Diversity and Difference - Programm

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28 / 09 / 2023 Thursday

01:30 — 02:30 PM Introduction Diversity and Difference — Room LH

Studies in Subjectivation
Tina Spies Kiel

Greetings Irini Siouti Biographical Research Eddi Steinfeldt-Mehrtens

Section (German Sociological Asso­ci­a­ Diversity Co­missioner, CAU Kiel
tion), Frankfurt a. M. Ralph Schneider Vice President
Angelika Poferl Sociology for Internali­sation, Early Career Resear-
of Knowledge Section (German chers, Equality and Diversity, CAU Kiel
Sociological Association), Dortmund Uli Müller Dean of the Faculty of
Arts and Humanities, CAU Kiel

02:30 — 03:30 PM Keynote Diversity and Difference Room LH

Ann Phoenix London Moderation: Tina Spies Kiel

03:30 — 04:00 PM Break

04:00 — 06:00 PM Panels 1A—C:

Racism and beyond Race before Racism. Racial Mi- (De)Constructions of Whiteness
nority Scholars and the Scientific in the Academy. Research Results

Panel 1A Room 204

Moderation: Hazal Budak-Kim Kiel Struggle for Recognition before on Racist Knowledge Production
the Holocaust in German Universities
Stefan Bargheer Aarhus Esther van Lück Kiel

The post-migrant subject. Notes on Between Functionalisation and

a Sociology of Post-migrant Society Threat. The Subjectivation of
Dimitris Parsanoglou Kiel Imams in Switzerland
Vassilis S. Tsianos Athens Noemi Trucco Fribourg

Dis_Abled Bodies Contestations of the body and the Imagining what might be. Relatio-
Panel 1B Room 106A creation of a post-colonial self in nal ethics through the eyes of the
Moderation: Lisa Pfahl Innsbruck menstruation studies disability community
Aysha Farhana Chakkampully Prague Kendal Swartzentruber Richmond

People with disabilities in Jewish “I would say that there are some
religious communities in France. contradictory points” — Subjec­ti-
An intersectional perspective vation in the context of intercultu-
Zvika Orr Jerusalem ral opening of advisory services
Anatsa Elbaz Jerusalem for dis_abled persons
Yaël Tibi-Lévy Jerusalem Stella Rüger Halle

Ambivalenzen der „Seitdem weiß ich, dass Plastik ge- Die Macht (in) der Reflexion. Sub-
Selbstgestaltung trennt werden muss“ — Diskursive jek­tivierung in Lehrer*­innen­fort­
Adressierungen und Subjektivierungs- bil­dungen zu gesellschaftlichen
Panel 1C Room 209A
weisen in der partizipativen Stadt- Differenzverhältnissen
Moderation: Folke Brodersen Kiel
entwicklung. Eine machtanalytische Mart Busche Flensburg
Perspektive auf Folgen sozialer Hilfen
Mira Böing Siegen Subjektivierung(en) in migrantisch
(selbst)positionierten Organisa­
#itsokaynottobeokay — Subjek­ti­- tionen im Kontext der Schule.
vierung unter den Anrufungen men- Neoliberale Selbsttechnologien im
taler Gesundheit zwischen Selbst- Spiegel rassistischer Ordnungen
optimierung und Widerständigkeit Ellen Kollender Landau
Nadine Ott Kiel

06:00 — 06:30 PM Working The Scope of Subjectivation Room LH

Group Research
Studies in Lena Schürmann Berlin
Subjecti- Boris Traue Luxemburg

06:30 — 07:30 PM Reception & Refreshments

07:30 — 09:00 PM Panel Diversifying Subjectivation — Room LH

Discussion Uncovering Perspectives Moderation:
Tanja Gangarova Berlin Folke Brodersen Kiel
Helma Lutz Frankfurt a. M. Doris Pokitsch Vienna
Elisabeth Tuider Kassel
Erol Yıldız Innsbruck
29 / 09 / 2023 Friday

09:00 — 10:00 AM Keynote Temporalities of difference. Room LH

The case of undocumented Moderation: Elisabeth Tuider Kassel
migrants in Marseille
Christine M. Jacobsen Bergen

10:00 — 10:30 AM Break

10:30 — 12:30 AM Panels 2A—C:

Re_Flections — Embodied queer listening in anti- Dealing with Othering in the Re-
Methods and narrative research. An approach search Process. The perspective
for engaging with vulnerability and of an intersectional-decolonial
Methodologies autonomy within normative power subjectivation research
Panel 2A Room 204 structures Elisabeth Tuider Kassel

Moderation: Oktay Aktan Kiel Bontu Lucie Guschke Berlin Tina Spies Kiel

Reflexions on “positionality” as “We” and the “Others” in Empirical

addressing difference in methodo­ Migration Research. Reflections on
logical designs Positioning in Interview Situations
Katharina Miko-Schefzig Vienna Elisabeth Scheibel­hofer Vienna
Clara Holzinger Vienna

Anna-Katharina Draxl Vienna

Intimacies — Senses, Policy framework vs. pink families The unfaithful subject. On the
Sex and Sensualities perceptions of (in)equality governmentality, inequality, and
Athina Mara London resistance of infidelity
Panel 2B Room 106A
Simone Schneider Cambridge
Moderation: Fabian Hennig Kiel
The Currency of Difference. Caring
for Others in Sex Education Finding the dis/similar subject
Maik Wiesen Mainz Rixta Wundrak Fulda
Patricia Tavier Fairburn Fulda

Mehr Sprachen — Performing monolingualism. Wer „Ich bin (k)ein Kanake“ — Linguis-
Mehr Sprechen? sieht sich selbst als einsprachig tische Perspektiven auf An- und
und wer als zweisprachig? Eine Enteignungsgeschichten eines
Panel 2C Room 209A
Analyse von Sprachbiografien transkontinentalen Begriffs
Moderation: Anna Schnitzer Halle
Renate Delucchi Danhier Dortmund Diana Nacarlı Kiel

Diversität im Spiegel der sprach- Macht — Sprache — Subjekte.

lichen Norm. Mehrsprachigkeit, Sprachbezogene Subjektivie-
Identität und Rassismus rungsforschung
Barbara Mertins Dortmund Doris Pokitsch Vienna

12:30 — 02:00 PM Lunch-Break

02:00 — 04:00 PM Panels 3A—C:

Racial Profiling und Polizei- Reproduction of racism.

Racialisation and gewalt subjektivierungstheoretisch Reconstruction of the racial discri-
Subjectivation informiert betrachtet mination against Chinese living in
Markus Textor Freiburg Germany during and beyond the
Panel 3A Room 204
COVID-19 pandemic
(Im)Possibilities of Self-Posi- Zhaoying Gou Frankfurt a. M.
Irini Siouti Frankfurt a. M.
tioning. Productions of “Muslim
Femininity” in Sports Pluralistic Memories in the
Hazal Budak-Kim Kiel german Migration society
Carlotta Stockmayer-Behr Berlin

CrossFit. The construction of Recognising diversity and diffe-

En_Gendered “bulky” femininity rence through a somatic approach
Sports and Moving Bettina Bredereck Frankfurt a. M. to Dancesport
Yen Nee Wong Kent
Queer Bodies Subjectivation, Body, Biography.
Panel 3B Room 106A Bodily constitutions of trans and/or Becoming a sensorial gendered
Moderation: queer subjectivities in practices of subject. A queer phenomenological
Corinna Schmechel Berlin strength training approach to shooting sports and
Jannis Ruhnau Bielefeld endurance testing in sport
Solène Froidevaux Lausanne
Nicht zum Subjekt (Un)Möglichkeiten des Subjekt- Prekäre Subjektpositionen von
werden? werdens in Zukunftspraktiken. Kindern, oder wie Kinder (nicht) zu
Zur Zeitlichkeit von Subjektivie- Subjekten werden. Adultismus-
Panel 3C Room 209A
rung und deren Verknüpfung mit kritische Anfragen im Rahmen der
Geschlechterordnungen Subjektivierungsforschung
Anne Sophie Otzen Bremen
Karen Geipel Berlin Sandra Koch Hildesheim
Svenja Strauss Göttingen

Das Abject in der Schule. Zur Post- und dekoloniale Anfragen an

(De)Subjektivierung im Kontext J. Butlers performatives Subjekt
migrationsgesellschaftlicher Nadine Rose Bremen
Verhältnisse Bettina Kleiner Frankfurt a. M.
Saskia Terstegen Frankfurt a. M.

04:00 — 04:30 PM Break

04:30 — 06:00 PM Panels 4A—C:

Borders and Transnational gender and sexuality War, forced migration and gender.

Transnationalism activism in Europe and Beyond. How external and self-attributions

The challenge of feminist solidarity shape migrant biographies
Panel 4A Room 204
Wikke Jansen Heidelberg Svenja Haberecht Bielefeld
Moderation: Arne Worm Göttingen
Sarah Bergmann Bielefeld
On the Potential for Bodily En- Lana Eisele Bielefeld
counters of Different Subjectivities Laureen Schumann Bielefeld
in a Border Conflict Josua Sequenz Bielefeld

Seyma Saylak Göttingen Lara Stemmer Bielefeld

Interrelations. Beyond categories. Exploring the Studies in Subjectivation. How

Theoretical micro-level experiences of exclu- the conditions of agency shape
sion and inclusion the dis_abled self
Perspectives Jennifer Branlat Trondheim Lisa Pfahl Innsbruck
Panel 4B Room 106A Siri Øyslebø Sørensen Trondheim
Moderation: Boris Traue Luxemburg
Subjectivation through trust
Robert Seyfert Kiel

Celebrating Diversity? Diversity as an affective tool. Organization, Space and Subject.

Panel 4C Room 209A On the price and power of cele- Spatialized activation and culturali-
Moderation: brating difference zation in the nursing home
Manja Dimitra Kotsas Kiel Lea Baro Berlin Linda Maack Berlin

Elements of a Post-Entrepreneurial
Self. Tech Workers and the Contra-
dictory Power of Moral Codes
Robert Dorschel Tilburg

06:00 — 06:30 PM Break

06:30 — 07:30 PM Keynote The Emotional and Epistemic Room LH

Re­orientation of Academics in Moderation: Folke Brodersen Kiel
Changing Higher Education. The
potential of Institutional Ethnogra-
phy as a Method of Inquiry
Rebecca W. B. Lund Oslo

08:00 PM   Optional Dinner (Direct Payer)

Oblomow Hansastraße 82, Kiel
30 / 09 / 2023 Saturday

09:00 — 10:00 AM Assembly General Assembly of the Bio­ Room LH

graphical Research Section (GSA)

10:00 — 12:00 AM Panels 5A—C:

Modes of Agency Self-determined living, competence “Born in the GDR” — Wilful modes
Panel 5A Room 204 to act and the sense of one’s own of subjectivation and articulations
Moderation: social position of (concrete) utopia in narrative
Lena Schürmann Berlin Albert Scherr Freiburg biographical narratives of punk in
the GDR
“Da kam einem fast der Kaffe Miriam Friz Trzeciak Cottbus-
hoch” — Motifs of Subjectivation Senftenberg
as a Component of Narrative
Dramaturgies Subjects in Transformation.
Michael Corsten Hildesheim Emancipatory Resistances in East

Melanie Pierburg Hildesheim Germany

Jördis Grabow Göttingen

Mental – Health – The European debate about virgi­- Prediagnostic Careers of Persons
System nity certificates. Agency as a bio- with Obsessive-compulsive Disor-
political tool in the construction of der. Descriptions about Exclusion
Panel 5B Room 106A
the racialised and gendered Other and Diagnosis in Their Memoirs

Moderation: Esther van Lück Kiel

Saartje Tack Amsterdam Kenjiro Sakakibara Tokyo

Shame, Guilt and Silence. Affective Subjectivation and trans health

and Emotional Approaches to Abor­ Miriam Tariba Richter Hamburg
tion and Intimate Partner Violence Ray Trautwein Hamburg
Alina Jung Nordhausen Lando Lankenau Hamburg
Aaron Korn Nordhausen
Petra J. Brzank Nordhausen

Schule und Bildung Vergeschlechtlichte Subjektivierun- Postmigrantische Schule. Media-

Panel 5C Room 209A gen in pädagogischer Praxis tisierte Selbstinszenierungen und
Moderation: Diana Nacarlı Kiel Jürgen Budde Flensburg Subjektivierung von Differenz
Ilona Ebbers Flensburg Stefanie Strulik Bern

Subjektivierung und Bildung Subjektivierung und Aushandlun-

jenseits der normativen Zwei- gen über Queere Bildung
geschlechtlichkeit. Zwischen Frauke Grenz Flensburg
Anerkennung und Gewalt
Tamás Jules Fütty Flensburg

12:00 — 12:30 PM Lunch-Break

12:30 — 01:30 PM Keynote Subjection and “negative” Room LH

Subjec­tion. Approaches, frame- Moderation: Tina Spies Kiel
works and perspectives on a
theoretical question in the debate
on diversity and difference
Denise Bergold-Caldwell Innsbruck,
currently Yale

01:30 — 02:30 PM Closing







The conference venue and restaurant
Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel Bus stop: Leibnizstraße

are wheelchair accessible (door­-

Leibnizstraße 1, 24118 Kiel Bus lines (Starting at central station): frame of min. 90 cm — no barriers)
The restaurant Oblomow does not
60S in direction of Universität prive a wheelchair accessible toilet.
RESTAURANT Vegetarian and vegan food
50 in direction of Universität options will be provided.
Oblomow All Gender-Toilets will be marked.
Hansastraße 82, 24118 Kiel 61 in direction of Suchsdorf W-LAN will be provided in form of ‘edu-
roam’. A guest access can be reques­-
62 in direction of Projensdorf ted at the Conference Check-In in Kiel.


Please register for the
conference via link or the FULL 90,00€ Academic Tina Spies Kiel Research Group Gender &
QR-code below: staff (full time) Folke Brodersen Kiel Diversity Studies, CAU Kiel
Hazal Budak-Kim Kiel www.gendiv.uni-kiel.de/de/
https://t1p.de/3zshz REDUCED 65,00 € Acade- Cosima Hartmann Kiel arbeitsbereich-gender-und-
mic staff (part time) diversity-studies

STUDENTS 20,00 € Stu- CONTACT Studies in Subjectivation

dents and PhD students Working Group
without institutional affiliation Research Group https://soziologie.de/
The registration Gender & Diversity sektionen/arbeitskreise-
is possible until It is possible, to reduce Studies und-arbeitsgruppen/
September 7th 2023. the parti­cipation fee or Christian-Albrechts- ag-subjektivierung/portrait
be exempt from paying. Universität Kiel
Please contact us. Westring 383, 24118 Kiel Biographical Research
Mail: diversity-and- https://soziologie.de/
difference@email. sektionen/portrait

Organized by the Research Group Funded by:

“Gender & Diversity Studies”
CAU Kiel
International conference of the
“Studies in Subjectivation”
Working Group

Annual Meeting of the Biographi-

cal Research Section in the Ger-
­man Sociological Association (GSA)

In Cooperation with the Sociology

of Knowledge Section in the GSA

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