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Different types of industries

An industry is a branch of the economy that produces raw materials, goods and our
needs. They provide us with our needs, luxuries and the arts of others. There are so
many branches of industries such as the food industry, entertainment industry and
computer industries and many more. There are so many industries to track off, but
what are their differences?

As we know, industries are what keep the business going, and what produces the
products for the users, and there are many different types of industries to classify. The
different types of industries are small-scale industry, medium-scale industry and
large scale industry. Small-scale industries, also known as primary industry, make
handmade products or the so-called handicraft products. Workers use simple
machines and equipment. Small-scale industries are mostly raw materials.examples of
small-scale industries are bakeries, school stationeries and beauty parlors(just to
name a few) Medium-scale industries, also known as secondary industry, produce
furniture, jewellry, clothing and other consumer durables(basically luxuries and
furniture). People who work for medium-scale industries vary from 100-200 people
and the capital is bigger than the small-scale industry. Examples of medium-scale
industries are leather production, furniture making, beauty productions(cosmetics
and skincare). Large scale industries, also known as tertiary industries, use heavy
equipment and machinery, employ more workers and invest more capital. This
production includes the production of cement, medicine, oil products and other
electronic durables(heavy duty and important materials)examples of large-scale
industries are metal and steel production, the car industries and the textile industry
are some of many. There is one more that isn't really known, which is the quaternary
industry. The quaternary industry provides information services, such as computing,
ICT (information and communication technologies), consultancy (offering
advice to businesses) and R&D (research, particularly in scientific fields)
{basically technological services}

There are so many different types of industries such as small-scale industries,

medium-scale industries, large-scale industries and the quaternary industry.
All of which serves us as a consumer that needs those resources and privilege in
order for us to survive and live. We all provide for each other in our own way
and that's what is the most important in the industry business, providing for
one another

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