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Faisal A.

Grade 12 HUMSS Abas

o FORESHADOWING - is a powerful tool in literature that adds depth and

complexity to storytelling. It allows readers to engage with a narrative on multiple
levels, picking up on subtle clues and piecing together the puzzle of the plot.
o ALLUSION - is a figure of speech that refers to a well-known person, place,
event, or work of art. Allusions can be found in various types of writing,
including literature, poetry, speeches, and everyday conversation.
o IMAGERY - refers to the use of vivid and descriptive language that appeals
to the senses, creating a mental picture for the reader.
o METAPHOR - is a figure of speech that involves making a direct
comparison between two unrelated things to highlight a shared quality or
o IRONY - is a literary or rhetorical device where there is a discrepancy
between appearances and reality. It involves a situation in which the
outcome is different from what is expected, often in a way that is amusing,
surprising, or revealing.
o SYMBOL - is a literary device that represents an idea, concept, or object
beyond its literal meaning. Symbols are often used to convey complex ideas
or emotions in a more condensed and memorable form.
o ALLEGORY - is a narrative or work of art in which the characters, events,
and settings are symbolic and represent abstract ideas or moral qualities. In
allegorical works, the surface story serves as a vehicle for conveying a
deeper, often moral or philosophical meaning.
o SOLILOQUY - is a dramatic monologue spoken by a character in a play or
a work of literature, usually when the character is alone on stage.
o FLASHBACK - is a narrative device used in literature, film, or television
where the chronological sequence of a story is interrupted to present events
that occurred earlier.
o SETTINGS - a story encompasses the time, place, and social environment
in which the narrative takes place. It is a crucial element in storytelling, as
it provides the backdrop against which characters interact, events unfold,
and the plot develops.
o ANAPHORA - is a rhetorical and literary device in which a word or phrase
is repeated at the beginning of successive clauses or sentences. It is used
for emphasis, creating a rhythmic and impactful effect. Anaphora is
commonly employed in speeches, poetry, and prose to highlight key ideas,
evoke emotions, or reinforce a particular theme.
o DIALOGUE - is a written or spoken conversational exchange between two
or more people. In literature, drama, film, and other forms of storytelling,
dialogue is a fundamental element that allows characters to communicate,
interact, and express themselves.
o MOTIF - is a recurring element, theme, idea, or subject in a work of
literature, art, or music. It is a pattern or repeated image that holds
symbolic significance and contributes to the overall meaning or theme of the
work. Motifs often help unify the various elements of a narrative and provide
depth and cohesion.
o PARADOX - is a statement or situation that appears contradictory or self-
defeating but may, in fact, reveal a deeper truth.
o ASSONANCE - is a literary device that involves the repetition of vowel
sounds within nearby words in a line of text or poetry.
o MONOLOGUE - is a speech or presentation by a single character in a play,
film, or other extended work of literature.
o CHIASMUS - is a rhetorical device in which the order of words or phrases
in one clause is reversed in the next clause. It often takes the form of an
ABBA pattern.
o CATHARSIS - refers to the emotional release or purging that readers or
audiences experience through the intense and often transformative events
portrayed in a narrative.
o ENJAMBMENT - is a poetic device where a sentence or phrase runs over
the end of one line of verse and into the next line. This contrasts with end-
stopped lines, where a line of poetry ends with a punctuation mark, creating
a pause.
o ANACHRONISM - refers to the inclusion of something in a story that is not
historically or chronologically accurate for the period in which the narrative
is set.
o SUSPENSE - is a powerful tool used to captivate readers and keep them
eagerly turning the pages. Creating suspense involves engaging readers
emotionally and mentally, making them eager to find out what will happen
o RHYME - is a literary device where words have similar or identical sounds
in their final stressed syllables, creating a musical and rhythmic effect in
poetry and song lyrics.
o CAESURA - is a pause or break in a line of poetry, often near the middle of
the line. It's a rhythmic or metric pause, and it can occur for various
reasons, such as punctuation, the natural rhythm of speech, or as a
deliberate stylistic choice by the poet.
o SATIRE - is a literary genre or mode of writing that uses humour, irony,
sarcasm, or ridicule to criticize or mock people, politics, society, or any
other subject.

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