Seminar On Politeness

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 Make the following more polite and indirect:

Let’s cancel the project.
It’s a bad idea.
Did you finish the report yet?
We are having problems with the new product.
We will run over budget.
The marketing campaign is behind schedule.
We should redesign the company logo!
We must hire a new advertising agency.
I hope we can sign the contract today.
I think we need to hire more employees.
I aim to finish this project by the end of the month.
You have broken my computer!
You said you were going to sign the deal today.
You agreed to lower your fees.
I want more time to finish this presentation.

 Choose the most appropriate answer for expressing the idea specified in parentheses.
1. ……… I speak to Mr Smith, please? (Formal polite request)
Can May Would Would you mind if
2. ………you open the window, please? It's hot in here. (Polite request)
Could Couldn't Won't Wouldn't
3. ……….. buying two loaves of bread on your way home? (Polite request)
Could you Will you Would you Would you mind
4. Would you mind if I………..your dictionary for an hour or so? (Polite request)
borrowed will borrow would borrow borrow
5. Would you mind if I……….come to your party? (Asking for permission)
didn't won't wouldn't
6. Mrs. Redding,………lend me two hundred dollars till next week, please? (Polite request)
can't you could you do you mind would you mind
7. Would you mind………here? I have a headache. (Polite request)
not to smoke not smoke no smoking not smoking
8. Betty,………help me with this grammar exercise, please? (Informal request)
can you can't you won't you do you mind
9. Could I use your cell phone, please? – Sorry, you…… . (Permission not given)
can't couldn't mustn't won't
10. Could I stay here for a while? – Yes, you……... (Permission given)
could can will must

 Read the following dialogues. Identify the setting, the participants in the communicative
situation and the relationship between them. Translate the dialogues into Romanian.
a) Man: Anita, will you come for a minute? Could you get me the file on sales in France? I just need
to check on delivery arrangements. Oh and Anita I’d love a cup of coffee if that’s at all possible.
Woman: Oh, yes, Mr. James.
b) Father: Turn that wrecked music down, will you? Or better still turn it off.
Child: Oh, all right.
c) Father: what sort of time do you call this?
Girl: I’m sorry.
Father: So you should be! It’s two a.m.
Girl: Oh dad, do stop nagging. I’m over seventeen. It’s up to me what time I come home.
Father: Not while you are living here, it isn’t. Anyway, what on earth where you doing till two in the
Girl: We weren’t doing anything. We were just talking.
Father: I was worried stiff about you.
Girl: Honestly, Dad, I really am sorry, but you do not have to wait up for me, you know.
d) Receptionist: I’m sorry, sir. The manager’s busy.
David: I’m very sorry. But I want to talk to the manager.

 Consult the following links to study and learn how to write a good email and how to make
polite requests in emails.

 Writing Practice
Choose one of the situations below and send me an email (my email address
Be polite and indirect. Use modals, distancing phrases, tentative language, introductory phrases, positive
1) You need a consultation and you want to set a meeting with me. Write a polite email requesting a 30-
minute meeting.
2) You have some personal issues you need to take care of on when we have the seminar in Pragmatics.
You’d like to miss the class and catch up later on missed assignments. Write a polite email to explain the
situation. Ask for permission to take the time off and make it up later.
3) Your own situation: Are there any situations you regularly deal with that require polite, indirect emails?
Think of a situation and write a polite email.

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