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Daily Lesson Plan in TLE 6

Date: October 23, 2023

7:00 – 7:45 Nickel
8:40 – 9:25 Iron

I. Objectives:
At the end of the session, the students are expected to:
1. Be able to answer emails from other people; and
2. Be able to send an email with an attachment of a document or other media file.


A. No of Days – 1 day
B. . Materials – Laptop, video clip, PowerPoint Presentation
C. References: (n.d.) email. Retrieved October 21, 2023 from

Blungo. (2020). How to attach files to an email in Gmail. Youtube.

Retrieved October 21, 2023 from

GCFLearnFree. (2018). Gmail: Sending Email. Youtube. Retrieved

October 21, 2023 from

III. Learning Activities

A. Review
Ask the students if they have an email, and what they used their email for. Ask them for
some examples of email providers. Ask them if they have sent an email before and if they
have experienced adding an attachment to an email.

B. Motivation
Show them a sample of an email message with an attachment

C. Presentation
Explain the parts of an electronic mail (email) interface, (Gmail)
Present the steps on how to compose an email and attach a file
Let the students compose an email an attach a file to it.

D. Deepening
What are the parts of an email?
What are the steps in composing an email? In adding a file attachment to an email?
What are the things to remember when sending an email?
E. Generalization
 Email, or electronic mail, messages are messages that are sent and received
digitally by computers through a network.
 If you add a signature to your email, anyone who receives an email from you will
be able to see it.
 In Gmail, there is a 25MB maximum size limit for a direct file attachment.

IV. Evaluation
Answer the following questions. Choose your answer from the box provided.
Sender Recipient 25MB 35MB
electronic mail electric mail Subject
Topic Body content

_________1. Email is short for the word _____________.

_________2. The _________ refers to who the email is being sent to.
_________ 3. There is a ______ size limit for direct attachments in Gmail.
_________ 4. The _________ of an email tells the receiver what the email is about.
_________ 5. You can type your message in the _________ of the email.
V. Assignment

Using a smartphone/laptop/computer, compose an email message containing the following:

 Your name
 Your Grade and Section
 Any image attachment

Send the email you composed to me at:


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