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The book I am reviewing includes the analysis and design of shallow foundations in simple

procedures. The book examines this in 6 chapters with main topics such as soil investigation,
bearing capacity and design.
In a building, the foundation is used to transmit the loads it carries (fixed, moving, wind,
earth pressures, earthquake forces, current and ice) to the ground and is designed accordingly.
However, there are always uncertainties in designs. However, errors arising from these
uncertainties are rarely quantified and are accommodated by quality assurance programs (see
also Margin of Safety). The universally used safety factors in shallow foundation design were
published in 1967 after the studies of Terzaghi and Peck. Even if the designs are made under
these conditions, there are different points to be considered; scrubbing, frost, expansive or
collapsing floors, and deterioration. In the implementation part of the design phase, there are 2
main issues to be considered, these are constructability and the impact of construction
Soil investigation in shallow foundations is one of the most important issues, such that
incorrect information can lead to structures with extremely high safety factors or unsafe
structures. This part usually consists of 3 stages: exploration, exploratory research and
intensive investigation. The main reasons for this process can be listed as follows: (1) the
nature of the sediments, (2) the depth, thickness and height of the soil layers, (3) solid soil and
rocks, (4) groundwater, (5) the characteristics of the soil, and (6) the base area. chemical
properties. By scheduling this process in general, significant savings can be achieved and the
process includes both field and laboratory work. There are different methods developed for
this research process and this usually varies according to the structure of the soil, for example
drill pipes that can be selected depending on the depth, opening observation wells that can be
drilled to conduct ground tests by taking samples or in situ or to get information about
groundwater can be given as examples of these tests.
The basic requirement for a foundation is to be able to support the load on it without
suffering structural deterioration. The fastest and least accurate method for this is to use
'Hypothetical Bearing Pressures' and this is possible with a table published by the US Navy
Department in 1982, but with this it is not possible to calculate the correct payload (overly
frugal in some cases, overly insecure in others). It is safer to use SPT, CPT or Pressure Gauge
tests instead. The ultimate capacity of soils can be calculated by using the impact numbers
obtained in the SPT test, together with the bearing capacity theories. The CPT test is the tip
bearing pressure required for the cone used to penetrate the ground at a speed of 2 cm/sec and
can be used as the final bearing capacity. Pressure gauge testing, on the other hand, is the
calculation of the volume of expansion required to inflate a membrane in a hole in the ground.
The bearing capacity theory works on the principle that the undrained friction angles are equal
to zero in saturated clays. However, different theories have been developed for special
foundations, for example adjacent foundations (Meyerhof 1953) or inclined foundations
(Kulhawy, 1983). In addition, in sloped foundations, the slope resistance should be checked,
so that if the shear strength at a point between the foundation and the surface exceeds the
shear stress at the same point, slipping will not occur. In addition to what has been described,
a design always needs a factor of safety, which can be achieved by putting a margin of safety
between the ultimate payload and a load that could cause failure.
Basic sessions should be kept so as not to damage the loads they support, and there are two
factors to consider; the amount of movement the supported structure can tolerate and cause.
Different scientists on this subject have worked on the predictions of settlement on different
soils. These names and some of the studies are mentioned later in the article. Terzaghi and
Peck developed a procedure using the SPT test to predict the settlement of foundations on
sand. Another method developed by D'Appolonia uses the SPT pulse count to detect
settlement. Research conducted by Tan and Duncan in the following years showed that the
D'Appolonia method gave more accurate results. In addition to these studies, Schmertmann
also proposes to use the CPT test to calculate the settlement of foundations on sand. Another
name, Janbu, developed a unified theory for sand, silt, and clays using tangential modulus
values to calculate foundation settlement. Menard and Rousseau developed a theory about the
settlement of soils with the pressure gauge test. Derived from a flat portion of the pressure-
expansion curve, this method is not recommended for soft clays, loose sands and silts as this
method will not give accurate results as degradation greatly affects the results. As a result of
these studies, it has been seen that the design on shallow foundations is limited in terms of
settlement. For this reason, settlement rather than ultimate bearing capacity should be
considered because if several foundations of the same size were built in the same sand bed,
each would collapse in different amounts. This result shows that the success of the design is
directly dependent on the correct calculation percentage of the settlement amount.
The foundations in the rock should be able to carry the load they carry without disturbing
or damaging them, as in the ground. Most rocks have high strength and low compressibility
and are therefore simpler compared to soils. For example, if the allowable concrete strength is
lower than the rock strength, its calculation may even be unnecessary. In other cases, different
methods are used to calculate the bearing capacity of the rocks. The most reliable method in
this regard is the Load Test. This method is quite expensive and is preferred in high-rise
buildings or arch bridges. Another method is the Estimated Bearing Values method, which
provides assumptions for foundations on rock, but these values do not consider factors such as
their structure, type, function, allowable amount of movement. However, since it contains
very satisfactory values, it can provide reasonable values for simple structures. In 1974, Peck
proposed a correlation known as rock quality strength (RQD) to predict bearing pressures on
rock. This correlation was designed for tightly connected rock masses no wider than 1 inch
and indicated that the settlement would be no more than 0.5 inch. Carter and Kulhawy, on the
other hand, stated that depending on the quality of the rock mass, it varies up to six times the
rock core sample, and the Geomechanics Rock Mass Rating (RMR) or Norway Geotechnical
Institute (NGI) should be used primarily in determining the quality of the rock. Settling their
foundations on the rock is not a problem for most ordinary structures, as mentioned earlier.
But in other cases, it may become a situation that needs to be considered in the design. In
most rock masses, settlement occurs soon after the application of the load and can be
predicted by elastic theory. Also, another way to build confidence for foundations on rock is
to use a factor of safety. In addition to providing ease of settlement, two basic problems may
arise in rock foundations: (1) Contact between rock and foundation – As a solution to this
problem, filling with tooth concrete or driving dowels on the rock surface can eliminate this
problem. (2) Impact of excavation on rock quality - Explosive excavations can often cause
cracking or joint opening in the rock. To prevent this problem, filling the holes with lean
concrete, broken rock or gravel can eliminate the problem.

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