Directed Situations Functions and Notions On CXC Braod Topics With Answers

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Directed Situations from CSEC Past Papers.


Write in FRENCH the information required for EACH of the situations given below.
Do NOT write more than ONE sentence for EACH situation. For some situations a
complete sentence may not be necessary. Do NOT translate the situations given. Do NOT


Expressing wishes

Your best friend is leaving for a vacation abroad. Send him/her an email expressing two
wishes for his/her holiday.

Bon voyage, bon séjour

Declining and apologizing.

You have been invited out by a friend. Write him/her a note of apology and give a reason
for not being able to accept.

Je suis désolé(e) je ne peux pas accepter parce que je suis malade.


Your cousin leaves you a note reminding you to do a particular task. What does it say?

N’oublie pas de faire la cuisine.


You are out on a date and cannot get home on time. Send your mother a text message
explaining why you will be late and when you will get home.

Je suis au cinéma avec mes amis, je vais rentrer à minuit.


You are about to walk on a lawn in Guadeloupe when your friend stops you and shows
you a sign that is placed on the lawn. What does the sign say?

Il est interdit de/Défense de marcher sur la pelouse.


In your school library there are a number of signs which inform the users of what they
should not do. State two things that users should not do.

Il est interdit de/Défense de manger et parler ici.

Expressing disappointment

You visit an aunt whom you have not seen in years but she is not at home. You leave a
note on her door expressing disappointment and saying how you plan to contact her
again. What does the note say?

C’est dommage, je vais te téléphoner demain.

Before leaving for work on Sunday morning, your mother leaves a note asking you to do
two things. What does her note say?

Fais la cuisine et range ta chambre.

Explaining and apologizing

Your teacher is annoyed with you over something you did. Write an apology to your
teacher explaining your behaviour/action.

Je regrette mais j’étais malade

(a) A newspaper has a column for students and gives two pieces of advice on preparing for
exams. What advice is given?

Il faut étudier et préparer bien/Étudiez et Préparez bien

Send your friend a note inviting him/her to an event, stating the time and place.

Tu veux aller au concert au parc à midi/Je t’invite au concert au parc à midi.


Your friend wants to know what you will be wearing to your cousin’s wedding. Give
two features of the outfit you will be wearing.

Je vais porter un costume marron et chic/ je vais porter une robe rose et chic


You are asked to submit two improvements that you would like to see at your school.
Make two suggestions.

Je voudrais voir une piscine et une bibliothèque moderne.

Giving reason

You are feeling sad today. Send a note to your friend giving two reasons why.

Je suis fatigué (e) et je suis malade


You leave a note for your little brother prohibiting him from doing something. What
does the note say?

Ne pas manger dans la chambre !


An exchange student from France is to attend your school this year. Send him/her an
email stating two school rules.

Ne pas manger dans la classe, il faut porter un uniforme.

Expressing Good

Your cousin has just received some good news. Write an appropriate note expressing two

Chapeau, bon continuation!

Giving reason

You are a sports reporter covering a match which came to an abrupt end. In your
(newspaper) report give two reasons for such an end.

Il a commencé à pleuvoir et un joueur s’est cassé la jambe.


Your friend is captain of the football team that has won the School League. Write the e-
mail you send congratulating and encouraging him/her.

Félicitations/Bravo, bon continuation/chapeau!


Today’s newspaper has several precautions that should be taken during a storm. Write
TWO of these precautions.

Il faut acheter les provisions et écouter la radio.


(a) You send an e-mail to your friend explaining why you cannot attend an event. What does
the e-mail say?

Je ne peux pas aller au concert, je suis malade.

Expressing gratitude

A relative has given you an item which you have always wanted as a gift. Write a note of
gratitude, mentioning the item.

Merci pour la radio.


In the botanical gardens, visitors are not allowed to pick the flowers. What does the
notice say?
Il est interdit de cueillir les fleurs.

A sign in an amusement park forbids littering. What does it say?

Il est interdit de jeter les déchets.

You want to go to a night club but persons under 18 are not allowed. What does the
notice at the entrance say?

Il est interdit de personnes moins de dix-huit ans.

On a bus in Paris, a tourist is about to speak to the bus driver when someone shows him a
sign in the bus. What does the sign say?

Défense de parler au conducteur.


The language club at your school will be showing a French film tomorrow at a particular
time and place. Prepare a notice to indicate this.

Film, demain, au parc à midi

A poster advertises an upcoming event at your school. What does it say? (2008)

Concert à l’école le 22 juillet.

You are making a poster announcing the French club’s end of year party. State the time
and place where the party will be held.

Fête, au parc à midi

A French restaurant has posted a notice announcing the day’s special. What does the
notice say?

Plat du jour poulet frites

You are asked to make a poster for the school’s campaign against drugs. What two things
do you write?

Ne pas fumer, ne pas boire

You have just learned of the death of a close friend of your Martiniquain penfriend. You
send him or her a postcard with a message of condolences. Write down the message
given in the card.

Mes condoléances, courage

Your penpal’s grandmother is ill. What do you write to cheer him/her up?

Bon récuperation pour ta grand-mère, courage

Expressing wishes

Your favourite French teacher is going on retirement. Write a farewell note to him/her
expressing your best wishes.

Bon retraite/Bon voyage, meilleur voeux

Expressing Good wishes

Your neighbours are about to go abroad on holiday. Write them a note in which you
express two wishes for their holiday.

Bon voyage, bonnes vacances

Your sister’s fiancé is coming to your country for the first time. You will not be at home
when he arrives. Leave a note welcoming him and wishing him an enjoyable stay. (May

Bienvenue, bon séjour


You need to borrow some money to pay for an important article. Write a short note
asking our uncle to lend you the money.

Puis j’emprunter 20 euros pour acheter un livre.


Someone is going to clean your house while you are away. Leave a note specifying two
things that must be done during that time.

Fais du jardinage et fais le ménage.

Expressing Good

You send a short note to your cousin informing him/her of your exam results and the
plans that you have for the next term. What do you write?

J’ai des bonnes notes, je vais aller à l’université.


Your brother is out and you borrow something from his room. Leave him a note saying
what you did and why.

J’ai emprunté ton livre pour faire mes devoirs

Giving reason

You pen pal e-mails you two reasons why he failed his English exam. What does he

Je n’aime l’anglais et je déteste le prof.

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