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Corrosion is an oxidation-reduction reaction in which a free metal is oxidized via

exposure to wet, warm, salty, acidic and/or oxygenated conditions. The corrosion of metal is of
engineering concern because corrosion leads to degradation of materials made up of metals
that are prone to corrosion. Iron is a widely used metal in many man-made structures that is
highly prone to corrosion. Corrosion can be prevented by eliminating the environment
conditions that favor oxidation. Another way is by using a “sacrificial” metal that is more easily
oxidized than the metal that is being protected from corrosion.

The corrosion of iron can be demonstrated electrochemically by the oxidation of free iron
to Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions and the reaction of oxygen with water to form OH- ions. In this
experiment, indicators will be used to signal the formation of Fe2+ ions and OH- ions as products
of the corrosion of iron. One indicator is the hexacyanoferrate (III) ion, which turns blue in the
presence of Fe2+ ions. The other one is the phenolphthalein indicator, which turns pink in the
presence of OH- ions.


(1) To determine the factors that causes a metal to corrode and how it can be prevented.

(2) To understand the electrochemical process behind metal corrosion.

(3) To demonstrate the importance of using a sacrificial metal in the prevention of corrosion.

Reagents & Materials

Balance Test tube with cork (7) Vinegar or 0.10M glacial

acetic acid
Burner Test tube rack Anhydrous CaCl2
Iron stand 9-V battery Sodium chloride crystals
Iron ring Dual alligator clips wire test 0.1M K3Fe(CN)6 [potassium
lead (2) hexacyanoferrate(III)]
Wire gauze Porcelain spatula (4) 0.1M H2SO4
Beaker, 250 mL Copper wire, 5cm Oil
Glass stirring rod Magnesium ribbon, 5cm Agar powder
Pasteur pipets (2) Iron Nails (4) 1% phenolphthalein solution
Graduated cylinder, 100mL Steel wool Distilled water
Petri dishes (2) Sand paper

A. Factors Affecting Corrosion

1. Make a small balls of steel wool using your clean hands. The size should be enough to fit
inside the test tube.
2. Prepare the test tubes as follows and see Figure 7.1 for reference.

Test tube A – Put the steel wool ball inside. Add 20.0 mL of tap water. Cover.
Test tube B – Pour 20.0 mL tap water. Add spoonful of sodium chloride using porcelain
spatula. Shake until sodium chloride is dissolved. Drop the steel wool ball.
Test tube C – Pour about 20.0 mL freshly boiled water. Drop the steel wool ball. Add
immediately thin layer of oil. Cover.
Test tube D – Put half spoon of calcium chloride. Drop the steel wool ball. Cover.
Test tube E – Put the steel wool ball inside. Add 20.0 mL of vinegar. Cover.
Test tube F - Put the steel wool ball inside. Add 20.0 mL of 0.1 M H2SO4

Figure 7.1. Set-up for Factors Affecting Corrosion

2. Keep the test tubes inside your locker. Observe the following day. Extend the observation for
another two days. Note the observed changes and take a picture of the result of your set-up.

B. The Use of Sacrificial Metal in Corrosion Prevention

1. Rub the iron nails thoroughly with sandpaper.

2. Prepare the set up for petri dishes as shown below. In one petri dish (see Figure 6.2a),
place the two nails, with one tightly wrap with copper wire and the other with the magnesium
strip. Make sure that the nails do not touch each other.
3. In the second petri dish (see Figure 6.2b), connect nails to the negative and positive
polarities of a 9-V battery. Make sure that the nails do not touch each other.
4. Add 100 mL of distilled water to the 250 mL beaker and heat to boiling.
5. Weigh 1.00 g of agar powder. When the water is boiling vigorously, turn off the heat.
Slowly add the agar to the water, stirring constantly.
6. When the agar has dissolved, add 10 drops of 0.1 M K3Fe(CN)6. Rinse the dropper and
pipet and add ten drops of phenolphthalein solution.
7. When the agar solution is cool enough, pour to the prepared petri dishes. Make sure to
cover the nails with the solution. Observe and describe the color changes that will occur and
take a picture of your set-up.



Figure 6.2 Set-up for the Use of Sacrificial Metal in Corrosion Prevention


(1) Corrosion. Michael J Schofield.( 2002). Plant Engineer's Reference Book (Second Edition).

(2) Peter Zarras, John D. Stenger-Smith . (2015). Smart Inorganic and Organic Pretreatment
Coatings for the Inhibition of Corrosion on Metals/Alloys, in Intelligent Coatings for Corrosion

Name: Date Performed:

Course/Year/Section: Date Submitted:

Group Number: Laboratory Instructor:

I. Pre-Laboratory Schematic Diagram (10 pts)

II. Data Sheet (20 pts)

A. Factors Affecting Corrosion

(Paste a picture of the result of your set-up here)

Figure 1. Results of Set-up in Factors Affecting Corrosion

Table 1. Observation Summary for Factors Affecting Corrosion

Samples Observations

Test Tube A

Test Tube B

Test Tube C

Test Tube D

Test Tube E

Test Tube F
B. The Use of Sacrificial Metal in Corrosion Prevention

(Paste a picture of the result of your set-up here)

Figure 2. Results of Set-up in the Use of Sacrificial Metal for Corrosion Prevention

Table 2. Observation Summary for the Use of Sacrificial Metal for Corrosion Prevention

Samples Observations

Petri Dish 1

Petri Dish 2
III. Follow-up Questions and Applications (20 pts)

1. What are the different factors that affect corrosion based on the set-up in part A and how
can each one be prevented?

2. Explain the electrochemical process behind the observed color changes in the nail that
is wrapped in magnesium and copper respectively.

3. Give the electrochemical half-reactions of iron with magnesium ribbon and copper wire
wrapped around it?

4. Between magnesium and copper, which one served as sacrificial metal and what other
metals are being used to prevent the corrosion of iron?

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