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La birou At the office

Vocabulary: Chairman presedinte Deputy director director adjunct Marketing director director de marketing Director director Sales director director de vanzari (comercial) Managing director director general Executive director director executive To hire (employ) a angaja To imply (to envolve) a implica Coordinsation coordonare To draw up - a pregati un raport To supervise a superviza To enrich (to develop) a dezvolta, a imbogati To cut down (to reduce) a reduce To increase (to extend) a creste, a mari Job contract contract de munca Sales representative reprezentatnt de vanzari Trial period perioada de

Despre interviu Interview

Vocabulary: University degree diploma universitara Technology tehnologie Economics economie Preferably de preferat Management conducere, management Company car masina de serviciu Career prospects perspectiva de cariera Remuneration package pachet de remunerare Recruitment recrutare, selectie (a personalului) Chief accountant contabil sef Staff personal, grup de angajati System sistem Manufacturer producator Secretary secretara Requirements cerinte Fluency fluenta Skill abilitate, indemanare Position functie, post Employment loc de munca Interview interviu Application aplicare, cerere

Curriculum vitae curriculum vitae Photograph fotografie, poza Engaged - ocupat Position

Management concepts:
QUALITY Quality is important to business organisations and their consumers. This is because quality products or services can and will secure consumers business. However do not equate quality with expensive, as price will not determine quality. Whether a product or service is of high or low quality, will be decided by how it made the consumer feel and whether consumer expectations were satisfied or exceeded. Adding Value Some writers such as Tom Peters (in his book Thriving on Chaos) believe that quality rather than price dictates demand for a product. Peters argues that customers will be prepared to pay for high quality. This means that value is added to a product by ensuring that products/services have the quality consumers require. Quality Control

Payment Plata
Vocabular: Additional aditional, suplimentar Advice note instiintrae Balance balanta, sold Business agreement intelegere de afaceri To credit a credita Credit note nota de credit To debit a debita To deduct a scadea Delivery books registre de livrare Government bonds obligatiuni guvernamentale Loan imprumut Overdraft finantare pe descoperit de cont Part payment plata partiala Rate of interest rata dobanzii Raw materials matrie prima Remittance remitere Statement extras de cont

Trading association asociere comerciala

Negocierea Negotiation
Vocabulary: Supply manager directorul Departamentului Aprovizionare Tehnical department Departamentul tehnic Averall procedure procedeu general As soon as possible cat mai repede posibil Size of order marime a comenzii To share ones point of view a avea acelasi punct de vedere cu cineva Complaint reclamatie To sign a contract - a semna un contract To word a contract a redacta un contract Draft (of a contract) ciorna Contract clauses clauze contractuale To submit a preda, a propune To undertake a asuma (raspunderea) To confirm an agreement a confirma un acord By the way apropo Non smoking area zona pentru

What is Marketing?
The term marketing has changed and evolved over a period of time, today marketing is based around providing continual benefits to the customer, these benefits will be provided and a transactional exchange will take place. The Chartered Institute of Marketing define marketing as The management process responsible for identifying , anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitability Philip Kotler defines marketing as satisfying needs and wants through an exchange process

SMART business objectives

All businesses need to set objectives for themselves or for the products or services they are launching. What does your company, product or service hope to achieve? Setting objectives are important., it focuses the

Vocabular Vocabulary
Chairman presedinte Deputy director director adjunct Marketing director director de marketing Director director Sales director director de vanzari (comercial) Managing director director general Executive director director executive To hire (employ) a angaja To imply (to envolve) a implica Coordinsation coordonare To draw up - a pregati un raport To supervise a superviza To enrich (to develop) a dezvolta, a imbogati To cut down (to reduce) a reduce To increase (to extend) a creste, a mari Job contract contract de munca Sales representative reprezentatnt de vanzari Trial period perioada de proba Working hours ore/program de lucru Salary salariu Vacation vacanta Bonus scheme plan de recompensare To earn - a castiga Incentive bonus prima de incurajare Commission comision To stimulate - a stimula To be up to a fi la alegerea, a depinde de Advertisement reclama To apply for a aplica, a face o cerere At present in prezent Challenging provocator Enclosed anexat

Relevant relevant Canvas panza Professional profesional Responsible for responsabil pentru Planning planificare Department departament Personal data date personale Factory manager director de fabrica University degree diploma universitara Technology tehnologie Economics economie Preferably de preferat Management conducere, management Company car masina de serviciu Career prospects perspectiva de cariera Remuneration package pachet de remunerare Recruitment recrutare, selectie (a personalului) Chief accountant contabil sef Staff personal, grup de angajati System sistem Manufacturer producator Secretary secretara Requirements cerinte Fluency fluenta Skill abilitate, indemanare Position functie, post Employment loc de munca Interview interviu Application aplicare, cerere Curriculum vitae curriculum vitae Photograph fotografie, poza Engaged - ocupat Position functie, serviciu Additional aditional, suplimentar Advice note instiintrae Balance balanta, sold Business agreement intelegere de afaceri To credit a credita Credit note nota de credit To debit a debita To deduct a scadea Delivery books registre de livrare Government bonds obligatiuni guvernamentale Loan imprumut Overdraft finantare pe descoperit de cont Part payment plata partiala

Rate of interest rata dobanzii Raw materials matrie prima Remittance remitere Statement extras de cont Trading association asociere comerciala Supply manager directorul Departamentului Aprovizionare Tehnical department Departamentul tehnic Averall procedure procedeu general As soon as possible cat mai repede posibil Size of order marime a comenzii To share ones point of view a avea acelasi punct de vedere cu cineva Complaint reclamatie To sign a contract - a semna un contract To word a contract a redacta un contract Draft (of a contract) ciorna Contract clauses clauze contractuale To submit a preda, a propune To undertake a asuma (raspunderea) To confirm an agreement a confirma un acord By the way apropo Non smoking area zona pentru nefumatori Previous anterior Level nivel Programming programare To get a discount - a obtine o reducere To involve a implica To let someone know about a instiinta pe cineva despre.. By far incontestabil, de departe To train a instrui Overall procedure procedeu general Pace of work ritm de lucru Penalty clause clauza referitoare la penalizare Main objective obiectiv principal Conflict conflict Dispute disputa Pressure presiune, povara Resentment resentiment Victory victorie Yield productie, recolta, beneficiu Trade comercial Mislead- a induce in eroare

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