Does Sex Education Lead Highschool Students in The Philippines To Be More Curious and End Up Intercoursing

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✨Does sex education lead Highschool students in the philippines

to be more curious and end up intercoursing?

★ Background of the Study

Sex education gives young adults knowledge related to sex such as reproduction, sexual
health, and reproductive rights. It provides adolescents with the knowledge, skills, and
desire they need to make healthy sex decisions throughout their lives. It builds a greater
understanding about relationships, safe sex, gender identity, birth control, and sexually
transmitted infections. With the help of this new system of education, studies shows that
Sex education can better prevent STDs & unwanted pregnancies. Not only that but, it also
decreases unsafe sex while increases the concept of family planning(Nichols, 2020, para.
1). Naturally these benefits will impact society in a better way and this is why the
Philippines funded free/subsidized contraceptives at medical centers and public schools
(Gallao et al., 2020)

There a misconception within adults about sex education. Many adults, especially ignorant
parents, believe that this is what's causing the rise in teenage pregnancies and give out
motivation to intercourse at such a young age. Sex education is discouraged and frowned
upon due to religious views. As a result, many youths and sexually active people are

uninformed of fundamental information that can protect them from STDs and unintended
pregnancies. Furthermore, a lack of sex education leads to major issues such as
overpopulation. Overpopulation has heavily impacted on the economy. According to the
population media center (2020), due to overpopulation, there is a high demand for food,
healthcare, housing, etc… This affected the children involved in a variety of settings. In
impoverished places, children roam aimlessly without their parents, leading them to the
same fate as their parents They think that children are wild and unguided and are in a
phase where they do not understand, but what they don’t seem to understand is that most
of their misconceptions are mainly surrounded by their beliefs and their belief systems,
religiously and culturally.

It goes without saying that sex education can lead to greater understanding and correct
misconceptions about sex related topics, but with the rise in teenage pregnancies as the
years go by, this research is to find any connection between the rising popularity of sex
education and the continuous increase in teenage pregnancies in the Philippines.

There are many efforts to decrease pregnancy rates, especially in the Philippines, but it still
continues to rise. This research’s objective is to reconsider whether or not sex education
should be taught in schools. Sex education in schools will provide teenagers with the
necessary information to make informed decisions in life. On the other hand, some argue
that including sex education in schools actually increases the risk of teenage pregnancies
and STDs. This study will classify statistics about sex education amongst students, justify
why sex education is needed amongst students, and tackle related questions surrounding
sex education.

Statement of the Problem:

The Philippines is lagging behind in terms of accepting sex education and a major
contributer of that is due to the fact that the Philippines is a predominantly christian
country. For instants, the Department of Education is considering creating a separate Sex
Ed curriculum, rather than asking other educators to change their curriculum, schools can
hire teachers who specialize in this sector. Another watershed moment was Education
Secretary Leonor Briones' condemnation of schools that deport pregnant children.
Expelling pregnant women merely adds to the stigma around premarital sex, which sex
education attempts to alleviate. The RH law encompasses CSE. Although the law's passage
is a tiny triumph, it is still a barrier that prevents people from taking responsibility for
their sexual decisions.

★ Research Questions
1. What factors can influence the highschool students into intercoursing at a young age?
2. How does restricting adolescents to sex education affect their future?
3.How do students that have sex education compare to adolescents that didnt learn about
4.What is the misconception about sex education within religious and cultural views

5. what is the relationship between the upsurge in sex education and the rise in teenage

Review of Related Literature

● According to the word of Dr Debbie Ollis, a senior lecturer in health and education at
Deakin University from "In actual fact, what a number of studies shows is
that by providing comprehensive sexuality education, young people actually delay the
onset of sexual activities. And for kids who are sexually active, the research shows that
they participate in much safer practices around sexual activity. There's this fear that if
we give them too much information, we will ruin their innocence. But in actual fact, we
know that by providing knowledge and understanding, we prepare them to be able to
deal with issues.”

● An information that i’ve learn in, It is better to begin sex education at a

young age in order to avoid negative consequences later in life. Furthermore, sex
education can be taught not just at school but also at home. Both parents and teachers
could provide a clear explanation so that children can comprehend it.

● From the website, they reference the absence of sex education sating that the
Abstinence-only programs and comprehensive instruction are the two types of sex
education available. Both of them, however, teach about the sex education process, which
can help youngsters learn how to make good decisions. Teenagers require information
and access to the appropriate resources in order to assist and defend themselves. This is
because, when kids don't know anything, they turn to the media or even pornography for
information because their parents aren't upfront about sex.

● The subject of sex education has generated a lot of debate and anger in the past. High-
quality teaching and learning about a variety of topics relating to sex and sexuality, as
well as exploring values and beliefs about those topics and obtaining the skills needed to
navigate relationships and maintain one's own sexual health, forms sex education. Sex
education can take place in the classroom, in the community, or online. Parents,
according to Planned Parenthood, have a significant and important role in giving sex

★ Definition of Terms
Sex Education - involves learning about a wide range of sex-related issues.

Sex Health - Sexual health is a state of sexuality-related physical, emotional, mental, and social

Sex - Pleasurable activity that involves the intimite touching of people with genetalia involve
Subsidize - A fund or money given by a government to continue their business for a lower price.

Contraceptive - known as birth control to prevent pregnancy before/during/after an intercourse

Std - A sexualy transmitted disease that spreads through

Teen Pregnancy - A woman who gets pregnant at ages 19 below

Sex education is discouraged and frowned upon due to religious views. As a result, many
youths and sexually active people are uninformed of fundamental information that can
protect them from STDs and unintended pregnancies. Furthermore, a lack of sex education
leads to major issues such as overpopulation. Overpopulation has heavily impacted on the
economy. According to the population media center (2020), due to overpopulation, there
is a high demand for food, healthcare, housing, etc… This affected the children involved in
a variety of settings. In impoverished places, children roam aimlessly without their
parents, leading them to the same fate as their parents.

(another topic)The church's opposition to sex.

(another topic)Many children are intrigued about what they learn in school and are
oblivious of the repercussions of sex that isn't protected.

As they advance from childhood to adulthood, too many young people are given confused
and contradictory information about relationships and sex. As a result, there is a growing
desire among young people for accurate information that will help them live a safe,
productive, and satisfying life. CSE meets this demand when it is delivered well,
empowering young people to make informed decisions about relationships and sexuality
and navigating a world where gender-based violence, gender inequality, early and
unintended pregnancies, HIV, and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs) continue to
pose serious health and well-being risks. In addition, a lack of high-quality, age- and
developmentally appropriate sexuality and relationship education may expose children
and adolescents to dangerous sexual behaviors and sexual exploitation.

After a 14-year wait, the Philippines passed the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive
Health Act of 2012 (RH Act). The statute mandated that sex education be included in the
public school curriculum for pupils aged 10 to 19. The Philippines also provided financing
for health clinics and public schools to provide free or subsidized contraception. The RH
Act was enacted in response to the country's various health challenges, including infant
mortality, pregnancy-related deaths, and an increase in HIV/AIDS incidence.
Furthermore, teen pregnancies are widespread in the Philippines, where 9% of women
between the ages of 15 and 19 begin childbearing.

As we speak, teenage pregnancies are on the rise. Considering that we provided sex
education to most of the areas in the Philippines, wouldnt it be right to assume maybe sex
education is leading the rise in teenage pregnancies in the Philippines? Sex education gives
students awareness about what sexual intercourse is. It provides not only the meaning of
sexual intercourse but also spreads awareness as to what pregnancies are and the effects of
having a child at such a young age. Looking at how the expanse in teenage pregnancies in
the philippines and the rise in sex education, is there a connection between the 2 topics? is
sex education in some means a factor to the rise of teenage pregnancies? Wouldn’t sex
education open topics to students in the Philippines?

Recognizing the threat of sexually transmitted illnesses and HIV/AIDS, as well as their
huge impacts. Sex education has an immense role for those who are about to mature and
make healthy decisions. Sex education has increased all over the world due to its benefits.
It supplies an array of information related to sex and sexuality. Many believe this might be
a solution to countries with an overgrowth of pregnancy rates such as the Philippines. The
Philippines has a rate of 6% in teenage pregnancies as of 2021. The goal of this study is to
see if sex education in the Philippines is decreasing or increasing the teenage pregnancy
cases. According to the ASEAN post, there is a high rise in the number of teenage
pregnancies as of 2021. It was estimated that it will rise to a whopping 133,265 by the end
of 2021. AS of right now, it is only continuing to rise as one of Asia's highest pregnancy
rates. It is second in all of Asia right behind Lao PDR and a tie with cambodia.


does sex education lead hs students in the philippines to be

more curious and end up intercoursing?

- How does religion play a part when talking about sex education
- When does this curiosity turn into rape
- How does restricting adolescents to sex education affect their futures?
- How do students that have had sex education compare to adolescents that didnt learn about it?
- In what ways does young teens of the philippines benefit from sex education
- What factors can influence highschool students into intercoursing at a young age

Background of the study

- In the Philippines, sex education is discouraged and frowned upon due to Catholic
Church views. As a result, many youths and sexually active people are uninformed
of fundamental information that can protect them from sexually transmitted diseases

and unintended pregnancies. Furthermore, a lack of sex education leads to major
issues such as overpopulation in poverty. Overpopulation has had a negative
impact on the agriculture industry and the housing industry. Children are involved in
a variety of settings. In impoverished places, children roam aimlessly without their
parents. The church's opposition to sex. Many children are intrigued about what
they learn in school and are oblivious of the repercussions of sex that isn't protected

- Sex→ pregnancies —> possible teen pregnancies → poverty :O
- Adolescents meaning "growing mature" need to know how to protect themselves from
HIV/STDs and premature pregnancies, and the best way to do is through sex education.
Sex education should be a lifelong learning process based on knowledge, skills, and a
positive attitude, and it can help young people enjoy sex and relationships.
- Teaching sex education at a young is much better
- Sex education teaches at a young age so sex will be a common word…. in the future and
will know what to do like what is right or wrong yada yada
- Should same sex be taught
- Efforts to define and evaluate the results of sex education have been hindered by different
definitions, goals, and ideologies.
- According to the ASEAN post, there is a high rise in the number of teenage
pregnancies as of 2021. It is estimated that it will rise to a whopping 133,265 by the
end of 2021. AS of right now, it is only continuing to rise as one of Asia's highest
pregnancy rates. It is second in all of Asia right behind Lao PDR and a tie with

Lao PDR- lao’s people democratic republic


● The subject of sex education has generated a lot of debate and anger in
the past. High-quality teaching and learning about a variety of topics
relating to sex and sexuality, as well as exploring values and beliefs about
those topics and obtaining the skills needed to navigate relationships and
maintain one's own sexual health, forms sex education. Sex education can
take place in the classroom, in the community, or online. Parents, according
to Planned Parenthood, have a significant and important role in giving sex

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