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Basic Digital Techniques Course Code:DET012A

Experiment no. 10
Build/Test function of MUX 74153

I Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)

1. Basic knowledge
2. Discipline knowledge
3. Experiments and practice
4. Engineering tools

II Relevant Course Outcomes

Build simple Combinational circuits

III Practical Learning Outcome

Build/Test function of MUX 74153

IV Practical Skills
1. Identify pin configuration of multiplexer IC’s.
2. Test the functionality of the Multiplexer.

V Relevant Affective domain related Outcomes

1. Follow safe practices.
2. Handle IC and equipment carefully.

VI Theoretical Background
Multiplexer is a combinational circuit that is one of the most widely used in digital
design. The multiplexer is data selector which gets one out of several inputs to a
single output. It has n data inputs and one output line and m select lines where2 m =n
depending up on the digital code applied at the select input one out of n data input is
selected and transmitted to single output channel. Normally strobe (G) input is
incorporated which is generally active low which enables the multiplexer which is
generally active low. It helps in cascading.

DVKMIT World Peace University, School of Polytechnic and Skill Development , Pune, India

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Basic Digital Techniques Course Code:DET012A

Fig.8.1 Block diagram of n:1 Multiplexer

Types of Multiplexer (MUX)
1. 2:1 mux (2 lines to 1)
2. 4:1 mux (4 lines to 1)
3. 8:1 mux (8 lines to 1)
4. 16: 1mux(16 lines to 1)

List of ICs which provide multiplexing

IC NO. Function Output State

74157 Quad 2:1 MUX Output is same as input given
74158 Quad 2:1 MUX Output is inverted input
74153 dual 4:1 MUX Output same as input
74152 Dual 4:1 MUX Output is inverted input
74151A 8:1 MUX Both outputs available
74151 8:1 MUX Output is inverted input
74150 16:1 MUX Output is inverted input

IC 74153

DVKMIT World Peace University, School of Polytechnic and Skill Development , Pune, India

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Basic Digital Techniques Course Code:DET012A

VIII Resources required

S. Name of Resource Suggested Broad specification Quantity Remark


1 Digital Multimeter 3 ½ digital display 1

2 IC Tester Digital IC tester 1

3 Bread board 5.5X17cm 1

4 DC Power supply +5v Fixed power supply 1

5 IC 74153 1

6 LED Red/Yellow color 5mm 1

7 Resistor 330Ω/0.25 2

9 Connecting wires Single strand 0.6mm Teflon coating As


IX Procedure
1. Test the IC’s using IC tester
2. Mount IC’s on the breadboard.
3. Make the connections as per figure
4. Give the supply voltage to IC+5V.
5. Observe the LED (on or off) for each combination of input as per truth table.
6. Verify truth table.

X Precautions
Do not switch ON the power supply unless you have checked the circuit connections
as per the circuit diagram.

XI Observations and Calculations

DVKMIT World Peace University, School of Polytechnic and Skill Development , Pune, India

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Basic Digital Techniques Course Code:DET012A

XII Practical related questions.

1. List the function of pin 1 &15 of IC 74153.
2. State the advantages of Multiplexer
3. How to construct a 8:1 MUX from two 4:1 MUX
4. List applications of the multiplexer

XII Computer Laboratory Continuous Assessment Rubric

1 2 3 4 5 Marks

Regularity and Did not Perform/ Performed Performed on Performed Performed and
submit and schedule; on submitted
punctuality submitted two as per
submitted later schedule;
than scheduled weeks submitted one schedule
date with late week late
Understanding Neither shows States the Can only state Understands Understands
any objective the objective objective
the Objective objective but
understanding of very vaguely but cannot and can relate
the objective nor shows poor place it in it to an
can relate it to context of a appropriate
theory theory topic theory topic

Understanding of Cannot follow Follows the Follows Follows Follows

the procedure right right right
Procedure procedure and do half-heartedly procedure; but procedure, can procedure,
any work cannot analyze analyze data can analyze
data and but cannot data and
interpret it with
interpret it interpret it justification

Experiment Skills Does not Performs the Performs the Performs Performs
participate experiment only experiment experiment experiment
inthe experiment with the help with some on own on own
without without
from supervisory supervisor‟s
supervisor/other help, forgets supervisor‟s help and
s and is some crucial help; records records all the
confused and readings. Is all the readings readings
untidy. confused and properly but is properly. Keep
untidy untidy. s the set-up
Copies the results Completes the Completes the Produces his clean
Producesand his
from result result own own
Others analysis with analysis with result analysis result
help from others help from but blames analysis
but forgets to others and others for any faithfully
acknowledge the acknowledge inadequacy and
help. s found during owns up the
the help. the results
without any
examination manipulatio

DVKMIT World Peace University, School of Polytechnic and Skill Development , Pune, India

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Basic Digital Techniques Course Code:DET012A

Teacher’s Signature with Date:

DVKMIT World Peace University, School of Polytechnic and Skill Development , Pune, India

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