REDLINE Fitness Games 2023 Rulebook

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The inaugural REDLINE Fitness Games is on 23rd–24th September 2023.

It is a race
through 12 functional fitness workout stations to test cardio, strength, endurance,
power, agility, balance and coordination. Each participant’s race duration will last
between 30 and 60 minutes, depending on fitness level and race category.

Results are based on the fastest race time in each category, sorted from the fastest to
the slowest time. Note that in the ‘Singles Competitive’ category only, there will also
be a ranking for 3 separate age groups (18-29, 30-39, 40+).

Every race will have a strict cut-off time of 60 minutes. Should a Redliner exceed the
cut-off time, a judge will direct them to the recovery area and their race will be
finished. Each individual workout station (e.g. ‘Sandbag Gauntlet’) will have a strict
cut-off time of 5 minutes per station. Time per station starts when crossing the
timing mat before the station and ends when crossing the timing mat after the
station. Should a Redliner exceed the station cut-off time, a judge will escort them to
the next station and they will receive a penalty of 10 minutes for not completing the
station. The time penalty will be added to their total race time after their race (it will
not affect the 60 minute total race duration cut-off time).

1.1 Race Format

REDLINE Fitness Games 2023 consists of 12 functional workout stations. In order to
complete the entire race and receive a valid finishing time, Redliners must complete
the stations in the designated order (e.g. run, bike, sandbag gauntlet, etc.) until they
have completed a total of 12 stations.

1.2 Workout Rules and Regulations

● Complete all workout stations, in the correct order.

● Perform each exercise according to the movement standards.
● Use the correct start and finish points of the workout station.
● Complete the correct number of repetitions and/or distances.
● Perform the exercises/movements with the correct weights (kilograms).

1.3 Workout Stations
1.4 Movement Standards

1.4.1 Run

A 400m out and back run from the starting line, which follows a run route
and then returns to the main arena. Slower Redliners should keep to the left
hand side, allowing faster Redliners to overtake on the right hand side..

1.4.2 Bike

● Prior to starting the workout, the Bike-Erg monitor (screen) must be reset
by a judge.
● Once the Redliner has completed the required number of calories, they
may exit the station and move on to the next station.
● Redliners may raise their hand to call over a judge should they need any
● The damper setting on the ergometer will be preset at 7 (for Women and
Men). Redliners are allowed to adjust the damper setting to their own
setting preference at any time.

Singles Women’s Competitive: 30 calories

Singles Men’s Competitive: 40 calories
Singles Women’s Open: 20 calories
Singles Men’s Open: 30 calories

1.4.3 Sandbag Gauntlet

● The Sandbag Gauntlet consists of 20 repetitions of Sandbag Squats and

20m of Walking Lunges.
● The station begins and ends with the removal/return of the sandbag from
the marked area at the station start/finish line.
● The Redliner must lift up the sandbag without assistance and place it
over their shoulders.
● The Redliner then starts by standing upright with both feet behind the
● The Redliner performs squats then proceeds to do walking lunges based
on the category distance and repetitions.
● During each squat, Redliners must squat so that hips are parallel or below
parallel to knees.
● During each lunge, the rear knee must touch the ground. A repetition (for
squat and lunge) ends with knees and hips fully extended.
● During lunges, the Redliner can either step straight through to the next
lunge or pause between each lunge with both feet parallel on the ground.
● Taking any steps between lunge repetitions is not allowed.
● The sandbag must remain on both shoulders at all times.
● The station is complete once the Redliner lunges across the station start
line and returns the sandbag to the marked area.
● If the Redliner violates any of the above points, the repetition becomes
invalid and must be repeated. In addition to this, the participant will
receive a yellow flag as a first warning.
● If any of the above points are violated again after receiving a yellow flag,
then the Redliner will receive a red flag and be given a 5-meter penalty
(i.e. they must move back 5 meters in distance guided by the judges and
then continue from that point).

Singles Women’s Competitive:

2 x [20 squats + 20m walking lunges / 15kg Sandbag]
Singles Men’s Competitive:
2 x [20 squats + 20m walking lunges / 20kg Sandbag]
Singles Women’s Open:
1 x [20 squats + 20m walking lunges / 15kg Sandbag]
Singles Men’s Open:
1 x [20 squats + 20m walking lunges / 20kg Sandbag]

Watch The REDLINE Stations: 1–3
1.4.4 Battle Rope Pull

● The Redliner must be positioned completely behind the line prior to

starting the battle rope pull.
● Feet must remain parallel and behind the line throughout the battle rope
● Once the Redliner pulls the sled entirely past the line, the Redliner moves
to the other end of their lane and repeats the movement, pulling the sled
back to the other side.
● At all times, the Redliner must remain on their feet, and is not allowed to
pull the sled in a sitting or kneeling position.
● During the battle rope pull, the Redliner must ensure that their rope
remains in their lane, and not in the way of neighboring lanes.
● If the Redliner violates any of the above points, the repetition becomes
invalid and must be repeated. In addition to this, the Redliner will receive
a yellow flag as a first warning.
● If any of the above points are violated again after receiving a yellow flag,
then the Redliner will receive a red flag and be given a 5-meter penalty
(i.e. they must move back 5 meters in distance guided by the judges and
then continue from that point).
● As soon as the Redliner completes their required distance, and the entire
sled passes the start line of the station, then the station is completed.

Singles Women’s Competitive: 40m / 60kg + sled

Singles Men’s Competitive: 40m / 100kg + sled
Singles Women’s Open: 40m / 30kg + sled
Singles Men’s Open: 40m / 50kg + sled

1.4.5 Farmer’s Carry

● The The Farmer’s Carry begins and ends with the removal/return of the
kettlebells from the marked area.
● The Redliner has to carry both kettlebells at all times while they move.
● Kettlebells must be carried with both arms extended.
● Putting down the kettlebells to rest is allowed.
● The station is completed once the Redliner returns the kettlebells to the
marked area.

Singles Women’s Competitive: 150m / 16kg x 2

Singles Men’s Competitive: 150m / 24kg x 2
Singles Women’s Open: 75m / 16kg x 2
Singles Men’s Open: 75m / 24kg x 2
1.4.6 Row

● Prior to starting the workout, the Bike-Erg monitor (screen) must be reset
by a judge.
● Once the Redliner has completed the required number of calories, they
may exit the station and move on to the next station.
● Redliners may raise their hand to call over a judge should they need any
● The damper setting on the ergometer will be preset at 7 (for Women and
Men). Redliners are allowed to adjust the damper setting to their own
setting preference at any time.

Singles Women’s Competitive: 30 calories

Singles Men’s Competitive: 40 calories
Singles Women’s Open: 20 calories
Singles Men’s Open: 30 calories

Watch The REDLINE Stations: 4-6

1.4.7 Dead Ball Burpee

● The Redliner starts with both feet behind the line.

● The Redliner then picks up and throws the dead ball in the form of a ‘dead
ball clean and chest throw’.
● Here the Redliner must lift the dead ball to chest position and then push
the ball forward from the chest with both hands simultaneously, without
lifting feet off the ground (feet are placed side by side, parallel to each
● The dead ball must land within the Redliner’s lane and the length of the
throw is up to her/him.
● The Redliner then proceeds with the burpee broad jump movement. First
the Redliner must place the palm of their hands no more than 30cm in
front of their own feet.
● Once the hands are placed on the ground, they cannot be moved forward.
● The Redliner then proceeds with the downward movement so that the
chest is touching the ground while the hands remain in the same place.
● Then the Redliner stands up. In the upward movement of the burpee, it is
up to the Redliner to either step-up (one foot at a time) or jump-up (both
feet come forward simultaneously) to reach the standing position.
● Then, the Redliner jumps forward with both feet leaving the ground and
landing simultaneously.
● The Redliner then repeats the burpee broad jump movement until they
can reach their dead ball upon landing in the standing position.
● “Reach” means that the Redliner can place both hands on the deadball
without touching the ground first and without moving their feet.
● If the Redliner stands up and can not reach the ball, they will need to
perform another burpee, hands placed within 30cm of feet (as per above).
Then, perform another broad jump until they can reach the dead ball.
● The length of each jump is up to the Redliner.
● Taking any steps forward between the repetitions is not allowed.
● If the Redliner violates any of the above points, the repetition becomes
invalid and must be repeated. In addition to this, the Redliner will receive
a yellow flag as a first warning.
● If any of the above points are violated again after receiving a yellow flag,
then the Redliner will receive a red flag and be given a 5-meter penalty
(i.e. they must move back 5 meters in distance guided by the judges and
then continue from that point).
● The station is completed once both ball and Redliner cross the station
start/finish line after completing their categories required distance.

Singles Women’s Competitive: 40m / 12kg

Singles Men’s Competitive: 40m / 18kg
Singles Women’s Open: 20m / 12kg
Singles Men’s Open: 20m / 18kg

1.4.8 Sled Push

● Both sled and Redliner must be completely behind the line prior to
● The Redliner must push the sled for 20 meters across the designated line
at both ends of the lane.
● The Redliner must push the sled until the sled is entirely across the line,
before repeating back down the lane in the opposite direction.
● As soon as the Redliner completes the required distance, and the entire
sled passes the start/finish line, then the station is completed.

Singles Women’s Competitive: 40m / 80kg

Singles Men’s Competitive: 40m / 120kg
Singles Women’s Open: 40m / 40kg
Singles Men’s Open: 40m / 60kg

Watch The REDLINE Stations: 7-8

1.4.9 Pendulum Shots

● The Redliner starts the station by standing on the half bosu ball and then
squatting to pick up the wall ball.
● The Redliner’s feet (one foot or both feet) must not touch the ground at
any time whilst standing on the half bosu ball.
● Redliners must perform 50 repetitions by throwing the wall ball
side-to-side (alternately) against the wall, and catching the wall ball.
● One repetition is counted each time the ball is caught.
● Repetitions are valid as long as Redliners are balancing with both feet on
the half bosu, and as long as the wall ball has not been dropped.
● Redliners are allowed to rest at any point (i.e. put the wall ball down and
stand on the ground) and then continue the remaining repetitions when
● If Redliners lose balance, drop the ball or rest they can simply start the
station again and their repetition count will continue from where it was
when they last stopped.
● Repetitions will not count if Redliners lose their balance whilst throwing
the wall ball, resulting in one foot or both feet touching the ground before
the wall ball is caught.
● Judges at this station will keep track of the number of valid repetitions
with a repetition counter.

Singles Women’s Competitive: 50 shots / 4kg

Singles Men’s Competitive: 50 shots / 7kg
Singles Women’s Open: 25 shots / 4kg
Singles Men’s Open: 25 shots / 7kg

1.4.10 Agility Chamber

● Each lane will have a set of 5 agility lights, placed in a rectangle with one
light in the middle. The agility lights will illuminate one at a time, and will
change once tapped by the Redliner in that lane. The light sequence has
been pre-programmed and is identical for all Redliners.
● Redliners start by entering the 4m x 2m rectangle where the agility lights
are placed and tapping the first light.
● Redliners continue tapping the agility lights as they illuminate. Once 50
taps are completed, the judge will notify the Redliner and they may move
to the next workout station.

Watch The REDLINE Stations: 9 and The REDLINE Stations: 10-12
1.4.11 Ski-Erg

● Prior to starting the workout, the Ski-erg monitor (screen) must be reset
by a judge.
● Once the Redliner has completed the required number of calories, they
may exit the station and move on to the next station.
● Redliners may raise their hand to call over a judge should they need any
● The damper setting on the ergometer will be preset at 7 (for Women and
Men). Redliners are allowed to adjust the damper setting to their own
setting preference at any time.

Singles Women’s Competitive: 30 calories

Singles Men’s Competitive: 40 calories
Singles Women’s Open: 20 calories
Singles Men’s Open: 30 calories

1.4.12 The Mule

● The Mule is a sequence of 3 (2 for open category) separated sandbag runs

(each with a different sandbag weight and run length), beginning and
ending with the removal/return of the sandbags from the marked area.
● The Redliner starts by lifting the first sandbag onto their shoulder or
holding it in front of their chest/stomach, then running/walking for a
distance of 20 meters (with a U-turn in the middle).
● The Redliner then drops the first sandbag and carries the second sandbag
for a distance of 40 meters (with a U-turn in the middle)
● The Redliner then drops the second sandbag and carries the third
sandbag for a distance of 60 meters (with a U-Turn in the middle).*
● ‘Singles Open’ Women’s & ‘Singles Open’ Men’s categories will not be
required to do the third distance & weight (60M & 20kg/25kg) of The Mule.
*Refer to detailed weights and distances below.
● Redliners are allowed to drop the sandbag at any time, should they need
to stop and rest.
● The workout station is completed once the Redliner carries the final
sandbag and returns it to the marked area and runs to the finish line.

Singles Women’s Competitive - 20m / 10kg, 40m / 15kg, 60m / 20kg

Singles Men’s Competitive - 20m / 15kg, 40m / 20kg, 60m / 25kg
Singles Women’s Open - 20m / 10kg, 40m / 15kg
Singles Men’s Open - 20m / 15kg, 40m / 20kg

2.1 Race Format

The Doubles category is a 2-person team race through 12 functional workout stations.
The doubles teams can consist of 2 women, 2 men or 1 woman & 1 man. In order to
complete the entire race and receive a valid finishing time, a doubles team has to go
through 12 workout stations in a ‘You-Go-I-Go’ (YGIG) format, in which 1 partner
‘works’ and 1 partner rests, and vice versa. With the exception of the Run station (See
2.3), each doubles team shares their repetitions and/or distances for each workout
station. They must complete the workout stations in the designated order (e.g. run,
bike, sandbag gauntlet, etc.) until all 12 workout stations are completed..

2.2 Workout Rules and Regulations

● Complete all workout stations, in the correct order.

● Perform each exercise according to the movement standards.
● Use the correct start and finish points of the workout station.
● Complete the correct number of repetitions and/or distances.
● Perform the exercises/movements with the correct weights (kilograms).

2.3 Doubles Transitions & Sequence

● The 400 meter run from the start line is the only station to be completed
together. Both partners follow the run course out and then back into the
workout arena. Important reminder: When the running distance is completed,
both partners must enter the next workout station together.
● Both partners must not touch the equipment for each workout station until
both partners are at the station (within 2 meters of the equipment being used)
at the same time.
● Once both partners have arrived together, they may start the workout station.
● Only one partner may work at a given time, and the resting partner
stands/follows directly behind the other. Partners can swap at any point to
share the work during each workout station.
● On the stationary workout stations (Bike, Battle Rope Pull, Row, Pendulum
Shots, Agility Chamber and Ski) the resting partner must wait at the marked
‘Doubles Zone” until it is their turn to work.
● On the stationary workout stations the working partner must not start work
until the resting partner is in the area marked “Doubles Zone”.
● On moving stations (Sandbag Gauntlet, Farmer’s Carry, Deadball Burpees, Sled
Push & The Mule) the resting partner must follow directly behind the working
partner until it is their turn to work.
● Transitioning from resting partner to working partner can be done at any time,
but must always be upon completion of a full repetition of any workout station.
● Partners must not ever be working at the same time (except during the Run).
● Partners must not ever help each other complete any repetitions of any
workout station.
● Partners can help each other set up for a workout station (e.g. passing a
sandbag to their partners shoulders or strapping feet into rowing straps), but
must not ever be helping during repetitions, in which case the
repetitions/meters/calories will not be valid.
● For workout stations that involve the passing of equipment (Sandbag
Gauntlet, Farmer’s Carry or The Mule) partners must pass the equipment on a
path that prohibits advancement of meters/reps. The equipment must be
passed to a partner in a sideways or backwards motion, it can not be passed
forwards. Or the equipment can be placed on the ground directly where they
are, so that the equipment can be picked up by the partner.
● For dead ball burpees: Doubles teams must ensure that the changeover of the
working partner takes place either 1) before the dead ball throw, 2) directly
after the throw or 3) where a participant has landed after their broad jump. For
case one, the partner who’s working starts with a dead ball throw. For the last
two cases, the partner who takes over the work starts with a burpee.
● The finish time will be counted when the last partner crosses the finish line.

2.4 Movement Standards

● Movement standards remain the same as ‘Singles’ (see ‘1.4 Movement

Standards’ for full description).

3.1 Race Format

The Team Relay category is a 4-person team relay race through 12 functional workout
stations. The teams can consist of 4 women, 4 men or 2 women & 2 men. In order to
complete the entire race and receive a valid finishing time, a team has to go through
12 workout stations in a relay format:

The first team member completes workout stations 1, 2 & 3;

The second team member completes workout stations 4, 5 & 6;
The third team member completes workout stations 7, 8 & 9; and
The fourth team member completes workout stations 10, 11 & 12.

Each team member must complete their 3 workout stations in the correct sequence
before passing the team timing chip to the next member of the team in the
“changeover box”. The “changeover box” is the team relay transition zone. The 4th &
final team member will cross the finish line with the team timing chip after their 3
completed stations.

2.2 Workout Rules and Regulations

● Each team member completes 3 consecutive workout stations in the correct

● Perform each exercise according to the movement standards.
● Each team member must use the correct start and finish points of the workout
station and the team “change over boxes”.
● Complete the correct number of repetitions and/or distances.
● Perform the exercises/movements with the correct weights (kilograms).

2.3 Team Relay Transitions & Sequence

● Before the race starts, all team members must position themselves in the
arena. Team member 1 will be at the start line. Team members 2, 3 & 4 will be
waiting in their respective “changeover boxes” that are marked along the
outside of the arena.
● Team members must wait inside their respective “changeover box” until they
have been passed the team timing chip.
● The team member who’s turn it is to work must secure the team timing chip
around their ankle before entering the arena to complete their 3 workout
● Each team member transition must happen inside the “changeover box” by
handing over of the team timing chip.
● Once a team member has finished their 3 workout stations and completed the
transition, they are free to walk up the side of the arena and cheer their team
to the finish line.
● 2 or more members of the team must not ever be inside the workout arena at
the same time.
● The final team member must cross the finish line with the team timing chip.
This will be the recorded team finishing time.
● The first 3 team members may wait after the finish line in the recovery zone to
celebrate the finish of their last team member.

2.4 Movement Standards

● Movement Standards remain the same as ‘Singles’, see ‘1.4 Movement

Standards’ for full description.
A. Judges and Head Judges

● For each workout station, judges will be responsible for ensuring all
participants complete the workout station in a correct and safe manner.
● Judges do this in coordination with the head judge of the workout station.
● The head judge of each station is overseen by the race director, who oversees
all sporting aspects of the competition and holds final say on all judging
● All decisions of the judge, head judge, race director and event organizers are

B. Distances, Reps and Weights

Singles Category

Doubles Category
Team Relay Category

C. Time Penalties

● Completing the workout stations in an incorrect order will result in a 5 minute

time penalty. If more than one workout is completed out of order, the
participant will automatically be disqualified.
● Missing an entire workout station will result in a 10 minute time penalty.
● Did Not Finish (DNF) participants will not receive any results data and will be
excluded from all rankings and awards.
● If a participant has been disqualified by a judge, they will not receive any
results data and will be excluded from all rankings and awards.
● If a participant demonstrates unsportsmanlike conduct they will receive a 5
minute time penalty and/or disqualification (at the discretion of the Race
D. Clothing, Accesories, Hydration and Nutrition

It is up to the participant how they choose to dress for the race.The following items
may be used during the competition:

● Knee sleeves
● Gloves
● Weightlifting belts
● Wristbands

The following items are strictly prohibited at all times:

● Headphones/Earphones
● Lifting straps
● Handphones


● Only electrolyte gels and salt tabs are permitted and they must be contained
on-person at all times.
● Water/Electrolytes will be available inside the workout arena at some stations.
● No littering on course is allowed.

E. Rules Of Conduct

● Participants agree to compete in a fair and honorable manner. Poor

sportsmanship (e.g. attempts at deception, manipulation, excessive disputes,
disrupting and/or obstructing other participants) can lead to suspension,
disqualification and lifetime ban from competition and/or legal action.
● Any participant who is suspended from competition or banned for future
events will not receive a refund for any event entry fees.

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