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Sedigo, Alexandra Graciela A.

11- LOVE A

Oral Communication Performance Task

Everyone these days is hooked on his/her mobile phone. While we may dismiss this as a common
behavior in the current times, the truth is that it has deep behavioral and social impacts. Mobile addiction
is a real problem and a cause of great concern. It impacts our health, relationships as well as work. From
what I have watched about the millennial question which is the interview of Simon Sinek with Tom
Bilyeu, Millennials are tough to manage and they’re accused of being entitled, narcissistic, self-focused
and lazy.

I realized that most of the people nowadays are addicted to their phones which is not a good thing for us.
Being addicted to your phone can make you overthink about things compared to not using phones which
can make you feel relaxed and can help you to think much better and wider. As per Simon Sinek most of
the people who’s using their social media more, so far have higher rates of depression than the people
who use less.

These days too many kids don’t know how to form deep meaningful relationships, deep meaningful
relationships are not there because they never practice the skill set and worse they don’t have the coping
mechanisms to deal with stress so when that stress starts to show up in their lives they’re not turning into
a person they turn into a device, they turn into a social media, they’re turning to these things which just
offer temporary relief. In conclusion we need to remove the temptation to stop this mobile/social media
addiction which can help us to grow and to be successful in life without needing any validations.

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