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2307 Lebanon Road Nashville, TN 37214 Non-Profit Org US Postal Paid Nashville, TN Permit 2464

Lebanon Road

Church of Christ
2307 Lebanon Road; Nashville, TN, 37214 * (615) 883-6918

Current Resident or

Volume 59, No.42

October 16, 2011 Elders

Joe Adams 773-2331 Johny Baker 758-7654 Ralph Brewer 871-4849 Wayne Davidson 758-2705 Earl Flynn 889-1659 Steve Ledbetter 889-8614 Jim Schroeder 754-8990 Cliff Wilson 889-6477

Apply It
Last Sunday night, an excited mother spoke with me. She told me that, as I was preaching Sunday morning on giving, her daughter (who is quite young) was taking notes. This precious young lady has been doing that for some time, but the mother noticed some of the specific things her daughter was writing down and was thrilled. You see, the girl was not just jotting down my points and the references (although that was part of her notation). She was also writing down specific applications for her own life! For example, she wrote that she needed to give money from her allowance to help other people. What an example! One of the great challenges of preaching is touching as many lives as possible with application points and ideas drawn from a text or topic. Obviously, there is no way that every sermon will be equally applicable to every person; nor do I have the time to make that many applications in one sermon setting. However, there are some who have the heart of this sweet girl. They hear the lesson

Adam Faughn
and the ideas that are being presented. They think about their own life, and they make the applications necessary to their situation. When you listen to a sermon or Bible class, are you listening that well? Are you trying to find points of application, even beyond those that are stated in the lesson? This great young lady is, and we all need to be doing the same thing. Today, as we finish our lessons on giving, will you make specific application to your own life, or will you just let the words of the sermon roll off your mind with no real thought and application? Be like this great young lady, and seek to find ways you can apply the Biblical principles taught from Gods Word. As we begin winding down the year, there are going to be many activities going on. Make sure you look carefully at page 3 of the bulletin, where we do our best to keep an up-todate list of upcoming dates. Also, make sure you let us know of upcoming events, so we can add them to our list. With so many things going on, this list will change quickly, so take a few moments each week to update your calendar. You wont want to miss anything at Lebanon Road!

Worship With Us Sunday: Worship 9 AM & 6 PM * Bible Classes 10:20 AM Wednesday: Bible Classes 7 PM

An Hour, A Mist, A Book

Lord Byron once wrote of man, He is the tenant of one hour. Obviously, Byron was speaking of the brevity of our lives. As we grow older, that hour seems to be spent faster and faster. The inspired penman James put it this way: What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes (James 4:14b). We have all, at times, found ourselves staring at the steam coming off a teapot or hot pan and been amazed at how quickly it rises into the air, but how quickly it then vanishes into nothing. A poet named Ruth Johnson Carruth wrote these lyrics to a hymn we love: Swiftly were turning life's daily pages, / Swiftly the hours are changing to years; / How are we using Gods golden moments? / Shall we reap glory? Shall we reap tears? Writers, both inspired and uninspired, have sought throughout the years to tell us the reality of the brevity of life. The question we need to answer is, Why dont we

Adam Faughn
believe that message? We go throughout our lives, thinking constantly of tomorrow and what we will be doing in the next phase of life. Rarely, if ever, do we consider the brevity of our time on the earth. For many, the reason they do not think of the brevity of life is that they have no hope of anything beyond this life. They only live for the here-and-now because, they believe, that is all there is. When we die, thats the end of our existence, so there is no reason to focus on anything beyond today. As Christians, though, the brevity of life should be a sober reminder, butand here is what sets disciples of Christ apartit should also be a source of comfort. If, as we sing, This world is not [our] home, why would we want life to last longer and longer? Why would we not want to go home? Knowing the brevity of life, though, we should also be busy about the Lords work every day. How are you doing with your hour?

Pulpit Minister
Adam Faughn 973-4483

Outreach Minister
Harry Middleton 292-3164

Sunday Sermon Preview

AM: What is Giving? (Malachi 1:6-9) PM: An Overlooked Treasure

Youth Minister
JD Buckner (731) 336-4768

Sick List
David Smith is at Summit in room 409 with infection. Tom Steen is at West Meade Place in rehab. Hilda Thomas is at McKendree, room 261. No Visitors Please.

Worship Leaders
Sunday Morning (Contact: Bill 847-1113) Opening Prayer: Billy Hutchens Read Scripture: Lon Keele Closing Prayer: David Cook Sermon: Adam Faughn Song Leader: Richard Roberson Serving Lords Supper: (Contact: David 754-7085) Joel Ledbetter 1 Roger Reaves 2 Tim Mullican 3 Lynn Wright 4 Tim Hill 5 Greg Holland 6 Jay Baker 7 Adam Wilson 8 Sunday Evening (Contact: Tony 885-6391) Opening Prayer Shea Cofer Closing Prayer: Sonny Gossett Read Scripture: Mike Markwood Sermon: Adam Faughn Song Leader: Richard Roberson Serving Lords Supper (Room) Ronnie Oakley 1 Joe Adams 2 Wednesday, October 19th (Contact: Tim 885-2009) Read Scripture: John Thomas Baker Opening Prayer: David Smith Speaker: Adam Faughn Song Leader: Lynn Wright Announcements: Harry Middleton - Earl Flynn Nursery Attendant: Lisa Hager

by Harry Middleton
WHAT IS THE CONCLUSION? If there truly is one true everlasting God and Creator and there is, and if He has revealed His divine and complete will to humanity in the Bible, and He has; if He loved the human race enough to send His only begotten Son to redeem fallen man, and He has, and if that truth must be proclaimed to the entire lost world, and it must; if the task to tell that word of Gods love, in Christ, has been given to His church, and it has, then what must be the dominant purpose and goal of every Christian and every body of Christians? God has not said that we would have the same love for lost man that He has or that we would always perform these God given responsibilities perfectly. He has clearly stated that we are His earthen vessels and that spreading this gospel of the kingdom must be our priority! Can we then logically explain why and how we have come to count our religion more social than spiritual, more emphasis on building meeting places than teaching the masses to believe Him. How is it that we have more activities for us than actually spreading the story in the homes and market places in every city and crossroads of todays world? How can we rightfully continue to preach to the choir, politic for position and spend a vast majority of what funds are available for what we do in our nation where only five percent of the lost people of the world live? Jesus gave us the charge! We have not heard Him! Maybe is it easier to believe it is not that necessary or that it is not practical to think God can really do the work through us today. Maybe in our eyes the cost is too great, the sacrifice too personal and that we really do not want to upset the tradition of today of merely giving lip service to reaching a damned world. Or, maybe we do not really believe at all! (Written by my good friend, Harvey M. Starling, who spends approximately nine months each year in Romania.)

JDs Jargon
Hello everyone, I know the Youth Group has many activities planned for the next few weeks. Everyone is invited to come to Heartland this Sunday and participate in the worship service at 4 PM. Our annual costume party will be Friday, October 28 and is an all night event. We also have a young men's service coming up the last Sunday of this month. I wanted to encourage all of our students and parents to attend the Fall Retreat this year. We will be leaving for Camp Meribah in Centerville, TN on Friday, November 5 at 5 PM and returning home on Sunday, November 7 at around 2 PM. We will be journeying through the book of James and are privileged to have several Fathers of our youth group to be speaking from this very practical book. I think this will be a very special time for us to bond, spend time in God's word, and enjoy a lot of good times. As an extra special bonus, we will be worshipping at the Clearview church of Christ on Sunday morning and listening to Josh Manning give a lesson from James 5! Please make every effort you can to join us for this retreat, the sign up sheet is by the teen room. Have a great day and thank you verymuch! --JD :)

Thank You

Thank you for your prayers, visits and cards mailed to me while I was in the hospital. Also, thank you for the visits, delicious food, calls and help I received at home. I am so blessed to have Lebanon Road congregation as my church family. May God bless each and everyone of you. Willie Lance

Ladies Bible Class

Tuesday, October 18th 10:00AM

Ladies Retreat
October 21-23 A Worthy Walk ------------------------------------------Ladies, bring your favorite snacks to share and enjoy throughout the weekend.

Harry D. Middleton

Van for Sale

The elders have decided to sell the 15 passenger van that we currently own and replace it with a newer van. If you know of anyone wanting to purchase it with 65,000 miles, for $12,000.00 please see Paul Woods or one of the elders.

Mark Your Calendar...

Tonight: Visitation team #1 will meet following worship October 21-23: Ladies Retreat October 24: Elders, Deacons and Preachers meeting at 7PM October 26: Time Saver Supper October 28: Youth Lock-in October 30: Trunk or Treat November 4-6: Youth Retreat November 11-13: Family Retreat November 18: Harvest Banquet

We have several informational tracts available. They are located in the foyer and are for your outreach opportunities. Please share them with your friends, neighbors and relatives.

The Record
Wednesday Night 10/05: Sunday Morning Worship Sunday Evening Worship: Sunday Bible Study: Contribution:
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211 313 218 246 $11,407.50

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