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A Guide to the Mastery of Cooking

“Don’t aspire to become a famous chef. Aspire to Iron Chef

become a great chef and let the food do the talking.” Max: 1
—Guido Feurig, Baron of Savory Tests: Trade (Cook) tests where timing is important
Your honed techniques allow you to cook with great
Cooking in the Old World and Beyond efficiency. Subtract one hour from a recipe’s cooking
duration, to a minimum of one. If it’s already an hour or
There are few things in this world as universal as the
less, take 15 minutes off the cooking duration to a
demand for good cooking. Whether you are crawling the
minimum of zero.
Street of a Hundred Taverns, camping deep in the
Drakwald forest, or scaling the Pale Sisters eventually
you will need to eat. Obtaining a mastery of cooking can
How the Sausage Is Made
help ensure that the ingredients around you will be put to Each region of cuisine has a style that must be learned
good use. Below you can find a collection of signature before a chef can claim any sort of mastery of the art.
foods from across the world, to help make a meal When a chef first gains Trade (Cook) they may count the
wherever you end up. talent Culinary Mastery as being in their current career
tier as long as Trade (Cook) is also in their career.
Many regions of the empire and beyond have made their
mark on the culinary world with their own style of They may also begin a recipe book, which should
cuisine. I have attempted to quantify many of the most initially include recipes of whatever region their master
exceptional styles within this tome. specialized in, or, alternatively, recipes from their home

NEW TALENTS: Fusion, haaaa!

Culinary Mastery (Region) Once a chef has mastered two regional styles of cooking
Max: Intelligence Bonus they may begin creating fusion recipes, based on aspects
Tests: Tests regarding regional cooking you have mastery of both regional specialties. These recipes share the
of regional bonuses of the included styles. To create a new
You have mastered the themes and styles of cooking fusion recipe, start by selecting one of the regional
within a particular region. You may now apply these recipes you have mastery of, and then add in at least two
techniques to food from other regions you have mastery signature ingredients from another region you have
of to create fusion dishes. mastery of. Finally, make a Hard (-20) Trade (Cook)

Written by Hansel Berbrich (Vivid Oblivion), as a fan work of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. Don’t sue me. I have no money.
If you succeed you may count the new fusion as a Glorious Food of Reikland
success and may name and add the new recipe to your
The imperial chefs of Altdorf are well known for their
recipe book, noting the styles used in creation. If you
mastery of the craft, but in truth much of their knowledge
succeed with a +6SL you may add an additional effect
can be attributed to the hearty meals countrymen in the
from one of the recipes that include the added
region have been preparing for centuries.
ingredients from the second region in your cookbook.

Reikland food relies heavily on the pickling of vegetables

Masterful Execution
for preservation, soured milk products, and the making of
A talented chef can use tricks of the trade and some various sausages, all paired with strong beers, wines, and
creativity to manipulate the making of food in all sorts of ciders.
wonderful ways. When cooking, make a Trade (Cook)
test, or some other relevant test. For every +2 SL you Skilled Salumists from Reikland can impart bold flavors
may apply one of the following: into their food, and any properly prepared Reikland dish
● You may reduce the Cooking Duration by half.
grants +1 SL to tests to resist the cold for the rest of the
● You may reduce the Prep time by half.
● You may substitute a missing ingredient with
another without complication.
● You may double the strength of effect or duration
Prep: 3 hours
of the meal.
Cooking Time: 1 Hour
Ingredients: Ground Grain, Eggs, Water, Onion, Cheese,
Reading the Recipe Fat, Two Different Seasonings
Each recipe contained within has several sections to it, Description: Käsespätzle is a noodle and cheese dish.
described below. Consuming it hot grants you +1 SL to your next roll
within the next few hours.
Prep: This is the time it takes to prepare the dish
completely from scratch. Buying partially assembled Sauerbraten
ingredients or having someone else prepare them ahead Prep: 15 hours
of time can reduce this significantly. Cooking Duration: 2 Hour
Cooking Duration: This is how much time must be spent Ingredients: Onions, Roots, Five Different Seasonings,
to actually make the meal, pan to flame. The only way to Water, Wine, Ground Grain, Fatty Meat, Two Different
cut this out entirely is to just get the food from someone Berries
else. Description: Sauerbraten, one of the most iconic dishes
Ingredients: These are the materials required to make the in Reikland, requires significant preparation to make from
recipe. Each region will naturally use ingredients found scratch. Widely regarded as Sigmar’s favourite dish,
within the borders of that region, but often other preparing the meal for a Reiklander of higher status than
ingredients of a similar type can be substituted in with yourself will often temporarily cause them to regard you
great results. As such, the ingredients are generalized. as a full status tier higher than usual. It also grants the
Description: The food and effects it has are described chef and associates +1 SL to Fellowship based tests with
here. the served party for a whole week.

Written by Hansel Berbrich (Vivid Oblivion), as a fan work of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. Don’t sue me. I have no money.
Käsekuchen A Taste of Tilea
Prep: 15 hours The Pastamancers of Tilea are famous for their signature
Cooking Duration: 1 Hour sauces and carbohydrate packed dishes augmented with
Ingredients: Milk, Ground Grain, Citrus Fruit, Eggs, A select herbs of the region. Olives are used to make many
Cheese or Yogurt, Sugar, Fat, Berries things, and wine is the beverage of choice. Fish is also a
Description: A favored dessert in Reikland, Käsekuchen common feature in the cuisine. Pasta of some form
can automatically lift the spirit and remove one Fatigued accompanies most meals.
condition on consumption.
Tilean food is often synonymous with good health. Any
Schnitzel time you heal at least one wound while resting you heal
Prep: 10 minutes one additional wound if you ate Tilean food today.
Cooking Duration: 6 minutes
Ingredients: Meats, 1 Seasoning, Eggs, Bread, Oil or Fat Pasta
Description: A breaded and fried meat dish, it is a staple Prep: 45 minutes
of Reikland sustenance. This hearty meal grants +1 SL to Cooking Duration: 30 minutes
your next Endurance test today. Ingredients: Ground Grain, Eggs, Oil, Two to Five Fresh
Herbs, Sauces (optional), Meat or Fish (optional)
Bratwurst Description: A staple of Tilean cuisine. Pasta comes in
Prep: 2 hours many shapes and sizes, and can be prepared in a variety
Cooking Duration: 10 minutes of ways. Eating pasta adds +1 SL to all Consume Alcohol
Ingredients: Meat, Fat, 8 Spices, Milk tests for the next 4 hours.
Description: A well seasoned sausage that can be
prepared ahead of time for quick cooking throughout the Gelato
week. These are simple enough to cook that even Prep: 5 hours
someone without Trade (Cook) can make it safely Cooking Duration: 10 minutes
without error, simply by attaching it to a stick over an Ingredients: Eggs, Milk, Cream, Seasoning, Sugar, Ice
open flame. Gain +1 SL to Entertain (Storytelling) while Description: A cold and creamy dessert. Due to how
cooking it in such a fashion. cold it needs to be this requires a very cold work
environment, or at least a lot of ice. Eating gelato gives
Reikland Tuber Salad you +1 SL to Endurance Tests to endure high
Prep: 15 minutes temperatures for an hour, and removes one Fatigued
Cooking Duration: 30 minutes condition.
Ingredients: Meat, Tubers, Onion, Vinegar, 2 Seasoning,
Herbs Bagna Cauda
Description: A warm salad made of meat and tubers. It is Prep: 10 minutes
a natural choice for fighting colds. Add +1 SL to the next Cooking Duration: 20 minutes
Disease Test made today. Ingredients: Garlic, Oil, Fish, Vegetables, Bread
Description: A hot bath of oils with fish and garlic, with
which to dip bread and veggies in. The relaxing nature of
the dish grants +1 SL to Cool tests for the next hour.

Written by Hansel Berbrich (Vivid Oblivion), as a fan work of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. Don’t sue me. I have no money.
the pursuit of great cooking. Many of the “Chef de
Lasagne Boues”, as the nobility calls peasants who cook, rely on
Prep: 30 minutes simple and cheap meals to feed their family and are high
Cooking Duration: 3 hours in calories to sustain the brutal labor expected of the
Ingredients: Meat, Onion, Vegetables, Spices, peasantry.
Seasonings, Cheeses, Ground Grain, Egg
Description: A layered pasta based dish full of many of High Cooking
the flavours of Tilea. It is often brought as a sign of High cooking in Bretonnia typically makes use of difficult
friendship, or as a peace offering after a quarrel, and to procure ingredients, often the more uncommon the
sometimes as a way to “grease the gears”. Bringing this ingredients the more desired they are. It is not unheard
dish to someone grants +1 SL to the next Bribery test of for Bretonnian lords to request that their breakfast
against them. It will also reduce their Dodge tests by -1 include eggs sourced from great raptors in the Grey
SL for the next hour if they eat it. Mountains. Shellfish, molluscs, cheeses, fine wines, eggs,
and breads are typical in the high Bretonnian style.
Prep: 20 minutes Serving high Bretonnian food will raise your influence
Cooking Duration: 45 minutes with nobility and other chefs. Making such food, or even
Ingredients: Oil, Onion, Roots, Several Vegetables, promising such food, will cause those of higher status to
Herbs, Water, Three Seasonings, Beans treat your status as up to a full tier closer to their status
Description: A vegetable soup that soothes the soul. for the day.
Gain +1 SL to tests to resist sources of corruption for the
rest of the day. Foie Gras
Prep: 20 minutes
Tiramisù Cooking Duration: 30 minutes
Prep: 5 hours Ingredients: Swollen fatty liver from a severely overfed
Cooking Duration: 30 minutes bird, wine, two fruits, fat, spice, two herbs, ground grain
Ingredients: Cream, Cheese, Sugar, Three Seasonings, Description: Birds are force fed until their livers become
Ground Grain high in fat, then the livers are harvested. Typically ducks
Description: A dessert that is sure to get hearts racing. are used, but geese are also popular. After eating, you
Feeding this to someone who could be attracted to you may count yourself as having either Kingpin or Noble
grants you +1 SL on Charm Tests for the remainder of Blood for the remainder of the day. If the meal was
the day. prepared with a particularly exotic bird you may take

Bretonnia Molluscs Au Naturale

Prep: 20minutes
Bretonnia has a big divide amongst the citizens of their
Cooking Duration: none
nation. While the Chef de Cuisines that serve the upper
Ingredients: Molluscs, citrus fruit, two seasonings
crust of society have a strong culinary tradition that is
Description: A simple enough dish to prepare, part of the
well known throughout the Old World, the commoners
artform of this dish is finding molluscs with the nicest
often lack the money, training, and time to dedicate to
shells to present. When eating make an Average (+0)
Written by Hansel Berbrich (Vivid Oblivion), as a fan work of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. Don’t sue me. I have no money.
Endurance Test, adding the SL of the cook test to the Trying to make a point about how effective wine was in
result. If you pass the test, you gain a fortune point. If transforming a dish, he bet he could pass off even a
you fail you contract The Galloping Trots. staple peasant meal as high cuisine by adding a red to it.
He was swiftly executed when, rather than paying on the
Crème Brûlée debt, his colleague reported him for his scandalous
Prep: 10 minutes behavior. Still, the dish has become quite popular. Eating
Cooking Duration: 2 hours this meal provides +1 SL to Endurance tests for the rest
Ingredients: Egg, sugar, cream, spice of the day.
Description: An iconic Bretonnian dessert, Crème brûlée
excels at lightening the mood and lifting the spirits. Add Low Cooking
+10 to the next test to resist corruption today after Low cooking is the majority of cooking done within the
eating. borders of Bretonnia, but it travels outside of the borders
far less often than high cooking. Ingredients like lower
Brioche cream cheese, coarse breads, heavily salted meats,
Prep: 1 day tubers, cabbages, cheaper fishes, and, of course, frogs are
Cooking Duration: 45 minutes common throughout the lower echelons of culinary
Ingredients: Milk, Yeast, Honey, Eggs, Spice, Sugar, society.
Ground Grain, Fat
Description: A soft and buttery bread, brioche is rich While consuming Low Cooking you are treated as
and versatile. When paired with another food double the having taken an additional level of the Beneath Notice
effects the food provides. talent. It is very dangerous to attempt to gain benefit
from this during combat.
Prep: 30 minutes Sac de Boue
Cooking Duration: 45 minutes Prep: 0
Ingredients: Fat, Water, Ground Grain, Eggs, Salt, Cooking Duration: 30
Chocolate, Sugar, Milk, Spice Ingredients: Milk, Egg, Spice, Water, Dark Chocolate
Description: A crispy and light pastry ball stuffed with Description: A sort of pudding, this is rarely made due
cream and covered in chocolate. These are best for to the expensive nature of chocolate. However, some
parties and social gatherings. Serving this at such an aspiring peasants scrape together the money to make this
event grants +1 SL to Entertain tests, even if the holiday dessert. Eating this treat removes one level of
entertainer doesn’t partake. Fatigued.

Bœuf à la Bretonnignonne Good Stew

Prep: 15 minutes Prep: 15 minutes
Cooking Duration: 3 hours Cooking Duration: 3 hours
Ingredients: Oil, Cattle Belly, Cattle Brisket, Onion, Ingredients: Oil, Cattle Belly, Cattle Brisket, Onion,
Roots, Ground Grain, Red Wine, Herbs, Spices Roots, Ground Grain, Herbs, Spices, Water
Description: A relative newcomer in Bretonnian high Description: “Good stew” is a staple food of the
cuisine, this stew actually originated as a peasant dish. peasants. It is the inspiration for bœuf à la
Bretonnignonne, though this version usually has less
Written by Hansel Berbrich (Vivid Oblivion), as a fan work of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. Don’t sue me. I have no money.
meat, and uses water instead of wine. Usually a poorer Madeleine
cut of meat will be featured in this version as well. It’s Prep: 20 minutes
hearty, and eating this meal provides +1 SL to Endurance Cooking Duration: 15 minutes
tests for the rest of the day. Ingredients: Fat, Eggs, Spice, Ground Grain, Zest, Sugar
Description: A simple and tasty cake. It is well known
Fried Hoppers that peasants love it. Be careful who you tell when
Prep: 10 minutes making it, for riots have started in the past on word of a
Cooking Duration: 20 minutes large supply of these tasty treats to share. Eating these
Ingredients: Frog Legs, Milk, 3 Spices, Oil, Herbs, emboldens the heart. Gain +1SL to Leadership tests for
Ground Grain the rest of the day.
Description: “Frog gigging” is practically a national
pastime in Bretonnia if the peasantry are to be believed. The Mootland
Breaded and fried, they make a good snack after a hard The halflings living in the Mootland are famous for their
day of wallowing in mud and misery. Eating them offers hearty cooking and plump pastries. Halfling inns and
+1SL to Consume Alcohol tests for the next few hours. eateries are famous all around the Empire, as cooking is
perhaps as natural to a halfling as magick is to the elves.
Breton Roots and Gravy
Prep: 10 minutes Meat Pie
Cooking Duration: 20 minutes Prep: 25 minutes
Ingredients: Roots, Oil, Broth, Ground Grain, Water, Cooking Duration: 25 minutes
Curd Ingredients: Meat, Veggies, Spice, Ground Grain, Water,
Description: Fried roots are served covered in gravy and Sugar, Fat
curd. It’s a hearty meal, quick to make, and fairly cheap. Description: Perhaps the most iconic meal in the arsenal
Eating this raises your spirits and gives you +1 SL to any of halfling recipes. It is such a staple of Mootish cuisine
tests to resist corruption for the remainder of the day. that wars have been fought over it, more than once, in
fact. It is, at its heart, a meaty stew wrapped on all sides
Croquette by pastry. Eating this encased entree grants +1 SL to
Prep: 20 minutes Endurance tests until it’s time for the next meal. For
Cooking Duration: 45 minutes halflings this time is rather short…
Ingredients: Oil, Fish, Ground Grain, Eggs, Brine,
Cabbage, Fat, Herbs Tasty Tart
Description: Breaded and fried fish shaped into little Prep: 20 minutes
cakes, served atop a bed of cabbage or other leafy green, Cooking Duration: 90 minutes
served with a fatty sauce. When you heal at least one Ingredients: Milk, Sugar, Eggs, Fat, Seasoning, Ground
wound while resting you heal one additional wound if Grain, Fruits
you ate croquette today. Description: Tarts are the invention of Tartlytongue
Burdenblouse, who dared to imagine a pie without a top.
It started a war, and now is a delicious dessert! Eating a
tasty tart improves Initiative for one hour by +10.

Written by Hansel Berbrich (Vivid Oblivion), as a fan work of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. Don’t sue me. I have no money.
The Norscan Cock Wiggly
Prep: 20 minutes Prep: 10 minutes
Cooking Duration: 50 minutes Cooking Duration: 30 minutes
Ingredients: Egg, Ground Grain, Milk, Fat, Water, Ingredients: Veggies, Water, Meat (of the chicken variety
Sugar, Seasoning, Fruit usually), Ground Grain, Herbs
Description: A fluffy pastry with fruit and custard Description: The soup cock wiggly gets its name from
inspired by a trip to the Chaos Wastes. It is often served the chicken meat and the long thin noodles contained
with coffee or tea, and works equally well as a light within. Halfling children love it, and while it is a must
morning bite on the go or an after dinner indulgence. have to quarterlings everywhere, it also is a popular
Eating a Norscan with friends grants +1SL to Fellowship quick fix to ailment. Humans of the Empire, however, get
Tests and shared memories you may never forget. squeamish saying the name of it and refer to it as
“Chicken Noodle Soup”, which is an entirely
Sausage Roll unimaginative name for such a modern marvel as cock
Prep: 20 minutes wiggly. Consuming cock wiggly while under the effects of
Cooking Duration: 30 minutes the common cold will cause the symptoms of it to be
Ingredients: Oil, Veggies, Fatty Meat, Ground Grain, held at bay for 6 hours. It does not shorten recovery
Egg, Fat time, but does make it more bearable. Other conditions
Description: During leaner times in the Mootland that have the coughs and sneezes symptom also have that
sausage rolls kept folks fed. Today the fat-filled flaky symptom held at bay for 3 hours.
morsel reminds halflings that things have been worse, and
things have been better. They are well regarded in the
Reikland as a playful twist on some of their staple foods.
Eating sausage rolls will grant +1 SL until the next meal
to resist the effects of the cold.

Illegal Flan
Prep: 15 minutes
Cooking Duration: 1 hour
Ingredients: Sugar, Eggs, Milk, Seasoning
Description: Illegal Flan is not very dissimilar from the
better known legal flan. In fact, the only difference is that
flan is illegal in the Mootland, making this dish something
of a bootleg enterprise for halflings. Still, it is greatly
enjoyed and typically the best way to get the
constabulary to look the other way is to share. Giving a
piece of illegal flan to another will improve Bribery Tests
towards them by +1 SL for an hour. Serving with tea or
coffee also grants an additional +1 SL to any
Fellowship-based tests made during the consumption.

Written by Hansel Berbrich (Vivid Oblivion), as a fan work of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. Don’t sue me. I have no money.

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