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Thu 9 Nov 2023 (3:52 AM)

Main Campus
Faculty of Engineering,Science and Technology

Course Title: Information and Communication Technology (1 CH)

Pre-requisites: Not Required

Course Objectives
To Define the peripheral devices of a computer system and describe the basic skill in computer.

To Explain generation of a computer during the evolution of computer system and compare different Operating systems.

To Illustrate the application of computer systems.

Course Topics / Major Contents

Introducing Computer Systems: Basic Definitions, Computer and Communication Technology, the applications of ICT - particularly
for engineering technology. Basic Operations and Components of a Generic Computer System: Basic operations: Input, Processing,
output, storage Basic components: Hardware, Software, Data, Users, types of storage devices. Processing Data: Transforming data
into information, how computers represent and process data, Processing Devices, CPU architectures. The Internet: The Internet and
the World Wide Web- browsers, HTML, URLs/ How DNS works, Email and other programs. Introduction to Embedded Systems:
What is an Embedded System, Applications, Components, Programming Languages, Popular Development Platforms. Networking
Basics: Uses of networks, Common types of networks (LAN, WAN, MAN etc.), Introduction to OSI Model, Future of Networks.
Database Management: Hierarchy of Data, Maintaining Data, Database Management Systems. Exposure to ICT Tools and Blogs
(Student Assignment). Protecting your privacy, your computer and your data: Basic Security Concepts, threats to users, threats to
hardware, threats to Data

Recomended Books
1. “Introduction to Computers”, Peter Norton, McGraw-Hill. (Latest Edition)
2. “Computing Essentials”, Timothy O’Leary and Linda O’Leary, McGraw-Hill. (Latest Edition)
3. Using Information Technology: A Practical Introduction to Computers & Communications”, Williams Sawyer, McGraw-Hill. (Latest
4. “Discovering Computers, Complete: Your Interactive Guide to the Digital World. Cengage Learning” Shelly GB, Vermaat ME,
(Latest Edition)

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

CLOs CLO Description PLOs
CLO-1 Define the working of computer hardware and software. PLO-1 (C1 - Memorize)
CLO-2 Compare problem solving skills and develop small scale computer programs. PLO-1 (C2 - Understand)
CLO-3 Use the concepts of data communication and networks. PLO-1 (C3 - Apply)
CLO-6 Express problem-solving skills by developing computer programs. PLO-3 (C2 - Understand)

Delivery Methods
Class Projector
White Board
Online Classes

CLOs Assessment Mechanism & Grading Policy

Assessment Method Marks (%) CLO-1 (%) CLO-2 (%) CLO-3 (%) CLO-4 (% CLO-5 (%) CLO-6 (%) CLO-7 (%) CLO-8 (%)

Lecture Breakdown
Week Topic
1 Introducing Computer Systems: Basic Definitions, Computer and Communication Technology, the applications of ICT -
particularly for engineering technology
2 Basic Operations and Components of a Generic Computer System: Basic operations: Input, Processing, output, storage
Basic components: Hardware, Software, Data, Users, types of storage devices
3 Processing Data: Transforming data into information, how computers represent and process data, Processing Devices,
CPU architectures
4 The Internet: The Internet and the World Wide Web- browsers, HTML, URLs/ How DNS works, Email and other programs
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Thu 9 Nov 2023 (3:52 AM)
Main Campus
Faculty of Engineering,Science and Technology

Course Title: Information and Communication Technology (1 CH)

Pre-requisites: Not Required

Lecture Breakdown
Week Topic
5 Introduction to Embedded Systems: What is an Embedded System, Applications, Components,
6 Introduction to Programming Languages
7 Computer programming basics using C language
8 Algorithms, Flow chart
9 Introduction to Popular Development Platforms
10 Logical implantation of flow chart and algorithms using C language
11 Compiling, Testing & Debugging
12 Networking Basics: Uses of networks, Common types of networks (LAN, WAN, MAN etc.),
13 Introduction to OSI Model
14 Future of Networks Database Management: Hierarchy of Data, Maintaining Data, Database Management Systems
15 Exposure to ICT Tools and Blogs
16 Basic Security Concepts, threats to users, threats to hardware, threats to Data

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