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Yama, What’s your flavor? TM

Business Plan
Amanda Ahl & Haoyi Fan
Mission Statement
To bring a broad variety of unique flavors to the beverage market and giving the people the
coolest and healthiest soft drinks.

Executive Summary
Yama is a new and revolutionalizing brand which has a relationship with its customers never
seen before in the beverage industry. We will serve a vast variety of flavors co-innovated by
the people who will be buying the products, made possible through utilizing the internet. In
this way, customers will be able to custimize and interact more closely with our products
through our modern website.

YAMA’s products can be enjoyed by all, young and old. There will be flavors to suit all tastes.
Our main aim is to make our drinks stand out amongst the rest as an enjoyable and
continuously innovative brand. We feel that the current drink brands fail to produce unique
and creative flavors and mixtures. Our milkshakes and drinks will strive to maximise
customer satisfaction and at the same time highlight the interests and return of the
investors. We plan to bring a fun and modern way of looking at food. All flavors are possible,
whether it be simple such as Orange milkshake or more complex such as Banana Peanut
milkshake. The possibilities are endless, and YAMA recognizes these possibilities.

The business idea arose from inspiration to create a unique drink company. The company is
owned by Amanda Ahl, Haoyi Fan and potential investors. Our educational background as
well as our inspirational thinking prepare us well for running this business.

Business Idea
The business idea is a private partnership of a new and unique drink company, named YAMA.
This company would also include potential investor equity shares. The brand currently has a
main drink initiative: YAMA Shake, a milkshake like canned beverage, with no artificial
flavoring, less sugar and calcium rich milk powder in order to cope with the health trends in
modern society. The flavoring would be vastly varied that the customers would want: fruits,
nuts, chocolate, mint etc. The catch with this drink brand, which would set it apart from all
others, would be the intensified involvement of the customers. Recognizing that we are in a
new age of the internet, the brand would include a website at which consumers would have
a profile through which they co innovate new flavors and combinations. The best flavors
would then be made; giving the brand an edge of relationship with customers and increased
knowledge of their demand and preferences.

Moreover, the brand drinks are meant to be more than drinks. They are to be a fun
experience. Our slogans are among others “What’s your flavor?” and “What’s you?”. This
indicates a closer customization and interaction with the drink product.
Possible developments from YAMA would be YAMA Punch: alcoholic beverages meant to
consist of tropical and Caribbean-related ingredients, such as pineapple, rum, mango etc.
This drink is meant to give a feeling of escape to paradise, whether it is cold or hot outside.
For more, see the marketing section.

• Company ownership
Initially, Yama will be owned by Amanda Ahl and Haoyi Fan as a private trading partnership.
However, we are hoping to raise venture capital for expansion and willing to offer at
maximum 20% of our shares.

• Educational Background
Both Amanda and Haoyi are graduates from Kungholmens Gymnasium (International Section,
Natural Science program). We have both taken courses in Small Business, Maths A to E and
Social Studies A & B which prepared us for the basic skills of running a small business. We
have attained good communication and interpersonal skills through involvement in various
school organizations such as Amnesty and Kzine and are fluent in English. In addition, we
both have the experience of working as accountant assistant in small businesses which gave
us good understanding on the financial aspects of a business.

• Company Concept
We strive to be innovative and will constantly come up with new ideas both in terms of
flavours and in terms of packages with which we hope to keep a continuous flow of
customers. Our concept is to boost the fun and enjoyment of our customers and at the same
time maximizing the profit.

Personnel Plan
Amanda Ahl and Haoyi Fan will fulfill the role of the owners of this company. Miss Fan will
primarily oversee the business and the manufacturing and Miss Ahl will take the position of
an administrator who oversees the budget.

Since we are just starting our Company our budget is limited which means not many
employees are needed. However we will hire a few personnel to assist the business. First of
all we need two factory workers; one works full time while the other works part time. Their
responsibilities include mixing the ingredients of the products, controlling the automated
process and making sure the quality of the drinks meet the requirement. The will also take
care of the maintenance of the machines and the final packaging of the products. In addition,
they are responsible for cleaning the processing area. Thus the requirements are:
 Secondary level education in English, Mathematics and Chemistry
 Vocational training in the field of beverage
 At least 3 years experience with beverage factory work
 Knowledge of health and safety regulation
 Good communication skills and teamwork skills
 Able to follow given instructions
 Responsible, accurate and careful

In order to find the perfect candidates we will post advertisements both at different job
agencies and on the internet. It won’t be that difficult to get people with these requirements.
In addition we will hire an IT consultant to help us with marketing through the internet for
the Net generation during the first year when needed. This can be a person or a group of
people and his/her/their role is to both advice and actual carry out the plans we make.
Moreover, they are also responsible for showing us how to design and put together a
website. (The cost of the personnel are covered in the financial plan)

Financial Plan (As referenced by accounting firm Ahlwrite Redovisning)

Possible Risks
 Heavy competition is which we will overcome by examining the weak sides of our
competitors and act on them to make our products attractive.
 Lack of brand recognition which we will try to prevent through heavy advertising and
continuously innovation
 Equipment damage/Vehicle damage which meant we need extra money to cover the
cost of fixing it
 Lack of profit which can be solved through consulting experts and business angels
 Employee injury or sickness which will be covered by insurance
Risk covered:
Employee insurance

Year 1 Month 1 start off

Needed first month: Rent deposit (30 000) + 110 000 (car) + 125 000 (equipment + VAT) +
134663 (monthly costs for first year) = SEK 399 663
Expected liquidity attained after 3 months.
• Loan =SEK 200 000
• Investor = SEK500 000 for 10-20% equity.
We prefer business angles that offer investment in both money and experience. We will
need approximately half a million SEK and will offer 20% of the shares in return. If all the
investment money is returned within the first 3 years, the share owned by the investor
will drop to 10% in the fourth year.
Cost of one can = SEK10
Cost of producing one can = SEK 3
Profit on one can sold = SEK 7
For more see results budget in PDF format: prospect 1, 2 and 3 years.
Seeing that the soft drink industry is quite stale in the recent years, we are planning to make
a profit of 2 million in three years. If this is achieved the business will be expanded in terms
of production to increase our profit with hopefully, an annual growth of 30%


• Market Research

In Scandinavia, the retail market for soft drinks is estimated to be $ 5714.9 million in 2008.
Sweden was the leading country among the Scandinavian countries with total revenue of
$2895.8 million. During the 2004-2008, the soft drinks industry was growing fast in Sweden
with a compound annual growth rate of 1.7%. However, this trend seemed to have stopped
in 2009 due to increasing health awareness. As a result, there has been a movement in the
soft drink industry toward low-calorie and no preservative drinks that suit the healthier diet
of today’s population.

• Target Market Analysis

Our target market is big supermarket chains (e.g. ICA, Coop Konsum, etc) as well as smaller
retailer stores as these are usually places where soft drinks are found. In addition to that,
we will also serve some fast food chains, café and restaurants. The end-users of Yama’s
products are basically everyone, old and young because we offer a wide range of products.

• Competitor Analysis

So far Coca Cola is the most successful soft drink company in Sweden and they have
produced many different kinds of products among which our main competitor is Fanta
which is a fruit-based soft drink. These products are highly competitive because they serve
similar target markets as we do and they have taken up a major share of the market due to
its long history of popularity. Usually, the price of Fanta ranges from 5 to 10 SEK per can (50
cl). The strength of the Coca-Cola Company is the brand loyalty. On the other hand, they
also have a weak side and this is mainly concerning health issues such as the use of artificial
sweeteners and preservatives. In spite of that, the Coca-Cola Company will launch a number
of new drinks that combines good taste with health benefit such as “Coca-Coca Light Plus”
which contains vitamins and green tea extract to address the public trend for healthy diet.

Marketing Strategies

• Website will spread brand name and encourage flavor co-innovation.

• E-news on mediums such as facebook.
• Charity= good publicity
• Posters and commercials
• Free samples, free gifts Location: near where our target group lives, works and spends
their leisure time.
The book “Grown up Digital” by Don Tapscott explains how the New Net Generation is not
only changing the face of marketing but also the world. The web decentralizes knowledge,
so consumers here have more power than ever before. Instead of using the 4 Ps of
marketing companies are suggested to use the ABCDE method: Anyplace, Brand,
Communication, Discovery and Experience. Here is how we would use this model for our

Anyplace: Make Yama products available in multiple grocery stores, smaller retail stores
and even off the internet. Possibly one can pick out a case of different flavors of Yama Shake
and get it delivered to your doorstep.

Brand: Brand honesty and integrity are necessary for the Net Generation. Hence, as
mentioned fractions of profit will be donated to health charities and our focus will also be
on environmental friendliness. There is also the possibility of functions in the name of
health & environment, which would give us good publicity and also strengthen integrity.
There will also be a lot of variation, important in the competitive drink industry of today.

Communication: We will focus on making our marketing enjoyable and convincing. We will
speak of spreading colour to society (through the various colors of our drinks and shakes).
The marketing will be personal, focusing on the individual. One of our slogans is “What’s
your flavor?” which allows the consumers to have some way of customizing the product to
themselves, and interact with the brand in a closer way. There is a reason facebook and
other social networks have become so successful. People like to customize products and
express themselves. The Net Generation, if they go for our ideas and products, can also
influence their parents and get them into it.

Experience: Our product will have strong memorable value, being interactive, inherently
personal and of course tasteful. We will not only have various flavors, but also start a Yama
website where people can interact and that involves the customers more personally. They
can have their own page, and a customized profile page. The website will also allow
consumers to collaborate with us and be engaged; something named “prosumerism”.
People want to be part of what they consume, and make it their own. The website users will
get to co innovate flavours and can designs for their flavours, through an application on our
website, where pictures of several ingredients are available and the user can put together
concoctions and add them to their profiles along with the optional can design for the flavor.
Yama will have access to these combinations as well as all the other users, and through a
voting system amongst the users new flavours will be made and sold. According to the
ABCDE method, the brand should be more than a product, it should be a relationship.

Discovery (of price): We will at first set low prices in relation to the other drink
products on the market, so that people go for our products.
YAMA KB Sida: 1
Resultatbudget Utskrivet: 10-05-23

Räkenskapsår: 10-01-01 - 10-12-31 Senaste vernr:

Konto Benämning Budgeterat
3051 Försäljn varor 25% sv 2 500 000
4010 Inköp material och varor -750 000
5010 Lokalhyra -120 000
5020 El hyrd lokal -30 000
5611 Drivmedel personbilar -20 000
5612 Skatt försäkr personbilar -10 000
5613 Reparation personbilar -10 000
5910 Annonsering -50 000
6110 Kontorsmaterial -2 500
6150 Trycksaker -5 000
6211 Fast telefoni -3 000
6212 Mobiltelefon -7 000
6230 Datakommunikation -5 000
6310 Företagsförsäkringar -18 000
6540 IT-tjänster -10 000
6550 Konsultarvoden -10 000
6590 Övr främmande tjänster -10 000
7010 Lön kollektivanställda -455 000
7510 Arbetsgivaravgifter -142 961
7570 Premier för arbetsmarknadsförsäkringar (AMF/FORA) -9 100
7832 Avskrivn inventarier -30 000
7834 Avskrivn bilar -33 000
Resultat 769 439
YAMA KB Sida: 1
Resultatbudget Utskrivet: 10-05-23

Räkenskapsår: 11-01-01 - 11-12-31 Senaste vernr:

Konto Benämning Budgeterat
3051 Försäljn varor 25% sv 3 000 000
4010 Inköp material och varor -900 000
5010 Lokalhyra -120 000
5020 El hyrd lokal -30 000
5611 Drivmedel personbilar -20 000
5612 Skatt försäkr personbilar -10 000
5613 Reparation personbilar -10 000
5910 Annonsering -30 000
6110 Kontorsmaterial -2 500
6150 Trycksaker -2 500
6211 Fast telefoni -3 000
6212 Mobiltelefon -7 000
6230 Datakommunikation -5 000
6310 Företagsförsäkringar -18 000
6540 IT-tjänster -10 000
7010 Lön kollektivanställda -455 000
7510 Arbetsgivaravgifter -142 961
7570 Premier för arbetsmarknadsförsäkringar (AMF/FORA) -9 100
7832 Avskrivn inventarier -21 000
7834 Avskrivn bilar -23 100
Resultat 1 180 839
YAMA KB Sida: 1
Resultatbudget Utskrivet: 10-05-23

Räkenskapsår: 12-01-01 - 12-12-31 Senaste vernr:

Konto Benämning Budgeterat
3051 Försäljn varor 25% sv 3 500 000
4010 Inköp material och varor -1 050 000
5010 Lokalhyra -125 000
5020 El hyrd lokal -35 000
5611 Drivmedel personbilar -30 000
5612 Skatt försäkr personbilar -10 000
5613 Reparation personbilar -15 000
5910 Annonsering -30 000
6110 Kontorsmaterial -2 500
6150 Trycksaker -2 500
6211 Fast telefoni -3 000
6212 Mobiltelefon -7 000
6230 Datakommunikation -5 000
6310 Företagsförsäkringar -18 000
6540 IT-tjänster -10 000
7010 Lön kollektivanställda -477 750
7510 Arbetsgivaravgifter -150 109
7570 Premier för arbetsmarknadsförsäkringar (AMF/FORA) -9 555
7832 Avskrivn inventarier -14 700
7834 Avskrivn bilar -16 170
Resultat 1 488 716

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