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“A STUDY OF FMCG MARKET USING DATA VISUALISATION TOOLS ” A Project Report Submitted to Svitribai Phule Pune University In partial fulfillment of requirement for the award of the degree of Master of Business Administration BUSINESS ANALYTICS By Mr. HARSHAL NARESH GATHADI Under The Guidance of Prof. DEEPA JOSHI Sinhgad Technical Education Society’s RMD Sinhgad Technical Institutes Campus RMD. Sinhgad School of Management Studies, Warje, Pune Batch 2022- 2024 DECLARATION I Harshal Naresh Gathadi, the undersigned, hereby declare that the project report entitled “A STUDY OF FMCG MARKET USING DATA VISUALISATION TOOLS ” written and submitted by me to the Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of degree of Master of Business Administration under the guidance of Prof. Deepa Joshi is my original work and the conclusions drawn there in are based on the material collected by myself. Date- Harshal Naresh Gathadi Place - Pune (Research Student) Index CHAPTER | : INTRODUCTION 12 CHAPTER 2 : COMPANY PROFILE... CHAPTER 3 : RESEARCH METHODOLOGY... 1.1 FAST PACED NATURE 1.2 BRAND LOYALTY AND COMPITITION 1.3 CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR INFLUENCE 1.4 GLOBAL REACH 1.5 RETAIL DOMINANCE 2.1 COMPANY OVERVIEW 2.2 COMPANY CHART eve T4815 3.1 DEFINE OBJECTIVES 3.2 LITRATURE REVIEWS 3.3 DATA COLLECTION 3.4 DATA CLEANING 3.5 DATA VISUALISATION TOOLS 3.6 HYPOTHESIS TESTING 10|Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Completing a project is an important part of the MBA (Master of Business Administration) program at Savitribai Phule Pune University. This report is based on my summer internship training at WeeAmo technologies on a topic “A STUDY OF FMCG MARKET USING DATA, VISUALISATION TOOLS * Consumer Goods (FMCG) market leveraging advanced data visualization tools. The primary objective was to gain deeper This project presents a comprehensive analysis of the Fast-Movi insights into consumer behavior, market trends, and competitor landscapes within the FMCG industry. The study began by collecting extensive datasets encompassing sales figures, consumer preferences, regional distribution, and marketing strategies from various sources. Through meticulous data preprocessing and cleansing, we ensured the accuracy and reliability of the information, |Page Chapter 1: Introduction The Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) market constitutes a vital segment of the global consumer goods industry, encompassing a wide array of frequently purchased, non-durable products. These goods are characterized by rapid tumover, relatively low prices, and high volume sales. FMCG products include daily essentials such as food and beverages, personal care items, household products, over-the-counter rugs, and more. The FMCG sector Is distinguished by its consumer-centric nature, as these products cater to everyday needs, making them indispensable in households worldwide. This industry’s dynamics are heavily influenced by evolving consumer preferences, changing lifestyles, economic factors, and technological advancements. * Key characteristics of the FMCG market include: L.1. Fast-Paced Nature: Products in this sector have a short shelf life and rapid turnover, requiring efficient supply chain management and quick response to market demands. 1.2. Brand Loyalty and Competition: Brands continuously vie for consumer attention and loyalty through branding, advertising, promotions, and innovation, making competition. intense. 1.3 . Consumer Behavior Influence: Purchase decisions are often influenced by factors like pricing, product quality, convenience, and evolving trends, making consumer behavior a pivotal aspect for companies operating in this market. 1.4 Global Reach: The FMCG industry has a global footprint, with products catering to diverse demographics and cultures across various regions. 1.5.Retail Dominance: FMCG products are predominantly sold through various retail channels, including supermarkets, convenience stores, ¢-commerce platforms, and specialty stores. 12|Page Chapter ‘ompany Profile Weeamo Design is an innovative and professional Web Development, digital marketing, Mobile Application and Internet of Things(!OT) firm in India, based in Nashik, which works with you in order to discover, test and upgrade new online products. Turning your requirement and ideas into incredible online products, we are frequently special in mobile applications according to the demands of the present technological world. We are committed to providing cost-effective premium quality services. Rather than your business service provider, we value associations that make us close to the heart of many. We will be with you on every move and we love to take up challenges that could bring in the best out of us for our clients. Our most recent and widely used websites have been developed with award-winning Content Management Systems tools like Joomla! and WordPress. Website Phone 8999483240 Industry IT Services and IT Consulting Company Size 2-10 employees Sassociated members @ Headquarters Nashik, Maharashtra Type Self Owned Founded 2018 Specialties web design, digital marketing , social media marketing, SEO, SEM, SMM, Mobile App Development 13|Page Chapter 3: Research Methodology Research Methodology for a study of the Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) market using data visualization tools typically involves several steps: 3.1 Define Objectives: Clearly outline the objectives of the study. Determine what aspects of the FMCG market you want to explore or analyze using data visualization. 3.2 Literature Review: Gather information from existing studies, reports, and literature related to FMCG markets, consumer behavior, market trends, ete. This helps in understanding the current state of the market and identifying gaps for your study. 3.3 Data Collection: Gather relevant data for analysis. This can include sales data, consumer behavior patterns, demographic information, market share, etc. Sources can range from market research firms, government publications, surveys, or internal company data. 3.4 Data Cleaning and Preparation: Cleanse the collected data to remove inconsistencies, errors, or missing values. Prepare the data for analysis by organizing, structuring, and formatting it appropriately. 3.5 Select Visualization Tools: Choose appropriate data visualization tools such as Tableau, Power BI, or Python libraries like Matplotlib or Seaborn based on the nature of your data and the visualizations needed. Consider the types of visualizations suitable for your objectives (e.g., bar charts, line graphs, heatmaps). Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA): Use the selected tools to conduct EDA. Explore the data to find patterns, trends, correlations, and insights. Create initial visualizations to understand the data better. 3.6 Hypothesis Testing (if applicable): If you have specific hypotheses to test regarding the FMCG market, perform statistical tests to validate or refute these hypotheses. 14|Page Develop Visualizations: Create comprehensive and meaningful visualizations based on the analysis. Visualize market trends, consumer behavior, sales patterns, geographical distribution, etc., using appropriate charts or graphs. Interpretation and Insights: Analyze the visualizations to draw insights and conclusions. Interpret the findings and relate them back to your research objectives Report and Presentation: Summarize your findings in a report or presentation format. Present the key insights, supported by the visualizations created during the analysis ‘Validation and Review: Validate the findings with subject matter experts or stakeholders. Incorporate feedback and review the analysis for accuracy and relevance. Remember, the effectiveness of your study heavily relies on the quality of data collected, the appropriateness of chosen visualization tools, and the accuracy of the analysis and interpretation. 15|Page

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