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Innovation 2
#04 Sustainable Car: Research (10%)
Name: ______________________________________ Number of Marks: 13 Marks: ______/13
Duration: 2 weeks Due Date: Week 4

Design Challenge: Sustainable Car

This term you are to address the environmental impact of cars by designing an electric or solar paneled
sustainable car.
Research and Empathise: Understanding the purpose and need for sustainable cars
In this phase, you will research the environmental impact of cars and the different sustainable car
technologies. You will also need to empathise with the people who are affected by the environmental
impact of cars.

● Research the environmental impact of cars. This includes understanding the different types of pollutants that cars emit, the effects of
these pollutants on the environment, and the challenges of reducing pollution from cars.
● Investigate different sustainable car technologies. This includes understanding the different types of energy sources that can be used to
power cars, the different features that can be included in a sustainable car, and the challenges of developing and commercialising
sustainable car technologies.
● Empathize with the people who are affected by the environmental impact of cars. This includes understanding the concerns of
people who live near roads, people who work in the transportation industry, and people who are concerned about the health of the planet.

Present your findings as an information presentation (e.g. power point, canva, video, website etc.).

Note: Use reliable sources when researching sustainable car technologies. This includes government websites, academic journals, and reputable
news organizations.

You are required to answer 3-5 questions under each of the sections below:
Environmental impact of cars
● What are the current environmental challenges associated with traditional transportation methods, such as gasoline-powered cars?
● What are the different types of pollutants that cars emit?
● What are the effects of these pollutants on the environment?
● What are the challenges of reducing pollution from cars?
● What are the different ways to measure the environmental impact of cars?
● What are the different factors that contribute to the environmental impact of cars?

Sustainable car technologies

● What are the different types of energy sources that can be used to power cars?
● What are the different features that can be included in a sustainable car?
● What are the challenges of developing and commercializing sustainable car technologies?
● How does electric vehicle technology work, and what are the environmental benefits of transitioning to electric vehicles?
● What are the different types of sustainable car technologies that are currently available?
● What are the different types of sustainable car technologies that are being developed?
● What role does renewable energy play in sustainable transportation, and how can it be integrated into transportation infrastructure?
● How does 3D printing technology impact sustainable transportation, and what are its potential applications in car manufacturing?
● What are the environmental implications of using various materials in car production, and how can sustainable materials be utilized in 3D
● How can sustainable transportation contribute to reducing carbon emissions and combating climate change?
● What are the different types of sustainable transportation options available today, and what are their advantages and limitations?

Empathy for the people who are affected by the environmental impact of cars
● What are the concerns of people who live near roads?
● What are the concerns of people who work in the transportation industry?
● What are the concerns of people who are concerned about the health of the planet?
● How can we design a car that addresses the concerns of the people who are affected by the environmental impact of cars?
● How can we design a car that is both sustainable and affordable?
Not sufficient Working towards Working at standard Working above Working well above
standard standard standard
0-4 4.5-5.5 6-7.5 8- 8.5 9-10
Research Group research was Group research into Group research looks Group research Group research
(10 marks) limited/not the impact of cars into the impact of cars. explores the impact of thoroughly explores
submitted. was brief and lacked cars on our and investigates the
detail. environment. impact of cars on our
Not sufficient Working towards Working at standard Working above standard
standard 3
0 1 2
Presentation No attempt to present Little or no attempt to Work presented in a Work presented in a neat and professional
(3 marks) work in a neat, present work in a neat, reasonably neat, manner.
professional or artistic professional or professional manner.
manner. manner. No punctuation, spelling and grammatical
errors. Application of sophisticated sentence
Persistent punctuation, Frequent punctuation, Minor punctuation, structure.
spelling and spelling and spelling and
grammatical errors. grammatical errors. grammatical errors. Used a range of appropriate quality visuals that
Annotations effectively support presentation.
completed in dot
points. A bibliography is included and accurately
written. In text referencing included.
No visuals. Limited and or Sufficient visuals
inappropriate visuals presented.

A bibliography is not A bibliography is A bibliography is

included. included but written included with minor
with frequent errors. errors.

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