number that allows
you to select the customer you want from all customer
The Dep App numbers with a certain word in them. For example, if
column displays the you enter BANK, each customer with the word BANK
amount of any in the customer name will display one at a time and you
furniture deposits will be asked, Correct Customer (<RET>/N)?
that may have been
applied to this A/R (END) Enter END if you do not wish to use the inquiry now.

Company#, (A)ll, (END):

Company# Enter the two-digit company code that represents which

one of your companies holds the receivables about
which you wish to inquire.

(A)ll If you wish to see all of your companies A/R

information for this customer, enter the letter A.

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Accounts Receivable Inquiries

Customer A/R Inquiry

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8 Accounts Receivable Inquiries

Customer A/R Inquiry

(END) Enter END if you do not wish to use the inquiry now.

(D)etail or (S)ummary Invoices:

D Enter D to list all invoice details for this customer.

S Enter S to list all summary invoices for this customer.

Cr Cd The credit codes relate to a two-digit code that is used

during Order Entry to determine how you offer credit to
a particular customer. Credit Codes are defined in the
Customer section of your File Maintenance Manual.

Hold If an N displays here, it indicates that a normal credit

check is performed when this customer places an order.

A letter Y here indicates that this customer will be

placed automatically on credit hold when an order is
entered through Order Entry. A credit held order will
not generate a pick ticket until the credit hold is
removed from the order. Or, if the order is for a special
or non-stock item, no purchase order will be created
until the credit hold is removed. See your Order
Processing Manual in the Credit Hold section for a
detailed description of how to remove credit hold.

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Accounts Receivable Inquiries

Customer A/R Inquiry

Limit If a credit method that checks for a credit limit was

assigned to this customer, then the dollar value the
credit is checked against displays here.

Hi Cr This figure shows you the highest credit amount ever

extended to this customer.

Ord$ The total dollars of all open orders that have not been
invoiced displays in this field.

A/R$ This field shows you the amount currently open in this
customer's A/R account. This is the amount that this
customer owes your company.

Sls# The three-digit number and corresponding name of the

default salesperson who will receive commission for a
sale to this customer displays here.

Invoice The number of the last invoice generated for this

customer is displayed here. The date the invoice was
created is displayed next to the invoice number.

Order The number of the last order created for this customer
is displayed in this field. The date the order was placed
is shown next to the order number.

Payment The amount and date of the last payment made by this
customer is shown in this field.

Paid-TD The amount this customer has paid your company to

date displays here.

#Ord The number of orders this customer has placed month-

to-date and year-to-date is displayed here.

Sales The month-to-date sales and year-to-date sales for this

customer is displayed in this field.

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8 Accounts Receivable Inquiries

Customer A/R Inquiry

Retns The dollar amount of the returns this customer has

made both month-to-date and year-to-date are shown

Proft The profit you made month-to-date and year-to-date

from this customer displays here.

Old Inv The date of this customer's oldest open invoice is

shown here.

Terms The payment terms that you extend to this customer

display here.

Typ The type of transaction that appears on each line is

displayed in this column. The abbreviations are: INV
for invoice, C/M for credit memo, D/M for debit memo,
O/A for on account, and R/C for returned check.

Invoice # The six-digit transaction number is displayed in this

column. This number could be a debit memo number,
credit memo number, invoice number, or an on-account

Inv-Date The date the invoice begins aging is displayed in this

column; this is the date the invoice was created.

Ref.No Any data keyed into the REFERENCE # field in the A/

R Adjustment Entry routine displays in this column.

Orig.Amt The original amount of the transaction displays in this

field. This is the amount before payments are applied to
an invoice, or before on-account or credit memo
quantities are applied.

Money owed to your company is shown as a positive.

Money that decreases what the customer owes, credit
memos and on-accounts, are shown in the negative.

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Accounts Receivable Inquiries

Customer A/R Inquiry

Open.Amt The amount of the transaction that has either not been
paid (for invoices) or has not been applied (credit
memos and on-accounts).

Sls The salesperson code for this transaction displays in

this column.

Cust.Ref If the transaction is an invoice, the customer's PO#

from the Order Entry header screen (if entered) will
display here.

If the transaction is an on-account, debit memo, or

returned check, this field displays information that was
keyed in through Cash Receipts Entry at the Enter Cust
Reference Data.

Order-Rel If the invoice was generated from an order, the

corresponding release number displays in this column.
If the invoice was created through A/R Posting, this
column will be blank.

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8 Accounts Receivable Inquiries

Customer Credit Inquiry

Customer The Customer Credit Inquiry displays a detailed credit history for the selected
Credit customer. It includes a credit notes feature which allows you to enter, display, and
print (through UniQuery) free-form comments regarding the account. This inquiry
Inquiry is accessed from your Accounts Receivable menu. The first command line that you
will see asks that the following information be entered:

Enter operator password

You must be set up with the correct operator code in order to use this inquiry. You
can display this inquiry if your password is set up with the operator code of AR or
CR. The credit notes can be entered and maintained by those personnel with the
operator code of CR. The code AR allows you only to view the credit notes.

The screen displays, and the cursor waits at the Cust# field for your entry.

Customer# Enter the customer number to see the A/R credit history
for this customer. If no credit notes have been entered
for this customer, the following prompt displays:

Not on file. Is this a new item (<RET>/N)?

<RET> Use this option if you wish to enter credit notes

concerning this customer. The cursor moves to the first
line in the NOTES section of the screen.

N If you do not wish to enter credit notes, enter N. This

customer data is cleared from the inquiry.

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Accounts Receivable Inquiries

Customer Credit Inquiry

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8 Accounts Receivable Inquiries

Customer Credit Inquiry

Once you accept a new Credit Notes file or access an existing one, you can make
entries and/or changes to the Notes field.

NOTES The notes feature allows you to enter messages about

calls on the account, or to enter any other pertinent
notes you wish to make. In the Insert mode, you can
enter prose just like with a word processor. A listing of
these notes can be performed through simple Recall
using the new CRED_INQ file.

The following command line allows you to affect the Notes fields. The Notes
fields do not have word wrap.

Ln#, (S#), (DELETE), (?), (0) Accept:

Ln# Enter the line number in the Notes area that you wish to

(S#) To step through the lines, beginning with the line

indicated, enter S and the line number.

(DELETE) Enter DELETE to delete all of the notes.

(?) Enter ? To see a help message that explains this

command line.

(0)Accept Enter 0 to accept any additions or changes to the Notes.

The entry of an asterisk * on a line deletes that line of text and moves up the
remaining lines.

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Accounts Receivable Inquiries

Customer Credit Inquiry

The information that is displayed in the inquiry that is not available on the
Customer A/R Inquiry is described below.

Mast# The Master Account number represents the main

receivables location for a customer. This allows you to
capture more specific Sales information as well as
clarifying and simplifying payments for your
customers. Setting up a Master Account # is
accomplished through Customer Master Maintenance.

Totl$ The sum of the A/R Balance and the Open Ord Val. is
calculated. This is the total balance of what this
customer owes your company.

Futr$ Your future dollars for this customer are displayed here.
This is the A/R balance for this customer that is not yet
due. Speak with your System Designer about future
invoice logic if you wish to activate this feature.

Avg Days The average number of days it takes this customer to

pay you displays here. To calculate this figure, the date
of the original invoice (using the system's internal
date), has the date of the payment subtracted, and is
then added to an attribute used to accumulate this
difference. Then, when the inquiry is called up, the
number in this attribute is divided by the total number
of payments made by that customer.

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8 Accounts Receivable Inquiries

AR Posting Inquiry

AR Posting The A/R Posting Inquiry allows you to display invoice information that was
Inquiry entered through A/R Posting to the screen. This supplies you with a method of
checking on the progress and accuracy of your conversion.

A series of inputs is required.

Enter Invoice #: #########

Enter the eight-digit invoice number of the first invoice about which you wish to
see information. The number displays along the right-hand side of the screen and
you are asked if this is the correct invoice number. The next prompt displays.

Enter Next Invoice # or 'LAST': ########

You may continue to enter up to 20 invoice numbers. When you have entered your
final invoice number, enter the word LAST.

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Accounts Receivable Inquiries

AR Posting Inquiry

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8 Accounts Receivable Inquiries

A/R History Inquiry

A/R History The A/R History Inquiry allows you to look at information regarding any invoice
Inquiry that was created on the system. First, the inquiry looks to the AR file, then it reads
the AR_HIST file. The AR_HIST file is created during End-of-Month processing.
This file (AR_HIST) will stay on the system until you purge it manually using
Purge AR.HIST File from your Purge Programs menu.

After selecting this inquiry, enter the number of the invoice about which you wish
to inquire:

Enter Invoice #:

Enter the full invoice number, including the company number prefix. The history
of transactions occurring to this A/R record is shown.

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Accounts Receivable Inquiries

Check History Inquiry

Check The Check History Inquiry enables you to see all of the checks, the check dates,
History and check amounts for a specific customer. When you access this inquiry, you must
specify which customer you want to look at.

Enter Customer:

You can access the customer record that you want in several ways:

Phone Number Entry of the customer's telephone number (from

Customer Master Maintenance) will bring up the
customer information. Enter seven digits (do not enter
the dashes). If there is more than one customer with
that phone number (regardless of the area code) the
Customer Lookup displays. Make your selection from
the lookup.

Portion of the For each customer in your database, a cross reference

Name has been built starting with the third character up
through the last character of each word in the
customer's name. For example, the customer “The
Systems House” can be accessed by entering: The,
Sys, Syst, Syste, System, Systems, Hou, Hous, or
House. To build the cross reference, the name as it was
entered through Customer Master Maintenance is used
(upper and lowercase letters must match the Customer
Master record).

Customer Lookup
If there are other customers with the same sequence of
letters in their names as those you entered, they will
also display in the Customer Lookup. You will then
select the correct customer from those displayed in the

For instance, let's say you have five customers with the
letters Ban at the beginning of a word in the company
name. You can enter Ban at the Customer No. Field
and the Customer Lookup displays all five customers,
allowing you to choose the correct one.

External Number The customer's external number identifies this specific

customer. This number was loaded through Customer
Master Maintenance.

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8 Accounts Receivable Inquiries

Check History Inquiry

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Accounts Receivable Inquiries

Check History Inquiry

Once you have located the customer, the check history displays.

End-of-Day updates the CHECK_HIST file. When you wish, the CHECK_HIST
file must be purged manually using Purge CHECK.HIST File from your Purge
Programs menu.

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8 Accounts Receivable Inquiries

A/R Summary Balances Inquiry

A/R The AR Summary Balances Inquiry displays the customer detail records for all
Summary customers who do not have a zero AR balance. It then adds up the AR balance for
each period and displays the results to the screen.

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Accounts Receivable Inquiries

AR Detail Aging Report - Descending Balance

AR Detail This report lists your A/R balances for period 1,2,3, and anything over 90 days.
Aging Report This will help you in quickly assessing your AR for each of your customers, and
allow you to address any situations that may be developing.
- Descending
Balance This report lists the AR balances in descending order of amount.

EXT CUST# The customer’s external number will appear under this

SLSMN The code of the salesperson for this customer displays


CUSTOMER The name of the customer appears here.


LST.PAY.DT The date that your customer last made a payment

displays here.

LST.PAY.$ The amount that was last paid by your customer

appears under this heading.

A/R BAL This is the accounts receivable balance for your


AR.BAL.1,2,3 These three fields represent your three accounting

periods that you have set up for this customer.

90+ OVERDUE Any AR that is 90 or more days overdue for this

customer will display in this field.

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8 Accounts Receivable Inquiries

AR Detail Aging Report - Descending Balance

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Accounts Receivable Inquiries

AR Detail Aging Report - By Salesperson

AR Detail This report lists your A/R balances for period 1,2,3, and anything over 90 days.
Aging Report This will help you in quickly assessing your AR for each of your customers, and
allow you to address any situations that may be developing.
- By
Salesperson This report lists the AR balances by salesman, and then by company.

EXT CUST# The customer’s external number will appear under this

SLSMN The code of the salesperson for this customer displays


CUSTOMER The name of the customer appears here.


LST.PAY.DT The date that your customer last made a payment

displays here.

LST.PAY.$ The amount that was last paid by your customer

appears under this heading.

A/R BAL This is the accounts receivable balance for your


AR.BAL.1,2,3 These three fields represent your three accounting

periods that you have set up for this customer.

90+ OVERDUE Any AR that is 90 or more days overdue for this

customer will display in this field.

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8 Accounts Receivable Inquiries

AR Detail Aging Report - By Salesperson

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