Do - Q1W2 Tle 6 Module 2 Applying Knowledge and Skills in Planting Fruit Bearing Trees

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Module 2:
Applying Knowledge and Skills in
Planting Fruit-Bearing Trees
Technology and Livelihood Education – Grade 6
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 2: Applying Knowledge and Skills in Planting Fruit-Bearing
First Edition, 2020

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Technology and Livelihood

Module 2:

Applying Knowledge and Skills in

Planting Fruit-Bearing Trees

Introductory Message
For the parent/adult facilitator:
Welcome to Module 2 of the Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) 6
Supplementary Learning Materials for the First Quarter, which focuses on
the skill of applying knowledge and skills in planting fruit-bearing trees.

This module was collaboratively developed by educators from the public

schools to assist your child to meet the standards set by the K to 12
Curriculum while overcoming personal, social, and economic constraints in

This learning resource hopes to engage the learners in guided and

independent learning activities that they can do at their own pace and time.
Furthermore, this material also aims to help learners acquire the needed 21st
century skills while taking into consideration their needs and circumstances.

As a parent/adult facilitator, you are expected to help the young learner

in using this module. It would also be helpful for you to keep track of the
learner’s progress while allowing them to manage their own learning.
Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the learners as they
do the tasks included in the module.

Thank you for partnering with your child’s school and teachers in
ensuring that learning will continue in spite of these challenging times.

For the learner:

Welcome to Module 2 of the Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE)

6 Supplementary Learning Materials for the First Quarter. This material will
help you learn how to apply knowledge and skills in planting fruit-bearing

This module was designed with meaningful and fun activities to help
you learn at your own speed and time. As you use this material, you will see
that it has the following signs and parts:

What I Need to Know This will give you an idea of the skills or
competencies you are expected to learn in the

What I Know This part includes an activity that aims to

check what you already know about the
lesson to take. If you get all the answers
correct (100%), you may decide to skip this

What’s In This is a brief drill or review to help you link
the current lesson with the previous one.

What’s New In this portion, the new lesson will be

introduced to you in various ways; a story, a
song, a poem, a problem opener, an activity
or a situation.

What is It This section provides a brief discussion of the

lesson. This aims to help you discover and
understand new concepts and skills.

What’s More This comprises activities for independent

practice to solidify your understanding and
skills of the topic. You may check the answers
to the exercises using the Answer Key at the
end of the module.

What I Have Learned This includes questions or blank

sentence/paragraph to be filled in to process
what you learned from the lesson.

What I Can Do This section provides an activity which will

help you transfer your new knowledge or skill
into real life situations or concerns.

Assessment This is a task which aims to evaluate your

level of mastery in achieving the learning

Additional Activities In this portion, another activity will be given

to you to enrich your knowledge or skill of the
lesson learned.

Answer Key This contains answers to all activities in the


At the end of this module you will also find:

This is a list of all sources used in

developing this module.

The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities
included in the module.

3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not
hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are
not alone.

We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and
gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it

What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to
help you master the uses of technology in the conduct of survey to find out
the elements to be observed in planting trees and fruit-bearing trees, market
demands for fruits and famous orchard farm in the country. The scope of this
module permits it to be used in many different learning situations. The
language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students. The lessons
are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course. But the order in
which you read them can be changed to correspond with the textbook you are
now using.

The module is divided into three lessons, namely:

Lesson 1 – Elements to be observed in planting trees and fruit-bearing trees
Lesson 2 – Market demands for fruits
Lesson 3 – Famous orchard farms in the country

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. identify the elements to be observed in planting trees and fruit
bearing trees.
2. list down the elements to be observed in planting trees
3. describe the characteristics of fruits to be harvested to reach the
market in good condition
4. identify famous orchard farms in the country
5. enumerate the famous orchard farms in the country
6. value the knowledge and skills gained in planting trees and fruit-
bearing trees.

What I Know

Using the jumbled letters strategy, unscramble the letters to form the correct word


Elements in Planting Trees
1 and Fruit-Bearing Trees

Planting, just like cooking, requires a systematic way of doing things. It requires a
step-by-step procedure on how to select and prepare the soil, the seedlings, the tools,
and the location for planting.

With these requirements, all that is needed is a thorough knowledge and skill on how
to do the planting process and the manner on how plants are to be taken care of.

What’s In

Enumerate five importance and benefits of planting trees and

fruit-bearing trees.

Notes to the Parent

We are hoping for your strict guidance as your child

answers the module. Your active cooperation will be
necessary for the betterment of your child’s learning.

What’s New

Analyze the picture. What can you say about the picture?
What do plants need to grow?

What is It

Elements/Factors to be Considered in Planting Trees and Fruit

Bearing Trees
1. Climate- is considered as the most important factor affecting the
growth of trees or crops.
Climate includes:
a. Temperature- refers to the degree of coldness and hotness of the
atmosphere of a certain period.
b. Sunlight- is the main energy provider in the process of food
manufacture in the plant kingdom, sunlight influences the growth of
trees through its effects on photosynthesis, transpiration, flowering,
rate of water absorption among others.
c. Rainfall- is very important for the growth of all kinds of trees. Too
much or too little water may stunt their development.
2. Soil- holds the tree and provides it with nutrients and certain mineral
elements necessary for growth and development. It is the primary
medium for plants.
Types of Soil
a. Mineral Soil- composed of inorganic substances with varying
amounts of decaying organic matter
b. Organic soil- is form from partly decayed plant materials.
Classification of Soil
a. Sandy –is made up largely of coarse particles of sand
b. Loamy Soil –is fertile and retentive of soil moisture and is
considered to be the best garden soil.
3. Water- Trees cannot survive without water for it forms part of every
plant, cells and tissues
4. Fertilizer- are added to the soil to increase its productivity.0
Two Kinds of Fertilizer
a. Organic Fertilizer- are a mixture of animal manure; food washing
and decayed fruits, vegetable peelings and humus.
b. Inorganic Fertilizer- are the commercial fertilizer and are made up
of synthetic materials and is used as substitute for the organic one.

What’s More

In the following activities, use your Activity Notebook for your

answers. Don’t forget to label each activity.

Directions: Identify the elements to be considered in planting trees and fruit-
bearing trees. Choose your answer from the words inside the box.

Water sunlight temperature

Soil climate fertilizer
__________1. Added to soil to increase productivity.
__________2. The most important factor affecting the growth of trees
or crops.
__________3. It holds the tree and provides it with nutrients
__________4. Refers to the degree of coldness and hotness.
__________5. The main energy provider

What I Have Learned

It is necessary to observe the elements in planting trees and fruit bearing trees
in order to have bountiful harvest.

Several factors must be considered to prosper in tree farming activity.

Experienced fruit tree growers consider climate, soil and water as elements
that contribute to successful tree farming.

What I Can Do


Draw a on the blank if the statement is true and if it

is false.
__________1. Sandy is made up largely of coarse particles of sand.
__________2. Organic fertilizers are the commercial fertilizer.
__________3. Loamy Soil it is fertile and retentive of soil moisture.
__________4. Rainfall is very important for the growth of all kinds of trees.
__________5. Trees cannot survive without water.

Market Demands for
2 Fruits

Fruit-tree growing has become a profitable job with a high demand for fruits.
Fruits have high nutritional value and digestion stimulating properties.
Likewise, the produce commands a good price especially in times when the
supply is low. Fresh fruits are always in demand as compared to bottles or
canned fruits.

What’s In

List down the elements in planting trees and fruit-bearing trees.


What’s New

What did you see in this picture? Tell something about it.

What is It

To ensure success in selling fruits, the farmer or seller should

consider the following market demands:

a. Buyers select fruits and other products of good quality, usually

based on size, shape, and appearance.
b. Good quality fruits have the same appearance, size, stage of
maturity, state of freshness, and shape.
c. Fruits should be in their freshest state when being sold. They can
command higher prices.
d. Pack fruits properly in good containers to maintain their freshness
and to avoid cuts, bruises, and blemishes.
e. Price your products based on the current price on the market. Going
with the current price makes your product competitive. Generally,
when products are sold during the peak season, if your products
are of superior quality, you can demand a higher price. Many
consumers prefer to pay a higher price if they feel they are getting
their money’s worth.

What’s More

In the following activities, use your Activity Notebook for your

answers. Don’t forget to label each activity.

Put a check on practices which you have experienced doing and an X mark
on those you have not experienced doing.

Practices ✓ or X
1. Planted fruit trees
2. Picked fruits from fruit trees
3. Took care of the fruit trees
4. Stored fruits in baskets
5. Sold fruits to a friend and in the

What I Have Learned

Fruits are very saleable in the market because of its nutritional

contents that make us healthy.

What I Can Do

Make a short poem on how to market fruits

Very Good 5
Good 4
Fair 3
Poor 2

Famous Orchard Farms in
3 the Country
Just like vegetables and ornamentals, growing fruit trees is not difficult. The
problems lie in the lack of space or where to plant them.

In urban areas where spaces are very limited, fruit trees are not usually planted.
Some homeowners do not like to plant trees because they say, a grown tree will
destroy the foundation of their houses because of their big and long roots.

But for those who have enough space, fruit trees like mango, duhat, tamarind,
banana, papaya and other fruit trees are planted. Aside from the shade that
they give, when they bear fruits, the family is, at least, assured of a supply of
fruits for their daily consumption.
In the province, fruit trees are sources of income for the family. Aside from the
added fresh air, they provide the ambience that city dwellers have not

What’s In

Tell something about the picture

What’s New

An Orchard is a piece of land where trees or shrubs are maintained for food or
commercial production. Likewise, an orchard features big gardens for aesthetic
and productive purposes.
Orchard are often concentrated near a water source. Orchard owners mostly
concentrate on a particular species of trees to produce.

What is It

Famous Orchard Farm in the Country

1. Rosa Farms- A sprawling 12.5-hectare farm located at KM 156 National
Highway, San Marcelino, Zambales. The property was purchased by David
Jocson and Rosa Magsaysay wayback in 1920s. It was originally called Linoron
Farm about a nearby river. When Mt. Pinatubo erupted in 1991, the whole place
was buried with ash, leaving only a few surviving mango trees. David and Rosa’s
grandchildren faced the devastation with a resilient spirit, armed with lessons
taught by their grandparents. They rehabilitated and developed the farm
into a mango orchard. By 2011, the farm was renamed as Rosa Farms
under the management of Ding and Nelda Zulueta.

2. Gapuz Grapes Farms- Cirilo Gapuz started the business in the 1980s to
provide for his family. Thirty years on, the farm has produced beyond
expectations. The family also helped neighboring farmers and interested locals
in panting grapes. Visitors and tourists will find the farm a refreshing experience
and a feast to the senses. Gapuz Farm is in Barangay Urayong, Bauang, La

3. Rock Farm- If you are an orange lover-from Sunkist, Hamlin and ponkan
variety-then visit Rock Farm at Café Bodega in Stauton Road, Sagada, Mountain

4. Philippine Mango Seedling Farm Corp. (PMSFC) a family-owned and

operated agricultural enterprise situated in the border of Cadaba, Pampanga and
Baliuag Bulacan. The Company was established mainly for three objectives: 1)
environmental preservation through youth education 2) strengthening of the
mango industry by ensuring the constant and sustainable supply of mango

produce and 3) livelihood enhancement through corporate involvement by
promoting mango farming.

5. Davao Golden Pomelo Farm, Davao City Carmelita Mercado is the top
pomelo producer and distributor in the Philippines. The farm has 350 hectares
of sweet pink flesh pomelo

6.Kitsie’s Farm, Zambales, Philippines Kitsie’s Farm has dozens of fruit-

bearing mango trees scattered across its 15-hectares land with each tree
yielding at least 200 kilos each.

7. Durian Fruit, Davao City, Philippines

The Durian fruit is popular due to its strong aroma and unique taste. It is also
grown in Thailand and Indonesia. Many often say. “It smells like hell, but
it tastes like heaven”. The flesh is rich in carbohydrates, proteins,
vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, and Vitamins A and C), and minerals
(calcium, phosphorous, potassium, and iron). The flesh is eaten fresh or
processed into jams, marmalade, spread, pastillas, or flavoring for ice cream,
candies, cakes and rolls.

What’s More

In the following activities, use your Activity Notebook for your

answers. Don’t forget to label each activity.


Identify the following famous Farms. Select your answer inside the box and
write it on the blank.

Davao golden Pomelo Farm Rock Farm Philippine Mango Seedling Farm Corp.

Gapuz Farm Rosa Farm

___________1. A Ponkan farm found in Sagada, Mountain Province.

___________2. This farm was rehabilitated and developed the farm into
a mango orchard.
___________3. A Grape Farm located at Barangay Urayong, Bauang, La
___________4. The top pomelo producer and distributor in the Philippines.
___________5. An Agricultural Enterprise situated in the border of
Cadaba, Pampanga and Baliuag Bulacan.

What I Have Learned

Orchard farming meaning is the planting of trees and shrubs. You can
also call orchard farming a fruit garden. The orchard contains farming
of fruits and nuts for commercial purposes. Most of the orchard farming
are done with a single variety of fruits or nuts.

Famous Orchard Farm in the Country

• Rosa Farm
• Gapuz Grapes Farm
• Rock Farm
• Philippine Mango Seedling Farm Corp
• Davao golden Pomelo Farm

What I Can Do

Name five famous orchard farm in the country.

1. ___________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________


Use your Activity Notebook for your answers. Don’t forget to label
each activity.

A. Identify the elements to be observed in planting trees and fruit-

bearing trees. Write your answer on the blank.

________1. It is the primary medium for plants.

________2. This element includes temperature, sunlight and rainfall.
________3. This element serves as a solvent for the nutrient from the soil.
________4. This is the main energy provider in the process of food
manufacture in the plant kingdom.
________5. This refers to the degree of coldness and hotness of the
atmosphere at a certain period of time.

B. True or False
________1. Select fruits and other products of good quality.
________2. Good quality fruits have a different appearance, shape & size.
________3. Pack fruits properly in good containers to maintain
their freshness.
________4. Price your products based on the current price on the market.
________5. Fruits should be in their freshest state when being sold.

C. Identify the famous Orchard Farm in the Country

________1. This Orchard Farm is12.5-hectare mango orchard in the
coastal province of Zambales.
________2. If you are an orange lover-from Sunkist, Hamlin and
ponkan variety, then visit this Farm.
________3. This Orchard farm is mango producer and an agricultural
enterprise situated in the border of Cadaba, Pampanga
and Baliuag Bulacan.
________4. This Grape farm started the business in the 1980’s and it is
located at Barangay Urayong, Bauang, La Union.
________5. The top pomelo producer and distributor in the Philippines.

Additional Activities

Research for one practitioner and share his/her expertise in growing

trees, fruit trees, and managing an orchard.

What Can Do
Lesson 1
Lesson 3
• Gapuz Grapes Farm
• Rosa Farm
• Rock farm
• Philippine Mango Seedling Farm corp
• Davao Golden Pomelo farm
• Durian fruit Davao
• Kitsie’s Farm
What's More What I Know Assessment
Lesson 1 1. True A.
2. True
1. Fertilizer 3. True 1. Soil
2. Climate 4. False 2. Climate
3. Soil 5. True 3. Water
4. Temperature 4. Sunlight
5. Sunlight 5. Temperature
Lesson 3 B.
1. Rock Farm 1. True
2. False
2. Rosa Farm
3. True
3. Gapuz Grapes Farm 4 .True
4. Davao golden Pomelo 5. True
Farm C.
5. Philippine Mango 1. Rosa Farm
Seedling Farm Corp. 2. rock Farm
3. Philippine Mango
Seedling Farm Corp.
4. Gapuz Grape Farm
5. Davao Golden Pomelo
Answer Key
Second Edition, The Phoenix Publishing House Inc. p 60-62.
Josephine C. Bernardino et al. 2017 Technology and Livelihood Education Grade 6
Edition, Adriana Publishing co. Inc. p.55
Susana V. Guinea 2016. Technology and Livelihood Education 6 K to 12
Philippines:Vibal Group, Inc. p. 62-63.
Gloria A. Peralta, EdD., 2016. Life Skills Through TLE , Quezon City,
What's In
Lesson 1
❖ Trees reduce destruction of homes and agricultural crops.
❖ Trees are important sources of food and medicine
❖ Trees provide shade
❖ They release oxygen
❖ They also absorb carbon dioxide
❖ Trees filter the heat of the sun
❖ They can help control flood
❖ Trees contribute to the beautiful landscapes
❖ They serve as windbreakers
❖ They prevent river and lake sedimentation
❖ They improve the atmosphere
❖ Trees serve as valuable habitat for wildlife animals
Lesson 2
➢ Climate
➢ Temperature
➢ Rainfall
➢ Sunlight
➢ Water
➢ Fertilizer
➢ Soil

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