Budget Justification SVRI

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Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) Manager (position to still be recruited) –

this person will be the Principal Investigator for LIFT. This person will be spend 216 days on the
project over 24 months with a daily rate of 94 USD per day. Responsibilities under this project
include development of project monitoring tools to measure approved project indicators,
coordinating quarterly reviews with the research management team, setting up a database, support
the Media & Communications Officer in external reporting, grant administration and reviewing
budget spending.

Boonwara Sumano Chenphuengpawn – this person is the lead researcher on the project for TDRI.
She will refine the research methodology once the project starts and discussions have taken place
with LIFT’s team, and providing initial analysis of data collected each quarter. She will also be
responsible for drafting the learning paper and policy paper which are two key deliverables on this

Wiliyasinee Rinya – she is a Lawyer on the project. She will spend approximately 120 days over 24
months with a daily rate of 91 USD per day. She will provide legal counsel to survivors including
filing of compensation claims. She will support the project in obtaining feedback from survivor and
prosecutors in legal services for survivors.

Janejinda Pawadee – she is a licensed Social Worker on this project focused on partnerships and
liaising with shelter and law enforcement partners. She will spend 120 days over 24 months with a
daily rate of 122 USD per day. She will support the MEAL Manager and lead researcher in liaising
with the shelter service managers on adjusting service provision, provide technical support to
shelters on identified needs, identify external project participants, and coordinate support for
survivors between service providers.

Chutinate Arsakit – she is a licensed Social Worker on the project focused on direct survivor care.
She will spend 145 days over 24 months with a daily rate of 93 USD per day. She will provide direct
support and care to survivors which could include counselling, trial updates to survivors during
ongoing cases, and in-kind support. She will also identify external project participants, and facilitate
referrals to specialized service providers.

Ratchaneewan Chaiwiang – she is a Finance Officer on the project. She will spend 72 days over 24
months with a daily rate of 49 USD per day. She will support the Finance Manager in preparing
financial reports, supporting monthly and yearly close out of expenses, and reviewing cash advances
and reconciliations for activities.

Media & Communications Officer (position to still be recruited) – this person will spend 72 days over
24 months with a daily rate of 56 USD per day. This person will draft external progress reports, and
write periodic blogs on LIFT’s website and Facebook page. This person will work with the lead
researcher in writing articles which will be posted in Thai media about the project and human

Surat Jinnarat – this person will spend 120 days on the project over 24 months with a daily rate of 58
USD per day. She will support LIFT’s MEAL Manager and lead researcher in arranging in-person
seminars and workshops, provide Thai-English translation support for non-Thai staff engaged in the
project and support the MEAL Manager in data collection.

Travel – travel costs will cover visits to courthouses for trials, and locations where survivors stay
including shelters. It is estimated that lawyer, social workers, MEAL Manager, researcher will take 25
trips. Flight tickets will be required for trips from Chiang Mai to Bangkok For trip in Chiang Mai and
surrounding provinces only require ground transport. Per diem is estimated 23 USD per day and
accommodation at 34 USD per day and flight ticket at 92 USD per flight and car rental at 31 USD per

Publications – this cost covers graphic designs of publications made including the learning paper and
policy paper. The total cost is estimated at 80,000 Thai Bhat or 2,477 USD.

Conference and training – three workshops are planned. The learning event and first policy
workshop will have about 25 people. Costs will cover venue and meals. For those flying in from
Bangkok or regions further away from Chiang Mai, accommodation and per diem will be provided.
The third workshop which is a follow-up to the policy workshop will have approximately half of the
participants to reflect only those who participate in the testing and roll out of the draft policy.

Data driven victim support – LIFT proposes only a lump sum as the research findings will determine
how the costs from this line is used. This could include but is not limited to testing peer to peer
group therapy, cash grants to support livelihood and education opportunities, or in-kind supplies to
support immediate basic needs.

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